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I. Eligibility of Nominees/Candidates

I.1 All members of the _________Employees Association who are in good

standing are eligible to be nominated in any of the positions, except:

a. members of the CY ________________________ (“Election

Committee”) are disqualified to be nominated or be a candidate in
any position for purposes of this election; and
b. ________________ member/s who has/have been elected in any
position for the last two (2) consecutive terms is/are disqualified to be
a nominee or candidate in the same position for this election.

II. Nomination Process

II.1 Pursuant to the provision of the __________________ Constitution and

By-Laws, the positions/offices to be filled by election are the following:

 President
 Vice President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Auditor
 Public Relation Officer (PRO)

II.2 Each _________________ members will be given a nomination form to

select possible nominees for each position.
II.3 The accomplished nomination form will be accepted from 18 September
2017 until 22 September 2017.
II.4 The Election Committee shall tabulate all accomplished nomination
II.5 In case when a member has been nominated to two (2) or more
positions, he/she will be considered as the official candidate in the
position to which he or she garnered the most number of nominations.
II.6 Withdrawal of nomination may be done only in writing, showing
extenuating circumstances for such withdrawal. The Election Committee
will only accept any letter or notice of withdrawal within three (3)
calendar days from posting of the list of official candidates. The Election
Committee will decide on the withdrawal within two (2) calendar days
from receipt of the same.
II.7 Only the top 3 nominees will be considered as the official candidates for
each position.
II.8 The official list of candidates will be posted in at least three (3)
conspicuous places within ________________ premises from 25
September 2017 to 12 October 2017.

III. Conduct of Election

III.1 Election will be held on _____________, from 9:00 a.m. to at 3:00 p.m.,
at the
III.2 All ______________ members who are in good standing shall be eligible
to vote.
III.3 Voters will be required to fill-out first the registration form before the
official ballot will be given to them.
III.4 Each voter should put a check on the circle opposite the name of the
chosen candidate for each position.
III.5 After accomplishing the official ballot, the voter shall drop the same to
the ballot box.

IV. Election Results

IV.1 Immediately after the closing hour on the day of election, the Election
Committee will immediately convene for the counting and tallying of
IV.2 A candidate receiving the most number of votes shall be considered as
the elected candidate for each position.
IV.3 The Election Committee will issue the necessary certification and
supporting resolution to formalize the proclamation of winning
candidates on 16 October 2017.

V. Protest

Any protest on matters affecting election shall be raised directly to the

Election Committee in writing within three (3) calendar days after each
election activity. A protest that was formally endorsed to the Committee will
be resolved within two (2) calendar days from the receipt of the same.

Decisions of the Election Committee are final and binding.

VI. Supplemental Rules for the Conduct of the Election

The 2017 Election Committee may issue supplemental rules necessary to

ensure an orderly and impartial conduct of election.

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