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ITEC Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Mr. Fitzpatrick Subject Area: Digital Citizenship Grade Level: 9

Necessary Links: (Add active links to any resources needed for your lesson plan)

Common Core Standard or Wyoming State Standard: (Choose one standard to focus this
lesson on)
This lesson meets standards for Common Core ELA, ISTE, CASEL, and AASL

Learning Target (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the
end of the lesson):
Define "digital reputation," and identify examples of socialmedia posts that can have a positive or negative
I can...

Anticipatory Set (First activity to excite and focus students on the lesson for the day):
Have a guided discussion about "sharenting". Ask the students if they have heard of it, and its negative

Model (How will the teacher demonstrating the skill or competence):

I will show the class examples of parents oversharing details about their children on the internet, using
made-up scenarios so as to not embarrass anyone. I will go over what is acceptable to post, and what is not.

Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and include a
time frame for completing this practice.):
The class will be given time to collaborate with their peers, given a scenario:
A family member has come down with an illness, and had to be flown to the hospital for rapid surgery.

The class will elaborate on this story, and piece together what they should and should not be posting about
with this family member.

Independent Practice (How will students be applying this knowledge or practicing this skill
independently): Students will think of a time where their parent or someone else's parent has overshared.
Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have
learned the objectives.):
Students will have an exit ticket, where they will jot down things to not put out on the internet, and things they
will voice to their parents, as to what should be kept private in their life.

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
I will write down the key pieces we covered on the board, asking for student input to help reenforce what we
covered in class.

High: The high capacity learners will be given multiple scenarios to critique.
Low: The low capacity learners will be able to ask questions about the material, and for clarification.
Special Needs: Students with ADHD will be given breaks to refocus, as well as additional help as needed.

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