Machine Readable Data - Child Protection and Family Services 2018-19

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Child Protection and Family Services additional service delivery data 2018–19

Machine readable data

Department of Health and Human Services
Table 1: Daily average number of children 0–17 years in out-of-home care placements by placement type, by quarter 2018-19
Table 2: Children less than 12 years of age in residential care
Table 3: Out of Home Care CIMS investigations 2018-19
Table 4: Average rates of unallocated clients 2018-19, by division and state, per cent
Table 5: Child protection demand
Table 6: Child protection practitioners receiving regular supervision
Table 7: Child Protection and Family Services Category One incidents (CIA) 2018-19
Table 8: Child Protection and Family Services Major Impact incidents (CIMS) 2018-19
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© State of Victoria, Australia, Department of Health and Human Services March 2020.
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In this document, ‘Aboriginal’ refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
‘Indigenous’ or ‘Koori/Koorie’ is retained when part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
Available at Department of Health and Human Services annual reports
Table 1: Daily average number of children 0–17 years in out-of-home car
Quarter Foster Kinship Permanent Residential Totals
Sep-18 1,703 6,061 2,758 451 10,974
Dec-18 1,696 6,337 2,819 452 11,307
Mar-19 1,692 6,556 2,800 461 11,514
Jun-19 1,699 6,648 2,865 447 11,665
State average 1,697 6,399 2,810 453 11,363
Note: Over this period a number of foster care and kinship care placements converted to permanent care placements. Colu
out-of-home care placements by placement type, by quarter 2018-19

ent care placements. Columns and the state average do not sum due to a small number of other placement types. included in the total.
ypes. included in the total.
Table 2: Children less than 12 years of age in residential care
The percentage of children in out-of-home care, who are less than 12 years of age and placed in residential care, as at 30 June
Note: Children aged less than 12 years of age in residential care may be in specialised arrangements to accommodate sibling g
roups or to care for children with high and complex needs.
Table 3: Out of Home Care CIMS investigations 2018-19
Number of Out of Home Care CIMS investigations 2018-19
Number of completed CIMS investigations
Number of completed CIMS investigations with an outcome of abuse substantiated
Note: Completed investigations include allegations of abuse or neglect reported to the Department of Health and Human Se
s 2018-19
Number of Investigations
d to the Department of Health and Human Services in previous reporting periods but were not completed and endorsed until the curren
orting periods but were not completed and endorsed until the current reporting period. Multiple clients can be subject to a single CIMS i
a single CIMS investigation, each with an outcome of "substantiated abuse" or "not substantiated" being reported. CIMS data is not com
g reported. CIMS data is not comparable with previously reported QoC data.
Table 4: Average rates of unallocated clients 2018-19, by division and state
Period North South East West State
Sep-18 14.3 13.5 10.1 15.9 13.9
Dec-18 9.2 13.5 11 11.6 11.5
Mar-19 9.1 10.3 10.4 10.6 10.1
Jun-19 8.6 8.3 10.5 11.2 9.6
Average 2018-19 10.3 11.3 10.5 12.3 11.3
Note: Data in the above table represents the average number of unallocated clients for each end of month data extract (point in
division and state, per cent

of month data extract (point in time snap shots) per quarter. The count excludes cases in intake phase and cases awaiting allocation for les
ases awaiting allocation for less than four days. Division and State total includes regional services. The total is a summary of the reported q
s a summary of the reported quarters.
Table 5: Child protection demand
Child protection demand (quarterly data) Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Total 2018-19
Reports on unborn children 651 719 721 567 2,658
Reports on children 30,206 32,211 30,120 30,367 122,963
Investigations 8,903 10,020 9,293 9,558 37,774
Substantiations 5,121 5,148 5,029 5,237 20,535
Re-substantiations within 12 months nr nr nr nr 3,733
Note: Re-substantiations within 12 months is an annual measure and not reported quarterly
Table 6: Child protection practitioners receiving regular supervision
Child protection Percentage
Supervision provided in line with department policy 2018-19 78%
Note: This result is based on the requirement for one hour of formal supervision per fortnight for CPP3 and CPP4 staff and refle
r supervision

or CPP3 and CPP4 staff and reflects Qtr. 4 (April to June) data.
Table 7: Child Protection and Family Services Category One incidents (CIA
Incident type 2018-19
Client death 6
Assault 30
Behaviour 10
Other incident types 139
The 2018-19 year end result is the sum of quarterly data. Data were extracted: Q1 on 3 October 2018, Q2 on 8 January 2019,
CIA data includes department delivered critical incident reports for period 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2018 only.
incidents (CIA) 2018-19

Q2 on 8 January 2019, Q3 on 6 April 2019, Q4 on 4 July 2019 Incident reporting data undergoes routine data validation and as such is su
ta validation and as such is subject to minor changes over time. Total numbers contained in this report may not be directly comparable to su
ot be directly comparable to subsequently released incident reporting information.
Table 8: Child Protection and Family Services Major Impact incidents (CIM
Incident type 2018-19
Client death 19
Abuse[4] 700
Behaviour 345
Other incident types 577
CIMS data includes department-funded organisations client incident report data only for period 1 July 2018 to 30 September 20
pact incidents (CIMS) 2018-19

d 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2018. From 1 October 2018 CIMS data includes both department-funded organisations and department deli
anisations and department delivered critical incident report data.

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