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DOI: 10.


Interventional palliative treatment options for lung cancer

M. Noppen
Academic Hospital, Interventional Endoscopy Clinic, Respiratory Division, Brussels, Belgium

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Introduction A large variety of different endoscopic (flexible as well as
rigid) treatment modalities are now available, and their utility
The burden of lung cancer on public health is enormous: about in controlling local tumor progression has been proven [8].
13% of all new cancers in the world are lung cancers and the
numbers increase at a rate of about 3% a year. Worldwide,
lung cancer is by far the most common cancer in males Indications for interventional bronchoscopic
(19–21% of all new cancers) and the fifth most frequent procedures in lung cancers
cancer in females (5% of all new cancers) [1]. The worldwide
impact of lung cancer will furthermore increase, as tobacco Major indications for endobronchial treatment in lung cancer
companies concentrate their marketing efforts on developing include:
countries. • life-threatening obstruction of the central airways (trachea,
Despite all current efforts in prevention (smoking cessa- carina, main bronchi);
tion), early detection [e.g. spiral computed tomography (CT) • central airway obstruction causing symptoms (dyspnea, ate-
scan screening in populations at risk] and early treatment, lectasis, post-obstructive pneumonia, hemoptysis or reduc-
development of new chemotherapeutic agents and combined- ing the airway lumen >50%) and
modality treatments involving chemotherapy, surgery and • inoperable early lung cancer amenable to endoscopic treat-
radiation therapy, the overall prognosis of lung cancer is still ment.
dismal, with 5-year survival remaining at about 13% over the
last few decades. Because of this high fatality rate, lung cancer This paper will focus on the first two indications, although
now accounts for almost 30% of all cancer deaths in males [1]. the techniques and instruments used are also applicable to the
At the time of diagnosis, only about 20–25% of lung cancers third category of patients.
can potentially be cured, primarily by surgery [2]. Every
clinician should therefore realize that for the large majority
of patients presenting with locally advanced or metastatic
Principles and techniques of endoscopic
disease, treatment essentially remains palliative, consisting of
external beam irradiation, chemotherapy or a combination of The principles of palliative bronchoscopic treatment are:
both. • to reopen obstructed airways (and, hence, relieve dyspnea,
Every clinician caring for lung cancer patients should post-obstructive infection and atelectasis);
realize that 20–30% of all patients present with neoplastic • to maintain established airway patency (and, hence, prevent
major airway obstruction (with resulting atelectasis, pneumo- recurrence of obstructive symptoms, and to allow for con-
nia) [3] and that after initial treatment, 30–50% of patients comitant non-endoscopic therapy such as chemo/radiother-
present local recurrences [4]. Furthermore, about 30% of all apy which often are contraindicated in cases of post-
lung cancer patients eventually develop some form of obstructive complications) and
bronchial hemorrhage [5]. • to treat specific symptoms (e.g. hemoptysis, cough, ...).
Finally, the majority of patients with final stage central air- Different endoscopic techniques can hence be classified
way tumors will suffer from dyspnea and cough (e.g. because relative to the abovementioned treatment principles and
of atelectasis or post-obstructive pneumonia) [6], a consider- indications:
able number of which can be palliated by means of inter- • Techniques enabling rapid removal of obstruction (e.g.
ventional bronchoscopic procedures [2, 4, 5, 7]. mechanical debulking/resection, ND:YAG-laser resection,
Although such procedures may improve survival in selected electrocautery) in case of life-threatening obstruction.
cases [2], and even be curative in cancers restricted to the air- • Techniques enabling delayed removal of obstruction
way walls [5], their main purpose remains the improvement of (e.g. cryotherapy, endobronchial irradiation, photodynamic
symptom control and quality of life. therapy) in cases of non-critical stenosis.

© 2002 European Society for Medical Oncology


• Techniques enabling maintenance of airway patency (e.g. view of the high costs of purchase and maintenance, however,
stenting). electrocautery may well replace laser therapy in the future as
• Techniques enabling symptom control such as hemoptysis the ‘first-line’ interventional technique [10].
(e.g. argon plasma coagulation, electrocautery, ND:YAG-
laser therapy, ...). Electrocautery
• Techniques for increased local tumor control (e.g. intra-
tumoral injection of gene therapy vectors). Similar to Nd:YAG-laser therapy, electrocautery is based on
the local application of heat, using electrical current via a
The choice of the initial endoscopic treatment technique dedicated probe, to coagulate or vaporize tissue. Electric
depends on various factors: current is generated with a standard high-frequency electric

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• The urgency of the intervention (e.g. imminent suffocation); generator, which is available in any operating theatre. In bron-
chology, unipolar probes (including blunt probes, wire snares,
• The nature and extent of the obstruction (e.g. intraluminal
forceps, ...) can be used via flexible and rigid bronchoscopes.
versus extraluminal disease);
The indications and principles of application are essentially
• The available equipment, expertise and logistics.
the same as for Nd:YAG-laser therapy. Its major advantages
compared with laser therapy are its very low cost, despite
Techniques and instruments equal levels of efficiency, and probably superior levels of
safety [5, 10, 11].
Mechanical removal of obstruction
In cases of life-threatening central airway obstruction, rapid Argon plasma coagulation (APC)
mechanical resection of intraluminal, exofytic tumor tissue by Argon plasma coagulation is a non-contact mode of electro-
rigid bronchoscopy ‘curettage’ and/or forceps resection is a coagulation: argon gas is ejected around a high-frequency
well-established technique [8]. Provided functional lung par-
electrode. The ionized gas serves as a conductor between the
enchyma can be recruited, and the pulmonary artery is open,
electrode and the nearest tissue. A spark through the plasma
this procedure may provide instant relief. However, because
jet desiccates and coagulates the tissue. A major advantage of
bleeding is inevitable, which may compromise gas exchange,
APC is the fact that the nearest area of contact is not neces-
coagulation methods should be applied prior to mechanical
sarily geometrically straight forward from the direction of the
removal. ND:YAG-laser, electrocautery, cryotherapy or other
electrode, because the high frequency current follows the
techniques may be used for this purpose.
lowest electrical impedance. Hence, bleeding (wet) lesions
Immediate hemostasis can often be obtained by mechanical
‘attract’ the argon jet: superficially bleeding lesions are there-
airway wall compression using the rigid bronchoscope shaft.
fore the ideal indication for APC. Its superficial action makes
APC a safe technique, but also less efficient than Nd:YAG-
Endobronchial laser therapy
laser or simple contact electrocautery in the treatment of bulky
The most widely used and most versatile laser for endobron- lesions [2, 12, 13].
chial treatment is the Nd:YAG (neodymium-yttrium aluminum
garnet) laser, using an infrared wavelength of 1064 nm. The Cryotherapy
thermal energy of the laser light is used: the interactions of
laser heat and treated tissue are dependent upon the absorption Cryotherapy is the application of extreme cold for local
characteristics of the tissue, the power output of the laser, the destruction of living tissue. Two mechanisms of injury are
distance between the laser tip and the tissue, the working associated with cryotherapy. Rapid freezing produces intra-
angle, and the time of laser application [5, 9]. cellular ice crystals which are lethal to the cell. As tissue
Depending on these factors, coagulation, vaporization or thaws, a second mechanism of injury becomes operative: the
cutting can be obtained. Most often, Nd:YAG-laser therapy circulation of the previously frozen area is restored, but pro-
is used to coagulate and devascularize endoluminal tumors, gressive failure of the microcirculation due to endothelial cell
immediately prior to mechanical resection. Hence, laser therapy damage and thrombosis occurs. With failure of circulation, a
most often is performed through a rigid bronchoscope. larger volume of tissue death will occur [2, 14, 15].
The main complications of Nd:YAG-laser therapy include Hence, after cryotherapy, no immediate removal of obstruc-
hemorrhage (1–10%), airway wall perforation and pneumo- tions can be carried out: only hours to days after application
thorax (3%), transient desaturation and burns. Although rigor- can debris be removed (either spontaneously or by ‘clean-up’
ous application of preventive measures keeps complications bronchoscopy). Therefore, cryotherapy should not be used to
to a minimum, successful laser therapy requires considerable treat severe, life-threatening airway obstruction. The effect of
expertise. Nevertheless, this technique is safe and efficient in cold is tissue-specific: depending upon their water content and
experienced hands, and has become the ‘gold standard’ for degree of vascularization, some tissues are cryosensitive
palliative treatment of endoluminal airway obstruction. In (tumor cells, granuloma, ...) whereas others are cryoresistant

(fibrous tissue, cartilage, ...). Airway wall perforation there- Endobronchial stenting
fore is virtually non-existent, making cryotherapy a safe tool.
Airway stents are used in the palliation of lung cancer for
Indications for cryotherapy include treatment of non-critical
maintaining patency of otherwise (cfr. supra) reopened
malignant airway obstruction and hemoptysis. Other indica-
airways, for securing patency of a collapsed or extrinsically
tions are treatment of superficial early lung cancer and
compressed central airway, and for sealing of fistulas [5, 7,
removal of (water-containing) foreign bodies. Results are
18–20]. Minor indications include, for example, control of
comparable to other techniques that remove obstructions, and
hemoptysis. Numerous types of stents are available. They can
complication rate and costs are low.
be classified according to material (polymer stents, metallic
stents, hybrid stents and covered metallic stents), insertion

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Photodynamic therapy technique (rigid bronchoscopy, flexible bronchoscopy, fluoro-
scopical), type (self-expandable, fixed diameter) or anatom-
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the intravenous injec- ical position (bifurcation, stump, trachea, bronchus). The ideal
tion of a (more or less) tumor-specific photosensitizing agent stent does not exist; the best stent for a specific patient present-
(e.g. porfimer sodium, photofrin), followed by activation of ing with a specific problem should be identified. Judicious
the agent by exposure to laser light of a specific wavelength stent placement undoubtedly improves quality of life and
(630 mm) administered by means of flexible bronchoscopy. sometimes even survival.
After photosensitizer activation, a photochemical reaction Side-effects and complications include bacterial coloniza-
with production of reactive oxygen singlets destroys tumor tion, migration, granuloma formation, tumor overgrowth,
cells. Approximately 48 h later, a ‘clean-up’ bronchoscopy is stent rupture and (rarely) wall perforation.
required to remove debris [5, 16].
Photodynamic therapy can be used in the palliative treat-
ment of non-critical obstructive malignant tumors of the air- Impact of interventional palliative treatment
ways; its local results are comparable with Nd:YAG-laser, As pointed out in the introduction, the majority of patients
allowing for somewhat slower but longer-lasting effects. In suffering from lung cancer will die from the disease. The vast
the palliative context, however, its use is limited by the pro- majority of treatment efforts (chemo- and radiotherapy, inter-
longed and sometimes severe photosensitization of skin and ventional bronchoscopy) are therefore palliative [21].
eyes, leading to a severe reduction in quality of life, and by its As compared with chemo- and radiotherapy, which give rise
high cost. The advantages of PDT are its possible use in to a huge body of randomized comparative trials—mainly
lesions located on the relative periphery of the airways which driven by the enormous investments of the pharmaceutical
are accessible by flexible bronchoscopy, and its potential and technological industry—interventional bronchoscopy is
curative treatment of early superficial lung cancer. still considered a kind of ‘playground’ for a peculiar kind of
creative, skillful, handy-man-like pulmonologist, which is
often not taken very seriously by those who work in the field
Endobronchial irradiation (brachytherapy) of oncology. Nevertheless, although many studies devoted to
Endobronchial irradiation is currently achieved by placing a the impact of interventional bronchoscopy on cancer treat-
highly radioactive source (iridium 192 probe, hence ‘high ment are often ‘how-I-do-it’ case series with all their pertain-
dose rate’ or ‘HDR’) through a hollow catheter (hence, ‘after- ing flaws, it is most likely that many of the conclusions drawn
loading’) which is positioned by means of a flexible broncho- from these studies can be generalized to most patients with
scope at the desired location (hence, ‘brachytherapy’) [5, 17]. central airway obstruction [21]. It is well proven now that
HDR treatment is usually delivered with one to six fractions at restoring central airway patency has a significant impact on
an interval of 1–3 weeks and a dose of 2–30 Gy per fraction at symptoms, pulmonary function, quality of life, and—in
1 cm from the source axis. The optimal dosage regimen and selected patients—even on survival [21]. Today, even per-
frequency are undetermined as yet. Endobronchial irradiation forming a randomized study of interventional bronchoscopy
can be used for potentially curative treatment of early super- using a no treatment arm is considered unethical.
ficial lung cancer, for treatment of primary non-resectable
bronchial carcinoma with curative intent and for palliative
Future projects
treatment involving the removal of obstruction for primary or
recurrent endoluminal lung cancer. Its results are comparable Today interventional bronchoscopy is a performant tool in the
with other ‘late onset’ treatments to remove obstructions. palliative treatment of inoperable lung cancer, and is well-
HDR brachytherapy can be performed on an outpatient basis, established in the pulmonological world [2]. What is urgently
combined with other treatment modalities, and is well toler- needed, however, is greater acknowledgement of this treat-
ated. Its main disadvantages are its high procedural and infra- ment tool by the specialists in oncology. This will automat-
structural costs, and the possibility of severe radiation fibrosis ically lead to integrational studies on interventional techniques
or (fatal) hemorrhage. in the algorithmic approach of the inoperable lung cancer

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