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Pro몭ling : People


In Pro몭le : Lily Safra

Lily Safra – née Watkins, formerly Cohen, formerly Monteverde, formerly Bendahan; born 30 December 1934
is a Brazilian-Monegasque billionaire, philanthropist, and socialite who attained considerable wealth through
her four marriages. Lily pushes charity for the unaccountability platform that is global incorporation.
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In Pro몭le : Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard, was educated at the Mitcham Demonstration School, in the heart of the ‘Paradise of Dissent’.
The key is in the title, dissent…we are of course speaking of all things Nonconformist, Adelaide being the
centre of this behaviour in South Australia.

In Pro몭le : The Kazakh-Turkish Family Behind So Many Football Scandals

The shadow of football, the Arifs for 25 years built an empire tied to Russian mobsters, post-soviet
plunderers, wealthy Turks and presidents. The source of the Arifs’ wealth is a polluting chrome foundry in
Kazakhstan. Since the 1990s, the Arifs have been in business with the ‘Kazakh trio’, controversial
businessmen close to Kazakhstan president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is these relationships that the family
has spent over two decades trying to protect.

In Pro몭le : Oliver Cromwell A Black Mulatto Puritan And The Real Corporate Commonwealth
1642 – 1685 : The period of the English Civil War in which the laws on Usury are removed and Compound
Interest (Usury) replaces Fees, and a banking puppet monarchy established under Charles II Protected by
General Monk. The East India Company charters were changed giving the company legal authority to invent
and enforce its own statutes, in contradiction to the Realm, and therefore no longer of the British Realm. An
empire is born in private hands in the sovereign state called the Inner City of London acting as the front
empire to the Roman elite.

Donald Trump, H.J.Heinz, Himmler who connects to Goring to Braun and onto Hitler?

In Pro몭le :

So Donald Trump is Jewish, his line from Frankfurt, he has more Zionist’s in his cabinet than would be
expected from the right. We have Theresa May, unelected, yet running my beloved Isle, Germany being
destroyed by Merkel. Funny thing is the elites to which all of the above represent also control Russia, China,
India ad in몭nitum, or should I remind that we do have around four nations in North West Africa not tied to the
IMF, but who cares?

In Pro몭le :Margarita Louis-Dreyfus

From a report in the Jewish News we learn that since 2009 Margarita Louis-Dreyfus has gradually increased
the trust’s holdings to about 65%, according to an interview with her last October in the Swiss newspaper
Neue Zuercher Zeitung am Sonntag, or the Sunday edition of the New Journal of Zurich. Zurich is also where
Margarita Louis-Dreyfus still resides. Margarita as heiress to her husband’s 61% stake in the company, is held
on behalf of her three children for whom she holds the shares in a trust until they are 25. In 2009 there were a
number of obstacles to overcome to cement her hold on the business. Other family members apparently held
another 19% and about 20% had been traditionally reserved for members of management. Born Margarita
Bogdanova, today is a businesswoman, leader of the Louis Dreyfus Group and majority shareholder of
Olympique de Marseille. Source The best I can say if we are to gain insight as to what this girl represents in
the world, we must consider the boast of a 65% increase. Given the state of play today in all things 몭nance,
this girl is a fully paid up sister of the dark league to have any chance of making over 10%, this girl invests in
all that is toxic to human commercial relations.

In Pro몭le : Three World War Strategy, Letter from Pike to Mazzini 1871
Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini were the heads of Freemasonry in the United States and Europe
respectively. As such they ofter wrote to each other in order they co-ordinate the agenda as set by the
In a letter dated 15 August 1871 from Pike to Mazzini, Pike made it clear that the plan to consolidate the
world under the direction of Lucifer will be achieved through three world wars.

In Pro몭le : Edward Gibbon Wake몭eld, expert in colonialism

Assessments of Edward Wake몭eld boil down to two questions his integrity and intellectual profundity, either
way he was a serious colonialist. The driving force in Edward Gibbon Wake몭eld’s life was his appetite for
power and in몭uence. As a child he was brought up under extreme habits of liberty. This lax environment
fostered a love and an aptitude for bending the will of others through obstinacy, charm and fast talking.
Although admitted to Gray’s Inn in October 1813, Wake몭eld did not practise law. Instead, in 1814 he became a
messenger for William Hill, an employee in the diplomatic service, and travelled extensively on the Continent.

Cecil Rhodes last will and confession of faith

It often strikes a man to enquire what is the chief goal in life; to one the thought comes that it is a happy
marriage, to another great wealth, and as each seizes on his idea, for that he more or less works for the rest
of his existence. To myself thinking over the same question the wish came to render myself useful to my
country. I then asked myself how could I and after reviewing the various methods I have felt that at the
present day we are actually limiting our children and perhaps bringing into the world half the human beings
we might owing to the lack of country for them to inhabit that if we had retained America there would at this
moment be millions more of English living.

What was the character of King Solomon and who is rebuilding his temple?
What is really behind the banking system? Are we speaking of the hidden narrative in the real nature of King
Solomon over his fake persona? In Britain before the Civil War a Templar based theology was being pushed by
the Puritans in direct contradiction to the power of Canon Law. More in tune with Jewish tradition the Puritans
wanted nothing less than a departure from the restrictive Canons and the ever watchful priesthood of the
Catholic tradition. Scotland by this time was already a solid Templar stronghold having pushed the original
Christian theology up into the Hebrides, therefore much had been achieved in Scotland as a whole, especially
after the mass in몭ux of Belgian families under David I.

In Pro몭le : Maurice Strong

How the corporate media presents anyone on high is the key to understanding the real character and agenda
of whomever they are blowing smoke up the rectum : The survival of civilisation in something like its present
form might depend signi몭cantly on the efforts of a single man, wrote The New Yorker. The New York Times
hailed that man as the Custodian of the Planet. So say the New York branch of the puppet media about
Maurice Strong. Never heard of him? Well, you should have. Militia members are famously worried that black
helicopters are practicing manoeuvres with blue-helmeted UN troops in a plot to take over America. George
Soros and his Canadian sidekick, Kyoto architect Maurice Strong, are the brains behind the likes of Al Gore,
Mikhail Gorbachev, The Dali Lama and Barak Obama, With the exception of the Dali Lama they also belong to
the Chicago Climate Exchange which will make billions on climate change. Barrack Hussein Obama is the one
out in front talking about Change we can believe in, but the senator from Illinois is only the latest puppet.

In Pro몭le : Richard Nikolas Eijiro Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972)

Mass immigration is a real problem today, we now know the coudenhove Kalergi plan to genocide Europe, but
who is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi? When your friends include Winston Churchill, Bernard Baruch and a host
of Rothschilds, you know the plan is all bad.

In pro몭le : The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan  The genocide of the Peoples of Europe

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the
multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once
and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome
of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy
the face of the continent.

In Pro몭le : The Lord Bowland

A new feudalism is creeping upon these Isles, a mimic of the thousand year realm that we call Great Britain. A
corporate shadow is moving in. The Lordship of Bowland, an ancient English title connected with the Forest of
Bowland in the northwest of England, was once thought lost and was only recently rediscovered. It
disappeared from sight in 1885 when the estates of the Towneleys, one of Lancashire’s great aristocratic
families, were broken up following the death of the last male heir. For much of the twentieth century, experts
thought that the Lordship of Bowland belonged to the Crown. In 1938, the Duchy of Lancaster had acquired
some 6,000 acres of the Forest of Bowland, now known as the Whitewell Estate, near Clitheroe, and it was
believed the Lordship of Bowland had been acquired with it.

In Pro몭le : David Cameron, Missing Nuclear Weapons and the Iran Script 

In short I suggest that nuclear weapons and the play around them four at least three decades, has been to
subvert political con몭dence in order the corporate elite could set forth a script to entrap sovereign states into
a form of ‘global politics’, in order they let go of national interests and ultimately sovereignty.
Achieved by allowing the fear promulgated by the corporate military intelligence, in regards to missing nuclear
weapons, playing on the the idea that only the same military intelligence can sort this problem out, and,
preparing for the 몭nal false 몭ag they are to procure to unleash the Third and 몭nal World War, by creating the
scapegoat that is Iran as a nuclear power, in order they themselves can begin to release the nuclear arsenal
deep in the oceans from inside any nations territory aimed at all nations at their discretion.

In Pro몭le : Margaret Thatcher

In Pro몭le : Margaret Thatcher

Hitler loved corporatism, Thatcher incorporated Great Britain. There Iron lady’s entire time in o몭ce was so in
the midst of international banking intelligence circles, not only in her strategy for domestic terrorism, but in
league with George H Bush as the man behind Ronald Reagan, together they exported the terrorism of the
arms dealing fraternity to the global community while their own minds where coerced by fears of constant
threat of nuclear disaster with nukes apparently lost. David Cameron as her then special boy, took care of the
nuclear problem

In Pro몭le : Brian Crozier and The Institute for the Study of Con몭ict

The Institute for the Study of Con몭ict is a classic case of use of the Hegelian Dialectic by high end corporate
Intelligence in order they can bring two opposing sides under the control of one body, without those on each
side being aware of the fact. Julius Gould appears to have been a key player in formulating strategy for the
Institute for the Study of Con몭ict,(ISC). This report is of another highly signi몭cant player in the ISC, a man
who’s in몭uence and strategic offerings are playing out under this coalition government through his in몭uence
on Intelligence affairs for Margaret Thatcher, a close compadre of Gould, Brian Crozier.

In Pro몭le : Samuel Julius Gould

How Zionism works : Samuel Julius Gould is also listed as a member of the International Committee of The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Europe, Nottingham, England), as is Albert Neuberger (Europe, London,
England), father-in-law of Julia Neuberger, Chair of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee,
and father of David Neuberger, to be sworn in as President of the Supreme Court in October 2012, after what I
would call a clear case in the use by David Neuberger of the Hegelian Dialectic, he attacked the Supreme
Court then became it.
In Pro몭le : Rt. Hon Sir Peter Blaker KCMG MP

Was admitted to the Foreign Service in 1953, stationed at the embassy in Phnom Penh (1955-57) and at the
UK High Commission in Ottawa 1957-60. At the Foreign O몭ce from 1960-62 he was Private Secretary to the
Minister of State for Foreign affairs from 1962-64 which led to the signing of the test ban treaty in Moscow in
1963. He became an MP for Blackpool south 1964-92, an opposition whip (1967-67) and PPS to the
Chancellor of the Exchequer (1970-72), moving to Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Army) at the MOD
from 1972-74 and a minister of state at the FCO 1979-81 and for the Armed Forces 1981-83a member of the
executive committee of the British-American Parly group (1975-79) and chairman of the board of the Royal
Ordinance factories (1972-74); a member of the Council of Chatham House (1977-79); the Council for Arms
Control ( 1983-); a member of the Freedom Association; Vice Chairman of Peace through NATO; vice-
president of the Conservative Foreign and Commonwealth Council (1983-); a member of the council of the GB
USSR association (1974-92); a Governor of the Atlantic Institute 1978-79; Chairman McLean Hunter
Cablevision Ltd 1989-; Integrated Asset Management; Central Lancashire Television; World Trading & Shipping

In profile : Frank Lowy and the Westfield Company

Frank Lowy is the wealthiest person in Australia; his business provides income in dozens of cities and several
of the world’s countries; He is among the founders and mangers of in몭uential Israeli and American think
tanks; He has paid enormous amounts of money to in몭uence large governments foreign policies towards the
Middle East, especially in the Israeli-Arab con몭ict; 몭nally he is one of the Zionists who received heavy
compensation from insurance companies after the 9/11 attacks. Lowy was born on October 22, 1930, in
Czechoslovakia, and lived in Budapest, Hungary during the World War II. After the end of the war, he went to
France in 1946 so as to make his way to British Mandate of Palestine, but he was caught en route by the
British and deported to a detention camp in Cyprus. However, after several months, Lowy was allowed into


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