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HEADQUARTERS, Lot. PT 54, Lengkok Belifiend, Off Jalan Wisma
Putra, 50460, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.




1 Name 4
2 Emblem 5
3 Headquarters 5
4 Movement 5
5 Common Seal 5
6 Honoraries 5
7 Objects 6
8 Duties 6
9 Structure 7
10 Code of Conduct 7


11 Admission of Members 8
12 Members 8
13 Register of Members 8
14 Duties and Rights of Members 8
15 Cessation of Membership 9
16 Disciplinary Action 9
17 Volunteers and Staff 9


18 Definition 10
19 Composition 10
20 Election 11
21 Responsibilities 11
22 Meetings 12


23 Definition 13
24 Composition 13
25 Duties and Responsibilities 13
26 Meetings 14


27 Composition 15
28 Meetings 15
29 National Chairperson 15

30 National Deputy Chairperson 16
31 National Treasurer 16
32 Secretary General 16


33 Composition 17
34 Election 18
35 Meetings 18


36 Definition 19
37 Honoraries 19
38 Composition 19
39 Election 20
40 Duties and Responsibilities 21
41 Meetings 21


42 Definition 23
43 Honoraries 23
44 Composition 23
45 Election 24
46 Duties and Responsibilities 24
47 Meetings 25


48 Definition 26


49 Financial Year 27
50 Financial Regulations 27
51 Bank Accounts 27
52 Vesting of Properties 27
53 Fundraising 28
54 Trustees 28
55 Indemnity 29


56 External Communication 29
57 Internal Communication 29
58 Broadcasting and Publishing 30
59 Representation 30



60 Interpretation 30
61 Amendments to Articles 31
62 Dissolution of Society 31
63 Citation 31
64 Entry into force 32







Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia or in English the Malaysian

Red Crescent Society (“the Society”) is a body corporate
incorporated under an Act of Parliament vide the Federation of
Malaya (Incorporation) Act, 1962 (No. 4 of 1962), and as replaced
by the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act 1965 (No.
47 of 1965), and as amended by the Malaysian Red Cross Society
(Change of Name) Act 1975 (No. 162 of 1975), and as revised as
Act 540 in 1995 (collectively “the Act”). Its constitution is based on
the 1949 Geneva Conventions, to which the Federation of
Malaysia is a High Contracting Party.

The Society is recognised by the Malaysian government as a

voluntary aid organization, auxiliary to the public authorities in the
humanitarian field and to the medical services of the armed forces
in accordance with the Fundamental Principles as expressed in the
Statutes of the Movement and the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

The Society was recognised by the International Committee of the

Red Cross (“ICRC”) on 4th July 1963 and was admitted as a
member National Society of the International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the ‘Federation’) on 28th
August 1963 and, together with other recognised National
Societies, the ICRC and the Federation, constitutes the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (“the

The Society adheres to the Fundamental Principles of the

Movement as proclaimed by the 20th International Conference of
the Red Cross in Vienna, 1965, and reaffirms the mottos “Inter
arma caritas” (in war charity) and “Per humanitatem ad pacem”
(through humanity to peace) which together express the ideals of
the Movement as a whole.




1 The Society is known as PERSATUAN BULAN SABIT MERAH Name

MALAYSIA in the Malay language (or the Malaysian Red Crescent
Society in the English language) and is a body corporate

established under Section 3 of the Act.

2 .1 The Society has as its emblem the distinctive sign of the red Emblem
crescent on a white background as depicted in the Schedule 2
hereto as prescribed in the Act and shall be used in accordance
with the laws of Malaysia and the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

.2 The use and display of this emblem shall be for indicative

purposes only wherein the emblem shall be used together with the
name “Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia” and/or in English
“Malaysian Red Crescent Society” or any abbreviation thereof and
shall be further regulated in accordance with the Regulations on
the Use of the Emblem and such other Regulations as shall be
adopted by the National Council.

3 The National Headquarters of the Society shall be at Kuala Headquarters

Lumpur, Malaysia or at such other place as the National Council
may determine.

4 As a member of the Movement, the Society, members, staff and Movement

volunteers shall be committed to and fulfill the conditions as laid
down in the Statutes of the Movement, the 1949 Geneva
Conventions, including in its relations with other components of the
Movement and shall also be bound by the Constitution of the

5 The Common Seal of the Society, as approved by the National Common Seal
Council, shall be held by the Secretary General and may only be
affixed to any document pursuant to a resolution of the National

6 .1 His Majesty the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Honoraries
shall be the Patron of the Society.

.2 The Prime Minister of Malaysia shall be the Honorary President

of the Society.

.3 The National Council shall appoint Honorary Vice-Presidents of

the Society from amongst the Ministers of the Ministries
responsible for matters connected with the Society.

.4 The National Council shall appoint Honorary National Advisors

of the Society from amongst persons who have been recognised
by the National Council for their outstanding humanitarian works or
exemplary services and continuous support of the Society
Provided that not more than ten (10) such persons shall be
appointed at any one time.

.5 Holders of Honorary positions shall hold office for such period as

shall be recommended by the Governing Board and approved by

the National Council but may be renewable.

7 In pursuing the objects and purposes set out in Sections 4 and 5 of Objects
the Act, performing the duties as a member of the Federation,
being a component of the Movement and undertaking its role as
auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field, the
Society will at all times maintain its autonomy and act in
accordance with the Fundamental Principles as set out in the
Schedule 1 hereto.

8 It shall be the duty of the Society to perform the following: Duties

.1 to maintain a permanent and active uniform organization to save

lives, reduce suffering, damage and losses, and to protect, comfort
and support affected people especially of the casualties of armed
conflicts, disasters or other emergencies irrespective of nationality,
race, class, gender, creed, language, age, disability, ethnicity,
social background and political considerations and any other
similar grounds;

.2 to promote knowledge of international humanitarian law and the

Fundamental Principles of the Movement, the strategy and policies
of the Federation and the Movement, social inclusion and a culture
of non-violence and peace in order to develop humanitarian ideals
among the population, and in particular among children and youth;

.3 to contribute to the improvement of health, the prevention of

disease and the mitigation of suffering to enable healthy and safe

.4 to promote the participation of children and young people in the

work of the Society and to strengthen the international friendship
amongst Red Cross and Red Crescent Youth all over the world;

.5 to cooperate with the Government and local authorities and

other voluntary organisations engaged in work similar to that of the
Society provided that the Society retains administrative control
over its own funds, personnel and material and to take all
necessary steps to prevent the illegal use or abuse of the Red
Cross/ Red Crescent name and emblem;

.6 to promote and maintain public interest in the activities of the

Society and to rely for the running of its administration on voluntary
contributions, donations and approved income generating activities
and as much as possible to give its services free Provided that the
Society may receive income derived from the Society’s property
(movable or immovable) or investments Provided also that grants
in aid may be accepted from the Government, local authorities and
private organizations for meeting the expenses of any specified
service undertaken by the Society;

.7 to promote the formation of Chapters, Branches and Units and
exercise control over their activities; and

.8 to consider and approve in appropriate cases recommendations

for the bestowal of distinctions, medals and badges of the Society,
the Movement, Federal and State awards and to take all the
necessary steps to prevent the unauthorised use of the Society’s
name, uniform, medals and badges.

9 The organizational structure of the Society comprises: Structure

.1 The National Council;

.2 The Governing Board;

.3 Chapter;

.4 Branch; and

.5 Unit.

10 .1 All elected officials of the Society shall execute and commit to Code of Conduct
the Code of Conduct of the Society as approved by the National
Council when filing their nominations as candidates for the election
to office.

.2 Any elected or appointed official of the National Council, the

Governing Board, the Chapter Committee, the Branch Committee
or such other officer of a Unit shall cease to be such a member
thereof and vacate office if;

.2.1 he dies or becomes incapable by reason of mental incapacity

or unsoundness of mind or ill-health; or

.2.2 he is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without

leave or valid reason given to the Secretary General or the
Secretary of the Committee.

.2.3 an Adjudication and Receiving Order in bankruptcy is made

against him; or

.2.4 his resignation by notice in writing; or

.2.5 he takes up permanent residence outside Malaysia; or

.2.6 he is convicted of any criminal offence; or

.2.7 he ceases to be a member of the Society for any cause or


reason whatsoever.


11 Membership of the Society is open to all individuals without any Admission of

discrimination based on nationality, race, class, gender, creed, Members
language, age, disability, ethnicity, social background, political
considerations or any other similar grounds.

12 .1 A person Members

.1.1 who applies and pay such amount of a one-time membership

fee as shall be determined by the National Council shall be known
as a Life Member of the Society;

.1.2 who applies and pay such amount of an annual membership

fee as shall be determined by the National Council shall be known
as an Ordinary Member of the Society.

.2 A Member who is of thirty (30) years of age or below shall be

recognised as a Youth Member and may participate in the Youth
activities of the Society and the Federation.

13 .1 A Register of Members of the Society shall be maintained by Register of

the Secretary General at the National Headquarters of the Members

.2 All Chapters and Branches of the Society shall be responsible to

keep a record of all current Members in their respective Chapters
and Branches which shall be deemed to be part of the Register of
Members of the Society.

14 .1 Members have the following duties: Duties and Rights of

.1.1 To affirm and abide by the Constitution of the Society;

.1.2 To adhere to and disseminate the Fundamental Principles of

the Movement;

.1.3 To promote the work of the Society;

.1.4 To pay, where applicable, the membership fees;

.1.5 Upon taking up the position of an elected office, to sign and


uphold the Code of Conduct.

.2 Members have the following rights:

.2.1 Provided that they are citizens of Malaysia, and not holding an
Honorary position in the Society, to vote where he is entitled to
attend the meeting and hold an elected office of the Society;

.2.2 To present proposals and raise issues in accordance with the

Regulations of the Society.

15 .1 A Member ceases to be a member of the Society upon his Cessation of

death, or if he fails to maintain the payment of his membership Membership
fees or upon his submission of a written notice of resignation or
upon his expulsion from the Society in accordance with this

.2 Any Member of the Society who resigned or whose membership

is terminated in accordance with this Constitution shall forfeit all
rights or claims upon the Society but shall remain liable for any
outstanding payment due at the date of cessation of membership.

16 .1 Any member who violates any provision of this Constitution shall Disciplinary Action
be disciplined in accordance with the Regulations established by
the National Council.

.2 A Member affected and aggrieved by any decision under this

Constitution may appeal in writing in accordance with the

.3 The National Council may, in its discretion, review, amend or

rescind any decision to expel, terminate or suspend the
membership of any Member of the Society and the decision of the
National Council shall be final and binding.

17 .1 Volunteers Volunteers and Staff

.1.1 are those persons who deliver services directly to the

community and seek to prevent and reduce vulnerability and
exclusion where they can. They may also provide governance
leadership and support the services of the Society. Volunteers are
people who are motivated by free will, and not by the desire for
material or financial gain, or by external social, economic or
political pressure;

.1.2 will be organised in carrying out their services and activities,

always working in accordance with the Fundamental Principles and
this Constitution and shall be accorded with such rights and
responsibilities as shall be determined by the National Council;


.1.3 need not be members of the Society and may be any person
without any discrimination based on nationality, race, class,
gender, creed, language, age, disability, ethnicity, social
background, political considerations and any other similar grounds.

.2 Staff of the Society

.2.1 are those who sign a contract of employment with or who are
appointed as permanent employees of the Society;

.2.2 may become members in any category of membership as

defined in this Constitution. However, whilst enjoying the
membership in the Society, they shall not be eligible to stand for or
be elected to any office or position within the Society and shall not
be entitled to vote in such elections;

.2.3 will carry out their functions and services within the terms and
regulations as determined by the National Council and always
working in accordance with the Fundamental Principles and this


18 The National Council is the supreme deliberative body with power Definition
to regulate and control all the affairs of the Society in accordance
with the Act and the decision of the National Council shall be final
and binding.

19 The National Council shall be composed of the following: Composition

.1 the Elected members, who simultaneously shall be the elected

members of the Governing Board, namely;

.1.1 the National Chairperson;

.1.2 the National Deputy Chairperson;

.1.3 four (4) National Vice Chairperson;

.1.4 the National Treasurer; and

.1.5 up to eight (8) other members of the Governing Board.

.2 up to five (5) other members of the Governing Board appointed

by the National Chairperson.

.3 two (2) Representatives of each Chapter.


.4 Ex-officio, the Chairperson of the National Youth Council.

.5 Ex-officio the non-voting members, namely:

.5.1 the Head of the Medical Services of the Malaysian Armed


.5.2 the Head of the Malaysian Medical Association;

.5.3 the representatives from the Ministries responsible for matters

connected with the Society, as determined by the Governing
Board; and

.5.4 the Secretary General of the Society.

20 .1 The election of members of the National Council shall be held Election

once in every three (3) calendar years, at the Annual General
Meeting of the Society.

.2 Candidates for election to the National Council shall only be

from amongst the registered members of the Society and are
citizens of Malaysia.

.3 The term of office of all elected members of the National Council

shall be three (3) years. It shall commence at the close of the
session of the Annual General Meeting at which such members
have been elected and shall expire at the next Annual General
Meeting at which an election of members of the National Council
takes place.

.4 Any elected member of the National Council having served two

consecutive three (3) year terms in the same capacity shall not be
eligible to stand again for election to that same capacity until a
further three (3) year term has lapsed.

.5 Casual vacancies in the ranks of elected National Council

members may be filled by election at any ordinary meeting of the
National Council.

.6 The holder of any office may resign at any time by giving notice
in writing to the Secretary General and shall take effect
immediately upon receipt of such notice by the Secretary General.

21 For the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the Society, the Responsibilities
National Council shall exercise all such powers that are in
conformity with the Act and in particular shall have the
responsibility to:

.1 carry out the objectives of the Society and may delegate such

responsibilities as it may consider necessary;

.2 protect the integrity of the Society including maintaining the

Fundamental Principles and ensuring respect for the Emblem;

.3 formulate policy frameworks (in areas such as finance, human

resources, volunteering, compliance and integrity) and risk

.4 coordinate national programmes in accordance with

humanitarian needs and consistency in service delivery;

.5. establish disciplinary procedures and dispute resolution

regarding the performance of its members and elected officials;

.6 coordinate the financial oversight and accountability,

consolidate the budget and audit of its financial accounts and the
properties of the Society;

.7 the suspension or removal from office of an elected or

appointed official of the Society on the grounds that the official
concerned has failed to carry out his duties and responsibilities
satisfactorily or has otherwise proved himself unfit for office;

.8 fix and revise the membership fees;

.9 appoint external Auditors of the Society;

.10 form, dissolve or suspend Chapters and/or other structural

bodies of the Society and may delegate such duty to the
Governing Board as is necessary in accordance with this

.11 form, dissolve or suspend a Special Chapter in the Federal

Ministry of Education with duties and responsibilities as a Chapter
as defined in this Constitution;

.12 appoint the members of the Election Commission and the

Disciplinary Board;

.13 appoint the Honorary Vice Presidents and Honorary National


.14 consider and approve the appointment of Chapter Patron;

.15 establish such trust funds and foundations for such purposes
and with such powers of reference and in connection thereto
appoint Trustees of such trust funds and foundations;

.16 make, alter, add to or repeal rules and regulations to further


enhance, elaborate or clarify this Constitution.

22 .1 The National Council shall hold at least two (2) ordinary Meetings
meetings in each calendar year at such places as may be

.2 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on or

before the 30th June of every calendar year immediately after the
conclusion of an ordinary meeting of the National Council with
only members of the National Council entitled to attend thereto.

.3 The procedure and business of the Annual General Meeting is

as prescribed in the Rules of Procedure to this Constitution and
shall include the following:

.3.1 confirmation of minutes of the meeting of the previous Annual

General Meeting;

.3.2 the consideration and receipt of the Annual Report of the

Society; and

.3.3 the consideration and approval or otherwise, of the Audited

Annual Accounts of the Society for the previous Financial Year.


23 The Governing Board is the governing body of the Society Definition

between sessions of the National Council which shall act in
accordance with the directions and decisions of the National

24 .1 The Governing Board shall be composed of the following: Composition

.1.1 the National Chairperson;

.1.2 the National Deputy Chairperson;

.1.3 the four (4) National Vice-Chairperson;

.1.4 the National Treasurer;

.1.5 up to eight (8) other elected members;

.1.6 Up to five (5) persons appointed by the National Chairperson;

.1.7 ex-officio, the Chairperson of the National Youth Council;


.1.8 ex-officio, the Secretary General.

.2 The National Chairperson shall have the power to invite any

other person or persons to attend a particular meeting of the
Governing Board for a particular purpose.

25 The Governing Board is vested with the duties and responsibilities Duties and
delegated to it by the National Council, in particular to: Responsibilities

.1 exercise their duties collectively and shall be held responsible

for all fiduciary functions of the Society;

.2 execute the Code of Conduct prior to assuming their duties or

upon attending their first Board meeting whichever is earlier.

.3 carry out the functions of the Society and appoint national and
ad-hoc committees and their chairperson for specific purposes
with such powers as may be deemed necessary;

.4 recommend to the National Council the appointment of

Honorary National Advisors;

.5 appoint the Secretary General of the Society upon such terms

and conditions of service as may be deemed necessary;

.6 consider and approve or otherwise the formation of Branches as

recommended by the Chapter and to dissolve, suspend any
Branch in accordance with this Constitution;

.7 consider and approve or otherwise the formation of non-uniform


.8 consider and approve or otherwise, the appointment of the

newly elected Chapter and Branch Chairperson and other new
Chapter and Branch Committee members pursuant to this

.9 discipline, and without prejudice to the generality of such

powers, to suspend, expel or terminate the membership of any
member of the Society for serious misconduct or acting contrary to
this Constitution;

.10 recommend to the National Council the suspension or removal

from office of any elected official of the Society;

.11 consider and determine any relationship between any

component of the Society on the one hand and other organisations
on the other Provided that agreements concluded with other
organisations or entities, in particular with the public authorities
regarding the execution of a public service, shall be in writing and

shall not in any way constitute an obligation for the Society to act
against the Fundamental Principles.

26 .1 The Governing Board shall meet not less than once every three Meetings
(3) months per calendar year at such places as may be

.2 The Governing Board is presided over by the National

Chairperson or in his absence, the National Deputy Chairperson
or in the absence of both, one of the National Vice Chairperson.

.3 Extraordinary meetings of the Governing Board are held on the

initiative of the National Chairperson or at the request by no less
than one half (1/2) of the members of the Governing Board.


27 .1 The Principal Office Bearers of the Society shall comprise: Composition

.1.1 The National Chairperson;

.1.2 the National Deputy Chairperson;

.1.3 the four (4) National Vice Chairperson;

.1.4 the National Treasurer; and

.1.5 ex-officio, the Secretary General.

28 Meetings of the Principal Office Bearers shall be held at the Meetings

initiative of the National Chairperson in between meetings of the
Governing Board to consider and recommend relevant issues and
matters of urgency, and any decisions made by the Principal
Office Bearers must be ratified at the next meeting of the
Governing Board.

29 .1 The National Chairperson, being the highest office bearer of the National
Society, shall be responsible to the National Council for ensuring Chairperson
that the Society pursues its general objectives and performs its
functions properly and in accordance with this Constitution.

.2 The National Chairperson shall be entrusted with the following


.2.1 to convoke the National Council, the Governing Board and the
meeting of the Principal Office Bearers;

.2.2 to present to the National Council the Annual Report of the



.2.3 to coordinate the work of the governing bodies of the Society;

.2.4 to represent the Society, both nationally and internationally;

.2.5 to take any urgent measures in consultation with the Principal

Office Bearers and account for such actions at the next meeting of
the Governing Board;

.2.6 to recommend to the Governing Board the appointment of the

Chairperson of the National Committees; and

.2.7 to carry out any other function entrusted to him by the National

30 The National Deputy Chairperson or any of the National Vice- National Deputy
Chairperson shall: Chairperson

.1 deputise for the National Chairperson in the latter’s absence

and shall carry out the functions of the National Chairperson or
such functions as may be delegated by the National Council;

.2 support and assist the National Chairperson in the execution of

his functions nationally and internationally;

.3 ensure communication on governance matters between the

National Council, the Governing Board and the Chapters; and

.4 promote the decisions of the National Council and the

Governing Board, particularly to the Chapters.

31 The National Treasurer shall have the primary supervisory role in National Treasurer
the overall financial affairs of the Society and in doing so shall:

.1 advise and assist the Secretary General, Chapter Committees

and Branch Committees on policies and procedures concerning
the financial management of the Society;

.2 together with the Secretary General, ensure that full and true
statements of accounts of the Society are kept and that all such
accounts are audited and certified by the Auditors;

.3 advise the Secretary General in the submission of the Audited

Annual Accounts and the Annual Budget of the Society for review
by the Governing Board and for approval by the National Council;

.4 advise the Secretary General in the preparation of a

supplementary budget of the Society as and when necessary for

the Society for review by the Governing Board and approval by the
National Council.

32 .1 The Secretary General, shall be the Chief Executive Officer of Secretary General
the Society and be responsible to the National Council, the
Governing Board and the National Youth Council for the day to
day administration and activities of the Society.

.2 In the discharge of these duties, the Secretary General shall:

.2.1 together with Chapters and Branches, maintain the Register

of Members;

.2.2 together with Chapters and Branches, maintain the Register

of Titles relating to the landed properties of the Society;

.2.3 ensure the coordination of the various activities of the Society;

.2.4 appoint, monitor the performance and terminate such salaried

staff of the National Headquarters of the Society upon such terms
and conditions as has been approved by the Governing Board;

.2.5 delegate such duty as is necessary to the salaried staff;

.2.6 be secretary of, and ensure the provision of secretarial

support services to the National Council, the Governing Board and
any committees or sub-committees of the Governing Board and
the National Youth Council;

.2.7 ensure that meetings of the Society are duly convened;

.2.8 with the advice of the National Treasurer, ensure that a true
and proper annual budget of the Society be drawn up and properly
administered and executed;

.2.9 ensure that all cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange

and all other negotiable instruments for payment, including any
electronic transfer of funds, by the Society are signed by the
National Treasurer and the Secretary General or two (2) other
persons as may be authorised by the Governing Board from time
to time;

.2.10 together with the National Treasurer, ensure that the Audited
Annual Accounts and Annual Report of the Society be prepared
for submission to the Governing Board for consideration and final
approval by the National Council; and

.2.11 maintain close ties with the Component of the Movement,

Government and non-government organizations and institutions for
and on behalf of the Society.

.3 A Deputy Secretary General may be appointed to deputise for
and or assist the Secretary General in carrying out the roles and
responsibilities of the Secretary General, whose functions may be
determined by the Governing Board.


33 .1 The National Youth Council shall consist the following: Composition

.1.1 the Elected members, namely;

.1.1.1 the Chairperson;

.1.1.2 the Deputy Chairperson;

.1.1.3 the Secretary;

.1.1.4 the Treasurer;

.1.1.5 up to six (6) other members, where necessary;

.1.1.6 one (1) representative from each Chapter; and

.1.2 Ex-officio, the Secretary General, with no voting rights.

.2 Members of the National Youth Council shall be a Youth

Member of the Society as defined in this Constitution

.3 The Chairperson of the National Youth Council shall represent

the National Youth Council at meetings of the National Council and
the Governing Board

34 .1 The election of members of the National Youth Council shall be Election

held once in every three (3) calendar years in the same calendar
year prior to elections for members of the National Council.
Candidates for election to the National Youth Council must be over
eighteen (18) years of age and must not have reached the age of
thirty-one at the time of election.

.2 Elected members of the National Youth Council, upon election,

shall cease to hold any other elected office in the Society.

.3 The term of office of all elected members of the National Youth

Council shall be three (3) years. It shall commence at the close of
the session of the Annual General Meeting at which such members
have been elected and shall expire at the next Annual General

Meeting at which an election of members of the National Youth
Council takes place.

.4 Any elected member of the National Youth Council having

served two consecutive three (3) year terms in the same capacity
shall not be eligible to stand again for election to that same
capacity until a further three (3) year term has lapsed.

35 .1 The National Youth Council shall hold at least two (2) ordinary Meetings
meetings in each calendar year at such places as may be
determined from time to time.

.2 The rules of procedure as well as the governing regulations of

the activities of the National Youth Council shall be determined in
the Regulations as approved by the National Council.


36 A Chapter shall carry out the activities of the Society exclusively Definition
within its respective State or Federal Territory Provided always
that should there be a need for any humanitarian assistance to be
carried out outside its own defined territory, such assistance may
be carried out with the consent of the affected Chapter.

37 .1 The Chapter Committee may appoint a Patron of the Chapter in Honoraries

accordance with this Constitution with the approval of the
Governing Board.

.2 The Chapter Committee may appoint Honorary Chapter

Advisor(s) provided that no more than five (5) persons are
appointed at any one time in accordance with this Constitution and
with the approval of the Governing Board.

.3 The Patron and the Honorary Chapter Advisor(s) shall have no

right to vote or hold any elected office in the Society.

38 .1 A Chapter Committee shall consist the following: Composition

.1.1 Elected Chapter Officials namely:

.1.1.1 the Chapter Chairperson;

.1.1.2 the Chapter Deputy Chairperson;

.1.1.3 two (2) Chapter Vice Chairperson;

.1.1.4 the Chapter Secretary;


.1.1.5 the Chapter Treasurer;

.1.1.6 the Chapter Director;

1.1.7 Ex-officio, the Chairperson of the Chapter Youth Committee

.1.1.8 Up to eight (8) other elected members; and

.1.1.9 Up to three (3) persons appointed by the Chapter


Provided the number of elected and appointed members shall not

exceed nineteen (19) at any one time.

.2 One (1) appointed representative from each Branch;

.3 Ex-Officio, a representative from each State Ministry or

Department or Federal Territory Department or Agency responsible
for matters connected with the Society as determined by the
Chapter Committee with no voting rights.

.4 Ex-officio, the Chapter Executive Officer with no voting rights.

.5 All elected and appointed members of the Chapter Committee

as well as each representative from the Branches shall have one
vote, attending in person.

.6 The Chapter Chairperson shall have the power to invite any

other person or persons to attend a particular meeting of the
Chapter Committee.

39 .1 The election of members of the Chapter Committee shall be Election

held once in every three (3) calendar years, at the Annual General
Meeting of the Chapter which shall coincide in the same year that
the election of members of the National Council is held.

.2 Candidates for election to the Chapter Committee shall only be

from amongst the registered members of the Chapter and are
citizens of Malaysia.

.3 Members registered in a Chapter shall be entitled to vote in the

election of the members of the Chapter Committee.

.4 The term of office of all elected members of the Chapter

Committee shall be three (3) years. It shall commence at the
close of the session of the Annual General Meeting at which such
members have been elected and shall expire at the next Annual
General Meeting at which an election of members of the Chapter
Committee takes place or on the 30th day of April of the year that

elections are meant to be held, whichever is the earlier.

.5 In the event of the expiration of the term of office of members of

the Chapter Committee, the role and responsibility of governing
that Chapter shall automatically devolve upon the Governing

.6 Any elected member of the Chapter Committee having served

two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms in the same capacity shall
not be eligible to stand again for election to that same capacity until
a further three (3) year term has lapsed.

.7 Newly elected members of the Chapter Committee shall only

assume office after the Governing Board has approved their
respective election.

.8 Casual vacancies in the ranks of elected Chapter Committee

members may be filled by election at any ordinary meeting of the
Chapter Committee.

.9 The holder of any office may resign at any time by giving notice
in writing to the Chapter Secretary and shall take effect
immediately upon receipt of such notice by the Chapter Secretary,
and in the case of the Chapter Secretary he shall give notice in
writing of his resignation to the Chapter Chairperson.

40 The Chapter Committee is vested with the duties and Duties and
responsibilities delegated to it by the Governing Board, in particular Responsibilities

.1 manage and organise the activities and finances of the Chapter

within its respective State or Federal Territory;

.2 recommend to the Governing Board for approval the formation,

dissolution or otherwise of Branches in its Chapter;

.3 consider and approve the appointment of Honorary Branch

Advisor(s) as recommended by the Branch Committee;

.4 consider and approve or otherwise the formation of uniform

Units by itself or as recommended by the Branch Committee;

.5 keep a record of all current members in its Chapter;

.6 appoint ad hoc committees as it thinks fit for any specific

purpose and such ad-hoc committees shall be the subject of and
conform to the directions of the Chapter Committee;

.7 to discipline and suspend the membership of any member

registered with that Chapter for serious misconduct contrary to this


.8 Recommend to the Governing Board the suspension or removal

from office of any Chapter or Branch Committee official on the
grounds that he has failed to carry out his duties satisfactorily or
has otherwise proved himself unfit for office. Pending the decision
of the Governing Board, the official concerned shall be suspended
from office; and

.9 Appoint such salaried staff upon such terms and conditions of

service as may be necessary to carry out its functions.

41 .1 The meetings of the Chapter Committee are presided over by Meetings

the Chapter Chairperson, or in his absence, the Chapter Deputy
Chairperson or in the absence of both, any one of the Chapter Vice
.2 The Chapter Committee shall hold an ordinary meeting at least
once every four (4) months.

.3 The Annual General Meeting of the Chapter Committee shall be

held on or before the 30th of April in every calendar year with only
incumbent members of the Chapter Committee entitled to attend

.4 The procedure and business of the Annual General Meeting

shall include the following:

.4.1 the confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General


.4.2 the consideration and receipt of the Annual Report of the


.4.3 the consideration and approval of Audited Annual Accounts of

the Chapter and Branches for the preceding Financial Year;

.4.4 where an election of members to the Chapter Committee is to

be conducted at the Annual General Meeting, the following
additional matters shall be taken into consideration;

.4.4.1 the announcement of the Branch representatives to the

Chapter Committee;

.4.4.2 the announcement of one (1) representative each from the

State Department or Agency responsible for matters connected
with the Society;

.4.4.3 the nomination of two (2) Chapter representatives to the

National Council; and


.4.5 the consideration of any matters of which not less than seven
(7) days’ notice shall be given.

.5 The Chapter Committee shall furnish to the Secretary General

not later than 5th of May in each year, its Annual Report and
audited Annual Accounts of the Chapter, for the preceding
calendar year.

.6 In the event the Chapter Committee shall fail to submit its

Annual Report and/or its Audited Annual Accounts as prescribed,
the powers vested in the Chapter Committee shall be suspended
forthwith and the same shall be carried out by the Governing Board
until such date that the Chapter Committee is able to comply with
this obligation or as shall be directed by the Governing Board.

.7 Extraordinary meetings of the Chapter Committee are held on

the initiative of the Chapter Chairperson or at the request in writing
sent by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Chapter

.7.1 The procedure and the business of the meeting shall be

specific in the notice convening the meeting and no other business
shall be conducted or discussed at the meeting.


42 .1 A Branch is a component of the Society recommended by the Definition

Chapter Committee and approved by the Governing Board to
carry out the activities of the Society within a locality, including an
administrative district of a State or an area of a local authority of a
Federal Territory or an approved tertiary educational institution.

43 The Branch Committee may appoint a Patron of the Branch. Honoraries

44 .1 A Branch Committee shall consist the following: Composition

.1.1 Elected Branch Officials namely:

.1.1.1 the Branch Chairperson;

.1.1.2 the Branch Deputy Chairperson;

.1.1.3 two (2) Branch Vice Chairperson;

.1.1.4 the Branch Secretary;

.1.1.5 the Branch Treasurer;


.1.1.6 Ex-officio, the Chairperson of the Branch Youth

.1.1.7 up to eight (8) other elected members; and

1.1.8 up to two (2) persons appointed by the Branch


Provided that the number of elected and appointed members shall

not exceed seventeen (17) at any one time.

.2 Ex-officio, a representative from each district office or agency

responsible for matters connected with the Society as determined
by the Branch Committee, with no voting rights, and

.3 Ex-officio, the Branch Executive Officer, with no voting rights;

.4 All elected and appointed members of the Branch Committee

shall have one vote, attending in person;

.5 The Branch Chairperson shall have the power to invite any

other person or persons to attend a particular meeting of the
Branch Committee for a particular purpose.

45 .1 The election of members of the Branch Committee shall be held Election

once in every three (3) calendar years, at the Annual General
Meeting of the Branch which shall coincide in the same year that
the election of members of the Chapter Committee is held.
.2 Candidates for election to the Branch Committee may only be
from amongst the registered members of that Branch and are
citizens of Malaysia.

.3 Members registered in a Branch shall be entitled to vote in the

election of the members of the Branch Committee;

.4 The term of office of all elected members of the Branch

Committee shall be three (3) years. It shall commence at the close
of the session of the Annual General Meeting at which such
members have been elected, other than committee members
elected for the first time that requires the approval of the
Governing Board as provided in this Constitution, and shall expire
at the next Annual General Meeting at which an election of
members of the Branch Committee takes place or on or before the
31st day of March of the year that elections are held, whichever is

.5 In the event of the expiration of the term of office of members of

the Branch Committee, the role and responsibility of governing
that Branch shall automatically devolve upon the Chapter


.6 Any elected member of the Branch Committee having served

three (3) consecutive three (3) year terms in the same capacity
shall not be eligible to stand again for election to that same
capacity until a further three (3) year term has lapsed.

.7 Newly elected members of the Branch Committee shall only

assume office after the Chapter Committee has approved their
respective election.

.8 Casual vacancies in the ranks of elected Branch Committee

members may be filled by election at any ordinary meeting of the
Branch Committee.

.9 The holder of any office may resign at any time by giving notice
in writing to the Branch Secretary and shall take effect
immediately upon receipt of that notice by the Branch Secretary.

46 The Branch Committee is vested with the duties and Duties and
responsibilities delegated to it by the Chapter Committee, in Responsibilities
particular to:

.1 manage and organise the activities and finances of the Branch

within its locality as determined by this Constitution working
together with the Chapter Committee;

.2 Appoint an Honorary Branch Advisor or a panel of Honorary

Branch Advisors, subject to the approval of the Chapter
Committee, who shall have no right to vote Provided that not
more than five (5) such persons shall be appointed at any one

.3 Consider and recommend the formation and organisation of

uniform units for approval by the Chapter Committee;

.4 keep a record of all current members in its Branch;

.5 Recommend to the Chapter Committee the suspension or

removal from office any of the Branch Committee official on the
ground that he has failed to carry out his duties satisfactorily or
has otherwise proved himself unfit for office. Pending the decision
of the Chapter Committee or an appeal to the National Council in
accordance with this Constitution, the official concerned shall be
suspended from office;

.6 Appoint such salaried staff upon such terms and conditions of

service as may be necessary to carry out its functions;


.7 Appoint ad-hoc committees as it thinks fit for any specific
purpose and such ad-hoc committees shall be the subject of and
conform to the directions of the Branch Committee.

47 .1 The meetings of the Branch Committee are presided over by Meetings

the Branch Chairperson, or in his absence, the Branch Deputy
Chairperson or in the absence of both, any one of the Branch Vice

.2 The Branch Committee shall meet in ordinary meetings at least

once every three (3) months.

.3 Notice of the meeting together with minutes of the previous

Branch Committee meeting shall be submitted to the Chapter

.4 The Annual General Meeting of the Branch Committee shall be

held before the end of March in every calendar year with members
registered in that Branch entitled to attend thereto.

.5 The procedure and business of the Annual General Meeting

shall include the following:

.5.1 the confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General


.5.2 the consideration and receipt of the Annual Report of the


.5.3 the consideration and approval of Audited Annual Accounts of

the Branch for the preceding Financial Year;

.5.4 where an election of members to the Branch Committee is to

be conducted at the Annual General Meeting, one (1)
representative each from the Government District Offices or
agencies responsible for matters connected with the Society shall
be announced;

.5.5 the consideration of any matters of which not less than seven
(7) days’ notice shall be given.

.6 The Branch Committee shall furnish to the Chapter Secretary its

Annual Report and its Audited Annual Accounts for the preceding
year no later than the 7th of April in each year.

.7 In the event the Branch Committee shall fail to submit its Annual
Report and/or its Audited Annual Accounts as prescribed, the
powers vested in the Branch Committee shall be suspended
forthwith and the same shall be carried out by the Chapter
Committee until such date that the Branch Committee is able to

comply with this obligation or as shall be directed by the Chapter

.8 The Branch Committee shall appoint a person from amongst the

elected members of the Branch Committee to represent the Branch
at the meeting of the Chapter Committee.

.9 Extraordinary meetings of the Branch Committee are held on the

initiative of the Branch Chairperson or at the request in writing sent
by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Branch

.9.1 The procedure and the business of the meeting shall be

specific in the notice convening the meeting and no other business
shall be conducted or discussed at the meeting.


48 .1 The Society may create uniform Units to carry out certain Definition

.1.1 members who are students in primary schools, organised as

Junior Red Crescent;

.1.2 members who are students in secondary schools, organised

as Red Crescent Cadets;

.1.3 members above eighteen (18) years of age, organised as

Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD);

.2 The Society may create such other non-uniform Units as shall

be approved by the Governing Board;

.2.1 The activities of these Units shall be organised and managed

in accordance with the Regulations as established by the National


49 The financial year of the Society shall be from the 1st day of Financial Year
January to the 31st day of December of the calendar year.

50 .1 The National Council shall establish rules and regulations for the Financial
administration and management of the finances of the Society. Regulations


.2 The Society shall keep the book of accounts as may be required
under the law and these shall be audited annually by the Auditors
appointed by the National Council.

.3 The National Council may, when necessary, delegate the

appointment of the Auditors to the Chapter or Branch Committees
to carry out the audit of the accounts of each respective Chapter or
Branch but shall still be responsible to consolidate such audit in
accordance with this Constitution.

.4 Funds held by the Society, including for the time being kept by a
Chapter or any of its Branches and Units, shall be used for the
attainment of the objectives and purposes as laid down in these

.5 No part of the funds shall be donated or granted directly or

indirectly to organizations or institutions other than those having
similar objectives and purposes with the Society.

51 Bank accounts shall be in the name of the Society and may be Bank Accounts
operated by a resolution of the Governing Board, Chapter
Committee or Branch Committee, as the case may be.

52 .1 All properties of the Society, including for the time being kept or Vesting of Properties
held by a Chapter or Branch, shall belong to and be vested in the
Society as provided in Article 11 of the Act and the income of such
property shall be applied in accordance with Article 12 of the Act;

.2 Any landed property to be acquired or received by way of

donation in the name of the Society, by any Chapter or Branch of
the Society, including any dealings with such property thereafter
shall be first conceded by the Governing Board and approved or
otherwise by the National Council.

53 .1 Within the limits laid down by the objectives and purposes in this Fundraising
Constitution, the Society may without restriction deal with any
private or public organizations to:

.1.1 obtain, collect, receive and appeal for funds by way of

voluntary contributions, donations, subscriptions, legacies, grants,
reimbursements and assistance in any form and accept and
receive gifts or property of any description;

.1.2 with the prior consent of the National Council, obtain, raise or
borrow money and give security for money by charge upon all or
any part of the property of the Society in any manner and on such
conditions as may be deemed suitable;

.1.3 lend, deposit in income generating accounts, invest or reinvest


any monies not immediately required in trustee securities in
accordance with the law;

.1.4 procure the services of certified advisors and experts for the
purpose of investment and management of the property and assets
of the Society and pay all reasonable expenses wholly, exclusively
and necessarily incurred in respect thereof;

.1.5 set up and administer any reserves, insurance or other funds

for its members, volunteers, staff or for any activities of the Society.

.2 No member of the Society may issue any appeal or take part in

any public activity with the object of raising funds for the Society
without having first obtained the approval of the Governing Board
or if the appeal is made on behalf of the Chapter, the approval of
the Chapter Committee.

.3 No Chapter Committee or Branch Committee shall carry out any

fund raising activity outside the area of its own State or Federal
Territory or via any digital or virtual means without the prior
approval in writing from the Governing Board and the affected
Chapter in the area concerned.

54 The National Council may appoint Trustees or a Trust Corporation Trustees

to hold land and investments on behalf of the Society, as the case
may be, with such powers and duties as may be determined by
the National Council Provided that the National Council retains the
power of removing any Trustee or Trust Corporation so appointed
and of appointing others.

55 All members of the National Council, the Governing Board and all Indemnity
committees of the Society and other officials and salaried staff for
the time being shall in addition to any indemnity given to them by
law, be indemnified by the Society for any acts or deeds done in
the proper performance of his duty for or in the name of the


56 .1 Unless otherwise determined by the Governing Board, all External

communications, including entering into agreements, with any Communication
components of the Movement, national and international
organizations, shall be effected through the National Headquarters
of the Society.

.2.1 All matters requiring the attention of the Government of

Malaysia shall be submitted to the appropriate Government
channels through the National Chairperson and/or the Secretary


.2.2 All matters requiring the attention of the respective State and
Federal Territory governmental authorities shall be submitted
thereto through the relevant Chapter Chairperson or Chapter
Secretary. Copies of all such communications shall be forwarded
to the Secretary General.

.2.3 All matters originating from the National Headquarters

requiring the attention of the respective State or Federal Territory
governmental authorities shall be submitted to the relevant State
Secretary or to the appropriate Federal Territory governmental
authority. Copies of all such communications shall be forwarded
to the National Chairman and the respective Chapter Secretary.

57 .1 A member of a Chapter or Chapter Committee shall Internal

communicate with the National Headquarters of the Society only Communication
through its Chapter Chairperson or Chapter Secretary.

.2 Branch or Units may communicate with the National

Headquarters of the Society only through its Chapter and shall
send such communication through its Chapter Secretary other
than in exceptional cases where such communication may be
referred directly to the Secretary General

.3 No Branch Committee or Unit shall communicate with any other

Branch or Chapter of the Society except through its Chapter
Secretary Provided that a Branch may freely communicate with
another Branch within its Chapter, in which event copy of such
communication shall be sent to the Chapter Secretary.

58 No member or salaried staff of the Society other than the National Broadcasting and
Chairperson, the Secretary General, Chapter Chairperson, Publishing
Chapter Secretary, Branch Chairperson or Branch Secretary or
such other senior staff delegated with such responsibility shall
make statements to the press, broadcast or publish any
communication concerning the Society without the prior consent of
the Governing Board, the Chapter Committee or the Branch
Committee, as the case may be.

59 In order to ensure effective co-operation and collaboration with Representation

other organizations engaged in similar work, the Society or any
Chapter, or Branch may appoint representatives to serve on such
organizations provided that such appointment is not in violation of
the Fundamental Principles.



60 .1 In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires: Interpretation

“Act” means the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act,

1965 (Act 47/65) and the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Change of
Name) Act,1975 (Act 162) and revised in 1995 as Act 540;

"Annual Reports" means the annual reports on the activities of the

Society, the Branches and/or Chapters as the case may be;

“Audited Annual Accounts” means the consolidated balance sheet

and income and expenditure accounts of the National
Headquarters, Branches and Chapters of the Society for the
relevant financial year.

“Auditors” means a body or firm of accountants as established

under the laws of Malaysia and certified by the Malaysian Institute
of Accountants or such other nationally recognised certification

“Branch” means the Daerah or Cabang in the Malay language;

“Chapter” means the Negeri in the Malay language;

“Federation” means the International Federation of the Red Cross

and Red Crescent Societies.

“Geneva Conventions” means the Geneva Conventions Act 1962

(Act 512)

“Movement” means the International Red Cross and Red Crescent


“Regulations” means rules and by-laws of the Society organised in

specific handbooks as approved by the National Council.

“Secretary General” means the person referred to in Section 7 (2)

of the Act and this Constitution;

“Society” means the Malaysian Red Crescent Society established

under the Act.

“Statutes of the Movement” means the Statutes of the

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as adopted
by the 25th International Conference of the Red Cross at Geneva
in 1986, amended in 1995 and 2006.

“Units” means the units established by the Branch Committee,

Chapter Committee or the Governing Board, and

“Youth” means a member not more than thirty (30) years old.

.2 In the event of inconsistency between the provisions of the Act
and this Constitution the provisions of the Act prevails.

.3 This Constitution may be translated into any language Provided

always that the English text shall prevail in the event of any

.4 The National Council shall be the sole authority for the

interpretation of this Constitution and as to its application. The
decisions of the National Council shall be final and binding on all

.5.1 Words and expressions defined in the Act shall have the
same meaning when used or referred to these Rules.

.5.2 Words denoting any gender shall include all gender.

.5.3 Headings and the index are for ease of reference only and
shall not affect the interpretation of these Rules.

61 A proposal to amend, repeal or suspend this Constitution, any Amendments to

Article or part thereof shall only be considered by extraordinary Articles
meeting of the National Council and approved with the two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote.

62 The Society may be dissolved by a decision of the National Dissolution of

Council taken with an approval of two-thirds (2/3) of its members Society
and in accordance with the Act. Consequently, the assets of the
Society shall be liquidated and disposed accordingly as required
by the laws of Malaysia.

63 This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the Citation

Malaysian Red Crescent Society 2021 and the Corporation Rules
2016 shall be deemed to be revoked.

64 This Constitution shall come into force immediately upon the same Entry into force
being approved by the National Council.


The Fundamental Principles of the Movement are as follows:

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of
a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded
on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national
capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may

be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure
respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding,
friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.

It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs,
class, or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of
individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority
to the most urgent cases of distress.

In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement
may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in
controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while
auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and
subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always
maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to
act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.


It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by
desire for gain.

There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in
any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its
humanitarian work throughout its territory.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in
which all Societies have equal status and share equal
responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.




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