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Worksheet Reviewer for MEDIA

1. What is communication and how is it influenced by media

and information?
6. What are indigenous media compared to more common
Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or messages sources of information such as libraries and the internet?
between individuals or groups. Media and information have a
significant impact on communication as they provide different Indigenous media refers to media that is created and disseminated
channels or platforms for communication to take place. The use of within a particular cultural or ethnic group. This can include
different types of media and information affects how people storytelling, music, and art. In contrast, more common sources of
communicate, the type of information shared, and the way the information such as libraries and the internet tend to be more
message is conveyed. generalized and accessible to a wider audience.

2. What are the similarities and differences between media 7. How can we present an issue in varied ways to
literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy? disseminate information using the codes, conventions, and
language of media?
Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all
related concepts that deal with the ability to access, evaluate, and To present an issue in varied ways using the codes, conventions, and
use information. Media literacy refers to the ability to analyze and language of media, one can use different formats such as videos,
interpret different types of media. Information literacy focuses on infographics, or podcasts. It is also important to tailor the message
the ability to identify, locate, and use information effectively. to the intended audience and use language that is accessible to
Technology literacy refers to the ability to use technology to access them.
and manipulate information. While they share similar goals, each
concept has a distinct focus and set of skills.
8. What are some practical situations in which to apply
knowledge of intellectual property, copyright, and fair use
3. What is responsible use of media and information? guidelines?

Responsible use of media and information refers to the ethical and Practical situations in which to apply knowledge of intellectual
legal use of information and media resources. This includes property, copyright, and fair use guidelines include using images or
respecting intellectual property rights, citing sources appropriately, music in a presentation, citing sources in a research paper, or
avoiding plagiarism, and using information in a manner that is creating a website that includes copyrighted material.
consistent with legal and ethical standards.

9. How can we create a campaign to combat digital divide,

4. How has the evolution of media from traditional to new addiction, and bullying?
media shaped the values and norms of people and To create a campaign to combat digital divide, addiction, and
society? bullying, one can develop educational resources, promote
The evolution of media from traditional to new media has had a responsible use of technology, and encourage dialogue between
significant impact on society and culture. Traditional media, such as different groups. The campaign should focus on creating awareness
newspapers and television, were often more controlled and limited of the negative effects
in their distribution. With the advent of new media, such as social
media and blogs, the flow of information has become more
decentralized, leading to a shift in power and authority. The values 10. Example of an issue showing the power of media and
and norms of society have also been influenced by the prevalence of information to affect change:
new media, as the ease of sharing information and connecting with
others has created new social norms and expectations. An example of the power of media and information to affect change
is the Black Lives Matter movement. The movement gained
momentum through the use of social media platforms, such as
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, where people shared their
5. How can we compare and contrast how one particular experiences and highlighted the issues of racial injustice and police
issue or news is presented through different types of brutality. The movement brought attention to the systemic issues of
media (print, broadcast, online)? racism and inequality in the United States and spurred protests and
To compare and contrast how one particular issue or news is discussions globally.
presented through different types of media, one can examine the
language used, the tone of the message, and the overall framing of
the issue. Print media tends to provide a more in-depth analysis, 11. The impact of massive open online courses (MOOCs):
while broadcast media focuses on providing a quick summary.
Online media provides the ability for users to interact with the Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have revolutionized
content and share their opinions. education by providing free and accessible courses to anyone with
an internet connection. MOOCs allow individuals to learn at their
own pace and on their own time, making education more accessible different types of media can be organized and disseminated through
to people who may not have had the opportunity to pursue various platforms, such as websites, social media, and traditional
traditional education. MOOCs have also enabled people to gain new media outlets.
skills and knowledge to further their careers or pursue their
15. Creative multimedia forms, such as living museums or
electronic portfolios:
12. The implications of media and information for individuals
and society: Creative multimedia forms are diverse and include living museums,
electronic portfolios, interactive websites, and immersive
Media and information have a significant impact on individuals and installations. Living museums are exhibitions that bring history to life
society. They shape our opinions, beliefs, and values and can by recreating historical events and environments. Electronic
influence the decisions we make. The proliferation of fake news and portfolios are collections of digital works, such as documents,
misinformation can have serious consequences, such as the spread videos, and images, that showcase an individual's skills and
of conspiracy theories and the erosion of trust in institutions. On the achievements. Interactive websites and immersive installations use
other hand, media and information can also be powerful tools for technology to engage audiences in unique and interactive
education, advocacy, and social change. experiences.

13. The different dimensions of text, visual, audio, motion, 16. How to produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-
manipulative, and multimedia information and media: based, motion-based, and manipulative-based
presentation using design principles and elements:
Text, visual, audio, motion, manipulative, and multimedia are
different dimensions of media and information. Text refers to To produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based,
written words and language, while visual encompasses images, motion-based, and manipulative-based presentation, it is important
graphics, and videos. Audio includes sounds and music, and motion to consider design principles and elements. Design principles include
refers to moving images and videos. Manipulative media involves balance, contrast, emphasis, unity, and proportion. Elements of
the use of technology to alter or manipulate media, such as editing design include color, line, shape, texture, and typography. To create
photos or videos. Multimedia refers to the integration of multiple an effective presentation, it is important to use these principles and
media types, such as text, images, and videos. elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing design.
Additionally, it is important to consider the medium being used and
tailor the design to the specific needs of that medium.
14. How these different dimensions are formally and
informally produced, organized, and disseminated:

These different dimensions are produced, organized, and

disseminated in various ways, both formally and informally. Formal
production refers to the creation of media and information by
established organizations or institutions, such as news outlets,
publishers, and film studios. Informal production, on the other hand,
refers to the creation of media and information by individuals or
groups, such as social media posts, blogs, and podcasts. These

1. Pitch
2. Tone
17. Length 4. Tempo
18. Tone 5. Sound effects
20. Language
21. Context 1. Speed
2. Direction
1. Color 4. Perspective
2. Size 5. Interactivity
4. Composition
5. Style 1. Interactivity
2. Feedback
4. User interface 3. Path: Motion can follow different paths, such as straight
5. Learning outcomes lines or curves.
4. Perspective: Motion can be presented from different
MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION AND MEDIA perspectives, such as first-person or third-person.
1. Integration 5. Interactivity: Motion can be interactive, allowing the user
2. Interactivity to control the direction and speed of the motion.
3. Storytelling
4. Accessibility

1. Interactivity: Manipulative media can be interactive,

allowing the user to control the content or outcome.
TEXT INFORMATION AND MEDIA: 2. Feedback: Manipulative media can provide feedback to
1. Length: Text can vary in length, from a few words to the user, such as visual or auditory cues.
several pages. 3. Complexity: Manipulative media can range from simple
2. Tone: Text can convey different tones, such as formal, games to complex simulations.
informal, sarcastic, or humorous. 4. User interface: Manipulative media can have different user
3. Structure: Text can be organized into paragraphs, interfaces, such as buttons, sliders, or touchscreens.
headings, and bullet points. 5. Learning outcomes: Manipulative media can be designed
4. Language: Text can be written in different languages, and for educational purposes, such as teaching new skills or
the choice of language can affect the intended audience. concepts.
5. Context: Text can be influenced by the context in which it
is written, such as the purpose, audience, and medium.

1. Integration: Multimedia can integrate different types of

VISUAL INFORMATION AND MEDIA: media, such as text, images, audio, and video.
1. Color: Visuals can use color to convey different meanings 2. Interactivity: Multimedia can be interactive, allowing the
and emotions. user to control the content or outcome.
2. Size: Visuals can be presented in different sizes, from small 3. Storytelling: Multimedia can use different storytelling
icons to large billboards. techniques, such as linear or non-linear narratives.
3. Shape: Visuals can use different shapes to communicate 4. Accessibility: Multimedia can be designed for different
ideas or emotions. levels of accessibility, such as subtitles or audio
4. Composition: Visuals can use different compositions, such descriptions.
as symmetry, balance, or contrast, to create visual 5. Engagement: Multimedia can be designed to engage the
interest. user, such as through gamification or personalized
5. Style: Visuals can be created in different styles, such as content.
realistic, abstract, or cartoonish.


1. Pitch: Audio can use different pitches to convey different

emotions or meanings.
2. Tone: Audio can convey different tones, such as serious,
playful, or melancholic.
3. Volume: Audio can be presented in different volumes,
from quiet whispers to loud shouts.
4. Tempo: Audio can use different tempos, such as slow, fast,
or rhythmic.
5. Sound effects: Audio can use different sound effects, such Name and section and date:
as echoes, reverberation, or distortion.


1. Speed: Motion can be presented in different speeds, such

as slow motion or fast-forward.
2. Direction: Motion can move in different directions, such as
left to right, up and down, or circular.

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