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Observe e revise o quadro abaixo sobre Present Perfect, e depois responda as questões abaixo:

1. A estrutura “Have you ever...?”no presente perfect serve para obter informações acerca de:
a. Prever se algo acontecerá
b. Experiências vividas por alguém

2. Qual é o verbo auxiliar utilizado no tempo verbal Present Perfect?

a. Will
b. Have

3. Na frase “I _______ already been to Paris”, complete com o auxiliar que está faltando:
a. Has
b. Have
c. Had

4. Complete com o auxiliar apropriado no primeiro espaço e complete com os verbos entre
parênteses no segundo espaço, mostrando as frases abaixo em sua forma afirmativa do Present

a. She _______ _________ (traveled) a lot during her life.

b. We _______ _________ (played) different sports at school.
c. John ______ ________ (failed) for the Math test
d. You ______ _________ (lost) your new jacket.
e. Mary _____ _________ (watched) that film on TV many times.

5 . Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar perguntas no Present Perfect:

a. she – Has – played – hockey on ice?


b. Have– eaten – they tacos in Mexico?


c. seen – he - has seen a shark?


6. Complete as seguintes sentenças transformando-as na versão NEGATIVA do Present

Perfect. Observe o exemplo:

Peter hasn`t eaten (not eaten) the sandwich because he’s not feeling well.

a. Mary _________________ (not written) the e-mail to her best friend.

b. I __________________ (not finished) this exercise
c. The children __________________ (not seen) that film at the cinema
d. You ____________________ (not made) the cake.

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