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Things in my school

By: Neneng Maulani Firdaus, S.Psi.
Let’s listen and say!
Library? Where is it?
Let’s go to the library.
I want to borror some
Ok. Let’s go now. I
want to borrow some
books, too. Let’s go to toilet.
I want to wash
It’s over there, beside room 1. Where is it?
my hand.

It’s across from the

basketball court.

All right. Let’s go

now. I want to wash
my hand, too.
We will learn some prepositions.

01 02 03
Next to behind In front of
Di sebelah Di belakang Di depan

04 05 05
between in across
diantara Di dalam Di seberang
Look at the picture below!

6th 5th
Principal room classroom classroom

Teacher’s room Schoolyard

Parking 2nd
Canteen Toilet

1st 3rd
Mushola Library
classroom classroom
Let,s read sentence with preposition!

Borrow some books Play with friends in front

in library of 4th class room

Take my bike behind Buy some drink next to See my brother in Wash my hand between 3rd
canteen teacher room 6thclassroom, across classroom and 4th classroom.
2nd classroom
Fill the right preposition in the blanks!
1. The 5th classroom _______ 6th classroom.
2. The 4th classroom ______ teacer’s room.
3. Miss Imas meet the principal _______ principal room.
4. The schoolyard ________library.
5. The Toilet is _______ 2nd classroom.
6. The library is ______ Mushola and 1st Classroom.

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