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Densification of waste biomass for manufacturing solid biofuel pellets: a


Article  in  Environmental Chemistry Letters · September 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s10311-022-01510-0


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Tumpa Sarker Venkatesh Meda

Bangladesh Agricultural University University of Saskatchewan


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Environmental Chemistry Letters


Densification of waste biomass for manufacturing solid biofuel pellets:

a review
Tumpa R. Sarker1 · Sonil Nanda1 · Venkatesh Meda1 · Ajay K. Dalai1 

Received: 22 August 2022 / Accepted: 27 August 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

The demand for bioenergy is increasing due to the diminishing popularity of fossil fuels and rising greenhouse gas emis-
sions. However, according to recent reports, renewable energy sources account for only 14% of the total primary energy
supply, of which bioenergy accounts for 67%. Densification of biomass offers a sustainable pathway to generate solid fuels,
which can replace coal while liberating bioenergy, reducing carbon emissions and valorizing organic wastes. Because of the
rising demand for fuel pellets, there has been an increased interest in utilizing a wider range of biomass resources. Density,
mechanical stability, hydrophobicity and energy content are the major properties controlling the quality of fuel pellets. These
properties are influenced by biomass type, pretreatments, formulations such as binders, additives and lubricants, densifica-
tion methods and conditions including temperature, pressure and relaxation time. Here we review biomass densification,
mechanisms, factors affecting the pelletization process and pellet quality, and characterization techniques to access the fuel
quality of pellets. Furthermore, we present additives, binders and lubricants used for the pelletization of a wide variety of
biomass. This review also identifies the major applications for fuel pellets.

Keywords  Additives · Biofuel · Biomass · Characterization · Densification · Fuel pellet · Pelletization

Abbreviations s Seconds
% Percent wt% Weight percent
°C Degree Celsius
g/mol Grams per mole
GJ/m3 Gigajoules per cubic meter Introduction
h Hour
kg/h Kilogram per hour The rising demand for world energy increases the exten-
kN Kilonewton sive usage of fossil fuels which emit massive amounts of
m Meter ­CO2 leading to environmental pollution and climate change
M Million (Fawzy et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2022a, b). It is esti-
mg/m3 Milligram per cubic meter mated that energy demand will rise by 19% across the globe
min Minutes by 2040 (IEA 2020), which follows an annual increase in
MJ/kg Megajoules per kilogram ­CO2 emissions by 1.9% over the last few decades (Chen
mm/min Millimeter per minute et al. 2016a). To reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and
mm Millimeter mitigate the negative impact of their burning, research and
MPa Megapascal development of alternative fuels are highly essential. This
N Newton could allow for the utilization of easily available renewable
rpm Revolutions per minute resources with minimal or no negative effects on human or
animal health and the environment. Moreover, it has been
agreed in the Paris Agreement followed by the 2021 United
* Ajay K. Dalai Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to achieve
net-zero emission by mid of century and limit the world
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, temperature rise to 1.5 °C (COP26 2022).
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Biomass is the most promising substitute for fossil fuels the densification of biomass followed by the application of
to produce usable forms of solid, liquid and gaseous energy fuel pellets.
carriers in contrast to other renewable sources such as solar,
tidal, wind and geothermal resources. Furthermore, using
agricultural residues and organic wastes as substrates to gen- Potential of biomass for densification
erate biofuels can cut down the greenhouse gas emissions
from landfills and open burning, thus providing a revenue Figure 1 depicts different second- and third-generation bio-
stream for biomass suppliers. According to Global Bioen- mass resources as potential precursors for biofuel produc-
ergy Statistics 2020 reports, renewable energy sources con- tion. It is worth mentioning that starch-based materials such
tributed almost 14% of total primary energy supplies in 2018 as grains, corn, potato and cassava are referred to as first-
of which bioenergy accounted for 67% (World Bioenergy generation biomass. The first-generation feedstocks encoun-
Association 2020). Biofuels can be defined as the energy ter controversies of food versus fuel, competition for arable
carrier derived from different biomass sources via mechan- lands, irrigation water and nutrient use. The second- and
ical, thermal and biological conversion routes (Demirbas third-generation feedstocks do not contend with the food
2009). Biofuels generated from waste biomass provide direct supply, cultivable lands and available water since they com-
and long-term environmental advantages as a critical com- prise mostly the inedible residues from agriculture, forestry,
ponent of sustainability (Srivastava et al. 2020; Tang et al. cattle farming, marine ecosystems, municipal solid waste
2020; Osman et al. 2021). and waste management facilities (Nandhini et al. 2022).
Some intrinsic properties of biomass such as high vol- Agricultural and woody biomasses are mainly referred to as
ume, low density, hydrophilicity, high volatile content, lignocellulosic biomass made up of cellulose, hemicellulose,
high moisture content, low energy content and heterogene- lignin and extractives (Spiridon 2020; Kaloudas et al. 2021;
ity limit its direct usage for biofuel production. Biomass Pattnaik et al. 2021). The second- and third-generation feed-
with low density and voluminous nature requires high stor- stocks can be converted into a variety of biofuels, biochemi-
age space and high transportation costs. Densification of cals and bioproducts using thermochemical, hydrothermal,
biomass reduces the cost of transportation of raw biomass chemimechanical and biological conversion technologies
by increasing bulk densities, allowing for long-term stor- (Aravind et al. 2020; Nanda and Berruti 2021b, c).
age (Bajwa et al. 2018). In comparison with other biofuels, As can be seen in Fig. 2, the production and applica-
pellets from biomass have several advantages in the large tion of biofuels are regarded as carbon-neutral, whereas the
market already including a fairly simple processing tech- integration of biochar or carbonized biomass can make the
nique and a large supply of feedstock (Kang et al. 2019). In biorefinery process carbon-negative (Balajii and Niju 2019;
addition, the demand for wood pellets for heating and power
production is steadily rising around the world in both rural
and urban communities. The global wood pellet demand for
heating is expected to reach 26 million metric tons in 2027
(Canadian Biomass Magazine 2021). The world pellet pro-
duction in 2020 was led by European Union followed by
North America, China and South America with 13, 11, 10
and 4.4 million metric tons, respectively (Statistica 2020).
Much research has been carried out on the densification
of different biomasses for fuel pellet production, but there
is little literature is available on standardization of the den-
sification process, optimization of its parameters, types of
equipment used, the mechanisms of pellet formation and
characterization techniques for determining pellet quality.
In addition, the literature on the value-added applications
of densified biomass, factors affecting biomass pelletiza-
tion and pellet quality, detailed binding mechanism during
densification and economic viability requires a thorough
update with the recent research work conducted in these
areas. This review aims to fill these knowledge gaps. A sys-
Fig. 1  Second- and third-generation feedstocks with potential for den-
tematic discussion of the evaluation techniques for pellet sification. Examples of next-generation bioenergy feedstocks include
quality is extensively made in this article. This review also agricultural biomass, woody residues, livestock manure, marine bio-
explores various binders, additives and lubricants used for mass, food waste and municipal solid waste

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Gunarathne et al. 2019; Patra et al. 2021; Akhil et al. 2021). binder and filler or stored incorrectly to absorb moisture.
The valorization of waste biomass to produce bioenergy in The biomass or char fines generated from biomass pellets
addressing clean energy and greenhouse gas emissions can can have serious health and safety consequences. The dust
support several of the United Nations Sustainable Devel- accumulation from these fines on hot surfaces can lead to
opment Goals, especially Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean explosions during bulk storage and transportation (Whittaker
Energy), Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Produc- and Shield 2017). The quality of the pellet depends on all the
tion) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). processes carried out throughout its production processes.
Because of the massive market potential, biomass pelleti- A typical densification process includes the collection of
zation has gained a lot of interest in academia as evidenced biomasses, drying, reduction of the size of particles, pre-
by the periodic publications in the literature over the last treatments, conditions for pelletization, densification and
decade. Pellets are ideal for co-firing with coal and direct bulk storage (Fig. 3).
combustion in coal pulverization systems as they are easy
to grind (Whittaker and Shield 2017) making them a cost-
effective method of reducing C ­ O2 emissions from coal-fired
power plants (Stelte et al. 2012b). However, because of their
composition, pellets break down into smaller particles and
fines when they are either made poorly with compromised

Fig. 2  Carbon–neutral and carbon-negative approaches for biomass bustion of biofuels produced C­ O2, which is consumed by the plants
production and biofuel utilization. Note that ­CO2 can be fixed by again during photosynthesis. Biochar is a stable carbon obtained dur-
plants during photosynthesis and form cellulose, hemicellulose and ing biomass conversion that can sequester carbon for longer periods
lignin, which can be extracted and converted to biofuels. The com-

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Binding mechanism during pelletization

It is important to understand the phenomenon of particle

bonding during pelletization as pellet properties especially
durability, density and mechanical strength directly depend
on the particle bond of biomass. Bonding between particles
during compression and its influence on fuel pellet quality
have not been explored extensively and well documented.
However, researchers explained the basic mechanism of par-
ticle bonding focusing physical property of biomass. Natu-
ral adhesion forces of biomass particles make close contact
during densification, whereas mechanical force drives them
to interlock.
Fig. 4  Particle compaction as a function of time and pressure during
Densification of biomass can be divided into three indi- biomass densification. Biomass particles can undergo different con-
vidual stages including the rearrangement of particles, plas- figurations during densification as impacted by pressure and time
tic and elastic deformation as well as the mechanical inter-
locking of particles as presented in Fig. 4 (Tabil et al. 2011b;
Kang et al. 2019). At the very beginning of the densification surface area resulting from the breakdown of larger parti-
process, a low compaction force is applied to the biomass cles to smaller ones. Moreover, electrostatic force and Van
particle causing rearrangement of the original slackly packed der Waals forces are activated to link the particles together
particle to produce a dense mass. In this dense mass, most (Fig. 5). Finally, the density of the produced material reaches
of the biomass particles retain their original properties and the true density of the elements after a significant reduction
energy owing to the friction between particle-to-particle in volume.
and particle-to-wall. The gap between the particles greatly Because of the diminished number of cavities, the
decreases and the space between adjacent large particles is deformed and fractured particles can no longer alter their
occupied by small particles causing the particles to become position by introducing material interlocking between parti-
immobile. Secondly, with increasing pressure, the particles cles. Moreover, the formation of the solid bridge may also be
are pushed against each other and flex plastically and elas- responsible for particle bonding during densification. These
tically, significantly increasing inter-particle contact and solid bridges may form during densification via chemical
reactions, solidification, sintering, hardening of binder or

Fig. 3  Typical steps in a pelletization process. Different steps involved in the pelletization process include biomass drying, size reduction, pre-
treatment, pellet formulation, pelletization and pellet cooling, collection and storage

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Fig. 5  Stages in biomass densification. Note the distinction between the pre- and primary densification stages where the biomass particles
undergo free movement, volume reduction, deformation, splitting and particle interlocking

intermolecular bonds and how they are influenced by pellet-

ing conditions is also vital to understand the binding mecha-
nism as the type of attraction forces significantly enhances
by polar functional groups present in biomass (Kaliyan and
Morey 2010; Liu et al. 2014). The existence of polar com-
pounds containing hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl func-
tional groups in biomass structure could strengthen the inter-
molecular arrangement via hydrogen bonding or Van der
Waals forces through robust electrostatic attraction (Stelte
Fig. 6  Types of particle bonding during biomass densification (Origi- et al. 2012b; Crawford et al. 2016). The oxygen-containing
nal hand drawn artwork by Dr. Sonil Nanda). The illustrations indi- functional groups have the potential to form strong bridges
cate different configurations of biomass particles and binders through on the contact surface areas of adjacent particles (Liu et al.
material interlocking and solid bridge formation mechanisms

natural binding agent, hardening of molten components such

as lignin and proteinaceous compounds, starch and crys- Factors affecting pelletization and pellet
tallization of dissolved materials (Ibitoye et al. 2021). The quality
melting point of particles lower down at high temperatures
and pressure which accelerates them to migrate closer to Moisture content
each other, thus increasing the contact area and shifting the
melting point to a new equilibrium level (Crawford et al. Various factors influence both pellet quality and the pel-
2016; Tumuluru et al. 2016). Additionally, the glass transi- letization process as shown in Fig. 7. The moisture content
tion materials included in biomass particles solidify as a of biomass plays a vital role in fuel pellet quality as it
result of compression and heating resulting in the formation directly affects the pellets’ mechanical strength and dura-
of solid bridges. bility (Kaliyan and Morey 2010; Liu et al. 2014; Canadian
Figure 6 shows the particle bonding during the densifica- Biomass Magazine 2021). Pellets having high moisture
tion of biomass. It has also been reported that only material content attract microbial activity and easily degrade and
interlocking bonds without involving atomic forces play a also increase the storage and transportation cost (Nielsen
minor or non-existent part in the overall strength of pellets et al. 2009; Azargohar et al. 2018). Moisture can act as
(Anukam et al. 2021). Material interlocking is not enough a natural binder during pelletization by providing lubri-
in providing adequate strength for pellets due to a lack of cating effects in reducing friction (Samuelsson et  al.
interaction between intermolecular and intramolecular, 2009). In addition, during pelletization, moisture content
which are common atomic forces induced by chemical reac- enhances protein unfolding, gelatinization of starch and
tions. Therefore, other than the phenomenon of adhesion and solubilization of fiber (Samuelsson et al. 2012). On the
cohesion, attraction forces between solid biomass particles, other hand, higher moisture content allows expansion after
capillary pressure, solid bridge and material interlocking, pellet production resulting decrease in relaxed density
the knowledge of structural chemistry including sources of and durability (Adapa et al. 2011). In contrast, the glass

Environmental Chemistry Letters

between pellet durability and moisture content of biomass

(Lehtikangas 2001). Durability increased from 92 to 96%
when the moisture content increased from 7 to 12.5 wt%
for Scots pine (Filbakk et al. 2011). They also reported the
optimum moisture content as 10 wt%. The best durability
was obtained at 13 wt% of moisture for tulip wood pellet,
while an enhancing trend was observed for larch pellet when
moisture content varied from 7 to 9 wt% (Ahn et al. 2014).
The most suitable moisture content for durable pellets
from woody biomass and crop leftover especially straw
was found to be 7 wt% and 11 wt%, respectively. Moreover,
Moon et al. (2014) reported that better pellet quality was
obtained at a moisture content of 20–25 wt%. Another study
stated that the optimum moisture content of switchgrass,
Fig. 7  Factors affecting pellet quality and extrusion friction. The fac- Miscanthus and wheat straw was 25 wt% (Jackson et al.
tors affecting biomass densification can be broadly categorized under 2016). Alike single pellet units, several studies were also
biomass properties such as particle size and composition as well as carried out using a large pellet mill on assessing the effects
extrusion parameters such as temperature, pressure, binders and lubri-
of moisture content on the quality of fuel pellet produce at
the pilot scale. Theerarattananoon et al. (2011) observed a
downward trend of pellet durability for wheat straw and corn
stover when the moisture content was beyond 14%, while
transition temperature of lignin decreased at high mois- the highest durability was found in between 14 and 16 wt%
ture content which enhances the particle bonding (Stelte of moisture content for sorghum stalk. In another study, the
et al. 2011c). Therefore, it is necessary to find out the suit- highest durability of barley straw was attained at a moisture
able moisture content of feed materials during densifica- content between 19 and 23 wt%. They also reported that,
tion because beyond this moisture content, pellet quality at moisture content below 8 wt%, a barley straw pellet was
begins to deteriorate (Samuelsson et al. 2012; Kaliyan and produced in a ring pellet mill (Adapa et al. 2013).
Morey 2009). It is suggested that moisture content above The moisture content of biomass affects the pellet qual-
20% produces weaker wood pellets by replacing hydro- ity and pelletization process forming a solid bridge between
gen bridges between wood polymers with water molecule biomass particles by lowering down the glass transition
bonds (Nielsen et al. 2009; Stelte et al. 2011c). point of lignin and by increasing the Van der Waals forces.
Samuelsson et al. (2012) studied the optimum moisture On the contrary, a negative effect was also found for adding
content for the sawdust pellets as 11–13 wt%. Mani et al. more water. According to Nielsen et al. (2009), pellets were
(2006) stated that moisture content increases the Van der weaker as they progressed from 5 to 14 wt% moisture con-
Waals forces between bonding and the surface contact tent due to loss of hydrogen bonding. Another study found
area of biomass particles while investigating the effect of 8 wt% moisture content as optimum for quality pellets and
moisture on pellet quality produced from the agricultural noticed an inverse relationship between the moisture content
residue (barley straw, wheat straw, switch grass and corn of Scots pine with the durability of the pellets (Arshadi et al.
stover) and reported that density and durability increased 2008).
with the decline in moisture content. Carone et al. (2011)
explored the consequence of moisture content for olive Biomass particle size
pruning trees by varying the moisture content from 5–20
wt% and observed that good quality pellets were obtained Biomass particle size and shape also influence pellet prop-
at lower moisture content. A decrease in moisture content erty. The mechanical durability and density of pellets are
increased pellet density and restricted dimensional expan- affected by the particle size of biomass as smaller parti-
sion for wheat straw and poplar wood, while the moisture cle size provides greater surface area during pelletization.
content varied from 9 wt% and 15 wt%. Puig-Arnavat et al. Small to medium size of particle provides a larger surface
(Puig-Arnavat et al. 2016) found that 10 wt% moisture is area for moisture addition at the time of steam condition-
optimum for six different biomass such as alfalfa, fescue, ing, which enhances the binding mechanism by improv-
Miscanthus, sorghum, willow and triticale. ing starch gelatinization. Pelleting efficiency and cost are
Several studies have also been carried out and found a improved by a particular percentage of fines to medium
link between biomass moisture content and the mechani- particle sizes. However, too small particles might cause
cal stability of pellets. A positive correlation was noticed pellet mills to jam and reduce manufacturing capacity.

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Yılmaz et al. (2021) studied the influences of particle the density and durability of fuel pellets. Bergström et al.
size on pellet properties obtained from greenhouse melon (2008) investigated the impacts of the particle size distribu-
stalk biomass, while particle size varied from 4 to 6 mm and tion of Scots pine sawdust on pelletization carried out via a
reported that the highest pellet quality was obtained at a par- ring die pellet mill with a capacity of 300 kg/h. They con-
ticle size of 4 mm. They also noticed that particle size has no cluded that energy consumption and compression strength
significant impact on pellet durability. Rezaei et al. (2020) slightly changed by particle size distribution with no notice-
explored the impact of particle size of refused derived fuel able impact on pellet properties such as moisture content,
on pelletization properties and observed that the smaller bulk and particle density, abrasion resistance and moisture
the particle size, the higher the energy consumption. The adsorption. They also recommended that crushing sawdust
smaller size of the particle increases the friction between particles to less than 8 mm was perhaps superfluous. There-
die, thus requiring higher energy. On the other hand, a higher fore, a modest relationship between particle size and density
particle size of biomass restricts free-flowing into the pellet of pellet can be suggested. It may be inferred that reducing
mill and may also clog inside of the channel. the particle size of biomass below a certain threshold does
Labbé et al. (2020) reported that the highest durability not influence the overall pellet quality.
can be obtained for biomass of large particle size. They also
explored the emission during combustion and observed that Biomass composition
particle size in the range of 3.2–6.3 mm provided the low-
est CO emission. They did not find any correlation of pellet The composition of lignocellulosic biomass has significant
density with the particle size of biomass. Harun and Afzal contributions to the pelletization process. Biomass generally
(2016) studied the effects of particle size of biomass on pel- contains low molecular weight compounds including organic
let mechanical properties while conducting studies on two and inorganic components and macromolecular compounds
different woody biomasses such as pine and spruce and three such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Tumuluru et al.
different agricultural residues including timothy hay, switch- 2011). In terms of chemical compositions, lignocellulosic
grass and reed canary grass at three particle sizes, especially biomass mainly contains cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin,
150–300, 300–425 and 425–600 µm. The study concluded protein, lipid, starch, ash, water and other extractives (García
that biomass with a lower particle size produced more dense et al. 2018; Cui et al. 2021). It is important to understand
pellets due to better particle interlocking. the compositional changes that occur during biomass pro-
Carone et al. (2011) studied how particle size affected the cessing, which helps to understand the compaction behavior.
durability and density of olive tree pruning residue pellets Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the basic com-
using a single pelletizer unit while varying particle size at pounds of lignocellulosic biomass, which make up the plant
hammer mill screen sizes of 1, 2 and 4 mm. A decline in cell wall and provide strength and rigidity to the plants.
particle size caused an increase in pellet density in all situa- Lignin is covalently and non-covalently attached to cellu-
tions. Ishii and Furuichi (2014) did not find any noteworthy lose and hemicellulose generating a complex three-dimen-
influence of particle size of biomass on durability and yield sional network. Though all plant cells make up the same
ratio of rice straw pellet, while the particle size was varied components, the level of these compounds could vary by
from 5 to 20 mm. However, they concluded the optimum the stages of growth, variety or species of plant, region of
particle size to obtain a quality pellet was 10–20 mm. cultivation and harvesting period. Woody biomass contains
Kirsten et al. (2016) reported a hammer mill screen size more lignin, while herbaceous biomass contains more hemi-
of 4 mm to provide a high-quality pellet from hay using a cellulose (Cui et al. 2021). Hardwoods have comparatively
ring die press, while the particle size varied in the range of lower levels of lignin than softwood (Zhang et al. 2012).
2–6 mm. Shaw et al. (2009) stated that pellet density and Similarly, the ash percentage of biomass varies significantly
tensile strength increased when particle size was reduced from plant to plant. For example, woody biomass has less
from hammer mill screen size of 3.2–0.8 mm, while diamet- ash content compared to herbaceous or agricultural biomass.
ric expansion decreased. Mani et al. (2004) noticed a similar Plant roughly contains 10 wt% of water, but it could vary
trend of the increment of pellet density with a decrease in substantially depending on their growth phase and storage
the particle size of biomass. period (Zhang et al. 2012). Woody biomass has trace levels
Serrano et al. (2011) noticed no apparent effects of par- of protein (less than 1 wt%). However, legumes and micro-
ticle size on pellet durability when pelletizing barley straw algae contain substantial amounts of protein (up to 30 wt%
using a ring die pellet mill of 100 kg/h capacity at ham- or higher). These chemical compounds have a substantial
mer mill screen sizes of 4 mm and 7 mm. Theerarattana- impact on the quality of fuel pellets such as density, durabil-
noon et al. (2011) also used a ring die pellet mill to produce ity, mechanical strength and hydrophobicity as well as the
pellets from wheat straw, corn stover and sorghum stalk. pelletization process including overall energy consumption.
They observed an insignificant influence of particle size on

Environmental Chemistry Letters

The starch content of biomass affects the binding mecha- Pelletization conditions
nism during pelletization due to gelatinization at high tem-
peratures and pressure. It also provides lubricating effects Extrusion disc temperature
that result in the eased flow of biomass particles through
the extruder die (Tumuluru et al. 2011). Like starch, protein Temperature is the most influential factor during the densi-
also strengthens the interparticle bonding during biomass fication of biomass that greatly affects the pellet density and
densification. Protein usually undergoes denaturalization at mechanical strength. At a suitable range of temperatures,
high temperatures, which leads to forming new bonds with natural binding agents especially lignin, extractives or other
other compounds such as lipids and starch to enhance the additional binder undergo deformation resulting in better
binding capacity. Biomass containing a higher portion of interparticle bonding. Lignin content in biomass plays a vital
starch or protein produces durable and strong pellets (Tabil role in enhancing the binding mechanism. Lignin melts at a
et al. 2011a). Fat content in biomass can make the pelletiza- temperature above its glass transition temperature and con-
tion process smoother and less energy-intensive by provid- tributes to the binding structure of particles, which repo-
ing lubricating effects. However, high-fat content negatively lymerizes after cooling. Therefore, the temperature of the
affects pellet quality and weakens the bonds between bio- extruder die should be higher than lignin’s glass transition
mass particles due to its hydrophobic nature (Tabil et al. temperature. However, the glass transition temperature of
2011a; Azargohar et  al. 2018). Lipids, proteins, waxes, lignin depends on biomass composition and moisture con-
starch and other extractives reduce friction between the tent of biomass. Biomass containing high lignin requires
extruder die and press channel, thereby lowering the pel- a high pelletization temperature for exhibiting plasticizing
letization pressure by creating a surface layer that acts as a effects and solid bridge formation to obtain high-quality pel-
lubricant (Nielsen et al. 2009; Peter et al. 2010; Stelte et al. lets. Hence, the pelletization temperature of woody biomass
2011b, 2012a). is comparatively higher than herbaceous biomass (Cui et al.
The lignin content of biomass plays a significant role dur- 2021). Extreme temperatures destroy the binder and biomass
ing the pelletization of biomass by creating a solid bridge components to a certain extent, while low temperatures pre-
at elevated temperatures. Van Dam et al. (2004) stated that vent the softening of binders or lignin, thereby producing
high lignin content produces a more durable pellet as it acts low-quality pellets. As the temperature rises, friction in the
as an intrinsic resin. Lignin allows adhesion and functions press channel decreases, thus lowering the energy and pres-
as a strengthening and binding agent. Higher lignin levels sure needed for pelletization.
are thought to contribute to the durability of pellets since The density, durability and mechanical strength of pel-
it works as a glue that holds biomass particles intact. Sev- lets have a positive linear correlation with pelletization
eral researchers reported that biomass particles are mainly temperature. Ma et al. (2021a) investigated the influence of
attached by forming a solid bridge between natural bind- the extruder die temperature (60–160 °C) on biomass pel-
ers such as lignin, protein, starch and other extractives at letization. They noticed that the abrasion index decreased
variable pelletization temperatures and pressures. Lignin at higher temperatures, while a slight decline in density was
polymers change from a glassy to a rubbery phase at high noticed at temperatures above 120 °C. Wilczyński et al.
temperatures, thus reducing polymer stiffness (Stelte et al. (2021) stated that the extruder die temperature of 150 °C
2011a). Pellet quality improves as a result of the lignin glass provided the highest mechanical strength for briquettes pro-
transition following the flow and hardening. At higher tem- duced from sawdust by varying the temperature from 25 °C
peratures, lignin in the biomass softens and acts as a binding to 250 °C. Both mechanical stability and durability of empty
agent. However, the correlation between the lignin content fruit branch pellets were found to be significantly improved
and pellet durability is not always linear. Lehtikangas (2001) with elevated temperature. This was because more lignin
found an unstable link between the lignin content of bio- molecules permeated the biomass particles at higher tem-
mass and the durability of pellets. In contrast, pellets from peratures to form a stronger solid bridge and crosslinked
biomass containing high content of lignin and extractives interactions between lignin and hemicellulose (Ruksatham-
showed high mechanical strength due to enhanced interpar- charoen et  al. 2019). However, Lisowski et  al. (2019b)
ticle bonding. Another advantage of lignin is its hydropho- observed an inverse relationship between temperature and
bic nature, which aids to expand storage behavior, while pellet strength and density.
hemicellulose negatively affects this property of pellet due Riva et al. (2019) optimized pelletization conditions such
to hydrophilicity. as temperature, pressure and binder concentration using the
Box-Behnken design based on the mechanical strength and
durability of the pellets. They reported that the best qual-
ity pellets were obtained at 60 °C. Azargohar et al. (2019a)
studied the effects of pelletization temperature on canola

Environmental Chemistry Letters

hull pellet quality by varying the temperature (85–115 °C). durability and density increased when compression force
They concluded that 100 °C was the optimum pelletization increased from 3000 to 5000 N. Another study reported that
temperature. Another study reported that pellet durability agglomeration pressure developed during compression had
and mechanical strength increased with a rise in extruder the highest influence on pellet strength compared to its den-
die temperature. However, the optimum temperature for oat sity (Lisowski et al. 2019a).
hull pellets was found to be 100 °C (Abedi and Dalai 2017).
Relaxation, retention and holding times
Relaxation time or holding time is the time at which the
Pelleting pressure is one of the important factors to be con-
extruder die remains when it reaches the desired pressure,
sidered. The maximal compressive force applied by the
thus affecting the mechanical quality of the pellets. Abedi
machine on the biomass material is known as the pelletizing
and Dalai (2017) observed a slight impact of relaxation time
pressure. Moreover, pressure is developed due to the resist-
from 15 s to 60 s on pellet properties. Bazargan et al. (2014)
ance between feedstock and the press channels in the die,
found no noticeable impact of holding time on pellet strength
which appears between the extruder die and roller during
at pelleting pressure of 80 MPa. In contrast, relaxed density
compressing of feedstocks. Pressure during compression is
slightly changed when relaxation time increased from 15 s to
mainly developed via two mechanisms such as internal fric-
55 s (Azargohar et al. 2019a). Li and Liu (2000) investigated
tion due to the breakage of inter-particle bonds and external
the effects of holding time for oat sawdust and noticed that
friction between the extruder die surface and biomass par-
the impact of relaxation time is high when the pelleting pres-
ticles. To compress the biomass particles, a specific degree
sure was low and no significant effects were observed above
of force needs to be applied. A better-quality pellet can be
the pelletizing pressure of 138 MPa. They further noticed a
obtained at elevated pressures. However, higher pressure
5% increase in density for 10 s of relaxation time with no
consumes high energy, and energy consumption must be
dramatic effects after 20 s.
kept to a minimum while achieving the techno-economic
The density of the pellet is affected by the relaxation
feasibility of the pelletization process. Herbaceous biomass
time. The relaxed density of densified fuel and the relaxation
requires less energy to pelletize as they are easy to compress
behavior of pellet is influenced by a variety of parameters
compared to woody biomass (Cui et al. 2021). The pelletiz-
including extruder die shape, compression magnitude and
ing pressure applied to agricultural and woody biomasses
mode, feedstock type and quality, and storage conditions.
typically ranges from 210 to 450 MPa.
Several investigations on high-pressure biomass compaction
Density and compression strength were significantly aug-
have suggested that as the material is removed from the die,
mented with the rise in pressure and the optimum pressure
the density gradually reduces to a final relaxed density. The
was 150 MPa for an optimal quality pellet, while pressure
rate of expansion for most biomasses is maximum imme-
varied from 3 MPa to 150 MPa (Wilczyński et al. 2021).
diately after pressure is removed and diminishes with time
Compressive strength and durability of pellet trends to
until the biomass reaches a steady volume.
increase with the rise in pressure to a certain point and then
decline with further increase in pressure (Riva et al. 2019).
The optimum pressure was stated as 113 °C at a varying Other significant parameters
pressure range of 60–240 MPa.
Ma et al. (2021b) investigated the effect of pelleting pres- There are some parameters of the pelletizer equipment such
sure and observed that both Meyer hardness and density as dimension and speed of the extruder die and pressure
increase with a rise in pressure. However, after reaching difference between the die and roller that can affect the den-
certain pressure (100 MPa), the rise in density was neg- sification process and quality of fuel pellets. The amount
ligible. Therefore, the suitable pressure for pelleting corn of biomass material densified during pelletization is deter-
cob was 100 MPa at an experimental pressure range of mined by the mass flow of biomass and extruder die speed.
10–150 MPa (Ma et al. 2021a). However, the compressive The compression rate of feedstock is also determined by the
strength of hydrothermally pretreated biomass pellet did not extruder die speed. However, the effects of these parameters
change with pressure, while raw biomass showed signifi- have been investigated by several researchers.
cant improvement in the pellet strength (Ruksathamcharoen It has been reported that the specific energy consump-
et al. 2019). Azargohar et al. (2019a) reported 3500 N as the tion increased with a rise in the compression rate while pel-
optimal compression force for pelletization of canola hull leting rice straw at variable compression rates (44.5–75.5
with the addition of bio-based additives. Abedi and Dalai mm/min) using a single pellet unit (Hu et al. 2013). Wu
(2017) investigated the effects of pelletization pressure on et al. (2010) noticed a similar observation for extruder die
oat hull pellet quality. They observed that pellet strength, speed. The high speed of the extruder die produced pellets

Environmental Chemistry Letters

with a smaller height, thus improving the pellet durability. increasing pelletizing pressures (Pradhan et al. 2018b). In
A lower extruder die size results in an extremely durable addition to solubilizing hemicellulose, biomass is subjected
pellet. A study found that pellet density increased by 6% to explosive decompression, which lowers its particle size.
when extruder die diameter decreased from 15 mm to 12 mm The need for biomass grinding in traditional biomass pelleti-
(Pradhan et al. 2018a). Thrän et al. (2016) reported the high- zation methods is reduced as a result of this size reduction
est durability of pellets produced using 6 mm of extruder die (Tumuluru et al. 2010).
diameter compared to those obtained from 8 mm diameter. Liu et al. (2013) observed that stream treatment reduced
The durability of a densified material is also influenced by the particle size of biomass that is directly used in pelletiza-
its shape. For example, sharp edge materials have poor abra- tion without performing the grinding test. The potential for
sion resistance compared to those with a rounded curved a steam explosion to improve pellet durability has been stud-
edge regardless of other densification conditions. ied extensively (Adapa et al. 2010; Lam et al. 2011). A prior
Due to an increase in shear stress, a higher length-to- study found that the severity of a steam explosion increased
diameter ratio equates to the greater durability of the pellet. the compression energy of Douglas fir (Adapa et al. 2010;
However, a high shear force could cause the pellet mill to Lam et al. 2011). However, the energy requirement for pel-
clog (Pradhan et al. 2018b; Nielsen et al. 2020). Moreo- letization of biomass was reduced by 13% for steam pre-
ver, extruder die choking is found frequently in the case treated biomass conducted at 180 °C and 1 MPa (Adapa
of smaller dies at a specific feed moisture percentage and et al. 2013). It has been reported that steam explosion of
milling size despite their lower throughput capability. The biomass produces pellets with low ash content with higher
pelletizing pressure increases as the extruder die length mechanical strength, which enlightens the combustion prop-
increases, but the pressure reduces as the diameter of the erties of produced pellets (Kumar Biswas et al. 2014).
extruder die increases (Tumuluru et al. 2011). Thus, the size Mckechnie et al. (2016) also observed that steam-treated
of the extruder die and the matrix’s press channels have a pellets significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions com-
significant impact on the pressure required to densify bio- pared to coal. The unit density of pellet obtained from steam-
mass through the matrix. treated biomass is usually higher than the untreated biomass
Pelletized materials typically exit the pelletizer at a tem- pellet because lignin and sugars have a stronger binding role
perature between 60 °C and 95 °C and moisture contents of between pretreated particles (Chang et al. 2012). Lam et al.
12–18 wt% although the ideal moisture content is typically (2015) found that pseudo-lignin triggered by steam explo-
5–8 wt% (Carroll and Finnan 2012). Therefore, a cooling sion pretreatment improved the softwood fibers’ binding
step is required before storage or transportation as pellets ability to form durable pellets. They also stated that steam
may lose their quality and result in post-transport and stor- pretreatment enhanced the pellet quality by improving
age heating, combustion and caking if they are not properly Meyer hardness and mechanical strength, and reported that
chilled and dried. Moreover, rapid cooling of pellets may the duration of treatment improves dimensional stability and
result in the brittleness of the exterior layer due to fast cool- elasticity. Biswas et al. (2011) conducted steam pretreatment
ing, while the inner layer could remain warm, thus causing for wood pellet production from Salix and noticed that pellet
stress in the material and the creation of cracks in the outer properties such as density, impact resistance and abrasion
layer. resistance as well as higher heating value augmented after
pretreatment, while ash content, especially alkali metals,
reduced to a greater extent.
Pretreatment technologies for biomass Kumar et al. (2012) concluded that steam-treated residue
pelletization yielded a high-density wood pellet even at low pressure of
72 MPa for Salix while conducting steam pretreatment at
Steam explosion 190–200 °C for 5 min with ­SO2 impregnation. Tang et al.
(2018) investigated five steam pretreatments such as auto-
Steam explosion is a common lignocellulosic biomass pre- hydrolysis, deacetylation, acidic sulfonation, ­SO2 catalysis
treatment method performed at 200–260 °C for 5–10 min and neutral sulfonation on the quality of poplar pellet. The
under rapid decompression with the purpose of lignin acti- results showed that the autocatalytic steam explosion pro-
vation by using high pressurized steam of 1–3 MPa. Since cess produced more durable pellets with high calorific value
it increases cellulose accessibility, it is widely used for compared to others.
bioethanol production. However, it has also been used for the
production of solid fuel pellets during the steam explosion,
which causes plant cell walls to explode exposing cellulose
fibers and depolymerized lignin to be more accessible for
densification. This can boost the binding mechanism without

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Torrefaction post-treatment of biomass pellets can result in pellets with

enhanced calorific value and improved hydrophobicity but
Torrefaction is an extensively used thermal pretreatment of reduced density and mechanical strength, which may cre-
lignocellulosic biomass performed at 200–300 °C under an ate dust and fines during transportation and handling. In
oxygen-deficient environment with the purpose of solid fuel contrast, torrefaction of biomass requires additives for pel-
production with enhanced energy density (Tang et al. 2018; letization with desirable quality. Therefore, the torrefaction
Sarker et al. 2021a, b). Moreover, grindability and homoge- operating conditions can be optimized to produce pellets
neity remarkably increased due to torrefaction pretreatment with the optimal combination of qualities to meet mechani-
of biomass. Torrefaction significantly removes moisture and cal and thermal requirements. For example, the mass loss
volatile matter while degrading hemicellulose content, thus caused by the torrefaction process can be compensated by
improving the hydrophobicity of torrefied biomass. This is increasing the materials’ heating value.
important for long-term storage and long-distance transpor- Siyal et al. (2020) conducted torrefaction of sawdust and
tation. Several researchers have examined the combined tor- furfural pellets at various temperature ranges and time of
refaction and pelletization method for more than a decade 200–300 °C and 15–120 min, respectively. They reported
(Kang et al. 2019). During torrefaction, around 30% of the that both hydrophobicity and heating value increase with
mass can be lost as moisture and volatile matter, but torrefied the rise in torrefaction severity. However, the highest energy
biomass may contain up to 90% of its initial energy content. density was found at 300 °C for 120 min. Peng et al. (2015b)
Chen et al. (2022a, b) observed that density, hydrophobic- concluded that biomass requires torrefaction before com-
ity, energy content and Meyer hardness increased for torre- pression to produce durable pellets with a high volumetric
fied biomass pellets produced from rice husk and rice straw. energy density and hydrophobicity. On the contrary, Peng
Yang et al. (2019) conducted a synchronized torrefaction and et al. (2015a) reported that the quality of torrefied pellets
pelleting of corn stover and Big bluestem using a single pel- was relatively poor than the pellets produced from torrefied
let unit and perceived that the synchronized torrefaction and sawdust. Brachi et al. (2019) conducted torrefaction of pel-
pelleting constantly produced pellets with amended physi- lets produced from woody and non-woody biomass under
cal, thermochemical and hygroscopic properties. They also oxygen and nitrogen as the carrier gases in a fluidized bed
concluded that the synchronized torrefaction and pelleting reactor. The results showed that the mechanical hardness
techniques were promising for producing more durable and and durability of pellets produced from woody biomass were
dense torrefied pellets. Pellet durability and bulk density affected negatively by torrefaction severity. In the case of
were positively prejudiced by the torrefaction temperature of olive pomace pellets, the durability and hardness slightly
biomass (Rudolfsson et al. 2017). Higher torrefaction tem- increased with torrefaction. The authors also mentioned that
peratures resulted in greater power consumption during pel- oxidative torrefaction showed higher pellet quality compared
letization owing to increased friction in the press channels. to torrefaction performed under an inert atmosphere.
It has been reported that pelletization of torrefied biomass is Manouchehrinejad and Mani (2018) carried out torrefac-
comparatively more difficult than raw biomass as it requires tion of two commercial wood pellets at 230–290 °C for 30
high pressure and high temperature as well as external addi- min and concluded that 270 °C provided the highest volu-
tives to improve the interparticle bonding. metric energy density and heating value. The increased tor-
In a study by Sarker et al. (2022b), the durability, density refaction temperature enhanced the hydrophobicity of pellet
and higher heating value of torrefied pellets were greater but decreased hardness, density and durability making torre-
than raw pellets from canola residue. However, the addi- fied pellets more prone to breakage and fine generation dur-
tion of bio-based binders such as lignin, bio-oil and mustard ing handling, transportation and storage. Similar behavior in
meal further improved the pellet quality of torrefied canola calorific value was also observed by other researchers (Chen
residue, while energy densities obtained were 15.6, 19.4 and et al. 2016b). The calorific value of pellets increased by 17%
21.2 GJ/m3 for raw, torrefied pellets and torrefied pellets after torrefaction compared to raw pellets, while hydropho-
with bio-additives, respectively. Dai et al. (2019) reported bicity increased by 1.6 times, and the combustion behavior
the addition of biomass gasification residue to boost the ten- of torrefied pellets showed a 5% increment in combustion
sile strength of the pellet while investigating the effects of efficiency (Isemin et al. 2017).
different bio-based additives such as lignin, starch and poly- The porosity of pellets significantly increased after tor-
vinyl alcohol with biomass gasification residues on pellet refaction resulting in a decrease in mechanical strength,
properties obtained from carbonized sawdust. which may be attributed due to the removal of volatiles
Torrefaction can also be used as a post-treatment method during torrefaction (Isemin et al. 2017; Azargohar et al.
for fuel pellets. It has gained attention recently due to 2019b). However, Ghiasi et al. (2014) compared two process
several problems associated with the pelletization of tor- schemes such as scheme I (torrefaction before pelletization)
refied biomass. It has been mentioned that torrefaction of and scheme II (torrefaction after pelletization) in terms of

Environmental Chemistry Letters

pellet quality and energy efficiency. In comparison to pellets the effects of temperature and reaction time on hydrochar
produced through scheme I, pellets generated by scheme II pellets from municipal yard waste. They reported that the
demonstrated lower water adsorption and a 6% greater calo- tensile strength of the pellets augmented from 1.5 MPa to
rific value. They mentioned that scheme I required higher 4.8 MPa with the rise in severity factor, which was attributed
compression force and an external binder to pelletize bio- to a stronger interparticle bonding as lignin from hydrochar
mass. They concluded that scheme II is more promising for softens at higher temperature and acted as a natural binder
the production of torrefied pellets compared to scheme I. In during pelletization. In addition, energy density, impact
another study, torrefaction was compared both as pretreat- resistance and hydrophobicity are significantly influenced
ment and post-treatment based on pellet quality (Sarker et al. by the severity factors. Bonding between hydrochar pellets
2022a). The authors reported that there was not much dif- is much strong than raw biomass particles.
ference in pellet durability and calorific value but the bulk Sharma and Dubey (2020b) compared the pelletization
density of pellets significantly decreased when torrefaction behavior and properties of pellets produced from yard waste
was used as a post-treatment method. and food waste hydrochar. They noticed that hydrochar pel-
lets from yard waste were stronger than those from food
Hydrothermal carbonization waste due to the high lignin content in yard waste. Further-
more, they concluded that the pellets from yard waste and
Hydrothermal carbonization is one of the promising hydro- food waste hydrochar pellets offered attractive fuel quality.
thermal pretreatment processes for converting biomass with Another study reported that hydrochar pellets released more
a high moisture content into solid biofuels (González-Arias aldehydes and ketones due to unsaturated fatty acid com-
et al. 2022). The process requires moderate temperatures pounds in the char (Li et al. 2018). Zaini et al. (2017) pel-
of 180–350 °C and comparatively higher pressures of 2–10 letized hydrochar and washed hydrochar from empty fruit
MPa. Biochar produced at low temperatures (less than bunches and found that washed hydrochar pellets exhibited
300 °C) typically has carbonyl and carboxyl structures on higher durability and mechanical strength than those from
its surface with micropores and mesopores, thus proving raw empty fruit bunches and hydrochar alone. This indi-
excellent reactivity. In contrast, biochar produced at high- cates that hydrothermal carbonization is a promising solu-
temperature hydrothermal carbonization (more than 300 °C) tion for pelletizing high-moisture biomass in controlled
derived biochar has more carbon even with graphitic struc- environments.
tures. Furthermore, hydrothermal pretreatment lowers the
ash content of biochar by moderately dissolving ash in Biological pretreatment
water. Thus, the ash-related challenges during combustion
are reduced. Biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass refers to
Murillo et al. (2021) investigated the combustion behav- the use of fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms in a
ior of fuel pellets produced from hydrothermally carbon- controlled environment to disintegrate lignocellulosic com-
ized biomass in a household pellet stove and observed that pounds and make the carbohydrates more accessible (Sarkar
hydrochar pellets significantly reduced the emissions of CO, et al. 2012; Sindhu et al. 2016; Sharma et al. 2019). It also
­NOx and particulate matter compared to raw biomass pellets. causes denaturation of refractory biomass, which improves
Hydrochar is a carbonized material obtained from hydro- particle interlocking capacity and flowability at the time of
thermal carbonization, supercritical water gasification and pelletization. Biological pretreatment is being investigated
hydrothermal liquefaction (Kang et al. 2020, 2022; Masoumi for densification of biomass as a simpler, safer, less energy-
et al. 2021; Jha et al. 2022). Mittapalli et al. (2021) carried intensive and cost-effective method with fewer environmen-
out hydrothermal carbonization of anaerobic granular sludge tal implications than thermochemical pretreatments (Sharma
followed by the production of hydrochar and further pel- et al. 2019).
letized with yard wastes. Their results show that hydrochar Gao et al. (2016) investigated solid-state fermentation to
pellets enhanced the compressive strength by 27% compared improve the quality of pellets produced from barley straw.
to pellets produced from raw biomass. Furthermore, hydro- Another study also investigated the quality of wheat straw
char pellets showed greater calorific value, high hydropho- pellets using biological pretreatment via solid-state fermen-
bicity and improved combustion properties. tation by using three different fungal strains, namely Tram-
Moreira et al. (2021) pelletized spent coffee ground with etes versicolor m4D, Trametes versicolor 52J and Phan-
biochar derived from hydrothermal carbonization of food erochaete chrysosporium (Gao et al. 2017). Their findings
waste. They noticed that the addition of biochar and ash revealed that after processing, the interlocking between fib-
from hydrothermal carbonization of food waste acted as a ers became comparatively loose, thus improving the pel-
lubricant and additive during pelletization and enhanced lets’ compressibility. Another study found that treating
pellet durability. Sharma and Dubey (2020a) investigated sawdust biologically via solid-state fermentation improved

Environmental Chemistry Letters

hydrophobicity, Meyer hardness and density of pellets as combustion properties and reduce the wear and tear of the
compared to those made from raw sawdust (Guo et al. 2015). pellet die. These can aid in lowering the net greenhouse gas
However, biological processing is typically time-intensive emissions and maintenance costs. Current technical criteria
compared to thermochemical treatments. In addition, more suggest that additives should not proportionate more than
research is required in this area to provide insights into the 2% of the total pellet weight for better quality.
underlying mechanisms of the biological decomposition of Though the application of additives in pellet formula-
biomass and its contribution to the final pellet quality. tion is firmly limited, different types and proportions of
additives have been used to investigate their effects on
pellet quality. The additives can be from a wide range of
Hydrophobic coating organic and inorganic sources including raw and treated
biomasses, municipal solid waste, forest residues, byprod-
Hydrophobicity or resistance to moisture is an essential ucts from different processes and industrial wastes. How-
aspect of fuel pellets. It is recognized that pellets made from ever, understanding the attributes of the additives to be
agricultural and forest residues swell and disintegrate when employed in a densification process is critical as additives
exposed to moisture, thus creating a significant issue dur- may differ in features from biomass and may affect the
ing bulk transportation and storage. Moreover, an increase binding mechanism. Therefore, when deciding whether or
in moisture also encourages microbial activity resulting in not to use a binder, it is important to consider the environ-
a decrease in pellet quality. Therefore, to make the pellet mental effects and the impact that the binder will have on
resistant to water, a coating can be applied. Craven et al. the long-term viability of the pellets.
(2015) studied to create moisture-stable wood pellets by As an additive, binders perform like adhesive resins
introducing a hydrophobic coating. Paraffin oil, mineral used in particle and fiberboard manufacturing. A proper
oil, castor oil and linseed oil are used to treat pellets. Thus, quantity of binder can enhance the mechanical property,
this treatment reduces the creation of airborne particles energy density as well as combustion properties by reduc-
and a rise in the energy density of wood pellets, amplifying ing particulate matter emissions. Lignocellulosic biomass
calorific value up to 1.2 MJ/kg. Kaliyan and Morey (2010) contains some natural binding agents such as lignin, fat,
reported a similar observation that the addition of lignin to starch, protein and carbohydrates, which are activated
the outer surfaces of biomass samples improved the water at high temperatures and pressures during pelletization.
resistance of various biomass pellets. Some feedstocks contain too low-natural binding agents
Tilay et al. (2015) used a coating on freshly prepared because of their different sources or pretreatments since
canola meal pellets using a coating agent, especially 4% they cannot be activated to allow efficient binding under
dissolved in 85% isopropanol followed by drying in an oven the given densification conditions. Furthermore, because
at 100 °C for 30 s to enhance long storage. Coated canola of the lack of natural binding chemicals, the accumula-
meal pellets were found to preserve their native pellet qual- tion of a secondary feedstock like charcoal or another
ity for up to eight weeks, while the durability and hardness substance may result in inadequate binding. Hence, exter-
of uncoated pellets significantly dropped. The swift drop in nal binders are needed to overcome this issue. There are
moisture content from 8 to 0.7 wt% was due to the residual various kinds of additives varying in their state and shape
isopropyl alcohol evaporation during storage, which removes to initiate and promote particular interactions through a
the bound moisture from the pellets. The moisture content chemical reaction. Several binders have been investigated
of control pellets without coating increased from 6.8 wt% to so far but the extent to which they operate remains an
7.9 wt%, thus making them less durable. The coated pellets intriguing topic. Table 1 shows different additives used
have demonstrated better stability in an ambient environment with various biomass at variable pelletization conditions.
compared to the controlled pellets. Thus, hydrophobic pellet Table 2 depicts different lubricants and emissions used
coating is one of the options for producing stronger, more during pelletization.
durable and moisture-resistant pellets.

Additives for pelletization Lignin is an essential component of lignocellulosic biomass

rendering structural integrity to plant cell walls (Nanda et al.
Additives or binders are added to biomass during the prepa- 2014; Fougere et al. 2016). One of the widely used additives
ration of pellet formulation. Additives enhance the binding for the pelletization of wood and agricultural residue is lignin/
mechanism of pellets, thereby promoting their mechanical kraft lignin, a byproduct of the pulp and paper industry. It
strength and durability. Besides, additives also help to lower is extracted from black liquor, which contains alkali-soluble
the energy consumption during densification to improve lignin with a significantly different structure than natural


Table 1  Additives as binders used for pelletization of biomass

Additive Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations References

Algae (Rhizoclonium spp.) 10–90 Miscanthus straw Compression force: 1000 N Algal biomass enhanced the Thapa et al. (2015)
Relaxation time: 5 s binding mechanism of Mis-
canthus pellets, which remark-
ably increased the compression
strength without affecting the
calorific value of pellets
Ca-Mg-lignosulphonate 1 and 2 Poplar and pine sawdust Temperature: 93 °C The addition of 2% lignosulpho- Monedero et al. (2015)
nate revealed the highest pellet
durability, bulk density and parti-
cle density
Cassava stem and potato starch 0.5–5 Scots pine and Norwegian spruce – The additives amplified the dura- Larsson et al. (2015)
sawdust bility of pellets and diminished
the generation of fines and CO
Coal tar residue 0–40 Sawdust, wheat straw and bamboo Relaxation time: 10 s Abrasive resistance increased from Cheng et al. (2018)
Temperature: 80 °C 10.6–69% to 96–98% for wheat
Pressure: 100 MPa straw, sawdust and bamboo pel-
lets. The calorific value of pellets
also increased by 21–26%
Corn starch and molasses 0.8–2.8 and 0.5–1.8 Norway spruce and Scotch pine Relaxation time: 10 s The addition of additives made Ståhl et al. (2016)
Temperature: 116 °C the pelletization process more
Pressure: 10.8 MPa efficient. However, ­CO2 emis-
sions increased with the amount
of additives added
Cow dung and molasses 0–100 Wheat straw and rice husk – Pellets with 98% durability and Iftikhar et al. (2019)
the calorific value of 19.1 MJ/kg
were obtained with 8.5% of cow
dung. Cow dung contains a high
amount of lignin which helped
in enhancing pellet properties.
Effects of molasses were insig-
nificant on pellet strength and
Crude glycerin and paraffin 1–10 Rice straw Relaxation time: 60 s The addition of 4% paraffin Xia et al. (2019)
Temperature: 120 °C reduced the energy consump-
Pressure: 60 MPa tion of the pelletization process
for hydrothermally carbonized
biomass by 37.2%. This also
augmented the calorific value of
pellets by 68% and pellet density
by 7.7%, while decreasing tensile
strength by 4.3%
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 1  (continued)
Additive Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations References

Crude glycerol 10–15 Sugarcane bagasse, coffee husk Temperature: 70 °C With an increase in binder Marrugo et al. (2019)
and rick husk quantity, the calorific value of
pellets increased but water resist-
ance and pellet density slightly
decreased. Crude glycerol also
acted as a lubricant thus reducing
the degree of compaction
Environmental Chemistry Letters

Dairy powder waste 0–20 Food waste compost – The dairy powder contained more Chew et al. (2018)
lactose, which significantly
improved the production rate,
compressive strength and density
of the pellets. The addition of
lactose provided more solid
bridges by crystallization leading
to stronger bonds within the
Dolomite and lime 2 Wood chips – The addition of lime and or Kafle et al. (2017)
dolomite increased the physical
and mechanical properties of the
pellets while reducing the tar
Glycerol 10 and 40 Sawdust – The highest durability of the pel- Bartocci et al. (2018)
lets was obtained at 20% glycerol
Grape pomace, olive pomace, 50 Pine sawdust and torrefied pine Compression force: 15 kN Lignin-enriched solid additives García et al. (2018)
almond shell, olive stone, cocoa sawdust such as grape pomace improved
shell and Miscanthus the binding mechanism of both
raw and torrefied pine sawdust
Lignin and amino acid 3–17 and 4–10 Raw and microwave torrefied oat Compression force: 4000 N Lignin improved the calorific value Abedi and Dalai (2017)
hull Relaxation time: 60 s and ash content of the pellets
Temperature: 100 °C
Lignin, calcium hydroxide, starch, 5–20 Rice husk biochar Compression force: 30 kN Pellets prepared with lignin and Hu et al. (2015)
and sodium hydroxide Relaxation time: 180 s Ca(OH)2 showed the high-
est mechanical strength and
improved the combustion proper-
ties while reducing moisture
absorption and energy consump-
tion during compression
Lignin, L-proline and nipecotic 2–6 Canola hull Compression force: 3500 N Desired quality pellets were Azargohar et al. (2019a)
acid Relaxation time: 35 s obtained when L-proline was
Temperature: 100 °C used


Table 1  (continued)
Additive Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations References

Lignin, sawdust and mustard meal 10 Torrefied canola hull Compression force: 3500 N The addition of 10% lignin and Sarker et al. (2022b)
Temperature: 100 °C mustard meal upgraded the pellet
Relaxation time: 35 s quality. The effects of sawdust
addition were insignificant
Lignin, starch, polyvinyl alcohol 4.9–12.9, 0–16 Sawdust biochar Temperature: 100 °C Polyvinyl alcohol showed better Dai et al. (2019)
and biomass gasification residue Pressure: 100 MPa bonding and hydrophobicity than
starch and lignin. 4.3% addition
of biomass gasification residue in
polyvinyl alcohol improved the
strength from 26.3 to 35.3 N/mm
Linear low-density polyethylene 1–10 Torrefied wheat straw and barley Compression force: 4 kN The addition of 10% linear low Emadi et al. (2017)
extracted from municipal solid straw Temperature: 150 °C density polyethylene to torrefied
waste biomass pellets increased tensile
strength by 280% and 253% for
wheat straw and barley straw
pellets, respectively. It also
increased the calorific value of
pellets and reduced their ash
Microalgae, biosolids and starch 6 Corn cobs, rice husk and sugar- Pressure: 19–31 MPa Microalgae improved the calorific Muazu and Stegemann (2017)
cane bagasse value, durability and stability of
Molasses, fructose, glucose, 4–12 Wheat straw and spruce wood Compression force: 4000 N Molasses and fructose were the Soleimani et al. (2017)
maltodextrin, sucrose and ligno- shavings Relaxation time: 60 s best binders for wheat straw and
sulfonate Temperature: 90 °C spruce wood shavings, respec-
tively exhibiting desirable solid
fuel properties
Papermaking sludge 0–40 Wheat straw Temperature: 95 °C With a rise in glycerol content, the Matúš et al. (2018)
durability of pellets increased
but the calorific value decreased
Peptides from hydrolyzed specified 0–3 Torrefied spruce and fir sawdust Temperature: 80–85 °C The addition of 3% polyamidoam- Adhikari et al. (2019)
risk materials with polyami- ine epichlorohydrin resin sig-
doamine epichlorohydrin resin nificantly improved the calorific
value, durability and bulk density
of torrefied biomass pellets
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 1  (continued)
Additive Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations References

Potato pulp 10–30 Buckwheat hulls – Energy consumption decreased by Obidziński et al. (2016)
66% when potato pulp addi-
tion increased from 10 to 30%.
The density and durability of
pellets slightly decreased with
the amount of additives. A 20%
additives amount was optimum
Environmental Chemistry Letters

for high-quality pellets

Rapeseed flour, bark, lignin pow- 2–10 Tulip tree and Larch Relaxation time: 180 s Lignin, rapeseed flour and coffee Ahn et al. (2014)
der, coffee meal and pine cones Pressure: 1.5 MPa meal enhanced the durability and
calorific value of the pellets from
both the feedstocks
Raw sawdust, starch and lignin 5–30 Torrefied pine sawdust Relaxation time: 60 s The addition of raw sawdust Strydom et al. (2018)
Temperature: 70 °C enhanced the pellet density and
Pressure: 125 MPa durability. Sawdust was recom-
mended as a better binder than
starch and lignin due to its low
cost and abundance in avail-
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 5 cotton stalk, corn stalk, rice husk, Relaxation time: 180 s The addition of carboxymethyl Zhu et al. (2018)
camphorwood Temperature: 105 °C cellulose significantly increased
Pressure: 120 MPa the emission of particulate mat-
ter while increasing the pellet


Table 2  Additives as lubricants used to reduce emissions during pelletization of biomass

Additive Role Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations Reference

Aluminosilicate Emission reduction 5–25 Wood pellet, olive cake, soft- – The quantity of potassium Clery et al. (2018)
wood and wheat straw released during char oxida-
tion and ash cooking was
reduced by adding alu-
minosilicate. The amount
of additives needed was
proportional to the amount
of potassium present in the
Aluminosilicate base additives Emission reduction 1.5 and 2 Wood pellets – Potassium chloride reacted Paneru et al. (2016)
with aluminosilicate addi-
tives to reduce chlorine
levels in fly ash and deposits,
thus lowering the risk of cor-
rosion at high temperatures
Bio-oil Binder and lubricant 7.5 and 15 Barley straw, oat hull and – The addition of 15% bio- Sarker et al. (2021a, b)
canola hull oil resulted in the highest
durability, energy density
and mechanical strength of
the pellets
Coal tar residue Emission reduction 30 Sawdust, bamboo and wheat Relaxation time: 10 s The addition of coal tar residue Si et al. (2017)
straw Pressure: 100 MPa in biomass pellets reduced
the emissions of S ­ O2, NO,
polyaromatic hydrocarbons
as well as polychlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins and poly-
chlorinated dibenzo-p-furans
compared to those from
direct combustion of coal tar
Crude glycerol, pure glycerol Lubricant Wheat straw and spruce wood Compression force: 4000 N Pure glycerol acted as a binder Soleimani et al. (2017)
and canola oil shavings Relaxation time: 60 s rather than lubricant, while
Temperature: 90 °C canola oil performed best as
a lubricant
Glycerol Lubricant 10–30 Raw and torrefied pine sawdust Compression force: 15 kN Glycerol as a lubricant García et al. (2018)
increased the calorific value
of pellets and improved their
lubricating characteristics,
particularly in torrefied
biomass. However, a higher
amount of glycerol reduced
the binding ability, durability
and density of the pellets
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Table 2  (continued)
Additive Role Amount (wt%) Feedstocks Pelleting conditions Main observations Reference

Glycine and crude glycerol Lubricant 4–10 Canola hull Compression force: 3500 N Crude glycerol decreased Azargohar et al. (2019a)
Relaxation time: 35 s energy consumption during
Temperature: 100 °C biomass pelletization. The
tensile strength of the pel-
lets was reduced with pure
Kaolin, Diatomite, carboxy- Emission reduction 5 Cotton stalk Relaxation time: 180 s Diatomite effectively reduced Yang et al. (2018)
Environmental Chemistry Letters

methyl cellulose, calcium Temperature: 50–300 °C the particulate matter emis-

hydroxide and Bentonite Pressure: 120 MPa sion. However, composite
additives such as diatomite
with carboxymethyl cellulose
also improved the reduction
of particulate matter
Pyrolysis oil Lubricant 15 Torrefied canola hull Compression force: 3500 N Pyrolysis oil resulted in a Sarker et al. (2022b)
Relaxation time: 35 s smoother extrusion and
Temperature: 100 °C improved hydrophobicity and
calorific value of the pellets
Rapeseed oil Lubricant 2 Wood chips Relaxation time: 5 s The addition of 2% rapeseed Shang et al. (2014)
Temperature: 125–190 °C oil reduced the friction
Pressure: 300 MPa by 50% during extrusion
thus lowering the energy
consumption and improving
pellet properties
Sunflower oil Lubricant 1–3 Oat hull Compression force: 4000 N Sunflower oil lowered the Abedi and Dalai (2017)
Relaxation time: 60 s energy consumption by
reducing friction during
extrusion and increased the
calorific value of the pellets.
However, pellet density and
strength slightly decreased

Environmental Chemistry Letters

lignin. Kraft lignin has a molecular weight of 10,000–50,000 bonds are found in amylopectin. Hydrogen bonds in starch
g/mol and an anionic charge density of 0.1–0.9 meq/g (Anu- support helical conformation, which provides vicinal
kam et  al. 2021). Moreover, it contains some functional hydrophobic surfaces conducive to bonding. The complete
groups in its highly branched structure, which have been chemical structure of starch consists of two monomer units
ascribed to its ability to be utilized as an additive in the pelleti- including amylopectin and amylose. The chemical structures
zation of lignocellulosic biomass. The addition of 15% alkali of that unit influence the ease with which water penetrates
lignin to fiberboards significantly improved the mechanical the starch granules. The formation of concentric regions of
properties (Mancera et al. 2011). Hu et al. (2015) discovered alternating amorphous and crystalline structures is due to
that adding 10% alkali lignin to wood pellets increased their amylopectin content. When starch is used as an additive in
durability significantly. The addition of 6 wt% of alkali lignin biomass densification, the chemical structures provide a bal-
increased the durability of canola hull pellets by 26% (Azargo- ance of mechanical stability and durability of the pellets.
har et al. 2019a). Lignin is also found in enhancing oat hull The addition of starch enhances the bonding resulting in
pellet quality (Abedi and Dalai 2017). higher durability and pellet strength while reducing abra-
sion. The properties of starch are extremely uneven making
Lignosulfonate it tough to precisely estimate its impacts in the densification
process. A study used cornstarch for pelleting sawdust from
Lignosulfonate, a by-product of the pulping process in pulp different woody biomass and reported that energy consump-
and paper industries, is extensively used as an effective bind- tion decreased due to the addition of starch additives, while
ing agent for pelleting lignocellulosic biomass. Lignosulpho- ­CO2 emission slightly increased (Ståhl et al. 2016). The
nate, usually derived from sulfonated lignin, is easily soluble addition of starch also increases the density and strength of
in water and anionic solvent because the benzylic carbon pellets produced from torrefied biomass (Peng et al. 2015a).
atoms in its structure are connected by sulfonic groups.
The majority of lignosulfonates are made from spent sulfite
Spent sulfite liquor
liquor, which mostly comprises both organic and inorganic
compounds derived from lignin including residual salts from
Spent sulfite liquor or brown liquor is a carbohydrate-rich
the pulping process, 7–8 wt% lignosulfonates and approxi-
lignosulfonate leftover from the pulping process. The molec-
mate 4 wt% sugars (Restolho et al. 2009; Saeed et al. 2011).
ular structure of spent sulfite liquor is comparable to that of
Lignosulfonate is an excellent addition to biomass pel-
lignosulfonate but with changes in molecular weight and
leting because of its surface-active properties (Reza et al.
characteristics. Spent sulfite liquor can be obtained from the
2012). Lignosulfonates are made up of sulfonated lignin
delignification of wood chips in the presence of a sulfur-
fragments of various molecular sizes such as inorganic salts,
ous acid or bisulfite solution at high temperatures and pres-
sugar monomers and minor amounts of extractives. Though
sures. Spent sulfite liquor is a suitable additive for enlighten-
lignosulfonate helps in the binding of biomass during pel-
ing interparticle bonding and due to its high viscosity and
letization, its usage as an additive is limited because of hav-
adhesive nature allows substantial intermolecular forces of
ing high inorganic salt content. It may result in high ash
attraction when employed as an additive during pelletiza-
deposition during combustion. It has been mentioned that
tion. Spent sulfite liquor remarkably decreases the energy
lignosulfonate content higher than 34 wt% in biomass may
consumption but increases pellet density for biomass pel-
affect the pellet properties, especially durability negatively.
lets (Ståhl et al. 2016). Due to the potential in enhancing
Thus, 1–3 wt% of lignosulfonate is recommended for pellet
pellet properties and cutting down the energy consumption,
production from biomass (Crawford et al. 2016; Azargo-
spent sulfite liquor can be used for densifying lignocellulosic
har et al. 2018). Lignosulfonate significantly upsurges the
density, tensile strength and higher heating value of pellets
while reducing the specific energy consumption (Lu et al.
2014). The use of lignosulfonate can also increase the sulfur
content of produced pellets (Obernberger and Thek 2004).
Bio-oil is a co-product obtained from pyrolysis of bio-
mass under inert atmospheres as a result of thermal crack-
Starch ing of biomass, devolatilizaton and condensation of vola-
tile hydrocarbon vapors (Nanda et al. 2016). Pyrolysis or
Starch is another popular binding agent, which consists of liquefaction-derived bio-oil is recently being investigated
polysaccharides such as amylose and amylopectin. While as a binding and/or lubricating agent during the densifica-
α-1,4 glycosidic bonds responsible for the formation of tion of biomass. Bio-oil from pyrolysis or liquefaction of
unbranched chains are found in amylose, α-1,6 glycosidic biomass mostly contains tar having a high viscosity, which

Environmental Chemistry Letters

influences interparticle bonding (Suresh et al. 2021). Kang Density

et al. (2018a) compared various pellets produced from apple
tree branches with bio-oil and alkali lignin. They noticed Density is the most important parameter to consider in the
that pellets produced with bio-oil had higher density, hydro- compaction of biomass particles under pressure during pel-
phobicity, strength and higher heating value compared to letization. Bulk density, particle or unit density and tapped
that produced with alkali lignin. Another study compared density evaluate the density of pulverized and pelletized
the effects of two different bio-oils obtained from the apple biomass. Both tapped and bulk density have remarkable
tree branch and Eucommia ulmoides Oliver tree for pelleti- effects on combustion behavior as well as storage and
zation of biochar (Kang et al. 2018b). The authors reported transportation. Bulk density is usually determined by pyc-
that bio-oil obtained from the apple tree branches was the nometer or displacement methods in which pellets or pul-
optimal binder for improving biochar pellet quality. Both verized biomass are progressively poured into a container
binding and lubricating effects were found for softwood- of known volume until physical saturation. The bulk den-
derived pyrolysis oil for pelletization of agricultural residue sity is calculated as the ratio of the mass of the biomass
(Sarker et al. 2021a, b). Bio-oil is also found to reduce the over the volume of the container. Unit density, also known
energy consumption of the densification process by lowering as true density, is the apparent, real, absolute and skeletal
the extruder die friction (Sarker et al. 2022b). density of a single pellet determined by dividing the mass
by volume, while volume can be calculated by measuring
Waste plastics the dimension of pellets. Unit density is usually measured
after pellet production.
Plastic pollution is a major environmental challenge today After pelletization, the pellets can expand dimensionally
(Nanda and Berruti, 2021a, b; Nanda et al. 2021; Yang et al. during storage by relaxation and/or moisture absorption.
2022). Plastic waste has recently gained attention as an effec- Therefore, the relaxed density of a single pellet needs to
tive binder for pelletization and as a co-feedstock for thermo- be determined after about two weeks of pellet production.
chemical conversion (Nanda et al. 2022). Using plastic waste Tapped density, also known as apparent powder density, is
as a binder not only minimizes pollution but will also reduce measured by filling a known volume contained with pulver-
greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise be caused by ized biomass or pellets and tapping at least five times to
the recycling or incineration of plastics. Peng et al. (2021) attain optimal packing. The tapping density can be deter-
used different plastics including pure recycled polyethylene mined by dividing the mass of biomass or pellet by the con-
bottles and bags, polyethylene resins, recycled polyethylene tainer volume.
terephthalate bottles and recycled polypropylene bottles for
pelletizing pine woodchips. They compared the pellet qual- Moisture resistance
ity with those prepared from widely known additives such as
lignin and corn starch. Their results showed that pellets pre- Water resistance is a vital parameter for biomass pellets as
pared from pyrolyzed biochar at 330 °C with plastics as the it affects the storage and transportation behavior. Moisture
binder had higher hydrophobicity, higher energy density and is necessary during biomass densification as it provides a
greater hardness compared to those from raw biomass pellets binding effect. Moisture adsorption should be stringently
and pellets made with starch and lignin. The use of a linear controlled during storage and transportation because adsorp-
low-density polyethylene binder enhanced the pellet density tion of moisture encourages microbial activity leading to the
while lowering the ash content (Emadi et al. 2017). A study degradation of pellets. This decreases the strength of pellets
reported that the tensile strength of barley straw and wheat and weakens the interparticle bonding, thus reducing the
straw pellets amplified by 253% and 280%, respectively due density and resulting in high transportation cost and low
to their higher tensile strength of 18 MPa and capacity to energy content.
form strong interlocking of torrefied biomass particles (Sat- The common methods of determining moisture resist-
pathy et al. 2014). ance of pellets are immersion test and moisture adsorption
test under controlled environments. In the case of moisture
adsorption measurements, pre-dried pellets are placed in a
Characterization of biomass pellets humidity chamber at 30 °C and relative humidity of 90%
(Azargohar et al. 2019a). The weight difference between the
Table  3 represents the different physical, chemical and dry weight at the beginning and the equilibrated weight after
mechanical properties of biomass pellets with their com- moisture absorption after 48 h can be used to calculate the
mon characterization or measurement techniques. moisture uptake rate. In the case of the immersion test, pel-
lets are immersed in water for 24 h and the weight difference
indicates the moisture adsorption (Bai et al. 2018).

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Table 3  Characterization techniques for assessing physicochemical, mechanical and fuel properties of biomass pellets
Category Significance Properties Methods or techniques Reference

Physical Density significantly affects Unit density Using mass and dimensional Sarker et al. (2021a, b)
costs relating to storage and Relaxed density analyses Sarker et al. (2021a, b)
Bulk density Displacement method Lestari et al. (2015)
Tapped density Displacement method Webb (2001)
Particle or true density Pycnometer method Webb (2001)
Ability to resist adsorption of Hydrophobicity or moisture Moisture adsorption test Azargohar et al. (2019b)
moisture in humid condi- resistance using equilibrium moisture
tions content and/or immersion
The distribution of particles Particle size distribution Sieving methods and particle Hu et al. (2015)
affects flowability, heat dif- size analysis
fusion, reaction rate during
combustion and inter-
particular bonding
Determination of ash com- Inorganic components Inductively coupled plasma Sarker et al. (2020)
Chemical Determination of moisture, Elemental analysis American Society for Test- Si et al. (2016)
ash, volatile matter and ing and Materials standard
fixed carbon content
Determination of carbon, Ultimate analysis Carbon–hydrogen–nitrogen– Zhu et al. (2018)
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur sulfur–oxygen analyzer
and oxygen
Cellulose, hemicellulose and Biochemical composition National Renewable Energy Stelte et al. (2011b)
lignin Laboratory method
Surface functional groups Chemical composition Fourier-transform infrared Abedi and Dalai (2017)
Carbon and hydrogen-con- Chemical composition Solid-state nuclear magnetic Azargohar et al. (2019a)
taining compounds resonance spectroscopy
Mechanical Degree of breakage of fuel Durability Tumbling test Gilvari et al. (2019)
Resistance to stretching and Tensile strength Instron testing machine Gilvari et al. (2019)
Resistance to squeezing force Comprehensive strength Universal testing machine Gilvari et al. (2019)
Resistance to impact forces Impact resistance Drop test Gilvari et al. (2019)
Binding mechanism Visual observations at micro- Surface morphology Scanning electron micros- Azargohar et al. (2019a)
level copy
Inter-particular bonding and Cross-sectional tomography Computed tomography scan Azargohar et al. (2019a);
void spaces Sarker et al. (2022b)
Porosity and void spaces Pore size distribution Brunauer–Emmett–Teller Sarker et al. (2020)
surface area analysis
Combustion and Calorific value Higher heating value Oxygen bomb calorimeter Shuma and Madyira (2019)
thermal behavior Devolatilization Thermal stability Thermogravimetric analysis Sarker et al. (2022b)
Weight loss with temperature Ignition temperature and Thermogravimetric analysis Odusote and Muraina (2017)
Ash or char formation Burnout temperature Thermogravimetric analysis Odusote and Muraina (2017)
Amount of time to com- Combustion rate Odusote and Muraina (2017)
pletely burn a known mass
of fuel
Emission analysis Composition of flue gas dur- Gas chromatography Hrdlička et al. (2016)
ing combustion
Determination of pollutants Emission of particulate Inductively coupled plasma Sippula et al. (2017)
matter and X-ray diffraction
analysis of ash and char

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Mechanical stability Particle bonding

The mechanical stability of pellets is essential for their The binding mechanism of the pellets is crucial since it can
bulk transportation and feeding into reactors, ovens, fur- offer pictorial evidence for determining the binding mech-
naces, pyrolyzers, combustors and gasifiers  (Lu et  al. anism. There are a few techniques to visualize the pellet
2008). There are different methods for evaluating the structure such as scanning electron microscopy, transmission
mechanical stability of pellets such as compression test electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and computed
or compressive resistance, drop test or impact resistance tomography scanning analysis. Porosity is another parameter
and durability test. The maximum crushing load a pel- to estimate the strength of pellets. The pellets with higher
let can withstand before cracking or breaking is known pore space offer weaker pellets. Scanning electron micros-
as mechanical strength. Tensile strength or compressive copy, transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence
strength is the parameter for determining the mechanical microscopy techniques usually provide two-dimensional
strength of the pellets. Impact resistance shattering is also images of pellet surfaces, which are used to investigate the
referred to as drop resistance. This test could stimulate the morphology and binding pattern of biomass particles within
stress experienced while dumping densified items from the pellets. Scanning electron microscopy also determines
trucks onto the chutes into bins or the ground. In this test, the particle bonding in biomass pellets (Azargohar et al.
pellets are dropped onto a metal plate from a height of 2019a, b). Castellano et al. (2015) observed small holes and
1.85 m at least four times (Gilvari et al. 2019). The weight void spaces among the particles, implying better particle
retained stated as the percentage of the initial weight is agglomeration.
known as drop resistance. The porosity of the pellet can be determined by a com-
Durability is the most common term used for the deter- puted tomography scan. A computed tomography scan is
mination of pellet stability. The durability of pellets is deter- typically applied in medical imaging and radiology to elu-
mined by the tumbling test. A representative sample of pel- cidate internal images of a body part. However, computed
lets (usually 500 g) is tumbled for 10 min at the speed of 50 tomography scans are now made their way to analyze
rpm in a tumbling can followed by sieving the pellets using non-conventional samples such as plant materials, car-
a sieve screen of 3.15 mm and weighing (Gilvari et al. 2019). bonaceous products and engineered biomaterials. Micro-
The ratio of the mass of fine particles remaining in the sieve computed tomography has advantages over conventional
and the initial mass of pellets is known as durability. scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron
microscopy imaging tools, which are not suitable to visu-
Composition alize the internal arrangement of the whole pellet and the
development of buried cracks from the pellet surface. A
The basic physicochemical properties of pellets include computed tomography scan is a three-dimensional imaging
proximate and ultimate analyses, which provide a basic technology that collects a succession of two-dimensional
understanding of biomasses. The proximate analysis X-ray projection images, while the sample rotates through
determines moisture, volatile matter, ash and fixed car- a 180° angle range. The raw data is converted into a three-
bon of a material, while the ultimate analysis determines dimensional internal image of the sample using a recon-
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen content. struction algorithm. The raw data is then transformed into
The energy content of the pellets can be determined by a three-dimensional internal image of the pellet sample.
an oxygen bomb calorimeter or computed by the modified Synchrotron-based computed tomography scan has shown
Dulong formula using the ultimate composition (Nzihou to offer high sensitivity and phase-based contrast than tra-
et al. 2014; Bai et al. 2018). Biopolymeric composition ditional X-ray based imaging techniques, thus making it an
of lignocellulosic biomass is also important to measure excellent tool for visualizing the interior void structure of
the contents of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Akalın pellets, biochar and organic materials (Abedi et al. 2018;
et al. 2017). These contents are usually determined by the Azargohar et al. 2019a).
standard National Renewable Energy Laboratory method Strandberg et al. (2018) used synchrotron-based three-
(Sluiter et al. 2010). This process involves the removal of dimensional X-ray micro-tomography for examining vari-
polar and non-polar components such as extractives using ous charred pellets produced from poplar and wheat straw.
water, ethanol and hexane, followed by two-stage dilute They studied how internal cavities, cracks and ash layers
acid hydrolysis to remove cellulose and hemicellulose evolved during the conversion process. They discovered
monomers. The percentages of cellulose and hemicellu- that poplar ash produced a thin ash coating on the surface
lose were calculated by detecting different sugars in high- of char during carbonization. Potassium and calcium sili-
pressure liquid chromatography. cates with high viscosity were also detected on the surface
of wheat straw char in the form of bubble-like structures.

Environmental Chemistry Letters

Advanced characterization techniques could aid in the to know the inside cavities and pore space of fuel pellets.
development of more precise and adaptable fuel particle Fig. 8 illustrates the micro-computed tomography of pellet
conversion models as well as offer an understanding of the produced from torrefied canola residue with the addition
ash production process in biomass densification research. of different bio-based additives. Raw canola residue pellet
Micro-computed tomography scan has also been deployed showed the highest porosity around 15%, while in the case
by other researchers to study the structural integrity of of torrefied biomass pellet it reduced to 11%. Moreover, the
pellets and bio-based materials (Rudolfsson et al. 2017; addition of additives further reduced the pellet porosity to
Azargohar et al. 2019b; Sarker et al. 2022b). a certain extent. Pellets made from torrefied canola residue
Sarker et al. (2022b) used a Synchrotron-based micro- with lignin, mustard meal, and bio-oil were found to be the
computed tomography scanning technique to investigate most compact, have the lowest porosity, and have the fewest
the internal constructions of biomass fuel pellets and to interconnected pores.
determine their porosity. Lower porosity referred to low The surface functional groups of pellets may alter at the
void space and potential high mechanical strength and den- time of densification, which is measured using Fourier-trans-
sity of pellet. As discussed earlier, pellets with low bulk form infrared spectroscopy. Si et al. (2016) found that adding
density can add to the logistic costs relating to their stor- a carboxymethyl cellulose binder to the biomass densifica-
age and transportation, while low mechanical strength can tion process increased carbon–hydrogen bonding because it
increase the release of biomass dust and fines during han- sequestered oils and waxes onto the pellet surface. Thermo-
dling and shipping operations of pellets. Thus, it is decisive gravimetric analysis can determine the thermal stability and

Fig. 8  Synchrotron-based micro-computed tomography images of residue with 10% mustard meal), P6 (torrefied canola residue with
biomass fuel pellets. Reproduced with permission from Sarker et al. 15% pyrolysis oil) and P14 (torrefied canola residue with 10% lignin,
(2022b). Note: P1 (raw canola residue), P2 (torrefied canola residue), 10% mustard meal and 15% pyrolysis oil)
P3 (torrefied canola residue with 10% lignin), P5 (torrefied canola

Environmental Chemistry Letters

ignition and burnout temperatures of biomass pellets. Using revealed that the emission of CO decreased from 185 to 27
X-ray diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance spectros- mg/m3, respectively when using a long pellet instead of a
copy, Azargohar et al. (2019a) discovered that pelletization short pellet in a nominal operational load of a stove. Mean-
did not affect the cellulose structure of canola hull pellets. while, the emission of particulate matter also reduced dra-
Raman spectroscopy is also used to evaluate the fingerprints matically from 882 to 37 mg/m3. However, the length and
of the main components of the biomass precursor and pel- shape of pellets also influence the emissions as long pellets
lets as it is more sensitive than Fourier-transform infrared emit more gaseous and particulate matter.
spectroscopy (Abedi and Dalai 2017). Cardozo et al. (2014) compared fuel pellets with 6 mm
diameter produced from sunflower husk, bagasse and Bra-
zil nut against wood pellets of the identical size in a pellet
Energy applications of biomass pellets burner and observed a higher oxygen content in the flue gas,
quicker ash removal cycles and reduction in fuel power input
There are numerous applications of fuel pellets ranging from when non-woody pellets were used. They also reported that
household cooking and residential heating to power plants the proportional conversion of elemental nitrogen to NO and
at an industrial scale as exemplified in Fig. 9. elemental sulfur to S­ O2 was greater for wood-based pellets
compared to those for other biomass pellets.
Residential heating and cooking Verma et al. (2011) compared the combustion behavior
of fuel pellets produced from sunflower husks to those from
Fuel pellets are commonly used in household boilers and other biomasses such as apple powder, wood, straw and
stoves. In most European countries, the major fuel source for peat in a domestic pellet boiler. They noticed that the CO
household stoves is wood pellets. Recently, many researchers emission was maximum for peat-based pellets, especially
have focused their interest on the suitability of agricultural 13 times higher than wood-based pellets. The criteria for
biomass pellets for use in domestic stoves. However, this assessing the quality of biomass fuel pellets have been set
requires determining the effect of pellet quality and operat- to enhance the efficiency of combustion and eliminate tech-
ing conditions on emissions of gases, particulate matter and nical issues in energy conversion equipment. To promote
ash. It has been reported that the quality of fuel pellet signifi- the growth of fuel-flexible combustion units, it is critical to
cantly affects the emissions of both gaseous and particulate assess the suitability of other biomass-based pellets instead
matter (Garcia-Maraver et al. 2014). Particle density and the of the traditional wood-based pellets.
length-to-diameter ratio of fuel pellets have a great influence
on the CO emissions of biomass pellets. Combined heat and power generation
Wohler et al. (2017) examined the impact of the length
of pellet on the performance of solid fuel stoves using three The worldwide industrial clean energy generation relies
softwood pellet samples of varying lengths. The results heavily on wood-based biomass pellets. This is in contrast
to the fossil-based power generation that uses gasoline and
coal to generate electricity, while at the same time, releas-
ing massive amounts of greenhouse gas emissions and pol-
lutants. To reduce industrial emissions, the usage of bio-
mass pellets can be a sustainable and long-term option for
combustion or co-firing combined heat and power systems.
Therefore, high-quality coal-like fuel pellets are required to
retrofit the fuel input of industrial power plants with renew-
able sources rather than fossil fuels. However, usage of non-
woody biomass pellets in industrial applications is restricted
due to high ash content as it leads to sintering and clinker
High hydrophilicity also causes problems in handling and
transportation with water adsorption in moist environments.
To make biomass more appropriate for industrial applica-
tions, torrefaction can be applied as a thermal pretreatment
as discussed earlier. Proskurina et al. (2017) assessed the
potential of torrefied biomass in diverse industries includ-
Fig. 9  Main  energy-based applications of biomass fuel pellets. Bio-
mass pellets can be applied in co-firing, pyrolysis, gasification, com- ing power and non-power sectors. They recommended that
bustion, burning, cooking and heating torrefied products can efficiently replace fossil fuel at an

Environmental Chemistry Letters

industrial scale. Besides combustion and co-firing, biomass surface area of pellets provided better combustion perfor-
pellets can also be used in other industries such as paper and mance. The smaller the particle size of the biomass particle
pulp, ceramic, glass making, metallurgy and cement making in the pellets, the denser the biomass pellet becomes. This
leading to reduced greenhouse gas and particulate emissions. plays a vital role in reducing the applied pressure during
Wang et al. (2015) investigated the incorporation of bio- biomass compaction. Besides pellets produced from biomass
mass such as char, wood pellets and torrefied material to with smaller particle sizes, higher gasification temperature
replace pulverized coal in blast furnaces of steel industries. led to higher gas yields, better process efficiency, low tar
Their study reported that wood pellets can reduce the overall yield and greater energy content of gases.
emission by 6% while 28% for charcoal alone. Suopajarvi The bulk density of fuel pellets also influences the gas
et al. (2017) recommended the usage of biomass-based fuels composition. A study demonstrated biomass pellets with
in iron and steel-making industries from the viewpoints of high bulk density produced gas with a high concentration
technical potentials and restraints, environmental risks and of ­H2 and ­CO2, while CO concentration was low (Schweitzer
economic feasibility. Their study suggested that biomass- et al. 2018). The authors also mentioned that low bulk den-
based reducing agents have a great potential to be used in sity materials cause lower fuel conversion leading to reduced
various ratios with coal in iron and steel-making processes. gas yields. According to Kallis et al. (2012), the ash content
Another study reported that the total C ­ O2 emissions can and durability of pellets have a substantial impact on the
be reduced by 11% if the utilization of charcoal as a fuel produced gas quality and quantity.
increase from 23 to 33% in Brazilian steel and iron indus-
tries (Pinto et al. 2018). The use of pellets produced from
sewage sludge could be a potential approach for improving Techno‑economy of biomass densification
the immobilization of heavy metals apart from their fuel
applications (Xiao et al. 2015b). The boiler efficiencies of Since the wood pellet market has been steadily growing both
fuel pellets obtained from co-pelletization of sawdust and in industrial and residential sectors, there is a great potential
municipal solid waste ranged up to 77% (Xiao et al. 2015a). for using different waste biomass to produce fuel pellets.
This was higher than that generated from sludge and wood- However, the economic analysis is important to evaluate
chip co-combustion. Recently, pulp and paper industries the viability of the densification and conversion processes
globally have expressed interest in the use of biomass fuel including logistic and operational costs of pelletization, stor-
pellets to broaden the industry’s scope outside its main busi- age, transportation and conversion as well as environmental
ness (Proskurina et al. 2017). Although there is a scarcity benefits and risks relating to emissions of greenhouse gases,
of information on the use of fuel pellets in industrial sectors particulate matter and byproducts.
at the moment despite the mounting interest in the utility of Pradhan et al. (2018a) studied the economic feasibility
biomass fuel pellets. of fuel pellets produced from agricultural wastes using a
pelletizer with a capacity of 2 tons/day. They concluded
Gasification for gaseous fuel production that pelletization can be profitable when the pellet price is
higher than $120/ton. However, the cost of raw materials
Another promising application of biomass fuel pellets is was the most influential factor in cost analysis. Mupondwa
recognized in gasification to generate bio-syngas, a gaseous et al. (2012) reported that a positive net present value can be
fuel comprising predominantly of CO and ­H2 along with obtained for pellets produced from wheat straw at a process-
trace levels of ­CH4. Syngas can be further utilized as a gase- ing capacity of 12 ton/h if the price is higher than $100/ton.
ous fuel for Combined heat and power sectors or to produce They also mentioned that a pellet plant with a low capac-
value-added chemicals by gas-to-liquid processes such as ity of 2–6 ton/h could require a high price of more than
Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. Densification and torrefaction of $140/ton to reach a positive net present value compared to
biomass significantly improve the gasification performance that of a high-capacity facility, especially 18–35 ton/h. A
and gas quality. Gas yields, lower heating value of gases study reported that the lowest selling price of torrefied pel-
and carbon conversion efficiency are significantly improved lets could be $207/ton depending on the cost of feedstocks
during the gasification of densified biomass compared to and product yield from torrefaction (Manouchehrinejad
raw feedstocks (Sarkar et al. 2014). However, the quality et al. 2021). In addition, the growth in plant capacity up to
and composition of gaseous products and gasification per- 200,000 tons/year can reduce the selling price by up to 10%.
formance greatly depend on the quality as well as physical Shahrukh et al. (2016) mentioned that the cost of a wood-
properties of fuel pellets (Pradhan et al. 2018b). based pellet and steam-treated pellets can be in the range
Prasad et al. (2015) stated that the energy content of pro- of $95–105/ton and $146–156/ton, respectively. Song et al.
ducer gas increased by gasifying pellets with smaller diam- (2017) reported that a pellet plant with a capacity of 50,000
eters such as 12 mm versus 17 mm. It was because a higher tons/year based on corn straw biomass from five neighboring

Environmental Chemistry Letters

villages could be economically feasible compared to a plant Funding  The authors acknowledge the funding received from BioFu-
with a capacity of 10,000 tons/year. They have suggested elNet Canada; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC); Agricul-
tural Development Fund (ADF) by the Government of Saskatchewan,
that the smaller plant can be economically profitable at a Canada; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
higher pellet price excluding tax subsidies or the promotion Canada (NSERC); and the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program.
of carbon credits. The University of Saskatchewan Dean’s Scholarship awarded to Dr.
Agar (2017) compared the costs of producing torrefied Tumpa R. Sarker is also acknowledged.
pellets with raw pellets. Conventional raw pellets had a
higher annual production cost (€7.05 M) than torrefied pel- Declarations 
lets (€6.11 M). Furthermore, torrefied pellets had a higher
Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
specific cost of €95.54/ton than raw pellets. Chai and Saf- interest.
fron (2016) compared the production cost of pellets in three
different scenarios such as raw pellets, lightly torrefied pel- Consent for publication  All authors agree to publish this article in
lets and severely torrefied pellets. They reported the pro- Environmental Chemistry Letters.
duction cost of lightly torrefied pellets compared to other
scenarios. Biomass field conditions and climate conditions
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