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Early Conceptions about the Universe Astronomers were able to observe the following:

The Spherical Earth ➢ the sun and the moon

Flat Earth Model – old belief model that the earth is ➢ rising and setting of the sun in the east and the west
plane or discoidal in form. ➢ lunar and solar eclipse
➢ Early Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Homer (Greek ➢ daily and annual motion of the stars
philosopher) believed that the world is a disk in the ➢ constellations
ocean. ➢ planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
Israelites – thought that the Earth is like a disc floating in
water where an arched bowl separates the Earth from Earliest Astronomical Observations
the heavens. Nebra sky disk – where earliest records of astronomical
➢ believed that the sky is a solid dome with the sun, observation was documented in that collected from
Moon, and other planetary objects embedded in it. Northern Europe, and was
dated at approximately 1600 BC.
History of the Spherical Earth Model Petroglyph – examples of early drawings that show the
Pythagoras – introduced the idea of the round 1006 AD supernova that resulted in the Crab Nebula.
model of the earth in the 6th century BC. Babylonians – recorded earliest written of astronomical
Aristotle – listed several arguments for a spherical Earth observations dated 1600 BC that tried to record positions
Around 340 BCE: of planets and the
➢ Earth was also spherical since the moon and the sun time eclipse events.
were both spherical. Stonehenge – like a big computer that early people used
➢ The North Star is closer to the horizon for places to calculate the position of planets and the sun.
nearer the equator.
➢ When the ship sailed, the hull disappeared first, Hellenistic Observations
which implied that the surface of the earth was Thales (480 BC) – well-known Greek philosopher, has
curved. used the Babylonian data to predict eclipses.
Eratosthenes – introduced the spherical Earth
Modern Evidence Supporting Spherical model and through the use of geometry
Earth Model ➢ He tried to calculate the circumference of the earth.
Spacecraft Photos – Satellite photos show that the earth Eratosthenes and Aristarchus (250 BC) - studied distances
is plainly spherical. between the nearby planetary object
➢ Astronauts in satellites orbiting in low Earth Plato – first introduced that the planets follow perfect
orbit personally observed curvature of the planet. circular orbits around the Earth.
Lunar Eclipse – the shadow of the Earth formed on the ➢ During the Hellenistic era, Earth is believed to be the
one side of the moon shows a dark circle. center of the Universe.
The shape that casts the moon shows a spherical shape. Heraclides (330 B.C.) – presented the first Solar System
Time Zones – time difference in different places in the model where the earth is the center called the geocentric
world is due to the presence of a time zone. solar system model.
➢ can only be explained if the world is round and Aristarchus (270 B.C.) – presented an alternative model
continuously rotating on its axis. of the Solar System placing the sun at the center as the
Riding a Plane – Airplanes can travel in a straight line heliocentric theory.
without falling off any edges even for a period of time ➢ first to propose the sun as the center of the universe.
and it can circle the earth without stopping.
➢ The curvature of Earth on the horizon is noticeable if Renaissance and Astronomical Observations
you travel in transatlantic flight. Nicolaus Copernicus (1500) – reintroduced the
heliocentric theory that challenged the doctrine of the
Astronomical Observations Before the Advent of the Catholic church.
➢ During this time, the idea of rotating Earth was Motion
pointed as the reason for the diurnal motion of stars. Motion – an object’s change in position with respect to
Tycho Brahe (1580) – first astronomical observer. time.
➢ founded the Danish Observatory where he tried to Aristotle’s Views on Motion
measure accurate positions of the planets and stars Natural motion – occurs when an object moves and
and also insisted that the sun is farther than the moon returns to its natural state depending on the object’s
from the Earth. composition.
Johannes Kepler (1600) – student of Tycho, utilized the Violent Motion – occurs when an object moves after an
data from Brahe’s observations. external force, such as pushing or pulling, is applied.
➢ formulated the laws of planetary motion that Vertical Motion – depends on the kind of element that
corrected the conflicts on epicycles in heliocentric makes up the object.
theory through the introduction of elliptic orbits. ➢ believed that objects could be made up of earth,
Galileo Galilei – In the 1620s, he pioneered astronomical water, air, or fire.
observation and constructed the first small refracting ➢ also explained that an object becomes heavier when
telescope. it contains large amounts of earth elements.
➢ This has opened new doors for the improvement of ➢ heavier objects fall faster to the ground than lighter
the existing astronomical beliefs during the objects.
renaissance era. Horizontal Motion – caused by force referred to as the
Kepler’s Works Projectile Motion – projectiles moved parallel to the
Law of Ellipses – describes that planets are moving ground until it was the object’s time to fall
around the sun by following an elliptical path. toward the ground.
➢ The planet’s path around the sun is elliptical in nature Galileo’s Views on Motion
where the sun is the center and located at one focus. Vertical Motion – downward due to gravity.
Ellipse – special curve where the sum of the distances ➢ believed that objects fall at the same rate even if they
from any point within the curve to two other points is vary in weight. In the absence of air resistance,
always constant. objects would fall not depending on their weight but
Foci – other two points are of the ellipse. on the time of fall.
Law of Equal Areas – There is an imaginary line from the Horizontal Motion – if the Earth’s surface is very flat and
center of the sun to the planet and this sweeps out equal extends infinitely, objects that are pushed will not be
areas within equal time intervals. impeded. Thus, the objects will continue to move.
Law of Harmonies – ratio of squares of the periods Projectile Motion – projectiles follow a curved path called
between any two planets will always be equal to the ratio a trajectory.
of the cubes of its distances from the sun.
➢ This compares the orbital period and radius of the Galileo’s Inclined Plane Experiment
orbit of one planet to other planets. ➢ He used a ball on an inclined plane with a small slope
➢ Makes the comparison between the motion traits of so that the ball accelerated more slowly than an
different planets that makes it different from the first object in free fall.
2 Kepler laws that only describe the motion ➢ The velocity of the ball increases as the ball moves
characteristics of a single planet. down the incline.
➢ This comparison is that the ratio of the squares of the ➢ The total distance traveled by the ball depended on
periods to the cubes of their average distances to the the square of the time.
sun will be the same for every single planet. ➢ As the inclined plane became steeper, the
➢ If the same T2/R3 ratio for all other planets will be acceleration of the rolling ball increased.
computed. This validates the law of harmonies that all ➢ These observations led Galileo to conclude that
planets have the same value for the T 2/R3 ratio. regardless of the mass of objects and air resistance,
falling objects would always have uniform ➢ Angle of incidence and angle of reflection – angles
acceleration. formed by the incident ray and the reflected ray with
the normal line.
Galileo’s Experiment – used inclined planes to establish Law of Reflection – the angle of incidence, the angle of
his ideas on inertia. reflection, and the normal line lies on the same plane. The
➢ He observed that when an object is released on an angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. (i = r)
inclined plane, the object will reach the same height Two Type of Reflection
as where it was released 1. Specular/regular – reflection occurs when light strikes
Inertia – the tendency of matter to resist a change in its a smooth surface.
state of motion.
2. Diffuse/irregular – reflection occurs when light strikes
➢ dependent on the mass of an object. A more massive
a rough surface.
object has greater inertia. Thus, the harder it is to
change its state of motion.
Particle Nature of Light
Newton’s Law of Motion
➢ light is usually described as a wave since it is part of
1. Law of Inertia – objects will remain in its state of
the electromagnetic wave.
motion (either stationary or moving at constant velocity)
➢ Photoelectric Effect – emission of free electrons when
unless acted upon by a net external force.
light is shone on a metal surface
2. Law of Acceleration – the acceleration of an object is
Refraction – the bending of light due to the change in its
proportional to and in the same direction as the net force
speed when it obliquely passes two different media.
acting on it.
Index of Refraction
3. Law of Interaction – when an object exerts a force on
➢ The refractive index of a material (n) is the ratio of the
another object, the second object exerts another force
speed of light in a vacuum (c), and the speed of light in
that is equal and opposite in direction. These forces are
that material (v).
called action–reaction pairs.
➢ The index of material (n) is always greater than 1.
➢ Action Reaction Forces – normal force and weight
Absorption – occurs when light strikes a material, and the
cannot be considered as action-reaction force
energy that it carries is absorbed by the atoms of the
because they act on the same body.
material. Light energy is converted into thermal energy.
Galileo’s Assertion
➢ White light is composed of red, orange,
Horizontal Motion – has constant velocity
yellow, green, blue, and violet.
Vertical Motion – has constant acceleration.
➢ When an object reflects all the components of light, it
appears white.
➢ believed that the velocities of objects are either ➢ When an object absorbs all the components of light, it
constant or zero in both horizontal motion and appears black.
vertical motion unless these objects are acted upon
by an external force. Wave Behavior of Light
Parts of Wave
Light Frequency, Period, and Speed
Reflection – the bouncing of light when it reaches a Frequency – the number of complete cycles per second.
reflecting surface or a boundary between two Period – is defined as the time required to complete one
media. cycle.
Wave speed – is the speed at which wave crests (or any
➢ Incident ray – ray of light that hits the reflecting
other fixed point on the wave shape) move forward.
Light Scattering – occurs when particles absorb light and
➢ Refracted ray – ray of light that bounces back.
scatter it in all directions.
➢ Normal line – line perpendicular to the reflecting ➢ depends on the size of the particles.
➢ Small particles scatter components of short ➢ The white light that passes through a filter transmits
wavelengths. only specific wavelengths and absorbs the others.
➢ Larger particles scatter longer wavelengths. Particles Reflection of Light
in the atmosphere scatter violet the most, followed by Incandescent light bulbs – emit long-wavelength
blue, green, and so on. colors such as red, orange, and yellow. Fluorescent light –
Rayleigh scattering – depends on the relative size of the short-wavelength colors, such as blue and violet.
particles and the wavelength of light. Reflective and Refractive Illusions – human brain tends to
Mie scattering – refers to the scattering of mostly white assume that it can draw a straight line towards all objects
light and depends less on the wavelength. being observed.
Diffraction – the spreading of light when it encounters an ➢ When light bends unexpectedly, illusions are
obstacle or an opening. created.
➢ smaller opening, greater diffraction. Plane Mirrors – reflected light waves are parallel rays.
➢ longer the wavelength, greater diffraction. ➢ Looking at the mirror is like looking at your replica on
Interference – the combination of two or more waves the other side of the glass.
into one wave whenever they pass through the same Concave Mirror – converges the light rays at a particular
point. point in front of it, with you seeing an upright or inverted
image, depending on whether you are looking at the light
Frequency and Energy of Photons before or after it reaches the converging point.
Energy Levels – electrons occupy states. You can visualize Convex Mirror – when light waves strike, the rays tend to
the energy levels as circular orbits around the nucleus. scatter and appear to be diverging from a point on the
➢ Have values n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, with 1 being the other side of the reflecting surface.
closest to the nucleus. Electrons can occupy only the
energy levels.
Planck’s Constant – Frequency of a photon is proportional Electromagnetism and Relativity
to its energy; the same principle that holds in the wave Michael Faraday (1791–1867)
model of light. In the particle model, the energy (E) of an ➢ Induction – process in which a changing magnetic
individual photon can be determined from its frequency: field can cause a current to flow.
E = hf Faraday’s Law of Induction – establishes how continuous
➢ where h is the Planck’s constant equal to 6.626 × 10-34 change in the magnetic field induces an electric field.
J· s, and f is the frequency of the photon. ➢ Can be demonstrated by having a conductor enclose
Colors and Light an area (or in case or solenoid conductors, a stack of
➢ The Electromagnetic Spectrum, highlighting the areas) and a
narrow window of Visible Light that is detectable by ➢ Magnet moving back and forth through the
the human eye. ➢ solenoid.
How Colors are Perceived by the Human Eye ➢ You will observe the current flowing through the
➢ Colors are not innate to objects. They only conductor, indicating the presence of an electric field.
exist in the human visual system and are determined ➢ Other ways a current can be induced are by moving
by wavelength. the conductor or by rotating either the conductor or
➢ Colors perceived by the eye depend on what makes the magnets.
up the material, what colors it absorbs, and what James Clerk Maxwell
color it reflects that reaches the human eye. ➢ used the works of Faraday and Ampère, together with
Filter – can be a colored glass or cellophane that absorbs Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855), to come up with
certain wavelengths of visible light. four Maxwell’s equations that explain the relationship
➢ The wavelengths that were not absorbed are either between electricity, magnetism, and light.
transmitted or reflected. Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894)
➢ The object's color corresponds to the light reflected
by that object.
➢ using Maxwell’s equations, he created a device Time Dilation - person who is initially stationary tends to
wherein a fluctuating electric current produces radio observe a slower “clock” than a person traveling at the
wave impulse. speed of light.
Radio waves – are electromagnetic waves with the ➢ only significant when one of the objects involved
longest wavelength outside the visible light range. travel at relativistic speed, or speed near the speed of
➢ you cannot see them, but they can be useful in light. (ex: twin paradox)
transmitting signals. ➢ Time dilation has been established to be equal to:
➢ a spark gap attached to an induction coil and a △ t ❑0
△ t=
separate spark gap on a receiving antenna is used by √❑
Hertz to prove the existence of electromagnetic △ t – relative time or the time observed in the other
waves. reference frame
△ t 0 – proper time of the time in observer’s own frame of
v – velocity of two frames
Special and General Theory of Relativity c – speed of light
The Special Theory of Relativity (the denominator is equivalent to the Lorentz factor)
1865 – James Clerk Maxwell theorized that the Length Contraction - the length of an object seems to
electromagnetic field moves through space at a fixed contract when traveling at relativistic speeds, according to
speed. equation:
➢ He wrote a set of four equations that describe all the L=L❑0 √ ❑
laws of electricity and magnetism. Upon evaluating L – relative length or the length measured by another
Maxwell’s equation for the speed of light, c is equal to observer
2.99792458 x 108 m/s. This showed that the speed of L0 – proper length or the length measured by the
electromagnetic waves is universal. observer on the original reference frame
1905 – Albert Einstein published his theory of special v – relative velocity of the two frames
relativity to explain how motions can be compared in c – speed of light
different inertial frames. He referred to motions between The General Theory of Relativity
two objects as relative. Postulates of the special theory ➢ The extension of special relativity. It includes the
of relativity: effects of objects and their mass on space-time. It
➢ Principle of Relativity – same mathematical form for explains the concept of gravity.
all frames of reference moving at a constant velocity ➢ It is based on two postulates:
with respect to each other. 1. The principle of equivalence states that the
➢ no correct frame of reference and the laws of physics effects of gravity and the effects of acceleration
can be applied to all reference frames involved. are the same.
➢ speed of light in a vacuum is independent of the 2. Gravity is not a force but a consequence of the
motion of its source and of the observer. The speed of curvature of space-time, caused by the uneven
light is essentially constant where c is equal 3 x 108 distribution of mass/energy.
➢ useful only under “special” cases where motion is
uniform. It is not applicable to change-in-curvature ➢ Mercury did not follow a precise elliptical orbit but
motions. rather a slowly shifting path. Perihelion shift of
➢ Space “contracts” and the time “dilates” as a Mercury. The curvature of space-time explained by
consequence of relativity. general relativity accounted for the 43 seconds of arc
Lorentz Factor – amount of length contraction and time shift in the orbit of Mercury. General relativity also
dilation named after Hendrik Lorentz who had been states that light can be bent by massive objects such
exploring transformation equations. as a star (e.g., Sun).
Arthur Eddington (1919) – confirmed Einstein’s prediction ➢ Slipher and Wirtz concluded that redshift is a result of
that light is bent by gravity. the expansion of the universe.
➢ During a solar eclipse, light from distant stars that ➢ Suppose you are moving to the left, light emitted from
passed very near the sun can be observed. the galaxies moving toward you would be
➢ He observed that the stars shifted position, consistent compressed.
with Einstein’s prediction. ➢ This would make the wavelength shorter and the light
➢ also predicted the existence of bodies massive bluer.
enough to pull light and keep it from escaping. ➢ On Earth, galaxies are perceived to be moving away
Black holes – formed when supermassive stars collapse from the observer.
upon itself, forming a body with a very strong ➢ This would make the light from these galaxies
gravitational pull. stretched,with longer wavelengths and the light
Cosmology – body of science that studies the origin, redder.
evolution and eventual fate of the universe. Georges Lemaître (1927) - proposed that the universe
Cosmological studies – conducted by groups of scientists started as a single point that continuously expanded.
across disciplines of chemistry, physics and astronomy. Edwin Hubble (1929) – used the redshift of light from
Physical cosmology – explains the origin of the universe galaxies to calculate the velocities and distances of these
based on scientific insights, studies and experiments. galaxies from Earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton – consider the ➢ He discovered that they were moving away from
universe as static and unchanging. Earth and from each other.
➢ Their models of the universe contain celestial bodies Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias (1965) – discovered a
that are fixed in place or at certain distances. low, steady “hum” from their Holmdel Horn antenna.
➢ This idea was not questioned until Albert Einstein Cosmic background radiation – hum or noise that are the
published his final theory in general relativity. remains of energy created after the big bang expansion.
➢ Recent models of the universe suggest that the Singularity – point where universe began
universe is dynamic and constantly changing. ➢ hot, dense point containing all space, time, matter
Big Bang Theory – cosmological model stating that the and energy.
universe started its expansion about 13.8 billion years Inflation – process of singularity rapid expanding rapidly
ago. Annihilation – process of canceling pairs which brings
➢ states that at some point in the past, all matter and back energy
energy in the universe was compressed together in a Plasma Soup – matter in the form of protons, neutrons,
dense space. electrons and photons are scattered in a highly energetic
➢ Pieces of evidence that support the theory include the soup
occurrence of redshift, cosmic microwave ➢ Where nuclei of light atoms start to form via
background radiation, abundance of light elements. nucleosynthesis or nuclear fission between protons
Vesto Slipher and Carl Wilhelm Wirtz (1910) – measured and neutrons.
the wavelengths of light from spiral nebulae, which are Recombination – process of electrons starting to
interstellar dust and ionized gasses. mingle with nuclei in a primordial chemical
➢ They discovered that the light from the nebulae ➢ (atoms) continued moving in space until gravity acted
increased in wavelength (Doppler shift). on these particles and collapsed them to form
Doppler Shift or Doppler Effect – explains that when an celestial bodies such as stars and galaxies.
object gets closer to Earth, its light waves are compressed ➢ Universe continues to expand until today. The
into shorter wavelengths (blueshifted). abundance of light elements supports the big bang
➢ When an object moves away from Earth, its light
➢ It predicts that the universe is composed of 73%
waves are stretched into longer wavelengths
hydrogen and 25% helium by mass.
Insights from the Big Bang Theory star’s apparent brightness and spectrum be observed
➢ NASA scientists proposed that in the first second after first.
the universe began, the temperature was 5.5 billion Absolute brightness – standard measure of the brightness
degrees Celsius. As space expanded, the universe in astronomy.
cooled, and matter began to form. ➢ brightness of a star that is 10 parsecs away from
➢ During the first 3 minutes of the universe, light nuclei Earth.
were formed. These nuclei include deuterium, an Apparent brightness – Actual brightness of the star that
isotope of hydrogen and helium. can be seen on Earth
➢ The Earth and other celestial bodies in the Milky Way Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram – graph that shows a
are also moving away from other galaxies. star's luminosity versus its temperature.
➢ All objects in the universe are moving away from each If the location of the star can be plotted on the HR
other at the rate calculated by Hubble. This means diagram, its absolute brightness can be determined.
that the universe has no center and is expanding in Upper left – Cold & bright
all directions. Upper right – Cool & bright
Multiverse Model – different universes coexist. Lower left – Warm & dim
➢ suggests that during the first big push of inflation, Lower right – Hot & dim
different parts of space-time grew at different rates. Doppler Effect – shift in the wavelength of the emitted
➢ These different universes probably have different laws light of an object, which is proportional to the speed with
of physics. which the object moves.
Estimation of Speeds and Distance of Far-off Objects ➢ used by astronomers to estimate the speeds of far-off
Celestial Mechanics – branch of astronomy that deals objects. It occurs when the star emitting light moves
with motions of celestial bodies. with respect to an observer.
➢ Astronomers studying celestial mechanics estimate
the speeds and distances of celestial bodies.
Cosmic Distance Ladder – most common method used to
measure the distances of all celestial bodies that can be
seen from Earth.
➢ composed of several methods wherein the data
obtained in the first step of the ladder are used in the
succeeding step/s.
Astronomical Unit (AU) – measure of the distance of
Earth from the sun. It can also be considered as the base
of the Cosmic Distance Ladder.
➢ One AU is approximately 1.50 ✕ 1011 m. This value is
used in measuring the parallax of a star.
Parallax – apparent change in the position of an object
due to change in the way it is perceived.
➢ used in measuring the distance of stars that are
approximately 300 light years away.
➢ Astronomers take photos of a specific star within a 6
months interval to compare the change in position.
➢ These shifts in the position of the star serve as the
angles of an isosceles triangle.
➢ The parallax angle is measured in arcseconds.
Spectroscopic Methods - used for stars whose parallax
cannot be measured using the ladder. Requires that the

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