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ITEC Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Mr. Fitzpatrick Subject Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 9

Necessary Links: (Add active links to any resources needed for your lesson plan)

Common Core Standard or Wyoming State Standard: (Choose one standard to focus this
lesson on)

Creating equations A-CED

Learning Target (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the
end of the lesson):

I can... Decipher mathematical sentences to formulate equations representing the problem

Anticipatory Set (First activity to excite and focus students on the lesson for the day):
The start of class will begin with a word problem written on the board, which will be read to the class,
that directly relates to the school's team.
Example: After winning the championship game, the Sheridan Broncs football team had a celebratory dinner.
The team of 60 players were able to choose between three meals; chicken and rice, steak and potatoes, or
vegetarian pasta. If half the team chose steak, and one quarter chose chicken, what number of players chose the

Model (How will the teacher demonstrating the skill or competence):

There will be a worksheet on Schoology, which is a digital version of the printed-out assignment. This will give
students the choice of doing the homework on pen and paper, or online.

Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and include a
time frame for completing this practice.):
Students will be given the opportunity to come up and help me solve the problems on the whiteboard.
If students are comfortable with the lesson, and the material being taught, they may begin their
homework silently, and when the lesson has been finished, they can work together or continue working

Independent Practice (How will students be applying this knowledge or practicing this skill
independently): Students will work on their homework in class, either with a partner, or by themselves.
Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have
learned the objectives.):
Students may bring their worksheet to be looked over at any point in the class. This will be before the
homework is graded, and an opportunity for the students to ensure they will get a good grade before
the following day when the assignment is due.

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
To ensure that learning has occured, we will play Kahoot, with different examples of word problems, and the
students will be "tested" on their abilities to translate word problems into equations, and solve them.

High: The high capacity learners will be allowed to work on their homework during the lesson.
Low: The lesson will be taught in detail, until there is an obvious amount of understanding from the whole class.
For my ADHD student, they will be allowed to sit in a wobbly chair, and they will be given
Special Needs: opportunities for taking breaks to go walk down the hall and back, to take their mind off math.

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