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Aquatic Disorders: The drowning


21 Drowning 275
22 Pathophysiological and clinical features of drowning 285
23 The management of drowning 291
24 Salt water aspiration syndrome 303
25 Why divers drown 309

Terminology 275 Respiratory system 280

Demography 276 Other organs 281
Behaviour during drowning 277 Laboratory ndings 282
Animal experiments 278 References 282
‘Dry’ drowning 279 Further reading 283
Radiology and pathology 280 Historical references 283

Drowning is de ned as the death of an air-breathing animal as a result of submersion in uid.

When patients lose consciousness because of aspiration causing hypoxia, but subsequently
recover, the term ‘near drowning’ is used. When symptoms are not severe enough to classify as
near drowning, another term, the ‘aspiration syndrome’, is employed.
In divers, and others who submerge after losing consciousness, the pathology of drowning
is complicated by the effects of barotrauma in air spaces (e.g. middle ear, sinus, face mask) and
decompression artefact.

When I use a word it means just what I TERMINOLOGY

choose it to mean – neither more nor less.
e drowning syndromes have been researched
Humpty Dumpty, from Lewis Carroll extensively for centuries, yet we cannot even agree
on the de nition.
General reviews indicating the importance of Drowning, until the nomenclature was changed
this topic to diving medicine have been pre- by the World Congress on Drowning in 2002,
sented by diving clinicians such as Sir Stanley meant the death of an air-breathing animal as
Miles, Kenneth Donald, Carl Edmonds, Barbara a result of submersion in a liquid. ere were a
Tabeling, Christopher Dueker, Tom Neuman and number of related clinical diagnoses:
others (see the Further Reading list at the end of Near-drowning referred to a serious clinical
this chapter and also Chapters 24 and 25). syndrome with the loss of consciousness from
Other specialists such as forensic pathologists, the submersion, but not resulting in death. It was
epidemiologists, animal researchers and respiratory therefore a lesser condition, but one that could
and emergency clinicians have an equal involvement, lead to drowning.
but they approach the topic from di erent aspects. Delayed drowning or secondary drowning
is diversity of interests has had implications not occurred when the victim appeared to recover from
only on terminology, but also on conventional beliefs the near drowning incident, but then proceeded to
and prejudices. die. is had important management implications.

276 Drowning

e aspiration syndrome referred to the lesser 2010  similarly combined all forms of aspiration,
e ects of aspiration of uid into the lungs, without from the most innocuous to the drowning deaths,
death or loss of consciousness. into the one category (see Chapter 22). is all-
ere was an escalating range in the severity embracing approach was not a problem for statis-
of symptoms and signs among aspiration, near ticians, but it resulted in a loss of information and
drowning and drowning. ey were incorporated direction for clinicians, most of whom revert to
together as the drowning syndromes because they the more useful older de nitions.
needed to be seen as a continuum, for a compre- For clinicians, who need to make management
hensive understanding of this disorder. decisions based on the client’s presentation, it is still
Post-immersion syndromes referred to the preferable to distinguish among the following:
complications that develop a er immersion and
subsequent rescue. ese included pulmonary ● ose who died (drowning).
(infections and in ammations), brain, haemato- ● ose who lost consciousness and were at risk
logical, renal and multi-system disorders. ey of dying (near drowning).
also had clinical and management implications. ● ose who had minor inhalation and transi-
Other nomenclatures have been proposed tory symptoms (aspiration).
over the centuries, based on the type (sea water ● ose who had later complications of the
and fresh water drowning) and amount of uid aspiration. ese include the various forms
inhaled (wet and dry drowning). Modell’s clas- of organ damage, such as lung, brain and
si cation of 19711, which was based on survival kidney disease.
and on whether aspiration occurred, failed
because although death was a clear di erentiator, DEMOGRAPHY
aspiration was not.
ese classi cations were less clinically valu- Drowning causes half a million deaths per year,
able and may even be artefactual or mislead- worldwide. In many countries, drowning is one of
ing. ey probably did add to the confusion and the most common causes of all deaths for children
deserved the approbation of the World Congress less than 12 years old. In the United States and
on Drowning. Australia, it is the second leading cause of death,
us, by 2002, when the World Congress on a er motor vehicle accidents, in children less than
Drowning convened, it confronted the problem 12 years old.
of a complicated nomenclature, some of which e worldwide death rate from drowning is
was not very informative. To promote an inter- 6.8 per 100 000 person years. e rate of drowning
national statistical conformity for surveillance in di erent populations varies widely according to
and comparison of research and epidemiological their access to water, the climate and the national
data, it was decided to use just one all-embracing swimming culture. e incidence in most devel-
term – drowning – to cover all such clinical oped countries has now dropped to less than 2 per
eventualities and not imply an outcome. e 100 000. In Africa and in Central America, the
World Congress thus succeeded in demographic incidence is 10 to 20 times higher than this. Island
standardization, but in doing so managed to nations with dense populations, such as Japan and
oversimplify a genuinely complex subject. e Indonesia, are more vulnerable than are large con-
Congress then relented with one demarcation tinental nations.
quali cation – based on outcome, whether the Key risk factors for drowning are male sex, age
drowning was fatal or non-fatal. In doing so, less than 14 years, alcohol use, low income, poor
the Congress managed to re-de ne a previously education, rural residency, aquatic exposure,
well-de ned term (‘drowning’) and add an oxy- risky behavior and lack of supervision. Epilepsy
moron (‘non-fatal drowning’). Other subsequent increases the risk of drowning by 15 times. e
classi cations included warm water or cold water exposure-adjusted, person-time risk of drowning
drowning. e International Liaison Committee is 200 times higher than that from tra c accidents.
on Resuscitation’s (ILCOR) complex de nition in For every person who dies of drowning, at least
Behaviour during drowning 277

another 4 persons receive care in the emergency Observations of human drowning parallel
department for ‘non-fatal drowning’. those of the animal experiments, involving a
ere is a predictable age distribution for spe- panic reaction with violent struggling followed
ci c types of drowning. Most swimming pool by automatic swimming movements. ere may
deaths occur in children, surf deaths occur mostly be a period of voluntary breath-holding or invol-
in teenagers and young adults, ocean deaths occur untary laryngospasm as uid strikes the naso-
in sailors and shers throughout the whole adult pharynx or larynx. During this period of apnoea,
range and bathtub drowning occurs in either hypoxia, hypercapnoea and acidosis develop, and
young babies or older in rm persons. Homicides respiratory attempts may result in much swallow-
occur in all ages. ing of water and even vomiting. With increasing
Alcohol consumption is involved in more than hypoxia, unconsciousness supervenes, and any
half the adult male drowning cases. is may result laryngospasm abates. Inhalation of water into the
from the following: lungs may then have many respiratory, cerebral,
haematological and biochemical consequences.
● Increased risk-taking activities. ese are documented later.
● Reduced capacity to respond to a threatening Some misunderstandings need to be addressed.
● Loss of heat secondary to peripheral ● e lungs do not usually ‘ ood’ with water.
vasodilatation. Once death has occurred, and respirations
● Interference with the laryngeal re ex. have stopped, aspiration ceases. Hypoxaemia
● Increased vagal response. becomes evident from minimal aspirations
● Increased tendency to vomit. (1 to 3 ml/kg body weight). Volumes greater
● Suicidal intentions. than 11 ml/kg are needed before blood volumes
are altered, volumes greater than 22 ml/kg are
‘Bacchus hath drowned more men than needed to produce obvious biochemical altera-
Neptune’. Old English Adage. tions and volumes greater than 44 ml/kg are
needed to induce ventricular brillation. In
humans, volumes exceeding 22 ml/kg are
e demographic features of general drowning uncommon and they are usually much less, as
accidents are not re ected in the drowning of div- inferred from the lung weights at autopsy.
ers (see Chapter 25). Although it should be the sim- ● Laryngospasm does not typically persist until
plest and most informed topic in diving medicine, death. It is a possible but temporary response.
drowning is plagued with paradoxes. It is responsible ● ere is no such clinical entity as ‘dry
for most diving fatalities, but unless other explana- drowning’. is is a pathological nding
tions are added, it is a totally inadequate explanation. in some cases of drowning and in which
Divers, unlike other aquatic adventurers, carry their the aspirated uid has subsequently been
own breathable gas supply (their life support system) absorbed.
with them, and unless this is interrupted in some ● For many years, drowning was characteristi-
way, drowning per  se is inexplicable. It is a grossly cally associated with a ‘ ght for survival’,
oversimpli ed diagnosis without determining what but this is not inevitable, and it is uncommon
has compromised this respirable gas supply or what in divers underwater. It is more common in
complications have ensued. swimmers on the surface.

BEHAVIOUR DURING DROWNING From observations in children exposed to drown-

proo ng, as it is euphemistically called, there is
Over the range of animals tested and observed, usually a failure of the infant to struggle. Breath-
consciousness is usually lost within 3 minutes of holding and automatic but ine ectual  paddling-
submersion and death between 4 and 8 minutes, as type movements are evident as the infant sinks to
a result of cerebral hypoxia. the bottom.
278 Drowning

In many diving-related circumstances drown- Sudden death induced by vagal inhibition can
ing may proceed in a quiet and apparently unemo- follow a sudden immersion (this is not drown-
tional manner. Examples of these quiet or silent ing, although it can be confused with it, and
drownings include the following: the drowning syndromes may be precipitated
by sudden cold water impact with the pharynx
1. Hyperventilation before breath-hold diving or larynx).
(see Chapters 3, 16 and 61) is a common cause
of drowning in otherwise t individuals ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS
who are good swimmers, o en in a swim-
ming pool in which they could have stood up. In the early 1900s many animal experiments con-
Hyperventilation followed by breath-hold ducted both in Europe and North America dem-
diving can result in loss of consciousness onstrated that if an animal was immersed and
secondary to hypoxia. is occurs before the drowned in water containing chemical traces or
blood carbon dioxide levels rise su ciently dyes, these would spread through the tracheo-
to force the diver to surface and/or breathe. bronchial tree to the alveolar surfaces. In the case
In these cases, loss of consciousness can occur of fresh water, this was also absorbed into the
without any obvious warning, and the under- bloodstream.
water swimmer then aspirates and drowns A consistent fall in arterial oxygen content was
quietly. observed, followed by a rise in arterial carbon
2. Hypothermia and/or cardiac arrhythmias, dioxide and sometimes cardiac arrhythmias.
leading to loss of function and drowning, have Swann and his colleagues from Texas3,4 , in a
been well described by Keatinge and others2 . series of accurate but misleading experiments,
3. Drugs and alcohol increase the likelihood of ooded animals’ lungs with fresh or salt water and
drowning by impairing judgement, reducing demonstrated the signi cant di erences between
the struggle to survive and possibly reducing the two, attributable to osmotic pressures. In both
laryngospasm. It is likely that nitrogen narcosis cases, ooding of the lungs produced a reduction
may have a similar e ect in divers. in PaO2 and pH, with a rise in the arterial partial
4. Diving problems may produce hypoxia. pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2).
ese include the dilution hypoxic e ects Because fresh water was osmotically much
with mixed gas breathing and ascent hypoxia weaker than blood, it moved into the bloodstream
(see Chapter 16) and carbon monoxide toxicity and produced haemodilution – reducing blood
resulting from the interference with oxygen concentrations of proteins, sodium, chloride and
metabolism. ese e ects are likely to cause so forth. e subsequent reduction in the osmotic
loss of consciousness without excess carbon pressure of the blood caused haemolysis and a
dioxide accumulation, dyspnoea or distress. liberation of both haemoglobin and potassium,
5. Water aspiration causing hypoxia with resultant metabolic and renal complications,
(see Chapter 24). In animals, 2.2 ml of fresh aggravated by hypoxia. Deaths were o en cardiac
water inhaled per kg body weight drops the and resulted from ventricular brillation.
arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) to When, however, the animals’ lungs were ooded
approximately 60 mm Hg within 3 minutes, or with sea water – which has a higher osmotic con-
to 40 mm Hg with sea water. A similar situa- centration than blood – water was drawn from
tion was observed clinically in the salt water the bloodstream into the lungs, thereby produc-
aspiration syndrome of divers. ing pulmonary oedema and haemoconcentration.
6. Other causes of unconsciousness leading to is caused an increase in the haematocrit, blood
drowning have been described, e.g. diving- proteins and electrolytes.
induced cardiac arrhythmias, cerebral arterial For many years physicians attempted to correct
gas embolism, some marine animal enven- these presumed electrolyte, metabolic and cardiac
omations and coincidental medical illnesses abnormalities in human drownings, but their cases
such as epilepsy or cerebral haemorrhage. did not replicate the animal model (Figure 21.1).
‘Dry’ drowning 279

E erent blood
E erent blood

Na, Cl, Protein

Na, Cl, Mg

Alveolar air
Alveolar air
Pulmonary oedema

Freshwater Saltwater Mg++

D Cl–
F U Na+

A erent capillary blood A erent capillary blood

Freshwater drowning Saltwater drowning

Figure 21.1 Biochemical and circulatory changes after ooding animals’ lungs with fresh water and
sea water. Cl, chloride; K, potassium; Mg, magnesium; Na, sodium.

Earlier workers had shown that in dogs that ‘DRY’ DROWNING

drowned, there were still large volumes of air in
the lungs, as there are in humans. is misnomer continues to be reported, despite
Colebatch and Halmagyi5, working in Australia the absence of experimental and clinical support
in 1961, produced an animal model more relevant for drowning without aspiration. e proponents
to the clinical management of patients, by aspira- originally quoted the observations of Charles Cot7,
tion of only 1 to 3 ml/kg body weight. By using these a Belgian doctor who reported in the French litera-
smaller volumes, these researchers demonstrated ture in 1931. He observed the ‘dry’ lungs of dogs
the sudden arterial hypoxia, not directly propor- shed from the Seine. Because there was no reason
tional to the amount of uid inhaled. Pulmonary to believe that the dogs had drowned, as opposed
hypertension, vagal inhibition and reduced compli- to being disposed of in the water a er death, this
ance were also observed. ese investigators dem- support was dubious.
onstrated that the weight of the lungs increased e colourful terminology ensured the popu-
threefold the weight of the instilled sea water. Sea larity of ‘dry drowning’, and many clinicians
water aspiration usually caused signi cant pulmo- observed that persons who drowned may not have
nary oedema, but aspirated fresh water was o en had obvious water in the lungs at autopsy. is was
absorbed from the lungs within 2 to 3 minutes. attributed to laryngospasm caused by asphyxia,
Subsequent animal experiments by Modell6 continuing until death. Virtually every review of
and others, using intermediate volumes of aspi- drowning over the rest of that century acknowl-
rant, demonstrated that shunting of blood was the edged this concept, without question, although the
predominant cause of persistent arterial hypox- incidence was o en increased to 20 to 40 per cent.
aemia, as a result of perfusion of blood through It did con ict with the ndings of earlier animal
non-ventilated areas of lung. Destruction of lung experiments.
surfactant in fresh water installation also resulted Clinicians who dealt with sea water drown-
in alveolar wall damage and pulmonary oedema. ings, such as in scuba divers, never witnessed this
280 Drowning

paradox – indeed, they marveled at the degree the  interpretation of the diving accident and
of foam in the lungs and airways, whereas clini- contributes to a combined disorder.
cians who dealt with fresh water drownings were Certain external characteristics of drowned
much more enthusiastic about the ‘dry drowning’ victims are common, although these are more
pathological observation. Now the incidence of speci c for immersion than for drowning (see
presumed ‘dry’ drownings has sunk to less than Chapter  51). ese include the following: pale,
2 per cent, even among the earlier proponents of wrinkled, ‘washerwoman’s’ skin; post-mortem
this concept. It is a pathological entity, not a clini- decomposition; lacerations and abrasions from
cal one. impact with rocks, coral, shells, motor boats and
As it has been stated, fresh water is absorbed their propellers; post-mortem injuries from aquatic
very rapidly from the lungs a er death, and there- animals, varying from the nibbling of protuber-
fore autopsy ndings cannot be used to imply (let ances ( ngers, ears, nose and lips) by crustaceans
alone prove) the absence of a previous aspirant. and sh to the large tearing wounds of sharks and
is is especially so when these investigations are crocodiles.
performed sometime a er the event or a er car- Radiology, and especially computed tomography
diopulmonary resuscitation. ‘Dry drowning’ is scans, may be of value in drowning cases. ese
probably an artefact of uid absorption from the studies are likely to detect pulmonary interstitial
lungs, or it may indicate death from other causes. oedema, sub-glottic uid in the trachea and main
e deleterious e ects of the aspiration can pro- bronchi, frothy airway uid, hyper-expanded
ceed even a er the absorption of the uid. lungs, high-attenuation particles (indicating sand
In the absence of more information, it would be or other sediment), pleural e usion, haemorrhage
prudent to presume that all victims of near drown- or e usion in the middle ear and para-nasal or
ing or drowning have aspirated and base one’s rst mastoid sinuses, gas and uid in the stomach and
aid and management on this presumption. is is other contributory causes of death.
supported by the knowledge that laryngospasm e theory and the procedures for autopsies of
does not usually continue until death, and thus drowning victims are surprisingly contentious for
even if it does occur during the drowning process, such a common disorder. An autopsy can imply,
it will not prevent aspiration as hypoxic death is but not reliably prove, that death is the result of
approached. drowning. ere is no pathological feature that is
pathognomonic for drowning.
Respiratory system
Death may occur during immersion, soon a er or
from delayed complications. At autopsy, the main macromorphological changes
associated with drowning are caused by the pen-
In recreational scuba deaths, drowning is
etration of the liquid into the airways. ese are
the most common cause – but it is usually
external foam from the mouth and nose, frothy
a secondary effect, with the primary cause
uid in the airways and overexpansion of the
leading to loss of consciousness. Drowning
lung. ey are not speci c to drowning and can be
re ects the fact that unconsciousness
found, usually to a lesser degree, in other cardio-
occurred in a watery environment.
respiratory disorders.
e mushroom-like foam or ‘plume’ from the
mouth and nostrils, o en exacerbated by resus-
Accidents (e.g. hypoxia, gas toxicities, immer- citation e orts, is composed of the drowning
sion pulmonary oedema, dysbarism, medical aspirant (usually sea water), pulmonary oedema,
illnesses, trauma) that occur while someone is mucus and pulmonary surfactant, together with
immersed or submerged may result in the sec- ne air bubbles. It extends into the lower air-
ondary complication of drowning, with all its ways, is relatively resistant to collapse and may
pathological sequelae. Drowning then complicates last some days. It is particularly common with salt
Radiology and pathology 281

water drowning. It is thought to develop only if vomitus and foreign bodies. Even victims who
there is some inspiratory action (i.e. it is not a pas- appear normal on arrival at hospital can deterio-
sive, post-mortem event). Respiratory epithelial rate over the next 6 to 12 hours. Respiratory infec-
cells and CD68+ alveolar macrophages have been tions and abscesses are not infrequent if death is
detected in the foam. delayed. Pulmonary oxygen toxicity, associated
e lungs are water-logged, o en heavier than with prolonged resuscitation attempts, may also be
normal, and overdistended (emphysema aquosum). present (see Chapter 17).
e lung weights reduce over the subsequent few
days, as uid is redistributed, and sometimes uid Other organs
accumulates in the pleural cavity. is is another
reason for performing early autopsies. e over- e stomach o en contains free uid, water
distension may cause the ribs to be imprinted on inhaled during the incident, together with debris
the pleural surfaces, and the lungs may extend over and organisms. Wydler’s sign is a three-layer sepa-
the mediastinal midline. e lung surfaces may be ration of foam, uid and solids in the stomach.
pale and mottled, and areas of distended alveoli or Local haemorrhages in the upper torso mus-
bullae may be evident, as may subpleural haem- culature are sometimes claimed to be drown-
orrhages (Paltauf’s spots). e lungs retain their ing induced, but this nding is controversial and
shape and size on sectioning. non-speci c.
Pleural e usions are common and increase with e major e ects on the neurological system
the duration between death and autopsy. are those of hypoxic brain damage with petechial
When non-breathing bodies are immersed, sig- haemorrhages and subsequent cerebral oedema
ni cant quantities of uid usually do not enter the and raised intracranial pressure.
lower respiratory system, but some may enter with Autopsies on drowning victims who submerged
the descent of the body as a result of replacement while still alive, although unconscious, may also
of the contracting gas space (Boyles’ Law). is is show other cranial haemorrhages, which are
unlike the foam referred to earlier. sometimes misinterpreted as a cause of the acci-
Histological evidence of focal alveolar damage dent. Meningeal haemorrhages, both dural and
and emphysema is frequent. Microscopic changes arachnoid, may be observed. ese are usually not
may demonstrate toxic e ects both of chemicals extensive and are quite di erent from the brain
and of the speci c aspirant. e surfactant changes, haemorrhages of arterial gas embolism or decom-
including denaturation, can progress even a er pression sickness or from the petechial haemor-
apparent clinical improvement. Epithelial and rhages of asphyxia. ey are probably derived from
endothelial changes, with detachment of the basi- the bleeding of descent sinus barotrauma, which
lar membrane and cellular disruption, have been ruptures into the cranial cavity when the enclosed
described. Sand, marine organisms, algae and dia- gas spaces expand during ascent.
toms may be observed in the lungs. ere is o en considerable venous congestion of
e nding of water, e usion or blood in the viscera, especially the brain, kidneys and other
the middle ears, mastoid or para-nasal sinuses abdominal organs. Hypoxic cerebral necrosis and
is not evidence of drowning per se, but it may acute renal tubular necrosis with blood pigment
indicate descent of the body while still alive (see casts are both described.
Chapter 51). Other explanations include the in ow Because of the relatively small amount of uid
of water a er death and the e ects of venous con- usually aspirated in drowning, it is considered
gestion during the agonal struggle. unlikely that victims die acutely of electrolyte imbal-
Usually the death results from hypoxia from ance and/or associated ventricular brillation.
the acute pulmonary damage and the shunting Cardiac arrhythmias may be initiated by hypoxia,
of blood through non-aerated tissue. Sometimes but this is not demonstrable at autopsy. Cases of pro-
there is progressive or irreversible lung damage, longed QT interval causing death from immersion
for various reasons. ey include progressive sur- have been postulated, but support for this as a com-
factant damage, pneumonitis from the aspirant, mon cause of death is lacking in drowning surveys.
282 Drowning

e possibility of vagally induced death immedi- Identi cation and comparison of environmen-
ately following immersion has also been proposed tal and systemic diatoms and algae in the lungs,
when dealing with water colder than 15°C. blood, kidneys and vertebrae have been recom-
In the event of delayed drowning deaths, the mended. e single-celled diatoms, usually 10 to
lungs, brain or kidneys may all be involved. 80 micrometres long, are ubiquitous with about
15 000 di erent species – some inhabiting most
Laboratory ndings waterways. ey do not enter the tissues from
the lungs unless there is an active circulation.
A series of biochemical tests has been designed to eir presence in both the water environment and
verify drowning as the cause of death. e ratio- the body tissues does not prove drowning, merely
nale is that the inhaled uid, because it has di er- the  aspiration of that water while the body’s cir-
ent osmotic pressures, electrolytes and particulates culation is still functional. e silica shell makes
compared with the pulmonary blood owing past diatoms stable and thus detectable by complex
it, will change the latter and alter the character of autopsy procedures. Despite its potential, the
the blood in the pulmonary veins, the le side of detection of diatoms is not o en employed in
the heart and the systemic arterial system. pathological laboratories because of its complex-
us, one can compare the le -sided heart ity and the possibility of contamination. In addi-
blood with the right-sided heart blood and deduce tion, pollution of waterways reduces the presence
the nature of the aspirate. In fresh water drown- of diatoms.
ing, the le -sided heart blood should have a lower Further discussion relevant to drowning is
osmotic pressure and a dilution of most electro- found in Chapters 22 to 25.
lytes. e hypo-osmolarity could result in hae-
molysis with a raised serum haemoglobin and REFERENCES
potassium levels. Sea water aspirate should draw
uid from the circulating blood, thereby causing a 1. Modell JH. Pathophysiology and Treatment
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in the arterial blood. Such changes can be veri ed Spring eld, Illinois: Charles C Thomas;
in animal experiments when the lungs are ooded 1971:8–9, 13.
with large volumes of uid and the parameters are 2. Keatinge WR, Prys-Roberts C, Cooper KE,
measured immediately post mortem. Honour AJ, Haight J. Survival in Cold Water.
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in which the volume of aspirate is relatively small. 1969.
ere are usually many hours between death and 3. Swann HG, Brucer M, Moore C, Vezien BL.
autopsy, thus allowing blood constituents and Fresh water and sea water drowning: a
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surfactant protein and speci c gravity levels are Medicine 1951;9:356–382.
unlikely to contribute to the autopsy diagnosis of 5. Colebatch HJH, Halmagyi DFJ. Lung
drowning, although all have had their proponents. mechanics and resuscitation after uid
Some pathologists use the measurement of vitre- aspiration. Journal of Applied Physiology
ous electrolytes to support the diagnosis. Atrial 1961;16:684–696.
natriuretic peptide levels may increase in drown- 6. Modell JH. Drowning. New England Journal
ing, but also in immersion per se, in cardiac disease of Medicine 1993;328(4):253–256.
and in any hypervolaemic state. ey also only 7. Cot C. Les asphyxies accidentelles. Paris:
persist for short periods. N. Maloine; 1931.
Historical references 283

FURTHER READING Van Beeck EF, Branche CM, Szpilman D

et al. A new de nition of drown-
Brown SD, Gaitanaru D. Drowning and near- ing. Bulletin of the World Health
drowning. In: Brubakk AO, Neuman TS, Organization 2005;83(11):801–880.
editors. Bennett and Elliott’s Physiology and Zhu BL, Quan L, Li DR, et al. Postmortem lung
Medicine of Diving. 5th ed. Philadelphia: weight in drownings: a comparison with acute
Saunders; 2003. asphyxiation and cardiac death. Leg Med
DiMaio D, DiMaio VJ. Death by drowning. In: (Tokyo). 2003;5(1):20–26.
Forensic Pathology. 2nd ed. Boca Raton,
Drowning and near-drowning workshop. South
Paci c Underwater Medical Society Journal Bajanowski J, Brinkmann B, Stefanec AM.
2002;32(4):189–206. et al. Detection and analysis of
Dueker C, Brown S. Near Drowning. 47th tracers in experimental drowning.
Workshop. Undersea and Hyperbaric International Journal of Legal Medicine
Medicine Society. Kensington, Maryland: 1998;111(2):57–61.
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society; Banting FG, Hall GE, James JM, et al.
1999. Physiological studies in experimental
Edmonds C. Drowning syndromes: the mecha- drowning. Canadian Medical Association
nism. South Paci c Underwater Medicine Journal 1938;39:226.
Society Journal 1998;28(1):2–9. Cantwell GP, Verive MJ, Shoff WH,
Edmonds C, Walker D, Scott B. Drowning syn- et al. Drowning. Medscape. 2011.
dromes with scuba. South Paci c Underwater
Medicine Society Journal 1997;27(4):182–190. article/772753-overview#showall
Idris AH, Berg R, Bierens J, Bossaert L, Branche Colebatch HJH, Halmagyi DFJ. Lung
C, Gabrielli A, et al. Recommended guide- mechanics and resuscitation after uid
lines for uniform reporting of data from aspiration. Journal of Applied Physiology
drowning: the “Utstein style.” Circulation 1961;16:684–696.
2003;108:2565–2574. Colebatch HJH, Halmagyi DFJ. Re ex airway
Layon AJ, Modell JH. Drowning: update 2009. reaction to uid aspiration. Journal of Applied
Anesthesiology 2009;110:1390–1401. Physiology 1962;17:787–794.
Levy AD, Harcke HT, Getz JM, Mallak CT, Colebatch HJH, Halmagyi DFJ. Re ex pul-
Caruso JL, Pearse L, Frazier AA, Galvin JR. monary hypertension of fresh water aspi-
Virtual autopsy: two- and three-dimen- ration. Journal of Applied Physiology
sional multidetector CT ndings in drown- 1963;18:179–185.
ing with autopsy comparison. Radiology Conn AW, Barker GA, Edmonds JF, Bohn MB.
2007;243:862–868. Submersion hypothermia and near-drowning.
Piette MHA, DeLetter EA. Drowning: still a dif- In: The Nature and Treatment of Hypothermia,
cult autopsy diagnosis. Forensic Science vol 2. Pozos RS, Wittmers LE Jr, editors.
International 2006;163:1–9. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of
Pounder DJ. Bodies from Water. 1992. University Minnesota Press; 1979.
of Dundee, Forensic Medical Lecture notes. Cot C. Les asphyxies accidentelles. Paris:
Rao D. Drowning. Forensic Pathology Online. N. Maloine; 1931.
2013. www.forensicpathologyonline. Craig AB Jr. Underwater swimming and loss of
com/E-Book/asphyxia/drowning consciousness. JAMA 1961;176:255–258.
Szpilman D, Joost JLM, Bierens MD, Handley AJ, Davis JH. Autopsy ndings in victims of drowning.
Orlowski JP. Drowning: current concepts. In: Modell JH, editor. Pathophysiology and
New England Journal of Medicine Treatment of Drowning and Near Drowning.
2012;366:2102–2110. Spring eld, Illinois: Charles C Thomas; 1971.
284 Drowning

Donald KW. Drowning. British Medical Journal Modell JH. Drowning. New England Journal of
1955;2:155–160. Medicine 1993;328(4):253–256.
Edmonds C. A salt water aspiration syndrome. Modell JH, Davis JH. Electrolyte changes in
Military Medicine 1970;135(9):779–785. human drowning victims. Anesthesiology
Giammon ST, Modell JH. Drowning by total 1969;30:414–420.
immersion: effects on pulmonary surfac- Modell JH, Graves SA, Ketover A. Clinical course
tant of distilled water, isotonic saline, and of 91 consecutive near-drowning victims.
sea water. American Journal of Diseases of Chest 1976;70:231–238.
Children 1967;114:612–616. Modell JH, Moya F. Effects of volume of aspi-
Golden FSC, Tipton MJ, Scott RC. Immersion, rated uid during chlorinated fresh water
near drowning and drowning. British Journal drowning. Anaesthesia 1966;27:662–672.
of Anaesthesia 1997;79:214–225. Modell JH, Moya F, Newby EJ, Ruiz BC, Showers
Halmagyi DFJ. Lung changes and incidence of AV. The effects of uid volume in sea water
respiratory arrest in rates after aspiration drowning. Annals of Internal Medicine
of sea and fresh water. Journal of Applied 1967;67:68–80.
Physiology 1961;16:41–44. Moritz AR. Chemical methods for the determi-
Halmagyi DFJ, Colebatch HJH. The drowned nation of death by drowning. Physiological
lung: a physiological approach to its mecha- Reviews 1944;24:70.
nism and management. Australasian Annals of Mueller WF. Pathology of temporal bone haem-
Medicine 1961;10:68–77. orrhage in drowning. Journal of Forensic
Halmagyi DFJ, Colebatch HJH. Ventilation and Sciences 1969;14(3):327–336.
circulation after uid aspiration. Journal of Neuman TS. Near drowning. In: Bove A, Davis J,
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Karpovich PV. Water in lungs of drowned animals. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1997.
Archives of Pathology 1933;15:828. Noble CS, Sharpe N. Drowning; its mechanisms
Keatinge WR. Survival in Cold Water. Oxford: and treatment. Canadian Medical Association
Blackwell Scienti c Publications; 1969. Journal 1963;89:402–405.
Keatinge WR, Prys-Roberts C, Cooper KE, Pearn J. Pathophysiology of drowning. Medical
Honour AJ, Haight J. Sudden failure of swim- Journal of Australia 1985;142:586–588.
ming in cold water. British Medical Journal Plueckhahn VD. Alcohol and accidental
1969;1:480–483. drowning. Medical Journal of Australia
Kringsholm B, Filskov A. Kock K. Autopsied cases 1984;141:22–26.
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Lougheed DW, James JM, Hall GE. Physiological the terminal cardiac and biochemical events.
studies in experimental asphyxia and drown- Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine
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Lowson JA. Sensations in drowning. Edinburgh changes during fresh and sea water drown-
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of Drowning and Near-drowning. is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
Spring eld, Illinois: Charles C Thomas; Carl Edmonds.
1971:8–9, 13.
Pathophysiological and clinical features
of drowning

Introduction 285 Survival from drowning 288

Pathophysiology 285 References 289
Clinical features 287

Human series of near drowning cases do not show the electrolyte, haematological and cardiac
changes seen in animals whose lungs are ooded.
Aspiration causes lung changes and hypoxaemia, which in turn may result in acute respiratory
distress syndrome, hypoxic brain damage or cardiac, multisystem or renal disease.
Many patients have survived without brain damage despite total immersion for durations of
15 to 45 minutes. Thus, resuscitation has to be implemented energetically.
Many patients deteriorate or die hours or days after rescue and resuscitation, and therefore
observation in hospital is required over this time.
Most patients recover without sequelae, but those with hypoxic encephalopathy may have
residual neurological and neuropsychiatric problems.

INTRODUCTION the victim’s airway, preventing the victim from

breathing air. e victim may live or die a er this
e pathophysiological process of drowning has process, but whatever the outcome, he or she has
been the focus of many attempts to classify and been involved in a drowning incident’.
sub-classify, with terms such as ‘drowning’ ver-
sus ‘near drowning’, ‘wet drowning’ versus ‘dry PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
drowning’ and ‘secondary drowning’ enjoying
periods of popularity. However, a 2010 interna- e e ects of drowning are multiple, but the ini-
tional consensus determined that these terms tial and primary insult is to the respiratory sys-
contribute little to understanding of the problem tem, with hypoxaemia being the inevitable result
and discouraged their use1. A unifying de ni- (Case Report 22.1).
tion of drowning published by the International e sequence of events that occur with drown-
Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is ing includes the following:
as follows: ‘a process resulting in primary respira-
tory impairment from submersion/immersion in a 1. Initial submersion in water preventing air
liquid medium. Implicit in this de nition is that breathing. is is usually followed by voluntary
a liquid/air interface is present at the entrance of breath-holding. Duration of the breath-holding
286 Pathophysiological and clinical features of drowning


Ernie Hazard, age 35: ‘I was thinking “This is it. Just take a mouthful of water and it’s over.” It was very
matter of fact. I was at a fork in the road and there was work to do – swim or die. It didn’t scare me.
I didn’t think about my family or anything. It was more businesslike. People think you always have to
go for life, but you don’t. You can quit....’
The instinct to breathe underwater is so strong that it overcomes the agony of running out of air.
No matter how desperate the drowning person is, he or she does not inhale until on the verge of los-
ing consciousness. That is called the ‘break point’.
The process is lled with desperation and awkwardness: ‘So this is this is how my life
nally ends.... I can’t die, I have tickets for next week’s game’.... The drowning person may even feel
embarrassed, as if he or she has squandered a great fortune. He or she has an image of people shak-
ing their heads over this dying so senselessly. The drowning may feel as if it is the last, greatest act of
stupidity in his or her life. The thought shrieks through the mind during a minute or so that it takes the
panicky person to run out of air.
Occasionally, someone makes it back from this dark world. In 1892, a Scottish doctor, James
Lowson, was on a steamship bound for Colombo. Most of the 180 people on board sank with the ship,
but Lowson managed to ght his way out of the hold and over the side:
‘I struck out to reach the surface, only to go further down. Exertion was a serious waste of breath
and after 10 or 15 seconds the effort of inspiration could no longer be restrained. It seems as if I was
in a vice which was gradually being screwed up tight until it felt as if the sternum of the spinal column
must break. Many years ago my old teacher used to describe how painless and easy death by drown-
ing was – “like falling about a green eld in early summer” – and this ashed across my brain at the
time. The “gulping” efforts became less frequent and the pressure seemed unbearable, but gradually
the pain seemed to ease up. I appeared to be in a pleasant dream, although I had enough willpower to
think of friends at home and the site of the Grampians, familiar to me as a boy, that was brought into
my view. Before losing consciousness the chest pain had completely disappeared and the sensation
was actually pleasant.
‘When consciousness returned I found myself on the surface. I managed to get a dozen good
inspirations. Land was 400 yards distant and I used a veil of silk and then a long wooden plank to assist
me to shore. On landing and getting on a sheltered rock, no effort was required to produce copious
emesis. After the excitement, sound sleep set in and this lasted three hours, when a profuse diarrhoea
came on, evidently brought on by the sea water ingested. Until morning break, all my muscles were in
a constant tremor which could not be controlled’.
From Junger S. The Perfect Storm. London: Fourth Estate; 1997, with quotes from James Lowson in
The Edinburgh Medical Journal.

depends on several factors, which include Laryngeal spasm may follow the rst contact
general physical condition, exercise, prior of the glottis with water. While laryngospasm
hyperventilation and psychological factors is maintained, the lungs may remain dry;
(see Chapter 61). is is frequently a period however, the inevitable result of the associated
when the victim swallows substantial amounts hypoxaemia is that the spasm will eventu-
of water. ally also break, and if the victim remains
2. Fluid aspiration into the airway at the point immersed, then aspiration of water into the
of breaking the breath-hold. Eventually, the lungs will follow. Vomiting of swallowed liquid
rising arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) may occur, and this may also be aspirated into
compels inspiration, and uid is aspirated. the lungs.
Clinical features 287

3. Progressive hypoxaemia. is may initially Complications may include pneumonitis, pul-

result from oxygen use during voluntary monary oedema, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary
breath-holding and any subsequent laryngo- abscess and empyema. Severe pulmonary infec-
spasm, but ultimately it is aspiration of water tions with unusual organisms leading to long-term
or regurgitated stomach contents into the morbidity have been reported. Progression to the
gas-exchanging segments of the lungs that acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is not
provokes persistent and progressive hypoxae- uncommon in drowning situations.
mia. e inhalation of water can occur through Central nervous system e ects of hypoxia
involuntary diaphragmatic contractions even if include variable impairment of consciousness,
the victim is not breathing per se. e presence ranging from awake to comatose, with decorti-
of water instead of air and the dilution of sur- cate or decerebrate responses. If hypoxia is pro-
factant function with consequent alveolar atel- longed, a global hypoxic brain injury can result
ectasis result in a ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) with cerebral oedema, raised intracranial pres-
mismatch with a preponderance of low V/Q sure and sustained coma. Seizure activity is com-
units and extensive venous admixture. e mon in this setting.
resulting hypoxaemia leads to unconscious- Cardiovascular manifestations are largely the
ness, bradycardia and ultimately asystolic result of the e ects of hypoxaemia on the heart.
cardiac arrest. Hypoxic brain damage follows Progressive bradycardia leading to asystolic cardiac
within a very short space of time. arrest is not uncommon. A er rescue and resusci-
tation, supraventricular tachycardias are frequent,
CLINICAL FEATURES but various other dysrhythmias may occur. When
the hypoxic acidotic insult has been severe, hypo-
e respiratory manifestations of drowning include tension and shock may persist despite re-establish-
the following: ment of a perfusing rhythm. e central venous
pressure may be elevated as a result of right-sided
● Dyspnoea. heart failure exacerbated by elevated pulmonary
● Retrosternal chest pain. vascular resistance, rather than by volume over-
● Blood-stained, frothy sputum. load. Mixed venous oxygen tension may also be
● Tachypnoea. low, indicating tissue hypoperfusion.
● Cyanosis. Multi-system organ failure may develop sec-
● Pulmonary crepitations and rhonchi. ondary to the hypoxaemia, acidosis and resultant
● Hypoxaemia. hypoperfusion. Decreased urinary output occurs
initially and occasionally progresses to acute tubu-
Pulse oximetry typically reveals low oxygen sat- lar necrosis and renal failure. Haemoglobinaemia,
urations, but a pulse oximeter may not read at all coagulation disorders and even disseminated intra-
on a cold, peripherally shut-down victim. An arte- vascular coagulation may complicate the clinical
rial blood gas determination reveals hypoxaemia picture.
(lower limit of the ‘normal’ range for arterial oxy- Laboratory ndings include decreased arterial
gen tension [PO2] is 80 mm Hg [10.5 kPa]). ere is oxygen with variable PaCO2 values, metabolic and
o en acidaemia that usually has a metabolic com- respiratory acidosis, haemoconcentration, leuco-
ponent, but that may be mixed and very severe in cytosis, increased lactic dehydrogenase, occasional
a respiratory peri-arrest situation. Carbon dioxide elevated creatinine levels and haemolysis as indi-
levels are frequently elevated in a peri-arrest con- cated by elevated free haemoglobin. Serum electro-
dition, but they may be normal or even low during lytes are usually within the normal range.
spontaneous breathing or manual ventilation.
Initial chest x-ray studies may be normal, or they The arterial oxygen tension is always low,
may show patchy opacities or pulmonary oedema. but the carbon dioxide tension may be low,
Signi cant hypoxia may be present even when chest normal or elevated.
x-ray changes are subtle or even absent.
288 Pathophysiological and clinical features of drowning

Recovery from drowning is o en complete in Nevertheless, none of these predictors is infal-

survivors. However, residual neurological de - lible, and survival with normal cerebral function
ciencies may persist in the form of either cognitive has been reported with all the foregoing factors.
impairment or extrapyramidal disorders. Claims of survival a er extended duration
underwater without ventilation of the lungs have
SURVIVAL FROM DROWNING been used to encourage rescuers to persevere
with resuscitation e orts. ere have been cases
Treatment at the scene of an accident is sometimes reported in victims who have been submerged for
of little ultimate consequence with many disor- between 15 and 45 minutes 4–7 and who have sur-
ders, but in drowning it o en determines whether vived without neurological sequelae. e expla-
the victim lives or dies. e standard of rst aid nations given for such prolonged durations of
and resuscitation training of the rescuers therefore survival are as follows:
in uences outcome.
In human drowning, deterioration a er initial 1. Hypothermia is protective and develops very
resuscitation is frequently recorded, and this in u- rapidly with aspiration of water. In swimmers
ences management (see Chapter 23). and divers, hypothermia may be present before
e temperature of the water and thus the the incident.
degree of hypothermia may also be factors. Poorer 2. e ‘diving re ex’ is a possible, but conten-
results are achieved in warm water drowning. tious, explanation. Within seconds of submer-
In what was previously referred to as ‘dry’ sion, the diving re ex may be triggered by
drowning (in which the distal airway remains sensory stimulation of the trigeminal nerve
relatively dry because of early laryngospasm), the and by re ex or voluntary inhibition of the
patient is hypoxic and, if rescued in time, may– respiratory centre in the medulla. is pro-
make a rapid recovery. However, when laryn- duces bradycardia and shunting of the blood to
gospasm relaxes and uid aspiration occurs as it the areas more sensitive to hypoxia – the brain
eventually does if the victim remains immersed, and coronary circulations. It is independent
the result is drowning. of baroreceptor or chemoreceptor inputs. e
Other factors that in uence outcome include diving re ex is more intense in the frightened
the following: the presence of chlorine, other or startled animal, compared with animals
chemicals and foreign bodies; the aspiration of which dive or submerge voluntarily, but it is
stomach contents; and the subsequent develop- not known whether this nding is applicable to
ment of pneumonitis, respiratory infection and humans. Water temperatures higher than 20°C
multi-organ failure. do not inhibit the diving re ex, but progres-
One likely cause for delayed death is progres- sively lower temperatures augment it.
sive lung injury2 . ARDS develops in a signi cant 3. Gas exchange in the lungs can continue a er
proportion of drowning cases; usually hours or submersion. With or without the e ects of
days a er the aspiration. Other causes of death in laryngospasm, there may be several litres of
the days a er the event include cerebral hypoxia, air remaining within the lungs, thus allowing
secondary infections (usually of the lungs), renal for continued exchange of respiratory gases.
failure and iatrogenic events. Increased pressure (depth) transiently enhances
Factors that negatively in uence survival have oxygen uptake by increasing the PO2 in com-
been well documented by Modell3: pressed lungs. In an unconscious state, with low
oxygen use and the e ects of hypothermia, a
● Prolonged immersion. retained respiratory gas volume could add con-
● Delay in e ective cardiopulmonary resuscitation. siderably to the survival time, although it is not
● Severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.1). o en considered in the literature on drowning.
● Asystole on admission to hospital.
● Fixed dilated pupils. Whether uid enters the lungs in an uncon-
● Low Glasgow Coma Scale score (<5). scious victim depends on many factors, including
References 289

the spatial orientation of the body. For example, a 3. Modell JH. Drowning. New England Journal
dependent position of the nose and mouth, facing of Medicine 1993;328(4):253–256.
downward, is not conducive to uid replacement of 4. Siebke J, Breivik H, Rod T, Lind B.
the air in the lungs. Survival after 40 minutes’ submer-
Even though spectacular and successful rescue sion without cerebral sequelae. Lancet
can be achieved a er prolonged submersion, it is 1975;1(7919):1275–1277.
more frequent that this is not so. Many victims lose 5. Young RSK, Zaincraitis ED, Dooling EO.
consciousness and die a er only a few minutes of Neurologic outcome in cold water drown-
submersion. ing. JAMA 1980;244:1233–1235.
6. Sekar TS, Mcdonnell KF, Namsirikul P,
REFERENCES et al. Survival after prolonged immer-
sion in cold water without neurological
1. Soar J, Perkins GC, Abbas G, et al. European sequelae. Archives of Internal Medicine
Resuscitation Council guidelines for resus- 1980;140:775–779.
citation 2010, section 8. Cardiac arrest in 7. Nemiroff MJ, Saltz GR, Weg JC. Survival
special circumstances: electrolyte abnormal- after cold-water near-drowning: the
ities, poisoning, drowning, accidental hypo- protective effect of the diving re ex.
thermia, hyperthermia, asthma, anaphylaxis, American Review of Respiratory Disease
cardiac surgery, trauma, pregnancy, electro- 1977;115(4):145.
cution. Resuscitation 2010;81:1400–1433.
2. Oakes DD, Sherck JP, Maloney JR, et al. is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
Prognosis and management of victims Simon Mitchell.
of near drowning. Journal of Trauma
The management of drowning

At the site 291 Emergency department 297

Rescue and initial resuscitation 291 Intensive care 299
Advanced life support and transport 295 Prognosis 300
Hospital 297 References 300

Initial resuscitation attempts may be vital in determining the outcome. All divers should be adept
at basic resuscitation. Dive leaders and boat operators should have a more advanced training,
including the use of oxygen.
Ventilatory support is the mainstay of treatment of hypoxaemia. To be effective, endotracheal
intubation may be required.
Causes of drowning that require special management should be considered. Rescuers should
be aware of the possibility of cranial or cervical spine injury.
Resuscitation should continue until the return of acceptable physiological parameters, espe-
cially core temperature.
Continuing intensive care management for respiratory failure may be necessary.
Central nervous system preservation remains the main therapeutic challenge.

AT THE SITE mouthpiece in place and appears to be breathing

(which would be a most unusual circumstance).
Rescue and initial resuscitation More typically, the victim is found unconscious
with the mouthpiece out. No attempt should be
In the diving setting, the management of a made to replace it; however, if the mouthpiece is
drowning situation o en begins with witnessing retained in the mouth, then the rescuer should
a diver become unconscious underwater. Before make an attempt to hold it in place during the
resuscitation e orts can begin, the victim must ascent. An ascent should be initiated immedi-
be retrieved to the surface. Related considerations ately. If there is signi cant risk to the rescuer in
were reviewed by the Undersea and Hyperbaric ascending (if the rescuer has a signi cant decom-
Medical Society (UHMS) Diving Committee1, and pression obligation), then making the victim
their ndings are outlined here. buoyant and sending him or her to the surface
e overarching goal of this initial phase of may be the only option, depending on the degree
the rescue is to retrieve the diver to the surface to which the rescuer wishes to avoid endangering
as quickly as possible, even if the victim has a himself or herself.

292 The management of drowning

e committee agged one exception to the for rescue or initiate a tow to shore or nearest
advice to surface immediately. In the situation surface  support. e committee determined that
where a diver is in the clonic phase of a seizure if surface support is less than a 5-minute tow
with the mouthpiece retained, then the mouth- away, then a tow should be commenced with
piece should be held in place and ascent delayed intermittent rescue breaths administered if pos-
until the seizure abates. To be clear, however, this sible. If surface support or the shore is more than
does not apply to the more common situation of a 5-minute tow away, then the rescuer should
the seizing diver whose mouthpiece is out. In the remain in place, continuing to administer rescue
latter situation, the ascent should be initiated breaths for 1  minute. If there is no response in
while the diver is still seizing. is dichotomy this time, then a tow toward the nearest surface
arises because of the committee’s perception of support should be initiated without ongoing res-
the shi ing balance of risk between pulmonary cue breaths. ese guidelines are summarized in
barotrauma and drowning in situations where Figure 23.1.
the airway is at least partially protected or not. It is notable that these guidelines contain no
us, where the airway is completely unprotected reference to in-water chest compressions. Although
(mouthpiece not retained), the risk of drowning techniques for in-water chest compressions have
outweighs the risk of barotrauma imposed by been described3,4 , the committee did not consider
seizure-induced apposition of the glottis tissues. there was adequate evidence of e cacy to justify
Where the airway is partly protected (mouthpiece the extra di culty and stress to the rescuer for
retained and held in place), the opposite holds their inclusion in the rescue protocol.
true. is matter is discussed in more detail in the e victim should be kept horizontal as much
committee report1. as possible during and a er removal from the
At the surface, the victim should be made water. e patient should be moved with the head
positively buoyant face-up, and a trained rescuer in the neutral position if cervical spine injury
should attempt to give two mouth-to-mouth res- is suspected. Scuba divers are most unlikely to
cue breaths. Experience has shown that this is have su ered cervical spine trauma. A basic life
o en all that is required to stimulate the victim support algorithm should be initiated immedi-
to breathe. Pausing to give rescue breaths will ately, beginning with assessment of the airway
slightly delay removal from the water for de ni- (Figure 23.2).
tive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and
is therefore a gamble that the victim has not yet AIRWAY
having su ered cardiac arrest. However, given the Vomiting and regurgitation frequently follow a
extremely poor outcome expected if a drowning submersion incident. Foreign particulate mat-
victim su ers a hypoxic cardiac arrest and the ter causing upper airway obstruction should be
time it usually takes to remove a diver from the removed manually or later by suction. Obstruction
water, the committee determined that this was a of the upper airway by the tongue is common in
gamble worth taking. e best chance of survival the unconscious patient.
lies in preventing hypoxic cardiac arrest, and Two methods are used to overcome the
establishing oxygenation is the means of such obstruction:
prevention. If the diver has already had a cardiac
arrest, then a small extra delay in initiating CPR Head-tilt/chin-li is accomplished by pushing
imposed by performing in-water rescue breaths rmly back on the patient’s forehead and li ing
is not likely to alter the outcome. ere is some the chin forward by using two ngers under
human evidence suggesting a survival advan- the jaw at the chin. e so tissues under the
tage for in-water rescue breathing in non-diving chin should not be compressed, and unless
drowning situations2 . mouth-to-nose breathing is to be employed,
Once at the surface and in a situation where the mouth should not be completely closed.
the surface support is not immediately to is technique should be avoided if cervical
hand, a  choice must be made whether to wait spine injury is suspected.
At the site 293

Diver found unresponsive at depth

Maintain regulator Yes Regulator in

in mouth mouth?

Currently No No

Yes Make victim

Ascent unduly
Yes positively
hazardous for
buoyant and
Wait for convulsion rescuer?
send to surface
to nish


Head in neutral position.

Ascend according to training agency recommendations.

At surface turn face up and establish positive buoyancy.

Remove victim from Yes Is immediate

water and initiate assisted removal
CPR if indicated from water possible?


Give 2 rescue breaths and assess surface

support availability

Tow victim or wait

whilst administering Yes Surface support <
intermittent rescue 5 minutes away?


Remain in place giving rescue breaths for approximately

1 minute, then tow (without breaths) to nearest surface

Figure 23.1 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Diving Committee guidelines for rescue of an
unresponsive diver from depth. It is recommended that the interested diver read the original paper
which contextualizes these recommendations more thoroughly. CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(From Mitchell SJ, Bennett MH, Bird N, Doolette DJ, et al. Recommendations for rescue of a submerged
unconscious compressed gas diver. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 2012;39:1099–1108.)
294 The management of drowning

risks of regurgitation of gastric contents, rupture

Basic Life Support
of  the stomach and causing delay in initiating
e ective ventilation. Persistent airway obstruction
D Dangers? may result from a foreign body, but other causes
include laryngeal oedema or trauma, broncho-
spasm and pulmonary oedema.
R Responsive?
Respiration can be assessed by placing one’s ear
S Send for help over the victim’s mouth while looking for chest
movement, listening for air sounds and feeling
for the ow of expired air. If breathing is detected,
A Open Airway oxygen should be administered and the victim
maintained in the ‘recovery’ position to avoid aspi-
ration of uid or vomitus.
B Normal Breathing? If breathing is absent, mouth-to-mouth or
mouth-to-nose breathing is instituted. Initially,
Start CPR
two full breaths of air, with an inspiratory time (for
C 30 compressions: 2 breaths the victim) of 1 to 1.5 seconds, are recommended.
if unwilling/unable to perform rescue breaths continue chest compressions
For adults, an adequate volume to observe chest
movement is about 800 ml. If no chest movement is
Attach De brillator (AED)
as soon as available and follow its prompts
seen and no air is detected in the exhalation phase,
then head-tilt or jaw-thrust manoeuvres should be
revised. Failing that, further attempts at clearing the
Continue CPR until responsiveness or
normal breathing return airway with the ngers (only if the victim is uncon-
scious!) should be undertaken. With mouth-to-
mouth respiration, the rescuer pinches the victim’s
Figure 23.2 Basic life support algorithm. AED, nose and closes it gently between nger and thumb.
automatic external de brillator; CPR, cardio-
Mouth-to-nose rescue breathing may be more suit-
pulmonary resuscitation. (From the Australian
Resuscitation Council.)
able in certain situations, such as when marked
trismus is present or when it is di cult to obtain an
e ective seal (e.g. injury to mouth, dentures).
Jaw-thrust describes the technique of forward Paramedics or other practitioners with advanced
displacement of the lower jaw by li ing it skills are likely to use a bag-mask-reservoir device
with one hand on either side of the angle of connected to an oxygen source for manual positive
the mandible. Unless cervical spine injury is pressure ventilation in the eld. Useful adjuncts in
suspected, this technique is o en combined resolving upper airway obstruction may include
with head-tilt. a nasopharyngeal airway, oropharyngeal airway
or supraglottic airway device such as a laryngeal
Time should not be wasted in trying to clear mask. Endotracheal intubation in the eld should
water from the lower airways. If airway obstruc- be undertaken only by highly trained and experi-
tion is encountered and has not responded to nor- enced practitioners.
mal airway management, the Heimlich manoeuvre e rate of chest in ation should be about
(sub-diaphragmatic thrust) has been suggested5. 12 per minute (one every 5 seconds) with increased
is manoeuvre, which was proposed as a rou- rate and decreased volume in young children.
tine step to clear water from the airway, has not It must be made clear that the recent advo-
received the widespread endorsement of resuscita- cacy for ‘compression-only CPR’ in which rescue
tion councils around the world. It should be used breathing is omitted and rst responders provide
with caution and only as a last resort because of the only chest compressions to victims of community
At the site 295

cardiac arrest is not relevant to CPR in the context Further help should be sought immediately, by
of drowning. e cause of cardiac arrest in the a third person, if possible, without compromising
community is usually some sort of cardiac disease, resuscitation e orts.
whereas it is hypoxia in drowning. Compression-
only CPR works in community cardiac arrest Advanced life support and transport
because the victim is not hypoxic at the onset of
cardiac standstill, and the lungs are lled with air A regional organized emergency medical service
to functional residual capacity. In contrast, hypoxia (e.g. paramedics) that carries specialized appara-
is usually the cause of cardiac arrest in drowning, tus such as oxygen, endotracheal tubes, suction
and the lungs are frequently compromised by aspi- and intravenous equipment should be activated,
rated uid and alveolar collapse. Failing to venti- if available. In any case, the patient should be
late the lungs during resuscitation of a drowning transferred to hospital as soon as possible. e
victim is likely to bias against a good outcome1. early administration of oxygen by suitable posi-
tive pressure apparatus, by personnel trained in
CIRCULATION its use, may be the critical factor in saving lives.
e presence of a carotid or femoral pulse should For this reason, oxygen administration equip-
be sought in the unconscious non-breathing vic- ment should be carried on all dive boats. Patients
tim. is is o en di cult because the patient is who regain consciousness or who remain con-
usually cold and peripherally vasoconstricted. scious a er drowning events may have signi -
Although it is possible that external cardiac com- cant pulmonary venous admixture with resultant
pression (ECC) could precipitate ventricular bril- hypoxaemia. All such patients should receive
lation in a hypothermic patient, if in doubt it is supplementary oxygen and be further assessed
safer to commence ECC than not. in hospital. Respiratory and cardiac arrests have
If no carotid pulse is detected, ECC should occurred a er apparently successful rescue6.
be commenced a er two initial breaths. Higher Although endotracheal intubation remains the
rates of compression are now recommended, best method for securing an airway and achieving
with greater outputs achieved at 100/minute com- adequate ventilation, the necessary expertise may
pared with the traditional 60/minute standard. not be available until the victim is transferred to
Controversy still exists over the mechanism of ow hospital. In such cases, the use of airway devices
in external compression, with the evidence for the such as the laryngeal mask airway may improve
older ‘direct compression’ model being challenged ventilation while the patient is being transported
by the ‘thoracic pump’ theory. to hospital. Other airways such as the pharyngo-
Cardiac compression should be performed with tracheal lumen airway and the Combitube tube are
the patient supine on a rm surface. e legs may alternatives, but they require more training and
be elevated to improved venous return. e res- have their own problems. One potential problem
cuer kneels to the side of the patient. e heel of with all supraglottic devices, and with mouth-to-
the rescuer’s hand should be placed in line with mouth and bag-mask ventilation techniques for
the patient’s sternum. e lower edge of the hand that matter, is that the airway pressures required
should be about two ngers above the xiphisternum to in ate a ‘wet’, non-compliant lung may be very
(i.e. compression is of the lower half of the ster- high and not easily achieved with these devices or
num). e second hand should be placed over the methods. Endotracheal intubation may the only
rst, and the compression of the sternum should way to achieve adequate tidal volumes in such
be about 4 to 5 centimetres in adults in the vertical patients.
plane. To achieve this, the rescuer’s elbow should Properly trained and equipped personnel
be straight, with the shoulders directly over the attending a case in the eld may be able to invoke
sternum. A single rescuer may be able to achieve advanced resuscitation techniques such as the air-
rates of only 80/minute because of fatigue, but if way interventions mentioned earlier and the moni-
several rescuers are present, it may be possible to toring methods, drug administration strategies and
maintain high rates. arrhythmia treatments speci ed in Figure 23.3.
Advanced life support
for adults

Start CPR During CPR

30 compressions: 2 breaths Airway adjuncts (LMA/ETT)
minimise interruptions Waveform capnography
IV/IO access
Plan actions before interrupting compressions
(e.g. charge manual de brillator)
296 The management of drowning

Attach Drugs
De brillator/Monitor * Adrenaline 1 mg after 2nd shock
(then every 2nd loop)
* Amiodarone 300 mg after 3rd shock
Non Shockable
* Adrenaline 1 mg immediately
(then every 2nd loop)
Assess Non
Shockable shockable
rhythm Consider and correct
Hyper/hypokalaemia/metabolic disorders
Shock Hypothermia/hyperthermia
Tension pneumothorax
CPR CPR Toxins
Thrombosis (pulmonary/coronary)
for 2 minutes for 2 minutes
Return of
Post resuscitation care
spontaneous Re-evaluate ABCDE
circulation? 12 lead ECG
Treat precipitating causes
Re-evaluate oxygenation and ventilation
Temperature control (cool)

Post resuscitation care

Figure 23.3 Advanced life support algorithm. CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ECG, electrocardiogram; ETT, endotracheal tube; IV, intra-
venous; IO, intra-osseous; LMA, laryngeal mask airway. (From the Australian Resuscitation Council.)
Hospital 297

HOSPITAL fractures, should be undertaken. Initial x-ray stud-

ies should include the chest and cervical spine.
Hospital management is subdivided into initial Cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction,
emergency department management and continu- seizure or drug abuse should be suspected if the
ing therapy in the intensive care unit. All patients cause of the incident is not readily apparent. One
should receive oxygen (see Chapter 49) while study revealed that 27 per cent of recreational div-
undergoing evaluation. ing deaths appeared to have a cardiac event as the
disabling injury11, so a high index of suspicion
Emergency department for myocardial ischaemia should be maintained.
A 12-lead electrocardiogram would be advisable
On arrival, the emphasis is on evaluation and early in the evaluation.
resuscitation of respiratory failure. Preliminary Similarly, in the scuba diver, other disorders
assessment includes airway, circulation and level such as pulmonary barotrauma and cerebral arte-
of consciousness re-evaluation. Continuous moni- rial gas embolism may have initiated or compli-
toring of pulse, blood pressure, pulse oximetry and cated the drowning. ese conditions may require
electrocardiography are commenced. speci c treatment such as recompression, hyper-
e severity of the case determines the appro- baric oxygen or drainage of a pneumothorax.
priate care. If submersion victims show no signs Nevertheless, it should never simply be assumed
of aspiration on arrival in the emergency depart- that a diver ‘must have’ su ered pulmonary baro-
ment, there may be no need for hospital admission. trauma and arterial gas embolism just because the
Patients who are asymptomatic and have normal diver was brought to the surface rapidly or uncon-
chest auscultation, chest x-ray ndings and arte- scious. ere have been many unconscious ascents
rial blood gases will not subsequently deterio- from signi cant depths in which it appears that
rate7–9. ey may safely be discharged a er 6 hours. pulmonary barotrauma did not occur. Moreover,
In  contrast, patients with mild hypoxaemia, aus- such an assumption would indicate hyperbaric
cultatory rales or rhonchi or chest x-ray changes therapy. Although recompression should not be
should be admitted for observation because they withheld from a patient who clearly warrants it, it
may deteriorate. is logistically di cult and more hazardous for an
In moderately hypoxaemic patients who have intensive care patient, and recompression should
not lost consciousness and who are breathing not be used speculatively.
spontaneously, the use of non-invasive ventilatory e main goal of therapy is to overcome major
support with face mask or nasal continuous posi- derangement of hypoxaemia with its subsequent
tive airway pressure (CPAP) may be an alternative acidosis. e benchmark should be an arterial
to sedation and endotracheal intubation, provided oxygen tension (PaO2) of at least 60 mm Hg. is
adequate gas exchange is achieved10. may be achieved by administration of oxygen by
Seriously a ected patients should be admitted mask in milder cases, possibly with CPAP, but
to an intensive care unit or a high-dependency some patients will require more aggressive therapy,
unit. Patients with symptomatic hypoxaemia or employing intermittent positive pressure ventila-
disturbed consciousness may rapidly deteriorate tion (IPPV) with a high fractional inspired oxygen
further as a result of progressive hypoxaemia. concentration (FIO2).
Patients who have had a cardiac arrest or are High ventilatory pressures may be required to
unconscious and/or severely hypoxaemic require obtain adequate tidal volumes. Progress should
ventilatory support and should be intubated using be monitored by serial arterial blood gas deter-
a rapid sequence induction technique. A nasogas- minations and continuous pulse oximetry.
tric tube should be inserted and the stomach emp- e institution of continuous positive end-
tied before induction, if possible. expiratory pressure (PEEP) with either IPPV
Concurrent with resuscitation measures, a care- or spontaneous ventilation, (i.e. CPAP) will
ful search for any other injuries, such as cranial decrease the pulmonary shunting and ventilation-
or spinal trauma, internal injuries and long bone perfusion inequality and increase the functional
298 The management of drowning

residual capacity, thus resulting in a higher PaO2. appropriate. Untreated hypoglycaemia may aggra-
Nebulized bronchodilator aerosols may be used vate hypoxic brain lesions. However, intravenous
to control bronchospasm. In sedated patients, glucose must be used with care because hyper-
beroptic bronchoscopy can be used to remove glycaemia is also potentially harmful to injured
suspected particulate matter, and repeated gentle neurons. Hyperglycaemia resulting from massive
endotracheal suction will assist in the removal of catecholamine release or other causes may require
uid from the airway. insulin infusion.
Early on in the resuscitation sequence, large- Hypothermia may complicate drowning and
bore intravenous access should be established and pose di culties with resuscitation end points in the
warmed crystalloid uids commenced. Moderate event of cardiac arrest (see Chapter 28). e emer-
volumes may be required initially because of tissue gency department management of hypothermia
losses, immersion diuresis and dehydration, but care depends on severity, and low-reading thermome-
should be taken not to overhydrate. Simultaneously, ters are required because severe hypothermia may
blood for haematology and biochemistry laboratory otherwise be overlooked. Warmed intravenous
work can be drawn for baseline assessment. Testing uids and inspired gases, insulation, forced-air
should include cardiac enzymes. Intra-arterial pres- warming blankets and radiant heat may be su -
sure monitoring is useful and allows frequent arte- cient, but in severe cases, gastric lavage, peritoneal
rial blood gas determinations to guide ventilation lavage or even cardiopulmonary bypass has been
and acid-base management. employed. Resuscitation should continue at least
If cardiac arrest is diagnosed, the rhythm should until core temperature approaches normal. Care
be rapidly determined, and de brillation and/or should be taken to avoid hyperthermia because
intravenous adrenaline (epinephrine) should be even mild degrees of cerebral hyperthermia can be
administered according to advanced life support profoundly disadvantageous to the injured brain.
protocols (see Figure  23.3). Other arrhythmias Hypovolaemia may result from the combined
should also be appropriately treated if they have e ects of immersion diuresis and pulmonary
not responded to correction of hypoxaemia and and tissue oedema. Circulatory support maybe
restoration of adequate tissue perfusion. required to provide adequate perfusion of vital
In the past, it was common to attempt to cor- tissues. e maintenance of e ective cardiac
rect metabolic acidosis by giving bicarbonate. e output may require the correction of hypovolae-
use of bicarbonate in this setting is controversial, mia, which may be unmasked by the instigation
and some clinicians may prefer to hyperventilate of body rewarming. PPV also decreases venous
a patient to create a respiratory compensation for return to the heart and thus lowers cardiac out-
the metabolic acidosis. A more modern alterna- put. is can usually be overcome by volume res-
tive intravenous alkalinizing agent is trometh- toration or even augmentation. If  a er volume
amine acetate (tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane replacement the patient does not rapidly regain
[THAM]). THAM has the apparent advantage that adequate cardiac output, then inotropic support
its action does not result in the generation of car- will be required.
bon dioxide (as occurs with sodium bicarbonate), Although not studied speci cally in the context
and as such it may be a better choice in hypercapnic of drowning, there is compelling evidence from
patients who have mixed acidaemia or in patients large randomized studies suggesting that resus-
who are di cult to ventilate. ese descriptors citation of intensive care patients with crystalloid
may apply to drowning victims. uids results in better outcome (and less require-
Some drowning victims have been noted to ment for renal replacement therapy) than does
be markedly hypoglycaemic, and an association resuscitation using colloids. If colloids are used,
with alcohol intoxication, physical exhaustion small volumes of concentrated albumin may be
and hypothermia is relevant. Blood glucose con- optimal. Care must be taken not to overhydrate
centrations should be rapidly determined along drowning patients.
with blood gases on arrival at hospital, and intra- Once intravascular volume is normalized
venous glucose therapy should be instituted if and adequate cardiac output is established, uid
Hospital 299

administration should be parsimonious. Diuretics e optimal method of ventilation aims to

(e.g. frusemide) have also been employed where produce an adequate oxygen tension at the low-
overhydration is suspected. A urinary catheter est FIO2 (preferably FIO2 of 0.6 or less to avoid
with hourly output measurements is essential to pulmonary oxygen toxicity; see Chapter 17) with
determine renal perfusion and function and is a the least haemodynamic disturbance and the
good indication of adequate volume. Electrolyte least harm to the lung. CPAP can be dramatic in
disturbances are usually not a signi cant problem improving oxygenation by reducing intrapulmo-
in the initial phases, but any abnormality should nary shunting. Pressures of 5 to 10 centimetres
be corrected. of water are usual, but greater pressures may be
Antibiotics given prophylactically are of dubi- required. Patients receiving PPV tend to retain
ous bene t. Antibiotics should be employed only salt and water, so uid intake should be reduced to
where clearly clinically indicated, guided by spu- about 1500 ml/day with low sodium content. Fluid
tum and blood cultures. Routine use may encour- overload may have a deleterious e ect on pulmo-
age colonization by resistant organisms. nary function.
Various modes of ventilation have been
Intensive care employed. ese include spontaneous respira-
tion with CPAP, IPPV with and without PEEP,
e general principles of intensive therapy are fol- synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation,
lowed, but with special emphasis on respiratory pressure support and high-frequency ventila-
function because near drowning is a common tion. Increasing experience in the management
cause of the acute respiratory distress syndrome of ARDS has led to the development of so-called
(ARDS). ‘lung protective ventilator strategies’ character-
e following clinical parameters, established ized by relatively long inspiratory times, high
on arrival in the emergency department, should be end-expiratory pressures and relatively small tidal
regularly monitored: volumes. is may require acceptance of both
a degree of ‘permissive hypercapnia’ and mild
● Routine clinical observations such as pulse, respiratory acidosis that in the short term may
blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, be treated with bicarbonate or THAM, before
minute volume, inspiratory and PEEP pres- medium-term compensation through renal reten-
sures, electrocardiography, pulse oximetry and tion of bicarbonate. Postural changes (e.g. prone
urine output. ventilation) are sometimes experimented with
● Where indicated, invasive monitoring such in individual patients. ere is no universally
as central venous pressure, pulmonary artery applicable formula for ventilating these patients,
wedge pressure and cardiac output by a pulmo- and much individualization of regimens occurs
nary artery catheter. in high-level intensive care units. ese types of
● Blood tests such as arterial blood gas and acid- strategy may be necessary in severely a ected
base status, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, drowning victims.
white cell count, serum and urinary electro- Femoro-femoral or full cardiopulmonary bypass
lytes, serum and urinary haemoglobin and has been employed both for rewarming hypother-
myoglobin levels, serum creatinine, urea, mic patients and for establishing adequate oxy-
glucose, protein and coagulation status. genation in severe cases12 . Severe ARDS has been
● Regular chest x-ray examination to detect successfully managed with variable periods (up to
atelectasis, infection, pneumothorax, pulmonary weeks) of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
oedema, pleural e usions and other disorders. (ECMO).
● Serial measurement of pulmonary mechanics, Because of improvements in cardiorespira-
by measurement of airway pressures and com- tory support, preservation of the central nervous
pliance, which are also useful in monitoring system is now the major therapeutic challenge13.
progress. In the less severely ill patient, simple e  application of various brain protection
spirometry is a useful guide to recovery. techniques including deliberate hypothermia,
300 The management of drowning

hyperventilation, barbiturate coma and corticoste-

roids has not altered cerebral salvage rates in the Poor prognostic factors
speci c context of drowning14,15. Studies in com-
munity cardiac arrest do provide circumstantial Prolonged submersion.
support for the use of hypothermia a er prolonged Prolonged time to effective cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. Although some intensive care units resuscitation.
may try this in drowning victims, it is certainly not Cardiac arrest.
considered a standard of care. It is notable that cor- Absence of spontaneous respiration.
ticosteroids have not been shown to reduce cere- Prolonged coma.
bral oedema or intracranial pressure (ICP) and are
not recommended. Several pooled series indicate that 90 per cent of
Central nervous system function is assessed patients who arrive at least arousable with sponta-
clinically and potentially by electroencephalog- neous respiration and purposeful response to pain
raphy. ICP monitoring has been advocated where will survive neurologically intact. In contrast, of
intracranial hypertension is suspected, with the patients in this series who arrived comatose,
prompt therapy for any sudden elevation. 34 per cent died, and 20 per cent of the survivors
Serial creatinine estimations o en reveal mild had neurological damage18.
renal impairment in patients requiring inten- Unresponsive coma, decorticate and decerebrate
sive care. Severe acute renal failure16 requiring rigidity, are exia and xed dilated pupils are not in
dialysis is less common, but it may develop in themselves diagnostic signs of death, although they
patients who presented with severe metabolic are, of course, signs of a poor prognosis. Patients
acidosis and elevated initial serum creatinine lev- who arrive in hospital in asystole usually have a
els. Occasional cases of rhabdomyolysis have also poor prognosis, and one series reported a 93 per
been reported17. cent mortality rate a er cardiac arrest. Current
Hyperpyrexia commonly follows drowning, and treatment regimens do not alter the outcome.
its e ect may be deleterious, especially to the injured e rapid development of severe hypothermia,
brain. External cooling and antipyretic drugs to pre- either before or during the nal submersion, is
vent shivering and to keep the temperature lower probably protective and helps to explain some
than 37°C may be indicated. spectacular recoveries a er prolonged periods of
Continuing hyperexcitability and rigidity may submersion. e role of the diving re ex remains
require the use of sedative and relaxant drugs. controversial.

It is di cult to prognosticate in individual cases 1. Mitchell SJ, Bennett MH, Bird N, Doolette
because data from the literature, much of it in the DJ, et al. Recommendations for rescue of a
paediatric age group, arise from widely di erent submerged unconscious compressed gas
situations. ese situations range from child- diver. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
hood bath and pool incidents in fresh water to 2012;39:1099–1108.
boating, swimming and diving activities in the 2. Szpilman D, Soares M. In-water
open sea. Nevertheless, several reasonably con- resuscitation: is it worthwhile.
sistent observations emerge. Resuscitation 2004;63:25–31.
Factors that negatively a ect outcome include 3. March NF, Mathews RC. New techniques
submersion time, time to initiation of e ective in external cardiac compression: aquatic
CPR, severe metabolic acidosis, Glasgow Coma cardiopulmonary resuscitation. JAMA
Scale (GCS <5), cardiac arrest and the presence of 1980;244(11):1229–1232.
xed dilated pupils. However, complete recoveries 4. Kizer KW. Aquatic rescue and in-water
have been reported despite the presence of one or CPR. Annals of Emergency Medicine
more of these adverse predictors. 1982;11:166.
References 301

5. Heimlich HJ, Patrick EA. Using the Heimlich 12. Bolle RG, Black PG, Bowers RS, et al.
manoeuvre to save near drowning victims. The use of extracorporeal rewarming in
Postgraduate Medicine 1988;84(2):62–67, a child submerged for 66 minutes. JAMA
71–73. 1988;260:377–379.
6. Maniolos N, Mackie I. Drowning and 13. Modell JH. Current concepts: drown-
near drowning on Australian beaches ing. New England Journal of Medicine
patrolled by lifesavers: a 10-year study, 1993;328(4):253–256.
1973–1983. Medical Journal of Australia 14. Gonzalez-Rothi RJ. Near drowning:
1988;148(4):165–171. consensus and controversies in pulmonary
7. Causey AL, Tilleli JA, Swanson ME. and cerebral resuscitation. Heart Lung
Predicting discharge in uncomplicated near- 1987;16(5):474–482.
drowning. American Journal of Emergency 15. Modell JH. Treatment of near drowning: is
Medicine 2000;18(1):9–11. there a role for H.Y.P.E.R. therapy? Critical
8. Pratt FD, Haynes BE. Incidence of sec- Care Medicine 1986;14:593–594.
ondary drowning after saltwater sub- 16. Spicer ST, Quinn D, Nyi Nyi NN, Nankivell BJ,
mersion. Annals of Emergency Medicine Hayes JM, Savdie E. Acute renal impairment
1986;115:1084–1087. after immersion and near-drowning. Journal
9. Szpilman D. Near drowning and drowning of the American Society of Nephrology
classi cation: a proposal to stratify mortal- 1999;10(2):382–386.
ity based on the analysis of 1,831 cases. 17. Simcock AD. The resuscitation of immersion
Chest 1997;112(3):660–665. victims. Applied Cardiopulmonary
10. Dottorini M, Eslami A, Baglioni S, Pathophysiology 1989;2:293–298.
Fiorenzano G, Todisco T. Nasal-continuous 18. Modell JH, Graves SA, Ketover A. Clinical
positive airway pressure in the treatment course of 91 consecutive near-drowning
of near-drowning in freshwater. Chest victims. Chest 1976;70(2):231–238.
11. Denoble PJ, Caruso JL, Dear G de L, Pieper is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
CF, Vann RD. Common causes of open- circuit Simon Mitchell.
recreational diving fatalities. Undersea and
Hyperbaric Medicine 2008;35:393–406.
Salt water aspiration syndrome

History 303 Discussion 306

Aetiology 304 Differential diagnosis 306
Clinical features 305 Treatment 307
Immediate symptoms 305 References 307
Subsequent symptoms 305

Divers who aspirate small quantities of sea water may develop a respiratory disorder with gen-
eralized symptoms mimicking those of an acute viral infection. Severe cases merge into near
The symptoms develop soon after the dive and usually persist for some hours, and they are
aggravated by activity and cold exposure.
Super cially, there are similarities between the salt water aspiration syndrome and other diving
disorders, but the characteristics and natural history differentiate it from pulmonary barotrauma,
decompression sickness, Key West scuba divers’ disease, immersion pulmonary oedema, hypo-
thermia, infections and asthma.
Treatment includes rest and oxygen inhalation.

HISTORY In another entirely di erent diving environ-

ment, the professional abalone divers were almost
A common diving illness in the Royal Australian routinely su ering from a brief, overnight a ic-
Navy (RAN) in the 1960s was the salt water aspi- tion that they called ‘salt water fever’, which they
ration syndrome (SWAS)1. Its frequency may have correctly attributed to excessive water intake
been the result of the strenuous training imposed through the mouthpiece. e mouthpiece was
on novice divers, the absence of purge valves in connected to the surface-supplied air compressor,
second stage regulators or the extreme buddy via an upstream or tilt valve. is simple piece of
breathing trials in which increasing numbers of equipment was not very e cient in maintaining
trainees shared the one mouthpiece until nally a water-free air supply and was recognized as a
one diver broke for the surface. In the RAN series, ‘wet’ breathing system. e air intake  was sited
most patients with SWAS presented a er night below the exhaust valves, thus ensuring a nebu-
diving, when the in uence of a cool environment lized water inhalation. It was replaced by the
may have aggravated the clinical situation.

304 Salt water aspiration syndrome

current rst and second stage regulators in the is depends on the integrity of the mouthpiece,
1980s by most professional divers. inspiratory valve or diaphragm (rubber or silicone)
e divers aspirated small quantities of sea and the expiratory or exhaust valves. Any damage,
water and developed a respiratory disorder, but wear, perforation, displacement or foreign body can
with generalized symptoms mimicking those of disrupt these seals. is is more likely with increas-
an acute viral infection. More severe cases merged ing pressure gradients across the seals, such as with
into near drowning. increasing respiration.
A prospective survey was carried out on 30 Whether the diver is aware of the ‘leaking’ prob-
consecutive patients who presented for treatment1. ably depends on many factors, such as the volume,
In none of these dives was the depth or duration the site of entry (the proximity of the leak to the
exposure su cient to implicate decompression sick- air inlet) and the attention paid to other activities.
ness. e symptoms were documented and inves- Sometimes the diver will recollect a speci c inci-
tigations were performed. To validate the cause, a dent leading to the aspiration (o en inducing a
simple experiment was performed on ‘volunteers’, cough), or he or she may notice a ‘bubbling’ or ‘wet’
who were both medical practitioners and divers, sensation in the regulator. Other times, the diver
in which ‘doctored’ demand valves (second stage may not notice anything, as occurs with the inha-
regulators) were used with the face immersed in sea lation of many nebulized particles.
water and the line pressure progressively reduced. SWA in divers may occur in certain circum-
Various respiratory measurements were monitored stances, namely:
that replicated those in the survey. Unfortunately,
more formal investigations were not pursued, and 1. In inexperienced divers because they com-
this experiment still awaits a more disciplined and monly overbreathe the regulator.
sophisticated approach to de ne the degree and type 2. Excessive respiratory ow and volumes, as with
of aspirate required. exercise and anxiety.
e degree to which the same ndings can be 3. Increasing depth and thus density of the
applied to fresh water aspirations and quanti ca- inspired gas.
tion of the in uence of environmental factors on 4. During buddy breathing or re-inserting the
symptoms, also await clari cation. regulator underwater.
e frequency of SWAS has diminished some- 5. From a faulty, corroded or damaged regulator.
what with improved equipment and more lenient 6. Foreign body (salt crystals, weed, sand)
demands placed on novice divers, but it is still interference with the diaphragm or exhaust
frequent enough among trainees to cause prob- valve seating.
lems and diagnostic di culties. Other seafarers to 7. Failure of the mouthpiece seal, as from tears.
present with a similar disorder, but possibly not as 8. Being towed at speed.
frequently, are snorkellers, surfers and helicopter 9. With upstream regulator valves, as in some
water rescuees. surface supply units.
e importance of SWAS lies in the under- 10. Whenever the air intake is below the exhaust
standing of near drowning cases and in its confu- outlet – a positional e ect.
sion with other diving or infectious diseases. 11. Removing the regulator on the surface.

AETIOLOGY As we know from respiratory medicine, larger

volumes of uid in the upper respiratory tract
Salt water aspiration (SWA) is a ubiquitous con- stimulate a laryngeal response varying from
sequence of diving in the ocean, as well as among coughing to laryngospasm. Nebulized droplets
surfers, snorkellers, helicopter rescuees and ocean with diameters of 1 to 10 micrometres are distrib-
swimmers, who now recognize SWAS. uted to the terminal bronchi, with less deposition
With divers, a watertight seal of the demand in the upper respiratory tract. e aspiration vol-
valve should ensure that water does not enter the umes in diving probably depend on the previously
spaces that carry the inspiratory and expiratory air. listed 10 circumstances.
Clinical features 305

CLINICAL FEATURES local, in about half the cases. Rarely, they were
high pitched and similar to those observed in
e following observations were made on clinical obstructive airways disease.
cases of SWAS1,2: Administration of 100 per cent oxygen was
e ective in relieving respiratory symptoms and
Immediate symptoms removing any cyanosis.
X-ray study of the chest revealed areas of patchy
On speci c interrogation, a history of aspiration consolidation, or a de nite increase in respira-
was given in 90 per cent. O en, the novice diver tory markings, in about half the cases. ese usu-
did not realize the signi cance of the aspiration as ally cleared within 24 hours, but they remained
the causal event of the syndrome. longer in severely a ected patients. X-ray studies
Most divers noted an immediate post-dive taken a er the incident and repeated within a few
cough, with or without sputum. It was usually sup- hours sometimes showed a variation of the site of
pressed during the dive. Only in the more serious the radiological abnormality.
cases was the sputum bloodstained, frothy and Expiratory spirometry performed repeatedly
copious (as seen routinely in near drowning cases). over the rst 6 hours showed an average drop of
0.7  litres from the baseline in both forced expi-
Subsequent symptoms ratory volume in 1 second and vital capacity
measurements. Even those patients who had no
e following symptoms were observed: respiratory symptoms had a reduction in lung
volumes. Arterial blood gases revealed oxygen
● Rigors, tremors or shivering – 87 per cent tensions of 40  to 75 mm Hg with low or normal
● Anorexia, nausea or vomiting – 80 per cent carbon dioxide tensions, indicative of shunting
● Hot or cold (feverish) sensations – 77 per cent (perfusion) defects.
● Dyspnoea – 73 per cent
● Cough – 67 per cent GENERALIZED SYMPTOMS
● Sputum – 67 per cent Patients o en complained of being feverish.
● Headaches – 67 per cent Malaise was the next most prominent feature.
● Malaise – 53 per cent Headaches and generalized aches through the
● Generalized aches – 33 per cent limbs, abdomen, back and chest were important
in some cases, but usually not dominant. Anorexia
e signs and symptoms usually reverted to was transitory.
normal within a few hours and rarely persisted e feverish symptoms were interesting – and
beyond 24 hours, unless the case was of greater are also seen in near drowning cases. Shivering,
severity. similar in some cases to a rigor and in other
cases to generalized fasciculations, was more
RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS common in the colder months. It was precipi-
ere was o en a delay of up to 2 hours before dys- tated or aggravated by exposure to cold, exer-
pnoea, cough, sputum and retrosternal discomfort cise or breathing 10 per cent oxygen (a research
on inspiration were noted. In the mild cases, respi- procedure, not recommended clinically). It was
ratory symptoms persisted for only an hour or so, relieved by administration of 100 per cent oxy-
whereas in the more severe cases, they commenced gen. It occurred especially in patients exposed
immediately following aspiration and continued to cold because of duration and depth of dive,
for days. e respiratory rate roughly paralleled the inadequate thermal clothing and environmental
degree of dyspnoea. Physical activity and respira- conditions during and a er the dive.
tory stimulants appeared to aggravate the dyspnoea e association of shivering with hypoxia and
and tachypnoea, as did movement and exercise. cold had been described previously3. e shivering
Auscultation of the chest revealed crepita- occurs concurrently with the pyrexia, which also
tions or occasional rhonchi, either generalized or takes an hour or two to develop.
306 Salt water aspiration syndrome

Pyrexia was veri ed in half the cases, up to 40°C SWA o en formed a vicious circle with panic
(mean, 38.1°C; standard deviation [SD] = 0.6), and and exhaustion.
the pulse rate was elevated (mean, 102 per minute; Hypoxia from SWA aggravated the problems
SD = 21), over the rst 6 hours. of fatigue and exhaustion and was a precursor to
Some patients obtained relief from these symp- loss of consciousness (with or without dyspnoea)
toms by either hot water baths or showers or by in both near drowning and drowning cases.
lying still in a warm bed. In recreational scuba, the diver may attribute
In some patients, there was an impairment of SWA-induced post-dive lethargic symptoms to
consciousness, including transitory mild confu- sub-clinical decompression sickness or the unusual
sion or syncope with loss of consciousness on physical demands of the dive activity. If the diver is
standing. ese were clinically approaching the exposed to cold and develops the generalized symp-
near drowning cases described (see Chapter 22), toms characteristic of a feverish reaction, he or she
and they were treated accordingly. will be unlikely to relate this to an unnoticed aspira-
tion some hours earlier.
INVESTIGATIONS Whether the clinical manifestations are entirely
Haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte sedimen- caused by the hyper-osmotic sea water or whether
tation rate and electrolytes remained normal. e there is a contribution to the pulmonary in am-
white blood cell count was usually normal, although matory response from the various organisms,
mild leucocytosis (not in excess of 20 000 per cubic vegetation and particulate matter in sea water
millimetre) was observed in a few cases, with mod- is not known. Extrapolating from the animal
erate polymorphonuclear leucocytosis and a shi to experiments on aspiration, it would seem that
the le . the required inhaled volume of hyper-osmotic
Lactic dehydrogenase estimations revealed a sea water would be more than 100 ml in humans.
mild rise in some cases. X-ray and lung volume Small particle nebulization is not essential, but it
changes were as described earlier. is possibly relevant in those divers who were not
Examination of the diving equipment may aware of aspiration.
reveal the cause of the aspiration. Inspection of ere is no distinct division in the initial
the second stage regulator, breathing against the presentations among SWAS, near drowning and
regulator with the air supply restricted and hav- drowning cases. Aspiration syndromes merge with
ing another diver use the equipment under similar near drowning – the intensity of the symptoms
conditions all may identify the problem. See the and the degree of consciousness o en depending
section on re-enactment of a diving incident in on environmental circumstances, the activity of
Chapter 51. the victim and the administration of oxygen.


A detailed investigation into the causes of recre- In the di erential diagnosis of SWAS, the possibil-
ational scuba diving deaths4,5 revealed that SWA ity of other occupational diseases of divers must be
was part of the sequence leading to death in 37 per considered:
cent of the cases – o en a consequence of equip-
ment problems or diving technique. In these 1. Acute infection – e aspiration syndrome
cases, ‘leaking regulators’ were either observed may mimic an acute respiratory infection
and commented on by the victim beforehand or that develops soon a er a dive. It is o en
were demonstrated during the subsequent diving claimed that a mild upper respiratory infec-
investigation. tion is likely to be aggravated by diving.
e degree of aspiration increases with the vol- is is questionable with the number of divers
ume of air required (e.g. with exertion, swimming who continue to dive, uneventfully, despite
against currents, panic) and/or with a diminished such infections. Di erentiation between SWAS
line pressure to the second stage. and an acute infection can be made from the
References 307

history of aspiration, serial chest x-ray studies, higher than normal in SWAS and lower than
spirometry and a knowledge of the natural normal in hypothermia.
history of the infectious diseases. In the rst 5. Key West scuba divers’ disease6 – is and other
few hours of this syndrome, the possibility of infective disorders resulting from contami-
both in uenza and early pneumonia are o en nated equipment may cause some confusion.
considered – to be dismissed as the symptoms Fortunately, these illnesses usually take longer
clear within hours. to develop (24 to 48 hours) and to respond to
2. Decompression sickness with cardiorespiratory therapy. ere is thus little clinical similarity
or musculoskeletal manifestations – If there in the sequence and duration of the clinical
is a likelihood of cardiorespiratory symptoms manifestations.
of decompression sickness (‘chokes’), recom- 6. Asthma – Some patients have hyperreactive
pression therapy is indicated. Decompression airways to hypertonic saline (sea water),
sickness should be considered in patients who analogous to an asthma provocation test
conduct deeper, prolonged or repetitive diving. (see Chapter 55). Such patients have the
e speci c joint pains and abnormal pos- clinical signs of asthma (expiratory rhon-
turing characteristic of the ‘bends’ are quite chi, especially with hyperventilation,
unlike the vague generalized muscular aches, typical expiratory spirometry ndings
involving the limbs and lumbar region bilater- and positive asthma provocation tests).
ally, seen with SWAS. e immediate bene - ey respond to salbutamol or other beta
cial response to the inhalation of 100 per cent agonists.
oxygen in SWAS is of diagnostic value. With 7. Immersion pulmonary oedema – is disorder
decompression sickness, any relief is more may be either a complication or an initiator of
delayed. Chest x-ray studies, lung function SWAS.
tests and blood gas analyses may be used to
con rm the diagnosis. Decompression sick- TREATMENT
ness responds rapidly to recompression therapy
(as does SWAS to hyperbaric oxygenation). Most of the clinical manifestations of SWAS
Otherwise, except for the occurrence of a latent respond rapidly to rest and the administration
period, the clinical history of the two disorders of oxygen. Warming the patient is of symptom-
is dissimilar. atic bene t. In general, no other treatment is
3. Pulmonary barotrauma – Serious cases of required.
pulmonary barotrauma result in pneumotho- ere is a possibility that some of the clinical
rax, air emboli and mediastinal emphysema manifestations may not entirely be caused by to the
occurring suddenly a er a dive. In minor aspiration of water, but by the body’s (and speci -
cases of pulmonary barotrauma, confusion cally the respiratory tract’s) response  to aspirated
with the SWAS may arise. In these patients, organisms, foreign bodies or irritants  carried to
the diagnosis and treatment of the former the lungs with the sea water aspiration.
must take precedence until such time as the
natural history, chest x-ray ndings, spi- REFERENCES
rometry and blood gas analysis demonstrate
otherwise. Oxygen is appropriate rst aid 1. Edmonds C. A salt water aspiration
treatment for both disorders. Hyperbaric syndrome. Military Medicine
oxygen is also an e ective (but unnecessary) 1970;135(9):779–785.
treatment for SWAS. 2. Mitchell S. Salt water aspiration syndrome.
4. Hypothermia – e e ects of cold and immer- South Paci c Underwater Medicine Society
sion are usually maximal at, or very soon a er, Journal 2002;32(4):205–206.
the time of rescue. e clinical features are 3. Bullard R. Effects of hypoxia or
likely to be confused with SWAS only when shivering on man. Aerospace Medicine
both conditions exist. e body temperature is 1961;32:1143–1147.
308 Salt water aspiration syndrome

4. Edmonds C, Walker D. Scuba diving fatali- 6. Kavanagh AJ, Halverson CW, Jordan CJ,
ties in Australia and New Zealand. South et al. A scuba syndrome. Connecticut
Paci c Underwater Medicine Society Journal Medicine 1963;27(6):315.
5. Edmonds C, Walker D. Scuba diving is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
fatalities in Australia and New Zealand. Carl Edmonds.
South Paci c Underwater Medicine Society
Journal 1991;21(1):2–4.
Why divers drown

Snorkellers 309 Conclusions 315

Divers 310 References 316
Survey results 310

Historically, drowning has been incriminated as the cause of death in 74 to 82 per cent of
recreational diving deaths, compared with the more high-pro le diseases of decompression
sickness (<1 per cent) and contaminated air supply (<1 per cent).
Comparisons of divers who drown with those who survive from near drowning reveal the
importance of the following:
● Personal factors, including both medical and physical tness.
● Diving experience.
● Faulty equipment and misuse of equipment.
● Hazardous environments.
● Neutral buoyancy being maintained during the dive and not being dependent upon the buoy-
ancy compensator.
Other factors that increase the likelihood that diving problems will have an unsuccessful outcome
include the following:
● An inadequate air supply.
● The failure to employ correct buddy diving practices.
● Inadequate buddy communication.
● Failure to achieve positive buoyancy after a diving incident.
● Inappropriate or delayed rescue and resuscitation.

SNORKELLERS described 60 such deaths between 1987 and 1996,

all of which had coroners’ inquiries and/or autopsy
Diving includes snorkelling. Snorkellers who rarely investigations2. Lippmann and Pearn described a
leave the surface still expose themselves to many further 130 cases, up until 20063.
hazards, including drowning (see Chapter  61). Surface drownings caused about 25 to 45 per
ere are few well-documented series of these cent of the snorkellers’ deaths. Drowning fol-
incidents. Walker described 90 snorkelling deaths lowed hypoxia from breath-hold diving, usu-
between 1972 and 1987, although many had ally a er hyperventilation, in 15 to 20 per cent
no forensic assessment1. Edmonds and Walker (see Chapters 16 and 61 for these conditions).

310 Why divers drown

Surface drownings tended to occur in an sickness or contaminated air, does not rate more
older but wider range age group than the hypoxic than a paragraph or two in some diving medical
drownings, but at a younger age than those who texts.
die of the other major cause, cardiac disease. ese In reviewing the literature on drowning, before
snorkellers were o en aquatically inexperienced, the 1997 Workshop4, the only papers that could be
less t tourists who engaged in commercial reef- found that speci cally related any of the drown-
snorkelling trips or solo swimming. Frequently, ing syndromes to scuba diving were one on the
they had medical disorders that made them more salt water aspiration syndrome5 and one with
vulnerable, such as epilepsy, respiratory diseases an anecdotal review followed by a case report6.
such as asthma, salt water aspiration and vomiting. Nevertheless, of the major seminal reviews pre-
Adverse environmental factors, such as currents sented on this subject, many have been by diving
and choppy surface conditions, were contributors physicians7–10.
in 15 per cent. e absence of ns in 40 per cent A normally functioning diver, with adequate
made coping with aquatic conditions more dif- equipment in a congenial ocean environment, is
cult. Overall, the physical un tness and aquatic protected from drowning by carrying his or her
inexperience that led to panic and aspiration own personal life support – the scuba equipment.
dominated the situation. Drowning would occur only in the presence of the
● Diver fault (pathology, psychology or
Drowning among divers is very di erent in both technique).
aetiology and responses from drowning in the ● Failure of the equipment to supply air.
general population. Divers do not fear immersion, ● Hazardous environmental in uences.
as do many of the customary drowning victims.
e usual drowning victims, falling from a boat or Nevertheless, the most common ultimate cause
deck, are o en unprepared for the withdrawal of of death in recreational scuba divers is drowning.
a respirable atmosphere, surprised by the sudden Factual information that clari es the causes and
cold exposure, choking from a gasp and aspira- management is of value in preventing further fatal
tion of water, illogical and unreasoning in survival outcomes.
attempts. Even swimmers presume that air will be Previous surveys illustrated the importance
constantly available. e scuba diver is fully pre- of drowning as the ultimate cause in 74 to 82 per
pared, enjoying this leisure activity and protected cent of recreational scuba diving fatalities11–15.
from the environment, carrying his or her own air Of  note  in the more detailed surveys13–18 was the
supply. e diver has also planned for accidents high frequency of multiple contributing factors to
that could cause drowning by employing buoy- each death. Drowning tended to obscure those pre-
ancy apparatus and an emergency air supply and ceding factors. e drowning sequelae and drown-
with companions trained for rescue. e situation ing pathology were results of the environment in
of drowning in divers is thus di erent from most of which the accident occurred, not the initiating or
those described in Chapter 21. primary causes of the accident.
In a prelude to the 1997 Undersea and For example, any loss of consciousness or capa-
Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) Workshop bility when engaging in terrestrial activities is
on Near Drowning, the Chairman made the fol- unlikely to cause death. It would do so more fre-
lowing statement in the pre-workshop correspon- quently if the victim was diving underwater.
dence: ‘As  you know, the drowning literature
ignores diving, whilst the diving literature ignores Survey results
It is paradoxical that drowning, which causes e aspiration of sea water that causes clinical
more than 80 times the number of deaths in features in scuba divers who retain conscious-
recreational divers than either decompression ness is discussed in Chapter 24. Sometimes, this
Divers 311

progresses to the other manifestations of near divers (<5 dives), novice divers (5 to 20 dives) and
drowning and drowning, and these conditions experienced divers – one third each.
were compared in one survey of fatalities (drown- Of the fatalities, more than half these divers
ings) and survivors (near drownings)16 in recre- were experiencing diving situations to which
ational diving. e observations were as follows. they had not been previously exposed, whereas
one third had previous experience of the condi-
PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS tions in which they died. e others were unable
Population to be assessed.
e buddy or dive leader appeared to be con-
Of the 100 fatalities, 89 per cent occurred in male siderably more experienced than the diver in most
divers and 11 per cent occurred in female divers. of these cases, thereby possibly explaining why the
Of the 48 survivors, 52 per cent were male and diver died and the buddy lived.
48  per cent female. Compared with the diving
population at the time (30 per cent female, 70 per Victim’s behaviour
cent male), male divers were overrepresented in In 100 diving fatalities, more than a third were
the scuba drowning cases, as they are in almost all observed to have either a panic response or rapid or
other forms of drowning 9. e surprise was that abnormal movements (Table 25.1). e survivors
female divers appeared to be overrepresented in reported these sensations in more than one half
the ‘survivor’ series. of cases. e increased incidence in the surviving
Whether female divers had more accidents group could be attributed to this being a reported
or whether they only reported them more fre- sensation, whereas the fatality gure represented
quently could not be deduced. However, it does only the observed behaviour.
appear as if accidents in female divers result in More than half the divers who died showed no
fewer deaths. change in their behavior before drowning, with
loss of consciousness being the rst objective
Training warning in one third. It was the rst manifestation
In the fatalities, 38 per cent of these divers had noted in one fourth of the survivors.
no known formal quali cation. is group was Of interest was the absence of panic in many
approximately equally divided among: of the cases, even though it is a frequent cause of
other diving deaths11–13,17. Drowning scuba div-
● ose in whom documentation was ers frequently drown quietly – possibly because of
inadequate. the e ects of previous aspiration (hypoxia), depth
● ose without training, but who were experi- (narcosis) or training (‘don’t panic’).
menting with scuba under their own or their A request for a supplementary air supply
friends’ cognizance. was made by twice as many divers who died
● ose who were engaged in introductory dives, (21  per  cent) as survivors. is may bring into
brief resort courses or ‘dive experiences’ with a
recognized commercial organization.
Table 25.1 Behaviour among fatalities and
survivors of drowning in divers
Of the survivors, 81 per cent had completed
basic training, and only 4 per cent had no training. Fatalities Survivors
Surprising numbers in both groups were under Victim’s behaviour (observed) (reported)
formal training at the time – 8 per cent of the fatal- Panic 21% 27%
ities and 15 per cent of the survivors. Rapid or abnormal 16% 31%
Nothing unusual 63% 42%
Experience did not directly correlate with training.
Loss of consciousness 33% 25%
In both the fatality and survivor series, the divers
Air requested 21% 10%
were equally represented among inexperienced
312 Why divers drown

question the value of relying on a buddy to Fresh water or sea water

respond to such a request. Alternatively, with Most of the accidents occurred in the ocean,
the survivors, more frequently buddies o ered without obvious di erences between the fatality
the emergency air supply – a preferred sequence. (93 per cent) and survivor groups (98 per cent).
Occasionally, there was the apocryphal under- e extra di culty of performing rescues in cave
water tussle for a single regulator. When the diving (2 per cent) was expected.
low-on-air diver went for an air supply, he or she
more frequently sought the companion’s primary
regulator than the octopus. Depth of incident
e depth of the aspiration or drowning inci-
Medical conditions (history) dent was not necessarily the depth of the original
problem. us, a diver who used most of the air
is is a contentious area, not only regarding
supply and then panicked and ascended may not
the incidence of medical disorders but also their have exhibited any evidence of aspiration until
signi cance. Authors di er in their assessments reaching the surface.
of this, and none are free of selection bias. As in previous surveys11,13, many problems
Medical history data from fatality records are
developed on the surface. Approximately half the
inevitably underestimates. In one analysis13, when
fatalities occurred on the surface or on the way
a purposeful attempt was made to acquire the
to the surface. Frequently, the diver no longer
medical history, in less than half of the cases could had adequate air to remain underwater. Another
this be obtained. 20 per cent occurred in the top 9 metres, and the
In this survey no attempt was made to draw rest were distributed over the remaining depths.
statistical di erences regarding the correlation
is nding implies that just reaching the surface
between past illnesses and drowning; however,
is not enough. Successful rescue then requires the
there was no doubt as to the contribution in the
victim to remain there.
survivor group (Table 25.2). Some of both groups e survivors more accurately reported
should not have been classed as medically t for the depth at which the incident developed, as
diving (see Chapters 53 to 59). opposed to the depth at which the incident
was noted by  others. Nevertheless, almost two
thirds  of these incidents occurred in the top 10
Water conditions metres.
e adverse in uences of water conditions were In the fatality and the survivor groups, the dive
expected (see Chapter 5). Probably the only sur- was the deepest of their diving career in 26 per
prise was the frequency with which drowning cent and in 33 per cent, respectively. In almost
occurred in calm waters – in more than half the half the ‘inexperienced’ and ‘novice’ divers, the
cases. Strong tidal currents were slightly more fre- depth was beyond that which had previously
quent in the fatality group. been undertaken. is nding suggests that these
groups are especially susceptible to the various
problems associated with depth (panic, air con-
Table 25.2 Medical disorders among fatalities
sumption, visibility, narcosis and logistical di -
and survivors of drowning in divers
culty with rescue).
Medical disorders Fatalitiesa Survivors is suggests that it is not so much the
Asthma 10% 19%
environment that is the problem, but the diver’s
limited experience of that environment. e risk
Cardiovascular disease 6% 2%
of ‘diving deeper’ without extra prudence and
Drug intake 10% 8%
supervision is apparent. Any dive deeper than that
Very un t 5% 4%
previously experienced should be classi ed and
Panic 7% 8% treated as a ‘deep dive’, irrespective of the actual
a History often not sought. depth.
Divers 313

Visibility Air supply

Visibility was usually acceptable, but it seemed to In 60 per cent of the fatalities, either an out-of-air
be more frequently adverse in the fatalities (38 per (OOA) or a low-on-air (LOA) situation had devel-
cent) compared with the survivors (18 per cent). oped. ere was insu cient air in the tank for
either continuing the planned dive or returning
Conclusions to safety underwater. In the survivors, there was
a lower incidence (35 per cent) of compromised
e cases, in general, demonstrated the adverse air supply, but it was still very high. e survivors
e ects of various environments, especially with were more likely to have air in their tanks to cope
tidal currents, white (rough) water, poor visibility with the emergency.
and deeper diving than previously experienced. e failure to use the available contents gauge,
ere was not a great deal of di erence between
in both groups, was a source of concern, which
the two groups, except in the higher incidence of could sometimes be attributed to the conditions
strong tidal currents, night diving and cave div- placing other stress on the diver (e.g. depth, anxi-
ing in the fatalities. e gures, however, were ety, tidal current, deepest dive ever). In many more
small. Such adverse environments may a ect the cases, there was a voluntary decision to dive until
victim directly or may negatively in uence res- the tank was near reserve or ‘ran out’.
cue and resuscitation. One surprising feature was the failure in both
groups (8 per cent and 13 per cent) to reopen the
EQUIPMENT valve of the scuba tank a er initially testing the
In most fatalities, the equipment showed no tank pressure before the dive. us, even though
structural abnormality, and only in 20 per cent there was plenty of air in the tank, it was unavail-
were there signi cant or serious faults contrib- able other than to sometimes allow a rapid descent
uting to the fatality. is nding corresponded to a few metres. Only then was the diver aware that
with the reported incidence by the survivors further air was not available. In none of these cases
(18 per cent). was there a buddy check of equipment – breathing
Equipment faults were most frequently found near the water surface and checking the equipment
with buoyancy compensators and regulators (both before descent.
rst and second stages). In a smaller number of cases there was a failure
e incidence of equipment misuse was more to ensure that the cylinder tap was adequately
frequent but more di cult to ascertain in the turned on. Reducing tank pressure resulted in
fatality series – and it depends on one’s de ni- a restriction of air supply – sometimes obvious
tion (fatalities 43 per cent, survivors 38 per cent). only at depth.
Misuse of equipment included the use of exces-
sive weights (fatalities 25 per cent, survivors Buoyancy factors
27 per cent). It also included the failure to carry Buoyancy was frequently a vital factor in reaching
equipment that could have been instrumental in the surface and in remaining there as an uncon-
survival (e.g. buoyancy compensator, contents scious diver and being found, rescued and resus-
gauge, snorkel) – in 12 per cent and in 8 per cent, citated in time. e three major in uences on this
respectively. Di culties in using buoyancy com- are buoyancy compensators, weights and the com-
pensators were also frequent. panion (buddy) diver practice.

DIVING TECHNIQUE Buoyancy compensators

Various diving techniques contributed to the In the survivor group. the buoyancy compensa-
drowning incidents or in uenced rescue and sur- tor was in ated by the victim or rescuer (35 per
vival. ey included a compromised air supply, cent and 25 per cent) in twice as many cases as
buoyancy factors, buddy rescue and resuscitation in the fatality group (15 per cent and 16 per cent).
attempts. is  gure is even more relevant when the delay in
314 Why divers drown

producing buoyancy in the fatality group is consid- COMPANION DIVER PRACTICE, RESCUE
ered (see later). AND RESUSCITATION
In most cases of signi cant aspiration of water,
Weights rescue depends on rapid action undertaken by
ese weights were as shown in Table 25.3. either the victim or the companion (buddy) diver.
Although in 30 per cent of the fatality cases the Once a diver gets into di culty and is unable to
weights were ditched, in practice this was not as carry out safety actions by himself or herself, the
valuable as it sounds. In most of the instances in diver is heavily reliant on the buddy or dive leader.
which the rescuer ditched the weights, the victim e fatality and survivor populations were very
was probably no longer salvageable because of the di erent in this respect.
delay (see later).
e survivor group not only ditched the weights Fatalities
more frequently, but o en this was done by the In the fatality group, less than half the victims
victim. When it was done by the rescuer, it was had an experienced buddy available to assist them.
usually performed early in the incident. In 21 per cent of the fatalities, the dive was a solo
one. In 38 per cent, the diver had separated from
Buoyancy action by survivors his or her buddy, and in 12 per cent the diver
had separated from the group, before the serious
e fatality and survivor groups di ered in that
incident. us, a voluntary separation happened
the survivors more o en performed an action
in 50 per cent of the cases before the fatality. e
(ditching weights, in ating buoyancy compen-
separation was initiated in most cases because
sator) that resulted in their achieving positive
the victim could not continue (usually because of
buoyancy during and following the incident.
an LOA situation). e victim then attempted to
An interesting observation was made when
return alone, essentially making it a solo dive.
the victim and buddy were both in di culty,
e diver was separated from the buddy or the
usually based on an LOA/OOA situation. In the
group during the actual incident, and o en by the
ensuing situation, irrespective of whose problem
incident, in 21 per cent of cases. However, in almost
developed rst, the overweight diver tended to be
half of these cases, the separation was produced
the one who died, and the buoyant diver was the
because the diver was following the buddy or the
one that survived. In the 14 instances, the ratio
group. e others occurred during the ‘rescue’.
was 6:1.
us, separation made early rescue and resus-
All this gives support to the current instruc-
citation improbable. In 9 per cent, the victim was
tor agencies’ emphasis on buoyancy training,
swimming behind his or her companion or com-
although one could argue for its inclusion in
panions, and thus the victim was not visible to the
introductory courses more than in advanced
‘buddy’ at the time of the incident.
In summary, 80 per cent of the victims did not
have a genuine buddy, by virtue of their elected
Table 25.3 Use of weights among fatalities and diving practice. In fewer than 1 in 10 deaths was
survivors of drowning in divers there continued contact with the buddy or group
during and following the incident.
Fatalities Survivors e victims seemed agrantly to disregard
Weights (observed) (reported) the ‘buddy’ system – as did their companions,
Not worn 1% 6% the  organization that conducted the dive or the
Not ditched 66% 48% ‘dive leader’. Group diving conferred little value
Entangled 3% 2% because the ‘leader’ o en had insu cient contact
Victim ditched 10% 19%
with individual divers to be classi ed as a buddy,
and the responsibility of others was not clear –
Rescuer ditched 20% 25%
especially toward the last of the ‘followers’.
Conclusions 315

In only 20 per cent was the diver reached within is and reach the diver quickly. is implies some
5 minutes of the probable incident time, and thereby form of buddy responsibility. Once reached, the
have a real chance of successful resuscitation. In buddy divers seemed to be of considerable value –
another 12 per cent, the diver was recovered within implying good training or initiative in this aspect
6 to 15 minutes, and theoretically there was a slight of diver safety.
chance of recovery with these divers, had the rescue In recent years there has been a promotion of
facilities been ideal and had fortune smiled brightly. solo diving and reliance on oneself, as compared
Resuscitation was not a feasible option for most with buddy diving practices. e foregoing data
of the eventual fatalities, who were obviously dead indicate that the traditional buddy concept, cor-
or showed no response to the rescuers’ attempts, in rectly practised, is of more value.
9 out of 10 cases. is is explained by the excessive
delay in the rescue in most cases. CONCLUSIONS
Survivors ere are many lessons for recreational divers to
In the surviving group, most were rescued by their learn from the data now available, as well as from
companion. Some form of arti cial respiration or the diving medical experience and the regulatory
cardiopulmonary resuscitation was required in requirements of commercial diving, to reduce the
29 per cent of the cases. Oxygen was available and incidence of drowning with scuba. ey can be
used, usually in a free- ow system, in 52 per cent summarized as follows.
of cases. 1. Diver tness. Ensure both medical and physical
No speci c data were available on the buddy tness, so that there is no increased likelihood
divers assisting the survivors, other than the sub- of physical impairment or loss of consciousness
jective assessment of whether the survivor believed or di culty in handling unexpected environ-
the buddy to be of much value, as follows: mental stresses.
● e buddy was immediately available to the 2. Experience. Ensure adequate experience of the
survivor in 71 per cent of cases. likely dive conditions (dive under the supervi-
● e buddy was considered to be of assistance in sion of a more experience diver when extend-
58 per cent of cases. ing your dive pro le).
● e buddy supplied an independent air source 3. Equipment. Failure to possess appropriate
in 15 per cent of cases. equipment is a risk, but not as much as equip-
● e buddy in ated the buoyancy compensator ment failure and misuse. Misuse includes the
in 25 per cent of cases. practice of overweighting the diver, as well as
● e buddy ditched the weight belt in 25 per an overreliance on the buoyancy compensator.
cent of cases. 4. Environment. Hazardous diving conditions
● e buddy attempted buddy breathing in 4 per should be avoided, and one should use extreme
cent of cases. caution with tidal currents, rough water, poor
visibility, enclosed areas and excessive depths.
In 52 per cent of cases, the diver surfaced under 5. Neutral buoyancy (dive). Ensure neutral
control of the buddy. buoyancy while diving. is implies not being
e attitude toward buddy diving practice in overweighted and not being dependent on the
the survival group appeared to be very di erent buoyancy compensator.
from that in the fatality group. 6. Air supply. An inadequate supply of air for
e frequency of oxygen use probably repre- unexpected demands and emergencies may
sented a more sophisticated and organized diving convert a problematical situation into a dan-
activity, which may also be related to more consci- gerous one. It also forces the diver to experi-
entious buddy behaviour. ence surface situations that are worrying and
e axiom is that to rescue an incapacitated conducive to anxiety, fatigue, unpleasant
diver successfully, one must know where he or she decision making and salt water aspiration.
316 Why divers drown

Equipment failure is not as common a cause 3. Lippmann JM, Pearn JH. Snorkeling-
of LOA/OOA as is failure to use the contents related deaths in Australia, 1994–2006.
gauge and/or a decision to breathe the tank Medical Journal of Australia 2012;197(4):
down to near reserve pressure. 230–232.
7. Buddy diving. Use traditional buddy diving 4. Dueker C. Dueker CW Drowning Syndrome-
practice – two divers swimming together. Solo The Mechanism. Chapter 1. In: Dueker C,
diving, for the whole or part of the dive, is Brown S, editors. Near Drowning. 47th
much more likely to result in an unsatisfactory Workshop. Undersea and Hyperbaric
outcome in the event of diving problems. It Medicine Society. Kensington, Maryland:
is the divers who are committed to the tradi- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society;
tional buddy diving practices who are likely 1999.
to survive the more serious of the drowning 5. Edmonds C. A salt water aspira-
syndromes. tion syndrome. Military Medicine
8. Positive buoyancy (a er the incident). Positive 1970;135(9):779–785.
buoyancy is frequently required if problems 6. Zwingelberg KM, Green JW, Powers EK.
develop. Failure to remove the weight belt Primary causes of drowning and near
during a diving incident continues to be a drowning in scuba diving. The Physician and
major omission, and it must re ect on train- Sportsmedicine 1986;14:145–151.
ing standards. In most situations, unbuckling 7. Donald KW. Drowning. British Medical
and then ditching (if necessary) the weight Journal 1955;2:155–160.
belt is the most reliable course of action once 8. Tabeling BB. Near drowning. In: Carlston
a problem becomes evident. Buoyancy com- CB, Mathias RA, Shilling CW, editors. The
pensators cause problems in some emergency Physician’s Guide to Diving Medicine. New
situations, and not infrequently they fail to York: Plenum Press; 1984.
provide the buoyancy required expeditiously, 9. Neuman TS. Near drowning. In Bove
especially at depth. ey are of great value in A, Davis J, editors. Diving Medicine.
many cases – but they are not to be relied on. Philadelphia:. Saunders; 1990.
9. Buddy communication. If feasible, inform the 10. Edmonds C. Drowning syndromes: the
buddy before ascent. If correct buddy diving mechanism. South Paci c Underwater
practice is being carried out, the buddy will Medicine Society Journal 1998;28(1):2–12.
automatically accompany the injured or vul- 11. Mcaniff JJ. United States Underwater
nerable diver back to safety. Diving Fatality Statistics/1970–79.
10. Rescue. Employ the rescue, water retrievals, Washington, DC: US Department of
rst aid facilities (including oxygen) and Commerce, NOAA, Undersea Research
medical evacuation systems that were planned Program; 1981.
before the dive. 12. Mcaniff JJ. United States Underwater
Diving Fatality Statistics/1986–87. Report
ese factors di erentiate a drowning fatality number URI-SSR-89-20. Kingston, Rhode
from a successful rescue. Island: University of Rhode Island, National
Underwater Accident Data Centre; 1988.
REFERENCES 13. Edmonds C, Walker D. Scuba diving
fatalities in Australia and New Zealand: the
1. Walker DG. The investigation of critical human factor. South Paci c Underwater
factors in diving related fatalities. Published Medicine Society Journal 1989;19(3):104.
annually in the South Paci c Underwater 14. Edmonds C, Walker D. Scuba diving
Medical Society Journal 1972–1989. fatalities in Australia and New Zealand:
2. Edmonds C, Walker D. Snorkelling deaths the environmental factor. South Paci c
in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia Underwater Medicine Society Journal
1999;171:591–594. 1990;20(1):2–4.
References 317

15. Edmonds C, Walker D. Scuba Diving 18. Lippmann J, Baddeley A, Vann R, Walker D.
Fatalities in Australia & New Zealand. The An analysis of the causes of compressed-
Equipment Factor. South Paci c Underwater gas diving fatalities in Australia from
Medicine Society J. 1991;21(1):2–4. 1972–2005. Undersea and Hyperbaric
16. Edmonds C, Walker D, Scott B. Medicine 2013;40(1):49–61.
Drowning syndromes with scuba. South
Paci c Underwater Medicine Journal is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
1997;27(4):182–190. Carl Edmonds.
17. Divers Alert Network. Report on Diving
Accidents and Fatalities. Durham, North
Carolina: Divers Alert Network; 1996.
Other Aquatic Disorders

26 Seasickness (motion sickness) 321

27 Thermal problems and solutions 325
28 Cold and hypothermia 329
29 Infections 339
30 Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema 357
31 Trauma from marine creatures 367
32 Venomous marine animals 377
33 Fish poisoning 397
34 Underwater explosions 405
Seasickness (motion sickness)
Introduction 321 Drugs for general use 322
Symptoms 321 Drugs for divers 322
Aetiology 322 Treatment 323
Prevention 322 References 323

INTRODUCTION and electrolyte and acid-base imbalance, although

these latter and more serious manifestations usu-
Almost everybody is susceptible to motion sickness1. ally appear only in intractable seasickness during
In general, the population can be divided roughly long periods at sea. During this progression, there
into one third who are highly susceptible, one third is o en a waxing and waning of symptoms, espe-
who react only under rough conditions and one third cially before the actual development of vomiting,
who become sick only under extreme conditions. and vomiting itself o en brings temporary relief.
Although anyone with a normally functioning ves- Tolerance develops to a particular motion, and a
tibular system is susceptible, people who are totally person may become acclimatized to speci c condi-
deaf and have unresponsive vestibular systems are tions. If there is a change in the intensity or nature
very resistant. of the motion, the individual may again be sus-
In diving, two situations predispose to seasick- ceptible. Continuous exposure to constant condi-
ness. e rst is on the boat going to the dive site, tions usually produces tolerance within 2 to 3 days.
and the second is while the diver is in the water, par- Tolerance can also develop to repeated shorter
ticularly if attached to the boat, for example,  on a exposures. ere is a central nervous system
shot line during decompression. Most divers are less habituation to such a degree that a er the person
susceptible to seasickness while swimming underwa- disembarks and the motion is stopped, the person
ter than when they are on the boat. For this reason, feels that he or she is rocking at the frequency of
many divers hurry to enter the water a er exposure the original ship exposure.
to adverse sea conditions en route to the dive site. ere is considerable variation in susceptibility
Problems develop because divers are inadequately to seasickness. With increasing age individuals tend
prepared and equipped as a result of haste or from the to become more resistant, and at least one study
debilitating and demoralizing e ects of seasickness. suggests that girls and women are more susceptible2.
is susceptibility is said to result from a lack of
SYMPTOMS experience with the situations that produce seasick-
ness. Overindulgence in food and alcohol before
Usually, the rst sign of seasickness is pallor, exposure, and especially the night before, predis-
although this occasionally may be preceded by a poses to motion sickness. Both the number of meals
ushed appearance1. is may be followed by yawn- and their energy content correlate with susceptibil-
ing, restlessness and a cold sweat, o en noticeable ity to airsickness2. e position on board the vessel
on the forehead and upper lip. Malaise, nausea and can also be important, with least stimuli if the vic-
vomiting may progress to prostration, dehydration tim is amidships and using the horizon as a visual
322 Seasickness (motion sickness)

reference. Any attempt to read aggravates motion Commonly used antihistamines include cycli-
sickness. Psychological factors play a part, especially zine, dimenhydrinate, promethazine and cinnari-
with seasickness that develops before boarding the zine; and the most commonly used anticholinergic
vessel. Once one person becomes seasick, there is is hyoscine or scopolamine (whose most widely
o en a rapid spreading among others present. available preparation is a transdermal patch).
Various attempts have been made to compare the
AETIOLOGY e cacy of these agents, both within and between
the two classes. Graybeil and colleagues4 com-
Motion sickness is caused by a mismatch or con- pared drugs alone and in combinations. ey
ict of sensorineural information3. Normally, the found that the best combination was prometha-
vestibular stimuli are consistent with the visual zine hydrochloride 25 mg in combination with
and proprioceptive stimuli, all informing the 25 mg ephedrine sulphate. Scopolamine was the
brain of the position of the body – even when it is
most e ective single drug, but it was more e ec-
in motion. When the environment starts moving tive also when combined with ephedrine sulphate
as well, the information becomes con icting. e or d-amphetamine sulphate than as a single drug.
motion sickness occurs at the onset and cessation In  a trial reported by Pyykko and associates5,
of sensory rearrangements; when input of vision, dimenhydrinate was more e ective than one sco-
vestibular and proprioception is at variance with polamine patch and about equal to two and had the
the stored patterns of recent stimuli information.
advantage of needing a shorter period to become
e ective. Other studies place cyclizine and dimen-
hydrinate as equal in performance but suggest that
For boat passengers and sailors, acclimatization cyclizine reduced gastric symptoms and drowsi-
will develop if progressively increasing periods are ness6. Use of combined preparations (e.g. hyoscine
spent at sea. Otherwise, it usually takes 2 to 3 days and dimenhydrinate7) may be more e ective than
of continuous exposure to adapt to new condi- a single compound.
tions. e sources of vestibular and proprioceptive
stimulation should be reduced to a minimum. is Drugs for divers
usually means either lying down or being as still
as possible. Unnecessary head movements should e main problem for divers is that all these
be avoided. In small cra , staying along the centre drugs have some side e ects, and none are truly
line of the cra , toward the stern, incurs the least proven safe for diving. Antihistamines may cause
complex motion. Con icting visual stimulation dry mouth and drowsiness, whereas anticholin-
is reduced by keeping the eyes closed or by focus- ergics also cause dry mouth, variable levels of
ing on the horizon. Vulnerable individuals should sedation and occasionally blurred vision. e
de nitely avoid reading, and noxious stimuli such e ects on arousal leave open the possibility of
as smells should be avoided. an interaction between motion sickness drugs
and nitrogen narcosis. Another frequently cited
Drugs for general use concern is the question of whether there is any
interaction between the drugs and risk of oxy-
Most drugs for preventing and treating seasickness gen toxicity. ere has been limited investiga-
are either antihistamines or anticholinergics. is tion of these issues. In hyperbaric chamber dives
re ects the importance of histaminergic and cholin- to 36  metres, transdermal scopolamine was not
ergic transmission of neural inputs to the vestibular found to cause decrements in cognitive perfor-
apparatus, the solitary tract nucleus and the vomit- mance or manual dexterity8. Both scopolamine 9
ing centre itself. Drugs that target the chemorecep- and cinnarizine10 were found not to increase risk
tor trigger zone, such as the 5-hydroxytryptamine of central nervous system oxygen toxicity in rats.
antagonist ondansetron and the dopamine antago- Although not a trial in divers or diving, it is per-
nist droperidol, are not considered particularly haps notable that dimenhydrinate was found to
e ective in motion sickness. induce signi cant neurocognitive impairment
References 323

in volunteer subjects, whereas cinnarizine and Space, and Environmental Medicine

transdermal scopolamine were not11. 1995;66:537–541.
In electing to use anti–motion sickness agents, 3. Gordon CR, Spitzer O, Doweck I, Shupak A,
divers must accept that the safety case for use in Gadolth N. The vestibulo-ocular re ex and
diving has not been comprehensively made for any seasickness susceptibility. Journal of
drug. However, on balance (which includes consid- Vestibular Research 1996;6:229–233.
eration of the debilitating e ects of seasickness on 4. Graybiel A, Wood CD, Knepton J, Hoche JP,
divers who nevertheless enter the water), the  risk Perkins GF. Human assay of antimo-
versus bene t equation probably favours use of a tion sickness drugs. Aviation, Space, and
preventive agent in susceptible divers. At the present Environmental Medicine 1975;46:1107–1118.
time, the evidence suggests that use of a non-sedat- 5. Pyykko I, Schalen L, Jantti V. Transdermally
ing antihistamine such as cinnarizine or an anti- administered scopolamine vs.
cholinergic in the transdermal form (scopolamine) dimenhydrinate. Acta Otolaryngologica
is acceptable. Unfortunately, both these agents can (Stockholm) 1985;99:588–596.
be di cult to source in Australia and New Zealand. 6. Weinstein SE, Stern RM. Comparison of
Use of the sedating antihistamines (e.g. cyclizine) Marzine and Dramamine in preventing
or those shown to a ect performance signi cantly symptoms of motion sickness. Aviation,
(e.g. dimenhydrinate) should be avoided. Any drug Space, and Environmental Medicine
used for this purpose must be tried previously to 1997;68:890–894.
ensure that no untoward reactions occur. 7. Cooper C. Motion sickness a guide to
prevention and treatment. Medicine Today
TREATMENT 2000;1:50–56.
8. Williams TH, Wilkinson AR, Davis FM,
If a su erer is seriously ill or if vomiting has com- Frampton CM. Effects of transcutaneous
menced, the pylorus will be constricted, and oral scopolamine and depth on diver perfor-
drugs may not reach their site of absorption. e mance. Undersea Biomedical Research
drugs must be administered parenterally. Some 1988;15:89–98.
agents are suitable for intramuscular injection if an 9. Bitterman N, Eilender E, Melamed
intravenous line is not available. Su erers severely Y. Hyperbaric oxygen and scopol-
a ected by seasickness should not dive, and they amine. Undersea Biomedical Research
should lie down and try to sleep. A mild degree of 1991;18:167–174.
sedation is sometimes very helpful if the patient is 10. Arieli R, Shupak A, Shachal B, Shenedrey A,
being supervised by someone suitably quali ed. is Ertracht OD, Rashkovean G. Effect of the
can o en be achieved by use of an antihistamine that anti-motion sickness medication cinna-
is not only antiemetic but also sedating (e.g. cyclizine). rizine on central nervous system oxygen
Under these circumstances, a drug such as droperi- toxicity. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
dol in very small doses may also be helpful, but there 1999;26:105–109.
should be no diving if sedating strategies are used. If 11. Gordon CR, Gonen A, Nachum Z,
there is a prolonged period of interrupted oral intake, Doweck I, Spitzer O, Shupak A. The
intravenous uid and electrolyte replacement may effects of dimenhydrinate, cinnarizine,
be required; seagoing medical o cers have observed and transdermal scopolamine on perfor-
that the uid may be more important than the drug. mance. Journal of Psychopharmacology
is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
1. Money KE. Motion sickness. Physiological Simon Mitchell.
Reviews 1970;50:1–50.
2. Lindseth G, Lindseth PD. The relation
of diet to airsickness. Aviation,
Thermal problems and solutions

Basic temperature physiology 325 Diving in hot environments 327

Diver in shallow water 326 Diver in a recompression chamber 328
Deep diver 327 Further reading 328

BASIC TEMPERATURE PHYSIOLOGY losing heat is in warming material that enters

the body. Warming and humidifying air before
For a diver in the water or a pressure chamber, it reaches the lungs are continuous heat drains.
the heat transfers are o en greater than normally Ingestion of cool food and drinks plays only a
experienced on land. Most readers will not need small part.
a more detailed discussion of basic temperature A constant temperature is maintained if the
physiology. Any who do are advised to read any of production and loss of heat remain equal. e body
the basic or, if preferred, more advanced texts on can achieve this in a variety of ways. In a warm
the subject. environment, the amount of heat produced is set
With the exception of the animals that hiber- by the activity of the metabolic processes and the
nate, mammals require a relatively stable body tem- exercise undertaken. So, the production side of
perature to operate. For a person to be comfortable, the equation is xed. Heat loss to the environment
the deep body temperature must remain at about can be adjusted. It is in uenced by skin tempera-
37 ± 1°C. Temperatures above this initially cause ture, which is monitored by, and to some extent
sweating, and higher temperatures may lead to heat under the control of, the nervous system. If more
exhaustion, heat stroke and the potential for subse- heat needs to be lost, nervous stimuli will initiate
quent death from hyperthermia. Below the comfort peripheral vasodilatation, causing increased blood
range, shivering can progress to the various stages ow to the skin and more heat to be transferred.
of hypothermia, potentially leading to coma and If  still greater heat loss is needed, the body can
death. Hypothermia is covered in Chapter 28. sweat. e consequent evaporation cools the skin
Humans maintain their body temperature by and enables more heat to be lost.
balancing heat production and loss. Heat is pro- In a cold environment, if peripheral vasocon-
duced by the biochemical processes that convert striction and the subsequent reduction of blood
food to energy and waste products. Heat can also ow to the skin are insu cient to conserve heat,
be gained from the external surroundings. is more heat can be produced by muscular activity,
occurs in a hot climate or by touching, or being such as shivering. e main other methods of
exposed to, something that is warmer than the maintaining body temperature are behavioural
person; including the ingestion of food and drink. and include, for example, putting on or taking o
Most heat is lost from a warm body by trans- clothes and moving to a warmer or cooler place.
fer to a cooler environment. e other avenue of

326 Thermal problems and solutions

DIVER IN SHALLOW WATER previous exposure to cold, which generates a degree

of tolerance.
e temperature of the oceans range from −2°C Wetsuits are the most common protective
(28.4°F), which is the freezing point of sea water of clothing used in temperate water. ey are made
normal salinity, to a surface temperature in some from sheets of rubber that has gas bubbles injected
places of almost 38°C (100°F). In most regions, the into it as it solidi es. A surface layer of fabric gives
annual range of temperature in open ocean is less the rubber strength and protection. e fabric
than 10°C. is narrow range is caused by the high adds little to the insulation, which mainly comes
heat capacity of water that dampens the seasonal from the trapped gas bubbles. Some heat is also
change in temperature. e thermal environment conserved, especially with a well- tting wetsuit,
is usually predictable enough to allow precautions because the layer of water between the wetsuit
to be taken when diving. and the skin is trapped and warms up, thus help-
In most circumstances, the diver’s problem is to ing to reduce heat loss. Because the bubbles in the
maintain body heat. Cooling occurs because water rubber obey Boyle’s Law, their volume decreases
is a good conductor and has a high speci c heat. with depth, so the insulation diminishes as depth
For most dives in shallow water, an increase in increases (Figure 27.1).
insulation reduces heat loss to an acceptable level. Drysuits are made from a fabric-rubber com-
Increased insulation is also required for survival posite sheet. ey derive their name from the
during prolonged exposure to cold water. e intention that the wearer of the suit should remain
temperature at which extra insulation is required dry under the watertight barrier of the fabric.
depends on the duration of the dive, the heat pro- Because  of this, a warm layer of clothing can be
duction the diver can maintain and the diver’s worn, and a layer of air is trapped in the suit. As a
internal insulation. is internal insulation is gas space, the undersuit layer follows Boyle’s Law,
related to the amount of body fat carried and to the so gas must be added to the suit during descent

(a) (b)

Figure 27.1 Compression of a wetsuit under pressure. A piece of 7-mm (1/4-inch) Neoprene, initially at
1 ATA (a) and then at 4 ATA (30 metres/100 feet) (b). Note how much the Neoprene has compressed.
Diving in hot environments 327

and vented during ascent to preserve the insulat- boiler on the surface remains the most common
ing layer and control buoyancy. commercial diving system. is water is pumped
A wetsuit or drysuit provides adequate thermal down to the diver and circulates through the
comfort in relatively shallow water. e drysuit is space between diver and wetsuit.
the preferred option for colder, deeper and longer If the breathing gas is not heated, a deep diver
dives. A common problem with both suits is the can su er from dyspnoea induced by the cold gas.
loss of dexterity caused by cooling of the hands in is can manifest as substernal discomfort and
cold water. chest tightness that may spread to cover the whole
e insulating e ciency of these suits is demon- substernal area. e more important response for its
strated by a comparison of the likelihood of survival e ect on safety is the production of large amounts
of subjects immersed in water at 5°C. Without pro- of thick mucus that can plug the airways and equip-
tection, most would die within 3  hours. However, ment. With high heat loss, shivering may be uncon-
a thin man in a thick wetsuit would be expected trollable, and the diver may be unable to hold the
to  survive for up to 20 hours (see Figure  28.1 in mouthpiece. Rest and breathing warm gas cure the
Chapter 28). condition. Warming the inhaled gas prevents it.
Heat loss during immersion is much greater Dehydration is a hazard of diving with a heated
from some body surfaces than from others. Areas suit. One study showed that the level of dehydra-
of high heat loss include skin over-active muscles tion could be as high as 4 to 5 per cent of the body
and areas of the body with little subcutaneous weight of the diver. is is a level that can cause
fat. In cold water, a diver in a wetsuit will lose a decreased mental and physical performance.
substantial amount of heat from the head unless
it is appropriately insulated. e e ective insula- DIVING IN HOT ENVIRONMENTS
tion of hands presents a problem for long dives in
cold water, which cause loss of dexterity. Despite Hot water is a less common problem than cold,
the use of commonly available gloves, this can be a but cases of divers overheating have occurred. is
factor limiting performance unless active warming may happen when diving in water that is arti cially
is provided. heated, as in a power station. It can also occur if a
diver needs the protection of a drysuit when diving
DEEP DIVER in warm water because of a risk of disease. Some
divers, including police and maintenance or repair
A diver at substantial depth is generally breath- contractors, occasionally have to dive in sewerage
ing an oxygen-helium mixture from a supply of processing plants and other places with a high risk
dry gas. Because of the higher speci c heat of the of infection. ese divers can be at risk of overheat-
helium, extra heat is required to warm the gas. is ing caused by the thermal protection of the drysuit.
can cool the diver to an extent that requires the In some circumstances, a wetsuit with cooler
use of external heat to warm the gas. Norwegian water pumped down to it provides a satisfactory
commercial diving guidelines recommend that, method of maintaining body temperature. If  a
for dives deeper than 150 metres, the breathing drysuit is needed for protection, a cooling vest con-
gas must be warmed. Failure to warm the gas can taining ice pouches can be used to help prevent the
cause dyspnoea (see later). diver from overheating. It may also be feasible to
Various techniques of diver warming have circulate cold water through the vest to provide a
been investigated and/or used. ey include the longer period of tolerance.
use of electrical and chemical energy and even ere is also a risk of hyperthermia on the sur-
nuclear energy. Heat from the decomposition of face while waiting to dive, particularly if the diver
concentrated hydrogen peroxide or from other is in the sun, or if the diver exerts himself or
hydrogen catalytic reactions has been tested. herself. In this situation, a bucket of cold water
Drysuits with inner garments using aerogel poured over the diver, or a quick immersion to cool
materials have been shown to extend dive dura- o , is generally an adequate method of cooling the
tion greatly. However, hot water supplied from a diver. Deaths from heat stroke have occasionally
328 Thermal problems and solutions

occurred during military training when divers, to monitor temperature control with a helium-rich
wearing an insulating suit, were required to exer- atmosphere in the RCC closely. In any RCC, dehu-
cise. is is an entirely preventable condition if the midi cation is required if the RCC temperature is
supervisors are aware of the problem. warm.
e problems of humidity and overheating
DIVER IN A RECOMPRESSION are least with an RCC in which carbon dioxide is
CHAMBER removed by ushing the chamber with compressed
air. is also removes water vapour, and the diver
Problems with the heat balance of divers in recom- can keep cool by sweating.
pression chambers (RCCs) have caused deaths from
hyperthermia and di culties from hypothermia. FURTHER READING
In any RCC with a carbon dioxide absorbing
system, overheating may be a problem in a warm Crawshore LI, Wallace HL, Dasgupta S.
climate, and a method of cooling and dehumidi - Thermoregulation. In: Auerbach PS, editor.
cation is needed. If the carbon dioxide is removed Wilderness Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
by reaction with soda lime, water is produced, and Mosby Elsevier; 2007.
this is added to the water produced by the diver as Flynn ET. Temperature effects. In: Lundgren
sweat, thereby humidifying the air in the RCC. e CEG, Miller JN, editors. The Lung at Depth.
atmosphere becomes saturated with water vapour, New York: Marcel Dekker; 1999.
and the diver can no longer rely on sweating as a Larsson A, Gennder M, Ornhagen H. Evaluation
method of cooling the body. is situation leads to of a Heater for Surface Independent Divers.
an increase in body temperature. e problem is FOA Report C50094-5. Stockholm: National
compounded because, as temperature rises above Defense Research Establishment; 1992.
normal, the body produces more heat as the chem- Mekjavic IB, Tipton MJ, Eiken O. Thermal consid-
ical reactions in the body accelerate. erations in diving. In: Brubakk AO, Neuman
Because helium is a good conductor of heat, a TS, editors. Bennett and Elliot’s Physiology
diver in a helium atmosphere heats or cools more and Medicine of Diving. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
rapidly than in an air- lled space. In an air- lled Saunders; 2004:115-152.
RCC, a person in light clothes is comfortable in a Nuckols ML. Analytical modeling of a diver
temperature range from about 20°C to 30°C. For a dry suit with enhanced micro-encapsulated
diver in an oxygen-helium atmosphere, the thermal phase change materials. Ocean Engineering
comfort range is narrower and warmer than for a 1999;26:547-564.
diver in air. e acceptable temperature increases United States Navy. Report TA 04-16, NEDU
with depth because there is more helium in the TR 05-02. Panama City, Florida: Navy
atmosphere as the pressure is increased. A diver Experimental Diving Unit; 2005.
is comfortable at about 29°C at shallow depths, United States Navy. Report TA 04-04, NEDU
and this increases to about 34°C as the pressure is TR 05-08. Panama City, Florida: Navy
increased. ere is an associated narrowing of the Experimental Diving Unit; 2005.
temperature range in which a diver is comfortable, US Navy Diving Manual Revision 6 SS521-AG-
to less than 1°C. PRO-010 (2008). Washington, DC: Naval Sea
With this narrowing of the comfort range, Systems Command; 2008.
there is also an increase in the rate at which cool-
ing and overheating occur if the temperature goes is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
beyond the comfort zone. erefore, it is necessary John Lippmann.
Cold and hypothermia

Introduction 329 Gastrointestinal system 334

Initial reactions to immersion in cold water 330 Renal system 334
Cardiovascular responses 330 Liver 334
Respiratory responses 330 Locomotor system 334
Musculoskeletal responses 331 Cutaneous reactions 334
Signs and symptoms of hypothermia 331 Prevention of hypothermia 334
Mild hypothermia 331 Treatment of hypothermia 335
Moderate hypothermia 332 First aid 336
Severe hypothermia 333 Hospital care 336
System review 333 Methods of rewarming 336
Cardiovascular system 333 Prolonged immersion 337
Central nervous system 333 References 337

INTRODUCTION the drysuit and possibly the breathing gas may be

Immersion in cold water may result in a variety of Failure to maintain heat balance results in a fall
adverse events. In some cases, the exposure may be in body temperature. If this is mild (1°C to 2°C),
rapidly fatal as a result of cold shock. Victims who the diver feels cold and may shiver. is shivering,
survive this period may not be able to rescue them- and a loss of dexterity, may a ect delicate manual
selves because of a loss of motor power. Prolonged tasks. A continued loss of heat may cause the body
exposure raises the possibility of progressive hypo- temperature to fall to a level where the diver is
thermia, which can be exacerbated during time incapable of self-care and is liable to drown. At still
spent above water in exposed environments. lower body temperatures, death occurs even if
If heat loss from the body is greater than heat drowning is prevented.
production, then body temperature falls and hypo- Hypothermia is a common cause of death in
thermia is likely. In all except the warmest seas, marine disasters. None of the 1498 passengers who
divers must wear some form of thermal protection entered the water a er the sinking of the Titanic
to maintain a favourable balance between heat pro- survived. Although many could swim and had life
duction and heat loss to the water. As discussed in jackets, few lived longer than 40 minutes. Almost all
Chapter 27, a wetsuit generally provides adequate passengers in the life boats were saved. Figure 28.1
insulation for short exposures in tropical and tem- shows the relationship of expected survival time
perate water. In colder climates (and especially for with water temperatures. Curves of this type should
long exposures), a drysuit, which provides more be used with caution. For example, most would pre-
insulation, may be required. In prolonged expo- dict that people could not swim the English Channel,
sures in extreme conditions, active heating of but the swimmers do not take much notice.

330 Cold and hypothermia


Estimated maximum survival time (hrs)

Fat man
Thick wet suit

Thin man
Thick wet suit
Thin man
Thin wet suit

Naked man

0 5 10 15 20
Water temperature (°C)

Figure 28.1 Survival expectancy related to water temperature.

e realization that hypothermia was one of the Cardiovascular responses

most common causes of death of sailors during the
Second World War led to the development of cov- ere is an immediate increase in heart rate of
ered in atable life ra s and exposure suits that give about 20 beats/minute and an increase in cardiac
better protection in cold water. Information on all output. ere is a fall in peripheral perfusion as a
aspects of hypothermia, including some not con- consequence of vasoconstriction. Not surprisingly,
sidered in this discussion, is available in several these changes are accompanied by an increase in
reviews. Keatinge’s text is famous1. Other reviews blood pressure.
should be consulted by readers likely to deal with ese responses may explain some of the sudden
hypothermia in a clinical setting2–4. deaths. Swimmers with coronary disease are at risk
In this chapter the emphasis is on the clinical because of the simultaneous increase in cardiac work
features, prevention and treatment of hypothermia (tachycardia, increased preload and a erload sec-
as encountered by the diving physician. ondary to peripheral vasoconstriction) and decrease
in coronary perfusion (because of the tachycardia).
e second group at risk comprises those with cere-
INITIAL REACTIONS TO IMMERSION brovascular disease. e sudden hypertension may
IN COLD WATER trigger a cerebrovascular incident.
In many cases, good swimmers have died within a
few metres of safety a er short periods of cold immer- Respiratory responses
sion. Some workers postulated that these deaths were
caused by inhaling water, whereas others suggested e initial gasp on entering cold water may be
a cardiac aetiology. e Royal Navy studies in this followed by uncontrollable hyperventilation. ere
area were reviewed by Tipton5. He provided a range may be a 10-fold increase in ventilation; three- to
of rational potential explanations for these fatalities fourfold increases are common. is response can
based around a complex series of early physiological lead to water inhalation and drowning, which is
responses. Tipton divided them into several groups, more likely to occur in rough water or where there
which are summarized here. is a period when the head is immersed. e victim
Signs and symptoms of hypothermia 331

simply cannot hold his or her breath, so even a SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF
good swimmer may aspirate water. HYPOTHERMIA
A less obvious problem is that the hyperventi-
lation causes hypocapnia. Tipton5 cited a study in e degree of hypothermia that ensues a er
which the arterial carbon dioxide fell 12 mm Hg immersion depends on environmental and physi-
a er an iced water shower for 1 minute. He sug- ological factors.2,3,7 Environmental factors include
gested that this fall could cause enough reduction the water temperature and ow, the duration
in cerebral blood ow to explain the disorienta- of exposure, the insulating materials (e.g. fab-
tion and clouding of consciousness that has been rics, fat, grease) and the gas mixture employed.
noted. Physiological factors include somatotype, activity
Cold and hyperventilation can trigger broncho- during exposure, the degree of cold adaptation and
constriction in persons with asthma. In addition, the use of drugs that induce vasodilation or pre-
in physiologically normal subjects there is a shi vent heat-saving vasoconstriction.
in end-expiratory volume so that the subject is With rare exceptions, the lethal lower limit
breathing close to total lung capacity. is is an for humans has been 23°C and 25°C (rectal). e
ine cient form of respiration because the lung vol- e ects of hypothermia are set out in the following
ume is on an unfavourable part of its compliance paragraphs.
curve, and this will rapidly induce fatigue.
Figure  28.2 presents a more complete version Mild hypothermia
of possible cold shock responses.
e core temperature is in the range of 33°C to
Musculoskeletal responses 35°C. e victim is handicapped by the cold but is
breathing and fully conscious. e victim is prob-
Another crucial response to immersion in cold ably shivering and experiencing local reactions
water is a decrease in swimming performance. including the sensation of coldness in the extremi-
Tipton and colleagues6 had subjects swim at a ties. Numbness occurs as the peripheral sensory
range of temperatures. Only half could complete nerves are a ected. Vasoconstriction, particularly
a 90-minute swim in 10°C water. A decrease in in combination with immersion, leads to a cen-
stroke length and a reduction in distance travelled tralization of blood volume and a diuresis that can
for a given energy expenditure were observed in the cause dehydration.
subjects who did not complete the cold water swim. Di culty in performing co-ordinated ne move-
People with more fat over the arms fared better, a ments, in response to motor nerve involvement, may
nding suggesting that part of the decrease in per- result in a dangerous situation in which a diver can-
formance may have been caused by local cooling not e ectively manage a task or the equipment. is
rather than generalized hypothermia. In sudden loss of control because of cold hands may also be a
immersion in even colder water, a rapid deteriora- problem even in divers with normal body tempera-
tion of physical performance (before the onset of ture. Indeed, maintenance of hand function despite
signi cant hypothermia) has emerged as a crucial adequate ‘whole body’ thermal protection is one of
contributor to death by drowning because there the most challenging aspects of prolonged dives in
is a very limited time beyond which the victim is very cold water. In water near freezing, it is possible
physically unable to e ect self-rescue. to encounter situations where, despite the use of dry
gloves with insulating ‘under-gloves’, the diver is
warm but the hands are useless.
Immersion in cold water usually causes A major danger with mild hypothermia is that
● Tachycardia. lethargy and sluggish reactions may lead to an
● Hypertension. accident or drowning. Other local reactions, such
● Hyperventilation. as immersion foot and frostbite, are more applica-
● Rapidly decreasing muscle performance. ble to general and military medicine than to diving
332 Cold and hypothermia

Rapid skin cooling

Stimulation of
peripheral receptors

Gasp reflex and Peripheral Tachycardia

hyperventilation vasoconstriction
Inability pressure
Hypocapnia to hold
( arterial and
venous pressure)
alkalosis Inspiratory
Ventricular Work of
fibrillation Vessel heart
Serum and rupture
body fluid
Ca2+ Coronary
Dyspnoea blood flow
blood flow

Tetanic spasms accident
Cerebral ischaemia
hypoxia Swim

Inhalation irritability
of water
loss of Stimulation of
consciousness nasal and glottal

Drowning Vagal arrest

Figure 28.2 A more complete version of possible cold shock responses. ↑ increase, ↓ decrease.
(Adapted from Tipton MJ. The initial responses to cold-water immersion in man. Clinical Science

Moderate hypothermia e electrocardiogram (ECG) may show prolonged

Q-T intervals, and a J wave may be present. Nodal
With a core temperature between 30°C and 33°C, a rhythm, atrio-ventricular block, atrial brillation
diver is slow to respond or unconscious. Shivering and ventricular brillation can develop. Respiratory
is a variable response; if present, it o en ceases in frequency falls with the reduction in tissue oxygen
this temperature range and is replaced by mus- needs. Many of  the victims of maritime accident
cle rigidity. Heart rate and cardiac output fall. cases of hypothermia succumb at this stage because
System review 333

they are no longer able to contribute to their rescue, SYSTEM REVIEW

to keep swimming or even keep to their head above
water. A review of systems is performed3.7.

Severe hypothermia Cardiovascular system

e victim has a core temperature below 30°C. e initial stimulatory response to immersion
He or she is unconscious or semi-conscious, and in cold water is discussed earlier. Later, as tem-
muscle rigidity can be confused with rigor mor- perature falls, both chronotropy and inotropy are
tis. Respiration and pulse may be depressed or not reduced, leading to a reduction in cardiac output
detectable; indeed, respiration may be reduced to and blood pressure. Ultimately, cardiac arrest may
one to two gasps per minute. ere is a high risk occur at about 20°C (rectal) or earlier. Various
of ventricular brillation. Any electrical activity arrhythmias are common: atrial brillation occurs
on the ECG or electroencephalogram (EEG) is at about 30°C, and ventricular brillation usually
evidence of continued life. Bizarre ECGs should occurs below 25°C. e blood becomes more vis-
not be considered artefacts. In a eld situation, the cous, and because hypothermia reduces the e ec-
pupillary light re exes may be helpful, but their tive release of oxygen from haemoglobin, tissue
absence is not evidence of death. hypoxia may develop.
Recognition that severe hypothermia can ‘imi- In the past, it was emphasized that movement of
tate death’ has given rise to ‘ e Alaskan dictum’, the throat, limbs or chest during rescue or resus-
which states: ‘do not assume a patient is dead until citation could trigger ventricular brillation in a
he is warm and dead’. is may lead to unsuc- hypothermic heart. However, Larach9 presented
cessful attempts at revival, but this is preferable to data showing this to be a rare complication.
unnecessary deaths. e chilled brain has a greatly E ects of hypothermia on inert gas exchange in
increased tolerance to hypoperfusion, and remark- divers are sometimes raised as an issue, but it is
able recoveries have been recorded. For example, not clear that ‘hypothermia’ per se is required for
the paper by Gilbert and colleagues8 provided water temperature to in uence gas exchange. is
dramatic anecdotal support for the Alaskan dic- is largely a semantic argument, however. ere is
tum. ese workers reported the resuscitation of convincing evidence that becoming ‘cooler’ during
a victim with a core temperature of 13.7°C. A skier decompression is disadvantageous from a decom-
became trapped in an ice gully and was continu- pression sickness risk perspective when compared
ously ooded by freezing water. She struggled with remaining ‘warm’ during decompression
for about 40 minutes and was trapped for a fur- (see Chapter 12). is is probably because being
ther 40 minutes before she  was extracted and cooler results in reduced perfusion of peripheral
basic rst aid was started. is was replaced by tissues, with correspondingly impaired washout
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and positive of inert gas. Temperature may also in uence the
pressure ventilation with oxygen during a 1-hour solubility of inert gas in tissue, and a reduction
ight to hospital. Given advanced hospital care, in gas solubility in peripheral tissues during a hot
she has made a good recovery. Similarly, in her post-dive shower has been invoked as an explana-
review, Larach9 mentioned cases where survivors tion for contemporaneous onset of decompression
were neurologically intact a er more than 4 hours sickness symptoms in a small number of cases
of cardiac arrest associated with hypothermia. (see  Chapter  12). It is not certain whether these
symptoms were coincidental with the shower or
whether the temperature e ect was ‘causative’.
Clinical phases of progressive hypothermia:

1. Mild – 35°C to 33°C Central nervous system

2. Moderate – 33°C to 30°C
3. Severe – less than 30°C With a core temperature below 35°C, impairment
of speech, xation of ideas, sluggish reactions and
334 Cold and hypothermia

mental impairment occur. Depersonalization, Liver

amnesia, confusion and delirium are possible.
Unconsciousness may develop at about 30°C, and ere is a decrease in liver function that is prob-
by 27°C most re exes are lost. Exposure to cold ably a direct temperature e ect on enzyme activity.
initially causes re ex hyperventilation, but with As a consequence, metabolites such as lactate may
increasing hypothermia the respiratory centre is accumulate. Drugs accumulate because their clear-
depressed, and this contributes to hypoxia and ance is slowed or stopped.
As alluded to previously, hypothermia is neu- Locomotor system
roprotective and may be bene cial in cold water
drowning (assuming it did not cause the drown- Shivering is a heat-producing response to cold. It
ing in the rst place!). Indeed, an extensive exper- mainly a ects the large proximal muscles, but it
imental literature demonstrates hypothermia to also causes a loss of co-ordination and di culty
be neuroprotective in most carefully conducted in the performance of ne tasks. ere is a loss
in vitro and in vivo experiments. Harnessing this of muscle power. Swimming ability is decreased,
protective e ect for clinical bene t in humans has with increasing discomfort and fatigue. Apathy
been more problematic, although there are con- and euphoria may combine with fatigue to stop the
spicuous examples in which it is usually success- diver from taking appropriate action for rescue. As
ful. One is the use of deep hypothermic circulatory previously mentioned, the cooling of peripheral
arrest for certain thoracic vascular procedures muscles in very cold water can impair the ability
where simple cardiopulmonary bypass with or to self-rescue before the onset of signi cant core
without selective cerebral perfusion is not pos- hypothermia, which may lead to drowning.
sible. e mechanism of this protection is not
certain. Although it is widely assumed that it Cutaneous reactions
accrues from a reduction in the cerebral meta-
bolic rate for oxygen, hypothermia confers extra Any prolonged immersion results in so ening and
protection in experiments where cerebral electri- swelling of the skin, rendering it susceptible to
cal activity is already ablated by pharmacological injury and infection. is ‘washerwoman’s skin’ is
means. Other mechanisms have been proposed characterized by so ridges, especially over the tips
to explain such observations. For example, it is of ngers and toes.
thought that hypothermia may independently In cold water, there may be a sudden release of
suppress the release of harmful excitotoxins by histamine in susceptible persons that causes cold
hypoxic neurons. or allergic urticaria. In some cases the skin rapidly
becomes hot, red and oedematous. Symptoms may
Gastrointestinal system occur during or a er exposure. Occasional deaths
have been reported (see Chapter 42).
Some slowing of intestinal activity and retarda-
tion  of the rate of destruction of bacteria occur. PREVENTION OF HYPOTHERMIA
Paralytic ileus may develop in cases of severe
hypothermia. e most important and e ective means of prevent-
ing hypothermia during diving is wearing expo-
Renal system sure protection that is appropriate to the expected
water temperature and duration of the dive. Broadly
Cold and immersion initially cause an increase in speaking, exposure protection can be divided into
central blood volume and a diuresis. Hyponatraemia three categories: stinger suits, wetsuits and drysuits.
and hypovolaemia may follow. As  the temperature Stinger suits are usually made of Lycra or a
falls further, cardiac output and hence glomerular similar material and are intended mainly to pre-
ltration are reduced, resulting in decreased urinary vent skin contact with marine stingers. Although
output. some of the heavier materials have some insulating
Treatment of hypothermia 335

properties, stinger suits provide minimal ther- between breaths, is not advocated because of
mal protection, and their use is best restricted to the increased heat loss from the head.
warmer tropical waters. ● Do not swim unless very close to safety; groups
Wetsuits come in a variety of styles and thick- of survivors should remain huddled tightly
nesses. ey work on the principle that water enters together to conserve heat (and to give the res-
the suit but then is trapped and warmed, and heat cuers a larger target to nd). For completeness,
loss to the environment is subsequently prevented it should be mentioned that the literature is not
by the insulating properties of the Neoprene foam unanimous on this point, and the question of
of which the suits are made. is action relies sub- whether or not exercise causes an improvement
stantially on a snug t, which prevents circulation in the balance between heat production and
of water through the suit. e insulating proper- heat loss is highly nuanced. It is probably true
ties of the suit are determined by t, thickness to say that for an exposure where the eventual
and degree of body coverage; and various designs duration is uncertain (but potentially long), the
are made to be suited to conditions. in suits safest option is to avoid exercise.
(e.g. 3-mm Neoprene) with short legs and arms are ● Wear clothing to reduce heat loss. In particu-
designed for tropical use. ick suits (e.g. 7-mm lar, a hood or some other head protection is
thick, o en with overlapping layers) that cover the important in conserving heat.
entire body, including head, feet and hands, can be ● Avoid or delay immersion if any other options
used in cold temperate water, especially for short- are feasible.
duration dives.
Long-duration dives in temperate waters usually TREATMENT OF HYPOTHERMIA
require a drysuit. ese also come in various styles.
Some of these suits e ectively provide a waterproof It is desirable to obtain a measurement of the vic-
‘shell’ with little inherent heat insulation capa- tim’s temperature if this is possible. A rectal tem-
bility, whereas others are constructed of material perature should be obtained, and a low-reading
that provides some insulation. Nevertheless, in thermometer may be required. is is the best
both cases, it is the ‘undergarments’ chosen that measurement of those commonly used. Where it
largely determine the insulating properties of the is not possible to obtain a rectal temperature, the
combination. Heavier insulating undergarments tympanic membrane temperature is a useful mea-
that trap more still air between the diver and the sure that can be obtained with minimal distur-
drysuit shell are generally warmer. Some divers use bance to the patient or protective insulation, but
argon to in ate their drysuits (gas must be added it requires a special digital thermometer. Others
during descent) because of its low thermal capac- choose oesophageal temperature as their preferred
ity. However, several studies of this strategy have measure of deep body temperature2, but this is
failed to show a clear advantage over air. unlikely to be available in the eld.
In non-diving immersions (e.g. a er maritime In mild cases of hypothermia, removal from
accidents), hypothermia can be delayed or pre- the cold environment, protection from wind, the
vented by use of a variety of strategies: use of blankets and the use of hot water bottles in a
sleeping bag are all remedies that have worked and
● Wear a wetsuit or a survival suit to reduce heat may be all that is required.
loss. Shivering slowly restores body heat if further
● If wearing a life jacket, try to adopt a spheroi- heat loss is prevented. Heat loss from the head
dal position (foetal position), with the head should be minimized, as should evaporative heat
out of the water and the legs pulled up to the loss from wet clothing. In an exposed situation,
chest and the arms wrapped around the legs. two large plastic bags, one over the victim’s body
is has been referred to as the Heat Escape and one over an insulating layer such as a sleep-
Lessing Posture (HELP). It may increase the ing bag, have been recommended. is prevents
survival time by 50 per cent. ‘Drown-proo ng’, evaporative cooling as well as avoiding the need
where the victim rests with head under water to strip the wet clothes from the survivor. In an
336 Cold and hypothermia

unexposed environment, wet clothes should be Correction of ventricular brillation by elec-

replaced with dry clothes or an alternative (e.g. trical de brillation may not be e ective when
a blanket or sleeping bag), and the victim should the core temperature is below 30°C (or even
be protected from air movement as much as pos- until higher temperatures), but expert consen-
sible. When removing the clothes in patients with sus holds that de brillation should be tried up
moderate to severe cases of hypothermia, the gar- to three times no matter what the temperature,
ments should be cut to avoid excessive movement a er which (if unsuccessful) CPR should be
of these patients. maintained while rewarming continues11. When
e speci c treatment of serious hypother- 30°C is reached, further attempts at de brillation
mia includes measures discussed in the following should be made.
sub-sections. Although there are few relevant human data, it
is usually recommended that resuscitation drugs
are not administered until the victim is warmer
First aid
than 30°C. is is because these drugs are not
It is important to keep the patient horizontal thought to be particularly e ective in a very cold
during and following removal from the water, patient, and the drugs may accumulate with repeat
especially a er prolonged immersions. A rescue dosing (from delayed distribution and metabo-
basket, a stretcher or a double-strop system, with lism), resulting in a toxic picture once the patient
one loop li ing the patient under the arms and is rewarmed11.
another under the knees, can be used. is pre-
vents a sudden fall in blood pressure that can Hospital care
occur with the loss of hydrostatic pressure on the
legs10. ere have been cases where the patient was e victim with severe hypothermia needs hos-
alive and responsive in the water but apparently pital care during and a er rewarming. Most
dead by the time he or she reached a rescue heli- patients should be kept immobile, handled gently
copter a er being li ed in a vertical position. is and given supplemental oxygen. Intravenous u-
shock reaction is thought to be caused by blood ids should be warmed to at least body tempera-
pooling in the legs. ture. Although one animal study suggested that
centrally administered intravenous uid can be
as hot as 65°C12, expert consensus suggests that
The pulse may be dif cult to detect in a 42°C is a sensible maximum11. Intravenous uid
hypothermia casualty, and blood pressure infusion is not an e ective means of rewarm-
may be unrecordable despite the presence ing (the required volumes would be too high),
of tissue perfusion. but the goal of warmed uids is to avoid further
cooling with cold uid. A balanced electrolyte
solution (not normal saline), with supplemen-
If drowning has occurred, then CPR takes tal glucose if the patient is hypoglycaemic, is
precedence over the management of hypothermia, suggested. Administration of 500 ml at once
although any practicable steps should be taken to then 100  ml/hour is a simple guide to overcome
try to prevent further heat loss. Remember that haemoconcentration and possible shock as the
signs of life can be very di cult to detect in a peripheral vessels expand, but experienced clini-
hypothermic victim. A normal life support algo- cians will tailor uid administration to the needs
rithm and resuscitation algorithm should be fol- of individual patients.
lowed, but with some modi cation. Concern is
sometimes expressed over the potential for airway Methods of rewarming
manipulation to precipitate ventricular brillation
in a cold patient, but maintaining an airway and Rewarming should begin as soon as possible.
ensuring ventilation take precedence over such A  review of therapy stressed the shortage of trials
concerns11. comparing methods of rewarming patients with
References 337

moderate or severe hypothermia13. e choice of survivors were dehydration and mental issues. It is
rewarming method o en depends on the skills and not clear whether these mental problems stemmed
equipment available rather than on best evidence. from lack of sleep, anxiety related to the delayed
Some of the options are outlined here. rescue or severe dehydration16.
Most victims of mild hypothermia will recover Beckman and Reeves17 stressed that, in such
if they are allowed to rewarm passively with good patients, hypoglycemia, dehydration, haemocon-
thermal protection including blankets and caps. centration and adrenocortical stress response are
To speed the process, they can lie under a forced factors to be considered along with hypothermia.
air warmer and be disturbed as little as possible. is would suggest that uids with glucose may be
is seems to be the best rewarming treatment in needed, as well as heating, but how the warming
a small hospital. It is non-invasive, safe, easy to use should be administered in these patients is open to
and readily available14. ere has been previous question. Probably the best advice is to be prepared
advocacy for the use of graded temperature baths15. for complications.
An initial water temperature of 36°C, to reduce
the pain response and risk of atrial brillation, and REFERENCES
then an increase over 5 to 10 minutes to 40°C to
42°C, until the rectal temperature is above 33°C, 1. Keatinge WR. Survival in Cold Water.
has been recommended, but this approach has Edinburgh: Blackwell Scienti c Publications;
been omitted from more recent de nitive reviews11. 1977.
It is logistically di cult, and it is probably unnec- 2. Giesbrecht GG. Cold stress, near drown-
essary with the present wide availability of forced ing and accidental hypothermia: a review.
air warmers in hospitals. Aviation, Space, and Environmental
A forced air warmer is also a valid option for Medicine 2000;71:733–753.
active rewarming in patients with more serious 3. Short BH. Cold induced thermoregulatory
cases who are spontaneously breathing and have failure. 1. Physiology and clinical features.
a perfusing rhythm. For patients requiring resus- Australian Military Medicine 2000;9:29–33.
citation (circulatory and/or ventilator support), 4. Short BH. Cold induced thermoregulatory
the gold standard for active rewarming is cardio- failure. 1. Management and outcomes.
pulmonary bypass or extracorporeal membrane Australian Military Medicine 2000;9:88–90.
oxygenation. ese have the advantage of support- 5. Tipton MJ. The initial responses to cold-
ing circulation and ensuring adequate oxygen- water immersion in man. Clinical Science
ation in addition to rewarming. However, they are 1989;77:581–588.
extremely invasive procedures that require large 6. Tipton M, Eglin C, Gennser M, Golden F.
teams of expert sta , and they are available only Immersion deaths and deterioration in
at some large centres. Other relevant techniques swimming performance in cold water.
include warming and humidi cation of inspired The Lancet 1999;354:626–629.
gases and peritoneal and gastric lavage with 7. Serba JA. Thermal problems: prevention
warmed uid. and treatment. In Bennett P, Elliott D,
editors. The Physiology and Medicine of
PROLONGED IMMERSION Diving. 4th ed. London: Saunders; 1993.
8. Gilbert M, Busund R, Nilson PA, Solbø JP.
e problems of a diver who has been immersed Resuscitation from accidental hypothermia
for a long period have not been investigated in of 13.7°C with circulatory arrest. The Lancet
a systematic manner. It is known from rescues 2000;355:375–376.
of divers with adequate insulation that survival 9. Larach MG. Accidental hypothermia. The
for at least 24 hours can be expected. About one Lancet 1995;345:493–498.
third of the crew of the USS Indianapolis survived 10. Golden FS, Hervey GR, Tipton MJ. Circum-
for about 4 days in life jackets a er being sunk rescue collapse. Journal of the Royal Naval
near the Philippines. e main problems for the Medical Service 1991;77:139–149.
338 Cold and hypothermia

11. Soar J, Perkins GC, Abbas G, et al. 14. Koller R, Schnider TW, Niedhart P. Deep
European Resuscitation Council guidelines accidental hypothermia and cardiac
for resuscitation 2010 section 8. Cardiac arrest- rewarming with forced air.
arrest in special circumstances: electrolyte Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
abnormalities, poisoning, drowning, acci- 1997;41:1359–1364.
dental hypothermia, hyperthermia, asthma, 15. Hoskin RW, Melinyshyn MJ, Romert TT,
anaphylaxis, cardiac surgery, trauma, Goode RC. Bath rewarming from immersion
pregnancy, electrocution. Resuscitation hypothermia. Journal of Applied Physiology
2010;81:1400–1433. 1986;61:1518–1522.
12. Sheaff CM, Fildes JJ, Keogh P, Smith RF, 16. Herman JK. Survivor of the Indianapolis.
Barrett JA. Safety of 65°C intravenous US Navy Medicine 1995;86:13–17.
uid for the treatment of hypother- 17. Beckman EL, Reeves E. Physiological impli-
mia. American Journal of Surgery cations as to survival during immersion in
1996;172:52–55. water at 75°F. Aerospace Medicine
13. Rogers I. Which rewarming therapy 1966;37:1136–1142.
in hypothermia? A review of the ran-
domised trials. Emergency Medicine is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
1997;9:213–220. Simon Mitchell.

Local infections 339 Leptospirosis 351

Introduction 339 Pharyngoconjunctival fever 352
Aetiology 340 Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis 352
Sites of infection 341 Key West scuba divers’ disease 352
Speci c pathogens 345 Near drowning and pulmonary infection 353
General infections 349 Special environments 353
Swimming and diving in polluted waters 349 References 354
Vibrio vulni cus 350 Further reading 355
Schistosomiasis 351

LOCAL INFECTIONS e exact mode of penetration of the organism

into a body site depends on the interplay of several
Introduction factors involving water, pathogen and host. For
example, divers may lose the bacteriostatic ben-
A variety of pathogenic organisms may be e ts of cerumen, normal ora and acidic pH in the
encountered through contact with water. ese external ear with repeated immersion, thus predis-
include bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites. posing to external ear infections. Factors a ect-
Infection associated with swimming or diving ing host defences to permit infection by aquatic
may be acquired in a number of ways. Water- microorganisms include trauma, aspiration and
borne pathogens may enter the body through immunosuppression.
intact or damaged skin or through mucous mem- Marine bacteria were, until relatively recently,
branes. Common portals of entry include eyes, thought to cause few infections in humans. Since
ears, nose, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal or the 1970s, however, these organisms have been
genitourinary tracts. e infection may remain isolated from a variety of human infections. Such
localized to the site of entry or progress to severe, pathogens may obtain entry by trauma from coral,
systemic disease. rock or marine animal spines, teeth or shell or
e microscopic ora of water is determined from ingestion or aspiration of water.
by such factors as its proximity to human habi- e morbidity resulting from diving with
tation, the content of organic matter, pH, tem- certain pre-existing infections is perhaps more
perature, light, salinity, oxygenation and rainfall. important and certainly more common than
Some microorganisms are found naturally in infections directly caused by swimming or div-
water, others are periodically washed into water ing. ese infections are mainly those a ecting the
from soil and others favour the arti cially cre- respiratory system and may cause or complicate
ated environments of swimming spas, baths and barotrauma.

340 Infections

Upper respiratory infections render the su erer known to be potentially pathogenic for humans
liable to barotrauma of sinuses and/or middle ear (Table 29.1).
as a result of blockage of equalizing air passages e outcome of exposure to water-borne organ-
(see Chapters 7 and 8). Lower respiratory infec- isms depends on a number of factors. Factors relat-
tions, in which there may be bronchospasm, mucus ing to the organisms themselves include the causal
plugs and obstruction of smaller airways, may organism, inoculum size and virulence. Host fac-
predispose to gas trapping and pulmonary baro- tors include the site of inoculation, gastric acidity
trauma (see Chapter 6). (for gastrointestinal infection) and host immunity.
It has been suggested that the spread of respi- Interaction between the organism and host factors
ratory infections is enhanced by diving, and this determines the outcome of exposure, i.e. whether
does appear to be clinically so in some cases. infection occurs and, if it does, whether mild or
Sharing of regulators, or of drinking vessels on severe disease results.
dive boats, may be a cause of cross-infection. Many water-borne organisms that were previ-
Special problems of infection control arise in the ously considered non-pathogenic or of doubtful
closed environments of dive boats, saturation pathogenicity have been implicated as de nite
chambers, undersea habitats, submarines and pathogens, with some causing severe, even fatal,
hyperbaric facilities. disease. Certain species may be associated with
disease more o en. For example, Aeromonas
Aetiology sobria and Aeromonas hydrophilia cause most
clinically signi cant Aeromonas infections. Severe
Infections associated with the marine environment invasive disease caused by non-cholera Vibrio
and aquatic activities are common. e reasons are species is most commonly associated with Vibrio
the increasing use of water for recreational activi- vulni cus1. is organism can cause overwhelm-
ties and, unfortunately, increased sewage pollution ing septicaemia with rapid progression to death
of oceans and inland waterways. within 48  hours. Production of virulence factors
Infecting organisms are usually bacteria, but by  bacteria (e.g. cytolysins, proteolytic enzymes)
protozoa, viruses, fungi and helminths may also may be seen with some organisms and correlates
be involved. Sea water contains many bacteria with invasiveness and pathogenicity.

Table 29.1 Some potentially pathogenic bacteria found in water environments

Acinetobacter lwof Mycobacterium marinum
Actinomyces species Mycoplasma phocacerebralea
Aeromonas hydrophilia Plesiomonas shigelloides
Aeromonas sobria Proteus mirabilis
Alcaligenes faecalis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas species
Clostridium botulinum Salmonella enteritidis
Edwardsiella tarda Serratia species
Enterobacter species Staphylococcus aureus
Enterococcus species Staphylococcus epidermidis
Enterococcus faecalis Vibrio alginolyticusa
Erysipelothrix speciesa Vibrio cholera
Escherichia coli Vibrio parahaemolyticusa
Flavobacterium species Vibrio vulni cusa
Klebsiella pneumoniae
a More likely to be involved in marine acquired infection.
Local infections 341

Host factors may potentiate the development of halophilic or marine Vibrio organisms are
of infection. Severe or even fatal infections caused frequently involved.
by V. vulni cus predominantly occur  in immu- A vivid illustration of the potential for introduc-
nosuppressed persons, e.g. those with  chronic tion of infection is a study of the teeth of a great white
renal disease or liver disease (particularly alco- shark, which were found to harbour potentially
holic liver disease) or those receiving immuno- pathogenic species of Vibrio, Staphylococcus and
suppressive therapy. A strong relationship is seen Citrobacter. Swabs of shark bite injuries have grown
with haemochromatosis, and fulminant infec- Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Aeromonas caviae, Vibrio
tion also predominantly occurs in male patients; alginolyticus, Vibrio carcharia and A. hydrophila,
female hormones are thought to be protective among others. A. hydrophila and A. sobria wound
against the Vibrio endotoxin1. Severe infections infections have followed diving in polluted waters.
in otherwise healthy individuals are not com- Aeromonas species can cause severe progres-
mon, but they do occur frequently enough to sive wound infections with cellulitis leading to
cause concern. osteomyelitis.
In the external ear and elsewhere in the body, Marine-acquired wound infections range from
environmental factors such as prolonged immer- mild local in ammation, cellulitis, lymphadenitis
sion resulting in skin maceration or high humid- and abscess formation to severe spreading infec-
ity aid bacterial proliferation and penetration even tion with systemic e ects and even septicaemia.
through intact skin. Bacteria have been shown to e more severe infections are o en associated
survive longer in moist skin and may then gain with V. vulni cus or Aeromonas.
entry following relatively minimal integumentary
damage. e so ened, macerated skin of immer- Treatment
sion is, of course, more prone to damage from Wounds should be thoroughly cleaned and
minor trauma. débrided of devitalized tissue and foreign material.
is may require local or general anaesthesia.
Signi cant local manifestations such as celluli-
Sites of infection tis and lymphangitis indicate the need for a broad-
spectrum systemic antibiotic (e.g. doxycycline,
As with most infective diseases, aquatically derived
co-trimoxazole) a er a swab is taken for culture
infections are generally categorized according to
and sensitivity. In such cases, bed rest, elevation
the apparent site of entry of the organism.
of the a ected limb and other general support-
ive measures are also required. e potential for
WOUND INFECTIONS infection in relatively minor wounds to progress to
Integumentary trauma is a common association catastrophic sepsis relatively quickly should always
of aquatic activities, be they recreational or occu- be borne in mind by those caring for patients
pational. Skin abrasions or cuts caused by con- wounded in aquatic environments. Signs of sys-
tact with coral, rocks, jagged metal on wrecks temic infection should prompt early institution
and sh spines or teeth are common. Organisms of intravenous antibiotic therapy and referral for
subsequently isolated may be found in sea water de nitive care.
or are normal human skin ora. ey include Wounds sustained in or out of the water,
Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic streptococci, including ulcerations resulting from poorly t-
Vibrio organisms, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, ting ns, are notoriously slow to heal in divers who
and Bacillus. Although potential pathogens may spend considerable time in the water. Secondary
be present either in the water or in the skin, many infection is common and is aided by so ening and
marine infections arise because the pathogen is maceration of the skin from immersion, as well as
part of the normal ora of the agent producing by swimming in contaminated water. A prolonged
the trauma, such as coral (see later), sh spines period of time out of the water with frequent dress-
or seashells. In this context, various species ings with antiseptic powder or ointments may be
342 Infections

required to achieve healing. Prompt drying a er Prevention

immersion and taping or other protection of Coral cuts can be avoided by the use of protective
vulnerable cha ng areas may be of prophylactic clothing, gloves and swim ns with heel covers and
value. prompt treatment of minor abrasions. Good train-
ing in buoyancy control for divers also prevents
damage to the coral.
is speci c wound infection deserves separate
mention because it is so common and potentially OTITIS EXTERNA
troublesome. Corals frequently cause lacerations
and abrasions to inexperienced divers. ese inju- Although otitis externa occurs without indulging
ries may initially appear minor, but because of for- in aquatic activities, swimming increases the risk
eign material such as pieces of coral, nematocysts about three to ve times. In divers, external ear
and infected coral secretions, they o en become infection is one of the most common and trouble-
in amed and infected. some disorders encountered, particularly in tropi-
cal environments.
Clinical features
e laceration, usually on the hand or foot, causes Aetiology
little trouble at the time of the injury. Some hours Hot, humid conditions such as in tropical cli-
later there may be a ‘smarting’ sensation and a mates or recompression chambers provide ideal
mild in ammatory reaction around the cut. is conditions for relevant organisms. Retention of
may result from the presence of discharging nema- uid within the external auditory canal following
tocysts. In the ensuing 1 to 2 days, local swelling, immersion, particularly in contaminated water,
erythema and tenderness develop around the site. adds to the risk. Exostoses, which are common in
Usually this abates in 3 to 7 days. swimmers and divers, predispose to retention of
Occasionally, an abscess or ulcer forms and cerumen, epithelial debris and water. Local trauma,
discharges pus. is can become chronic, and such as attempts to remove cerumen by cotton
osteomyelitis of the underlying bone has been swabs or syringing, are o en associated with sub-
reported. Cellulitis may also occur. Fever, chills, sequent infection. Swimmers with dermatological
arthralgia, malaise and prostration occur in some conditions, such as seborrhoea, neurodermatitis
cases, suggesting a severe bacterial infection. and eczema, have an increased incidence.
Healing may take months to years if complica- e bacterial ora is usually mixed, with
tions ensue. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus and Proteus spe-
cies predominating. Less commonly, diphtheroids,
First aid Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, Aspergillus
e wound should be thoroughly cleaned using a niger and Candida albicans are involved.
so brush and a mild antiseptic solution. All for-
eign material should be removed. ese measures
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common
incur some discomfort to the patient and may
organism found in otitis externa in divers.
necessitate the prior use of topical or injected local
Prolonged exposure to water (especially warm
Treatment water) changes the healthy ear ora from gram-
A er cleaning, the wound should be dressed with positive cocci and diphtheroids to gram-negative
a so absorbent dressing. Antibiotic ointment bacilli, and this change o en precedes the acute
several times daily (e.g. mupirocin [Bactroban]) symptoms of otitis externa. In divers, P. aeruginosa
is e ective if applied early. Systemic antibiot- is probably the most frequently associated organ-
ics are indicated if there are signs of local or sys- ism in otitis externa. e external ear canal pro-
temic spread of infection. Tetanus prophylaxis is vides an environment particularly conducive
advisable. the growth of this organism. e organism can
Local infections 343

also be found in fresh water lakes, some of which days in a tropical environment). Acetic acid–based
are associated with a high risk of infection to preparations are also useful for this purpose and
swimmers. have been shown to reduce the incidence of otitis
Pseudomonas, Escherichia species and fungi are externa during saturation dives, an incidence that
the most common pathogenic organisms in satura- otherwise approaches 95 per cent. Glacial acetic
tion diving environments, where there is commonly acid 5 per cent in propylene glycol is very e ective,
a high ambient temperature and relative humid- as is 5 per cent acetic acid in 85 per cent isopropyl
ity. Other marine bacteria causing otitis externa alcohol (Aqua Ear).
include Achromobacter xylosoxidans, E. coli and Otitis externa can be a major problem in satu-
Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus and Vibrio species. ration diving and on long-duration diving expe-
ditions, but active prophylaxis can signi cantly
Clinical features reduce the incidence. Diligent adherence to a pro-
e infection may be either circumscribed (furun- phylactic regimen of drying and appropriate drops
cle) or di use. Symptoms include itching or pain in applied a er every dive is the key to avoiding this
the ear made worse by jaw movements and traction problem.
on the tragus. Examination reveals localized ten-
derness, moist debris in an oedematous and ery- OTITIS MEDIA
thematous external canal and possible conductive is infection is not nearly as common as otitis
hearing loss. e eardrum may not be visualized. externa, but it may occasionally complicate middle
Regional lymphadenopathy and, rarely, a purulent ear barotrauma (see Chapter 7), especially when
discharge may be present. Divers may complain of the barotrauma follows an acute upper respiratory
vertigo resulting from obstruction of one ear canal infection (Case Report 29.1). e most commonly
and the consequent unequal ingress of cool water involved organisms are haemolytic streptococci,
on one side compared with the other. is e ec- pneumococci or staphylococci. A severe case of
tively elicits a transient ‘caloric’ response. suppurative otitis media in a diver that was caused
by V. alginolyticus has been reported. is patient
Treatment had a long history of upper respiratory infections
Management consists of analgesia with topi- and otitis media since childhood but continued to
cal and/or oral analgesics and gentle cleaning dive in warm sea water. ese or other mixed ora
of the canal. is should be followed by antibi- gain entry to the middle ear via the Eustachian
otic steroid ointments, which should completely tube or less commonly through a perforation of the
ll the ear canal or be impregnated in a wick, or tympanic membranes as a result of the middle ear
regularly applied antibiotic drops. Cipro oxacin- barotrauma. e presence of water, uid or blood
hydrocortisone ear drops may be useful for provides a culture medium. Clinical features and
Pseudomonas otitis externa. Antifungal agents management are similar to those of other causes
are o en included in these preparations. Systemic of otitis media, except that the condition is typi-
antibiotics may be required. Patients with severe cally noted 4 to 24 hours a er diving. Otitis media
or unresponsive cases should have culture and is usually treated with systemic antibiotics.
sensitivity tests to aid antibiotic therapy. Diving
should cease until the condition has cleared. SINUSITIS
Acute sinusitis is also a recognized infection in
Prevention divers. e aetiology, clinical course and bacte-
e ears should be rinsed with fresh water to riological ndings are similar to those of otitis
remove salt water or contaminants. Salt crystallizes media. It sometimes follows sinus barotrauma
on drying in the ear canal and, being hygroscopic, (see Chapter 8).
retains moisture. Alcohol-based drops routinely Chronic sinusitis is a possible long-term occu-
instilled in the canal following every dive to ensure pational disease of divers. e potential contribu-
adequate drying are strongly recommended in tion of dental disease to maxillary sinusitis should
high-risk settings (e.g. multiple dives over multiple not be overlooked. Orbital cellulitis, with the
344 Infections


AM had been diving intermittently for some years. He had mild symptoms of a ‘cold’ but was able to
equalize his ears satisfactorily and so went ahead with the planned dive. He was unable to descend
beyond 5 metres because of pain in both ears and inability to autoin ate. After surfacing, the pain
subsided, but otoscopic examination revealed grade 3 aural barotrauma in the right ear and grade 2
in the left. A few hours after the dive, he developed increasingly severe pain in the right ear, which was
accompanied by tinnitus and later pyrexia. On examination, his temperature was 38.2°C, and the tym-
panic membrane appeared lustreless and erythematous with an outward bulge. Audiometry revealed
mild conductive hearing loss in the right ear. The administration of antibiotics and decongestants
resulted in symptomatic improvement in 24 hours. Seven days later, the appearance of both tympanic
membranes was normal, as was the audiogram.
Diagnosis: otitis media complicating middle ear barotrauma.

infection extending from the sinus, has also been infection or disease in normal hosts. An exception
observed. is is a medical emergency requiring to this is infections with Shigella species, which
intensive antibiotic therapy. may occur with ingestion of as few as 10 to 100
organisms. Gastric acidity is an important host
EYE defence. In people taking antacids or with achlor-
Keratitis caused by P. aeruginosa has been reported hydria, the infective dose of organisms is consider-
following exposures similar to those resulting in ably lower.
pseudomonas folliculitis (see later). P. aeruginosa e most severe form, with profuse watery diar-
has also been associated with corneal ulcer and rhoea and dehydration and prostration, is caused
endophthalmitis. by  Vibrio cholerae. Non-cholera Vibrio species,
V. alginolyticus has also been reported to cause found in sea water, can also cause gastroenteri-
conjunctivitis1, as has Chlamydia following swim- tis with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and
ming in certain lakes. abdominal pain.
Keratitis caused by Acanthamoeba has been Other bacteria also found in water, and associ-
associated with exposure of the eye to contami- ated with gastroenteritis, include Bacillus cereus,
nated water (e.g. hot tubs), especially in wear- E. coli, Salmonella species and Campylobacter jejuni.
ers of contact lenses. is organism is ubiquitous Severe infections have occurred following
in aquatic environments, and more cases may be consumption of shell sh, oysters and sh con-
expected. Treatment is with oral ketoconazole and taminated with marine organisms, especially
topical miconazole or neomycin or propamidine V.vulni cus (see later).
isethionate. Surgery such as keratoplasty or even Swimmers in fresh water are also at risk of pro-
enucleation may be required in complicated cases. tozoan parasites such as Giardia lamblia, Naegleria
fowleri and Cryptosporidium parvum.
Gastrointestinal infection may result from inges- GENITOURINARY INFECTIONS
tion of water containing pathogenic organisms e increase in diving in cold environments and
while swimming. It is also a common complica- in prolonged technical dives has almost certainly
tion of drinking untreated water during travel to resulted in the increased use of drysuits. ese are
remote locations on diving trips. inconvenient if the user needs to urinate during
For such infections, the size of inoculum is the dive unless the diver is tted with a so-called
important. For example, an inoculum of less ‘pee valve’, in which case the male user wears a
than 100 bacteria is unlikely to cause signi cant ‘uritip’-type condom connected to a drain tube
Local infections 345

and valve that can be opened to the water. ere Clinical presentations
are also adaptors that allow female divers to use a ese include wound infection, gastroenteritis,
pee valve. is allows urination during diving. cellulitis, fasciitis, septic thrombophlebitis, vascu-
ere have been several case reports of div- litis, conjunctivitis, otitis externa, otitis media and
ers developing urinary tract infections and early septicaemia.
signs of urosepsis resulting from Pseudomonas A case of endometritis following sexual inter-
infections that probably arose from growth of the course while swimming in sea water known to
organism in inadequately washed drain tubes and harbour V. vulni cus has been reported (Case
consequent introduction of the organism to the Report 29.3), again indicating the virulent nature
urethra2 . Divers using these devices need to pay of this organism.
careful attention to cleaning them with an antisep-
tic a er use and to ushing them again with anti- Diagnosis
septic solution immediately before use.
ere must be a high index of suspicion in the pres-
ence of signs of sepsis early a er wounding in the
Speci c pathogens
marine environment. Microscopy and culture of
VIBRIO wounds and blood should be undertaken, using
appropriate media for marine organisms.
e genus Vibrio (gram-negative bacillus) are
so-called ‘halophilic’ organisms that tend to live
in marine or brackish water but have also been
reported from inland waterways1. Vibrio species In severe infections, surgical débridement and
are well known human pathogens, with the most broad-spectrum antibiotic administration before
famous (V. cholerae) being the causative agent con rmation of the organism may be necessary.
for cholera. Several other species of Vibrio cause Tetracyclines in combination with gentamicin or
infection in humans. All are indigenous to marine one of the third-generation cephalosporins such
environments and are natural ora of shell sh as ce riaxone, or a uoroquinolone such as cipro-
(Table 29.2). ey thrive in warmer temperatures. oxacin, may be appropriate. It is generally recom-
V. vulni cus is the most virulent and is capable mended that empirical therapy be commenced in
of causing severe rapidly progressive wound infec- suspected systemic infections while awaiting the
tions, gastroenteritis and severe systemic illness in results of antibiotic sensitivity testing. Early and
swimmers and divers. aggressive treatment reduces the risk of progres-
Other vibrio organisms, such as V. alginolyti- sion to life-threatening complications.
cus, have also been seen in marine wound infec-
tions (Case Report 29.2), but they do not seem to be ERYSIPELOTHRIX
as invasive as V. vulni cus. Nevertheless, a case of Infections (erysipeloid) with the gram-positive bacil-
epidural abscess caused by this organism has been lus Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae or Erysipelothrix
reported, manifesting 3 months a er an open head insidiosa are found worldwide. Abrasions resulting
injury incurred diving in sea water. Vibrio damsela from contact with sh, shell sh, meat or poultry
wound infection has followed injury from a sting- may lead to the infection, which is usually limited
ray barb. to the skin. In the marine context, this organism

Table 29.2 Pathogenic marine Vibrio organisms causing wound and other infections
Vibrio vulni cus Wound infection, cellulitis, septicaemia, pneumonia,
meningitis, endometritis, peritonitis, gastroenteritis
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Otitis, conjunctivitis, osteomyelitis, gastroenteritis
Vibrio alginolyticus Cellulitis, Epidural Abscess, Otitis, Pneumonia
Vibrio damsela Septicaemia, otitis
(Non-01) Vibrio cholerae Gastroenteritis, wound infection
346 Infections


A 20-year-old man struck his forehead on a submerged object while diving off a platform along the
coast of Guam. He sustained an 8-cm laceration and lost consciousness for 2 minutes after the inci-
dent. The laceration was repaired, and x-ray studies were taken that revealed a comminuted fracture
of the frontal bone extending through the frontal sinus, with minimal depression of the fragments.
A computed tomography scan showed the fracture site but no other evidence of intracranial disease.
The patient underwent frontal craniotomy with exenteration of the frontal sinus and realignment of
the frontal bone fragments 3 days after the accident. Results of bacterial cultures of the subdural and
epidural spaces were negative. The patient did well post-operatively, but he did experience cerebro-
spinal uid rhinorrhea.
The patient remained asymptomatic for 3 months until intermittent fever and headache devel-
oped. A repeat computed tomography scan revealed a displaced frontal fracture site, as well as
a large epidural uid collection. Physical examination was completely normal other than the bony
defect. Laboratory studies showed only that spinal uid cultures were negative.
In the operating room, osteomyelitis of the frontal bone was noted. The entire frontal plate of
involved bone was excised. A 25-ml collection of purulent material was recovered from the epidural
space. Gram stain of this material revealed pleomorphic, curved, gram-negative rods.
The aerobic culture of the epidural space and frontal bone tissue revealed heavy growth of Vibrio
alginolyticus in a pure culture.
The patient was treated with a 4-week course of intravenous chloramphenicol at a dosage of 50 mg/
kg per day without complication. The patient recovered without neurological sequelae and was dis-
charged without medication other than phenytoin for seizure prophylaxis. The patient was seen in
follow-up 6 months later and was completely asymptomatic (From Opal SM, Saxon JR. Intracranial
infection by Vibrio alginolyticus following injury in salt water. J Clin Microbiol 1986;23:373–374.).


A 32-year-old woman presented with a 24-hour history of severe pelvic pain described by the patient
as ‘worse than having a baby’. She also complained of right lower quadrant pain, low back pain and fre-
quent urination with burning and constant cramping. On physical examination, the patient appeared
to be ‘toxic’ with a temperature of 38.4°C. Her lungs were clear, and her abdomen was non-tender.
On pelvic examination, there were no external lesions, but a non-bloody, purulent vaginal discharge
was noted. The uterus was also very tender. An intrauterine device, which had been in place for 1 year,
was removed through the cervix and sent to the microbiology laboratory for aerobic culture.
The patient initially received 4.8 × 106 units of benzyl penicillin (penicillin G) in divided doses intra-
muscularly. She also received oral doxycycline, 100 mg per day for 14 days. Two days later, she was
much improved with little discomfort.
After isolation of Vibrio vulni cus from this unusual site (endocervix), the patient was interviewed
as to possible sources of exposure to this marine bacterium. The patient had not eaten any seafood in
the 2 weeks before the onset of symptoms. However, about 18 hours before the onset of pelvic pain
she had been swimming in Galveston Bay and had engaged in sexual intercourse while in the water.
V. vulni cus has repeatedly been isolated from Galveston Bay, with a peak incidence during peri-
ods of warm temperatures and moderate salinities (From Tison DL, Kelly MT. Vibrio vulni cus endo-
metritis. J Clin Microbiol 1984;20:185–186).
Local infections 347

may be involved in skin infections a er contact and covered by the suit. e wetsuit, which provides
wounding with crustaceans, coral, marine mam- optimal conditions for P. aeruginosa, was shown
mals and sh. to  be the source of the organism in at least one
Clinical features
ese conditions are usually self-limiting in
ere is a history of skin injury, which may appear 1 to 2 weeks, but pustules or abscesses may recur
to heal during a 1- to 7-day latent period. en a for several months. Cultures of skin lesions and
sharply de ned purplish-red area spreads outward environmental source reveal the same serotype of
from the injury site, which becomes indurated. P. aeruginosa.
ere is an associated itch, pain or burning sensa- Prevention requires improved disinfection and
tion. Oedema develops, and adjacent joints become drying of diving suits.
sti and painful. Regional lymphadenitis or sys- Treatment is usually symptomatic, but in severe
temic manifestations such as endocarditis have cases, systemic antibiotics may be required. is
been reported but are rare. Secondary infection infection can be troublesome because Pseudomonas
may result in abscess formation. is resistant to many antibiotics. Fluoroquinolones
Prevention and treatment such as cipro oxacin and aminoglycosides such as
gentamicin are usually e ective.
All small marine cuts and injuries should be thor-
oughly cleaned and treated actively with antisep- TRICHOPHYTON
tic solutions. De nite lesions are best treated with Tinea pedis dermatophytosis, caused by a Tricho-
local antibiotic powder or ointment and systemic phyton species or Epidermophyton occosum, is
penicillin or tetracycline. common in swimmers and divers because of such
PSEUDOMONAS factors as moist environment, bare feet on wet
P. aeruginosa has been previously mentioned as a decks and oors of communal showers. It is usu-
ally of nuisance value only, but secondary infection
common cause of otitis media. Although it is not
known to survive in salt water, this organism may may lead to lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
persist for a long time in fresh water. It thrives in a Treatment with a topical imidazole agent or ter-
warm, moist environment. bina ne is e ective. Occasionally, systemic griseo-
fulvin or terbina ne is required.
Pseudomonas folliculitis
is condition, also known as ‘splash rash’, is usu-
ally seen a er exposure to whirlpools, spas and hot Pityriasis versicolor caused by Malassezia furfur
tubs, but it has also been described a er swimming becomes obvious in swimmers and divers because
pool exposure. of their exposure to sunlight when the small,
A papulo-pustular eruption develops some patchy areas fail to tan evenly.
8 to 48 hours a er exposure to a recirculating Treatment is usually sought for cosmetic reasons
water environment. e lesions may be pruritic only, and it includes topical fungicides, imidazole
or even tender and usually occur on the axillae, creams and lotions. Rarely, systemic terbina ne
groin, trunk and buttocks. Fever, malaise, dizzi- may be required. Although this treatment eradi-
ness, headache, sore eyes and throat and regional cates the infection, the areas of discoloration may
lymphadenopathy may develop. persist for many months.
Pseudomonas urethritis and keratoconjunctivi-
tis have also been reported following immersion
in whirlpools or spas, as well as in drysuit divers is acid-fast atypical tuberculous bacillus
(see earlier). Mycobacterium marinum (previously also called
Mycobacterium balnei) is the cause of cutaneous
Diving suit dermatitis granulomata that have been called ‘swimming pool
Several similar cases have been reported in divers. granuloma’ or ‘swimmer’s elbow’. M. marinum is
e distribution of the rash coincided with the area also known to occur in sea water. is organism
348 Infections

may gain entry to the skin via an abrasion from a Prevention

swimming pool wall or ship’s hull. Granulomata ese measures include adequate chlorination of
usually develop on ngers, hands, elbows or knees. swimming pools, smooth tiles and, in the case of
ere is one report of the infection following divers, protective gloves and clothing.
the bite of a dolphin, and the infection has also
been noted in tropical sh tank enthusiasts ( sh-
fancier’s nger). Immunosuppressed individuals
appear to be particularly susceptible. is condition, also known as ‘swimmer’s itch’,
bathers’ itch and marine dermatitis, is likely to
Clinical features be contracted near the surface of the water. It  is
e granulomata usually develop over bony caused by penetration of the skin by cercariae of
prominences (i.e. sites of abrasion). e onset is non-human schistosomes. e cercaria is the lar-
noted 3 to 4 weeks a er the predisposing injury val developmental stage in the life cycle of the
(8 weeks in the case of dolphin bite). e granu- uke. e organism is found in certain fresh or
lomata may develop as discrete red papules cov- brackish lakes and swamps where a suitable eco-
ered with ne scales and may be large enough to logical niche exists.
be uctuant. Aspiration may then reveal thick e life cycle of the organism involves shore-
pus. e papules or cysts may become indurated loving birds and various gastropod molluscs
or even ulcerate. Spontaneous resolution can such as snails of the seashore. e adult uke is
occur in 1 to 2 years, but cases have persisted a parasite and lives in the mesenteric vessels of
for 45  years. ere is no evidence of systemic vertebrates, including water birds. e uke lays
involvement. Synovitis was a common present- its eggs, which pass into the bird’s gut, and fae-
ing feature in one series. ces, and are deposited in the lakes that the birds
inhabit. e eggs hatch in the water and become
Diagnosis young miracidia, which spend most of their lives
is infection is identi ed by punch skin biopsy in the body of the water snails. In the water snails,
of the ulcer and demonstration of the organism the miracidia develop into free-swimming larvae,
either by direct staining (acid-fast) or culture termed cercariae, which are capable of penetrat-
on Lowenstein-Jensen media at 30°C to 33°C. ing the skin of wading birds – or humans. If the
Growth takes up to 3 weeks. Results of skin cercariae enter the birds, then the life cycle starts
testing with tuberculin are positive in 85 per cent anew. If they penetrate the skin of humans, they
of cases. die because of an active foreign body reaction
they  induce in human tissue. e condition may
Treatment then become manifest.
Drug therapy should be guided by response  to
in vitro sensitivity tests. Infections have responded to Clinical features
treatment with trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, Humans become involved accidentally in this
tetracyclines (especially minocycline) and the tuber- cycle. e cercariae are able to penetrate human
culosis drugs rifampicin and ethambutol. e drugs skin but not blood vessels. is penetration causes
have to be continued for at least 4 weeks, with some a prickling sensation while in the water or soon
authorities suggesting much longer regimens. e a er leaving it and is thought to be a mechanical
use of local warmth may be bene cial, and it has irritation.
been suggested that the infection is con ned to the e pruritus subsides, to return a day later
skin because of the inability to grow at body core with increasing intensity in association with an
temperature. Surgery, either alone or in combina- erythematous papular eruption. ere may be
tion with antibiotics, has also been reported to be some associated in ammatory swelling. e rash
useful. Antibiotics are essential if the infection has is present for about 1 week and then fades, leav-
extended to deep tissues such as tendon sheaths, ing a brown pigmentation that persists for some
joints or muscle. time. e degree of reaction varies greatly, and
General infections 349

previous exposure causes hypersensitivity to periodically closed because of sewage pollution.

develop in many persons. e foreign protein of e safety of many unmonitored locations is
the dead cercariae causes antibody production. uncertain5.
is antigen-antibody reaction occurs at the site In coastal waterways close to large population
of each dead larva and is responsible for the itchy centres, the water may be heavily contaminated
papules. Lesions occur only on parts of the body with a wide range of organisms, but especially fae-
that have been exposed to water. cal coliforms and streptococci, Salmonella species,
enteroviruses and rotaviruses6–8. Bodies of water
Prevention and treatment that do not ‘ ush’ well such as enclosed bays and
For prevention, persons at risk should wear pro- harbours are more likely to contain signi cant
tective clothing and vigorously rub any exposed numbers of pathogens.
areas immediately a er leaving the water. Bacterial counts are o en used to indicate water
Dimethylphthalate is of value as a repellent. quality. Although such testing has been suggested
Treatment is symptomatic (e.g. calamine lotion). for common faecal bacteria such as total coliforms,
faecal coliforms, E. coli, faecal streptococci and
MYCOPLASMA PHOCACEREBRALE enterococci, water is usually tested directly for
For many years, the identity of the organism caus- coliforms and faecal streptococci only, to achieve
ing so-called ‘seal nger’ was unknown. Seal n- timely and relatively inexpensive results. Sources
ger is named for an association with seal bites, the of faecal contamination to surface waters include
manual handling of dead seals or other interac- wastewater treatment plants, on-site septic sys-
tions involving contact with seals by aquarium tems, domestic and wild animal manure and storm
workers, divers and veterinarians. It is character- runo 9. High coliform counts correlate with the
ized by pain and cellulitic swelling of the hand, presence of pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella
and if untreated or if treatment is unduly delayed, and Aeromonas, but not so well with pathogenic
it can result in loss of digits and joint ankylosis viruses.
with permanent reductions in manual func- High faecal streptococcal counts in marine recre-
tion. e causative agent was identi ed when ational water have been associated with various ill-
Mycoplasma phocacerebrale was isolated from nesses, and the US Environmental Protection Agency
both a ected tissues and the mouth of a seal that sets a limit of 35 colony-forming units/100 ml for safe
delivered the bite3. ere should always be a high exposure9.
index of suspicion for seal nger if cellulitis (par- Viruses (especially enteric) can enter the marine
ticularly of the hand) develops in someone who environment in massive quantities in urban sew-
has been in contact with seals, even if this person age disposal and are not all destroyed by normal
has not been bitten. e antibiotic treatment of sewage treatment processes. Some viruses can sur-
choice is tetracycline. vive for long periods of time in sea water and may
be associated with enteric disease among swim-
GENERAL INFECTIONS mers (especially children). Enteric and respira-
tory viruses that are shed directly into water from
Swimming and diving in bathers may be a source of infection. One report
polluted waters suggested an association between water qual-
ity and gastroenteritis in swimmers at several US
Ingestion of polluted drinking water has long been beaches. Polio vaccine viruses, adenoviruses and
known to pose a risk of hepatitis, typhoid, cholera, Coxsackievirus have been recovered from sewage-
dysentery and other gastrointestinal diseases4. a ected coastal water.
With the greater worldwide awareness of increas- Professional divers may have to work in severely
ing environmental pollution has come awareness polluted water. Wetsuits and normal masks pro-
that the swimmer or diver may also be exposed vide little protection to the skin or gastrointesti-
to the risk of these and other infections. Where nal tract. Vaccination against hepatitis A should
monitoring is in place, beaches worldwide are be considered. Special procedures and equipment
350 Infections

Table 29.3 Potentially pathogenic microorganisms isolated from

polluted watersa

Gram-negative bacteria Gram-positive bacteria

Coliforms Staphylococcus
Escherichia coli Streptococcus
Klebsiella Bacillus
Enterobacter Viruses
Citrobacter Enteroviruses
Edwardsiella Reovirus
Legionella pneumophila Adenovirus
Campylobacter Hepatitis A virus
Serratia Protozoa
Proteus Entamoeba
Oxidase-positive groups Giardia
Aeromonas Acanthamoeba
Plesiomonas Naegleria
Pseudomonas Hartmanella
Vibrio cholerae
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Vibrio alginolyticus
Group F ‘Vibrio-like’ organisms
Lactose-positive ‘Vibrio-like’ organisms
a This list does not imply that all of these microorganisms are present in
any given body of water.

such as full hoods and occlusive drysuits may be from shell sh or crabs, but also from aspiration
required in such situations (see Chapter 66). of sea water, gastroenteritis and aquatic sexual
Table  29.3 lists pathogenic organisms isolated intercourse.
from polluted waters. e role of these organisms
in the production of disease in swimmers and div- CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
ers requires further epidemiological studies. e patient may present with fever, chills, headache
and myalgia. Bullous skin lesions may develop, as
Vibrio vulni cus may necrotizing fasciitis and myositis. Septicaemia
with hypotension and shock has a high mortal-
V. vulni cus (see earlier) thrives in warm coastal ity rate. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
sea water. It is a particularly virulent organism, and respiratory distress syndrome have also been
and severe infections that may proceed to septicae- described with V. vulni cus infection. Patients
mia have resulted from marine trauma10, especially succumbing to this infection may have underlying
General infections 351

disease, such as diabetes, liver disease (especially Schistosomiasis was reported in three scuba
haemochromatosis) or renal failure, or they may be divers from a dam in the Transvaal. Schistosome
immunosuppressed. infestations are not contracted from salt water or
properly chlorinated swimming pools.
Wounds should be thoroughly cleaned as soon as Leptospirosis
possible, and penetrating or more serious injuries
should be surgically explored and débrided under Human infections with leptospirae usually fol-
antibiotic cover11. Appropriate antibiotics to com- low ingestion of water or food contaminated with
mence while awaiting the results of sensitivity these spirochaetes. Less o en the organism gains
testing include tetracycline and gentamicin or an entry via a break in the skin or mucous membrane.
extended-spectrum cephalosporin such as cefo- Fishery workers and recreational water users
taxime. Intensive care support is o en required are at risk. Several epidemics from swimming in
for multi-system failure. e infection is not fresh water have been reported. Rats, swine, dogs
contagious. and cattle are the principal sources of infection.
Certain species (e.g. Leptospira icterohaemorrha-
Vibrio infections should be suspected in any giae, Leptospira canicola, Leptospira pomona or
patient presenting with fever and shock in Leptospira australis) may predominate in a given
association with wound infections, pneumo- geographical area.
nia or gastroenteritis when there is a recent
history of immersion in salt water.
e incubation period is usually 1 to 2 weeks and
is followed by a sudden onset of fever, malaise,
Schistosomiasis nausea, myalgia, conjunctival injection and head-
ache. is period, during which the spirochaetes
Schistosomiasis (bilharzia), a disease caused by are present in the blood, may be followed by organ
trematodes ( ukes), is one of the most important involvement, particularly of the liver (jaundice),
causes of morbidity in the tropics. Humans are the kidney (renal failure) or lungs. ere may also be
de nitive host of pathogenic schistosomes. e life meningism (benign aseptic meningitis), nausea
cycle is similar to that described earlier under schis- and vomiting. e disease may persist for up to
tosome dermatitis, with humans replacing birds. 3 weeks. Severe leptospirosis with profound jaun-
Schistosoma japonica infection was described in the dice (Weil’s disease) develops in up to 10 per cent
Philippines in World War II in US servicemen. It is of cases.
also endemic in the Yangtze River area of China.
Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma man- TREATMENT
soni occur in Africa, the Middle East and South e role of antibiotics in mild febrile forms of the
America. e infection is derived from contact disease is controversial, but doxycycline and ampi-
(bathing or swimming) with infected water. Several cillin have been advocated12. More severe cases
weeks following skin penetration, an allergic reac- respond to penicillin G, ampicillin and amoxicillin
tion develops (Katayama syndrome), which may be intravenously, as well as erythromycin. Complete
severe with fever, cough, headache, abdominal pain, resolution of the disease process is usual.
splenomegaly and patchy pneumonia. ese symp-
toms then subside for several months. e parasite PREVENTION
can damage liver gut, lung (multiple small abscesses) is disorder is prevented by avoidance of expo-
and bladder. Severe central nervous system involve- sure to potentially contaminated water, rodent and
ment may develop with S. japonicum infection. other host control and possible vaccination of dogs
If immersion occurs in potentially infected to reduce contamination. Doxycycline (200  mg
water, showering and vigorous towelling may pre- weekly) may be indicated for short-term protection
vent penetration of the skin by cercariae. where risk of exposure is high.
352 Infections

Pharyngoconjunctival fever pathogenic bacteria in the purulent cerebrospi-

nal uid raise the diagnosis14. is is con rmed
is is an acute illness caused by several types of by observing the motile amoebae in a plain wet
adenovirus13. It has an incubation period of 5 to mount of fresh cerebrospinal uid.
9 days and is characterized by fever, malaise, phar- Pathological ndings at post-mortem examina-
yngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, cough, con- tion reveal a slightly so ened, moderately swollen
junctivitis and sometimes diarrhoea. Outbreaks brain, covered by hyperaemic meninges. ere is
of pharyngoconjunctival fever have been reported a purulent exudate over the sulci and in the basal
in swimmers. Similar viruses are probably o en subarachnoid cisterns. Small, local haemorrhages
involved in swimming pool conjunctivitis epidem- are seen in the super cial cortex, but the olfactory
ics, and sporadic outbreaks are reported. No seri- bulbs are markedly reddened and in some cases
ous morbidity and no deaths have been reported. haemorrhagic and necrotic. On microscopic exam-
ination, there is a mild brinopurulent meningeal
Primary amoebic reaction, and amoebae may be seen in the exudate.
meningoencephalitis e degree of encephalitis varies from slight amoe-
bic invasion and in ammation to complete puru-
e free-living amoeba of the species N. fowleri lent, haemorrhagic destruction. e nasal mucosa
causes this severe, o en fatal, illness. is proto- is severely ulcerated, and the olfactory nerves are
zoan organism is found in fresh water and prefers in amed and necrotic. ere is no evidence of
warmer temperatures; it is found more frequently amoebic invasion elsewhere in the body.
in lakes, hot springs, swimming pools or industrial
thermal waters. e organism cannot survive long TREATMENT
in a marine environment. ere is a very high mortality. Of the approximately
Naegleria species gain entry to the central 200 cases reported to early 2012, only 12 patients
nervous system via the mucosa of the nasophar- survived. Amphotericin B is the drug of choice, in
ynx and the cribriform plate. e amoeba then high dosage intravenously and small doses intra-
multiplies in the meninges and olfactory bulbs ventricularly or intrathecally. Concurrent micon-
and eventually elsewhere in the brain. Cases have azole and rifampicin have also been used.
been reported from Australia, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and PREVENTION
the United States. It is likely that many others have Pollution of waterways by sewage and domestic
been diagnosed as having acute pyogenic men- wastewater must be controlled if this disease is to be
ingitis, with failure to demonstrate the infecting prevented. Swimming and diving should be avoided
organism14. in potentially contaminated water, especially if the
water or environmental temperature is high.
e incubation period is about 3 days to 2 weeks. Key West scuba divers’ disease
e presentation is similar to that of acute pyo-
genic meningitis, with the patient in good health is syndrome was described in classes at the US
before the sudden onset of frontal headache, mild Navy’s scuba training establishment at Key West,
fever and lethargy, sometimes associated with sore Florida. It was reported to occur 36 hours a er rst
throat and rhinitis. e headache and pyrexia use of one particular type of scuba regulator, and
progress over 3 days with vomiting, neck rigidity, it was noted in several students at each new course.
disorientation and coma. e cerebrospinal uid
changes are those of bacterial meningitis, usu- CLINICAL FEATURES
ally under increased pressure. e coma deepens, e disease is characterized by the onset of malaise,
and death in cardiorespiratory failure supervenes anorexia, myalgia, fever o en greater than 38°C,
on the h or sixth day of the illness. A high headache and substernal tightness. One death has
index of suspicion and an absence of the expected been attributed to this condition. Apart from these
General infections 353

features, physical examination, chest x-ray features, of these primarily pulmonary infections have also
urine examination and throat and blood culture developed septicaemia and metastatic abscesses.
results for bacteria are negative. Viral studies are Rapid development of Aeromonas pneumonia
also non-contributory. e illness subsides spon- and sepsis with highly positive blood cultures has
taneously in 72 hours. Continued use of the same been reported a er immersion in healthy young
regulator does not result in recurrence of the ill- men17.
ness unless there is an intervening period without Prophylactic antibiotics have not proved useful
diving. and may in fact encourage infection with resistant
A multitude of organisms, including mainly organisms. Microscopy and culture of sputum
Pseudomonas and Fusarium, has been found on or tracheal aspirate should be performed regu-
the low-pressure diaphragm and interior of the larly, and appropriate antibiotic therapy should be
corrugated air hoses of the twin-hose regulators. instituted.
Decontamination of these parts appears to prevent
the illness. Special environments
Salt water aspiration syndrome is caused by
aspiration of small amounts of salt water during ENCLOSED ENVIRONMENTS
diving, and it mimics an acute respiratory infec- e human-microbe-environment relationship is
tion (see Chapter 24). It bears some resemblance both subtle and complex. A change in any one of
to Key West scuba divers’ disease. It is not thought the elements may have substantial e ects on the
to be a contagious disease but is included because others.
of its importance in the di erential diagnosis of An increasing problem in the closed envi-
infectious illness. It usually resolves without anti- ronments in undersea habitats, submarines and
biotic therapy. hyperbaric facilities is contamination by micro-
organisms, and the ora in such situations can be
Near drowning and pulmonary very rich (see also Chapters 64 and 67 to 69). Cross-
infection infection of divers through the use of common
equipment, diving practices such as buddy breath-
During recovery from aspiration of both fresh and ing and habitation in small enclosures aggravate
salt water, some patients develop severe infections these problems. e concentration of pathogenic
of the lungs. is is one of the many possible rea- organisms may lead to an increased rate of skin,
sons for the delayed hypoxia seen in such patients. respiratory and systemic infections.
Post-mortem examinations performed on those e most common organism isolated from skin
who die more than 12 hours a er near drowning infection in saturation divers is P. aeruginosa, an
frequently show evidence of bronchopneumonia or organism that is seldom found in routine skin
multiple abscesses. However, the changes are o en infections elsewhere. e factors encouraging
those of irritant pneumonitis rather than infection infection are not entirely clear, but the hyperbaric
(see also Chapters 21 and 22). atmosphere may play a role apart from the humid-
Although in many cases it may be di cult to ity and temperature. Evidence has been presented
determine whether the infection was acquired to suggest that the organism is not necessarily
in hospital, there have been numerous reports of introduced into the system by the infected diver,
cases in which organisms causing pneumonia and it may persist in the fresh water system for sev-
have also been isolated from the drowning site. eral months18.
Organisms isolated in near drowning victims Whenever a group of people live together in
include Aeromonas, P. aeruginosa, Pseudomonas close proximity for days or weeks, they undergo
putrefaciens, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Burkholderia an initial period of illnesses. A er recovering
pseudomallei (melioidosis), Chromobacterium vio- from these infections, they are then immune to
laceum, V. vulni cus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, subsequent infections, as long as they live in isola-
Legionella and the fungal organisms Aspergillus tion with their antigenic peers. ey are, however,
and Pseudallescheria boydii15,16 . Patients with some extremely susceptible to infections from exogenous
354 Infections

sources or when the period of isolation ends and an inhibition of interferon activity, greater viral
they re-establish contact with outside personnel. proliferation and less leakage of lysosome enzymes,
Such examples are seen with the Polaris subma- together with increased host mortality.
rine crews and people living in Antarctica, among Hyperbaric changes in physiology of the host
others. is is readily explained by the limited have been inferred from tissue cultures. ere
sources of infection. appear to be alterations in cell permeability and
Other interesting changes in saturation com- in metabolism of amino acids and ribonucleic acid
plexes may be found because of the e ects of precursors. e divers’ steroid levels are increased,
pressure, temperature, gas changes and relative both in saturation and brief diving excursions,
humidity on the survival, selectivity and transport this increasing susceptibility to bacterial and viral
mechanisms of microorganisms. It was found that infections.
humidities in the region of 50 per cent were the most In some cases, there does seem to be a tendency to
detrimental to air-borne bacteria; however, this may impede the host’s reaction, together with increased
not be applicable to marine organisms transported susceptibility to infection. Organisms may change,
mechanically from the marine environment, which both in incidence and activity, when they are asso-
may assume a predominant role in the air ora of ciated with a hyperbaric environment. Deep diving
submersible habitats. In less-controlled saturation or a hyperbaric helium environment can increase
systems, with high humidity, there may be a greatly the resistance to penicillin of S. aureus and to gen-
increased propensity to infection. tamicin and rifampicin by E. coli and Salmonella
typhimurium19. Hyperbaria also seems to increase
HYPERBARIC EFFECTS the e ects of some antibiotics (e.g. in increasing per-
Oxygen under high pressure is of value in treat- meability of tetracyclines in cerebrospinal uid).
ing certain infections and may be lifesaving or e foregoing information remains patchy,
limb saving in cases of clostridial gas gangrene selective and incomplete. In the practice of
and necrotizing fasciitis. It has also been of value hyperbaric oxygen therapy, opportunistic infec-
in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis and other tions do not seem to be a practical problem. In
infections. relation to saturation diving environments, this
Oxygen under pressure may have a multitude area remains a productive eld for future devel-
of e ects on the human-microbe-environment opments  – but little research activity has been
interaction. Pulmonary oxygen toxicity is thought reported to date.
to impair bacterial defence mechanisms and thus
cause increased susceptibility to infections, par- REFERENCES
ticularly of the respiratory tract, whereas oxygen
and Pseudomonas infection appear to be additive 1. Oliver JD. Wound infections caused
in damaging the lung to produce the acute respira- by Vibrio vulni cus and other marine
tory distress syndrome. bacteria. Epidemiology and Infection
Enhancement of viral infection by hyperbaric 2005;133:383–391.
oxygen has been demonstrated in cell cultures, by 2. Harris R. Genitourinary infection and
an acceleration of virus maturation and by produc- barotrauma as complications of ‘p-valve’
tion of abnormally high yields or faster host cell use in drysuit divers. Diving and Hyperbaric
destruction. ese e ects do not depend on con- Medicine 2009;39:210–212.
tinual exposure during the infectious cycle and 3. White CP, Jewer DD. Seal nger: a case
therefore may be applicable to all types of hyper- report and review of the literature.
baric exposures. e change appears to be pro- Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery
duced by changes in the membrane of the cell and 2009;17:133–135.
lysosomes. 4. Cabelli VJ, Dufour AP, McCabe LJ, Levin MA.
Experimental studies on rats exposed to 100 per Swimming-associated gastroenteritis
cent oxygen at 3 ATA for 15 minutes before they and water quality. American Journal of
were infected with Coxsackievirus demonstrated Epidemiology 1982;115:606–616.
Further reading 355

5. Prieto MD, Lopez B, Juanes JA, Revilla JA, immersion. New Challenges from Infectious
Llorca J, Delgado-Rodriguez M. Recreation Diseases. Infectious Disease Clinics of
in coastal waters: health risks associ- North America 1988;3:615–633.
ated with bathing in sea water. Journal of 17. Ender PT, Dolan MJ, Dolan D, Farmer JC,
Epidemiology and Community Health Melcher GP. Near-drowning– associated
2001;55:442–447. Aeromonas pneumonia. Journal of
6. Pruss A. Review of epidemiological stud- Emergency Medicine 1996;14(6):737–741.
ies on health effects from exposure to 18. Ahlen C, Mandal MH, Iverson JI.
recreational water. International Journal of Identi cation of infectious Pseudomonas
Epidemiology 1998;27:1–9. aeruginosa strains in an occupa-
7. Birch C, Gust I. Sewage pollution of marine tional saturation diving environment.
waters: the risks of viral infection. Medical Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Journal of Australia 1989;4(18):609–610. 1998;55:480–484.
8. Keuh CSW, Grohmann GS. Recovery of 19. Hind J, Atwell RW. The effect of antibiotics
viruses and bacteria in waters off Bondi on bacteria under hyperbaric conditions.
beach: a pilot study. Medical Journal of Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Australia 1989;4(18):632–638. 1996;37:253–263.
9. United States Environmental Protection
Agency. Water: Monitoring and Assessment FURTHER READING
5.11. Fecal Bacteria.
type/rsl/monitoring/vms511.cfm Buck JD, Spotte S, Gadbaw JJ. Bacteriology of
10. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Localized and sys- the teeth from a great white shark: poten-
temic infection due to Vibrio species. tial medical implications for shark bite
New Challenges from Infectious Diseases. victims. Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 1984;20:849–851.
1988;2(3):687–707. Gregory DW, Schaffner W. Pseudomonas infec-
11. Wiliamson JA, Burnett PJ, Rivken JW, tions associated with hot tubs and other envi-
Jacqueline F. Venomous and Poisonous ronments. Infectious Diseases Clinic of North
Marine Animals: Medical and Biological America 1987;1:635–648.
Handbook. Sydney: University of New South Iredell J, Whitby M, Blacklock Z. Mycobacterium
Wales Press; 1996. marinum infection: epidemiology and pre-
12. Pappas G, Cascio A. Optimal treatment sentation in Queensland 1971–1990. Medical
of leptospirosis: queries and projections. Journal of Australia 1992;157:596–598.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Johnston JM, Izumi AK. Cutaneous
Agents 2006;28:491–496. Mycobacterium marinum infection (‘swimming
13. Bell JA, Rowe WP, Engler JI, Parrott RH, pool granuloma’). Clinics in Dermatology
Huebner RJ. Pharyngoconjunctival fever: 1987;5(3):68–75.
epidemiology of a recently recognized Joseph SW, Daily OP, Hunt RJ, Seidler
disease entity. Journal of the American DA, Colwell RR. Aeromonas primary
Medical Association 1955;157:1083–1092. wound infection of a diver in polluted
14. Myint T, Ribes JA, Stadler LP. Primary ame- waters. Journal of Clinical Microbiology
bic meningoencephalitis. Clinical Infectious 1979;10:46–49.
Diseases 2012;55:1737–1738. Royle JA, Isaacs D, Eagles G, et al. Infections
15. Ender PT, Dolan MJ. Pneumonia associ- after shark attacks in Australia. Medical
ated with near-drowning. Clinical Infectious Journal of Australia 1997;16(5):531–532.
Diseases 1997;25:896–907. Saltzer KR, Schutzer PJ, Weinberg JM,
16. Dworzack DL, Clark RB, Padjitt PJ. New Tangoren IA, Spiers EM. Diving suit
causes of pneumonia, meningitis, and dermatitis: a manifestation of Pseudomonas
disseminated infections associated with folliculitis. Cutis 1997;59:245–246.
356 Infections

Sausker WF. Pseudomonas aeruginosa fol- Van Asperen IA, de Rover CM, Schijven JF,
liculitis (‘splash rash’). Clinical Dermatology et al. Risk of otitis externa after swimming
1987;5:62–67. in recreational fresh water lakes containing
Tsakris A, Psi dis A, Douboyas J. Complicated Pseudomonas aeruginosa. British Medical
suppurative otitis media in a Greek diver Journal 1995;311(7017):1407–1410.
due to a marine halophilic Vibrio species.
Journal of Laryngology and Otology is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
1995;109:1082–1084. Simon Mitchell and Michael Bennett.
Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema

Introduction 357 Predisposition 359

Pulmonary oedema 357 Causes 359
Immersion pulmonary oedema 358 General discussion 362
Swimming-induced pulmonary oedema 358 Differential diagnosis 363
Free diving and pulmonary barotrauma of Investigations 364
descent 358 Treatment 364
Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema 358 References 365
Clinical features 359


Pulmonary oedema occurs when uid passes from Pulmonary oedema is the accumulation of uid in
the pulmonary capillaries to accumulate in the pul- the lungs. It may be a transudate (from high pul-
monary alveoli and causes e ects similar to those of monary capillary-to-alveolar pressure gradients)
the drowning syndromes (see Chapters 21 to 24). or an in ammatory exudate with protein, red cells
ere are three forms of immersion pulmonary or other components (capillary damage), or it may
oedema (IPE), induced while swimming, free div- represent lymph accumulation1.
ing or scuba diving. ey have some similar fea- Pulmonary oedema is well described in a vari-
tures, but there are signi cant di erences in their ety of disorders in the general medical literature
demographics, causation and therapeutic implica- and results from failure of the heart to remove uid
tions. e swimming-induced cases tend to occur from the lung circulation (‘cardiogenic pulmonary
in persons who are young and very t, but exposed oedema’), a direct injury to the lung parenchyma
to extreme exertion. e free divers experience (‘non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema’) or, more
breath-holding and barotraumatic in uences that rarely, neurogenic factors.
are described elsewhere (see Chapters 3, 6 and 61). Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema can develop
In the colourful parlance of scuba divers, IPE from congestive cardiac failure, infarction, car-
is referred to as ‘drowning from within’. Scuba diomyopathies, myocarditis, arrhythmias, hyper-
divers’ pulmonary oedema (SDPE) can occur in tension, tamponade, uid overload and other
apparently healthy individuals, most frequently in conditions.
middle-aged women. In a survey of scuba divers, Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema  can
about 1 per cent described it. An individual predis- develop from pulmonary obstruction, thoracic sur-
position is a likely factor because recurrences are gical procedures, infections, allergies, toxic inhal-
common with diving, snorkeling and swimming. ants, trauma, aspiration and other conditions. In the
ere are many other causes of pulmonary respiratory and anaesthetic medical literature, non-
oedema in diving medicine. cardiogenic pulmonary oedema can result from

358 Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema

a restriction of inspiration causing negative pressure exertion, pulmonary vascular blood pooling sec-
pulmonary oedema (NPPE)1,2. ondary to immersion, increase in pulmonary vas-
e development of pulmonary edema during cular resistance in response to cold exposure and
swimming and diving is well established. e ques- increased perfusion in dependent parts of the lung
tion whether pulmonary edema develops during as a result of hydrostatic pressure gradients – the
exercise on land may be more controversial3. ere lower lung with side-stroke swimming.
are some terrestrial environmental provocations, Overhydration may have contributed in some
such as in exertional pulmonary oedema, both in cases, and others occurred in relatively warm
athletes (long-distance running and rugby foot- waters, up to 23°C.
ballers) and race horses, and in the high-altitude In triathletes, IPE seemed to occur mostly in
pulmonary oedema of climbers4,5. women and soon a er the commencement of the
Exercise-induced pulmonary edema could swimming sector. ere was no such observation
occur by the following mechanisms3: an increase in the triathlons’ cycling or running sectors, a
in capillary hydrostatic pressure, an increase in nding indicating that immersion probably is the
capillary permeability or an inability of the lym- provoking stress. Some of the athletes had repeated
phatic system to clear uid extruded from the episodes, and in a survey, 1.4 per cent of female tri-
vessels. athletes had a history of this disorder8.
Clinical features included dyspnoea, cough, spu-
IMMERSION PULMONARY OEDEMA tum, haemoptysis, ‘inspiratory crackles’, wheezing,
low arterial oxygen (corrected with oxygen inhala-
Although the rst aid treatment for all three tion) and temporary restrictive lung function on
groups of IPE may be similar, subsequent investi- spirometry. e chest radiographs became normal
gations and preventive measures di er. a er 12 to 18 hours. Pulmonary investigations,
As a group, these disorders were well reviewed including broncho-alveolar lavage, indicated that
by Koehle and associates in 20056. ese investi- the pathological feature was capillary stress failure
gators reviewed 60 cases from the literature. ere with no evidence of in ammation.
were 34 scuba divers, 18 swimmers and 8 free div-
ers. ere was a history of prior or subsequent pul- Free diving and pulmonary
monary oedema in at least 13 cases. e symptoms barotrauma of descent
included cough in 82 per cent, dyspnoea in 80 per
cent and haemoptysis in 62 per cent. Less common is is a well-recognized and understood cause of
were weakness and confusion. Chest pain was not a pulmonary oedema. It results from the excessive
feature. Although physical examination was not well pressure gradient that develops between the pul-
described, chest crackles (rales) and wheezing were monary capillary and the alveoli, a er the resid-
noted in 25 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively. ual lung volume has been reached during descent
Most IPEs were veri ed radiologically. e mean (Boyles’ Law e ect; see Chapters 3 and 6).
oxygen partial pressure was 66.2 mm Hg (± 17.4) with
an arterial oxygen saturation of 88.8 per cent (± 7.3). SCUBA DIVERS’ PULMONARY
In the majority, symptoms resolved in 5 minutes to OEDEMA
24 hours, and 2 cases were fatal.
SDPE was rst recorded in 198112. It is usually
Swimming-induced pulmonary described as an uncommon disorder 6,13,14, o en
oedema in apparently healthy individuals6,13,15,17, with
only a hundred or so cases being well docu-
Healthy swimmers performing under extreme exer- mented. Comprehensive reviews were prepared by
tion, such as in Israeli and US combat forces, can Lundgren and Miller in 199917, Slade and associ-
develop swimming-induced pulmonary oedema ates in 200118, Koehle and colleagues in 2005 6,
(SIPE)6–11. Pathophysiological explanations for SIPE Edmonds in 20097 and Coulange and colleagues
include increased cardiac output from physical in 201016.
Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema 359

Pons and associates13 conducted a survey on ECG and echocardiographic anomalies have been
divers, and of the 460 responders, 5 (1.1 per cent) described. Increased troponin and natriuretic
had a history suggestive of pulmonary oedema. e peptide levels have been reported16.
actual incidence is unknown, but possibly this disor- Symptoms usually resolve rapidly (minutes or
der is underdiagnosed7,14,18,19. Divers Alert Network hours) a er the immersion is terminated, although
(DAN), the international emergency diving service, death has occasionally supervened – usually while
has reported a few calls each month from divers still immersed. e hypoxaemia, respiratory func-
with symptoms suggestive of this disorder20. Some tion, radiology (chest X-ray or CT scan) and cardiac
of the divers with SDPE had also noted similar prob- investigations also resolve within hours or days in
lems during surface swimming, especially with most cases, a er rescue from the water13–15,26.
Six deaths have been documented; one in a Predisposition
diver with hypertension, dyslipidaemia and arte-
riopathy and the other ve in divers with no An individual predisposition for pulmonary
previous cardiopulmonary problems14,22,23. ree oedema is a likely factor because a diver6,12–14,18,19,21
had at least one previous well-documented epi- or swimmer13,21 with pulmonary oedema is more
sode. However, other deaths, like so many deaths likely to experience other episodes of SDPE, pre-
in the underwater environment, could have been viously or subsequently. Yet when diving under
attributed to drowning. Because the pathology of similar conditions, the diver may have been
drowning is similar to that of SDPE, and the latter spared. Whether the variation in presentation
diagnosis is frequently not considered at autopsy, relates to the individual diver, the dive pro le,
there is a strong possibility that some deaths environmental conditions or the dive equipment,
from SDPE are incorrectly identi ed as drowning is conjectural.
deaths – especially if this was the rst such inci- Most of the surveys have shown an average age
dent encountered by the diver. Other deaths from of between 35 and 60 years, signi cantly older than
SDPE are known but await reporting. the diving population from which they came, and
SDPE is signi cantly more frequent in female these are frequently experienced divers6,14,19,21,26.
divers and older divers, and it tends to recur16,22–24. e detrimental e ects of age could be enhanced
Exertion is not a requirement in SDPE and is by its correlation with hypertension, ischaemic
sometimes speci cally denied15,19,23,25. Others have or other heart diseases and reduced respiratory
recorded a history of exertion in about half the function.
Clinical features
e aetiology of SDPE is unknown, but because no
SDPE manifests clinically with fast shallow respi- single cause has been demonstrated, various pos-
rations, dyspnoea, fatigue, cough and sometimes sible complementary causes have been incrimi-
bloodstained expectoration, hypoxia  and auscul- nated, based on the clinical histories and known
tatory signs of pulmonary oedema. Commonly, physiological stressors, both cardiogenic and non-
the  rst reported respiratory symptoms occur cardiogenic. ey include cold-induced pulmonary
a er reaching shallow depths or during the ascent, oedema, immersion and hydrostatic pressures,
although a sensation of feeling cold may precede NPPE, exertion, pre-existing cardiac disease, stress
the symptoms. Some divers have observed sea and aspiration.
water aspiration, anxiety and/or exertion before
the respiratory distress7,16,22,23. COLD-INDUCED HYPERTENSIVE
Investigations reveal temporary restrictive spi- PULMONARY OEDEMA
rometry and reduced compliance, hypoxaemia and Wilmshurst and colleagues12 rst described SDPE
characteristic radiological (plain x-ray study or and attributed it mainly to the e ects of cold, which
computed tomography [CT] scan) abnormalities. induced hypertensive pulmonary oedema. In their
360 Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema

series, those who developed this condition on one a reduction of the vital capacity; increased cardiac
or more occasions were abnormal, compared with output, stroke volume and atrial pressure; and an
divers who never had pulmonary oedema. It was increase in the work of breathing27–29.
proposed that ‘labile hypertensives’, with an exag- e thoracic blood pooling and the raised pul-
gerated vaso-constrictor response to cold, would be monary artery pressure are postulated to cause
particularly prone to develop pulmonary oedema increased capillary permeability leading to pulmo-
because of an increase in a er-load cardiac stress nary oedema6,21. Other investigators believe that
from hypertension and a pre-load stress from the this is not a likely explanation for the development
pulmonary vascular blood volume increase that of this form of oedema13,15. Many case histories
occurs with immersion. include expectoration of bloody froth, which does
is report was followed by further work by indicate some pulmonary capillary damage13,14,18.
Wilmshurst and associates in 198921, compar- Because the weight of water increases with
ing divers and swimmers who had pulmonary depth, there is variable hydrostatic pressure on sec-
oedema with controls. ese investigators hypoth- tions of the lungs at di erent levels (depths). When
esized that a pathological hypertensive response the pressure at the air intake level is shallower
to cold and/or raised oxygen pressure induced than the thorax, there is increased negative pres-
cardiac decompensation that resulted in pulmo- sure required for inspiration. e pressure at the
nary oedema during immersion. e divers in the air intake is 1 ATA with head-out immersion, but
pulmonary oedema group were followed up for an it is at the same depth as the regulator when using
average of 8 years, at which time seven divers had scuba underwater. e negative inspiratory pres-
become hypertensive. All the cases occurred in sure from immersion per se thus varies with the
waters colder than 12°C. us, the hypotheses pro- spatial positioning of the body. It is increased when
posed by Wilmshurst and colleagues incriminated the free or snorkel diver is immersed but breath-
a vascular hyperreactivity to a cold stimulus. ing surface air or when the scuba diver assumes a
is explanation has been supported by some head-up vertical position. With rebreathing equip-
reports12,14,21, but not others, which observed SDPE ment, there is an inspiratory resistance if the div-
in relatively warm waters13,15,18,19,23–25. Cold expo- er’s thorax is below the counterlung bag.
sure may not have been an important factor even in ‘Simulated diving’ in the dry hyperbaric cham-
the cold water cases because most divers were pro- ber, where none of the hydrostatic pressures of
tected by insulating wetsuits or drysuits, although the water environment can be incriminated, still
they were still presumably exposed to cold air induces raised pulmonary artery pressure. e
inhalation irrespective of the water temperature. increased inspiratory resistance could be a factor.
Pons and colleagues13 reported results that did
not support the observations of Wilmshurst and NEGATIVE PRESSURE PULMONARY OEDEMA
associates, by nding no cardiovascular di er- e e ects of inspiratory and expiratory pres-
ence between these subjects and healthy controls. sures were rst demonstrated in 192730. Negative
Forearm vascular resistance, vaso-active hormone inspiratory pressure has been postulated as a
levels and le ventricular function were the same cause of NPPE and SDPE by most reviewers13–18,20.
in subjects with aquatically induced pulmonary It is a feasible possibility in scuba divers, more so
oedema as in controls. Hypertension and the vascu- than in swimmers. In the scuba diving environ-
lar hyperreactivity to cold exposure may contribute ment, negative pressure during inspiration can
to SDPE – but the extent of this awaits clari cation. arise from the following:

IMMERSION AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES ● Immersion per se, especially with a head-up/
Intrathoracic blood pooling can be induced when vertical or head-out position.
the body is submerged17,18,21,27,28. It causes the fol- ● Inspiratory breathing resistance from diving
lowing changes: an increase of about 500 ml of pul- equipment (regulator, snorkel).
monary blood; reduced compliance; an increase ● Reduced gas supply or pressure.
in pulmonary arteriole transmural pressures; ● Increased gas density with depth.
Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema 361

● Increased ventilation, as occurs with exertion, supported a dose-response relationship of strenuous

anxiety and hyperventilation. exercise and pulmonary oedema.
● In rebreathing equipment, when the counter- Most patients with SIPE have exercised exces-
lung is positioned above the lung. sively. Some, especially the older subjects, may
● Equipment impositions such as tight wetsuits, have had a cardiac basis, as with some cases of
buoyancy compensators and so forth, which SDPE. In these patients, troponin level determi-
may impose greater inspiratory e ort. nations and other cardiac investigations may be
warranted 26.
orsen and colleagues31 demonstrated that
increasing the inspiratory restrictive load in div- CARDIAC PATHOLOGY
ers with head-out immersion reduced the di using Magdar and his co-workers37 at the Karolinska
capacity of the lung. is nding may indicate sub- Institute in Sweden compared the di erent clinical
clinical pulmonary oedema. No changes occurred in manifestations of myocardial ischaemia induced
pulmonary function with either of the conditions, by exercise in the terrestrial and aquatic environ-
separately. In another study, this disorder was not ment. In those experiments, subjects with cardiac
provoked when divers were subjected to considerable ischaemia (middle-aged men) were exercised in
negative pressure inspiration, even when these pres- both environments, with electrocardiographic
sures were extreme (50 cm H2O) and close to being monitoring to ST depression. Clinically, the car-
intolerable over a 1-hour period32. diac ischaemia manifested with dyspnoea in the
e maximum negative inspiratory pressures water (both 18°C and 25.5°C) and with the more
likely to be encountered from the breathing appa- traditional pain of angina pectoris on land. is
ratus are 25 to 32 cm H2O17. In the diving literature, may well have been the rst description of mild
15 to 20 cm H2O inspiratory resistance is consid- pulmonary oedema when swimming, and with
ered moderate, and 20 to 25 cm H2O inspiratory rigorous scienti c observation.
resistance is considered high33. e recognition of dyspnoea as a manifesta-
tion of ischaemic heart disease while immersed is
EXERTION thus understandable, as is the alleviation of this
is is more characteristic of SIPE than SDPE, symptom following successful coronary artery
which o en involves little exertion. Pulmonary surgery24,36,38.
oedema is reported in the general medical lit- Cochard and associates14 described six episodes
erature, in rugby players, cyclists, marathon run- of pulmonary oedema among ve experienced
ners, racehorses and swimmers. West5 stated: divers, 37 to 56 years old. ree of these divers had
‘Pulmonary capillaries have a dilemma. eir walls hypertension, one had cardiac ischaemia with ven-
must be extremely thin for e cient gas exchange, tricular dysfunction and one died a er a cardiac
but be immensely strong to resist the mechani- arrest.
cal stresses that develop during heavy exercise. Garcia and colleagues38 described 10 cases in
Elite human athletes at maximal exercise develop divers 46 to 74 years old who developed pulmo-
changes in the structure of the capillary wall as nary oedema, all of whom had cardiovascular dis-
evidenced by red blood cells (and protein) in their ease. e disorder developed in ve divers before
alveoli. Racehorses routinely break their pulmo- surfacing. Eight divers were taking beta-blockers,
nary capillaries while galloping’. and this association has been noted in other case
Wagner and associates34,35 claimed that the high histories as has the relationship with hyperten-
cardiac output associated with high-intensity exer- sion18,26,38. It is possible that drugs that produce
cise elevates the pulmonary vascular pressure to pulmonary vascular hypertension could be det-
such a degree that uid leaks across the capillary rimental in contributing to SDPE and that drugs
endothelium into the interstitial tissue. such as sildena l may reduce it.
Zavorsky in 200736 reviewed the general medical Kenealy and Whyte19 observed repeated  SDPE
literature and supported the observation that exer- in a 69-year-old woman in a shallow pool heated to
cise provoked pulmonary oedema. His experiments 28°C. Chest x-ray studies veri ed the diagnosis, and
362 Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema

subsequent investigation revealed mild cardiomy- hypoxaemic and spirometric impairments simi-
opathy and an ejection fraction of 37  per  cent (see lar to those of SDPE. More gross clinical ndings
Chapter 39). are observed in near fatal drowning cases, and the
It is presumed that impairment of cardio- autopsy ndings of fatal SDPE and drowning cases
vascular function makes divers less able to toler- are similar (see Chapter 21).
ate the various physiological changes imposed by
diving21. Most of the SDPE cases that have cardio- STRESS
pulmonary studies undertaken have shown no sig- e stress, which is present in so much recreational
ni cant functional abnormalities, possibly because diving and endurance swimming, may explain
these investigations have been delayed for some why immersion induces pulmonary oedema.
days a er the incident. See Chapter 45. e “stress cardiomyopathy” of
In 2013 Gempp et al described 54 consecutive Takotsubo and other reversible cardiomyopathies
survivors of SDPE, 15 of whom had a reversible is believed to be precipitated by sympathomimetic
myocardial dysfunction42. ese had early elevated stimulation with catecholamine excess.
cardiac troponin T and natriuretic peptides, ECG
changes and/or wall motion abnormalities with GENERAL DISCUSSION
reduced ejection fraction on the echocardiogram.
Symptoms and laboratory ndings usually resolve Observations from the general medical literature
within 72 hours and replicate Takotsubo cardio- enhance our understanding of the possible aeti-
myopathy. is disorder has been identi ed in ologies of SDPE. ere are many causes of pulmo-
cases of apparent SDPE, and may be much more nary oedema unrelated to diving, but aquatically
frequent than is currently recognized. induced pulmonary oedema has speci c stressors.
Many reported cases of SDPE do not specify Extrapolating from the terrestrial to the diving
when their cardiac assessment was made. en, situation may not be appropriate. e three types
the assumption of “no cardiac abnormality” is not of aquatically induced pulmonary oedema appear
supportable. SDPE could be an immersion induced to share provoking causes, but to varying degrees.
Takotsubo. Cardiac investigations in cases of e reasons for SIPE have been reasonably well
SDPE must take place promptly and, if abnormal, established, and they include severe exertion and
should be repeated. immersion, including thoracic blood pooling and
e demographics of aged females in the the hydrostatic e ects on the pulmonary circula-
SDPE cases may re ect the same distribution in tion. We also understand the major reason for pul-
Takotsubo. e medical and cardiac “clearance to monary oedema with breath-hold diving, namely
resume diving”, based on investigations many days pulmonary barotrauma of descent. We can avoid
a er the event, can be misleading – and explain the the occurrence of these two causes of IPE. We do
unfortunate subsequent incidents and deaths. not know the relative importance of the possible
causes of SDPE and prevention is less predictable.
ASPIRATION e varying severity of SDPE, both clinically
Some patients with SDPE observed the intake of and pathologically, bears a strong resemblance to
sea water associated with rough seas, exertion and the drowning syndromes – salt water aspiration,
overbreathing the regulator. near drowning and fatal drowning. Minor degrees
Salt water aspiration and near drowning are rec- of aspiration may be sub-clinical and unnoticed
ognized as common causes of pulmonary oedema. by some divers, but they may still damage the
e salt water aspiration syndrome was rst capillary-alveolar wall. is may be evidenced by
described in 197139. e clinical manifestations the temporary impairments in spirometry and
were veri ed by inducing salt water aspiration in arterial oxygen levels that seem to accompany ‘nor-
healthy volunteers and recording the physiologi- mal’ scuba diving. ere may well be a causal rela-
cal results. e clinical case histories and clinical tionship between aspiration of sea water damaging
examinations indicated pulmonary oedema of a pulmonary capillaries and the other physiological
non-cardiogenic, pulmonary origin, with typical aberrations associated with immersion and scuba
Differential diagnosis 363

diving, inducing SDPE. It may be compounded by by the redistribution of pulmonary oedema uids
the abnormal hydrostatic pressures with immer- from the expansion of thoracic gas according to
sion, the cardiopulmonary e ects of cold and Boyle’s Law.
immersion and the production of negative inspira- e association of pulmonary oedema with
tory pressures induced with scuba diving. hypertension and/or cardiac failure is confused
ese physiological changes that accompany by their individual correlations with age, beta-
immersion and the negative inspiratory pressures blockers and ischaemic heart disease, thus com-
that are associated with scuba diving increase the plicating the relative signi cance of each of
likelihood of pulmonary capillary stress. ese these factors18,19,26,38,41,42. Reversible myocardial
aggravating stressors are described earlier, but we dysfunction has been demonstrated in patients
have no understanding of the degree that they may with SDPE41,42. e similarity to Takotsubo disease
be relevant to SDPE. is striking, in some cases, with transient echocar-
Most would agree with Cochard and associ- diographic, ECG and cardiac enzyme anomalies,
ates14 that the explanation for SDPE is probably but normal coronary angiograms.
multi-factorial, a combination of factors imposed Older divers experience greater pre-load and
on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. a er-load on cardiac function than younger div-
However, explaining SDPE by the known physi- ers, when exposed to cold conditions43. is expo-
ological stressors from the diving environment is sure is common both from the diving environment
based on presumptions that need validation. For and from the inhalation of cold, dense gases
example, a deleterious in uence of tight wetsuits (Charles’ Law).
was not con rmed in one experiment40. Most of Some convincing contributing factors are idio-
the other hypotheses have never been tested. syncratic to the a ected diver and implied by the
Negative inspiratory pressure has been pos- association with increased age, increased indi-
tulated in SDPE by most observers13–18,20,21. vidual susceptibility, tendency to recurrences and
Nevertheless, pulmonary oedema is not usually the detection of relevant cardiac disease. Some
reported in the numerous ‘head-out’ immersion researchers have incriminated genetic factors simi-
experiments. ere were some e ects on lung func- lar to those evident in altitude sickness20.
tion from head-out immersion in young men, when us, SDPE, especially in older divers, should
this was combined with a mild negative inspiratory be an indication for prompt and comprehensive
pressure of 9 cm H2O/second/litre31. In the absence cardiac investigation. Unless the cause can be iden-
of clinical symptoms, and with the failure to reduce ti ed, veri ed and corrected, divers with SDPE
either forced vital capacity or maximal expiratory should be advised of the possible risks of continu-
ows, this contribution to pulmonary oedema ing with the activity that provoked it and should
remains unconvincing. More recent experiments be advised against further diving or energetic
with excessive negative inspiratory pressures also swimming.
cast doubt on this as a sole cause32.
To date, there is no known association demon- DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
strated between SDPE and decompression illness,
although many cases seemed to occur during or Diving-related diseases that can produce pulmo-
a er ascent. Pulmonary ltration of bubbles dur- nary oedema in their own right, and cause diag-
ing decompression in scuba divers may increase nostic confusion, are the salt water aspiration
pulmonary hypertension and damage capillary syndrome, drowning, respiratory oxygen toxicity,
integrity, thereby increasing the likelihood of gas contaminations, cold urticaria, the Irukandji
pulmonary oedema. syndrome (jelly sh envenomation) and diving-
e observed association of SDPE symptoms induced asthma7,41. Pulmonary decompression
with ascent could equally be explained by the sickness, pulmonary barotrauma and the so-called
hydrostatic positional e ects on negative inspira- ‘deep diving dyspnoea’ are diving disorders that
tory pressures, described earlier, by the reduction may cause diagnostic confusion. Cardiac dis-
of inspiratory oxygen pressures during ascent or eases, including Takotsubo, need to be considered.
364 Scuba divers’ pulmonary oedema

Anxiety-produced hyperventilation may also Although improvement is relatively rapid a er

cause some diagnostic confusion, but this has none leaving the water, some patients have required
of the other respiratory manifestations of SDPE. intensive resuscitation. Cases of unconsciousness
have been well recorded, as have deaths. In most
INVESTIGATIONS patients, there is complete resolution of clinical
features within a day or two.
e major problem in management of SDPE is Medical assessment is required to verify SDPE
hypoxaemia. us, blood gases are extremely impor- and exclude any predisposing features. Although
tant, interpreted with an appreciation of the inspira- SDPE may develop in apparently healthy divers,
tory oxygen percentage and the degree of positive sometimes it is based on transitory cardiac or respi-
pressure employed in the resuscitation. Indeed, the ratory disorders. Investigations to exclude predis-
arterial oxygen correction should guide this therapy. posing factors need to be undertaken promptly to
Radiology from chest x-ray studies to CT detect transitory pathology, such as Takotsubo,
scans will indicate the degree of oedema, as will diabetes or asthma. SDPE, should be an indication
the performance of lung function tests as soon as for comprehensive assessment, not only for possible
possible. therapy but also to avoid further SDPE episodes.
Because a cardiovascular cause of SDPE occurs For the patients who have reversible myocar-
in an appreciable number of these cases, especially dial dysfunction, a more conservative approach to
in older patients, this needs to be assessed in the the recommendations regarding tness to resume
acute phase. Elevated cardiac troponin T levels and diving may be warranted. Some physicians believe
naturaemic peptides may indicate this condition, that all individuals with SDPE should be advised to
as may other cardiac enzymes and electrocardio- forgo scuba diving. It seems reasonable that unless
graphic and echocardiographic abnormalities. the cause can be identi ed, veri ed and prevented,
ese abnormalities, together with evidence of divers with SDPE should be advised of the possible
hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, respiratory disease risks of continuing with the activity that provoked it
or diabetes, may need follow-up42. and should be advised against further diving, snor-
Usually, the cardiac and respiratory laboratory keling or energetic swimming. ose who continue
anomalies correct within days or weeks. to dive should be advised of the risks and ensure
they are thermally well protected, not overhydrated,
TREATMENT have minimal regulator resistance, avoid excessive
exertion, avoid drugs such as beta-blockers, use
Assuming the supine horizontal position on the companion divers and always have emergency oxy-
surface of the water, and ditching weights, may gen available at the dive site15,22,23,41. However, these
reduce the immersion e ects, whilst awaiting opinions are contentious and do not necessarily
rescue. Over-in ating the buoyancy compensator apply to all cases of IPE from other causes20.
could impair respiration, and so is not advised. IPE from other causes are dealt with elsewhere.
Switching to high-oxygen gases would be advised Free diving and pulmonary barotrauma of descent,
for technical divers. ese recommendations have with its treatment, are discussed in Chapters 3
not been validated. and 6. An occasional case of pulmonary oedema
e diver should immediately be rescued from has been reported in relatively short breath-hold
the water and rested. Oxygen 100 per cent should dives to shallow depths (6 metres), but whether the
be administered while waiting for medical evacu- causal relationship is with IPE or pulmonary baro-
ation to the nearest intensive care unit. Positive trauma of descent is contentious45. ere have been
pressure respiration may be needed in severe cases, at least four reported cases of pulmonary oedema
and positive end-expiratory pressure may be of occurring during hyperbaric oxygen therapy in
value44. e remarkable success of this treatment patients with cardiac disease. ese may be related
usually makes other pharmacological interven- to the direct cardiac e ects, increased peripheral
tions, such as diuretics, unnecessary – although vasoconstriction and pulmonary capillary perme-
these drugs are advocated by some physicians20,41. ability associated with this environment46.
References 365

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30. Moore RL, Binger CA. The response to 42. Gempp E, Louge P, Henkes A, et al.
respiratory resistance: a comparison of the Reversible myocardial dysfunction and clini-
effects produced by partial obstruction cal outcome in scuba divers with immersion
in the inspiratory and expiratory phases pulmonary edema. American Journal of
of respiration. Journal of Experimental Cardiology 2013;111(11):1655–1659.
Medicine 1927;45(6):1065–1080. 43. Wilson T, Gao Z, Hess KL, et al. Effect of
31. Thorsen E, Skogstad M, Reed JW. Subacute aging on cardiac function during cold stress
effects of inspiratory resistive loading in humans. American Journal of Physiology
and head-out water immersion on pulmo- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative
nary function. Undersea and Hyperbaric Physiology 2010;298:R1627–R1633.
Medicine 1999;26:137–141. 44. Bersten AD, Holt AW, Vedig AE, Skowronski
32. Sheilds S. Submarine and Underwater GA, Baggoley C. Treatment of severe
Medicine Unit, Royal Australian Navy, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema with con-
personal communication. tinuous positive airway pressure delivered
33. Warkander DE, Nagasawa GK, Lundgren by face mask. New England Journal of
CEG. Effects of separate inspiratory and Medicine 1991;325:1825–1830.
expiratory resistance on ventilation at 45. Gempp E, Shardella F, Cardinale M, Louge
depth. Undersea Biomedical Research P. Pulmonary oedema in breath-hold
1990;17(Suppl):44. diving. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
34. Wagner PD, Gale GE, Moon RE. Pulmonary 2013;43:162–163.
gas exchange in humans exercising at sea 46. Dassan M, Paul V, Chadha S, et al. Acute
level and simulated altitude. Journal of pulmonary edema due to hyperbaric oxy-
Applied Physiology 1986;61:260–270. gen therapy. Chest 2014;145(3 Suppl):74A.
35. Wagner PD. Exercise, extra-vascular lung
water and gas exchange. Journal of Applied is chapter was prepared for this h edition by
Physiology 2002;92:2224–2225. Carl Edmonds.
36. Zavorsky GS. Evidence of pulmonary
oedema triggered by exercise in healthy
Trauma from marine creatures

Introduction 367 Other biting marine animals 373

Sharks 367 Barracuda 373
General information 367 Grouper 373
Data on shark attacks 368 Killer whale (orca) 374
Anatomy and physiology 368 Eel 374
Attack patterns 369 Pinnipeds 374
Clinical features 370 Biting sh 375
Treatment 370 Electric rays 375
Prevention 371 Octopus and squid 376
Crocodiles, alligators and caiman 372 Sword sh and saw sh 376
Further reading 376

For animals not equipped with venoms and poi- General information
son, defence against predators relies on either
camou age or aggression. Traumatic damage by Most of the 470 species of sharks are marine
the predator may be achieved from biting, bump- inhabitants, but many enter estuaries, and some
ing, spearing, electrical charges or corrosive travel far up rivers, whereas a few, such as the
materials. bull shark, can thrive in fresh water environ-
Many marine animals avoid humans, but this ments. Most sharks live in the relatively shallow
attitude can be altered by familiarity with divers, waters o the continents or around islands and
who do not confront the animals aggressively. inhabit the temperate or tropical zones, but some
Increased proximity promotes the possibility of are deep dwelling, to more than 2000 metres
injury to both species. (Figure 31.1).
Feeding activity is also related to aggression. Some, such as the great white shark, are pelagic,
Many divers make the error of feeding these ani- and although poikilothermic, they have adapted
mals. is results in conditioning them into asso- to colder ocean temperatures. In other species, the
ciating humans with food. O en the animal will activity and food requirements may be more related
then attack other divers to acquire this food. In this to the environmental temperature. Shark  attacks
manner divers have evoked feeding attacks from tend to be more frequent when the water tempera-
animals that would normally not have behaved in ture reaches 20°C or more because of these reasons
this manner. Examples include reef sharks, eels, and because of the increased frequency of humans
groupers, dolphins and many sh. bathing in warm water.

368 Trauma from marine creatures

Figure 31.1 Grey nurse shark.

Even though Australia is renowned as one of details of any speci c shark attack is under-
the most dangerous areas in the world for shark standable when one considers the suddenness of
attacks, there is an average of only one fatality per the accident and the emotional reactions of the
year, among millions of bathers at risk. e fatality participants.
rate from shark attacks in the open ocean is about e problem in assessing the statistical infor-
30 per cent. Rescue and rst aid groups sometimes mation is that many of the data are insu cient and
exaggerate the risk for ulterior reasons. unreliable. Application of the statistics to an open-
Shark attack remains a genuine but unlikely water situation is not warranted. Nevertheless,
danger to seafaring people. Although rare, the much interesting information is available.
attack is o en terrifying in intensity, and the Shark attacks, comprising about 100 per year,
degree of mutilation has a strong emotive e ect. are more frequent when there are more people at
risk (i.e. during warm weather, on weekends and
holidays). Attacks are more likely at the sharks’
Data on shark attacks natural feeding times, at dusk, near deep channels,
in turbid waters, in estuaries and near abattoirs
ere has been little factual research on shark
and shing grounds – where animal products are
attacks, perhaps because of the understandable
di culty of experimenting with these animals.
Basically, our statistical information comes from
two sources – detailed data collection from spe- Anatomy and physiology
ci c case histories, as exempli ed by the work of
Coppleson and data collection agencies such as Of the more than 400 species of sharks, only
from the US-based International Shark Attack 30  have been implicated in attacks on humans,
File. Neither source is comprehensive, and neither and only 4 species are frequently involved – the
is adequate by itself. e detailed case histories great white, oceanic whitetip, bull and tiger sharks.
demonstrate the range of possibilities, whereas ey allegedly have low intelligence, but this has
the attack le information indicates probable not interfered with their ability to survive far lon-
behaviour. e di culty in obtaining accurate ger than humans in the evolutionary time scale.
Sharks 369

ey  are well equipped to locate prey and others may produce injury by contact, when they
of their own species, conduct seasonal migrations bump or brush the prey. e shark’s abrasive
and identify speci c localities. ey react to mul- skin can cause extensive injuries, and it is
tiple stimuli, with the sense of smell being a prin- thought that the information obtained by the
cipal means of locating prey. ey can detect some animal at this time may in uence the progres-
substances in minute quantities (e.g. blood in less sion of the feeding pattern.
than one part per million). Although their visual 2. e shark bite is usually performed with the
acuity for di erentiating form or colour may not be animal swimming in a horizontal or slightly
selective, their ability to discriminate movements upward direction, with the head swung back-
and minor contrast variations in low-light condi- ward and the upper teeth projecting forward.
tions is extremely e cient. is results in a great increase in the mouth size
Sharks have an ability to detect low-frequency and a display of the razor-sharp teeth. e force
vibrations (e.g. the apping of an injured sh). eir of the attack is o en enough to eject the victim
hearing is especially sensitive to low-frequency well clear of the water. e bite force may be up
sounds, and they have an extraordinary faculty for to 1000 kilograms per square centimetre. Once
directional localization of this sound. eir taste is the animal has a grip on the prey, if the feeding
not well developed, but preferences for some foods pattern continues, the mouthful will usually be
have been suggested (no – not humans). e lat- torn out sideways or the area totally severed.
eral line is a multi-sensory system commencing at 3. A variant, o en used by the great white shark
the head and passing along the shark’s body. is when attacking a larger animal that could
system receives a variety of information, including possibly in ict damage, is the ‘bite and spit’
vibrations of low frequency, temperature, salinity, behaviour. is is seen not only against seals
pressure and minute electrical elds such as those and sea lions, but also against other prey that
produced by other sh or humans in the vicinity. may have a similar silhouette on the surface –
e feeding response is related more to the such as sur oard riders, surface swimmers
presence of speci c stimuli than to the nutritional and so forth. e shark may make one sudden
requirements of the animal. e presence of chemical dash, take one bite and then release the prey,
stimuli, such as those released from freshly killed which then bleeds to death. Once the prey has
animals, can attract sharks and may result in the so- stopped moving, the shark can then continue
called ‘feeding frenzy’. Sharks may swim together in the feeding pattern in relative safety.
an orderly and smooth manner, but when abnormal 4. If other sharks are in the vicinity, they may
vibrations are set up (e.g. by one of the animals being re exly respond to the stimuli created by the
shot or hooked), then the abnormal activity of that attack and commence a feeding pattern behav-
animal may trigger feeding responses in the others, iour called a feeding frenzy. In this instance
and this may intensify into the feeding frenzy. the sharks are likely to attack both the original
prey and the predator or any other moving
Attack patterns object. During this feeding frenzy, cannibalism
has been observed, and the subsequent carnage
ere are several di erent types of attack. ese can be extensive.
may be identi ed by the behaviour of the animals 5. e h type of attack is termed agonistic and
and the subsequent nature of the injury. Four types is that of an animal having its territorial rights
represent di erent degrees of a feeding attack, and infringed by an intruder – either a swimmer or
the others represent a territorial intrusion. a diver. is is quite unlike the feeding pattern.
e shark tends to swim in a far more awkward
1. Sharks in a feeding pattern tend to circle the manner, exaggerating a lateral motion with his
victim and gradually increase their swim- head, arching the spine and angling its pectoral
ming speed. As the circles begin to tighten, ns downward. In this position, it appears to be
the sharks may commence a crisscross pattern more rigid and awkward in its movements than
(i.e. going across the circle). At this stage, they the feeding animal. It has been compared, both
370 Trauma from marine creatures

in appearance and motivation, to a cornered ani- to this site, tourniquets or pressure bandages,
mal, adopting a defensive and snapping position. clamping of blood vessels). One should use any
If the intruder diver vacates the area, confronta- material available. e mortality rate is such that
tion will be avoided and an attack aborted. there need be no apprehension regarding either the
6. When a diver jumps from a boat onto a shark use of tourniquets or contamination of wounds.
(who may be following and scavenging refuse e patient should be lying down with legs
from the cra ), the animal may re exly snap at elevated. He or she should be covered lightly with
the intruder, in defence. clothing or a towel and reassured as much as pos-
sible. Medical treatment is best commenced before
Clinical features transfer of the patient to the hospital. Infusion of
blood, plasma or other intravenous replacement
e lesions produced by shark bites are readily iden- uid should be given top priority until shock has
ti able. e rim of the bite has a crescent shape, delin- been adequately controlled. is can be ascer-
eating the animal’s jaw line (see Plate 5). ere will tained by the clinical state of the patient, the pulse
be separate incisions from each tooth along the line, rate, blood pressure, central venous pressure and so
with occasional fragments of the teeth in the wound forth. e use of morphine intravenously is likely
(the teeth were embedded in the shark’s gums, more to give considerable bene t, despite its mild respi-
than xed in the jaw). Identi cation of the shark spe- ratory depressant e ect. Assessing and recording
cies is possible from these teeth. ere may be crush- vital signs become integral parts of the manage-
ing injuries to the tissues, and variable amounts of ment; these signs should be monitored throughout
the victim may be torn away. Haemorrhage is usu- the transfer of the patient to the hospital.
ally severe, in excess of that noted in motor vehicle At all stages, rst aid resuscitation takes priority
accidents – probably because of ragged laceration of over the need for hospitalization. Transport to hospi-
vessels, preventing vaso-constriction. tal should be performed in a gentle and orderly man-
A great variety of damage is noted in di erent ner. Excess activity aggravates the bleeding and the
attacks. In some cases, merely the brushing and shock state in these patients. Case reports abound with
abrasive lesions of the skin may be present. In oth- statements that the victims died in transit. ey could
ers, the teeth marks may be evident, encircling more accurately state that the victims died because
either the victim’s body or even the neck – when they were in transit – before clinical stabilization.
the shark has had an appreciable amount of the A er the clinical state is stabilized, the patient is
victim within its mouth but has still not completed transferred by the least traumatic means available.
the attack. In most cases, there is a single bite, but e surgical procedures are not signi cantly dif-
occasionally several attacks and bites are made on ferent from those used for a motor vehicle accident
the one victim. Amputations and extensive body case. With the patient under anaesthesia, the areas
wounds are common. In victims not killed immedi- are swabbed, and bacteriological culture and sensi-
ately, the major problems are massive haemorrhage tivity tests are obtained. X-ray studies or screening
and shock. Adjacent people are rarely attacked. should be performed, both to detect bone damage
and to identify foreign bodies. Surgical excisions
Treatment of obviously necrotic material and removal of for-
eign bodies are required. e surgical techniques
e most valuable rst aid measures are to pro- should otherwise be of a conservative type, espe-
tect the patient from further attack and to reduce cially if the blood supply is intact. Tendon suture
or stop haemorrhage. e rescuer is rarely injured should not be attempted unless the wound is very
because the shark tends to concentrate on the clean. Skin gra ing is performed early, to preserve
original victim. Once the patient is removed from nerves, tendons, vessels, joints and muscles.
the shark and prevented from drowning, atten- A severed limb should be wrapped, moistened,
tion should be paid to the prevention of further placed in a plastic bag and kept cold (not frozen)
blood loss. is is achieved by any means available as advised by the hospital and transferred with
(e.g.  pressure on the site of bleeding or proximal the patient.
Sharks 371

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are required, and ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES

bacteriological contamination is sometimes exten- Bubble curtains, sound and ultrasonic waves and
sive, both with marine and terrestrial organisms. electric repellents, for example, do not have the
Clostridium tetanus and Clostridium welchii have same success as enclosure or meshing techniques.
both been isolated from shark wounds, although Many methods of repelling sharks will, given dif-
the contamination almost certainly occurred a er ferent conditions and di erent-sized animals,
the injury. result in an alerting or an attraction response in
Consideration should be given to other medical the very animals they are meant to deter. Such is
problems that may exist, such as near drowning, certainly the case with some electrical and explo-
decompression sickness or pulmonary barotrauma, sive devices. e observation that some of these
and that may be a consequence of the dive pro le techniques work, initially should not engender
disrupted by the shark attack. con dence for a longer-term deterrent or for the
deterrence of larger animals.
Prevention of shark attack depends on the marine e crashing of an airplane or the noise associated
locality. e following procedures are relevant in with a ship sinking o en attracts sharks. us, the
di erent situations. survivors of such accidents are then susceptible to
shark attack. e most e ective way to prevent this
HEAVILY POPULATED BEACHES is to use life ra s and have the survivors move into
e most e ective method to prevent shark attack them as quickly as possible. As an alternative, the
is by the use of enclosures or meshing. Total bay Johnson Shark Screen is very e ective. e Shark
enclosures are e ective in sheltered areas, if consis- Screen is a bag of thin, tough plastic with a collar
tent surveillance is carried out to ensure the integ- consisting of three in atable rings. e survivor par-
rity of the net. Areas exposed to adverse weather or tially in ates one of the rings, by mouth, and then
surf are best protected by meshing. climbs into the bag. He or she lls it with water by
Meshing involves the intermittent use of a dipping the edge so that it becomes full, thus appear-
heavy-gauge net, which is submerged from buoys ing to any shark as a large, solid-looking black object.
on the seaward side of the breaking waves for e other rings can be in ated at leisure. e bag
24 hours and then retrieved. Sharks tend to swim retains uids and excreta that could have stimulated
into it. e net wraps around the animal and inter- a shark attack. It also attenuates the bioelectric and
feres with its gill function. Because most sharks are galvanic elds produced by the survivors.
unable to reverse, they will struggle and attempt to “Shark Chaser” was of value only to the man-
push themselves forward through the mesh. is ufacturer. It consists of a dye and copper acetate.
causes the shark to be further immobilized and e black dye was meant to confuse the shark’s
thus produces death by su ocation. Most of the visual localization, whereas the copper acetate was
sharks are dead by the time the mesh is retrieved, thought to be a deterrent chemical, mimicking
and the others are killed at the time of the retrieval. decaying shark tissue. It does not work. Another
Using this technique, the shark population chemical, produced by the peacock or Moses sole,
becomes decimated. e experience on the rela- has been investigated, but it has not been e ec-
tively heavily shark-populated beaches of Australia tively marketed.
and South Africa is similar. Shark attacks could
still occur despite meshing. Nevertheless, the SWIMMERS
results are dramatic. Not only does the shark pop- Swimmers are advised not to urinate in the water
ulation decrease, shark sightings also decrease, or swim with abrasions or bleeding wounds. ey
and the shark attacks are almost eliminated. e are also advised to move gently and not thrash
population develops more con dence in the safety around on the surface. ey should stay with a
of their sur ng area, and increased tourism o en group, or at least with a buddy. is is cynically
compensates for the cost of the shark meshing. claimed to reduce the chance of shark attack by
372 Trauma from marine creatures

50  per cent but, in fact, it probably reduces it far outweigh the risks of shark attack. Experiments are
more. Swimmers are also advised not to swim in being conducted on the use of Kevlar incorporated
water with low visibility, near drop-o s or deep into wetsuits as a shark bite–resistant material.
channels or during late a ernoon or night, when It is sometimes claimed that women should
sharks tend to be involved in feeding. not dive or swim while menstruating. ere is no
evidence to support the belief that decomposing
DIVERS blood will attract sharks; in fact, the experimental
e incidence of shark attacks on scuba divers and statistical evidence suggests the opposite.
appears to be increasing and now comprises one
third of all shark attacks. Conventional wetsuits o er CROCODILES, ALLIGATORS AND
no protection despite popular hopes to the contrary. CAIMAN
Specially designed wetsuits that either camou age
the diver or disrupt the sharks’ visual input have Crocodiles cause as many human fatalities as do
been advocated repeatedly, and they are currently sharks, in the areas where both are found. is was
coming back into fashion. Divers are advised in the not always so, but although there may be a dimin-
same way as swimmers, but with added precautions. ishing number of shark attacks as a result of mesh-
Underwater explosives tend to attract sharks. ing, there is an increased crocodile attack frequency
Shark attacks are more likely at increased depth and because they have been protected and grow larger
can be provoked by feeding, playing with or kill- (Figure  31.2). ere is also an increase of tourism
ing sharks. If one is diving in shark-infested waters, into remote crocodile territories.
the use of a shark billy (a stout rod with a metal ese animals become more aggressive during
spike) can be e ective in pushing the animals away. breeding times. e young are hatched from eggs
Powerheads, carbon dioxide darts and the  drogue and are protected by both parents.
dart (this has a small parachute attached with dis- ey range in size from 1 to 10 metres long, and
rupts the shark’s orientation and swimming e - the larger specimens (more than 2 metres) are the
ciency) are all specialized pieces of equipment that ones potentially dangerous to humans. e largest
may be appropriate in certain situations. animals weigh up to a ton. e species considered
Portable electric devices are enjoying a recur- to be human eaters are the Australian salt water
rence of popularity, having been discarded a er a crocodile and the Nile crocodile, which grow to
series of experiments in the mid-twentieth century. 8  metres; and the American crocodile and alliga-
ey are currently employed by divers and surfers, tor, which grow to 3.5 metres. South American
a successful result of astute marketing more than caimans are of the same family as alligators and
research. Shark attacks on divers who wore these grow up to 5.5 metres, but they are usually shorter.
devices have not dented the enthusiasm of the div-
ing technophiles, but they should be aware that the
electrical current that dissuades small sharks may
attract larger ones.
Divers are advised not to catch sh or shell-
sh or tether them near their body because this
may attract sharks. If sharks are encountered, it is
advised to descend to the sea bed or to the protec-
tion of rocks, a cli face or some other obstacle to
interfere with the normal feeding attack pattern
described earlier. If the diver recognizes an agonis-
tic attack pattern from the shark, he or she should
vacate the area, swimming backward.
Chain mail (stainless steel) suits discourage
sharks from continuing an attack, but they incur
buoyancy problems for divers and swimmers that Figure 31.2 Crocodile.
Other biting marine animals 373

Even  the Indian mugger crocodile may attack and in boats. When crocodiles attack small motor
humans if it is provoked while nesting. All croc- boats, they focus on the outboard motor – presum-
odilians are carnivorous, and deaths have been ably because of the vibrations emanating from it.
recorded in snorkel and scuba divers. On land, the attacks are more common at night
ese animals are o en believed to compete when the animals stalk for food. ey can move
with shers by damaging nets, and they may prey surprisingly fast – faster than most humans, issue
on both domestic animals and humans. a hissing sound and sometimes attack by sweeping
Alligators are slower moving and generally less the victim with their powerful tail.
dangerous to humans. Crocodiles have narrower e rst aid, medical treatment and investiga-
snouts than alligators, and the fourth tooth in each tions are the same as for shark attack. Occasionally,
side of the lower jaw is usually visible when the a tooth fragment is found by x-ray examination of
mouth is closed. the wound.
Salt water crocodiles may also be found in fresh
water. ey may have swum inland from an estu- OTHER BITING MARINE ANIMALS
ary or traveled many kilometres overland. Fresh
water crocodiles are also found in lakes and rivers Little space has been allocated to the other marine
that have no connection with the sea, and in some animals that are said to bite because it is di cult
countries they may be both large and dangerous. to nd more than a few cases of a veri ed fatal bite
If humans or other animals intrude into the on a human.
territory, the crocodile sometimes gives a warning
by exhaling loudly or even growling at the intruder. Barracuda
For reptiles, they have very complex brains and
are intelligent enough to stalk a human, strong ese sh inhabit tropical and subtropical waters,
enough to destroy a water bu alo, and gentle grow up to 3 metres long and swim fast (Figure 31.3).
enough to release their own young from the eggs – Barracuda have occasionally been known to attack,
with their teeth. ey even carry the newly hatched and they cause straight or V-shaped wounds. ey
babies in their massive jaws. are sometimes attracted by brightly coloured objects
Crocodiles tear their food from the carcass, by and lights, such as from diving at night.
twisting and turning in the water to achieve this.
ey then swallow it whole. Once an attack pattern Grouper
has begun, the crocodile attacks repeatedly until
the prey is captured, and it may follow the victim ere have been reported cases of a grouper
from the water if necessary. If the animal captures attacking  a human, with death resulting. As a
large prey, it may hide the carcass underwater, general rule, these heavyweight bulldogs of the
entangled in submerged trees or under ledges, sea have built up a reputation for friendliness
until it is ready to resume feeding. more than forcefulness (Figure  31.4). ey are,
e animal o en lies along the banks of rivers, however, feared in some areas (e.g. the pearl-
with only the nostrils protruding above water to diving beds between New Guinea and Australia).
breathe. e prey, especially land animals such as ese sh can act aggressively if speared.
horse, cattle, gira e, rhinoceros, kangaroo and wal-
laby, come to the river bank to drink and may be
grabbed in the jaws of the crocodile and twisted o
its feet. is movement sometimes breaks the neck
of the victim. Once the prey is in the water, it is
more vulnerable to panic and drowning. Although
this ‘death roll’ is the classical attack pattern, croco-
diles can move fast on land and in water, and recent
attacks in Australia have included attacks with the
victim free swimming in deep water, on dry land Figure 31.3 Barracuda.
374 Trauma from marine creatures

Figure 31.4 Grouper. Figure 31.6 Moray eel.

whales and so forth. Orcas shepherd prey into deep

water and cause death by battering and drowning.
Human injuries and fatalities have resulted from
this mechanism, and this is no longer a relatively
innocuous human predator.

Many eel attacks have been reported. Moray eels
can grow up to 3 metres long and up to 30 centi-
metres in diameter (Figure 31.6). ey occasionally
attack without provocation, but an attack is usually
precipitated by an intrusion into their domain, or
a er they have been injured or caught on lines or
spear guns. Divers who feed the eels inadvertently
encourage them to be more adventurous and less
fearful, thus increasing the attack potential – for
food. Certainly, once they do attack, they are likely
to be di cult to dislodge and may even resume the
attack a er being dislodged. e wound is likely to
be badly lacerated and heavily infected. e medical
and surgical treatments conform to those normally
used with other damaged and infected tissues.
Figure 31.5 Orca (killer whale), on right.

Killer whale (orca)
Even the usually placid walrus, if su ciently pro-
is animal is the largest of the dolphin family voked by hunters, can retaliate with ferocity. e
and inhabits all oceans (Figure  31.5). It acquired California sea lion and its Australian cousins have
its name from its tendency to travel in packs, feed- in icted minor attacks on humans, usually a er
ing on other marine creatures such as seals, larger human intrusion into the breeding harems.
Electric rays 375

e more infamous leopard seal is a solitary numbers along the East Coast of the United States
animal in the Antarctic and cooler southern and have been known to drive swimmers from the
waters (Figure  31.7). It stalks penguins, seals and water in Miami, Florida. Fingers and toes can be
other warm-blooded prey, even humans. It swims badly injured and occasionally even amputated.
above them until nally the prey has to surface to Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus macula-
breathe. en the leopard seal strikes. If a leop- tus) in shoals have also occasionally attacked and
ard seal is sighted, diving should be suspended. injured swimmers. Other sh that are not com-
If underwater at the time of sighting, divers should monly known to bite humans may do so under cer-
not surface in mid-water, but follow the sea bed to tain circumstances. e very beautiful and famous
the shore, before departing. bat sh (Platax spp) around Heron Island in the
Great Barrier Reef, among many other diving
Biting sh destinations, are unfortunately fed by divers and,
because of this, unpleasant nips may be in icted
e piranha (Serrasalmus spp) have probably the on divers’ exposed skin.
worst reputation of all small sh, and although Most pu er sh (tetrodotoxic sh) are also able
they are carnivorous and can be very ferocious and to in ict injury because their jaws are designed
vicious, they do not deserve their very bad press. to crunch crustaceans. ey are slow-swimming
ey are abundant in the rivers of South America, sh and therefore can be approached by divers,
and most of the 20 or more species are harmless. with occasional unfortunate results. One such
ey may grow to 45 centimetres, but some are sh, called omas the Terrible Toad sh, in icted
only a couple of centimetres long. e black pira- multiple injuries to waders, at Shute Harbour on
nha and its relatives do cause concern. In su cient the Great Barrier Reef. He attacked so many bath-
numbers, they are believed to be able to remove the ers’ feet that he also became known as omas the
esh from large animals within minutes. Although Terrible Toe Fish.
attacks on humans are rare, there are some well-
documented cases from the Amazon. ELECTRIC RAYS
Taylor sh or blue sh (Pomatomus saltatrix) also
work in large schools and occasionally have caused ese rays are slow and very ine ective swimmers,
injury to bathers. ey commonly travel in large usually lying submerged in the mud or sand at shal-
low depths, in temperate climates (Figure 31.8). ey
can produce an electric discharge between 8 and
220 volts, and this is passed between the electrically
negative underside of the ray and the positive topside.
ese animals are easily identi ed by thick electric
organs on each side of the spine. e discharge is

Figure 31.7 Leopard seal. Figure 31.8 Electric ray.

376 Trauma from marine creatures

automatic when the sh is touched, or even during

an approach. ere is then a latent period before the
sh regains its full electrical potential. e electric
discharge may well cause much amusement to other
divers, but it can sometimes be disabling.


Octopoda, of the class Cephalopoda, have been the
source of much folklore (Figure  31.9). Although
most of these animals avoid human contact as much
as possible, many of them are able to in ict signi -
cant bites, puncture wounds from the beak (mouth)
or the modi ed claws on the tips of the tentacles of Figure 31.9 Octopus.
the giant squid. Other injuries have been produced
by the sepia or ink, from the venom associated with brought on board. is is commonly recorded by
salivary glands of the octopus and the animal’s abil- shers trawling for marlin and sword sh.
ity to adhere to and hold a swimmer or diver under-
water, with the suction pads from the tentacles.
Although there has been a great deal of fantasy FURTHER READING
in some of the descriptions of octopus attacks, there
Australian Shark Attack File. http://taronga.
have nevertheless been a dozen or so well-recorded
episodes in which injury has occurred to humans.
science/australian-shark-attack- le/australian-
Attacks are known to this author, including one that
shark-attack- le 2013.
resulted in the death of a diver. Most injuries follow
Baldridge D. Shark Attack. USA: Berkley Pub
the intrusion of the diver wielding a spear gun.
Group, Penguin Books; 1975. Available from
author: Box 152l6, Sarasota, FL 33579.
SWORDFISH AND SAWFISH Coppleson V. Shark Attack. Sydney: Angus and
Robertson; 1958.
is group includes the sword sh, sail sh, marlin, Edmonds C. Dangerous Marine Creatures.
gar sh and saw sh. Flagstaff, Arizona: Best Publishing; 1995.
ere are documented cases of both death and Edwards H. Crocodile Attack. Adelaide, South
injury from these sh. e trauma is caused by Australia: J.B. Books; 1998.
the saw or sword, which is an extension of the jaw. International Shark Attack File. 2013. http://www.
Even the smaller species, which can skim above the mnh.u .edu/ sh/sharks/isaf/isaf.htm
surface of the water, have caused many injuries to KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board. 2013. www.shark.
shers. e gar sh can sometimes ascend 2 metres
above the sea level and are possibly attracted by Myers RF, Bergbauer M, Kirschner M. Dangerous
lights used by shers at night. e penetrating Marine Animals. London: Sea and Seashore
injuries from the relatively small spear-shaped jaws Life Book Publishers; 2009.
have resulted in both penetration of body cavities Sutherland SK. Australian Animal Toxins.
and injuries to the face and head. Melbourne: Oxford University Press; 1983.
Both saw sh and the sword sh achieve their US Navy Diving Manual. Appendix 5C. Hazardous
damage by the use of their large appendage, in Marine Creatures. Flagstaff, Arizona: Best
either an attacking or a defensive role. Occasional Publishing; 2008.
attacks have occurred underwater, in which case
death is usually caused by blood loss. Other attacks is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
have occurred a er the sh has been caught and Carl Edmonds.
Venomous marine animals*

Pressure bandage immobilization 377 Clinical features 386

Sea snake bites 378 Irukandji syndrome 387
General information 378 Cone shell stings 389
Clinical features 379 General information 389
First aid 379 Clinical features 390
Medical treatment 379 Treatment 390
Prevention 380 Prevention 391
Fish stings 380 Blue-ringed octopus bites 391
General information 380 General information 391
Clinical features 380 Clinical features 391
First aid 381 Treatment 392
Medical treatment 381 Prevention 392
Stone sh 381 Other marine animal injuries 392
Stingrays 383 Sea urchins 392
Cnidarian injuries 384 Sponges 393
General information, including Coral cuts 393
Portuguese man o’ war 384 Further reading 394
Chironex (box jelly sh, sea wasp) 385

PRESSURE BANDAGE Some venoms, especially those with a higher

IMMOBILIZATION molecular weight, are absorbed from the wound
site by the lymphatic vessels before entering the
is important rst aid method was developed in circulation. e aim of this rst aid treatment is to
Australia in 1978. It was designed for envenom- retard venom transport via the lymphatic system.
ations that are not characteristically associated is is achieved with a dual approach.
with a local in ammatory reaction (swelling, pain, First, the lymphatic vessels at the bite site are
erythema). compressed by rm but comfortable bandaging,

* Note: In this chapter, reference is made to traditional pharmaceuticals because these were the ones originally
employed and assessed with these injuries. For example, diazepam may be mentioned in a situation in which current
clinicians may prefer more modern anxiolytics. Whether the currently fashionable drugs are more appropriate, effec-
tive or safer may be contentious. Adhering to the original medications at least has the virtue that they will be still
recognizable in a few years’ time.

378 Venomous marine animals

preferably with elastic or crepe bandage – but any bandage over the top of clothing, such as jeans,
cloth will do. is bandaging is then extended up rather than move the limb to remove clothing.
then down to as much of the rest of the bitten limb ● Immobilize the limb and the patient. Ensure
as possible, preferably leaving the digits exposed that the bitten limb is kept motionless by
to monitor circulation, and with the injury site applying a splint and instructing the patient to
marked on the bandage. Bandaging can be applied cease all use of the limb, local muscle contrac-
over clothing or over other bandaging. Second, ture and any general activity. Transport should
proximal movement of lymph in the vessels is come to the patient, not vice versa.
slowed or stopped by splinting and immobilizing
the limb, and other body movement, thus reduc- In marine envenomation, the pressure ban-
ing the ‘muscle pump’ e ect of muscle contraction dage immobilization technique is applicable to sea
and lymph ow. Enclosing the a ected upper limb snake bites, and probably to blue-ringed octopus
in a sling, or strapping the a ected lower limb to and cone shell envenomations, and it is not indi-
the opposite leg, may also reduce mobility. If the cated for cnidarian injuries, sh stings, injuries
envenomation wound is not on a limb, a pressure from urchins or sponges or any minor injuries.
pad and immobilization need to be instituted as far
as possible. SEA SNAKE BITES
Correctly applied, this technique can retard
venom movement into the circulation until the General information
bandage is removed, hours later. ere is little
threat to limb tissue oxygenation, which is just one e sea snake (family Hydrophiidae) is found
of the major problems in using tourniquets with a in  warmer waters of the Indo-Paci c and Red
similar intent. Sea.  e subfamily Hydrophiinae, typi ed by
ere are two serious limitations to this tech- the yellow-bellied sea snake, spends its life at sea.
nique. First, to prevent a tourniquet-like result, it It has recently been observed in the Caribbean and
should not be used if the venom is causing in am- so may be spreading from its Indo-Paci c habitat.
mation (swelling) under the bandage. Most of It is a sh eater and thus needs a venom for capture
these in ammatory venoms (e.g. from sh stings of its prey. ese snakes are e cient swimmers
and some land snake bites) localize themselves by and are equipped with paddle-shaped tails for this
inducing vaso-constriction, and the circulation reason. ey can submerge for 2 hours. ey are
should not be further compromised. Second, the inquisitive, and sometimes aggressive, especially if
technique merely delays the e ect of the venom. handled or trodden on. ey are attracted by fast-
It is not a de nitive treatment in itself. It allows moving objects (e.g. divers being towed by a boat),
for the orderly transfer of the victim to hospital, and under these circumstances they can congre-
where all the preparations for treatment, acquisi- gate and become troublesome. ey are also caught
tion of antivenom, resuscitation and anti-allergy in trawling nets, especially in the tropics. e other
preparations are employed – before removal of the subfamily, Laticaudinae, comprises the banded
bandage. sea snakes and spend their time between sea and
In summary, the pressure bandage immobiliza- land. Land snakes may also be found in the water,
tion method of rst aid is as follows: sometimes causing di culty with identi cation.
No land snake has the attened tail.
● Apply a rm, broad elastic bandage or similar Sea snake venom is 2 to 10 times as toxic as
wrapping (even clothing or strips or pantyhose cobra venom, but sea snakes tend to deliver less of
will do in an emergency) over the bite site, at it, and only about one fourth of those bitten by sea
the same pressure as employed for a muscle snakes ever show signs of envenomation. ere is
sprain. Do not occlude the circulation. sometimes reluctance to inject venom even when
● Apply more bandage over as much of the rest of they do bite. Nevertheless, the venom able to be
the bitten limb as practical. Ensure that ngers injected by one fresh adult sea snake of certain spe-
or toes are not covered. It is o en prudent to cies is enough to kill three men. In most species
Sea snake bites 379

the  apparatus for delivering the venom is poorly Myoglobinuria may develop. When this is seen,
developed even though the mouth can open widely, one must consider the other possible e ects of
whereas in a few others the mouth is small and the myonecrosis, namely acute renal failure with
snake has di culty in obtaining a wide enough electrolyte and potassium changes, uraemia and
bite to pierce the clothing or any other protective aggravation of the muscular paralysis and weak-
layer. e bite causes little in ammatory response, ness. is myonecrotic syndrome with renal fail-
and the current venom detection kit is not of value. ure usually supervenes on the other muscular
Sea snake venom appears to block neuromus- paralysis and may thus prolong and aggravate this
cular transmission by acting on the post-synaptic state. Coagulopathies are not characteristic of sea
membrane and may a ect the motor nerve ter- snake envenomation.
minals. It blocks the e ects of acetylcholine. When recovery occurs, it is usually rapid and
Autopsy ndings include patchy and selective complete.
necrosis of skeletal muscles, as well as tubular
damage in the kidneys if the illness lasts longer First aid
than 48 hours.
Current treatment is the use of the pressure ban-
Clinical features dage immobilization technique (see earlier).
Reassurance is needed, and exertion is to be
An initial puncture at the time of biting is usually avoided. e limb is immobilized, as is the patient.
observed. Fang and teeth marks may vary from If possible, the snake (dead, to avoid further enven-
1 to 20, but usually there are 4, and teeth may remain omations) should be retained for identi cation
in the wound. A er a latent period without symp- because although it may be harmless, the treat-
toms, lasting from 10 minutes to several hours, ment certainly is not.
generalized features develop in approximately one In the event of respiratory paralysis, arti cial or
fourth of the cases. Pain and swelling are minor. mouth-to-mouth respiration may be required. Full
Mild symptoms include a psychological reac- cardiorespiratory resuscitation may be required in
tion such as euphoria, anxiety or restlessness. e some cases.
major symptoms are paralysis or myolysis and are
evident usually within the rst 6 hours. Medical treatment
e tongue may feel thick. irst, dry throat, nau-
sea and vomiting occasionally develop. Generalized Once the patient is transported to adequate
sti ness and muscle aching may then supervene. medical facilities, and the clinicians have reviewed
If  weakness does progress to paralysis, it is o en and prepared the therapy indicated, the pressure
the ascending Guillain-Barré type, with the legs bandage may be removed. Once this happens, the
involved an hour or so before the trunk, followed by envenomation will have its e ect on the patient,
the arms and neck. e other manifestation of paral- and then the treatment, including the antivenom
ysis is one that extends centrally from the area of the regimen, can be instituted.
bite (e.g. from a bite on the hand to the forearm, arm, Apart from the foregoing rst aid proce-
other arm, body and legs). Usually, the proximal dures, full cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be
muscle groups are the most a ected, and trismus required. Fluid and electrolyte balance must be
and ptosis are characteristic. Muscular twitching, corrected, and acute renal failure is usually obvi-
writhing and spasms may be seen, and the patient ous from the oliguria, raised serum creatinine level
may develop di culty with speech and swallowing and electrolyte changes. A high serum potassium
as the paralysis extends to the bulbar areas. Facial level is particularly dangerous, and treatment by
and ocular palsies then develop. Respiratory distress, haemodialysis is then required. is may result in
from involvement of the diaphragm, may result in improvement in the muscular paralysis and the
dyspnoea, cyanosis and nally death in a small num- general clinical condition. e acute renal tubular
ber of the cases a ected. Cardiac failure, convulsions necrosis and the myonecrosis are considered
and coma may be seen terminally. temporary, if life can be maintained.
380 Venomous marine animals

Treatment may be necessary for the cardiovas- as an apparent warning to predators (e.g. butter y
cular shock and convulsions. cod or re sh).
Sea snake antivenom from the Australian Some sh envenomations have resulted in death,
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) can especially by the stone sh and stingray. ese are
be used cautiously in serious cases, with evidence described separately. Others, such as the infamous
of paralysis or myolysis. It contains 1000 units per scorpion sh and re sh (family Scorpaenidae),
ampoule. Care must be taken to administer it strictly cat sh (family Plotosidae and Ariidae) and stargaz-
in accordance with the directions in the current ers (family Uranoscopidae), have also been respon-
package. e antivenom can be dangerous to patients sible for occasional deaths in humans. As a general
who are allergic to it. Emergency preparations for rule, sh that have been damaged (e.g. those from
anaphylactic shock are required. Some authori- shing nets) cause fewer problems clinically, prob-
ties advise anti-allergy pre-treatment, although ably because some of the envenomation system
this is questionable unless special predispositions may have been previously triggered. However, even
exist. e sea snake antivenom is composed of two dead sh can be venomous when handled. ose
antivenoms, and each has a very speci c action. wounds that bleed profusely are also less likely to
Unfortunately, although it does counter the most cause intense symptoms. Some spines are inexpli-
common sea snake venoms, there are others that are cably not associated with venom sacs.
not covered. If sea snake antivenom is unavailable, Other sh may produce injury by their knife-
tiger snake antivenom or polyvalent land snake anti- like spines, which may or may not be venomous.
venom could be used, although their value is not cer- Examples include old wife (family Enoplosidae),
tain. Any antivenom can cause serum sickness for surgeon sh and unicorn sh (family Acanthuridae)
up to a fortnight later, and sta and patients need to and rat sh (family Chimaeridae).
be aware and prepared for this possibility. Identi cation of the species of sh responsible is
Patients with sea snake bite should be hospital- not always possible. Fortunately, there is not a great
ized for 24 hours because of the delay in developing variety in the symptoms.
symptoms. Sedatives may be required, and it is rea-
sonable to administer diazepam as required. is Clinical features
will assist in sedating the patient, without interfer-
ing signi cantly with respiration. Preparation for If venom is injected, the rst symptom is usually
treatment of anaphylaxis should remain available. local pain that increases in intensity over the next
few minutes. It may become excruciating, but it
Prevention usually lessens a er a few hours (‘with the change of
the tide’ – an old mariner’s attempt at reassurance).
is is usually achieved by not handling sea snakes. e puncture wound is anaesthetized, but the sur-
It is suggested that the feet be shu ed when walk- rounding area is hypersensitive. Pain and tender-
ing along a muddy sea bed, and that protective ness in the regional lymph glands may extend even
clothing be worn when underwater. e wetsuit more centrally to the abdomen or chest.
is usually su cient, and if a diver is collecting sea Locally, the appearance is that of one or more
snakes, it is wise to use specialized sea snake tongs. puncture wounds, with an in amed and some-
times cyanotic zone around this wound. e sur-
FISH STINGS rounding area becomes pale and swollen, with
pitting oedema.
General information Generalized symptoms are sometimes severe.
e patient is o en very distressed by the degree
Many sh have spines and a venom apparatus, of pain, which is disproportionate to the clinical
usually for protection but occasionally for inca- signs. is distress can merge into a delirious state.
pacitating their prey. Spines may be concealed, Malaise, nausea, vomiting and sweating may be
only becoming obvious when in use (e.g. stone sh associated with mild temperature elevation and
or Synanceia species), or they may be highlighted leucocytosis. Respiratory distress may develop in
Fish stings 381

severe cases. Occasionally, a cardiovascular shock need to be repeated every 30 to 60 minutes. Local or
state may supervene and cause death. regional anaesthetic blocks may also be of value.
Symptomatic treatment may be needed for gen-
First aid eralized symptoms of cardiogenic shock or respi-
ratory depression. Systemic analgesics or narcotics
e patient should be laid down and reassured. are rarely needed; however, they may be of value
e a ected area should be rested in an elevated in severe cases. Symptomatic treatment is given for
position. Arrangements can then be made to the other clinical features present.
immerse the wound in hot water (ideally up to Exploration, débridement and cleansing of the
45°C, but no hotter than the patient can comfort- wound, with removal of any broken spines or their
ably tolerate) for 30 to 90 minutes – or until the integument, are best followed by the application
pain no longer recurs. As well as the wound, some of local antibiotic such as neomycin or bacitracin.
normal skin, from victim and rescuer, must also be Tetanus prophylaxis may be indicated. Broad-
tested in the hot water to ensure that scalding is not spectrum antibiotics (e.g. doxycycline) may be
induced. e injured skin may well be hypoaes- needed if the infection spreads, as may occur with
thetic, or the pain relief from the hot solution may delayed cleansing.
seem preferable to the pain from the scalding – and Stone sh antivenom (see later) is approved only
thus not give adequate warning of this danger. e for Synanceia species, but it is currently also being
wound should be washed and cleaned. applied for di cult cases of other Scorpaenidae
Fishers o en make a small incision across the species.
wound and parallel to the long axis of the limb, to e basic physiological signs (e.g. temperature,
encourage mild bleeding and relieve pain if other pulse and respiration; blood pressure [BP]; cen-
methods are not available. tral venous pressure [CVP]; urine output), serum
electrolytes, blood gases, electroencephalogram
and electrocardiogram are monitored if indicated.
First aid treatment of sh stings
For serious or extensive lesions, a so tissue x-ray
(venom injected by spine):
study, ultrasound examination or magnetic reso-
● Lay the patient down with the affected nance imaging scan may be needed to demonstrate
limb elevated. foreign body or bone injury.
● Wash the surface venom away and A recurrence of symptoms 1 to 2 weeks a er
gently remove the spine or integument if the injury usually indicates a foreign body reaction
present. (treated by excision of the irritant) or an infection
● Immersion in hot water (up to 45°C) will (treated by antibiotics).
reduce the pain. The rescuer should test
the temperature on himself or herself rst
and also include normal skin of the victim, Stone sh
to avoid scalding.
● Inject local anaesthetic (without GENERAL INFORMATION
adrenaline) into and around the wound. is sh grows to about 30 cm in length and is
● Clean the wound. Apply local antiseptic usually in warm tropical and subtropical waters.
or local antibiotic. It lies dormant in the shallows, buried in sand,
mud, coral or rocks, and is practically indistin-
guishable from the surroundings. e 13 erectile
Medical treatment dorsal spines, capable of piercing a sandshoe, are
covered by loose skin or integument. When pres-
is treatment includes rst aid, as described earlier. sure is applied over them, they become erect, and
Local anaesthetic, e.g. 5 ml of 1% lidocaine without two venom glands discharge along ducts on each
adrenaline (epinephrine), if injected through the spine, into the penetrating wound. e sh may
puncture wound, will give considerable relief. It may live for many hours out of the water.
382 Venomous marine animals

e venom is an unstable protein, with a pH of cardiac failure and/or paralysis of the respiratory
6.0 and a molecular weight of 150 000. It produces musculature. Bradycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias
an intense vaso-constriction, and therefore it tends and cardiac arrest are also possible.
to localize itself. It is destroyed by heat, alkalis and Malaise, exhaustion, fever and shivering may
acids. e toxin is multi-component with neuro- progress to delirium, lack of co-ordination, general-
toxic, myotoxic, cardiotoxic and cytotoxic prop- ized paralysis, convulsions and death. Convalescence
erties. It causes muscular paralysis, respiratory may take many months, and it may be characterized
depression, peripheral vasodilation, shock and car- by periods of malaise and nausea.
diac arrest. It is also capable of producing cardiac
dysrhythmias. TREATMENT
Each spine has 5 to 10 mg of venom associ- See the previous discussion of rst aid and medi-
ated with it, and this venom is said to be neutral- cal treatment for sh stings. Stone sh antivenom
ized by 1 ml antivenom from the Australian CSL. is approved only for Synanceia species, but is cur-
Occasionally, a stone sh spine may have no venom rently also being applied for di cult cases of other
associated with it. It is thought that the venom is Scorpaenidae species.
regenerated very slowly, if at all. Stone sh antivenom may be administered with
1 ml neutralizing 10 mg of venom (i.e. the venom
CLINICAL FEATURES from one spine). Follow the directions in the CSL
Whether the local or generalized symptoms pre- product statement inclusion. Anti-allergy prepara-
dominate seems to depend on many factors, such tions should be taken. Further doses can be given if
as the geographical locality, number of spines required, but this antivenom should never be given
involved, protective covering, previous stings, and to people with horse serum allergy. It should be
rst aid treatment, among other factors. protected from light and stored between 0°C and
5°C, but not frozen. It should be used immediately
Local on opening.
Immediate pain is noted. is increases in sever- Systemic analgesics and narcotics are seldom
ity over the ensuing 10 minutes or more. e pain, indicated or useful, although intravenous narcot-
which is excruciating in severity, may be su cient ics are sometimes used. Tetanus prophylaxis is
in some patients to cause unconsciousness and thus recommended. Systemic antibiotics may be used
drowning. Ischaemia of the area is followed by cya- because secondary infection is likely. Débridement
nosis, which is probably caused by local circulatory should be considered if signi cant tissue damage
stasis. e area becomes swollen and oedematous, and necrosis are present, or if foreign material
o en hot, with numbness in the centre and extreme could be le in the wound.
tenderness around the periphery. e oedema and Appropriate resuscitation techniques may have
swelling may become quite gross, extending up the to be applied. ese include endotracheal intuba-
limb. Paralysis of the adjacent muscles is said to tion with controlled respiration, chest compres-
immobilize the limb, as may pain. sions and de brillation. Monitoring procedures
e pain is likely to spread proximally to the may need to include records of clinical state (pulse,
regional lymph glands (e.g. axilla or groin). Both respiration), BP, CVP, pulse oximetry, electrocar-
the pain and the other signs of in ammation may diogram, lung function tests, arterial gases and
last for many days. Necrosis and ulceration can pH. Clinical complications of bulbar paralysis
persist for many months. should be treated as they arise.

Signs of mild cardiovascular collapse are not One should wear thick-soled shoes when in danger-
uncommon. Pallor, sweating, hypotension and ous areas and be particularly careful on coral reefs
syncope on standing may be present. Respiratory and while entering or leaving boats. A stone sh
failure may result from haemorrhagic pulmonary sting is said to confer some degree of immunity for
oedema, depression of the respiratory centre, future episodes.
Fish stings 383

Stingrays ulceration and secondary infection are common

and if unchecked may cause incapacity for many
GENERAL INFORMATION months. Osteomyelitis in the underlying bone is a
is vertebrate lies in the sand, and the unwary vic- possible complication.
tim may tread on its dorsal surface or dive over it. Aggravation of pain and in ammation within
As a response to this pressure, the stingray swings days may be caused by secondary infection, whereas
its tail upward and forward, driving the spine into aggravation a er a week is usually the result of a
the limb (usually the ankle) or body of the victim. retained foreign body.
An integument over the serrated spine is ruptured.
Venom escapes and passes along grooves into the General
perforated wound. Extraction of the spine results e following manifestations have been noted:
in a laceration caused by the serrations and retro- anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, frequent
pointed barbs, and it may leave fragments of spine micturition and salivation. ere is extension of
or sheath within the wound. pain to the area of lymphatic drainage. Muscular
e venom is a protein (molecular weight cramp, tremor and tonic paralysis may occur in
greater than 100 000) heat labile, water soluble and the a ected limb or may be more generalized.
with an intravenous median lethal dose (LD50) of Syncope, palpitations, hypotension, cardiac irreg-
28.0 mg/kg body weight. Low concentrations cause ularities (conduction abnormalities, blocks) and
electrocardiographic e ects of increased PR inter- ischaemia are possible. Respiratory depression may
vals associated with bradycardia. A rst-degree occur, with di culty in breathing, cough and pain
atrio-ventricular block may occur with mild hypo- on inspiration. Other features include nocturnal
tension. Larger doses produce vaso-constriction, pyrexia with copious sweating, nervousness, con-
second- and third-degree atrio-ventricular block fusion or delirium.
and signs of cardiac ischaemia. Most cardiac e symptoms may last from hours (the venom
changes are reversible within 24 hours. Some degree e ect) to many months (a foreign body and/or
of respiratory depression is noted with greater infection).
amounts of venom. is is probably secondary to Fatalities have occurred, especially if the spine
the neurotoxic e ect of the venom on the medullary perforates the pericardial, peritoneal or pleural
centres. Convulsions may also occur. cavities. Death may result from the envenomation
Fishers who handle these sh in nets are less (cardiac arrhythmias), trauma, haemorrhage or
seriously a ected because the integumentary delayed tissue necrosis and infection.
sheath is probably already damaged.

See the earlier discussion of rst aid and medical
treatment for sh stings.
Local e special problems of penetration of body
Wounds may be lacerations with haemorrhage or cavities and immediate and delayed haemorrhage
punctures with pain, or a mixture. Pain is usu- must be monitored with stingray injuries. Delayed
ally immediate and is the predominant symptom, problems are frequent.
increasing over 1 to 2 hours and easing a er 6 to
10  hours, but it may persist for some days. e PREVENTION
pain  may be constant, pulsating or stabbing. Divers are advised to shu e the feet when
Bleeding may be profuse and may relieve the pain. walking in the water. is gives the ray time to
A mucoid secretion may follow. Integument from remove itself – which it cannot do with a foot
the spine may be visible in the puncture wound, on its dorsum. Although wearing rubber boots
which may gape and extend for a few centimetres decreases the severity of the sting, the spine pen-
in length. e area is swollen and pale, with a blu- etrates most protective material. Care is needed
ish rim, centimetres in width, spreading around when handling shing nets and when diving
the wound a er an hour or two. Local necrosis, under ledges.
384 Venomous marine animals

CNIDARIAN INJURIES from a prickly or stinging sensation developing

immediately on contact to a burning or throbbing
General information, including pain. e intensity increases over 10 minutes or so,
Portuguese man o’ war and the erythema may develop papules, vesicles or
even pustules, with necrotic ulcers in severe cases.
Cnidaria is a phylum of 9000 species containing e pain may spread centrally, with lymphadenop-
jelly sh, sea anemones, re coral, stinging athy, and may be associated with abdominal and
hydroids among others. It constitutes one of the chest pain.
lowest orders of the animal kingdom and has Generalized symptoms include fever, increased
members that are dissimilar in general appearance secretions, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovas-
and mobility. cular failure, respiratory distress and signs of a
e common factor among the cnidarians (also toxic-confusional state.
called coelenterates) is the development of many e intensity of both local and generalized mani-
nematocysts or stinging capsules. ese capsules festations of Cnidaria stinging may vary according
are of two types – one that adheres to the animal’s to the following: the species involved (Chironex is
prey, either by sticky mucus or by a coiled spring; o en lethal, whereas the blubber jelly sh can o en
and the other that acts as a needle, penetrating be handled with impunity); the extent of the area
the prey and discharging venom into it. is may involved; the body weight of the victim, with injury
be  as long as 0.5 mm. e triggering mechanism more severe in children than in adults; thickness of
that is responsible for the discharge of the nema- the skin in contact; and individual idiosyncrasies
tocyst is thought to be initiated by many factors – such as allergic reactions, pre-existing cardiorespi-
such as trauma or the absorption of fresh water into ratory disease and other conditions. Because the
the nematocyst capsule, thus causing it to swell. most dangerous Cnidaria is the Chironex, this genus
e functions of the nematocysts are to inca- is dealt with in detail. e Portuguese man o’ war or
pacitate and retain prey, which is food for the bluebottle (Physalia) sting is one of the most com-
Cnidaria. e nematocysts of di erent types mon problems encountered by bathers.
of Cnidaria may be identi able and therefore First aid treatments have been based on the use
of value in the di erential diagnosis of marine of empirical and fashionable treatments, such as
stings. In some centres, serological and immuno- vinegar, dehydrating agents (alcohols) or denatur-
logical tests may also be available to identify dif- ing agents (acetic acid, ammonia, papaine in meat
ferent species. Nematocysts may be removed from tenderizers) to reduce the discharge of further
the skin by the use of transparent adhesive tape, nematocysts. Some of these treatments have trig-
for later identi cation. gered nematocyst discharge and aggravated the
ere may be a characteristic pattern of nema- symptoms.
tocyst stings, depending on their aggregation on Current treatments include the gentle removal
the tentacle of the Cnidaria and on the morphol- of tentacles, washing with sea water and possibly
ogy of the tentacles. us, the Portuguese man o’ hot water soaks (up to 45°C, as described for sh
war (o en called the bluebottle) usually produces stings – see earlier). e use of anti-burn prepara-
a single, long strap with small blisters along it. e tions and cold packs and the application of local
mauve stinger has two to four short red lines. e anaesthetic ointments and steroids to reduce
Chironex has multiple long, red lines, o en with symptoms of pain or itch, respectively, have all
the tentacle adherent because of a thick, sticky been employed. A 50 per cent water, 50 per cent
substance, when the patient is rst seen. Stinging baking soda combination has been proposed. e
hydroids and re coral, being non-mobile, sting heat treatment (up to 45°C) is the currently fash-
only when touched by the diver. ionable rst aid, although it has not been dem-
Clinical factors may vary from a mild itch onstrated for all Cnidaria, and it is applied for as
locally, to severe systemic reactions, to allergic long as necessary to reduce pain (usually about
responses and to death. e local symptoms vary 20 minutes).
Cnidarian injuries 385

Prevention of Cnidaria stings is achieved by not to children and patients with cardiorespiratory
swimming in areas they inhabit, by using some disorders (patients with asthma and coronary
water-repellent sunscreens and by wearing a pro- artery disease). Its box-shaped body can measure
tective suit, such as the Lycra suits or ‘stinger suits’. 20 cm along each side, and it has up to 15 tenta-
e reason most cnidarians do not injure humans cles measuring up to 3 metres in length on each
is that the nematocyst is incapable of penetrating of its 4 pedalia. e animal is usually small at the
the depth of skin necessary to cause symptoms. beginning of the monsoon or hot season, and it
Variations of this mode of injury occur in four increases in size and toxicity as it matures dur-
instances: ing this season. It is especially found a er bad
weather and on cloudy days, when it moves into
1. Direct entry. Coral cuts are o en experienced more shallow water. It is almost invisible in its
in the tropics, and in these cases there is a lac- natural habitat, being pale blue and transparent.
eration of the skin that allows nematocysts to It tends to avoid noise, such as in harbours with
discharge directly into the wound tissues. is motor boats and near the turbulence of surf  –
is supplemented by a foreign body reaction to but this should not be relied upon. It is actively
the nematocysts, coral pieces and organisms. mobile, but it o en dri s with the wind and tide
Paci c Islanders once spread cnidarians over when near the surface.
their spears for greater e ect. e severity of the sting increases with the size
2. Nudibranchs, especially the Glaucus, ingest of the animal, the extent of contact with the vic-
certain cnidarians and use their nemato- tim and the delicacy of the victim’s skin. Deaths
cysts for their own purposes. is means have occurred with as little contact as 6 to 7 metres
that humans who come in contact with these of tentacle, in adults – and much less in children.
nudibranchs may then sustain an injury having Adjacent swimmers may also be a ected to a vari-
a distribution that corresponds to the area of able degree. e tentacles tend to adhere with a
contact with the nudibranch. sticky, jelly-like substance. ey can usually be
3. Ingestion and inhalation. Allergy and anaphy- removed by bystanders because of the protection
laxis may develop from contact, inhalation a orded by the thick skin on the palmar aspect
or ingestion. Some cnidarians are poisonous of their hands. is protection is not always com-
to eat. plete, and stinging can occur even through surgi-
4. Irukandji. Some jelly sh produce a minimal cal gloves.
sting but inject a toxin that causes severe
generalized muscular spasms, especially TOXIN
a ecting the large muscle masses of the spine e venom is made up of lethal, dermatonecrotic
and abdomen, up to 2 hours later (discussed and haemolytic fractions with speci c antigens,
later in this chapter). and cross-immunity probably does not develop
to other species. e e ects on the cardiovascu-
Chironex (box jelly sh, sea wasp) lar system include an initial rise in arterial pres-
sure that is followed by hypotensive-hypertensive
GENERAL INFORMATION oscillations. e hypotensive states are associated
ese large cnidarians, called Cubomedusae, with bradycardia, cardiac irregularities (especially
Chironex eckeri, are restricted to the warm waters delay in atrio-ventricular conduction), apnoea and
of the Indo-Paci c region. Fatalities are more these oscillating arterial pressures. e cardiovas-
numerous in the waters o Northern Australia. cular e ects are caused by cardiotoxicity, brain-
Related species of chirodropids may be found in stem depression and/or baroreceptor stimulation
other tropical areas, such as the Indo-Paci c equa- (a vasomotor re ex feedback system). Ventricular
torial waters and the Middle East. brillation or asystole precedes cerebral death.
Chironex is said to be the most venomous Only a few stinging incidents, about 2 per cent,
marine animal known. It is especially dangerous result in death.
386 Venomous marine animals

Clinical features Respiratory distress, cyanosis, pulmonary con-

gestion and oedema may be caused by the cardiac
e patient usually screams as a result of the excru- e ects or by direct midbrain depression. Paralysis
ciating pain, occurring immediately on contact, and abdominal pains may occur. Malaise and rest-
and increasing in intensity, o en coming in waves. lessness may persist, with physical convalescence
e patient then claws at the adherent tentacles requiring up to a week. Irritability and di culty
(whitish strings surrounded by a transparent jelly). with psychological adjustment may take weeks
He or she may become confused, act irrationally or or months to disappear. Immunity to the sting is
lose consciousness and may drown because of this. said to occur following repeated and recent con-
tacts, although it is likely that the cross-immunity
Chironex stings are excruciatingly painful among the species is incomplete or absent.
and potentially fatal.
Local First aid
Multiple interlacing whiplash lines – red, purple or Prevent drowning. Apply copious quantities of
brown – 0.5 cm wide, develop within seconds. e vinegar to reduce the likelihood of discharge of
markings are in a ‘beaded’ or ‘ladder’ pattern and previously undischarged nematocysts. is should
are quite characteristic. ese acute changes last be done for at least 30 seconds. is may be
for some hours. ey are also described as trans- repeated. Remove the tentacles with their undis-
verse wheals. If death occurs, the skin markings charged nematocysts. Do this gently but quickly,
fade. If the patient survives, the red, swollen skin pulling in one direction only. Rough handling or
may develop large wheals, and, a er 7 to 10 days, rubbing will cause further nematocysts discharge.
necrosis and ulceration develop over the area of Some researchers are concerned that even vinegar
contact. e skin lesions may take many months could increase venom discharge from partly trig-
to heal if deep ulceration occurs. Itching may gered nematocysts; however, vinegar is one of the
also be troublesome and recurrent. Pigmentation few substances that can inactivate nematocysts.
and scarring at the site of these lesions may be If vinegar is not available, other materials may
permanent. be of value, but there is much con ict over which
substances may aggravate the condition. Local
General remedies, such as lemon or lime juice, have yet to
Excruciating pain dominates the clinical picture, be evaluated, but it is possible that stale wine or
whereas impairment of consciousness may lead even Coca-Cola, applied locally, may reduce the
to  coma and death. e pain diminishes in 4 to nematocyst discharge. Water warmer than 43°C
12 hours. Amnesia occurs for most of the incident is being considered for this purpose, as is topical
following the sting. If death occurs, it usually does lidocaine, but validation of the e ectiveness of
so within the rst 10 minutes; survival is likely these approaches are still awaited.
a er the rst hour. Pressure bandage immobilization was proposed
Cardiovascular e ects dominate the gener- by some authorities as a way of reducing venom
alized manifestations. e patient may develop absorption, but most experts have been more cir-
cardiac shock, appearing cold and clammy with a cumspect – observing that it could result in pres-
rapid pulse, disturbance of consciousness, hypo- sure trauma inducing extra nematocyst discharge
tension, tachycardia and raised venous pressure. and increased concentration of the venom. It is not
e cardiac state may oscillate within minutes recommended.
from episodes of hypertension, tachycardia, rapid Cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be required.
respirations and normal venous pressure to hypo- It should be continued and reapplied whenever there
tension, bradycardia, apnoea and elevated venous is any deterioration in the patient’s cardiorespira-
pressure. e oscillation may give a false impression tory status. Do not assume because there is initial
of improvement just before the patient’s death. improvement that the patient will not have a relapse.
Cnidarian injuries 387

Chironex (box jelly sh) antivenom has been

Treatment of Chironex sting: developed by the Australian CSL and is derived
● Rescue the patient from the water. from the serum of hyper-immunized sheep.
● Apply vinegar in copious quantities, It  is of value against both the local and general
before gently removing the tentacles. manifestations, but it is speci cally of value for
● Perform arti cial respiration and external life-threatening cardiac or respiratory manifesta-
chest compressions as required. tions. One to three vials, possibly with magne-
● Administer box jelly sh antivenom, if sium sulphate, are injected intravenously over 5 to
available. 15 minutes, or as varied and directed by the CSL
● Apply local anaesthetic ointment. product literature enclosed with the antivenom.
● Administer intravenous narcotics or
general anaesthesia.
● Use steroids. Prevention includes the wearing of adequate pro-
tective clothing (e.g. overalls, wetsuits, Lycra or
body stockings). One should restrict swimming
or wading to the safe months of the year. Care is
Medical treatment especially needed on cloudy days toward the end of
Intermittent positive pressure respiration, possibly the hot season. Dragging a section of a beach with
with oxygen, replaces mouth-to-mouth arti cial 2.5-cm mesh has been used, not very successfully,
respiration, if needed. is will require constant to clear an area for bathing. Information should be
attention because of the varying degree of respi- sought about the prevalence of dangerous cubo-
ratory depression. General anaesthesia with endo- zoans in the area. In some places, this important
tracheal intubation and controlled respiration is information is withheld by tour operators, and even
needed if analgesia cannot otherwise be obtained. some government bodies, to facilitate tourism,
Local applications include lidocaine or other
local anaesthetic ointment. is may assist even Irukandji syndrome
a er the rst few minutes, during which time the
traditional vinegar is believed to be of prophylactic Some jelly sh produce a minimal or negligible
value. Analgesics include morphine 15 mg or peth- sting, but they inject a toxin that causes a cat-
idine (Demerol) 100 mg, intravenously in divided echolamine storm, with cardiovascular manifes-
doses. is may also protect against shock. tations and severe generalized muscular spasms,
Hydrocortisone 100 mg is administered intra- especially a ecting the large muscle masses of the
venously every 2 hours if needed. Local steroid spine and abdomen, up to 1 to 2 hours a er the
preparations are valuable for treating dermal man- sting. Because of the latent period, the relation-
ifestations such as swelling, pain and itching. ship may not be realized, and diagnostic prob-
Chlorpromazine 100 mg intramuscularly, or lems arise. Although the Irukandji syndrome
diazepam 10 mg intravenously, or their more con- has mainly been reported from the tropical and
temporary equivalents, may be of value a er the subtropical parts of the Indo-Paci c, especially
immediate resuscitation because they assist in sedat- Northern Australia, Malaysia and ailand,
ing and tranquilizing the patient without causing sig- it occurs in other areas (e.g. other Indo-Paci c
ni cant respiratory depression. Other drugs may be Islands, Florida, Hawaii, West Indies, Caribbean
used but are unproven in this clinical disorder. ese [Bonaire]) and from other jelly sh or marine
include noradrenaline (Levophed) or isoprenaline animals.
(Isuprel) drips for hypotension, respiratory or car- e name Irukandji was given by Dr Flecker,
diac stimulants, verapamil and others. Continuous from a local aboriginal tribe living near Cairns,
electrocardiographic monitoring is indicated, as are Australia, where the injury was rst described.
pulse rate, BP, CVP, respiratory rate, arterial gases, Similar clinical syndromes have now been reported
pulse oximetry and pH levels. External cardiac mas- from many other warm water areas throughout the
sage and de brillation are performed if required. world. In 1964, another Cairns physician identi ed
388 Venomous marine animals

the common cause of the syndrome in that area, and the area. Occasionally, in severe cases the area may
it was a small box jelly sh, now known as Carukia remain swollen for many hours. Other variations in
barnesi. local reactions can result from di erent Irukandji-
is animal is rarely observed by the victim, inducing cnidarians.
although the stinging may occur near the surface ere is usually a latent period of 5 to 120
and in either deep or shallow waters. It is tradi- minutes between contact and the development
tionally a small box jelly sh with a transparent of generalized symptoms. e patient may not
body about 1 to 2 cm long and with four tentacles relate these symptoms to the local reaction unless
varying from a few centimetres up to 1 metre in speci cally questioned about this.
length, depending on the degree of contraction.
Nematocysts, appearing as clumps of minute red General
dots, are distributed over the body and tentacles. Pain usually dominates the clinical presentation.
e delayed injury is proportional to the duration, Abdominal pains, sometimes severe and associ-
extent and location of the sting. ated with spasm and board-like rigidity of the
Similar clinical symptoms may accompany abdominal wall, o en come in waves. Muscular
stings from many other cnidarians, especially other aches such as cramps and dull boring pains occur,
carybdeids such as the Morbakka – commonly with increased tone and muscle tenderness on
found in ailand and that also cause substan- examination. is especially involves the spine,
tial pain and morbidity. Similar symptoms have but it also involves hips, shoulders, limbs and
been associated with other cnidarians, and the chest. Headache may also be severe.
Irukandji syndrome has even been confused with Profuse sweating, anxiety, a sensation of doom
decompression sickness in divers. and restlessness may develop, as may retching, nau-
Stinging incidents occur in clusters in the same sea and vomiting.
locality, o en in late summer, where clear warm Respiratory distress with coughing may be associ-
ocean waters approach the land. Others occur well ated with grunts preceding exhalations. Pulmonary
out to sea, in depths of 10 to 20 metres, and so they oedema has been described, usually many hours a er
are a frequent concern to pearl divers. the stinging, and it may be indicated by radiology or
screening, blood gases and troponin estimations.
CLINICAL FEATURES ere may be increased BP and pulse rate, with pos-
sible arrhythmias and even cerebral haemorrhage
Local from the venom-induced catecholamine release.
A few seconds a er contact, a stinging sensation Later symptoms include numbness and tin-
may be felt. is sensation increases in intensity for gling, itching, smarting eyes, sneezing, joint and
a few minutes and diminishes during the next half nerve pains, weakness, rigors, dry mouth and
hour. It is usually su cient to cause children to cry headache. Temperature usually remains normal.
and adults to leave the water, but it may be much Symptoms diminish or cease within 4 to 12
less noticeable. It may recur at the commencement hours. Occasionally, malaise and distress may per-
of the generalized symptoms but is overshadowed sist, and convalescence may take up to a week.
by them.
In the Australian context, where Carukia barnesi PREVENTION
and Malo kingi are commonly incriminated, a red
reaction 5 to 7 cm in diameter surrounds the area of One should wear protective clothing (e.g. wetsuits,
contact within 5 minutes. Small papules appear and Lycra). Once stinging incidents have been reported
in an area, immersion should be avoided.
reach their maximum in 20 minutes, before subsid-
ing. ‘Kissing’ lesions occur, where the original skin
lesion comes into contact with other skin, for exam- FIRST AID
ple, near joints. e red colouration can occasionally It is commonly recommended that the copious
last up to 3 hours, and there is a dyshidrotic reaction use of local applied vinegar for at least a minute
(skin dry at rst, with excessive sweating later) over may reduce subsequent discharge of nematocysts.
Cone shell stings 389

Others disagree and use hot water (45°C, as echocardiography, blood gases and troponin
described earlier) to denature the venom protein. estimations because of this risk.
e delay between stinging and development of 7. During the latter part of the illness, when
symptoms may make either approach problematic only  eeting neuralgic and arthralgic symptoms
but probably will cause no harm. predominate, simple analgesics may be e ective.
e use of compression bandages has been rec-
ommended by some people, but this is contentious. e following recommendations, devised by Little
e concern is that these bandages may themselves and Mulcahy, appear reasonable:
traumatize the nematocysts and increase their dis-
charge rate. Immobilization seems prudent. If there are only local symptoms, treat
symptomatically and observe for 2 hours.
MEDICAL TREATMENT Observe until the victim is asymptomatic, and
1. During the severe phase with abdominal pains, if no medication is needed for 6 hours, then
spasms and coughing, opioids in increasing discharge the patient with the advice to return
doses may be required. Fentanyl, pethidine and to the emergency department if symptoms
morphine have been e ective. recur.
2. Promethazine, with an intravenous dose of If systemic symptoms develop at any time, then
0.5 mg/kg, to a maximum of 25 mg, not only admit the victim to hospital, give intravenous
reduces the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, promethazine 0.5 mg/kg (maximum, 25 mg).
but also reduces the subsequent amount of Add intravenous pethidine (0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg)
narcotic required. every 5 minutes if required. If more than
3. Alpha blockers have been recommended for 2 mg/kg pethidine is required, then check the
the control of hypertension, as a result of creatine kinase, urea and electrolyte levels, and
catecholamine release. Phentolamine may be perform a full blood count.
given as a bolus dose and subsequent infu- If further analgesia is required, give fentanyl
sion (1 to 5 mg initially and 5 to 10 mg/hour). 0.5 mcg/kg and observe closely. is may be
Hydralazine has also been used. Deaths repeated. A chest x-ray study or computed
have occurred from cerebral haemorrhage tomography scan should be performed with
following the venom-induced catecholamine electrocardiography and echocardiography
storm. considered. If signs or symptoms of pulmo-
4. Other medications that have been used include nary oedema develop (which may occur a er
diazepam and antihistamines. Magnesium 10 to 12 hours), then repeat the creatine kinase
sulphate infusions have been employed by determination and admit the patient to a coro-
some physicians and denigrated by others. nary care or intensive care unit.
General anaesthesia with assisted respiration
could be used if the conventional techniques CONE SHELL STINGS
prove insu cient.
5. Monitoring of uid and electrolyte status, General information
together with cardiorespiratory parameters,
would seem indicated. Pulmonary oedema has ese attractive univalve molluscs are highly
been treated with intubation and controlled favoured by shell collectors of the tropics and warm
ventilation, high inspiratory oxygen and posi- temperate regions. ey have a proboscis extend-
tive end expiratory pressure. ible from the narrow end, which is able to reach
6. Attention must be paid to the possibility most of the shell. Holding the shell even by the ‘big
of pulmonary oedema development. Any end’ may not be safe and may court a sting with a
patient who has required narcotics or has resultant 25 per cent mortality rate. e cone shell
other indications of signi cant envenomation inhabits shallow waters, reefs, ponds and rubble.
should be investigated with chest radiology Its length is usually up to 10 cm. It has a siphon,
or scanning, electrocardiography and sometimes ringed with orange, that detects its
390 Venomous marine animals

prey and may be the only part visible if the cone result in cardiac failure, although this is probably
burrows under the sand. e proboscis, which secondary to the respiratory paralysis. e extent
delivers the coup de grace, carries 1 to 10 radular of neurotoxic damage is variable. If the patient sur-
teeth that penetrate and inject venom into its prey vives, he or she will be active and mobile within
and thus immobilize the victim. 24 hours. Neurological sequelae and the local reac-
Probably only the sh-eating cones are dan- tion may last many weeks.
gerous to humans, but because these are di cult
to distinguish at rst sight, discretion is recom- Treatment
mended. e venom is composed of two or more
substances. One interferes with the neuromuscu- FIRST AID
lar activity and elicits a sustained painful muscular e following recommendations are made, depend-
contracture; the other causes paralysis by abolish- ing on the presence of paralysis.
ing the excitability of muscle bres and summates
with tubocurare, but it is unin uenced by eserine. Without paralysis
e major e ect appears to be directly on skel- e limb can be immobilized and a pressure
etal muscular activity. Children are particularly bandage applied rapidly to reduce the speed of
vulnerable. venom absorption. e patient should be rested
and reassured until he or she is transported to an
intensive care unit and the pressure bandage is
Cone shell venom causes skeletal muscle
paresis or paralysis, with or without myalgia.

With paralysis
Clinical features Mouth-to-mouth respiration, or other support-
ive ventilation, may be needed. is may have to
LOCAL be continued for hours or until medical facilities
e initial puncture e ects may vary from painless are reached. is arti cial respiration is the major
to excruciating pain and may be aggravated by contributor to saving the patient’s life.
salt water. e wound may become in amed and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is needed if
swollen, sometimes pale and ischaemic, with a the patient has neither pulse nor respiration. e
cyanotic area surrounding it, and it may be numb patient may be able to hear but not communicate
to touch. and thus requires reassurance. If the patient is in
shock, ensure that he or she is lying down with the
GENERAL feet elevated.
Numbness and tingling may ascend from the
bite to involve the whole body, and especially the MEDICAL TREATMENT
mouth and lips. is may take 5 to 10 minutes to With respiratory paralysis, administer arti cial
develop. Skeletal muscular paralysis may spread respiration with intermittent positive pressure ade-
from the site of injury and may result in anything quate to maintain normal arterial gases and pH.
from mild weariness to complete accid paralysis. Endotracheal intubation or insertion of a laryngeal
Di culty with swallowing and speech may precede mask prevents aspiration of vomitus and facilitates
total paralysis. Visual disturbances may include tracheo-bronchial toilet, when indicated. Routine
double and blurred vision (paralysis of voluntary care and management of the unconscious patient
muscles and pupillary reactions). ese changes are required. Chest compression, de brillation,
may take place within 10 to 30 minutes of the bite. vasopressors and so forth may be indicated by the
Respiratory paralysis may dominate the clinical clinical state and electrocardiogram. Local anaes-
picture. is results in shallow, rapid breathing thetic can be injected into the wound, to relieve
and a cyanotic appearance, proceeding to apnoea, local pain. Respiratory stimulants and drugs used
unconsciousness and death. Other cases are said to against neuromuscular blockade are not indicated.
Blue-ringed octopus bites 391

Prevention Clinical features

e people at risk (e.g. shell collectors, visitors to LOCAL
the reefs in tropical and sub-tropical areas, school Initially, the bite is usually painless and may
children) need to be educated about this danger. thus go unnoticed. e 1-cm circle of blanching
ey should avoid contact with the cone shell. becomes oedematous and swollen in 15 minutes.
Probably no part of it can be touched with impu- It then becomes haemorrhagic and resembles a
nity, unless the animal is dead. Despite advice to small blood blister. If the patient survives the next
the contrary, touching the ‘big end’ is not always hour, he or she notices a local stinging sensation
safe. If these shells must be collected, it is advisable for about 6 hours. A serous or bloody discharge
to use forceps and a tough receptacle. may occur. Local muscular twitching may persist
for some weeks.
A few minutes a er the bite, a rapid, painless
General information paralysis dominates the clinical picture, which
is animal usually weighs 10 to 100 g and is progresses in this order: abnormal sensations
currently recognized mainly in the Australasian around mouth, neck and head; possible nausea
and Indo-Paci c region. Its span, with tentacles and/or vomiting; dyspnoea with rapid, shallow and
extended, is from 2 to 20 cm, but it is usually less stertorous respirations leading to apnoea, asphyxia
than 10 cm. e blue-ringed octopus is found in and cyanosis; visual disturbances, with involve-
rock pools, clumps of cunjevoi and shells, from the ment of the extraocular eye muscles resulting in
tidal zone to a depth of 10 metres. e colour is double vision, blurred vision and ptosis, whereas
yellowish brown with ringed marking on the ten- intraocular paralysis results in a xed dilated
tacles and striations on the body. ese markings pupil; di culty in speech and swallowing; general
change to a vivid iridescent blue when the animal weakness and lack of co-ordination progressing to
is feeding or becomes angry, excited, disturbed or complete paralysis.
hypoxic. e heavier specimens are more danger- e duration of paralysis is usually between
ous, and handling these attractive creatures has 4 and 12 hours, but it can be longer, and the weak-
resulted in death within minutes. Many such inci- ness and lack of co-ordination may persist for
dents have probably escaped detection by the coro- another day. e patient’s conscious state is ini-
ner. Autopsy features are non-speci c, and the bite tially normal, even though he or she may not be
fades a er death. able to open the eyes or respond to the environ-
e toxin (‘maculotoxin’) is more potent than ment. e respiratory paralysis (causing hypoxia
that of any land animal. Analysis of posterior sali- and hypercapnia) nally results in unconscious-
vary extracts demonstrates a toxin of low molecu- ness and then death, o en within minutes of the
lar weight, identical to tetrodotoxin. e e ects are commencement of symptoms, unless resuscitation
that of a neurotoxin and a neuromuscular blocking is continued. Cardiovascular e ects of hypoten-
agent. It is not curare-like, and it is not in uenced sion and bradycardia are noted in severe cases.
by neostigmine and atropine, at least during the ere may be a cessation at any stage of the pre-
acute phase. Hypotension may develop. viously described clinical sequence (i.e. the e ects
may cease with the local reaction, may lead to par-
tial paralysis or proceed to complete paralysis and
The maculotoxin of the blue-ringed octopus death). Less severe bites may result in generalized
is identical to tetrodotoxin from the puffer and local muscular contractions, which may con-
sh. It is a neurotoxin and a neuromuscular tinue intermittently for 6 hours or more. is occurs
blocker, resulting in painless skeletal muscle with a sub-paralytic dose. Other symptoms noted in
paralysis. mild cases include a lightheaded feeling, deperson-
alization, paraesthesia, weakness and exhaustion.
392 Venomous marine animals

Treatment Prevention
FIRST AID Contact with the octopus should be avoided, and
Before paralysis empty shells should be treated with suspicion.
Requests by scienti c groups for collection of
Immobilization of the limb and application of a these specimens should be tempered with caution.
pressure bandage (see earlier) reduce the absorp- A public program on the dangers of this animal
tion of venom. Rest the patient, preferably lying should be directed especially to children, who are
on the side in case of vomiting, and do not leave
attracted by the bright colouration.
the patient unattended. Only a er hospitalization,
where preparations have been made for respiratory
support, should the pressure bandage be removed. OTHER MARINE ANIMAL INJURIES
Only a few of these injuries are mentioned in this
With respiratory paralysis
text. Injuries from the sea urchin, electric rays and
Apply assisted respiration to ensure that the patient corals are selected for inclusion because of their
does not become hypoxic. Attention must be paid interest and frequency in tropical and temperate
to the clearing of the patient’s airway of vomitus, regions.
tongue obstruction, dentures and other obstruc-
tions. If an airway is available, this should be
Sea urchins
inserted – but it is not essential. Arti cial respira-
tion may have to be continued for hours, until the Of the 6000 species of sea urchins, approximately
patient reaches hospital. If delay has occurred, then 80 are thought to be venomous or poisonous to
chest compression may also be required. Reassure humans. ey belong to the phylum Echinodermata,
the patient, who may hear but not communicate, named a er the hedgehog (Echinos) because of the
that you understand the condition. Enlist medi- many-spined appearance. In some sea urchin inju-
cal aid, but never leave the patient unattended to ries, such as from the ubiquitous Diadema setosum,
obtain this help. (the long-spined or black sea urchin), the damage is
e general rst aid protocols recommend that mainly done by the breaking o of the sharp brittle
cardiopulmonary resuscitation is commenced on spines a er they have penetrated the diver’s skin.
any victim who is unconscious and is not breathing. Sometimes, the spines have disappeared within a few
days, but in other cases they become encrusted and
MEDICAL TREATMENT may remain for many months, to emerge at sites dis-
For respiratory paralysis, arti cial respiration tant from the original wound. ey are commonly
with intermittent positive pressure respiration covered by a black pigment, which can be mistaken
is necessary to maintain normal arterial blood for the actual spine during attempted removal.
gases. Endotracheal intubation or laryngeal mask Other sea urchins, such as the crown of thorns,
airway insertion also prevents aspiration of vomi- Acanthaster planci, can also cause damage when
tus and facilitates tracheo-bronchial toilet, when the spines pierce the skin, but they seem to have
indicated. Usual management of the unconscious a far more in ammatory action, indicative of a
patient is required. venom. Vomiting is a frequent accompaniment.
Edrophonium (Tensilon) and neostigmine are Injuries from the crown of thorns have been more
of no value during the deeply paralyzed state. commonly reported since divers attempted to
Other central respiratory stimulants may be of use eradicate them from reefs.
in borderline cases or during the recovery period. e most toxic sea urchins are the Toxopneusti-
Local anaesthesia in ltration to the painful area dae, which have short, thick spines poking through
relieves local pain. For delayed allergic reactions, an array of ower-like pedicellariae. Deaths have
intravenous hydrocortisone for systemic e ects, been reported from these sea urchins. e venom
subcutaneous adrenaline for bronchospasm or an is thought to be a dialyzable acetylcholine-like
oral antihistamine for skin lesions is indicated. substance.
Other marine animal injuries 393

TREATMENT 2 hours, dermal irritation is felt. It may be precipi-

e long spines tend to break easily and there- tated by wetting or rubbing the area. It may progress
fore need to be extracted without any bending. over the next day or so and feel as if ground glass
A local anaesthetic may be required if surgical has been abraded into the skin. Hyperaesthesia
extraction is attempted. Drawing pastes such and paraesthesia may be noted. e symptoms
as magnesium sulphate have been used. Some can persist for a week or more, with in ammatory
nd relief with the use of heat, and others have and painful reactions around the area. e degree
removed the spines by the use of a snake-bite of severity is not related to the clinical signs, and
suction cup. some patients may be incapacitated by the symp-
Various interesting treatments have been devel- toms without any objective manifestations.
oped. In Nauru, it is claimed that urinating on e dermal reaction may appear as an erythema,
the wound immediately a er the injury produces with or without papule and vesicle development.
excellent results. is presumably relieves the ere is sometimes desquamation of the skin in
bladder, if not the pain. e use of meat tenderizer the second or third week, but in other cases skin
owes more to good advertising than to therapeutic lesions have recurred over many months.
e ciency.
One technique, which would be described as
barbaric if not for the fact that it seems to work, is e only adequate treatment is prevention, by using
to apply extra trauma and movement to the area – gloves when handling sponges and not touching
to break up the spines within the tissue. It  does anything that has been in contact with them.
seem as if, in this case, activity is more bene cial e use of alcohol, lotions or hot water usually
than rest and immobilization. With the latter, the aggravates the condition. Local application of cool-
limb tends to swell and become more painful. ing lotion such as calamine may be of some value,
Antiseptics and local antibiotics are sometimes but treatment with conventional dermatological
employed to reduce infections, but most of the preparations has limited success.
unpleasant sequelae result from the foreign bodies
remaining in the wound. Coral cuts
Occasionally, patients present a er eating sea
urchins. In Tonga, sea urchins are used as an aphro-
disiac; however, the ovaries may be poisonous and Corals, because of their sharp edges combined
produce both gastrointestinal and migraine-like with human awkwardness underwater, o en cause
symptoms. lacerations. e sequelae of this injury may well
equal the intensity of the more impressive marine
Sponges animal injuries. Not only is the coral covered by
infected slime, but also pieces of coral or other
ese sedentary animals require some defence foreign bodies o en remain in the laceration. It is
from mobile predators, and they have developed possible that some of the manifestations, especially
a skeleton of calcareous and silicaceous spicules. initially, result from the presence of discharg-
ey also have a form of toxin that is not well ing nematocysts. ere have also been occasional
understood. About a dozen sponges are toxic, patients who have been infected by the marine
among the 5000 or so species, and they are mainly organism Erysipelothrix. Certain Vibrio organ-
found in the temperate or tropical zones. Skin isms are also present in the marine environment
lesions have developed from sponges that have (see Chapter 29) and can cause serious infection.
been deep frozen or dried for many years. ese may need to be cultured in a saline medium
if identi cation is to be made.
One group of symptoms relates to the contact der- CLINICAL FEATURES
matitis associated with the areas of sponge con- A small, o en clean-looking laceration is usu-
tact. A er a variable time, between 5 minutes and ally seen on the hand or foot. It causes little
394 Venomous marine animals

inconvenience at the time of injury and may Fenner PJ. Venomous marine animals. South
go unnoticed. A few hours later, there may be a Paci c Underwater Medical Society Journal
‘smarting’ sensation, especially during washing. 2004;34:196–202.
At that stage, there is a mild in ammatory reaction Fenner PJ, Lippmann JM, Gershwin LA.
around the cut. Within the next day or two, the Fatal and severe box jelly sh stings
in ammation becomes more widespread with local in Thai waters. J Travel Medicine
swelling, discolouration and tenderness. In severe 2010;17(2):133–138.
cases, there may be cellulitis, abscess formation Gershwin L, Richardson AJ, Winkel KD, et al.
with chronic ulceration or even osteomyelitis. Biology and ecology of Irukandji jelly sh
A er healing, there may be a small numb area (Cnidaria: Cubozoa). Advances in Marine
of skin with a brous nodule beneath it, a keloid Biology 2013;66:1–85.
reaction to the foreign body (coral). Hadok JC. ‘Irukandji’ syndrome: a risk for divers
in tropical waters. Medical Journal of Australia
TREATMENT 1997;167:649–650.
is involves thorough cleansing of the area, removal Halstead B. Poisonous and Venomous
of the foreign material and the application of an Marine Animals of the World. Vols. 1–3.
antiseptic solution. Diluted bleach is o en employed Washington, DC: US Government Printing
by the yachting community. If available, antibody Of ce; 1965.
powder or ointment (e.g. neomycin or bacitracin) is Halstead BW, Auerbach PS, Campbell DR.
e ective. A Colour Atlas of Dangerous Marine
One sequela of coral cuts is sometimes a very Animals. London: Wolfe Medical
unpleasant pruritus that can be troublesome for Publications; 1990.
many weeks. It responds to the use of a local ste- Lippmann JM, Fenner PJ, Winkel K, Gershwin
roid ointment. LA. Fatal and severe box jelly sh stings,
Including Irukandji stings, in Malaysia,
FURTHER READING 2000–2010. Journal of Travel Medicine
Atkinson PR, Boyle A, Hartin D, Mcauley D. Is Little M, Mulcahy RF. A years experience
hot water immersion an effective treatment of Irukandji envenomation in far north
for marine envenomation? Emergency queensland. Med J Aust. 1998;169:638–41.
Medical Journal 2006;23:503–508. Loten C, Stokes B, Worsley D, et al. A randomised
Auerbach PS. A Medical Guide to Hazardous controlled trial of hot water (45°C) immer-
Marine Life. Chicago: Mosby–Year Book; 1991. sion versus ice packs for pain relief in
Australian Resuscitation Council. Guideline bluebottle stings. Medical Journal of
9.4.5. Envenomation – Jelly sh Stings. 2010. Australia 2006;184:329–333. Sutherland SK. Australian Animal
Barnes JH. Cause and effect of Irukandji Toxins. Melbourne: Oxford University
stingings. Medical Journal of Australia Press; 1990.
1997;167:649–650. Taylor G. Are some jelly sh stings heat labile?
Burnett JW. Taking the sting out of jelly sh South Paci c Underwater Medical Society
envenomation. Alert Diver SEAP Journal 2000;30(2):74–75.
2000;April–June: 14–15. Tibballs J. Australian venomous jelly sh, enven-
CSL Antivenom Handbook. 2nd ed. Melbourne: omation syndrome, toxins and therapy.
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories; 2001. Toxicon 2006;48:830–859. US Navy Diving Manual. Appendix 5C. Hazardous
les/cslavh_contents.html (But see also Marine Creatures. Flagstaff, Arizona: Best
White, later in this list.) Publishing; 2008.
Edmonds C. Dangerous Marine Creatures. Welfare P, Little M, Pereira P, Seymore J.
Flagstaff, Arizona: Best Publishing; 1995. An in-vitro examination of the effect of
Further reading 395

vinegar on discharged nematocysts of Williamson JA, Fenner PJ, Burnett JW, Rifkin JF.
Chironex eckeri. Diving and Hyperbaric Venomous and Poisonous Marine Animals.
Medicine 2014;44(1):30–34. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press;
White J. A Clinician’s Guide to Australian 1996.
Venomous Bites and Stings: Incorporating
the Updated CSL Antivenom Handbook. is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
Melbourne: Commonwealth Serum Carl Edmonds.
Laboratories; 2013.
Fish poisoning

Introduction 397 Treatment 401

Ciguatera poisoning 398 Prevention 401
Clinical features 398 Shell sh and crustacean poisoning 402
Treatment 399 Gastrointestinal type 402
Tetrodotoxin poisoning 400 Allergic type 402
Clinical features 400 Hepatic disease 402
Treatment 400 Paralytic shell sh poisoning 402
Prevention 401 Amnesic shell sh poisoning 403
Scombroid poisoning 401 Further reading 403
Clinical features 401

INTRODUCTION poisoning is essential. It is also important to those

involved in public health, industrial medicine and
Food poisoning from ingested marine animals is a the general health of island communities.
serious hazard to many populations. ree fourths Space allows the description of only a few of
of the world’s population lives within 15 km of a the more signi cant sh poisonings. Ciguatera,
coastline. is poisoning is important in tropical tetrodotoxin and scombroid poisoning are dis-
or temperate climates, where the outbreaks tend cussed because of their commercial implications.
to be sporadic and unpredictable. Commercially Shell sh and crustacean poisoning is summarized.
valuable industries have been curtailed or prohib- No reference is made to barracuda poisoning, hal-
ited because of the serious threat from this high- lucinatory sh poisoning, mercury poisoning,
protein, readily available food. In cold climates, other pollutants, seal liver poisoning, shark and
poisoning from marine and polar animals is also ray poisoning, turtle poisoning and many others.
of serious import, but it is more predictable and One complicating factor is that there may be more
can be avoided. than one type of marine poison responsible for the
Diseases that can destroy whole communities, clinical manifestations in the patient.
change the fate of military operations, devastate Viral and bacterial contamination of sh and
shing industries, yet still arise sporadically in a shell sh is also common, and it is dealt with in
previously safe marine environment, are worthy of general medical texts.
considerable investigation and research. Such has Perhaps the least-understood e ects are the sub-
not been the case. is subject is sadly neglected, acute and chronic marine toxicology e ects. e
both in medical research and in medical training. original description of mercury poisonings from
For those physicians associated with marine marine foods concentrated on 111 cases, includ-
medicine, yachting, diving or travel, and those who ing 43 deaths, from the contaminated Minamata
practise near coastlines, a knowledge of seafood Bay in Japan. Another outbreak in Sweden was

398 Fish poisoning

followed by the observation of hazardous levels in reliable, however, because the areas change.
the United States and Canada. Only a er the acute Poisoning is more likely when reefs have been dis-
e ects were countered did the long-term toxicity of turbed by natural damage, such as hurricanes, or
this toxin receive attention. Shark meat with high by human-made damage, such as constructions,
concentrations of mercury is still sold as ‘ ake’ in atomic explosions or disruptions of the ecology
large supermarkets and sh shops. e metal has with agricultural run-o s, thus permitting prolif-
a propensity to cause neural degeneration and is eration of G. toxicus.
thought to be especially dangerous to children and Various techniques have been promulgated in
pregnant women. folklore to predict which sh will be safe to eat.
Since that time, many other chronic marine tox- Observations that are totally irrelevant, despite
ins have been proposed, o en as a result of human parochial beliefs, include:
ingestion of top marine predators that concentrate
the toxins as they move up the food chain. us, ● e presence of worms in the sh.
shark, tuna, eel and the large crustaceans become ● Whether ants or ies refuse it.
harbingers of this toxicity. Beta-methylamino-l- ● Whether a silver coin will turn black if
alanine (BMAA) is produced by cyanobacteria inserted.
microorganisms and is concentrated up the marine ● Whether grated coconut will turn green if
food chain until the food (e.g. shark n soup, car- cooked with the sh.
tilage pills) is consumed by humans. It has been
incriminated as a contributor to Alzheimer’s and Traditional measures of feeding potentially
Parkinson’s diseases and motor neurone disease. dangerous sh rst to either the cat (sometimes
Much investigation is required, and this eld is still carried on boats for this purpose) or the older
in its infancy. members of primitive tribes, have been recorded.
e senior author of this text, who is a cat-lover,
CIGUATERA POISONING and the publishers, deplore this attitude.
In a survival situation, the advice is do not eat
On a worldwide basis, ciguatera poisoning is the the viscera of the sh (e.g. liver, gonads, intestines)
most common and most serious of the marine and avoid the exceptionally large reef predators
toxins, a ecting some 10 000 to 50 000 people per and  those species o en implicated in ciguatera
year. It is mainly a disorder of the tropics and, to poisoning. ese include barracuda, grouper,
a lesser degree, the semitropical and temperate mackerel, snapper, sea bass, mahi-mahi, surgeon
zones. It is mostly found between 35 degrees of sh, parrot sh, wrasses, jacks and many others.
latitude north and south. International transport Moray eels are particularly toxic. Boiling the sh
of sh cuisine has greatly extended the geographi- many times and discarding the water a er each
cal sites of ciguatera outbreaks into temperate cli- boiling may be helpful. As an alternative to this last
mates and more sophisticated cultures. e sh technique, the sh may be sliced and continually
cannot be identi ed as poisonous by their external soaked in water, which should be changed every
appearance. 30 minutes or so. Eat only small quantities.
e sh implicated in this poisoning are usu- Symptoms may vary, and they may be modi ed
ally reef sh. ese sh may ingest Gambierdiscus by the presence of other marine poisons such as
toxicus (the originator of ciguatoxin), which lives maitotoxin, scaritoxin and okadaic acid, among
on coral and sea weed, or they may acquire it from others. Ciguatoxins increase sodium channel per-
the eating other contaminated sh. Ciguatoxin is meability, release norepinephrine and may increase
harmless to the sh, but it tends to concentrate as it calcium uptake in cells.
travels up the food chain to the more active carniv-
orous predators. It is for this reason that the larger Clinical features
predator sh tend to be more toxic.
Local knowledge indicates areas in which the Symptoms usually develop 2 to 12 hours a er
sh are poisonous. is knowledge is not entirely ingestion of the food. More severe cases tend to
Ciguatera poisoning 399

occur earlier. Gastrointestinal symptoms develop following intake of alcohol is typical of this disor-
in 6 to 24 hours and last 1 to 4 days. Cardiac symp- der and may persist for some months. e illness
toms occur early in this phase, and neurological can also recur following stress or the ingestion of
symptoms appear a little later. certain sh or of animals fed sh meal (e.g. pork,
Generalized nonspeci c symptoms may develop, poultry). Immunity does not develop, and subse-
including weakness and dull aches in the limbs and quent poisonings may be even more severe.
head. ese muscle pains may progress to more Although ciguatoxin analysis is not yet ade-
severe weakness, with or without cramps. e quate for human cases, it can be demonstrated in
myalgia di erentiates this disorder from tetrodo- uneaten sh remains. e time delay makes this
toxin poisoning. Paraesthesiae and numbness are problematic in the diagnosis of clinical cases in the
noted around the mouth and sometimes peripher- acute stage.
ally. Gastrointestinal problems include anorexia,
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Severe neurologi- Treatment
cal disturbances may develop in 12 to 36 hours and
include delirium, cranial nerve involvement, lack Treatment includes the removal of unabsorbed
of co-ordination and ataxia, with occasional extra- material by induction of vomiting or gastric lavage
pyramidal disorders, convulsions, coma and even in patients who do not have respiratory depression.
death. Death is likely to be caused by respiratory Activated charcoal may be taken orally. Rest and
failure, although in severe cases there is evidence of observation in a hospital are required until the
hypotension, cardiac dysrhythmias and other car- patient has recovered. Respiratory support may be
diovascular problems. required.
Skin lesions are characteristic and include ery- e medical treatment is basically symptomatic;
thema, pruritus, or a burning sensation – some- however, there have been many di erent pharma-
times with vesicular formation. ey may be very cological remedies proposed. None are consistently
severe for a few days but then usually subside. Hair e ective. Intravenous mannitol has been recom-
and nail loss may supervene. In severely a ected mended, if it is given within the rst few days – but
patients, these skin lesions may be troublesome for may still be of value for up to 2  weeks. A dose of
many weeks. In female patients, the vagina may be 20 per cent intravenous mannitol of 250 ml slowly to
a ected, sometimes severely, causing symptoms a maximum of 1 g/kg, piggy backed to a 5 per cent
of cystitis or dyspareunia. Less commonly, male dextrose infusion, is recommended. Some studies
patients may notice pain during ejaculations, and have questioned its value, but what works in one area
the toxin may be transmitted in semen, thus caus- may not work in others because the ciguatoxin has
ing local symptoms in women. diverse regional variations.
e death rate in di erent series varies from 0.1 Drugs that have been suggested include lido-
to 10 per cent. In severe outbreaks, the presenta- caine, steroids or calcium gluconate 10 per cent
tion of the disease can be acute and widespread. intravenously to relieve the neuromuscular or
In most Indo-Paci c regions, the disease tends to be neurological features and perhaps increase mus-
sporadic and mild. In these cases, the main symp- cle tone. Calcium channel blockers may help in
toms can clear within 1 or 2 days, although resid- patients with residual symptoms.
ual weakness and paraesthesiae, together with a As a general rule, pharmacological treatment
reversal or distortion (dysaesthesia) of temperature does not have nearly the e ectiveness of general
perception, may persist for long periods. is last medical care. Symptomatic treatment, while avoid-
symptom is characteristic of ciguatera, but it may ing vaso-active drugs and substances, seems
also be found in neurotoxic shell sh poisoning. most valuable. Diazepam can be given safely, and
Severe cases may take many months or up to a patients with severe cases may require the assis-
year for full recovery. Exacerbations can be precip- tance of a neurologist or an organically oriented
itated by alcohol, nicotinic acid, ca eine and other psychiatrist for pharmacological advice. A tricyclic
vaso-active drugs. e production of an erythem- antidepressant may be of bene t if given in small
atous area associated with a burning sensation doses (e.g. amitriptyline 25 to 50 mg at night).
400 Fish poisoning


Of all that are in the waters you may eat e onset and severity of symptoms vary greatly
these: whatever has ns and scales you according to the amount of toxin ingested. Usually,
may eat. And whatever does not have within the rst 1 to 2 hours, the patient notices
ns and scales you shall not eat; it is muscular weakness and other e ects of blockage
unclean for you. of the motor and sensory systems.
Paraesthesia around the mouth may also extend
Deuteronomy. 14:9,10. to the extremities, or it may become generalized.
Autonomic e ects include salivation, sweating,
Tetrodotoxin poisoning follows the ingestion of chest pain, and headache, Gastrointestinal symp-
pu er sh, ocean sun sh or porcupine sh. e toms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may
name ‘pu er’ derives from the ability of the sh to develop, and there is sometimes a decrease in tem-
in ate itself by taking in large quantities of air or perature, pulse rate and blood pressure.
water. e scales have been modi ed to form pro- A coagulation disturbance, which is an occa-
tective plates or spikes. ese sh are recognized as sional complication, may lead to systemic bleeding
poisonous throughout the world, although they are or desquamation from haemorrhagic bullae.
more common in tropical and temperate regions. Neurological involvement may commence as
e toxin is concentrated mainly in the ovaries, muscular twitching and lack of co-ordination and
liver and intestines. Lesser amounts occur in the may proceed to complete skeletal muscular paraly-
skin, but the body musculature is usually free of sis, including respiratory paralysis.
poison. e toxicity is related to its reproductive Bulbar paralysis may produce interference with
cycle. speech and swallowing. e pupils, a er initially
With two exceptions, these sh are usually being constricted, may become xed and dilated.
considered inedible. e rst exception is the e clinical picture is therefore one of general-
uninformed consumer. Captain James Cook  on ized paralysis with the patient maintaining a fully
September 7, 1774, sampled this sh in New conscious state while oxygenation is maintained.
Caledonia, with near fatal results. e other excep- is is important in the management because the
tion is the Asiatic gourmet consuming ‘Fugu’. A er patient is able to hear and understand the state-
a prolonged apprenticeship, specially licensed chefs ments made by people around him or her.
in Japan are allowed to prepare this sh and receive e high death rate from this disorder results
considerable kudos by retaining enough of the from respiratory paralysis, and if death occurs, it
toxin to produce a numbing e ect in the mouth – does so within 24 hours of ingestion. It is a re ec-
but not enough to cause death. Nevertheless, acci- tion of incorrect diagnosis or inadequate resuscita-
dents do happen, and poisoning from Fugu a ects tion techniques in most cases. Death has occurred
about 50 cases per year. e fatality rate is about within 17 minutes of ingestion, but it is more likely
7 per cent. in the following 4 to 6 hours, from respiratory
e toxin interferes with neuromuscular failure.
transmission in motor and sensory nerves and in e onset of symptoms may be delayed for up to
the sympathetic nervous system, by interfering 20 hours, and so observation and hospitalization
with sodium transfer. It also has a direct depres- are required.
sant e ect on medullary centres, skeletal muscles
(reducing excitability), intracardiac conduction Treatment
and myocardial contractility. Hypotension result
from the e ects on the preganglionic choliner- Before the patient shows signs of paralysis or weak-
gic bres or from the direct e ect on the heart. ness, the use of an emetic or gastric lavage may be
Respiratory depression precedes cardiovascular of value in removing poisonous material. Activated
depression. charcoal may be taken orally. Lavage may also be
Scombroid poisoning 401

employed if controlled respiration has required the and anchovies are caught and eaten without ade-
insertion of an endotracheal tube, which prevents quate care or preparation. It has also occurred in
aspiration of stomach contents. epidemics related to contaminated canned tuna
A er weakness has become apparent, the and other large sh.
treatment is entirely symptomatic and consists of e sh, which are normally safe to eat, become
maintenance of an adequate respiratory state, mon- poisonous when handled incorrectly. If these sh
itoring of vital signs and measurement of arterial are le for several hours at room temperature
blood gas and biochemical pro le. e patient may or in the sun, the histidine in their muscular tis-
require a mechanical ventilator for up to 24 hours sues is changed by bacterial action into saurine,
before regaining muscular control. Because con- a histamine-like substance. e bacteria implicated
sciousness is retained in the absence of skeletal or include Proteus morganii, Clostridium, Salmonella
respiratory movement, the periodic administration and Escherichia, among others. Laboratory veri-
of a minor tranquilizer such as diazepam seems cation of contaminated sh is obtained by
prudent. Continuous explanation and reassurance demonstrating a histamine content in excess of
should be given, even though the patient cannot 100 mg/100 g of sh muscle.
respond physically to these communications.
Various pharmacological treatments have been Clinical features
proposed, including intravenous calcium gluconate
10 per cent, anticholinesterases, respiratory stimu- e sh may have a characteristic ‘peppery’ taste.
lants, steroids and others. ere is no rm evidence A er half an hour to 1 hour, other symptoms char-
that these drugs are of value. Monoclonal antibodies acteristic of histamine toxicity develop in severe
to tetrodotoxin are currently being developed. cases. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with
General nursing care, with special attention to headache, palpitations and tachycardia with hypo-
pressure areas and to eye and mouth toilets, is axi- tension are followed by a typical ‘allergic-type’
omatic in these paralyzed and debilitated patients. syndrome. e allergic may involve the skin with
a urticarial reaction, the respiratory system with
Prevention bronchospasm or the cardiovascular system in the
form of anaphylactic shock. Usually, the symptoms
‘Scaleless’ sh should not be eaten unless they are abate within 24 hours.
known to be harmless. If one chooses to eat Fugu
in Japan, it should be purchased from a rst-class Treatment
restaurant with a licensed cook. All the viscera and
skin must be removed. First aid treatment includes the removal of
In a survival situation, these sh should be evis- unabsorbed material by vomiting or gastric
cerated, and only the musculature should be con- lavage if the patient is not too severely distressed.
sumed. e meat should be cut or torn into small Treatment involves the customary techniques for
bits and soaked in water for at least 4 hours. e handling dermatological, respiratory or cardio-
sh should be kneaded during this time and the vascular manifestations of allergy and anaphy-
water changed at frequent intervals. e toxin is laxis. ese include antihistamines (including
partly water soluble; therefore this soaking may histamine-2 blockers such as cimetidine), adren-
help to remove it. One should not eat more than is aline (or other sympathomimetic drugs) and
required to maintain life. Feeding of the sh to test steroids.
animals has been suggested.
Prevention is possible by correct care, storage and
is disorder is possible wherever mackerel-like preparation of the sh. Prompt refrigeration and
sh, tuna, bonito, mahi-mahi, albacore, sardines not leaving the sh exposed to the sun or room
402 Fish poisoning

temperature have reduced the incidence of this infection, causing infectious hepatitis, has also
disease. It is believed that pallor of the gills, or an been reported.
odour or staleness, may indicate that saurine is
present in the sh. Paralytic shell sh poisoning
SHELLFISH AND CRUSTACEAN The waters that were in the rivers were
POISONING turned into blood, and the sh that were
in the rivers died; and the river stank.
Shell sh include oysters, clams, mussels and cock-
les, among others. Crustaceans include lobsters, Exodus 7:20-21
cray sh yabbies, prawns, crabs and others. Five
di erent types of poisoning may develop from Paralytic shell sh poisoning is caused by the
ingestion of these animals. ingestion of a neurotoxin, called saxitoxin, which
is concentrated in shell sh and produced by a
Gastrointestinal type marine protozoon, a dino agellate. Many species
of these dino agellates may be involved, but the
is is the most common type of shell sh poison- most common is Alexandrium catenella. Other
ing, and it develops some hours a er ingestion of species have also been incriminated, as have other
contaminated shell sh. Viruses, marine Vibrio toxins, thus explaining the variability of clinical
organisms, Escherichia coli and other bacteria and manifestations with this disease. A dose of 1.0
organisms have been implicated. Usually, manifes- to 1.5 mg of saxitoxin can be fatal in humans.
tations last about 36 hours, but they vary accord- Saxitoxin acts by blocking sodium channels in
ing to the organism and are treated along general nerve and muscle cells. It is derived from the dino-
medical guidelines. agellates, which are ltered by mussels, clams,
oysters and scallops, and it makes consumption of
Allergic type these shell sh hazardous when the sea water dino-
agellate count is as low as 200/ml. Neither steam-
e allergic reaction appears to be a typical hyper- ing nor cooking a ects the potency of the toxin,
sensitivity reaction to a protein in the shell sh. and commercial processing does not eliminate it.
It is likely that the victim was previously exposed Paralytic shell sh poisoning is associated with
to the same or similar protein to which he or she ‘red tide’ or other ‘water bloom’ – a discoloura-
developed an antibody reaction. Symptoms appear tion of the sea resulting from masses of dino a-
a er the second and subsequent exposures and are gellates. e Red Sea was so named because of the
aggravated by exercise, heat and emotion. ere occasional appearance of this colouration during
may be a history of allergy to other foreign proteins these red tides. Native North Americans avoided
(e.g. hay fever, antitoxins, horse serum). e clinical shell sh for this reason. e rst clinical descrip-
features are dermatological, respiratory and/or car- tion of this disorder dates back to 1689, but there
diovascular and may therefore mimic scombroid have been many outbreaks since, with 54 such
poisoning (see earlier). Antihistamines, adrenaline occurrences in Alaska, a ecting 117 individuals,
(or sympathomimetic drugs) and steroids tend to between 1973 and 1992.
be used in patients with these three manifestations. e symptoms usually appear within 0.5 to
3  hours, never more than 12 hours a er inges-
Hepatic disease tion. e prognosis is good for people surviving an
additional 12 hours, although weakness and dis-
ere appears to be a hepatotoxin especially con- ability can occur for weeks a erward.
centrated in molluscs and perhaps related to the e clinical symptoms are mainly those related
presence of a toxic dino agellate. is toxin may to developing neuropathy, a ecting peripheral
result in severe hepatocellular disease with the nerves, the central nervous system, the autonomic
clinical picture of acute yellow atrophy. Viral nervous system and skeletal muscle.
Further reading 403

e clinical e ects and treatment are similar in Edmonds C. Dangerous Marine Creatures.
many ways to those of tetrodotoxin and ciguatera Flagstaff, Arizona: Best Publishing; 1995.
poisoning. Friedman MA, Fleming LE, Fernandez M, et al.
Ciguatera sh poisoning: treatment, pre-
Amnesic shell sh poisoning vention and management. Marine Drugs
is disorder is, more accurately, domoic acid Halstead B. Poisonous and Venomous
poisoning. It was rst described in 1958. ere Marine Animals of the World. Vols. 1–3.
have been a couple of severe outbreaks from inges- Washington, DC: US Government Printing
tion of shell sh contaminated with various marine Of ce; 1965.
organisms including a pennate diatom (Nitzschia), Medline Plus, US National Library of
and some phytoplankton outbreaks have occurred Medicine. Poisoning: Fish and Shell sh.
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the West Coast of the United States. article/002851.htm
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that specially a ects the hippocampus, thalamus Successful treatment of ciguatera sh
and frontal lobes of the brain – with temporary or poisoning with intravenous mannitol. JAMA
permanent damage. 1988;259:2740–2742.
Initially, there are gastrointestinal symptoms, Ragelis EP. Seafood Toxins, American Chemical
1  to 24 hours a er ingestion, with neurologi- Society. Symposium Series, Washington DC.
cal manifestations and memory loss developing Chapter 3. Volume 262; 2009.
within 48 hours and possibly progressing to sei- Sutherland SK, Tibballs J. Australian Animal
zures, multiple central nervous system e ects and Toxins. 2nd ed. Melbourne: Oxford University
cardiac disorders. Bronchial secretions may be Press; 2001.
profuse and require individuals to be treated with Williamson JA, Fenner PJ, Burnett JW, Rifkin JF.
endotracheal intubation. Venomous and Poisonous Marine Animals.
Survivors o en have neurological improvement Sydney: University of New South Wales Press;
for up to 12 weeks a er ingestion. 1996.
e treatment is symptomatic because no anti-
dote exists. is chapter was reviewed for this h edition by
Carl Edmonds.
Clark RF, Williams SR, Nordt SP, Manoguerra AS.
A review of selected seafood poisoning.
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
Underwater explosions

Introduction 405 Clinical features 408

Physics of blast waves 405 Management 408
Charge size, distance and risk of injury 407 Prevention 409
Mechanism of injury 407 References 410
Animal experiments 407

INTRODUCTION in the bubble may be at a pressure of 50 000 atmo-

spheres and a temperature of 30 000°C. e bubble
Although most information on this topic has been rapidly expands in a spherical form, thus displacing
acquired from naval research work, it is relevant to water. is rapid expansion generates the rst pres-
some civilian divers. Explosives are used in salvage, sure wave as the pressure in the gas bubble produces
mining and dredging operations, as well as in war- a pressure pulse that is transmitted through the
like activities that involve divers and shipwreck water. It is sometimes called the short pulse or pri-
survivors. During World War II, there were many mary pulse. e initial pressure change of the pulse
deaths among immersed divers and swimmers fol- is steep, increasing to a peak pressure within a few
lowing air, surface ship or submarine attack. microseconds. e pressure in the bubble falls as it
For an explosion with the same energy and at expands and the gas cools. e fall of pressure at the
the same distance, an underwater blast is more end of the explosion re ects the end of the expansion
dangerous than an air blast. is is because in air of the gases and takes milliseconds.
the blast energy dissipates more rapidly and tends e outward momentum of the water that has
to be re ected at the body surface, whereas in water been displaced by the bubble enlarges the bubble
the blast wave travels through the body and causes past its equilibrium volume, and a series of volume
internal injuries. swings can be initiated. ese volume oscillations
of the bubble cause a series of pressure waves.
PHYSICS OF BLAST WAVES Near the point of detonation, the velocity of the
rst pressure wave is great, and it is related to the
Some knowledge of underwater explosions is speed at which the explosive detonates. Some explo-
of assistance in understanding their clinical sives produce high pressures for a short period.
manifestations. Other types, with a slower reaction rate, produce
An explosion is a very fast chemical reaction.  e less intense pressure waves that have a longer
process propagates through the explosive at 2 to duration. At a point some distance from the deto-
9 km/second. e products of the reaction are heat nation, the velocity of the pressure waves slows to
and combustion products such as carbon dioxide. that of sound in water, about 1.5 km/second. From
A  bubble of gas is produced in the water. e gas then on, the pressure waves follow the laws of sound

406 Underwater explosions

in water. e energy of the waves decreases with dome phenomenon include the slick and plume.
distance, and the waves are re ected and absorbed e  slick  is a rapidly expanding ring of darkened
in a similar fashion to sound waves. water resulting from the advancing of the pressure
In water, the pressure pulse is not absorbed as waves. e plume is the last manifestation of the
rapidly as in air. In air, the gas surrounding the explosion and is the result of gas reaching and break-
explosion is compressed and so absorbs energy ing the surface of the water. Although the plume may
from the explosion. In water, which is far less be spectacular, it does little damage.
compressible, there is little absorption. So the pres- e surface phenomenon varies with the size and
sure pulse is transmitted with greater intensity depth of the explosion. With a deep or small explo-
over a longer range. us,  the lethal range of an sion, the dome may not form because there may be
explosion is normally far  greater than the same insu cient energy to shred the water. e slick tends
mass of explosive in air. to be retained to a greater depth because it is depen-
dent only on the presence of the pulse wave. Shallow
explosions tend to create a large plume (Figure 34.1).
A pressure wave is transmitted over a greater
ermal layers may also re ect the pressure
range in water than in air.
waves from the explosion, as may other objects
such as large ships. e size of the charge, depth of
e energy in a typical blast is distributed in the detonation and distance from target have an in u-
following proportions: the initial pressure wave ence on the potential damage by the initial and
has approximately one fourth the energy, subse- subsequent pressure waves.
quent waves total one fourth and the other mani-
festations, such as heat and turbulence, comprise
the remaining half. In an explosion, most of the
damage is caused by the initial pressure wave.
Other waves may result from an explosion. If
the initial waves reach the sea bottom, they may be
re ected or absorbed. e proportions depend on the
nature of the sea bed. If it is hard and smooth, there
is little absorption and much re ection; conversely, a
so sea bottom absorbs more. e angle of incidence
(i.e. the angle at which the waves strike the sea bed)
is equal to the angle of re ection. e re ected
wave coming from the sea bed may combine with
the other waves to cause increased damage. If the
sea bed is distant from the point of detonation, this
e ect is negligible.
At the water surface, the re ected wave is a neg-
ative pressure pulse rather than a positive pulse.
As a result of this, a diver may experience a less
intense pressure wave if he or she is close to the
surface. e negative re ected pulse tends to can-
cel the positive direct path pulse.
At the surface, a series of events may modify the
pressure waves. Above a certain intensity, the surface
of the water is broken or shredded and thrown up Figure 34.1 Shallow underwater blast
into a dome, termed the dome e ect. is  dissipates undertaken for reef passage clearance using
a small part of the pressure wave, and the remainder a slowly detonating explosive (ammonium
is re ected back into the water. Other disturbances nitrate – fuel oil mixture). Note the large
that may be observed on the surface following the plume.

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