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Amend¡nent Form Number: Q15601 17 Zoom V¡deo Communications lnc. ('Zoom')

Valid U¡rtil: 0812612022 55 Almaden Blvd, 6th Floor
San Jose, CA

Billed To Sold To
Cr¡¡tomer Colegio de Contadores Públ¡cos y Aud¡tores de Customer: Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Auditores de Guatemala
Guatemala Contact Name: Elder Rosales
Gontact Name: Elder Rosales 9a. Av.196'l zona 10, Ed. Zenit, Nivel 6, Of. 601, Guatemala
9a. Av. 19S1 zona 10, Ed. Zenit, Nivel 6, Of. 601, Guatemala Guatemala
Guatemala Guatemala, Guatemala
Guatemala, Guatemala 0í001, Guatemala
0lü)1, Guatemala E¡mil Addrsss:
E¡nail Addrcss: Phone: +502 570866f2
Phons: +502 57086612

Auto Renew: Yes Billing Method: Email

Term End Date (co{ermlnu¡ wlth tho oristlng contnct¡:0112512023 Currency: USD
lnitial Paid Subscription Term: '12 Monlh Payment Term: Due Upon Receipt
Renewal Subscript¡on Term: '12 Month
Paid Period Start Dater 0810512022

This Zoom Amendment Form is for adjusting or amending an exist¡ng Order Form, or for the purchase of the
Zoom subscriptions and / or services set forth below. The use and delivery of any serv¡ces provided for herein
shall be governed by Zoom Terms of Service found at htto://www.zoom.ulterms (unless Customer and Zoom
have entered a written governing Master Subscription Agreement, in which case such written agreement will
govern). To update any electronic Payment information, go to


AtrrolrNr ]

Zoom One BusinBs

N€w Rate Plan "Zoom
One Business Annuaf Annual
Annual 9 usD 159.92 USO 1.439.28 usD 682.r8

Ne¡/ Rate Plan "Zoom Zoom One Bus¡negs

One Business Annual" Annual
Annual USD O.OO usD 0.00 USD O.OO

Removed Rate Plan

"Standard Biz Annual"
Standard Biz Annual Annual -5 usD 149.90 usD -749.50 usD -355.24

(Bofore Taxesl

Annu.l lncnmental Spend: USD 6E9.7E

Asaoc¡ated l¡voice Amount: USD 326.9¡1

Other Terms & Notes

Zoorn l¡etings Basic, Standard Pro and Standard B¡z arc nil called Zoom One Basic, Zoom One Pro, and Zoom One BrB¡ness

Spoc¡al NoEs:

Theñflt lnvolce amount fmm thls Quote wlll be prorated ba3ed on tñe exkt¡ng subcrlpt¡on b¡lllng cycle date and llr¡¡ iwoice amount will be
fmm tlre above ilonthly and Annual lncremental Spend.

Should Custome/s existing suBcription term b€ €xtended üa this Arnendrnent order, the revised subscription term will apd, b Cr¡Etomer's erüire existing

Namcd Host - means any subscribed hos1 who may host an unl¡m¡ted number of meetings during the Term us¡ng the Service. Any meáing will have at least one
Named Host. Unless Customer has purchased an extended capacity, the number of participants (part¡cipants do not require a subscr¡ption) will not exceed 300 per
me€t¡ng. Named Host subscription may not be shared or used by anyone other than the ¡ndividual to whom the Named Host subscription is ass¡gned.

Fees - The fees for the Services, ¡f any, ere described in the Order Form. The actual fees may also include overage amounts or per use charges for audio and/or cloud
recording in addition to the fees in the Order, if such use is higher than the amounts described in the Order, and you agree to pay these amounts or cflarges if you
¡ncilr them- lnvoicing for Services beg¡ns on the ñrst day that the service is available for use by the Custorner and monthly thereaffer for the duration Term, except for
annual pre-pay option which is invoiced once in the frrst month of the annual term. Arnendment orders w¡ll co-term with the existing subscription term end dAe.
lnvo¡ces are pro-rated from paid period start date to base subscript¡on end date. Purchase order, if any, issued in connection with th¡s order should reúerence the
above order form number. Commitments not utilized by the Customer dur¡ng the month for which they are mmmitted may not be carried foMard into arry s$sequent
npnth or t6rm.

The a¡stomer acknoivledges that the Est¡mated Prorated Amount the Order Form herein may be subjecl to change (e.9. based on the provis¡oñing date of
the Order Form and other applicable factors) and ¡s provided for only

All prices sho\dn for Zoom and Zoom Phone serv¡ces are of indirect (É.9., U.S. state and local taxes, VAT, GST, and HST orany olherod¡sunption
taxes), digital taxes and env¡ronmental taxes to the extent they

Profess,onal Serv,bes, if purchased, will be presented ¡n

Accepted and agreed as of the date Bpecified by of Customer

Print Name:
i%orn -TJ\^o *Jtlhdo S\e¡,iner
Zoom Service Effective Date: 0810512022
PO # (lf Applicable):

vAT # (lf Applicable):

The Service! will b9 activatod within ¡18 houÉ of ordor signaturc or Zoom Serv¡ce Effectlve Date, whlchever ls lator.

lf a PO# is requ¡¡ed for pncessing the inwi@ Élated to this oñer, please Wvide a PO w¡th th¡s order. lf issuanE of PO is &layd, please
povi& a PO wiüin 5 days úthe *rvie MiE date v¡a email to Arofrd¡sfardirg ütFfüe{,ú,g- tlre
Nid for payment shell cr){,,,rner'dP- as ot tl7É- apdi@ble inwi@ dde. g/fjl pawilt Witú srra,, not /esterf áasd d, a¿y da)rs ir, És¡¿t 9 a
Purdrase Ot&r or any poa.t/€,nent ptotrE/$.

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