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Blood Pressure Management After Intracerebral

and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: The Knowns and
Known Unknowns
Jatinder S. Minhas , MD*; Tom J. Moullaali , MD, PhD*; Gabriel J.E. Rinkel, MD, PhD; Craig S. Anderson , MD, PhD

ABSTRACT: Blood pressure (BP) elevations often complicate the management of intracerebral hemorrhage and aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage, the most serious forms of acute stroke. Despite consensus on potential benefits of BP lowering
in the acute phase of intracerebral hemorrhage, controversies persist over the timing, mechanisms, and approaches to
treatment. BP control is even more complex for subarachnoid hemorrhage, where there are rationales for both BP lowering
and elevation in reducing the risks of rebleeding and delayed cerebral ischemia, respectively. Efforts to disentangle the
evidence has involved detailed exploration of individual patient data from clinical trials through meta-analysis to determine
strength and direction of BP change in relation to key outcomes in intracerebral hemorrhage, and which likely also apply
to subarachnoid hemorrhage. A wealth of hemodynamic data provides insights into pathophysiological interrelationships of
BP and cerebral blood flow. This focused update provides an overview of current evidence, knowledge gaps, and emerging
concepts on systemic hemodynamics, cerebral autoregulation and perfusion, to facilitate clinical practice recommendations
and future research.

Key Words:  blood pressure ◼ cerebral hemorrhage ◼ hypertension ◼ perfusion ◼ subarachnoid hemorrhage
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he main forms of hemorrhagic stroke, intracerebral In this review, we summarize the evidence for BP
hemorrhage (ICH) and aneurysmal subarachnoid control in acute spontaneous ICH and aneurysmal
hemorrhage (SAH), are often complicated by elevated SAH, acknowledge management issues germane to
blood pressure (BP),1,2 which in turn increases the likeli- both conditions, and emphasize knowledge gaps and
hood for ongoing and recurrent hemorrhage,3,4 and death emerging concepts on systemic hemodynamics, cere-
and disability.5,6 Despite considerable research effort bral autoregulation, and perfusion. There exist similarities
undertaken to date, controversy persists as to the most between cerebral small vessel disease-related ICH and
appropriate management of BP in these 2 serious condi- aneurysmal SAH that justify this comparative consider-
tions, that globally contribute greater disability-adjusted- ation of approaches to acute management (Figure). We
life-years than the more common, acute ischemic stroke. avoid reference to secondary causes of ICH, such as
While consensus has formed as to there being benefits arteriovenous malformations or cavernomas, which are
from initiating BP lowering early after the onset of ICH,7 low pressure abnormalities without any relation to BP;
uncertainty persists as to the optimal approach to such and similarly of perimesencephalic SAH, which is char-
treatment in terms of timing, speed, agent(s), and target acterized by a typical pattern of hemorrhage on CT and
level of systolic BP to be achieved. The situation is even absence of an aneurysm,8 where BP is usually normal,9
more complex for SAH, where BP lowering on the one rebleeding is extremely rare, and DCI does not occur.8
hand can be justified to reduce the risk of rebleeding, but In drawing upon our recent epidemiological studies, sys-
on the other hand may increase the already substantial tematic reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and
risk of delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of RCTs of

Correspondence to: Craig S. Anderson, MD, PhD, The George Institute for Global Health, University of New S Wales, Sydney, NSW 2050, Australia. Email canderson@
*Dr Minhas Dr Moullaali are joint first authors.
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page xxx.
© 2022 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

Stroke. 2022;53:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036139 April 2022   1

Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

perihematomal edema and reduce the risks of recurrent

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms ICH and serious ischemic events.

A similar biphasic pattern of therapeutic action is

ATACH-II Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute also apparent for SAH. As high BP is associated with
Cerebral Hemorrhage rebleeding3 and poor outcome,16 guidelines recommend
BP blood pressure to reduce high BP in the acute phase of SAH, but there
CBF cerebral blood flow is disagreement on an upper threshold for treatment,
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure approach, and target.17,18 Among the various potential
DCI delayed cerebral ischemia triggers identified for SAH is a sudden surge in BP
GTN glyceryl trinitrate being responsible for rapid aneurysm growth and rup-
HIMALAIA Hypertension Induction in the Man-
ture,19 although this may have little relevance to clinical
agement of Aneurysmal Subarach- practice other than supporting the need to ensure good
noid Haemorrhage With Secondary long-term BP control in hypertensive patients.20 Con-
Ischemia sequently, and as in ICH, patients often present with
ICH intracerebral hemorrhage high BP after aneurysmal SAH, with increasing intra-
ICP intracranial pressure cranial pressure (ICP) as a contributing factor, which
INTERACT2 Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in
can present a Scylla and Charybdis dilemma for clini-
Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial cians: leaving the patient with untreated high BP runs
INTERACT3 Intensive Care Bundle With Blood
the risk rebleeding, while reducing BP may increase
Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral the risk of DCI, which typically arises within several
Hemorrhage Trial days and is the main contributor to death and dis-
INTERACT4 Intensive Ambulance-Delivered Blood ability in patients with SAH and secured aneurysms.16
Pressure Reduction in Hyper-Acute Despite decades of research, the cause and treatment
Stroke Trial of DCI have not been fully resolved, and nimodipine is
IPD individual participant data the only proven strategy for prevention. The mecha-
MRI magnetic resonance imaging nisms by which nimodipine exerts its beneficial effects
RCT randomized controlled trial
have not been fully clarified, but its (modest) BP lower-
ing effects may contribute.
SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage
Thus, given that early assessments of the effects of
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BP lowering in ICH are made within 24 hours (ie, on

hematoma growth and early neurological deterioration),
BP control in acute ICH,10 we aim to provide guidance for
and that guidelines recommend an early occlusion of
clinical practice and future research.
ruptured aneurysms in SAH, preferably within 24 hours
(ie, to eliminate the risk of rebleeding, and as DCI occurs
later), it seems reasonable to consider BP management
in both forms of hemorrhagic stroke according to acute
AFTER ICH AND SAH and subacute phases, defined by a 24 hour cut point.
Elevated BP is common in acute stroke, but particularly
so for hemorrhagic forms because of greater sympa-
thomimetic activation which contributes to a worse out- EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT BP LOWERING
come.11 In ICH, high BP is related to greater hematoma AFTER ICH
growth, most of which occurs in the first few hours after
onset and is more likely in patients presenting with large Acute Phase
hematomas and in the context of using antithrombotic Differing results of the 2 largest RCTs of early intensive
medications.12 Clinically, larger parenchymal hematomas BP lowering in ICH, the second INTERACT2 (Intensive
in the cerebral hemispheres are more likely to compress Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemor-
vital structures and thus cause greater neurological defi- rhage Trial) and ATACH-II (Antihypertensive Treatment of
cits, and with extension into ventricular and subarachnoid Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage), intensified debate over the
spaces lead to hydrocephalus, which further compro- safety and efficacy of this treatment.21 However, a col-
mises neurological function and functional recovery.13,14 It laborative analysis that pooled IPD of the 3829 patients
is plausible, therefore, that a key therapeutic mechanism from these RCTs showed that achieving lower and more
of action for BP control in ICH is to attenuate hematoma stable BP during 1 to 24 hours after ICH is associated
growth,15 and thus BP should be controlled as early as with lower odds of hematoma growth and neurological
possible in ICH, ideally within the first few hours of onset. deterioration and better functional recovery over the
Lower BP levels over the subsequent hours and several subsequent 90 days.22 Moreover, there were no apparent
days could promote the reabsorption of hematoma and cardiac or renal serious adverse events from achieving

2   April 2022 Stroke. 2022;53:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036139

Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Figure. Spot the difference: similarities between cerebral small vessel disease-related intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH; left:
thalamic ICH with intraventricular and adjacent subarachnoid extension) and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH;
right: ruptured basilar tip aneurysm with intracerebral and intraventricular extension).
High blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor. Critical illness requiring rapid emergency assessment and management. Subarachnoid extension
of ICH can occur and vice versa, intraventricular extension is common to both. Early neurological deterioration and death from mass effect and
hydrocephalus is common. High BP is common during the acute phase and is associated with poor outcomes. Uncertainties remain regarding
optimal management of BP to improve outcomes, particularly in regard to balancing risks of bleeding and ischemia.
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low systolic BP, with potential benefits evident to levels more appropriate across groups of patients as part of a
as low as 120 to 130 mm Hg in 1 to 24 hours. standard of care protocol. Fourth, as ICH patients tend to
However, in a broader systematic review and IPD be elderly and have multiple comorbidities,23 the modest
meta-analysis of 5895 patients from 16 RCTs that benefit of treatment will be diluted by medical complica-
tested various interventions to lower BP within 7 days tions, which are common in the acute period after ICH.24
of ICH, there was no overall effect of the treatment on Understandably, therefore, guidelines have been con-
functional outcome at 90 to 180 days, despite a reduc- servative by providing an intermediate Grade 2a level to
tion in hematoma growth at 24 hours in the subset of support to their recommendations for intensive BP low-
2510 patients from 5 RCTs with complete imaging ering to a systolic BP target <140 mm Hg within 6 hours
data.10 Once again, the treatment was shown to be safe of symptom onset to reduce hematoma expansion and
in regard to serious adverse events, including those improve functional outcome after ICH.7,25
separately defined as cardiac and renal, and for any
early neurological deterioration.
Discordance between the effects of early intensive Timing of BP Lowering After ICH
BP lowering treatment on the key outcome measures A recent post hoc subgroup analysis of the ATACH-II
of hematoma growth and functional recovery may relate trial showed that intensive BP lowering (systolic target,
to several issues of study design and patient character- 110–139 mm Hg) with intravenous nicardipine delivered
istics. First, ICH patients included in RCTs were random- within 2 hours of ICH onset was associated with reduced
ized to BP lowering after a median of ≈4 hours from hematoma growth and improved functional outcome.26
symptom onset, which is outside the window of most However, there was no heterogeneity in the effect of BP
hematoma growth.12 Second, these patients tended to lowering treatment according to time to randomization
have small-to-medium sized hematomas in deep brain in a broader IPD meta-analysis of 16 RCTs;10 but this
locations (median ≈11 mL), which are less likely to grow included a substantial number of ICH patients (N=145)
substantially.12 Third, there were only small differences who received a glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) patch as part of
in hematoma growth between treatment and control a large prehospital ambulance-initiated treatment RCT
groups (absolute difference of ≈1 mL at 24 hours); this (RIGHT-2) in patients with suspected acute stroke, and
may not be clinically relevant for individual patients but where subgroup analysis showed patients treated with

Stroke. 2022;53:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036139 April 2022   3

Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

GTN had greater hematoma growth and poorer out- in the acute phase of SAH. The European Stroke Orga-
comes than sham-GTN controls.27 These data suggest nization guidelines, for example, recommend treatment

that very early use of GTN might promote vasodilation if systolic BP exceeds 180 mm Hg, starting with anal-
or disrupt hemostatic mechanisms in ICH, and this may gesics and nimodipine, and continuing as necessary to
have modified the signal for potential benefits from other maintain a mean arterial pressure of >90 mm Hg.17 The
BP lowering interventions delivered within 2 hours of American Heart Association/American Stroke Associa-
ICH onset in the IPD meta-analysis.10 Thus, further data tion guidelines similarly recommend treatment with a
on the effects of ultra-early BP lowering are required, titratable agent but according to a lower threshold of
which is the basis of the ongoing the INTERACT4 (Inten- systolic BP <160 mm Hg.18
sive Ambulance-Delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in An RCT is clearly required to provide the necessary
Hyper-Acute Stroke Trial; URL: https://www.clinicaltri- evidence to define the balance of potential benefits and; Unique identifier: NCT03790800).28 risks of BP lowering in the acute phase of SAH. However,
since the risk of rebleeding in patients undergoing early
aneurysm occlusion is around 10% to 15%, and strict BP
Target Systolic BP Level After ICH control does not eliminate rebleeding, such an RCT would
RCTs of BP lowering interventions within 7 days of acute need to include several thousands of patients, making it
ICH have tested various strategies and BP targets with an ambitious endeavour.33,34 Since emergency clipping,
mixed results. In the aforementioned IPD meta-analysis of that is clipping within the initial hours after admission on
16 RCTs, there was heterogeneity in the treatment effect a 24/7 basis, has a modest treatment effect, if at all, and
according to BP lowering strategy: ICH patients with its cost-effectiveness is uncertain due to the high burden
titration of treatment to a systolic BP target appeared to on resources,35 a RCT of BP lowering should be a high
have better outcomes than patients treated with a fixed priority, as it is a promising strategy to improve outcome
agent without a specified target.10 These data support that could be initiated during the transport of patients by
the pooled IPD analysis of INTERACT2 and ATACH-II ambulance to an appropriate facility.
of potential benefits to systolic levels as low as 120 to
130 mm Hg.22 However, a one-size-fits-all approach to
up-, down-, or cross-titrate BP lowering to achieve an Subacute Phase
effective target, at the lowest dose, and without causing After aneurysm occlusion, the most important complica-
hypotension and other side effects, is often challenging tion is DCI, which typically occurs between 4 and 12 days
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in practice.7,25 Avoiding a rapid, large reduction in systolic after SAH. Traditionally, DCI has been linked to vaso-
BP may be important: emerging data suggests systolic spasm, and to such an extent that the terms are used
reductions of >≈70 mm Hg in 1 hour are associated with synonymously. However, since not all patients with vaso-
poor functional recovery after ICH, with a sweet spot for spasm develop DCI, and not all patients with DCI have
better outcome exists for reductions of between ≈30 and vasospasm, vasospasm is neither a sufficient nor a nec-
45 mm Hg over 1 hour.29 essary factor, for the development of DCI. Given the rela-
tion between vasospasm and DCI, and the observation
that it is associated with hypovolemia, the combination
EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT BP CONTROL of hemodilution, hypervolemia and hypertension, the so-
AFTER SAH called triple H therapy, has been the mainstay of medical
prevention and treatment of DCI for decades. The ratio-
Acute Phase nale behind this treatment is to improve cerebral perfu-
Observations that high BP after aneurysmal SAH is sion, but supporting RCT evidence has been lacking.36 A
related to poor outcome, and that treating high BP can systematic review showed no evidence from controlled
reduce rebleeding, have existed from almost half a cen- studies for a positive effect of triple-H or its separate
tury.30 Moreover, the lack of any apparent benefit on clin- components on cerebral blood flow (CBF) in SAH,37 but
ical outcome from BP lowering on rebleeding has been uncontrolled studies have suggested that hypertension
explained by the treatment being offset by an increased is more effective than hemodilution or hypervolemia at
risk of DCI,31 and subsequently little progress has been increasing CBF.
made in resolving this dichotomy. In a recent study that These findings led to the HIMALAIA (Hypertension
compared rebleeding between a hospital with a policy Induction in the Management of Aneurysmal Subarach-
of aggressive BP lowering versus one with a more lib- noid Haemorrhage With Secondary Ischemia) RCT to
eral approach, the trend was for rebleeding to be lower determine the effectiveness of induced hypertension in
in the former, but this was not statistically significant.32 patients with symptoms of DCI after SAH. Unfortunately,
Nevertheless, given the relation between high BP and the RCT was stopped prematurely after the first interim
risk of rebleeding, and of rebleeding and poor outcome, analysis, due to slow patient recruitment and futility of
guidelines recommend that high BP should be treated the treatment on CBF. Despite a higher mean arterial

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Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

BP in the intervention group, there was no statistical critical illness.11 However, further research is required to
difference in CBF between the intervention and control substantiate these findings.

groups.38 Although the RCT lacked statistical power for Class I evidence exists for the use of nimodipine,
reliable estimates due to early termination, there was no an L-type calcium channel antagonist, in patients with
hint of improved functional outcome from the interven- SAH,42 which improves clinical outcome by reducing the
tion,39 but rather of a trend towards more serious adverse risk of DCI. An important consideration, aside from its
events (odds ratio, 2.1 [95% CI, 0.9–5.0]). A systematic beneficial effect, are its BP lowering effects, of which
review performed to put the results into context identi- significantly lowering diastolic BP (>20% from baseline)
fied no other controlled studies on the effect of induced alone is associated with unfavorable outcome in acute
hypertension. There were 9 uncontrolled studies (total- ischemic stroke.43 Some authors, therefore, favor com-
ling 187 patients), reporting on clinical improvement after bining nimodipine with vasopressors in patients after
instalment of induced hypertension, in some combined aneurysm occlusion for SAH. Interestingly, the safety
with hypervolemia, or in case of no response, with bal- of nimodipine in ICH was shown in a small compara-
loon angioplasty or intraarterial treatment with vasodila- tive study, where a reduction in ICP was seen during its
tors. Most studies reported clinical improvement in most administration but not afterwards.44
patients but seven (285 patients) reported complica-
tions, the most serious being cardiac arrhythmia, pulmo-
nary edema, hemorrhagic transformation, and intracranial EMERGING MECHANISTIC CONCEPTS
bleeding in up to 50%, and death in up to 25%, of UNDERLYING BP LOWERING
patients.39 Thus, despite the possibility of an initial clinical Improved understanding of systemic hemodynamics and
improvement with induced hypertension, there is uncer- cerebral autoregulation may provide insights to allow BP
tainty as to whether this treatment improves overall out- lowering strategies to be optimized in acute ICH,45 as
come, yet there is reasonable evidence that it increases well as other hypertensive emergencies, without compro-
the risk of serious complications. Other explanations for mising cerebral perfusion.46 In SAH, systolic BP peaks
the lack of efficacy of induced hypertension is that it only >150 mm Hg are associated with increased risk of re-
benefits the subgroup of patients who develop DCI, or rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, which has a high (>50%)
that the increase of BP is too little, too late, or too short. case fatality. A recent comprehensive review involving
Thus, another RCT is clearly warranted, but again this will 95 patients over three ICH studies and 413 patients
require a large international effort.
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over 8 SAH studies showed that impairment of dynamic

cerebral autoregulation, mainly measured by transcranial
doppler, is associated with poor outcome.45
AGENTS FOR BP LOWERING Although ICH patients have a significant burden of
The ideal agent for BP lowering is one that is well tol- cerebral small vessel disease, where CBF and auto-
erated and easily titratable to achieve and maintain a regulation are likely impaired, this does not appear to
desired BP target without excessive BP variability, and modify the effects of intensive BP lowering.47–49 Data
with minimal influence on cerebral vasodilation and from patients after symptomatic lacunar infarction
hemostasis that might enhance ongoing hemorrhage. (which is a component of cerebral small vessel disease)
However, there are regional differences in the availability show impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation globally
of intravenous BP lowering agents: nicardapine (calcium (middle cerebral and posterior cerebral arteries) which is
channel blocker) is favored in North America,40 whereas maintained consistently over the subsequent 6 months.50
urapidil (α-adrenoreceptor blocker) is popular in China.41 Similarly, meta-analyses have demonstrated lower CBF
Other agents include adrenoreceptor blockers (labet- velocity and cerebral autoregulation ipsilaterally in acute
alol and metoprolol), other calcium channel blockers ICH.51,52 Again moderate BP lowering does not appear
(nimodipine), nitrates, diuretics, renin-angiotensin system to significantly influence these parameters53 but may
blockers, hydralazine, and nitroprusside. There may be reduce perihematomal edema.54
heterogeneity in the effects (and safety) of various BP Yet, impaired cerebrovascular tone and resistance are
lowering agents, according to those most frequently used implicated in acute ICH, systemic BP change may drive
in the treatment group of 16 RCTs in the IPD meta-anal- alterations in cerebral autoregulation, and thus tone, that
ysis.10 Patients who received α- and β-adrenoreceptor triggers a vasoconstrictor cascade. While this may be a
blockers appeared to have better outcomes from active/ protective mechanism, designed to maintain perfusion in
intensive BP lowering, compared with patients who had the presence of a hematoma and potential penumbra,
renin-angiotensin system blockers, calcium channel hemodynamic disturbance that arises from intensive BP
blockers, nitrates, and magnesium sulfate. These find- lowering may compromise homeostatic mechanisms on
ings suggest that α- and β-adrenoreceptor blockers may CBF in a damaged vascular network.
benefit from blocking the autonomic response that has In the era of increasing magnetic resonance imaging
been shown to drive the hypertensive response from (MRI) in acute ICH, ischemic complications after ICH are

Stroke. 2022;53:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036139 April 2022   5

Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

increasingly recognized but their cause and prognosis BP LOWERING IN THE CONTEXT OF
remains uncertain. ICH patients with a high burden of

white matter hyperintensities on MRI imaging do appear

to have worse ICH-related outcomes.49 However, data are Although elevated ICP can initially impair CBF and cere-
contradictory with regard to the severity of white matter brospinal fluid exchange, and later cause cerebral isch-
hyperintensities, with mild grades being associating with emia and herniation, our understanding of the relationship
risk of ischemic stroke and advanced grades with ICH. between BP and ICP in ICH is limited, as is the broader
There are reassuring perfusion data during hypertensive management of cerebral edema in general. Any deviation
states after acute ischemic stroke, with labetalol and from a normal ICP (range, 7–15 mm Hg) and excessive
sublingual GTN precipitating increased volumes of hypo- variability, are associated with poor prognosis in ICH.65
perfused tissue,55 but again the cause and prognosis of Raised ICP is related to impaired dynamic cerebral auto-
such lesions remains unclear. While exploratory data have regulation,66 but it is unclear whether larger hematomas
raised questions as to whether diffusion-weighted MRI cause high ICP, low compliance and impaired myogenic
hyperintense lesions are associated with BP lowering or response, or is it solely that high ICP leads to lower
indeed predict poor outcome,56 definitive data are lack- CPP.67 To date, there have been no RCTs of the effects
ing and specifically regarding the temporal relationship of ICP monitoring after ICH,68 and in SAH. One single
between BP change after ICH in relation to various vaso- center RCT suggests that tailoring treatment according
active and perfusion altering factors on BP (prelowering to mean ICP wave amplitude rather than absolute values
and postlowering), carbon dioxide (CO2) level,57 and head results in better clinical outcome,69 while several small
position.58 Reassuringly, CBF appears to remain stable studies have shown variable changes in ICP from differ-
with acute BP lowering in ICH, which suggests that cere- ent BP lowering agents. Clearly, larger mechanistic stud-
bral autoregulation is maintained in this state, albeit in ies are needed.70
those with mild-moderate sized hematomas. Importantly, Uncertainty remains as to whether BP lowering ben-
the lack of foresight over various central and peripherally efits the sickest patients after ICH: those with large
influencing hemodynamic factors, post hoc analyses of hematomas (>50 mL) who are at high risk of cere-
RCTs have largely disregarded hemodynamic perturba- bral hypoperfusion from both the treatment and high
tions as the cause for adverse diffusion-weighted MRI ICP, with consequently low CPP.21 RCTs have failed
ischemic lesions in ICH.56 to include large numbers of such patients, and only
Spontaneous hyperventilation (defined as PaCO2 <35 smaller mechanistic studies have shown low CPP with-
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mm Hg and pH >7.45) occurs in SAH and ICH,57,59 where out attention to interventions such as BP lowering. The
it is associated with DCI and poor neurological outcome international third, INTERACT3 (Intensive Care Bundle
in the former.59 In ICH, there is evidence that lower pCO2 With Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hem-
(secondary spontaneous hyperventilation) is associated orrhage Trial; NCT03209258) endeavours to provide
with increased risk of ischemic lesions in the context of further evidence for goal-directed care bundle including
BP reduction, and that hypocapnia alters CBF by widen- early intensive BP lowering in a broad range of patients
ing the plateau on the autoregulatory curve. It appears, with acute ICH, using a multicenter, stepped wedge
therefore, that hypocapnia is an important mediator of cluster randomized design.71
cerebral ischemia. In SAH, much of our understanding of thresholds
The phenomenon of cerebral ischemia being pre- and approaches to care have been extrapolated from
cipitated by uncontrolled ICP and low cerebral perfu- patients with traumatic brain injury, the distinction clearly
sion pressure (CPP) after SAH is well recognized. Thus, is around bleeding risks and relationship to ICH change,
strategies to avoid increased ICP and support high CPP an RCT in this area is a high priority.72
values where there is the potential for vasospasm may
improve outcome after SAH.60 A focus on cerebral auto-
regulation after SAH has long preceded investigation CONCLUSIONS
in ICH,61 with noninvasive ultrasound based technolo- This focused update has outlined the current evidence,
gies being embedded into clinical practice to assess knowledge gaps, and emerging concepts on systemic
for vasospasm, determine CBF, and assess static and hemodynamics, cerebral autoregulation, and perfusion.
dynamic cerebral autoregulation.62 Several large stud- We summarize several clinical research priorities in
ies have confirmed impaired cerebral autoregulation ICH and SAH (Table). Specifically, the emergence of
in SAH, with granularity over pathophysiology and PaCO2 change as an important modifier of response
response to interventions being particularly informa- to intervention (BP lowering) and prognostic marker
tive. Specifically, impaired autoregulation is related to may allow ultra-acute data on systemic and cerebral
reduce level of consciousness,63 despite there being hemodynamics in ICH to be obtained, particularly
no difference in autoregulation between those with and pre- and post-BP agent delivery. Given the overlap in
without symptomatic vasospasm.64 clinical questions, pathophysiology and complications

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Minhas et al Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Table.  Clinical Priorities for Evaluating Blood Pressure Sources of Funding

Lowering in ICH and Aneurysmal SAH Dr Minhas is an National Institute for Health Research Clinical Lecturer in Older

People and Complex Health Needs. The views expressed in this publication are
Clinical priorities in ICH
those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Health Service,
 Determine safety of ultra-acute prehospital BP lowering and determine the National Institute for Health Research, or the Department of Health, or the au-
acceptable agents thors’ respective organizations. Dr Anderson is supported by a Senior Investigator
Leadership Fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council
 Discern complex interplay between ICH and BP lowering, preexisting
(NHMRC) of Australia.
cerebral small vessel disease and new white matter ischemic lesions
 Determine the directionality of carbon dioxide change post-ICH and clini- Disclosures
cal outcome Dr Anderson has received research grant funding from Takeda, Genesis, Penum-
  Understand the effects of BP lowering on ICP in ICH bra, and Credit paid to his institution. The other authors report no conflicts.

Clinical priorities in SAH

 Randomized data on BP lowering in SAH until point of aneurysm occlu- REFERENCES
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