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Deliver Ads Using Google Ad Manager

Explore line item delivery settings

Facilitating an advertiser’s campaign is dependent on the way the line items are set
up, and this will have an impact on the performance of the campaign. 

In this module, you'll learn how to adjust delivery settings so that campaigns function

What are the Adjust Delivery settings when creating or

modifying a line item? 
After filling out the core information and settings of the line item, there’s an optional
section called Adjust Delivery. Here, you can choose how the line item will:

 Deliver impressions
 Display creatives
 Rotate creatives
 Deliver on certain days and times
 Limits its frequency

The Deliver Impressions field asks how fast you would like your impressions to
serve. There are three options to consider: evenly, frontloaded, and as fast as
possible. Each is explained in further detail below.
Google encourages publishers to use the Evenly option to deliver impressions
equally over the course of the campaign. This is the default setting.

Here's how it works: Let’s say the line item has a goal of 10,000 impressions over a
10-day period. Selecting Evenly from the list delivers the daily average (1,000
impressions) plus 5%.

This average is constantly recalculated. On the first day, it's 1,000 impressions plus

On the second day, there are 8,950 impressions left, so the daily average would be
994 plus 5%. This pattern continues for the rest of the campaign.

This delivery pattern provides protection against under-delivery, in the case of traffic
dips toward the end of a campaign.

Here's what happens when 10,000 impressions are served over a 10-day campaign
when the Evenly option is chosen.

The Frontloaded option attempts to deliver impressions ahead of schedule by as
much as 25% during the first half of the campaign. It returns to the Evenly pattern of
distributed impressions in the second half of the campaign.

Use this method if you want the bulk of the ads to show at the beginning of the
campaign, with fewer ads at the end.

As fast as possible
This option delivers up to the impression goal as quickly as possible.

It’s never considered on schedule and will serve an impression whenever eligibility
arises. There are no daily goals, so if there are 10,000 impressions to be served on
the first day, this line item could meet its ultimate goal on that first day. 

This option won’t change the priority or allow the line item to serve over a higher
priority line item. The impressions will only serve as fast as possible, given its

It should be noted that this selection is used less frequently than the other delivery
methods. It doesn't significantly change the delivery pacing for a line item with a
short duration or one nearing its end date.

Display creatives
When creating or editing a line item, use the Display Creatives line item setting to
determine how many assigned creatives can be displayed on a given page. The
Display Creatives dropdown will give four options to choose from. 

Here's an example: You have a line item with three creatives associated with it. The
line item targets the site’s homepage, which has three ad units (or slots) on it. Upon
page load, all three ad requests are sent to Ad Manager. How do you want these
creatives to display?

Only one
If you choose the Only one option, only one of the creatives associated with this line
item appears on the homepage.
In the example below, there are three creatives associated with the line item. If the
line item is selected by Ad Manager, it will only display in one of the ad units on the
homepage at a time.

One or more
If you choose One or More, multiple creatives associated with the line item can
appear together on the page, although more than one is not guaranteed.

If the line item is selected by Ad Manager, it may display in one or more of the ad
units on the homepage at a time. 

This is the default setting.

As many as possible
If you choose the As Many as Possible option, the creatives associated with the line
item display in as many slots as possible.

This serves only if the line item wins for the first slot on the page where it’s eligible to

When you choose All, the line item only serves if all creatives can display on the

In the first example below, there are four creative, but only three ad slots, so none of
the creatives are served. In the second, there are three creatives and three ad slots,
so all the creatives are served.

Use this option if you want every creative in the line item to serve together.

The all option is required for a guaranteed roadblock campaign. 

Rotate creatives
When a line item has multiple creatives, you can adjust how the creatives display and
set how often each creative is seen over others.
Choosing the Evenly option will have all the creatives serve the same number of
times. If one creative shows three times in a row and a second creative only shows
once, this will be adjusted over the course of the campaign so they show an even
number of times.

Watch the animation and count. How many times was the yellow creative served?
How many times was the green creative served? They weren't in order, but each was
eventually served three times.

When you choose the Optimized option, Ad Manager analyzes the most popular
creative based on click-through rate (⇱). The creative that has been clicked the most
will show roughly 75% of the time. The other creatives will show for the remaining

By continuing to serve other creatives (at a reduced percentage), Ad Manager can

detect changes in popularity among the creatives and adjust the optimization.

We encourage publishers to use Optimized as their default setting.

When you choose the weighted option, the creatives rotate based on a display
weight that you determine. 

Creative  A B
Weight 10 15
Percent served 40% 60%

With this option, Ad Manager rotates the creatives in a sequence. Each creative has
a sequence number tied to it and will display in order. 
The sequential function will only work with cookies on web and mobile web, with
mobile ad IDs for in app, and with PPIDs when going cross-screen. If any of these are
disabled, hidden, or cleared, the user won’t see the sequence in the full order when
they leave the page and return later.

Day and time

You can select the days and times you want your line item to serve. What's more, you
can also choose whether the time refers to the time zone of the publisher or the

Select image to zoom in.

Frequency allows you to set a per user frequency cap. 

For example, you can set the frequency cap to allow a user to only see one
impression from the line item every hour. You can also set it to daily, weekly,
monthly, lifetime, or by the minute. 

Combine frequency caps for more control when you want to show one impression
per hour or 10 impressions total during the lifetime of the campaign. 

Frequency capping also relies on cookies, ad IDs, or PPIDs.

Please use high frequency cap settings for persona based campaigns to ensure interest
oriented campaign is seen multiple times by user to ensure a conversion.

Creatives should be rotated in optimized manner and different creative set can be chosen
based on ctags, csection, caffin, cinma and demographic keys such as cgender,cag,cinc,
device based keys such as cmobile and location based keys such as ccity for optimisation

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