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Cabañelez, Racy M.




LESSON 4: Rizal as a Novelist

1. Read the summary of the two novels Noli Me Taangere and El Filibusterismo.
Read The Plot and compare the novels.
o Dr. Jose Rizal wrote Noli me tangere for a variety of reasons. He wants
to show how the Filipino people lived during the Spanish colonial
period, as well as his countrymen's cries and woes against abusive
officials. He also wants to discuss what religion and belief can do to
everyday life. He also wants to expose the cruelties, graft, and
corruption of the false government, as well as the wrongdoings of
Filipinos that led to further failure.
o El Filibusterismo was written in dedication to the three martyred priests
Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, whose deaths left
an indelible mark in his mind.Like Noli Me Tangere, Fili aims at
enlightening society, at bringing Filipinos closer to the truth. But
whereas in the first novel, we are encouraged to ask and aspire for
change and liberation, in this novel, the society is urged to open its
eyes to reality and rebel against the Spanish government for its
oppression and abuse.
o Noli Me Tangere is set during the 19th century in the Philippines.
Sectors of the society were represented as the novel progresses. The
abusive clergy was represented by Padre Damaso and Padre Salvi,
the wealthy meztizo by the protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra; meanwhile
the wealthy Indio was represented by Capitan Tiago. As such, the
novel offers a straightforward analysis of Philippine society under
Spanish rule.
o The story El Filibusterismo is set in the Philippines. It is about a
wealthy Cuban jeweler who goes to the Philippines in an attempt to
work for the governor-general, but he is planning to start a revolution
against the authorities
o Crisostomo Ibarra, Maria Clara, Elias, Padre Damaso, Capitan Tiago
o Simon, Basilio, Isagani, Kabesang Tales, Paulitang Gomez, Macaraig,
Father Tolentino, Julianito Pelaez, Doña Victorina
o The plot revolves around Crisostomo Ibarra, mixed-race heir of a
wealthy clan, returning home after seven years in Europe and filled
with ideas on how to better a lot of his countrymen. Striving for
reforms, he is confronted by an abusive ecclesiastical hierarchy and a
Spanish civil administration by turns indifferent and cruel.
o Juan Crisostomo Ibarra has changed his name and identity to rich
jeweler Simoun. In disguise, he travels the world amassing wealth,
which he intends to use to topple the corrupt and abusive regime in his
native land. But Simoun's real motive is personal. He wants to rescue
his beloved, Maria Clara, from the convent and avenge the death of his
father. In a forest on Christmas Eve, medical student Basilio
recognizes Simoun as the man who helped bury his mother Sisa under
a tree over 10 years ago. Simoun is in the forest to retrieve the gems
he buried near Sisa's grave. As the film progresses, all the secrets and
intrigues are revealed, and the plotters' plan fails. A good Filipino priest
throws Simoun's jewels away, thereby eliminating the greed, violence,
and other evils they might have provoked.
o Ibarra’s enemies, particularly Salvi, implicate him in a fake insurrection,
though the evidence against him is weak. Then Maria Clara betrays
him to protect a a dark family secret, public exposure of which would
be ruinous. Ibarra escapes from prison with Elias’s help and confronts
her. She explains why, Ibarra forgives her, and he and Elias flee to the
lake. But chased by the Guardia Civil, one dies while the other
survives. Convinced of Ibarra’s death, Maria Clara enters the nunnery,
refusing a marriage arranged by Padre Damaso. Her unhappy fate and
that of the more memorable Sisa, driven mad by the fate of her sons,
symbolize the country’s condition, at once beautiful and miserable.
o At  the end of the novel, Simoun/Ibarra find Padre Florentino and
confesses his entire story to him. He even hands the priest all his
riches before finally passing away.
2. List down 10 major characters in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and
define their roles. Who are the present counterparts of the characters that you
have chosen in today’s Philippine society?
Maria Clara - A Filipina who has solid Sen. Risa Hontiveros -Women's rights advocate, a
values knows her worth, capabilities and proud activist, and a champion of the basic sectors.
Elias - Was a fugitive living in San Diego. Jose Manuel Tadeo "Chel" Icasiano Diokno - is a
Enduring one tragedy after another, he Filipino lawyer, educator, and human rights
began working to improve society. advocate
Crispín and his brother Basilio work Youth who are forced to work instead of attending
tirelessly to send money home to their school. They are the young people who have no
mother, Sisa, who is married to a drunk choice but to live in such conditions or their families
gambler who provides nothing in the way will go starved.
of financial or even emotional support.
Doña Victorina - Filipina who mimics Vicki Belo - is certainly the country’s makeover
Spanish ladies by putting on heavy white queen. She’s made herself over and has made
makeup. One could say that she wants a money making over many others.
major makeover.
Crisostomo Ibarra - commonly called Miguel Syjuco - Filipino who studied abroad and
Ibarra, is Filipino-Spanish and the only brought home pride to the country. Born into a
descendant of the wealthy Spaniard Don political family.
Rafael Ibarra. He was born and grew up
in the Philippines, but during his
adolescence, spent seven years studying
in Europe.
Padre Dámaso - is described to be a Abussive leaders - People in positions of power
snobbish, ruthless and judgemental who use their authority abusively. People who want
extrovert. He does not control his words everything to go their way.
when speaking and does not care if the
person he is talking to will feel
embarrassed or remorseful.
Pedro - Father of Crispin and Basilio and Incompetent father - who only thinks about
the husband of Sisa. He is an himself. The fathers who are incapable of being a
irresponsible husband. father and husband to their families.
Abraham Ibañez is his real name. Personifies a corrupted media.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez is his real name.
He is a journalist who thinks he is
the only one thinking in the
Abraham Ibañez - A journalist who thinks
he is the only one thinking in the
Señor Pasta - He is an old Filipino lawyer He represents the part of the society that is only
who refuses to help the Filipino students generous and sympathetic to the rich and powerful.
in their clamor for educational reforms.
Kabesang Tales - A formercabeza de He personified a typical Filipino who is content with
barangay whoresurfaced as the feared living a simplelife. He also symbolizes the native
Luzónbandit Matanglawin (Tagalog sand farmers whose lands were seized by the friars,
forHawkeye). an explanation as to why Filipinos became rebels.
3. What are the present problems of Philippines society now that we just finished
and elected a new President and other official in our country? Suggest your
solutions to the problems above during the Spanish time.
Abuses of If possible they will be led by a good leader who can teach them about their bad
Civil Guards behaviors. They should also be reminded that their position should not be abused
and that their eventual aim is to protect Filipinos. They could well be removed
from their position and rendered ineligible to serve at all.
Corruption They can have a leader who exemplifies good behavior, which is similar to the
in Civil solution I proposed. And if they are reprimanded, they may be imprisoned and
Guards lose their career opportunities with the person who will cover up their fraudulent
The Pay close attention, allocate funds, and carefully examine educational issues.
Defective Appoint an appropriate secretary for this sector. Because education is essential
Educational for everyone and device to help in the development of a country.
Decadence I hope that the Filipinos will elect a worthy leader who will help the country in
s in the overcoming the crisis were facing.
Social Order
The plight of The solution I see here is for schools and parents to work together to teach
the Filipino young people, even at work. Because it is significant, particularly in terms of
national harmony.
4. Copy the original cover of Noli Me Tangere and define the meaning of the
different illustrations on it.

 The laurel leaf was highly essential to ancient western civilization, and it served
as a crown for their brave, intellectual, creative, and victorious individuals.
 A woman's head silhouette may also be seen; it is none other than the
motherland, yet others believe it represents Leonor River or Maria Clara in the
novel. In addition, a portion of the manuscript for Noli Me Tangere's offering can
be seen in the upper portion of the cover page, which is claimed to be evidence
of Rizal’s seeing colonial society's demise because of his novel.
 The symmetrical flaming Torch, which was designed by Rizal as a symbol of
Noli Me Tangere's anger and emotion, is positioned on the side of the middle
section of the cover page.
 The sunflower is a rare flower because of its ability to follow the sun and it may
be seen near the torch, which symbolizes light or enlightenment.
 The bamboo trees/stalks on the other side of the middle part of the cover
signify resilience or the Filipinos' manner of adapting to the continual cruelty and
exploitation of the ruling elites in their society.
 At the bottom part of the cover page, the hairy foot with the shoes is visible and
it represents the friar who uses religion as a mask to cover up their wrongdoings.
 There is also a chain that illustrates the Filipinos' slavery and inability to obtain
freedom under Spanish rule. Apart from that, Rizal uses whips to demonstrate
that the cruelties: beatings and torture of civil guards is insufficient, and the
Filipinos must continue tournament themselves.
 Finally, the civil guard's capacity (helmet) represents the power of the Spanish
army, which exploited the Filipinos' human rights throughout the Spanish era.

5. Compare the Philippines Educational System. Write your 100 words assessment
of the present students. Give at least 5 of comparison during Spanish period and
Present period.

The government, or more specifically the Department of Education
(DepEd), manages and regulates education in the Philippines. It has control over
the Philippine education system, including school curriculum and funding
allocation. It also governs the construction of schools and other educational
facilities, as well as the hiring of teachers and other personnel, but this is all
before we achieve freedom. The Spaniards had control over or established
education in the Philippines.
In the early days, you could see inequality based on your social status,
gender, religion, or even nationality.
Although there are major differences in the educational system now, we
can still experience inequality in school, though it is much better than before.
The school's lecturers are Spanish The Government how’s the one in charge in
friars and missionaries. education was education. You need a degree to be in able for you to
mostly run by the church. teach.
Mandated Spanish authorities in the Today’s education system in the Philippines most
Philippines to educate the natives, to closely resembles the American model. English
teach them how to read and write in remains the primary medium of instruction, although
the Spanish language. bilingual teaching of Math, science and literature (in
English and Tagalog) 
There was a separated school for boys There also a separated school for girls and boys but
and girls. majority schools in the Philippines girls and boys are
in the same school.
The wealthy Filipinos or the Illustrados Every one can go to school because government build
were accommodated in school. a public and private school for every Filipinos.
Education during Spanish regime only Now there are schools who offer an international
was privileged only to Spanish students and the main focus of Philippine education
students now are the Filipinos
6. Write 20-items test with the corresponding answer about Noli and El Fili.
 Why Rizal wrote the Noli and El fili? (3PTS)
 To tell how the Spaniards treat the Filipinos equally by giving them a
rights to express in their own nation.
 Enumerate the illustration that you can see in the original cover of NOLI ME
 Laurel Leaf
 Woman head silhouette
 Sunflower
 Symmetrical flaming torch
 Bamboo
 Hairy foot with Shoes
 Chain
 Civil Gourd Capacity (helmet)
 Noli Me Tangere was published in what year?
 1896
 The father of ibarra
 Don Rafael
 Th title “El Filibusterismo” means?
 The Reign of Greed
 El Fili is dedicated to?
 GomBurZa
 Noli Me Tangere wa inspired by?
 Uncle Toms Cabin
 Why Maria clara decided to entrered the monastery?
 Learning that Ibarra had been killed, Maria Clara became distraught.
Visited by Padre Damaso, she begged him to let her become a nun in
order to forget Ibarra, threatening to kill herself.
 Ekskomulgado means?
 Tiwalag sa Simbahan
 The boat “ Tabo” symbolically represent ?
 State and society
 The maain character of noli and elfili
 Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin &. Simoun


1. Search the different essay stated below and analyzed what was the content of
the said essays. Use any book in the Rizal Course to be able to analyze.

a. Letter to the Young Women of Malolos; in essay, Rizal praises the young
women of Malolos.
There was, it is true, an abundance of girls with agreeable
manners, beautiful ways, and modest demeanor, but there was
in all an admixture of servitude and deference to the words or
whims of their so-called "spiritual fathers", due to excessive
kindness, modesty, or, perhaps, ignorance. They seemed faded
plants, sown and reared in darkness, having flowers without
perfume and fruits without sap. A Filipina female tends to be
more patient than most women. This can be good and bad. On
the one hand, it can make her more compassionate but in the
other end can sometimes tire her out. A Filipina woman is
known for her loyalty. She will stick by her man no matter what.
This can sometimes mean that he doesn’t always get it exactly
how he wants it. If this is an issue, she may become
argumentative or even bitter towards her husband. However, if
she is faithful, she will do everything in her power to make sure
that he is happy. Filipina women tend to value education highly.
They value higher education more than most men their age. It
may be because of cultural factors or it may be because of the
need for higher education. Regardless of the reason, it is
important for them to have the opportunity to further their
education. They will work very hard to make this happen

- Rizal stipulates a number of important points in this portion of his
letter to the young women of Malolos.  The central idea here,
however, is that whatever a mother shows to her children is what
the children will become also.  If the mother is always kissing the
hand of the friars in submission, then her children will grow up to
be sycophants and mindless fools who do nothing but do as they
are told, even if the very nature of the task would violate their
rights as individuals.
- Philippines during the pre-Hispanic era this changed when the
Spaniards came and patterned the image of the Filipina to a meek
and submissive individual. As it happened all over Asia, women in
the Philippines were expected to become caring and nurturing
mothers for their own children and take care of most household
chores. Also a trait found all over Asia was the preference of most
families to have male children instead of females.
- She is someone who defines who she is and fights for the things
she stands for. Lastly, I think she is not better than the traditional
Filipina but she respects tradition and adapts to the challenges of
the modern era.
b. The Philippines: A Century Hence; Rizal analyzed the history of the
Philippines to show its relevance to the present. Read your Philippine
History book and state the events that lead us to Independence. Analyze
our present life under this pandemic and make predictions on what will be
the changes after this pandemic. Where do you think you will go and what
will be your role in this present society? Write your analysis with a 100
word essay.
 1896 - Civil and armed campaign for independence from
Spanish rule begins.
 1898 - Revolutionary forces under Emilio Aguinaldo proclaim
 1898 December - During brief Spanish-American War, US Navy
destroys Spanish fleet in Manila Bay. Spain cedes Philippines to
US, which proclaims military rule.
 1899 - Revolutionaries refuse to recognize US takeover,
proclaim First Philippine Republic with General Aguinaldo as
president, launch armed struggle against US forces known as
Philippine-American War.
 1901 - Emilio Aguinaldo captured.
 1902 - Philippine-American War formally ends as US civil
government replaces military rule. Some independence forces
fight on until defeat of Moro resistance in south in 1913.
 1907 - Elected Philippine assembly inaugurated under US rule.
 1916 - US government promises Philippines greater autonomy,
leading to independence.
 1935 - A plebiscite approves establishment of Commonwealth
of Philippines.
 Manuel Quezon is its first president. Philippines promised full
independence within 10 years.
 1941 - Japan seizes Philippines.
 1944 - US forces retake islands.
 1946 - Islands granted full independence and renamed Republic
of the Philippine
- Since the COVID-19 breakout, everyone has been shocked,
including me. I even reached the stage where I wondered what
would occur in the future and whether things would return to what
they had been. Everyone wants things to go back to the way
things were before the pandemic started, but in my opinion, even
if it does, we still can't return to our previous practices. It has been
especially troublesome for the Philippines, and I am confident that
it will be extremely challenging for us to recover. I imagine myself
adjusting to the new normal in the future, although it will be
challenging. And the pandemic made me more conscious of my
surroundings and myself. Although it's difficult to guarantee, I'll do
everything in my power to improve myself both now and in the
c. Discuss briefly to justify that the Filipinos are not lazy, but what makes the
Filipinos jobless but others find jobs even in the period of calamity and in
this pandemic. Explain your ideas.
- Many people would say that the reason why you are unemployed,
is because you are picky, and if you are not choosy, it is because
you are lazy, but they are wrong because many factors cause
many Filipinos to be unemployed, the most important of which is
overpopulation. Overpopulation affects Filipinos since more
people are looking for work and working, reducing the likelihood
of vacant positions at work. Don't have a degree; while
undergraduates can still find work, opportunities are limited. There
is also a tendency for them to resign and look for a job with a
higher salary. Their salary is low because they are only
undergraduates, even though they have experience and skills.
Due to a lack of skills and experience, even degree holders are at
risk of being unemployed. Many companies are looking for skills
and experience, so fresh graduates may find it difficult to apply
and may end up unemployed, even if they have a degree. The
high standard; some jobs have very high expectations for their
future employees, even if the pay is low. Finally, let us be honest:
there are Filipinos who are lazy and picky, but more than half of
the Filipinos who are unemployed are unemployed because the
standards and salaries of the companies are not fair.
d. The Town School in the Philippines: read this essay of a town school
during the Spanish Era and now, present time. What are the steps to
modernizing education? Justify your answer.


- Girls were given lesson in - Both boys and girl given lesson to develop their
sewing and household craft skills
- No skills develop problem - The Philippine education system includes Early
solving skills in mathematics Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), Basic
for its application Education, Technical and Vocational Education
- Boys were separated from and Training (TVET), and Higher Education.
girls - The Department of Education (DepEd) is
- Using Spanish language at responsible for basic education, ECCD Council for
teaching where the native ECCD, the Technical Education and Skills
can’t understand. Development Authority (TESDA) for post-
- The missionaries took charge secondary, technical and vocational education,
in teaching, controlling and and the Commission on Higher Education(CHED)
maintaining the rules and for higher education.
regulations imposed to the - Early childhood programs (i.e., daycare centers)
students. They emphasized are governed by the ECCD Council, an attached
the teachings of the Catholic agency of the Department of Education. The Early
religion. Years Act of 2013 mandated the Early Childhood
- The students in the primary Care and Development (ECCD) Council to act as
level were taught the the primary agency supporting the government’s
Christian Doctrines, the ECCD programs that cover health, nutrition, early
reading of Spanish books and education, and social services for children ages 0-
a little of the natives' 4 years.
language. Science and - The Department of Education (DepEd) governs
Mathematics were not very Basic Education Schools. TESDA governs
much taught to the students technical-vocational schools not run by DepEd
even in the universities. and offers certification certificates. CHED governs
tertiary-level institutions offering university and
college courses.

POEMS OF RIZALS: Search for these famous poems of Rizal and write a brief
interpretation of each one.
- The speech was Rizal's toast to the triumph of Felix Hidalgo's Las
Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al poblado and Juan Luna's Spolarium
in their artistic works, which illuminate two opposite ends of the world—
East and West, or Spain and the Philippines. It is about recognizing
them and expressing gratitude for the pride and honor they bestowed
upon the Filipino people. But above all, he praises the youth for their
deeds that have the potential to change the world and to bring glory of
the Philippines. He wanted people to understand that glory is not
limited to one country. He sought to demonstrate how geniuses, with
their individuality, talents, and intelligence, blossom and grow all over
the world. He taught us ideals and lessons in his lecture that are still
relevant today, such as the fact that geniuses can emerge from
anywhere at any time. Anyone can be excellent, thus no one has the
right to condemn or belittle another. He added that the Philippines and
Spain are on an equal footing and are both slave countries. He places
more emphasis on motivating Filipinos and demonstrating the potential
of a country
- If there is anything we should put first, it is loving our own nation and
country. It is a fantastic foundation for constructing ourselves and
fortifying the character of a true Filipino. One factor in a nation's
developing nationalism is each person's unwavering love and support
for one another. Loving our country is an honor that will always be
ingrained in our hearts, minds, and souls. Dr. Jose Rizal's poem
explains how the Philippines has always been unique from other
nations. We should be very patriotic since we have our own language,
culture, conventions, traditions, and values. Let's not spend any more
time; instead, let's love our nation even more and make the most of the
freedom we already enjoy. Sa aking mga kabata is a poem that
strengthens each citizen's fundamental ideals by illustrating our
personal love for our nation.
- A La Juventud Filipina is a motivational poem that affirms the Filipino
youth's lofty potential. It exhorts the young of the Philippines to realize
their potential joy by using their abilities and skills for the benefit of
their fellow citizens. It inspires young people to seek freedom and
human dignity and to liberate Filipinos from ignorance. Although this
poem was composed during the Spanish colonialism, its main ideas
still hold true for today's youth. Our nation's economy isn't doing too
well right now. We owe a lot of money and still have a lot of internal
problems. In only a few years, our generation will be dealing with those
issues. But how can we when all we do is sit around and accept lousy
work? The poem serves as a reminder that it is our responsibility as
Filipino young to provide all that we have to our compatriots. We must
make use of the skills and talents we already possess to achieve this.
We must also be proactive in assisting our nation. Everyone among us
has something they can do to help our nation develop more favorably.
If and only if we remember our responsibilities, Rizal's vision for our
nation can come true.
- The poem explains the value of education to all people and how,
without it, we are unable to achieve our personal objectives. In
addition, it is one of the best ways to make our nation proud, and no
one can take it from us. The most priceless gift and treasure that
Motherland can bestow upon us is education. The most effective tool
we have to make our nation better is education. His poem, "To
Education," had a literary success while he was an undergraduate.
Education was equated by Rizal to the goddess of light, wisdom,
grace, and truth. He also likened education to an everlasting beacon.
- Rizal wrote 'Alianza Íntima Entre La Religión Y La Educación' (The
Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Education) on April 19th 1876
when he was only fifteen years old and studying at Ateneo de Manila.
The poem reflects the very strong connection between Jesuit
education and faith. The poem gives us an interpretation of how it is to
be nurtured respectfully as a plant. This gives ideas o a common
interpretation about how religion and education are supposed to go
hand and hand for a developing child. Ant to attain success as said in
the piece it is vital to make sure that both strengthen the bud or rather
the person so that it may be a product by which is good.


- According to Rizal, education is what strengthens a nation and enables
her to excel in matters of respect and a good reputation. He compares
the vitality of a flower to an education that is directed and relevant. A
guy is continuously learning from the moment of his birth till the
moment of his death. This may take the shape of a formal education
with a set curriculum or simply be a way of life. People start to invent,
create, and recreate as they continue on their trip, leading to amazing
discoveries and beautiful miracles. Rizal compares education to a
stream, rivulet, or brook that offers some tranquility as he water flows
eternally. He also discuss that an intelligent guy is unmoved by
adversity. He maintains his composure in the face of difficulty and
shows courage when all hope seems lost. He cannot be as terrified by
great horrors as other people are. Through education, her nation
produces resilient, honorable citizens who are prepared to defend her
honor at all costs. An educated man leaves his wisdom to the
generations who follow him, not forgetting his accomplishments. He
becomes a lighthouse for his family and a role model for the younger
generation. As opposed to an education that excludes the spiritual
component, which he evidently views as a crucial cornerstone, Rizal
emphasizes the critical importance of a Christian education in this
verse. The poem closes with a colorful flourish as the author compares
the lights of the sun and the aurora to a good education. Great wisdom
has no favorites; both the young and the old can benefit from it and
enjoy its pleasures. Rizal ends the verse by imagining his nation with
the sun overhead, a sun that represents the benefits and wonders of a
quality education, which he hopes every person will have access to.
- When Rizal composed this song, he had the Lipa people in mind,
praising their diligence and enterprise. It focuses on four different
societal groups in the Philippines: men, women, maidens, and kids. In
the hymn, each of these categories has an own stanza and chorus.
Despite their arduous work, men find inspiration and drive in their
families and their country. This line pays tribute to farmers who get up
before the sun to take care of their land because farming has
historically been the main activity of males in the country, particularly in
its early years. They do it for the benefit of the family, the house, and
the motherland rather than for the money because of what it can do for
those things. The wives of Rizal's era were straightforward: they looked
after the family and were the mothers of the children. Modern thinking
might dismiss this idea without giving it enough thought, yet it just
takes a few lines to show that Rizal was in reality a feminist who was
well ahead of his time. The mothers devote their entire lives to raising
and educating their children, imparting to them the proper morals and
values that would enable them to live honorable lives as citizens. After
all, education and formation start and end at home. It is obvious that
wives may lose their husbands due to the dangerous nature of life in
an impending war, thus it is in their capable hands to handle men's
business. It generally discusses how every Filipino is prepared to toil—
or work hard for his nation. Rizal made us realize a lot of things, but in
my opinion, this speaks more to patriotism—the sense of comradeship
for those who share your nation, no matter what their background or
occupation. Patriotism is recognizing when your country is struggling
and working to improve it. Putting your country's best foot forward and
showcasing its best qualities to the rest of the world is being patriotic.
Patriotism isn't about believing your nation is always right; rather, it's
about accepting responsibility when it makes a mistake and using that
knowledge to forge a brighter future.
- As a representation of his love for his motherland, Rizal used the
flowers of Heidelberg. Anyone who sees the flower can relate to Rizal's
love for his motherland since the blooms' beauty is analogous to the
way he sees our nation. Rizal considered the complete folly of this,
whatever noble it may appear to be, because the blossom will not be
the same when it reaches the land. Rizal's goals for the country should
be reflected in its beauty and fragrance, which will soon be lost. Why?
Because it is far from its own country. His verses all contained the
same motif: the Heidelberg flowers. But it represents two distinct
truths. First, Rizal's passion for his country is represented by the
flowers' beauty, and second, the blooms' poor quality alludes to Rizal's
ineffective presence in another nation.
- Battling for our nation is similar to fighting for the things we cherish.
Fighting for our country means defending our own freedom as well as
the freedom of our loved ones, family, and friends. Because he taught
us that fighting doesn't have to involve a sword or anything else that
could harm others, we revere Dr. Jose Rizal as our national hero. Even
a pen can desire liberation. In this poem, he illustrates how liberation
will come after trials and sacrifices. Being a hero doesn't require
special abilities like being lightning or invisible. A hero is someone who
stands up for their loved ones, friends, and family. Yes, Dr. Jose Rizal
is a hero because he demonstrates to others the Filipino people's
capacity for freedom via his intelligence and creativity. He battles for
our liberties. He defends our rights. He battles for our survival. He
battles for us all. He gave everything up, including his life. That
describes a Filipino; we will go to all lengths necessary to achieve our
goals. Because we will stop at nothing to protect those we love, much
like Dr. Jose Rizal, we are all heroes.I take away from the poem that
we are all born to be heroes. Not really a superhero with superpowers.
But each of us is a hero in our own right. Every second of our lives
should be cherished. All the individuals who love us and the ones we
love should be treasured.

2. Write an original three-stanza poem (ENGLISH OR FILIPINO). The theme should

revolve around: “The Philippines. My only Country,” or “Pilipinas, ang Natatangi
kong Bansa,”

My Beloved Homeland
Japan, Spain, and America all attempted to conquer us.
We fight with swords, as well as pens and papers.
We fight for our freedom and for our homeland.
But we have overcome he struggles and all the
pain in the past.
Different beautiful paradise with the Filipino’s offering you with their smile
Beaches and view wonders of the words for you
pretty faces and fun parties and we know English too

This where my life started

Even my memories Linger
I salute my country my pride and glory
Motherland I'll fight for you because my love for you is pure and true

1. Search for the political and socio-economic and cultural ideas of Jose Rizal to the
ideas of our present leader. President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. The president has
recently delivered his State of the Nation Address.
Analyze at least 5 Ideas of Pres. Marco’s plan socially, economically, and
politically, and the compare it with the ideas of Rizal in a chart similar
below. Make a brief analysis on this matter.


Philippines to be equipped with knowledge and The unemployed will be given
skills opportunities
He want the Philippines to be independent country The Chinese can be kicked out n
the Philippine sea
The political and social reforms that he espoused Continue the project of the last
embodies general ideas of tolerance, more liberty Term
and the need for civil government.
Rizal believed that a change in institutions would He pledged that the poverty rate
pave the way for economic advancement of the would fall to single digits by 2028
Children can learn More scholarship for students

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