Soal US B. Inggris Genap Kls 9 2022-2023

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Choose the best answer based on the text above for questions 1 to 5!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon seasoning stock
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

 Mash the tempe with a fork.

 Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and seasoning stock, followed by
an egg.
 Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a little with a fork.
 Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil,
five or six at a time.
 Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper, and serve hot with chili
or sauce.

1. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?
A. We need a big fire to make the oil become hot.
B. We bought to drop the tempe around ten or twelve at two times.
C. We fork to flatten the shape of tempe.
D. We fry the tempe before golden brown.
2. What is the main ingredient of the bregedel tempe?
A. Tempe
B. Bregedel Tempe
C. Tempe and egg
D. Tempe, flour, and seasoning stock
3. When we add the egg in making bregedel tempe?
A. Between we mask the tempe and shape the tempe.
B. After we shape the tempe and before we mask the tempe.
C. Before we shape the tempe and mix the tempe with seasoning stock.
D. While we shape the tempe.
4. What is the generic structure of the text?
A. Goal – equipment – steps
B. Goal – materials – resolution
C. Goal – materials – steps
D. Goal – ingredients – resolution
5. What is the social function of this text?
A. To inform the readers about Bregedel Tempe.
B. To retell about Bregedel Tempe.
C. To describe Bregedel Tempe.
D. To describe how to make Bregedel Tempe.
6. Manda: How are you, Salma?
Salma: I'm good Manda. How about you?
Manda: .....
Salma: Get well soon.
Manda: Thanks a lot.
A. I have a mother finger
B. I have a plant
C. I have a headache
D. I have a husband
7. Two days before Sunday is...
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
8. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.
1. Hello, Sinta!
2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you
3. His name’s Hartawan
4. Nice to meet you, Atiqah.
5. Hi, Atiqah
6. Atiqah, this is my father.
A. 5–1–4–3–2–6
B. 5–1–3–6–2–4
C. 5–1–6–3–2–4
D. 5–1–2–3–6-4
9. Anna: Hi, I'm Anna. .....
Mark: My name is Mark.
A. What about you?
B. It's nice to see you
C. What's your favorite food?
D. What's your name?
10. When we meet somebody at 5 p.m. we greet him...
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good night
11. Mother : Have a nice dream, my dear.
Son : ….
A. Take care, mom
B. I’m happy
C. Have a nice dream, mom
D. See you, mom
12. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Rama : … I have a flat tire.
A. Thanks
B. No problem
C. I’m sorry
D. Get well soon
13. I have friend. His name is Aliando Syarif.
He was born in 2005.
He comes from Pringsewu.
He likes fried chicken.
Which statement is TRUE according to the text above..
A. Aliando is seventy years old
B. Aliando is seventeen years old
C. Aliando is an Artist
D. Aliando is handsome boy
14. Chandra is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting

A. Envelopes
B. Letters
C. Stamps
D. Coins
15. Luke has a dog. James takes … for a walk everyday.
A. It
B. Him
C. Them
D. Its
16. My dad bought some oranges, … were very sour.
The appropriate pronoun is …
A. It
B. They
C. We
D. He
17. The hunter shot the tiger with a …
A. Knife
B. Scissors
C. Sword
D. Gun

The following text is for test item 18-20.

Dear Mom,

Happy Mother’s Day! Now that I am a mother, I’m realizing just what you went through with
me. You were always so patient and kind even when you had to sacrifice what you were doing to
help me. I admire your intelligence. I know you gave up your dreams of being a pharmacist
when I came along. I can't imagine all the dreams you actually gave up just for me and because
of me, but I am glad you are my mom.

Whenever I had faced hard times in school, you were there to encourage me. Learning how to
make friends, dealing with hurts, feeling alone, and learning how to navigate through the
craziness of growing up—I knew I could turn to you for answers.

What I appreciate is that you wouldn’t just see what I went through and just tell me what to do.
The point is that you would actually take time out of your day to listen to me and my problems. I
do that with my daughter now, and I realize how much I love doing this. Thank you for your
example to me. Again, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day.

Lots of love,
Seo Ye Ji

18. When did Seo Ye Ji likely write the letter?

A. On her mother's birthday celebration.
B. After the Mother's day celebration.
C. During her mother's birthday.
D. Before the Mother's Day.

19. Seo Ye Ji thinks that her mother is...

A. Caring, humble and brave.
B. Loving, supportive and smart.
C. Humble, loving and supportive.
D. Smart, courageous, and brave.
20. Match the person in the left column with the events in the right column.

A Person B (Events)
1. Seo Ye Ji a. Discontinued her education
2. Seo Ye Ji’s mother b. Experienced sosial problem as a teenager
c. Learned to be a good parent by examples

The following text is for test item 21-22.

1. Have water with yiu
2. Watch the sunset and sunrise
3. Take your supplement
4. Savor
5. Simplify skincare
6. Clan up
7. Don’t eat late
8. Meal or food prep
9. Work out for 10-15 in the morning
10. Plan realistically
11. Listen to tha music
12. Fruit and vegetables
13. Committo goals
14. Be gretful and kind
15. Chew more
16. Enggage your core
17. Nap and don’t feel bad abotit
18. Track

21. What is the text about?

□. Steps to lose weight.
□. Dietary supplement list.
□. Daily activities schedule.
□. Tips for a healthy lifestyle.

22. Having read the text, what benefits will people get? (You mas give a tick (✔) to more than
one statement).
□ Being assisted in preparing a healthy daily menu.
□ Knowing what to do maintain health.
□ Becoming more relaxed in managing time.
□ Understanding more about food nutrition.
Dear Diana,

First of all, I want to say congratulations! I am so proud of you and this amazing
accomplishment. I know how hard you’ve worked the last four years to get here, and watching
you grow into an awesome, smart and funny adult has been so much fun. You are one of the
kindest people I have the pleasure to know and you care so deeply about other people. The fact
that you continue to see the good in people is a rare and special quality.

I hope you got everything you wanted to out of your high school years. I hope you made
friendships that you will keep forever. I hope you learned lessons that will carry you into your
next phase in life. I hope that you developed skills that will help you to be successful in college.
Knowing you did everything you were given the opportunity to and are happy with how it turned
out. You should be, you did an amazing job.

Being an adult can be absolutely terrifying. I get it. But you are so capable and smart; I just know
this is going to be a breeze for you, as long as you can learn how to get up with your alarm the
first time. Mom won’t be there to wake you up.

23. What is Dinar's intention of writing the letter?

24. What is Dinar's relation to Diana?
25. From the text, we know that Diana is a...person.

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