Grade 9 WW Q3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


A.Y. 2022-2023

Grade and Section:__________________________

General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,
write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

MUSIC 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. Describes musical elements of given Romantic period pieces; MU9RO-IIIa-2

________1. Which of these is one of the characteristics of the romantic period?

A. Variety of musical style in compositions
B. Making the pieces more passionate and expressive
C. A freedom in writing and designing an intense personal
expression of self-emotion
D. All of the Above
_______2. What is the main feature of Romantic era?
A. Nationalism
B. Freedom
C. Faith
D. Culture
________3. Orchestra grows in number from this era which became limitless, and
composers explored instrumentation. Which of the following shows an
inspiration for the themes used by the musicians during Romantic
I. Nature
II. Literature
III. History
IV. Feelings
V. Animals

A. I, II, III, V
C. II, V, I, IV
D. V, I, II, III
_________4. Which of the following best describes the cultural movement that stressed by
some musicians, composers, and researchers from Romantic period?
A. Individualism, nature, feelings, culture
B. Freedom, patriotism, purity, calmness
C. Emotions, Imagination, Individualism and Freedom of expression
D. Peace, equality, literature, history
Answer Key: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4.C
MUSIC 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:
1. Relates Romantic music to other art forms and its history within the era; MU9RO -IIIc-h-7)

________4. From the painting style presented, what do you think is the art
form that shows the relationships of romantic music to romantic
A. The design creates spectacle and illusion
B. Innovative and coherent style
C. Lavishly decorated manuscripts and Roman Architectural styles
D. Portrays an idea, imagination and relays a story to the audience

________5. From the romantic sculpture presented, what do you think is the art form
implied that shows the relationships of the romantic music to romantic sculptures?
A. Accurate Anatomy
B. Spiritual symbolism
C. Imagination and symbolic work
D. It reflected the nationalism, passion at work, and history of its
________6. How will you describe the story behind the composition of
“Symphonie Fantastique” by Hector Berlioz?
a. It was composed expressing love and performed vocally and instrumentally during
romantic period.
b. It was became the product of a man who tried to kill himself due to depression
caused by discouraged love.
c. It was performed through stage performance, having fast musical rhythm, and
accompanied by improvised instruments.
d. It is performed using more elaborate musical ornamentation, made changes in
musical notation, and developed new instrumental playing techniques.

_____7. What are the common characteristics among romantic music, romantic art and
a. Emphasis on Aesthetic beauty.
b. Spiritual and supernatural elements.
c. Awareness and acceptance of emotions.
d. All of the above.
_____8. What is the relationship between romantic music and romantic art?
a. During romantic period, music considered as the art form most capable of
expressing the full range of human emotion.
b. During romantic period, composers were inspired to write their musical pieces that
they can relate to their selected artworks.
c. During the romantic period, most of the composers used different types of artworks
that they can use as their basis on their musical compositions.
d. During romantic period, most of the composers give emphasis on the famous

MUSIC 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. Improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music from Romantic Period (MU9RO-
compositions of the different composers which they can relate to the other art forms.
______9. Which of the following piano work is Schumann’s favorite that depicts
the innocence and playfulness of childhood?
A. Abegg variations
B. Frauenliebe und Leben
C. Kinderszenen
D. Phantasiestucke

_____10. In creating and improvising a musical instrument, you should consider

the distinct feature of musical composition which is theme or motif. Which of the
following are the reasons of why we should use themes or motifs?
A. Themes and motifs are melodies that serve as identity of a musical piece
B. Many composers use light calm theme which can add rhythmic pattern
moving accompaniment
C. Many composers use secondary themes following main theme that
shows creativity and adds complexity of musical composition.
D. All of the above

______11. Piano music of the Romantic period was filled with innovations. Most
of the compositions require a high level of mastery. Piano music is
basically percussion instrument that sounds like metal ringing. To make
an improvise instrument for your own piano music, which of the following
set of materials should you choose?
A. Plastic bottle, stick, tin can
B. Wrenches, spoon, metal nails
C. Popsicle stick, glass, bamboo
D. Tree leaf, wood branch, table napkin

_____12. How is improvisation done in music?

A. Improvisation is done to entertain the audience and gives happiness to
B. Improvisation is always done to communicate and respond to each
other through music.
C. Improvisation is often done within a pre-existing harmonic framework
or work progression.
D. Improvisation is done through communication, musical
accompaniment, and dance interpretation.

_____13. Frederic Chopin is famous in creating sonata music during Romantic

period using one or more solo instruments. As a group of students, how
will you create sonata music using improvise instruments found in your
A. Each group members will use 8 bottles with different level of water, then
hit it using a metal spoon to create a sonata music.
B. Each group members will use different musical instruments like bamboo
stick, improvised drum, and bamboo flute.
C. Each group members will use different improvised stringed instruments
like guitar, ukulele, and violin.
Each group members will use different improvised percussion
instruments like snare, tom-tom, and bass drum.

General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,

ARTS 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following a specific art style from
the Neoclassic and Romantic periods. A9EL-IIIb-1
2. Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and Romantic periods. A9EL-IIIa-2
3. Identifies representative artists from Neoclassic and Romantic periods. A9EL-IIIa-3

write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

________1. The word neoclassic came from the Greek word “neos” which means “new” and
the Latin word classicus which is similar in meaning to the English phrase
called _______?
a. Second class
b. Third class
c. Fourth class
d. First class

_________2. Which of the following is the other term for the neoclassical movement
coincided with the 18th century age of reason?
a. Age of Enlightenment
b. Age of Reason
c. Age of Musical history
d. Age of Emotions

_______3. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of Neoclassical music?

a. Emphasis on mythology
b. Formal compositions
c. Proportion
d. Roman history

_________4. Which of these artists whose subjects of paintings were more on history?
a. Jean-Auguste Ingres
b. James Renwick
c. Jacques-Louis David
d. Jean-Paul Marat

_________5. Which of these artists embraced realism from his artwork?

a. Diego Velasquez
b. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (Donatello)
c. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
d. Peter Paul Rubens

_________6. What do you think is the reason of why neoclassical art movement shows
little interest in showcasing the themes or subjects related to religion,
sensuality, passion and love wherein this era was a period of enlightenment?
a. It aims to show what is happening in the society and the politics around
b. It aims to show the emotions and feelings of the composers in playing
neoclassical music.
c. It aims to show the culture during neoclassical period which purchasing the
theme used in composing neoclassical music.
d. It aims to show the people who are suffering to the crisis in musical industry
which led to the decreased of musical compositions during neoclassical

_________7. What moral message does a neoclassical painting is trying to convey?

a. Care for nature
b. Love and passion
c. Self-sacrifice and patriotism
d. Strong religious belief
_________8. What do you think are the inspiration or concepts used by Jean-Auguste-
Dominique Ingre to this painting?
a. Self-sacrifice
b. Love and passion
c. Nudes, portraits, and mythological themes
d. Formal compositions, use of diagonals to show peak of emotion
and movement
Answer Key: D, A, B, C, C, B, C,

General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,
write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

ARTS 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks. (A9PL-IIIh-1)
2. explains the use or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of art
elements and principles. (A9PL-IIIh-2)
3. uses artworks to derive the tradition/history of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods. (A9PL-IIIh-3)

_____9. The following statements tell that Robert Adams showed his architectural design
during neo-classical period except?
a. He used narrow and simple columns and moldings.
b. He used grand scale volumes in his sculptural and architectural design.
c. He used simple square or rectangular shape, generally two or three stories
high and two rooms deep.
d. He developed a distinctive and highly individual style which he applied to
all elements of interior decoration, from ceilings, walls and floors to
furniture, silver and ceramics.

_____10. What does the artwork (Psyche and Cupid Kiss) express?
a. It portrays love of nature.
b. It shows rebellion against their own lovers.
c. It shows mythological lovers of high emotion and represents the
height of love and tenderness.
d. It portrays two lovers who are deeply in love with each other
and willing to do what make them happy.

_____11. What makes the artwork “Napoleon Crossing the Alps” belonged to
neoclassical and romantic art?
a. Because the artwork pulls from the roots of Greek and Roman art.
b. Because the painting depicting the beauty and love of nature during
neoclassical and romantic period.
c. Because the artwork shows love for the country and the willingness to
fight for the country to achieve the victory.
d. Because the painting shows a strong idealized view of the real crossing
that Napoleon and his army made across the Alps through the Great St.
Bernard Pass in May 1800.

_____12. If you are tasked by your boss to search for the building that features a
balustrade which is railing with vertical supports along the edge of the roof. What
would you choose?
a. Classical Style c. Palladian Style
b. Classical Block Style d. Temple Style

_____13. If you are looking for the painting design that depicts the physical world
which surrounds us and includes features such as mountains, valleys, vegetation,
and bodies of water, what would be the best design to choose?

a. Classic b. Figures c. Landscape d. Portrait


General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,
write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

 executes the skills involved in the dance (PE9RD-IIIb-h-4)
1. discusses the related skills of social dance;
2. executes properly the basic movements in social dancing
3. appreciates the value of social dance skills activity to fitness

___________1. Locomotor and Non-Locomotor movements are the basic movement that
involve in social dancing. Locomotor movement allows you to move from one
point to another, while non-locomotor movement is performed in one point
without transferring to another point. Which of the following is NOT example
of Locomotor movement?
a. Extension
b. Jump
c. Run
d. Walk

__________2. Which Non-locomotor movement allows you to move your body from axis
halfway front or back or quarter in the twisting of neck allowing your head to
face right or left and the like
a. Collapse
b. Contraction
c. Rotation
d. Twist

_________3. In social dance gathering, you and your partner are asked to perform a
dance with more elegant and have strong emphasis on posture, and more
formal. Which type of dance you should perform?
a. Cha-cha-cha
b. Jive
c. Tango
d. Rumba

________4. Pedro invited Marie on social gathering with social dance. Wearing their
proper attire, they are about to perform the cha-cha-cha dance. Which
sequence of movements should Pedro follow to perform the dance properly?
a. Jump, walk, step
b. Jump, run, rotate
c. Walk, step, rotate
d. Rotate, run, jump

________5. How does social dance contribute to one’s holistic fitness?

a. Social dances enhances the mind of the dancers.
b. Social dances makes people young physically and mentally.
c. Social dances improve dance skills and helps releases excessive fats.
d. Social dances allow people to be more active, sociable and develop creative
and social skills. It also increases one’s physical confidence, improve mental
functioning, improve psychological wellbeing, and greater self-confidence.
Answer Key:
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. Executes the skills involved in the dance (PE9RD-IIIb-h-4)
1. Discuss the nature and background of festival dance
2. Differentiate secular and non-religious festival

_______6. What do you think is the difference between religious festivals and
non-religious/secular festivals?
A. Religious festival celebrates every month of January only.
B. Both religious and secular festivals celebrate their patron saints.
C. Religious festival celebrates their patron saints while non-religious festival celebrates
their industries in their community
D. Secular festivals celebrate the history and their community culture.

______7. The following statements are the reasons why Filipinos do festivals, EXCEPT:
A. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures
B. We celebrate our industry bringing about a bountiful harvest.
C. We celebrate festivals just to enjoy and entertain which is organized by the
politicians within the community
D. It attracts foreign and domestic tourists to visit a place eventually leading to the
elevation of the Filipino’s quality life.


General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements.
Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

PE 9 - Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical
activity and dance settings (cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion) PE9PF-IIIb-h-30
 Involves oneself in community service through dance activities in the community

________8. In your P.E. performance, one of your groupmates suffer from cramps.
Which of the following first aid skill you should avoid?
A. Massage the cramped muscle with ice.
B. Look for stick and tie it with clean towel.
C. Use a warm towel or heating pad on tense or tight muscles.
D. Take a warm bath or directly steam of a hot shower into the cramps.

________9. As a student, your community invites you to join a Zumba dance

presentation. One of your classmates got an accident called sprain. A sprain is an
injury to a ligament caused by tearing of the fiber of the ligament. To eliminate the
suffering of the person from sprain, which of the following is NOT a step/way to do?
A. Ice
B. Rest
C. Heat
D. Elevate

_______10. A strain on the other hand is when a muscle is stretched too much and
tears. It is also called a pulled muscle. The same with the sprain, the RICE method
is the common first aid for this type of injury. Which of the following are the right
steps to do it?
I. Ice
II. Rest
III. Elevate
IV. Compression
A. I, II, III, IV B. II, I, IV, II C. III, IV, II, I D. IV, I, II, III
_______11. As a student, how are you going to share knowledge to the events and
activities about festival dances in your community?
A. Implements programs that focus on the community development
B. Do not involve yourself in any programs if its not necessary
C. Be one of the stakeholders for the community progress
D. Create proposals and programs to be presented to the community
leaders for them to implement the activity
________12. Imagine that you are stuck in the forest with your classmate. While
finding the right way, your classmate fractured her arm. What do you think are the
materials or equipment that can be use in giving first aid?
A. Leaves and ropes
B. Paper and pencil
C. Wood sticks, vines or piece of cloth
D. Stone and logs


General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,
write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

ARTS 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

Demonstrate the conduct of primary and secondary survey of the victim (CAB) H9IS-IIIb-37

Assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries. H9IS-IIIb-38

________1. When is primary survey of the victim done?

a. When the victim is conscious
b. During the survey of the scene.
c. When the victim is unconscious.
d. After the victim has regained consciousness.
________2. What sterile cloth is used to cover a wound?
a. Bandage
b. Cold compress
c. Dressing
d. Hot compress
________3. What is used to stop the bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a
a. Bandage
b. Cold compress
c. Dressing
d. Hot compress

General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements. Then,
write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

HEALTH 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Explains the principles of wound dressing (H9IS-IIIc.d-40)
 Demonstrates appropriate bandaging techniques for unintentional injuries (H9IS-IIIc.d-

________4. According to studies dressing is important part of rendering first aid to

unintentional injuries. Which of the following is the main purpose of wound
A. to get an immediate physician.
B. to make injured person immobilized.
C. to make physical improvement to the victim.
D. to provide temporary protective physical barrier.

________5. After strong earthquake your friend suffer an injury to the left arm and need to
be bandaged immediately to stop the bleeding. Which of the following bandaging
steps you should follow?
I. Ask your friend to hold his arm across their chest and support the arm while
you work.
II. Put the bandage under the arm and around the back of the neck.
III. Put the other half of the bandage over the arm to meet at the shoulder and tie
it into a knot.
IV. Tuck the loose ends of the bandage in at the elbow, or us a pin.

________6. From the car accident that you have witnessed, you notice that the victim needed
a first aid because he suffers from the head injury. As a first aider, which of the
following steps you should NOT apply?
A. Survey the setting of the accident.
B. Properly interview the victims if they are in conscious.
C. Scream at the people at the scene and ask them to get the ambulance.
D. After making a survey and interview, apply the proper first aid while waiting
for the physician to arrive.

________7. At the school basketball game, one of the players strained his knee. As the
member of boy scout and first aider of the school. How are you going to help the
injured player?
A. Call for the school nurse immediately.
B. Apply the RICE method to the injured player.
C. Look for the other players towel to tie the injured part.
D. Scream for help and make the injured player nervous on the site of accident.

General Directions: Read each item carefully. Analyze the following statements.
Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each number.

HEALTH 9- Most Essential Learning Competency:

 demonstrates proper techniques in carrying and transporting the victim of unintentional
injuries (H9IS-IIIe.f-42)

________8. According to studies, carrying and transporting of an injured person is

important in giving first aid the following are the importance of
transporting an injured person, EXCEPT?
A. To provide temporary protective physical barrier.
B. Transportation for a seriously injured person cannot be overestimated.
C. It is sometimes necessary to transport a patient some distance before
the arrival of doctor.
D. Improper or careless methos frequently increase the severity of the
injury and may even cause death.
________9. Which of the following factors must be considered in doing carrying and
transporting an injured person in giving first aid?
A. Weight and height of the victim
B. Status of the victim (conscious or unconscious)
C. Environment (safe, floor is smooth, narrow, or wide), Special need
considerations (injuries of the victim)
D. All of the above
________10. How will you carry the victim if he/she is conscious?
A. I will carry him/her hammock carry.
B. I will carry him/her using the piggyback.
C. I will carry him/her using the lover’s carry.
D. I will carry him/her using the blanket’s drag.
________11. When will you use the “Fireman’s Drag”?
A. If the first aider is smaller than the victim.
B. If the first aider and the victim is inside the building.
C. If the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted.
D. If the first aider and victim must crawl underneath a low structure.
________12. Which of the following statements demonstrates the “Bearer Alongside
A. If the injured is unconscious, the first aider stays on the injured side
B. If the injured person is conscious, the first aider stays on the injured
C. If the injured person is conscious, the first aider stays on the
uninjured side
D. If the injured person is unconscious, the first aider stays on the
uninjured side
Prepared: Checked:


SST III Master Teacher I

SST III Noted:


SST I Head Teacher VI-MAPEH

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