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Professional Competencies Assessment & Plan Rubric

HEAL 221: Student Affairs in Higher Education – Fall 2021 – Dr. Ray Ramírez

Student Name: Manuel Ovando

Date Completed: 11/30/2021

Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF) Involves the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to
develop and maintain integrity in one’s life and work; this includes thoughtful development,
critique, and adherence to a holistic and comprehensive standard of ethics and commitment to
one’s own wellness and growth. Personal and ethical foundations are aligned because integrity
has an internal locus informed by a combination of external ethical guidelines, an internal
voice of care, and our own lived experiences. Our personal and ethical foundations grow
through a process of curiosity, reflection, and self-authorship.
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Currently I find myself in the foundational outcome competency level moving into the
intermediate as I follow into the field with this program. Within this next year I hope to gain
stronger understanding of ethical behavior among myself, others. Through my first semester in
HEAL I have been able to Analyze personal experiences for potential growth and have had
plenty of engagement in reflective discussions. Trough the discussion of organization and
different types we have distinguished the legal and moral influences varying on code of ethics.

Within the 8-10 year, long term goals I seek to transition to the Advanced Outcome
competency level. After mastering the understanding of ethical behavior, it is important to
further develop by evolving personal beliefs and commitments. IN completing this it is
recognizing the importance of contribution. I believe this can be completed by staying
proactive of the ethical issues involving colleagues and students. I will pursue this goal by
creating awareness and also becoming aware and informed of the community I serve.

Organizational and Human Resources (OHR) Involves knowledge, skills, and dispositions
that connect the history, philosophy, and values of the student affairs profession to one’s
current professional practice. This competency area embodies the foundations of the
profession from which current and future research, scholarship, and practice will change and
grow. The commitment to demonstrating this competency area ensures that our present and
future practices are informed by an understanding of the profession’s history, philosophy, and
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Through my experience in the current role of employment, I have recognized how networks in
organizations play a role to work on getting this accomplished. The department I work for
provides a lot of resources to students but sometimes there are partnerships needed to fulfill
the need of students. Working with finances I have had the opportunity to articulate basic
institutional accounting techniques for budgeting. This can also tie in with the institutional
policies set in place that we are required to follow as an organization on campus.

To pursue this Advanced Outcome competency, I have to develop experience working with
coworkers and student employees. I believe on supervising within these next 8- 10 years I can
successfully assess the level of individual and institutional risk. I can connect this with the
how the Director of Operations over see us as employees and student employees. This last year
I have been working with our budget and have researched how a lot of evidence-based
decision strategies were needed to resource allocate and re-allocate certain budget lines.
Through practice within 8-10 years I hope to master this level of competency.

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER) Focuses on the ability to design, conduct,
critique, and use various AER methodologies and the results obtained from them, to utilize
AER processes and their results to inform practice, and to shape the political and ethical
climate surrounding AER processes and uses in higher education.20
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Within this first semester in HEAL, AER has been introduced in one notable way and it is
when we reviewed the race equity belonging reports. We learned what an appropriate
assessment looked like and what methods or tools can be used. Within the next year I hope to
master the AER methods to learn how to articulate, interpret and apply these reports

Within the next 8-10 years I hope to practice the AER methods to better provide of service to
students as a whole. As I learn about development theories and further knowledge in scholarly
literature it is important to maintain informed of the AER methods. It is important to
incorporate the institutional compliance with professional standards and implement decisions
facilitated by the AER activities.

Law, Policy, and Governance (LPG) Includes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions
relating to policy development processes used in various contexts, the application of legal
constructs, compliance/policy issues, and the understanding of governance structures and their
impact on one’s professional practice.22
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Currently I was introduced to the differences between private and for-profit education. What
the legal system can implement to these institutions that also reflect on the students, faculty,
and student affairs professionals. We have learned hoe laws, policies and rulings influenced
the student institutional relationship. Something that comes to mind is the student travel ban in
2017. It is something that impacted colleges as a whole and professionals sought their best to
provide services to these students.

Within the next 8-10 years I hope to master the Intermediate Outcomes of this understanding
the parameters established by external and internal governing practices. This can be connected
to being aware of the laws and policy trends. As a student professional within this outcome, it
is important to consult with students and represent their voice.

Organizational and Human Resources (OHR) Organizational and Human Resources (OHR)
Includes knowledge, skills, and dispositions used in the management of institutional human
capital, financial, and physical resources. This competency area recognizes that student affairs
professionals bring personal strengths and grow as managers through challenging themselves
to build new skills in the selection, supervision, motivation, and formal evaluation of staff;
resolution of conflict; management of the politics of organizational discourse; and the effective
application of strategies and techniques associated with financial resources, facilities
management, fundraising, technology, crisis management, risk management and sustainable
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Currently in the HEAL program I align more with the Foundational Outcome. I am learning
how my current job description was designed and the overall support of staffing within the
employment setting. Also, in this role I have used ethical hiring techniques and policies to hire
a student assistant. Through this interview process there was procedures and policies we had to
meet. In this role communication is very important and it is a foundational outcome that I
currently use on the daily role.

Within 8-10 years I would Like to further develop this competency to ensure that multiple
identities are represented on every level of staff. As I first started as a student assistant, I
approach these students with a lot of awareness to their current circumstance. Students need to
prioritize school and it is important to help them meet their goals. Motivation and professional
development is important to maintain every role engaged and effective with their
responsibilities as a whole. This can relate to managing conflict and leading the team with a
fair resolution.

Leadership (LEAD) Addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of a leader,
with or without positional authority. Leadership involves both the individual role of a leader
and the leadership process of individuals working together to envision, plan, and affect change
in organizations and respond to broad-based constituencies and issues. This can include
working with students, student affairs colleagues, faculty, and community members.27
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
In my current role of employment and the HEAL program I have been introduced to visions
and missions of institutions. Through my employment I have implement the mission and
vision of the organization I work for. My current employment focuses their mission in being of
service to students. As of leadership fundamentals, I work with 3 student assistants to practice
teamwork and teambuilding in the work setting. Development in this role is implemented in
the role as I pursue to become a supportive relationship with colleagues and students.

Within the next 8-10 years I will seek to learn new constructs of being a leader or reflect
leadership by mastering the Advanced Outcome competency. Leading trainings made up of
systems that provide opportunities for development and connecting with systems of mentoring
are important to facilitate a learning identity on campus.

Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI) While there are many conceptions of social justice and
inclusion in various contexts, for the purposes of this competency area, it is defined here as
both a process and a goal which includes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to
create learning environments that foster equitable participation of all groups while seeking to
address and acknowledge issues of oppression, privilege, and power. This competency
involves student affairs educators who have a sense of their own agency and social
responsibility that includes others, their community, and the larger global context. Student
affairs educators may incorporate social justice and inclusion competencies into their practice
through seeking to meet the needs of all groups, equitably distributing resources, raising social
consciousness, and repairing past and current harms on campus communities.30
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):

Currently within this first semester of HEAL we have had constructive communication in class
to understand and identify systems of socialization that influence multiple identities and
sociopolitical experiences. This has created a stronger understanding of how one is affected by
the systems of oppression, privilege, and power. We have learned how to properly advocat3e
on issues and what levels of impact can be made based on local, national, and global

Within 8-10 years my goal is to pursue for institutional policies, practices, and facilities to
respect everyone and represent all. This would mean to remove any barrier to properly address
the social justice and inclusion issues that are faced. A lot of these values for social justice can
be represented by mission goals and programs. By doing so there is a sense of fostering and
promoting the institutional culture that supports those who face these difficulties.

Student Learning and Development (SLD) Addresses the concepts and principles of student
development and learning theory. This includes the ability to apply theory to improve and
inform student affairs and teaching practice.32
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Within this first semester of HEAL and my current employment I have had the opportunity to
articulate my own developmental journey in relation to formal theories. Many of the services
offered are funding and this program has presented to me how to assess learning outcomes and
use theory to better improve this service. Through the curriculum of this class, we have
discussed on how areas such as race, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, sexual orientation,
gender identity, a religion can influence development for students.

By the end of this program, I would like to gain a better understanding in translating theory to
diverse audiences or individuals such as colleagues and parents. Within the next year my goal
is to become one of Intermediate Outcome competency which is utilizing theory to practice
models and inform a unit. I would like to master the concept of creating and assessing the
progress of fulfilling the mission of a department, division or institution. By the end of the
program, I would like to have a strong sense of direction to the Advanced Outcome promoting
deep learning and fostering success of students.

Technology (TECH) Focuses on the use of digital tools, resources, and technologies for the
advancement of student learning, development, and success as well as the improved
performance of student affairs professionals. Included within this area are knowledge, skills,
and dispositions that lead to the generation of digital literacy and digital citizenship within
communities of students, student affairs professionals, faculty members, and colleges and
universities as a whole.33
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Currently I believe to stand in the Intermediate Outcome level of competency. With my
current employment I have worked with multiple software systems, email correspondences,
and now video telecommunication to provide services to students. Currently with the
Pandemic it is really important to stay up to date with technology. Promoting adaptability is a
positive reinforcement strategy to facilities the new environment for accessibility to students.
Within this last year I have gained experience in utilizing the change in technology and make
the best of it to provide the utmost service to students. Within the next 8-10 years I will pursue
to stay up to date with the environment.

Advising and Supporting (A/S) Addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to
providing advising and support to individuals and groups through direction, feedback, critique,
referral, and guidance. Through developing advising and supporting strategies that take into
account self-knowledge and the needs of others, we play critical roles in advancing the holistic
wellness of ourselves, our students, and our colleagues. 36
Current Competency Level
Foundational Outcome Intermediate Outcome Advanced Outcome
Areas of growth and strategies (short-term e.g. during HEAL experience and long-term
e.g. 5 – 10 years):
Within this first semester in HEAL we have developed strong communication in being
culturally inclusive and active listener. I can relate this to my work when communicating to
students. Through this curriculum I have now been recognizing how certain terminology can
restrain individuals based on their background or sexual orientation. Within the next 8-10
years I hope to become aware within this advising and support to students. Being culturally
inclusive is important to promote holistic wellness. I will pursue to stay informed of services
offered for mental health consultation to create awareness of support systems for the students
and staff.

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