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Introduction M3 Lesson 1 S & T Education in the Philippines-2

It is a well-known fact that no nation can develop Click on the SlideShare link below.
without advancing in the areas of science and
technology. Science and technology are essential It would be good for you to take a glimpse of the
tools in every sector of society. It is a well- established historical background of science and technology in
fact that science and technology impact all aspects of the Philippines. Learn how science and technology
our lives as well as the planet we live on. Science and were introduced in the archipelago, how the
technology have been considered as one of the indigenous knowledge of the early inhabitants
driving forces of the economic growth of flourished, and how technology was embedded in the
nations. Most developed countries have generated people’s way of life during the Pre-Spanish
new technologies with the potential to result in Philippines. In this Slide Share, you will learn about
dynamic economic performance. This, however, has the influences in the development of science and
not been the case with most developing countries and technology in the Philippines as well as the
their development plans have not given adequate government policies on science and technology.
emphasis and importance to science and technology These policies introduced and implemented
and in particular to research in the science and programs and projects to boost science and
technology aspects. Countries like Japan, India, technology to meet the demands of a technologically
South Korea, and Taiwan have achieved much driven world and capacitate the people to live in a
through science and technology for economic world driven by science.
The DOST, in consultation with government and
The basic sciences physics, biology, chemistry, and private research and development institutions,
mathematics form the foundation from which applied the academe, industry, and other concerned
sciences, technology, and engineering are agencies, prepared the Harmonized National R&D
built. Without a proper foundation in basic Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022 to ensure that the
sciences, it is very difficult if not impossible to results of S&T endeavors are geared towards and
achieve sustainable scientific development. are utilized in areas of maximum economic and
social benefit for the people. The formulation of the
Until recently economists considered land, labor, and HNRDA is in line with the DOST’s mandate of
capital as the only important economic factors. providing central direction, leadership, and
Intellectual pursuits and knowledge were seen as coordination of the scientific and technological efforts
unrelated to and without any utility for concrete things. in the country. The HNRDA is aligned
It is now recognized that scientific knowledge, with AmBisyon Natin 2040: matatag, maginhawa at
which is inexhaustible, is more essential for the panatag na buhay para sa lahat. It has three
wealth creation of nations today than either capital pillars: Malasakit (enhancing the social
or land. fabric), Pagbabago (reducing inequality)
The standard of living of a nation depends on and Kaunlaran (increasing potential growth).
science and technology whether in agriculture, AmBisyon Natin 2040 and the three pillars form the
food production, good health, good housing, foundation for more inclusive growth, a high-trust and
communication, better roads, etc. resilient society and a globally competitive knowledge
Even if a country has a national commitment to
science and technology, if literacy is low, it will not The DOST’s Harmonized National R&D Agenda
be successful in its national development. (2017-2022) had the following R&D Priority Areas
and Programs:
Section I: National Integrated Basic Research
Agenda (NIBRA)
Section II. Health
Section III. Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources With the fear still imminent, Filipinos think
Sector (AANR) that it will take them some time to revert to
Section IV. Industry, Energy, and Emerging
their pre-COVID-19 routines. The majority say
Technology that they can resume activities such as going to
restaurants, visiting family and friends, and using
Section V. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate public transportation around August to December
Change AdapA new normal is a state to which an this year. Recovery for travel, culture, and fitness
economy, society, etc. settles following a crisis, industries might be longer as Filipinos most have
when this differs from the situation that prevailed expressed that they will neither go to cultural
prior to the start of the crisis. The term has been events/gatherings nor go to the gym for the
used following the financial crisis of remainder of the year. They are also still on a
2007-2008 (Links to an external site.), the wait-and-see for domestic and international
aftermath of the 2008–2012 global travel.
recession (Links to an external site.), and
the COVID-19 pandemic (Links to an external When asked what Filipinos plan to spend on
site.). after movement restrictions, spending on
essentials will still continue: food for cooking
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as at home, cleaning products, and personal
we know it. As the rate of infections begins to care items. Filipinos will, however, minimize
slow down in some hard-hit areas, early signs expenditures compared before on restaurants
of recovery are appearing. Some towns, cities and cafes, travel, and cultural activities than
and states are starting to slowly reopen before.
businesses, public areas and more.
Take a look at the new normal in the workplace.
As long as the world has not found a cure or a Watch the video.
vaccine for Covid-19, we may have to adjust to
a “new normal”, meaning a new way of living tation (DRR CCA)
and going about our lives, work and It’s about time that we recognize the achievements of
interactions with other people. some of the prominent personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines. There is no doubt
Many Filipinos believe that they have adapted to about their contributions having aided in the
the restrictions and routine of the new normal. improvement of the lives of the Filipino
However, 94% express worry that they can people. Most of them are National Scientists and
contract COVID-19 as found in the recent Ipsos their names are on the list of National Scientists of
Southeast Asia Study (Indonesia, Malaysia, the the Philippines by the Presidential
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) on Communications Operations Office. National
Living with COVID-19. The survey was conducted scientists are selected based on the annual
prior to the end of the Enhanced Community recommendation from the National Academy of
Quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila over the period Science and Technology (NAST), the highest
of 22nd to 26th May 2020 among 500 Filipinos. recognition and advisory body on Science and
Filipinos have also experienced a significant
Here’s a catchy theme of a previous NAST Annual
impact on their household income due to Scientific Meeting: “On Being and Becoming: Where
community quarantine measures. 38% claimed We Are and Where We Want To Be.” Annual
that their income is down by more than 50%, meetings such as this one serve “to challenge
the highest among the six countries surveyed. more of our scientists, policymakers, and citizens
to work together towards the progressive
Philippines anchored on science, which is the
vision of the Academy for our beloved
nation.” This was part of the message given by
then President of NAST, Perla D. Santos Ocampo,
M.D. Pediatrician Santos Ocampo was conferred
the prestigious rank, National Scientist on June 23,
2010, through Proclamation No. 2099.

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