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One of the primary objective of this module in surveying is to find out the relative direction of
line. This is required to designate the spatial location of points on or near the surface of the


In order to get the location of a point in surveying on, above or below the surface of the earth, it
is necessary to know its distances from a point / station along a line whose direction is known.

Fig 4.1 Location of point by Bearing and Distance

Fundamental Concepts (Direction of a line)

The direction of a line is defined by a horizontal angle with respect to a reference line.
Depending on the type of reference, the direction of the line is termed as relative or absolute. In
relative direction, the reference line does not remain fixed over time.

The reference line with respect to which horizontal angle of survey line are measured is known
as meridian. There are different types of meridians based on the type of reference.

True Meridian

Magnetic meridian

Grid Meridian

Arbitrary Meridian
True Meridian

The true meridian passing through a station on surface of the earth is the (imaginary) line of
intersection of a (imaginary) plane passing through the geographical North and South poles of
the earth with its actual surface. The direction of true meridian at any station is constant and
hence, direction of a line with reference to this remains same over time. At any station, it can be
determined through Astronomical survey. For any engineering works of importance, the
direction of at least one line is determined with true meridian as reference.
Magnetic Meridian

The magnetic meridian at a station on surface of the earth is the (imaginary) line of intersection
of a (imaginary) plane passing through the magnetic North and South poles of the earth with its
actual surface. The direction of a freely suspended well balanced magnetic needle provides the
magnetic meridian at a station. As the magnetic poles of the earth changes with time and so the
magnetic meridian at any station. Thus, the direction of a line with reference to magnetic
meridian varies with time. Magnetic meridian is employed as a line of reference for rough
Grid Meridians

To eliminate the effect of convergence of meridian, a meridian through a station is adopted as a

reference meridian and all other meridians are considered parallel to the reference meridian.
Together, all of these are known as grid meridians and the reference meridian is known as central
Convergence of meridian : Meridians on the surface of the earth converge towards each other as
the distance from the equator towards either of the poles increases

Arbitrary Meridian

Any convenient direction from a survey station to some well-defined permanent object is known
as arbitrary meridian. This is used for small area survey or to determine the relative directions of
small traverse.
Relative Direction

The direction of a line is expressed in different ways depending upon the type of survey. It is
depicted by bearing, included angle, deflection angle etc. These quantities may be observed
directly in the field or can be obtained indirectly by computation.
The horizontal angle measured in clockwise or anticlockwise direction between the meridian
and the survey line is termed as bearing. Different types of bearings are defined based on
different criteria.

Based on meridian
Magnetic Bearing
Grid Bearing
Arbitrary Bearing
Based on Direction
Fore bearing
Back Bearing
Based on designation
Whole circle bearing
Quadrantal Bearing ( or Reduced bearing)
Azimuth or True Bearing

The azimuth or true bearing of a line is its horizontal angle from the North direction of the true
meridian measured clockwise.

In Figure 4.2 azimuth of a line OA is given by NOA (= 52°), measured from the North
(Geographical) and that of line OB is NOB (= 208°).

Figure 4.2 Azimuth of a line

Magnetic Bearing

The horizontal angle which a line makes with the magnetic meridian measured from Magnetic

North line is called magnetic bearing. It varies with time. Magnetic meridian of a line can be
measured in the field by using prismatic compass (Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 Magnetic bearing of a line

Grid Bearing : The horizontal angle between a line and a grid meridian is called grid bearing

Arbitrary Bearing

Based on the Direction

Any straight line has two diametrically opposite directions. The direction in which a survey
work proceeds is known as forward direction and the opposite direction is known as backward
direction. Thus, there are two types of bearing depending upon the direction of the line for
which it is being is determined.

Fore Bearing

Back Bearing
Fore Bearing

The bearing of a line measured in the foreword direction (i.e., along the progress of survey) is
known as fore bearing.

In Figure 4.4 fore bearing of the line AB is given by NOB.

Fore bearing = Back bearing ± 180°

Figure 4.4 Fore bearing of a line

Back Bearing

The bearing of a line measured in the backward direction (i.e., opposite to the direction of
progress of survey) is known as back bearing.

In Figure .4, the back bearing of the line AB is NOA (= 223°). NOA is also called bearing of
the line BA. Thus,

Back Bearing = Fore Bearing ± 180°

Figure 4.5 back bearing of a line

Designation of Bearing

The angle representing bearing is designated depending on the measurement of the angle either
in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction measured either from the North or from the South
limb whichever provides minimum angle.

Whole circle bearing

Quadrantal bearing (or Reduced bearing)

Whole Circle Bearing

Figure 4.6 Whole Circle bearing of a line

Conversion of reduced bearing (RB) to whole circle bearing (WCB) and vice versa
The RB of any line can be converted to its equivalent RB as shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Conversion of RB to WCB

Line QB or RB WCB
I OA Nq1° E q1
II OB Sq2° E 180° - q1
III OC Sq3° W 180° + q3
IV OD Nq4° W. 360° - q4
Similarly the WCB of a line can be converted to its equivalent RB as shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Conversion of WCB to RB

I OA 0° ≤ q1 ≤ 90° Nq1° E
II OB 90° ≤ q2 ≤ 180° S (180 -q2)° E
III OC 180° ≤ q3 ≤ 270° S (q3 -180)° W
IV OD 270° ≤ q4 ≤ 360° N (360 -q4)° W
Conversion of reduced bearing (RB) to whole circle bearing (WCB) and vice versa

The RB of any line can be converted to its equivalent RB as shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Conversion of RB to WCB

Line QB or RB WCB
I OA Nq1° E q1
II OB Sq2° E 180° - q1
III OC Sq3° W 180° + q3
IV OD Nq4° W. 360° - q4
Similarly the WCB of a line can be converted to its equivalent RB as shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Conversion of WCB to RB

I OA 0° ≤ q1 ≤ 90° Nq1° E
II OB 90° ≤ q2 ≤ 180° S (180 -q2)° E
III OC 180° ≤ q3 ≤ 270° S (q3 -180)° W
IV OD 270° ≤ q4 ≤ 360° N (360 -q4)° W


The horizontal angle which a magnetic meridian makes with the true or astronomic meridian is called the
magnetic declination, or magnetic variation. If the north end of the compass needle deflects right of the true
meridian, the declination is said to be east (Figure 4.10a) and if it deflects to the left of the true meridian, the
declination is said to be west( Figure 4.10b). Declination varies from place to place

Figure 4.10a East Declination

Figure 4.10b West Declination

Correction for Declination

When magnetic directions are used to obtain estimates for azimuth or an old survey is required to be
retraced, it is necessary to reduce the magnetic directions to true bearings or azimuths by making use of
declination for necessary corrections.

Ex4-1 The magnetic bearing of a line was recorded as N34°00'E on an old survey plan dated August 15,
1947. It is required to re-establish this direction on the site in 1997. In 1970 isogonic chart shows a
declination 9° W for the area, with an annual change of l' eastward. Determine the

(i) Azimuth of the line;

(ii) magnetic bearing that must be used to relocate the direction of the line in the field.

Solution : in 1947 was 9° + 23' = 9° 23' W

Magnetic Bearing of the line on 1947 = N 34° E

(i) True bearing of the line = 34° - 9° 23' = 24° 37'

= N 24° 37' E

Declination in 1997 = (9° - 27 x 1' ) W = 8° 33' W

Therefore Magnetic bearing in 1997 = 24° 37' + 8° 33' W

= N 33° 10' E


Compass is an instrument used to measure magnetic bearing of

a line

The types of compass that are commonly used are: (i) prismatic compass; and (ii) surveyor compass.
The essential parts of both type are:
(i) a magnetic needle,
(ii) a graduated circle,
(iii) a line of sight, and
(iv) a box to house them.
There are some differences in the essential parts of the two type of compass. The construction of the two
types of compass is explained and the difference in them is pointed out in this article

Prismatic compass



1. Graduation circle is fixed to broad type needle. Hence, it will not rotate with the line of sight.

2. There is a prism at the viewing end

3. Sighting and reading can be done simultaneously

4. The magnetic needle do not acts as index.

5. The graduation circle are in Whole circle bearing.

6. Graduations are marked inverted since its reflection is read through prism

7. The reading is taken through a prism

8. Tripod may or may not be used. It can be held on a stretched hand


1 Graduation circle is fixed to the box, Hence it rotates with the line of sight.

2 At viewing end, there is no prism. There is only a slit

3 Sighting and reading can not be done simultaneously

4 The magnetic needle acts as index while reading.

5 The graduation circle are in quadrantal system

6 Graduations are marked directly.

7 The reading is taken by directly viewing from the top glass

8 Tripod is essential for using it

Methods of using a compass

To take a reading from a compass, the following temporary adjustments are required:
(i) Centering: The compass should be fixed to the stand and set over the station. To centre the
compass legs of the tripod stand should be moved inward-outward or in a circumferential direction.
To check centering plumb may be used or a pebble dropped from the centre of the compass.
(ii) Levelling: In compass survey perfect levelling is not necessary, but it should be sufficient to
permit free suspension of magnetic needle. For checking levelling a bubble level is provided in many
compasses. After centering bubble should be ensured in the middle of the circle provided for it in the
level. If it is not within that circle, circumferential movements may be provided to the legs of tripod
so that without disturbing centering the levelling is achieved.
(iii) Focusing the prism: In prismatic compass, to focus the prism on graduated circle, its
attachment is slided up or down till the readings are clearly visible. There is no such requirement in
surveyors compass.

Field Observation in Compass

The following steps are required for observing bearing of a line, say, AB:
(i) Centre the compass over A.
(ii) Level the compass.
(iii) Focus the prism, if prismatic compass is used.
(iv) Rotate the box till ranging rod at B is sighted through the line of sight.
(v) Bring the needle to rest using knob.
(vi) Take the reading and note it in the field book.

Care should be taken to see that the line of sight is not disturbed between the line of sighting the
object and the time of reading the bearing.

 Local Attraction: A magnet needle indicates the north direction when freely suspended or pivoted.

But if the needle comes near some magnetic substances such as iron ore, steel structure electric cable
current etc. it is found to be deflected from its true direction and does not show the actual north. This
disturbing influence of magnetic substances is known as “Local Attraction”

Local Attraction

In presence of magnetic materials, the magnetic needle deviates from the magnetic meridian and thus
provides wrong direction of a line. The deviation arising from such local sources is called local attraction.
If the fore bearing and back bearing of a line does not differ by 180°, then there is a possibility of local
attraction during the observation of the line. Otherwise, if the sum of the interior angles of a closed traverse
does not provide (2n - 4) right angles [where n is the number of sides in the traverse], then there is a
possibility of local attraction during the observation of the traverse.

Ex5-2 Following are the observed magnetic bearings of the traverse legs:

FB (RB) S 59° 30' E N 78° 15' E N 59° 30' W S 30° 15' W
BB (WCB) 300° 30' 256° 00' 125° 15' 27° 45'
At what stations local attraction is suspected? Determine the correct bearings of the traverse legs and also
calculate the included angles.

Solution :

Figure Ex5.11

The FB of the lines are given in reduced bearing. Their equivalent WCB are

Line RB
AB S 59° 30' E 120° 30' W 300° 30'
BC N 78° 15' E 78° 15' 256° 00'
CD N 59° 30' W 300° 30' 125° 15'
DA S 30° 15' W 207° 45' 27° 45'
The FB and BB of any line differs exactly by 180°, if the stations are free from local attraction. In the given
observation, the FB and BB of the line AB differs by 180° and thus stations A and B are free from local
attraction. The bearing of the lines observed at stations A and B may be considered to be correct.

Given, FB of BC = 78° 15'

Therefore Correct, BB of BC = 78° 15' + 180° = 258° 15'

But, observed BB of BC = 256° 00'

Therefore Error at C = 258° 15' - 256° 00' = - 2°15'

Correction at C = 2° 15'

Observed FB of CD = 300° 30'

Correction at C = + 2° 15'

Therefore corrected FB of CD = 302° 45' - 180° = 122° 45'

and corrected BB of CD = 125° 15'

Error at D = + 2° 30'

or Correction at D = - 2° 30'

observed FB of DA = 210° 15'

Therefore corrected FB of DA = 210° 15' - 2° 30' = 207° 45'

and corrected BB of DA = 207° 45' - 180° = 27° 45' (Checked)

Line Corrected FB Corrected RB

AB 120° 30' 300° 30'
BC 78° 15' 258° 15'
CD 302° 45' 122° 45'
DA 207° 45' 27° 45'
Exxercise 2.0

Ex.5-1 Tabulate the differences between different types of meridians along with differences in their

Ex.5-2 What is magnetic declination ?

Ex.5-3 The magnetic bearing of a line was found to be N 60° 30' W in 1992, when the declination was 5°
10' E. find its present magnetic bearing, if declination is 3° W.

Ex.5-4 The bearing taken for two lines are as follows:

Line Fore Bearing Back Bearing

AB S 37° 30' E 322° 30' (WCB)
BC 223° 15' (WCB) N 44° 15' E
Compute the interior angle at B.

Ex.5-5 Following are the observed magnetic bearings of the traverse legs:

FB 74° 20' 107° 20' 224° 50' 200° 15'
BB 256° 00' 286° 20' 44° 50' 126° 00'
At what stations local attraction is suspected? Determine the correct bearings of the traverse legs and also
calculate the included angles.

Angles 106° 45', 123° 45', 64° 30', 65° 00'


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