Use of Prey by Sympatric Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) and Coyote

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Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, 04960, México, Distrito Federal, México ( JAMG, GDMM, FXPP)
Colegio de Postgraduados, Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5, 56230, Estado de México, México (OCRR, LATA)
Extension Animal Sciences and Natural Resources, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 (LCB)

ABSTRACT—To investigate dietary differences in two coexisting competing predators, we determined prey
consumed by bobcats (Lynx rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) from scats in the Izta-Popo National Park,
central Mexico. Use of prey by bobcats and coyotes showed a Pianka’s index of overlap of 0.94, much higher
than in other studies of the diet of these two species. Diets of bobcats were comprised primarily of eastern
cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus, 33.7%), rodents (22.7%), Mexican cottontail (S. cunicularius, 13.1%), the
endemic and endangered volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi, 12.5%), Merriam’s pocket gopher (Pappogeomys
merriani, 9.3%), and long-tailed partridge (Dendrortyx macroura, 1.4%). Prey used by coyotes included primarily
eastern cottontail (43.8%), rodents (15.7%), Mexican cottontail (12.0%), Merriam’s pocket gopher (6.4%),
and volcano rabbit (5.5%).

RESUMEN—Para investigar las diferencias de dieta de dos depredadores competidores coexistentes,

determinamos las dietas de linces (Lynx rufus) y coyotes (Canis latrans) a partir de excrementos en el Parque
Nacional Izta-Popo, en el centro de México. El uso de presas por linces y coyotes mostró un ı́ndice de Pianka
de traslape de 0.94, mucho más alto que en otros estudios de dieta de estas dos especies. La dieta de lince
consistió principalmente en el conejo de Florida (Sylvilagus floridanus; 33.7%), roedores (22.7%), conejo
montés (S. cunicularius; 13.1%), el conejo de los volcanes endémico y en peligro de extinción (Romerolagus
diazi, 12.5%), la tuza (Pappogeomys merriani; 9.3%) y la gallinita de monte (Dendrortyx macroura; 1.4%). La dieta
del coyote incluyó el conejo de Florida (43.8%), roedores (15.7%), el conejo montés (12.0%), la tuza (6.4%) y
el conejo de los volcanes (5.5%).

Similar-sized carnivores often differ in use of available likely varies among areas and with availability of prey
prey to facilitate coexistence (Witmer and DeCalesta, (Palomares and Caro, 1999). High densities of coyotes
1986; Major and Sherburne, 1987; Litvaitis and Harrison, have been associated with low densities of bobcats (Henke
1989; White et al., 1995; Kitchen et al., 1999; Neale and and Bryant, 1999; Neale and Sacks, 2001b), which could
Sacks, 2001a; Azevedo et al., 2006). Dietary studies are, indicate competition.
thus, important for determining trophic relations among Bobcats and coyotes are sympatric in Izta-Popo
predators and prey (Chuang and Lee, 1997). Intraspecific National Park, which is located in the Trans-Mexican
competition can influence structure of the community Volcanic Belt (Sierra Nevada), central Mexico. Prey for
(Schoener, 1974, 1982), especially between predators that
these carnivores in this national park includes the volcano
are at the top of the food chain (Hairston et al., 1960;
rabbit (Romerolagus diazi; Cervantes and González, 1996)
Oksanen et al., 1981). The coyote (Canis latrans) is a
and several other species of lagomorphs as well as rodents
generalist carnivore distributed throughout Mexico and
has a broad diet composed of insects, vertebrates, fruits, and birds (Bojorges, 2004; Granados et al., 2004).
and vegetation (Andelt et al., 1987; Gese et al., 1988; Because coyotes and bobcats are sympatric in Izta-Popo
Neale et al., 1998). In contrast, the bobcat (Lynxs rufus) is National Park, our goal was to determine prey used by
a strict carnivore that preys mainly on rodents and each species to assess whether partitioning of the diet was
lagomorphs (Aranda et al., 2002) and occasionally a potential ecological factor facilitating coexistence.
livestock (Fritts and Sealander, 1978; Neale et al., 1998). Additionally, we wanted to determine whether either
Bobcats and coyotes are sympatric throughout most of species preferentially preyed on the endangered volcano
their ranges, and, although competition may occur rabbit and, thus, potentially contributed to the precarious
between the species, it has been difficult to evaluate and status of this species.

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158 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 59, no. 2

Table 1. Elevation and length of transects, primary plant-associations along transects in Izta-Popo National Park, central Mexico.

Site Elevation (m) Length (m) Plant-association

Altzomoni 1 4,248–3,813 7,400 Zacatón
Tlamacas 1b 3,524–3,707 4,900 Pine-Zacatón
Tlamacas 2b 3,685–3,898 4,900 Pine-Zacatón
Tlamacas 3b 3,621–3,957 4,900 Pine-Zacatón
Zoquiapan 1a 3,418–3,445 1,900 Pine-Oyamel-Zacatón
Zoquiapan 2a 3,425–3,434 1,900 Pine-Oyamel-Zacatón
Zoquiapan 3a 3,406–3,457 1,900 Pine-Oyamel-Zacatón
With human activity.
Without human activity.

MATERIALS AND METHODS—Our study area was located in Izta- and Trigo, 1996; Velázquez and Romero, 1999; Velázquez et al.,
Popo National Park and Zoquiapan, Mexico (18854’39 00 – 2001).
19833’00 00 N, 98831’11 00 –98848’10 00 W) which encompasses ca. We collected scats monthly during the dry (December 2004–
45,097 ha. The study area included the volcanoes Iztaccı́huatl May 2005) and wet seasons (June–November 2005). We
and Popocatépetl, which are the second and third highest randomly placed seven transects of different lengths in three
elevations in Mexico at 5,280 and 5,482 m, respectively (Arriaga areas of the National Park (Tlamacas, Zoquiapan, and Altzomo-
et al., 2000a). Climate was temperate, and the main vegetative ni). Transects were placed on semi-abandoned trails and roads
communities were oak (Quercus) and pine (Pinus) forests. Pine that had sign of wildlife (lagomorphs, rodents, and birds). In
forest was present at 2,500–4,000 m, and dominant species Tlamacas (Puebla and Mexico states), we placed three transects
included P. hartwegii, P. montezumae, P. pseudostrobus, P. rudis, P. each 4,900 m long at an elevation of 4,122 m. In Zoquiapan in
leiophylla, and P. teocote (Table 1; Arriaga et al., 2000a, 2000b; the state of Puebla, we placed three transects each 1,900 m long
Hernández and Granados, 2006). at an elevation of 3,752 m. One transect was placed in
Potential prey in the study area included white-tailed deer Altzomoni, an area located between the states of Mexico and
(Odocoileus virginianus mexicanus), common opossum (Didelphis Puebla at an elevation between 3,712 and 3,983 m, and was 7,400
m in length (Table 1).
marsupialis), nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus),
Mexican cottontail (Sylvilagus cunicularius), eastern cottontail We identified scats of bobcats and coyotes by associated tracks
(S. floridanus), and volcano rabbit (R. diazi; Chapman et al., and other sign and odor, color, and shape of scat (Aranda,
1980; Cervantes et al., 2005). Additionally, 13 species of rodents, 2000). We placed scats in plastic or paper bags labeled with the
name of the transect, location, date, and species.
including Peromyscus melanotis (Castro et al., 2005b), P. aztecus
(Ramı́rez et al., 2005a), P. difficillis (Chávez and Ceballos, 2005), Scats were analyzed at the Animal Nutrition Laboratory of
P. maniculatus (Ramı́rez et al., 2005d), Reithrodontomys chrysopsis the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México Distrito
Federal, México. We washed scats through sieves of different
(Lira and Gaona, 2005), R. sumichrasti (Ramı́rez et al., 2005c), R.
sizes (5, 10, and 20 mm2) and separated skin, hair, and bones,
megalotis (Sánchez and Oliva, 2005), Neotomodon alstoni (Chávez,
removing traces of vegetation. We identified remains using
2005), Neotoma mexicana (Zarza and Ceballos, 2005), Liomys
reference guides for hairs, bones, and skulls (Glass, 1981;
irroratus (Espinosa and Chávez, 2005), Dipodomys phillipsi (Oliva,
Monroy and Rubio, 2003). We identified larger prey (i.e.,
2005), Sigmodon leucotis (Ramı́rez et al., 2005b), and Pappogeomys
lagomorphs and larger) to species and smaller prey (e.g.,
merriami (Villa and Valencia, 1991), were present. Four species
rodents, insectivores, and birds) to class. We calculated
of insectivores also occurred on the site, including Sorex vagrans
frequency of occurrence and biomass of each item in scats
orizabae (Velázquez et al., 2001), S. saussurei (Castro, 2005), S. (Ackerman et al., 1984) and used the model of Corbett (1989)
oreopolus ventralis (Castro, 2005a), and Cryptotis alticola (Ceballos to estimate biomass consumed by coyotes and the model of
and Carréon, 2005). Multiple species of birds, primarily Buteo Ackerman et al. (1984) to estimate biomass consumed by
jamaicensis, B. lineatus, Falco peregrinus, Cypseloides niger, Hirundo bobcats.
rustica, and Corvus corax, were present, including potential prey We compared frequency of prey in scats using Fisher’s exact
such as Dendrortyx macroura, Grallaria guatimelensis, Columbina test (Zar, 1996) and partitioned experiment-wise error rate by
inca, and Zenaida macroura. Some of these species were endemic the number of comparisons to determine significant differences
to the study area (Chavez and Trigo, 1996; Chávez, 1999; by species or class of prey in diets. We also used Fisher’s exact
Bojorges, 2004). test to compare the frequency of the volcano rabbit in diets to
Other carnivores present included Urocyon cinereoargenteus that of all other species of prey in scats. We estimated overlap of
nigrirostris, Bassariscus astatus astatus, Procyon lotor hernandezii, and diet betweenPcoyotes P and bobcats using Pianka’s index (Pianka,
P 2 1/2
Nasua nasua molaris (Ramı́rez et al., 1982; Ramı́rez and 1973): 0 = pi qi/( pi2 qi ) , where pi and qi represent
Müdespacher, 1987; Chávez and Trigo, 1996; Granados et al., proportions of prey in the diet of both species, respectively.
2004; Trites and Roy, 2005). Endemic species recorded in the Pianka’s index varies between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (total
study area included Romerolagus diazi, Pappogeomys merriami, overlap).
Neotomodon alstoni, Reithrodontomys chrysopsis, Thomomys umbrinus Quality of habitat was ranked for prey at each site according
volcanius, T. gambrinus peregrinus, Sorex vagrans orizabae, and to the density of grasses per square meter and human activity
Peromyscus aztecas hylocetes (Ceballos and Galindo, 1984; Chávez based on a visual estimate. Density of grasses was measured with

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June 2014 Garcı́a et al.—Prey of sympatric bobcat and coyote 159

Table 2. Biomass estimated relative to number of consumed individuals by bobcat and coyote, in the Izta-Popo National Park,
Zoquiapan, central Mexico.

No. of Frequency of Relative biomass Relative no. of

Predator Prey prey items occurrence (%) consumed (%) individuals consumed (%)

Bobcat Sylvilagus cunicularius 41 15.24 33.00 13.13

Sylvilagus floridanus 62 23.05 49.18 33.73
Romerolagus diazi 39 15.50 7.28 12.48
Pappogeomys merrani 29 10.78 8.28 9.28
Other rodents 71 26.39 1.32 22.72
Birds 4 1.49 0.54 1.28
Not identifified 23 8.55 0.36 7.36
Coyote S. cunicularius 13 14.61 28.75 11.96
S. floridanus 28 31.46 61.02 43.79
R. diazi 6 6.74 3.07 5.51
P. merrani 7 7.87 5.49 6.43
Other rodents 17 19.20 0.87 15.71
Birds 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Not identifified 18 22.22 0.77 16.55

five quadrants of 5 m2 in each site (Martinez et al., 2012). We birds in the diet of bobcats (Table 2). Birds were absent in
defined human activity by the presence of traces of humans scats of coyotes, although low frequency of occurrence
(trash, footprints, and feces). We classified habitat as excellent precluded statistical differences.
when density was >2 grasses/m2 without human activity, good Dietary overlap between bobcats and coyotes was only
when 2 grasses/m2 with human activity, fair when <2 grasses/m2 0.49 in central Florida (Thornton et al., 2004). Compared
without human activity, and poor when <2 grasses/m2 with
to our results, this was due to greater use of larger species
human activity.
by coyotes. Coyotes consumed a wide variety of larger prey
including white-tailed deer (Odocoileus viginianus), feral
RESULTS—We collected 126 scats of bobcats and 70 scats
pigs (Sus scrofa), and cattle (Bos taurus). In contrast,
of coyotes. Frequency of prey differed in diets of bobcats
bobcats used only one of these species of large prey,
and coyotes (Fisher’s exact P = 0.012); scats of bobcats
white-tailed deer (Thornton et al., 2004). Similarly, diets
contained fewer (8.6%) unidentified remains of prey
of bobcats and coyotes in California also showed less
than did scats of coyotes (22.2%; P = 0.003). Although overlap (0.69; Fedriani et al., 1999, 2000) than we
only marginally different (P = 0.056), frequency of observed, with diets of coyotes differing mainly by greater
volcano rabbits was greater in scats of bobcats than in use of plants as food. Other studies have similarly shown
those of coyotes (15.5 versus 6.7%). Frequency of all varying degrees of dietary overlap between bobcats and
other parts of prey was similar (experiment-wise P > coyotes (Huegel and Rongstad, 1986; Major and Sher-
0.05). Use of prey by bobcats and coyotes showed an burne, 1987; Kitchen et al., 1999). Most of these studies
index of overlap of 0.94. differed from ours in that they included plants as food in
By class of prey, bobcats preyed primarily on lago- their analyses of the diet of coyotes. The coyote, an
morphs (59%), with approximately similar use of eastern omnivore, would be expected to have a greater intake of
cottontails, Mexican cottontails, and volcano rabbits. fruits and other vegetation than would bobcats, an
Similarly, lagomorphs (62%), primarily eastern cotton- obligate carnivore.
tails (44%; Table 2), were most frequent in diets of Lagomorphs were the most common prey in the diets
coyotes. of bobcats and coyotes in our study, probably because
Altzomoni had the highest density of grasses (2.6 – they were the most available and profitable prey present
2.8) and low human-activity. The site at El Papayo had the in the study area (Griffiths, 1975). The average mass for
lowest density of grasses (1.4 – 0.0) and high human- the Mexican cottontail (2.0 kg) and the eastern cottontail
activity. (1.2 kg) combined offered comparable energetic han-
dling costs for coyotes and bobcats and likely resulted in
DISCUSSION—Overall, use of prey by bobcats and coyotes both predators obtaining more net energetic gains from
was extremely similar. The dietary overlap (0.94) was these larger lagomorphs than from volcano rabbits (0.5
much greater than that in previous studies (Fedriani et kg) or the similarly-sized pocket gopher (0.7 kg;
al., 1999, 2000), although this result was confounded by Cervantes et al., 1990; Villa and Valencia, 1991). Energetic
inclusion of vegetative matter in dietary analyses of gains suggest that volcano rabbits and pocket gophers
coyotes in other studies. The primary difference in use were less used as prey due to their smaller size and lower
of prey between bobcats and coyotes was the presence of energetic value for the predator. However, bobcats

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160 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 59, no. 2

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(United Nations Environment Programme, 2012) and comparativo de la alimentación del gato montés (Lynx rufus)
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endangered in Mexico (Secretarı́a de Medio Ambiente y
Mexicana (nueva serie) 87:99–109.
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