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Al-Qalam Science Academy

Physics Short Questions

(9th Class)
Prepared By: Umair Sarwar

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 1

UNIT No:01
1.(c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b)
7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)

Short Questions:
1.2: 1.3:
Base quantities: Ans:
Base quantities are the quantities on the basis Base Units: (i)kilogram (ii) mole (iii)Ampere
of which other quantities are derived. (iv)meter (v)kelvin
Length, mass, time, electric current, 1.4:
temperature, intensity of light and amount of Ans: Speed: Derived from “Length and
substance. time”.
Derived quantities: Volume: Derived from “Length”.
The quantities that are expressed in terms of Force: Derived from “Mass, length and
base quantities are calledderived quantities. time”.
Example: Work: Derived from “Mass, length and
Volume, speed, force, work, energy, power time”.
and electric charge.
1.5: Estimate your age in seconds. 1.6: what role SI units have played in the
Ans: My age is 17 years old. development of science?
So, 1 year = 365days Ans: with the development in the field of science
1 day = 24hours and technology, the need for a commonly
1 hr. = 60min acceptable system of units was seriously felt all
1 min = 60 sec over the world. To fulfill this, need a world-wide
system of SI units was adopted.
Total seconds in one year = 365 x 24 x 60 x
= 31536000sec
Total seconds in 17 years = 17 x 31536000
My age is seconds = 536112000sec

1.7: what is meant by vernier constant? 1.8: what do you understand by the zero error
Ans: the difference between one small reading on of measuring instrument?
main scale and one vernier scale division is called Ans: if zero of both scales of a given instrument
vernier is also called least count of do not coincide with each other. It means given
vernier calipers. Its value is 0.1mm or 0.01cm. instrument has zero error. So, our measurement
will be less or greater than the correct reading.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 2

1.9: why is use of zero error necessary in a 1.10: From Book
measuring instrument?
Ans: in order to get the correct measurement, the 1.11: why do we need to measure extremely
use of zero error is necessary. small interval of time?
Ans: we need to measure extremely small interval
of time to get accurate and error free results of
1.12: From Book
1.13: how is precision related to significant
figures in a measured quantity?
Ans: An improvement in the quality of
measurement by using better instrument increase
the significant figures in the measured results. The
significant figures are all accurately known digits
and the one estimated digit.

UNIT No:02
1.(c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (c)
7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(b) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(b)

Short Questions:
2.2 to 2.4: From Book 2.5: Can a body moving at a constant speed
have acceleration?
2.6: How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess Ans: if a body is moving at constant speed and it
translatory motion but not circular motion? is not changing its direction then it has no
Ans: Riders in a Ferris wheel moves in a circle acceleration. If it is changing its direction then it
without rotation therefore his motion is translatory has acceleration.
not rotatory.
2.7: The distance-time graph is shown below: 2.8: if a body is moving with variable speed and
its speed is increasing at constant rate then its
graph will be straight line.

The slope of the graph gives speed with help of


Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 3

2.9: 2.10: How can vector quantities be represented
Ans: All the given Quantities can be obtained graphically?
from speed time graph. Ans: To represent a vector graphically we draw a
2.11: why vector quantities cannot be added line known as represented line. The length of the
and subtracted like scalar quantities? line drawn is according to some selected scale
Ans: scalar quantities are described by only give the magnitude of vector and arrow head at
magnitude and can be added or subtracted by one end of this line gives direction of vector.
simple arithmetic rule but vector quantities 2.12: How are vector quantities important to us
require magnitude and direction due to which they in our daily life?
cannot be added or subtracted like scalar. Ans: vector quantities are very important in our
daily life and helps in different ways e.g.
2.13: From Book • Vector quantities helps to determine
position of a point or place.
• With help of vectors pilot detects their

UNIT No:03
1.(b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b)
7.(c) 8.(d) 9.(d)

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 4

Short Questions:
3.2: (iv) Force of friction: 3.3: (ii)Action:
“the force that produces resistance against relative “The force exerted by a body on other body is
motion between two surfaces is called force of called Action.”
friction.” Reaction:
Remaining parts from book “The force exerted by the other body on first body
is called reaction.”
3.4: what is law of inertia? (iii) Sliding Friction:
Ans: According to law of inertia, everybody “when two bodies slide over one another, the
continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion force of friction between them is known as sliding
in a straight line unless it is compelled to change friction.
that state by an external force acting on it. Rolling Friction:
“when one body rolls over the other, the force of
friction between two bodies is known as rolling
3.5: why is it dangerous to travel on the roof of 3.6: why does passengers moves outward when
a bus? a bus takes a turn?
Ans: When a bus is in running position then Ans: when a bus travelling in a straight line
everybody in the bus is also in, if a suddenly takes a turn, the passenger in the bus due
person travel on the roof of a bus then he may lose to inertia tends to continue his motion in the
his balance and he may fell down. So, it is straight line and falls in the forward direction.
3.7: From Book 3.8: what will be the tension in the rope that is
pulled from two ends by opposite forces 100N
3.9: Action and reaction are always equal and each?
opposite then how does a body move? Ans: The tension in a rope that is pulled from
Ans: Action and reaction are equal in magnitude its ends by two opposite forces 100N each
but opposite in direction both do not act on the will be 100N.
same body So, they can’t neutralize each other’s
effect due to which the body moves
3.10: 3.11: From Book
Ans: The horse apply action on the road by his
feet, the reaction is given by the road on the horse. 3.12: why is law of conservation of momentum
Since, action and reaction are not acting on the important?
same body due to which cart moves with the Ans: Law of conservation of momentum has vast
horse. applications and is applicable universally on
bigger bodies as well as on atoms and molecules.
A system of gun and bullet, Rocket and jet
engines etc. are some examples.
3.13: when a gun is fired, it recoils. Why? 3.14: Describe two situations in which force of
Ans: Total momentum of bullet and gun is zero friction is needed?
before the firing. When gun is fired, bullet moves Ans: i. we cannot write if there is no friction
in forward direction and gun recoils to conserve between paper and pencil.
momentum. ii. Friction enables us to move on the ground.
3.15: How does oiling the moving parts of a 3.16: From Book
machine lower friction?
Ans: As the friction of the liquid is less than
friction of solids. So, oiling the moving parts of
the machine lower the friction.
Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 5
3.17: Why rolling friction is less than sliding
Ans: we know that greater the point of contact
between two surfaces, greater will be the friction
and vice versa. Since in case of rolling points of
contact are less than sliding so rolling friction is
less than the sliding friction.

UNIT No:04
1.(b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b)
7. (c) 8. (c)
Short Questions:
4.2: From Book 4.3: From Book

4.4: 4.5:
Ans: Head to tail rule: The vectors are added Ans: Resolution of a vector: When a given
graphically such that tail of 2nd vector coincides vector is drawn graphically then it may split
with head of 1st vector and so on. The resultant of up into two parts which are perpendicular to
all vector is obtained by coinciding the tail of 1st each other. Then each of these two parts of a
vector to head of last vector. vector is called the rectangular component.
Through this figure it is shown that the
Ans: A body is said to be in equilibrium if it rectangular components which are OB = Fx
satisfies both conditions of equilibrium. and AB = Fy.
i. A body is in equilibrium if net force acting
on it is zero.
ΣF = 0, or ΣFy = 0, ΣFx = 0
ii. A body is said to be in equilibrium if the
resultant torque acting on it is zero.
Σ𝑟 = 0

4.7: From Book

4.8: 4.9: From Book

Ans: Reason: Two equal and opposite forces
having different line of action form couple,
which produces angular acceleration. Although,
first condition for equilibrium is satisfied but still
in this case, object need to satisfy second
condition to ensure equilibrium state.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 6

4.10: 4.11:
Ans: A paratrooper coming down with terminal Ans:A body thrown upward is at rest just for a
velocity (constant velocity) is in equilibrium as all while at highest point. But force of gravity still
the forces acting on it is equal to zero, which acts on it to produce acceleration. Thus, the body
satisfies the first condition for equilibrium. is at rest but not in equilibrium.

4.12: 4.13:
Ans: Single force acting on a body is not Ans: Vehicles are made heavy at the bottom and
balanced and produced acceleration. Therefore, their height is kept to be minimum. This lowers
underinfluence of single force, a body cannot be their center of gravity and helps to increase their
in equilibrium. stability. As to make them stable, their center of
mass must be kept as low as possible.

4.14: From Book

UNIT No:05
1.(b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d)
Short Questions:
5.2: 5.3:
Ans: Force of gravitation: “The force due to Ans: Yes, Earth attracts us and in reaction
which every body of the universe attracts every we attract Earth as well. Both of these forces
other body is called force of gravitation”. are equal in magnitude.
𝑚1 𝑚2

5.4: 5.5:
Ans: Field force: The force acting on the body Ans: The earlier scientists could not guess about
whether the body is in contact with it or not is the gravitational force because they were not
called field force. known about the concept of gravity. Concept of
Example: Gravitational force. gravity was put forth by ISSAC NEWTON in

5.7: 5.8:
Ans: Gravitational field strength: In the Ans: It is important to us because it:
gravitational field of the earth, the gravitational • Binds all terrestrial objects to earth.
force per unit mass is called the gravitational field • Keeps the atmosphere close to earth.
strength of the earth. • Keeps moon revolving around the earth.
Value: At any place, its value is 10Nkg-1 • Gravitational pull of sun on planet keeps
them revolving around sun

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 7

5.9: 5.10:
Ans: Law of gravitation: The force of Ans: Mass of earth can be calculated with the help
attraction between two objects is directly of formula:
proportional to the product of their masses 𝑀𝑒 =
and inversely proportional to the square of 𝐺
After Calculation:
the distance between them. 𝑀𝑒 = 6 × 1024 𝑘𝑔
𝑚1 𝑚2
𝐹=𝐺 5.11:
𝑟2 Ans: Yes, we can calculate the mass of our moon
Law of gravitation depends upon masses by using formula:
of objects and distance between them. 𝑅2𝑔
• Greater the masses of objects, 𝑀𝑚 =
greater will be force of gravitation. Need to know:
• Greater the distance between • Value of radius of moon.
• Gravitational acceleration on moon.
objects, less will be force of
• Gravitational constant on moon.

5.12: 5.13:
𝐺𝑀𝑒 Ans: Value of gravitational acceleration is
𝑔ℎ =
(𝑅 + ℎ)2 determined by following formula:
The value of g is inversely proportional to the 𝐺𝑀𝑒
𝑔ℎ =
square of the radius of the earth. But it does not (𝑅 + ℎ)2
remain constant and decreases with altitude, So, g is inversely proportional to (R+h)2. It means
that’s why the value of g variesfrom place to that with increasing altitude, value of g decrease.
5.14: 5.15:
Ans: Artificial satellites: Scientists have sent Ans: A satellite requires centripetal force that
many objects into space. Some of these objects keeps it to move around the earth. The
revolve around the earth. These are called gravitational force of attraction between the
artificial satellites. satellite and the earth provides the necessary
Example: Geostationary satellites centripetal force. This centripetal force is
introduced by the Newton. So, in this way.
Newton’s law of gravitation helps in
understanding the motion of satellites.
5.16: 5.17:
Ans: Orbital speed of the satellite depends only Ans: Communication satellites takes 24 hours to
on height of satellites from surface of earth complete their one revolution around the earth. As
because both gravitational acceleration of earth earth also completes its one rotation about its axis
and radius of the earth are constants. It is clear in 24 hours, hence. These communication
from the given formula: satellites appear stationary with respect to earth. It
𝑣𝑜 = √𝑔ℎ (𝑅 + ℎ) is due to this reason that the orbit of such a
satellite is called geostationary orbit”.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 8

UNIT No:06
1.(c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c)
7. (b) 8. (c) 9.(b) 10. (b) 11. (c)
Short Questions:
6.2: 6.3:
Ans: Work: Work is said to be done when Ans: Work is done when force acting on a
force acting on a body displaces it in the body displaces it in the direction of applied
direction of the force. force.
Formula: Work = Force x distance
W = FS 6.4: Ans:
SI unit of work: SI unit of work is joule (J) • Energy is used by us to perform many
or Nm. activities of life.
• Energy is necessary for running and
walking for humans
6.5: 6.6:
Ans: Energy: A body possess energy if it is From Book
capable to do work.
Types of mechanical energy: 6.7:
Mechanical energy has two following types: From Book
i. Kinetic energy ii. Potential

6.8: 6.9:
Ans: The fossil fuels take millions of years Ans: Solar energy is most preferred energy
for their formation. So, these are known as because sunlight does not pollute the
non- renewable resources. environment in any way.
Solar energy reaching Earth is thousand times
more than the energy consumption of

6.10: 6.11:
Ans: With the help of different devices and Ans: Devices:
through chemical reactions energy is converted i.Washing machine ii. Electric motor
from one form to another. iii. Electric grinder iv. Electric spinner
Example: Solar cells are used to convert light v. Juicer
energy into electrical energy.

6.12: 6.13:
Ans: Generator is a device that converts Ans: Efficiency: Efficiency of a system is the
mechanical energy into electrical energy ratio of required form of energy obtained from a
system as output to the total energy given to it as

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 9

6.14: 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =
Ans: Efficiency of a system can be determined by Input is the energy given to machine to work
following formula. while output is work done by machine.
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =
%𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = × 100

6.15: 6.16:
From Book From Book
UNIT No:07
1.(a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c)
7. (b) 8. (c) 9.(d) 10. (a)
Short Questions:
7.2: 7.3:
Ans: Kinetic molecular model is used to explain Ans: Yes, there exists a fourth state of matter
three states of matter solid, liquid and gas. that is called plasma.
Solid: In solids molecules are very close to one At very high temperature, the matter assumes
another, they possess greater attractive forces. the state of ions and electrons this is called
Liquids: Distance between molecules is greater
as compared to solids.
Gases: In gases distance between molecules is too
7.4: 7.5:
From Book Ans: Hydrometer is a device which is used to
measure the density of the hydrometer is a
7.6: glass tube with a scale marked on its stem and
From Book heavy weight in the bottom. It is partially
immersed in the milk that is also a fluid, the
density of which is to be measured, hence we can
use hydrometer to measure the density of milk.
7.7: 7.8:
Ans: Experiment: Boil an empty tin, half-filled Ans: It is very difficult to remove air from a glass
with water, cap the tin. Let it cool under tap water. bottle because air pressure in the bottle is less than
The tin will get crumpled as the water cool down. atmospheric pressure but it is easy to remove air
As the steam condense, the pressure inside the from a balloon due to lower external pressure.
metal tin decreases, the external atmospheric
pressure that is higher, crushes the tin.
7.9: 7.10:
Ans: Barometer: The instrument that measures Ans: Mercury is 13.6 time denser than water.
atmospheric pressure is called barometer. One of Atmospheric pressure can hold vertical column of
the simple barometers is mercury barometer. water about 13.6 times the height of mercury
column at a place. Thus, at a sea level, vertical

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 10

height of water column would be 0.76 x 13.6 =
10.4m. Thus, a glass tube more than 10m long is
7.11: required to make a water barometer.
Ans: Air pressure makes sucker pressed on a
smooth wall stick to it.
7.12: 7.13:
Ans: Density of air is not uniform in the Ans: A sudden fall ion atmospheric pressure
atmosphere. It decreases continuously as we often followed by a storm, rain and typhoon
go up. to occur in few hours’ time that cause internal
Hence atmospheric pressure is also decreased. energy of air decreases and coldness is

7.14: 7.15:
Ans: If the barometer reading shows a sudden From Book
increase or a rapid increase in atmospheric
pressure, means that it will soon be followed by a
From Book
decrease in the atmospheric pressure indicating
poor weather ahead

7.17: 7.18:
From Book From Book
7.19: 7.20:
Ans: Upthrust: The fluids (liquids) exert force in Ans: If the submarine is not filled with sea water,
the upward direction when some object is then, its weight is less than upward thrust. So that
immersed into them. This is called upward thrust. is floats on surface of sea water. But when, it is
Principle of floatation: The weight of fluid filled with water. Then its weight becomes larger
displaced is equal to weight of floating object as compared with upward thrust of water then it
inside liquid. Then object will into sink and keep sinks into water.
floating. It is called principle of floatation.

7.21: 7.22:
Ans: Ships and boats float on water. It is because From Book
the weight of an equal volume of water is greater
than the weight of ships and boats. Ships have less
Ans: Take a rubber band, hang it with a hook.
density and large volume.
Then pointer is attached at the lower end of it with
A stone sink in water. It is because the weight of
a scale in front of pointer. Different known
an equal volume of water is smaller than the
weights are suspended. One by one, at lower end
weight of stone. Stone has high density and small
of this rubber band. The pointer position on the
scale is marked for each different known weight
suspended. It is called calibration of scale for
weight measurement. This makes a balance for
weight measurement.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 11

UNIT No:08
1.(b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b)
7. (b) 8. (d)
Short Questions:
8.2: 8.3:
Ans: Heat flows from hot body to cold body to Ans: Heat: Heat is the form of energy that is
attain the condition of thermal equilibrium. transferred from one body to another in thermal
contact with each other as a result of the
difference of temperature between them.
Temperature: The temperature f a body is the
degree of hotness or coldness of a body”.
8.4: 8.5:
From Book Ans: By heating the gas, its molecules get high
kinetic energy and start to collide more randomly
8.6: and motion of gas molecules is increased by
Ans: Thermometer: A thermometer is a device heating. So, pressure and volume of gas molecules
which is used to measure the temperature of a increase by heating.
body. Mercury is preferred as a thermometric
substance due to following properties. 8.7:
Mercury as thermometric substance: Ans: Volumetric thermal expansion: It is
• It is easily visible. usually expressed as a fractional change in
• It has uniform thermal expansion. volume per unit temperature change.
• It has low freezing point and high V = Vo (1 + 𝛽∆T)
boiling point.
• It has a small specific heat
8.8: 8.9:
Ans: Specific heat: “The specific heat of a From Book
substance is the amount of heat required to raise
the temperature of 1kg mass of that substance 8.10:
through 1K”. From Book
Specific heat of any substance can be found out
by using following formula:

8.11: First part from book

Cooling by evaporation: During evaporation molecules having greater kinetic energy escape out from
the surface of a liquid, while the molecules having lower kinetic energies are left behind. In this way
evaporation produces cooling by lowering the average kinetic energy and the temperature of molecules
of a liquid.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 12

UNIT No:09
1.(b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d)
7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b)
Short Questions:
9.2: 9.3:
Ans: Metals are good conductors of heat because Ans: a. A metal feels colder to touch than
they possess the freely moving electrons. wood because it is a good conductor due to
free electrons. So, it cools down more rapidly
9.4: as compared to wood. Wood is an example of
Ans: Conduction of heat does not take place in insulator.
gases because gases are bad conductor of heat. b. At night, the land cools faster than the sea.
Therefore, air above the sea is warmer, rises
9.5: up and colder air from the land begins to
Ans: Measures to conserve energy: move towards the sea.
• Hot water tanks are insulated by c. Double waled glass vessel is used in
plastic or foam lagging. thermos flask because double walled glass
• Switch off the electric appliance vessel has air between two glass walls that
when these are not used by provide insulation.
humans. d. Deserts soon get hot during the day and
• Energy in houses can be conserved soon get cold after sunset because sand in the
by using energy savers instead of deserts has very low value of specific heat. It
bulbs. cools down and warms up fastly.

9.6: 9.7:
Ans: Transfer of heat in fluids takes place by From Book
convection because fluids are not good conductor
of heat. As, molecules of fluids are able to move
freely, hence heat transfer takes place by
9.8: 9.9:
Ans: An example of convection in daily life is Ans: Heat reaches us from the sun through
when we use a fire place of heat in our home, as radiation process.
the fire heats up the air in front of it, the hot air
rises up as it is less dense and then in turn pushes 9.10:
the cool air down so that it is heated and then Ans: The rate at which various surface absorb
rises, this motion is called convection currents and heat is different from one another. So, on the basis
in the reaction fire place air effective to heat us. of their ability to absorb heat through different
surfaces can be compared by Leslie’s cube.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 13


Ans: During the recent years, the percentage of carbon dioxide has been increased
considerably. This has caused an increase in the average temperature of the earth by trapping
more heat due to greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is known as global warming.
This is serious implications for global climate.

Prepared by: Umair Sarwar Contact:03064733880 14

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