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Rizal Reporting(My Retreat)


Rizal Reporting(My Retreat)


Gayle Rochel Biase

Wed Apr 13 2016


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This poem tells a story about someone who leaves the chaos of a modern world to be lone and reflect
on nature.Whoever the author is they say they retreat to repose to be at ease, so they can silence the
grief , or forget the stress of life. For awhile he is content with all around him, admiring nature, then as
he becomes lonely he remembers that God is always with him.

Written in 1895 by our Philippine national hero Jose Rizal.

He wrote this poem during his exile in Dapitan,Zamboanga.

It was written for his beloved family and love ones.

Famous lines:

“A butterfly a thirst for radiances and colors, dreaming of other skies and of a larger strife, I left, scarcely
a youth, my land and my affections, and vagrant everywhere, with no qualms, with no terrors,
squandered in foreign lands the April of my life.”

He tells us briefly of his faith and Gods ability to always be there with him. Then as he sits he is over
come with a sudden memory of all the things he saw as grief, he realize that they were what they were
and it is his choice to see them as he once did. Second guessing his choice to stay and die in his own
solitude he decides to return to the world from which he once chose to retreat.


It was written to proved that life can still be abundant and full of achievements...

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