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Functional family therapy clinical training manual

1 Functional Clinical Training Manual Family Therapy Thomas L. Sexton, Ph.D. James F. Alexander, Ph.D. 2 3 4 Functional Family Therapy Trainingt Clinic Manual Thomas L. Sexton, Ph.D. James F. Alexander, pH .D. This manual is to be used with a functional training family training certificate. This manual has been funded partly by a subsidy of the
annie E. Casey Foundation. 5 Copyright 2004 FFT LLC All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright note can be reproduced or used in any form and by any means, electronic or mechanical, included photocopies, registration, or any information archive and recovery system, without the written authorization of the owner of
the copyright. 6 Index information of writers ... V ... Acknoldgements VI Introduction ... 1 Section II Fundamentals of the functional family therapy ... 11 Section II Manual Clinical Training ... 27 Section III Closing Thoughts References ... 113 7 Family Therapy Functional Clinical Training Manual 6 8 Information on Writersw Thomas L. Sexton, Ph.D.,
ABPP, is a professor at the Department of Counseling and Psychology of Education at Indiana University, where he is director of the Clinical Training Center , Director The Center for Teenagers and Family Studies, and teaches the Accredited APA Counseling Psychology program. Dr. Sexton wrote in the sectors of research on outcomes and
implications for clinical practice and training. The recent publications of him include important research articles in the psychotherapy manual and change of behavior, the complete psychotherapy manual. He is the director of the new family therapy manual. He is also a national expert treatment interventions based on the family for teenagers at risk
and regularly presents national and international workshops. Together with Jim Alexander, he is the author of the most recent theoretical presentations and functional familiar therapy developments. It is one of the two national functional family therapy trainers, supervises the FFT Stage program, and directs national and international FFT and
dissemination projects. He is a psychologist license, a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Counseling Association (ACA), a recognized supervisor in the American Association of Marriage and family therapy (AAMFT), vice president of scientific business for division 43 ( Family psychology) of the American
Psychological Association, and graduates in family psychology (ABPP). James F. Alexander, Ph.D. is a professor at the University of Utah and a functional family therapy progenitor (FFT). Director of clinical formation has passed at Utah's university and received numerous awards (distinct contributions familiar research therapy, American Family
Therapy Academy; family psychologist of the year, Division 43 of the American Psychological Association, Good Housekeeping List of States Tops United Mental health experts; Teaching Award Superiore, University of Utah, College of Social & Behavioral Science; APA Division 43 Presidential Certificate for Life Contribution for Family Research
Therapy; "Scientist Exemplar" Award, American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Research Conference; Research Superior Award, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, V 9 Functional Family Therapy Clinical Internship Manual University of Utah, Distinguished Alumnus California State University Long Beach; Cumulative Contribution
for Research Award Family Therapy, AaMFT). Dr. Alexander has provided over 350 national and international clinical training workshops and conference presentations, received more than 20 research and clinical training checks, almost 100 publications (chapters, books, newspaper articles) and passed President of the Division 43 In addition to
developing the fundamental elements of the FFT, Dr. Alexander assisted Dr. Thomas L. Sexton in the development of the State-of-the-Art National FFT protocol (FFT SDS: Service Delivery System). VI 10 10 The authors wish to thank the Annie E. Casey Foundation for their generosity which has made possible the publication of this manual. We would
also like to thank the thousands of families we have worked with over the years who share their personal struggles with us week after week. And 'our privilege to learn from them and constantly improve the delivery of our services to at-risk youth and their families. We are also indebted to the team of therapists, supervisors and mental health facilities
that provide Functional Family Therapy at sites across the country. Their dedication to providing this therapy model faithfully contributed to a rich database of information that allows us to study our work with families and develop our future therapists FFT training. Our thanks to Jan Sorby Sorby to design for help him with the layout and graphics of
this manual. The authors also wish to thank Lynn Gilman for the editorial assistance of her dedicated during this project. Finally, we thank our families that provide love and support and tolerate the diversion of our attention to this important work. vii viii 11 12 Introduction 13 Introduction 14 Introduction This manual is the appearance of the clinical
model FFT Service Delivery System (SDS-FFT). The FFT-SDS is a complete system delivery of employment services in helping at-risk youth and their families. The system includes an intervention based on family tests (Functional Family Therapy), a comprehensive customer evaluation system, a built-in quality control protocol, and a training process
and systematic dissemination. The components of the FFT Service Delivery System provide therapists, agencies, and communities the tools they need to provide a comprehensive treatment program for youth in the field of mental health, juvenile justice, and child protection systems. Other aspects of the system are detailed in the supervisory manuals
and accompanying implementation. This manual, which describes the clinical model, is designed for two groups of readers. For some readers who will provide an introduction to, and overview of, Functional Family Therapy (FFT). We believe that the directors, doctors, supervisors and other decision makers will read enough detail to make an informed
decision about whether or not FFT fit your personal, agency (or practical), and customer needs. Most readers are our (future) in FFT partners. For you, the manual is a platform on which you can develop your skills as an FFT therapist. Become a competent therapist FFT is a process of development, which comes first go through the information
presented, then take the FFT formal training manual, in Phase 1 15 Functional Family Therapy Clinical Training Manual 2 supervised practice, and receive feedback from FFT trainers as part of FFT Certification site. A word of preliminary caution: As with most if not all of the manuals, this manual is not designed, nor © should be used as a stand
alone means to become an independent professional FFT. In a sense, no treatment manual can represent all the components of a process of successful change and sophisticated, no more than a manual driver's can train someone how to fly a plane. FFT is a sophisticated and demanding approach to intervention, and is often provided in difficult
circumstances such as disrupted homes. So the FFT training is also a sophisticated and complex process, and none of us would ever want to shortchange customers, or underestimate the clinical needs, while minimizing the complexity of the process of As the manual is studied, we remember that FFT asks for therapist energy and passion; Competent
FFT delivery involves commitment and attention. However, the returns you will receive for this investment are great. FFT is low cost to provide, but the results are very positive and the beneficial-to-cost report is very high. FFT therapists witness great behavioral and e Changes in young people and families we serve. Furthermore, the results we see
are long durability, and will have a positive impact that others who intersect with our customers live for years to come. In designing the manual, we understand that some therapists operate from the heart, while others work more than a model or a conceptual framework, and others prefer to base their interventions on intuition or do what it serves.
So we understand that clinical training involves a variety of prospects and roads for learning. However, as introduction to the FFT this manual will be mainly conceptual (vs. Experiential). Understanding the principles, techniques and philosophy of the FFT is a necessary but not sufficient condition for highly effective intervention. Becoming a
competent FFT therapist therefore represents a process, not an event, and involves more contexts for learning. This manual indicates a first main step and we ask you to read and interact with the manual in the same way as a potential pilot prepares to learn to fly; Carefully studies the materials, be clear on each main element presented in the manual
and determine (for the next interaction with your FFT trainers) which elements you can find illuminants, confusion and / or inconsistent with what you want to become a therapist. As noted, understanding is not a sufficient condition to become a competent FFT therapist of 16 introduction, but it is as a first step, and helping you to negotiate this step
is the main objective of this manual. While the manual describes the technique in detail, we must remember that there are techniques to serve the fundamental goals of FFT; They are not ended in-e-of themselves. The manual will also discuss the concepts of intervention. These concepts are presented primarily to provide guideposts we follow to
achieve our goals, all to the center of providing highly effective treatment for different needy populations. Finally, we will discuss data and philosophy, but once again not as existing academic academic arguments. Instead, the data (responsibility, improvement of the quality and the development of the therapist) and philosophy (based on strength,
respectful, based on alliance, stage change model) are the basis of the focus and passion that takes us through the times Difficult. They help us sort the challenges and barriers that we meet when we deal with difficult young people and their families, and help us to create the joy and dignity that emerges when we successfully share FFT with young
and families in difficulty. While read the manual we also ask to remember that FFT is not further designed a particular version of the healthy family or a particular ideology of lifestyle. Instead FFT is designed to be provided by therapists from all races and ethnicities, all spiritual systems and gender / sexual preferences. At FFT shining is designed to
respect and help youth dysfunctional and families at risk that they also represent the same diversity, as well as the entire range of family forms. Our definition function is not an insistence on a view; instead our main feature is our commitment to help people who are usually unhappy if not hopeless, which are under great stress, which are often less
common and yet resistant to treatment, and who have limited resources are still in Great need. In summary, while you read this manual we ask to consider your reasons for the FFT enterprise. We ask this because FFT will challenge some of your hypotheses, and sometimes we propose intervention strategies that are inconsistent with other
intervention models, often more clinically popular. By adopting so FFT is not a means of joining the mainstream of clinical interventions. It is a decision to adopt a set of principles that include: 3 17 Clinical Training Manual of functional family therapy rigorously and regardless of empirically studied and validated: it works and does it in different
contexts with different populations of multicultural experience and a main conviction in in And working within the culture manager; Each session and every family is monitored in order to help therapists and supervisory authorities provide the most reactive and effective alliance base intervention with emphasis on alliance with all members of the
creative family (do what it is needed), but in Context of the articulated care structure and relentless principles - FFT therapists simply do not give up finally, FFT is based the family in all aspects: if you choose to become a FFT therapist, we believe that you also join the FFT family. We enter a partnership in progress where we provide resources to
continue feedback and improvement of quality, for the development of additional financial resources, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment. With the accession and competent application you can be part of the FFT clinicians team that provide effective service for young people and families that are in much need. Welcome to FFT, TLS JFA
Organization: The use of the manual will become evident that this manual is much more than the usual collection of written material. Instead, you meet the text and meet the press-Point slides to print that you will see again during the subsequent training experiences. You will also find references to additional sources of information, and contact
information. Finally, you encounter sections of the manual that are more or less relevant to the different readers: starting site-based certification 4 FFT therapists are required to read all three sections. As a FFT therapist represented the program 18 introduction FFT, as occurs during the real clinical process, as well as contacts with more systems
relevant to the family is seeing. Moreover, you can often find yourself who explain FFT to other professionals, decision-makers, and even lay people. As a result, it will be useful to understand not only the same clinical model, but also the background and scientific support summary for the model, and the exhaustive technical support information
provided to all FFT therapists. The decisions interested in adopting FFT can find the equally informative manual as doctors do, but often the primary objective is the amplitude of application of the model, as well as the wide empirical support that is necessary to meet the standards of evidence-based models mandated by many lenders. Program
administrators are often interested in implementing problems and information availability to enhance quality improvement. The manual is organized in three sections. Section I describes the context and the empirical foundations of the functional family therapy. This section will help you understand the FFT location in the new therapeutic approaches
scenario. Section II Describes the specific clinical protocol used as a base to provide FFT. This section is nuts and bolts and is only useful when realized according to the fundamental principles (section I). Finally, Section III describes the implementation of the FFT from its delivery within the room with a family for the integration of other services and
the use of the FFT-clinical service system (FFT-CSS). Learning FFT: primary goals of clinical education How to start the journey to learn FFT We will ask you that two primary objectives are adopted: 1) Thought through FFT Lens many factors contribute to successful intervention with complex family situations and sometimes desperate. Learning to
cope with such situations successfully through FFT is to learn how to develop FFT clinical lens. This goal focuses FFT every therapist s strengths on clinical decisions that help to 5 19 functional family therapy manual clinical manual figure 1 change the complex behavioral and clinical fights of the family. Families, such as therapists, are unique at
many levels, creating the same challenge We as trainers like families do for therapists. Ie, you can't adopt a cookie cutter or one size fits at the therapy approach training. At the same time, widely clinical and research evidence tells us that training, just like the intervention, must be ordered and follow some principles and development sequences. The
FFT lens provides a structure inside which you can understand, and develop clinical-bymoment clinical strategies to manage the complexities that emerge when an individual family, with its unique quality, works with a therapist (similar unique) in a context Treatment (which can also be unique). Using a common goal that 6 20 introduction
appreciates and respects the complexity of these individual differences, however examines them as part of a common framework, FFT can be opened and sensitive to the family range as well as quality therapist. In turn, FFT therefore can develop rich intervention strategies and techniques that can be adopted depending on the range of customers,
cultures and problematic situations that we must face clinically. Yes, not all races and cultures are the same, no more than all young people who use drugs or engage in other risk behaviors do it for the same reason. FFT therefore uses the goal of understanding because this young man of this ethnicity is drug involved in this series of (parent,
community, school) multisistemical factors and with this biological constitution. Only then can we identify our intervention to be a maximum effective. To facilitate this process, we will pursue our second main objective: opening. 2) Opening and commitment to learning a new work model to benefit and enjoy the process of becoming a competent FFT
therapist requires opening to think differently on a series of central elements for the customer, their problems, and therapy . Find out about success requires the opening to include strengths of therapists and their unique style and model. For many, at first it feels uncomfortable, do not rely on your tried and true methods of thinking and acting.
However, the good news is that there is a system provided to support learning (FFT SDS: Functional Family Service Delivery System Therapy), and over time the new FFT models become automatic and very rewarding. Your contribution to this process is your will to be open and honest about who you are, and your commitment to adopt a new way of
practice in a way that works for what you are. Because the FFT model can be a new one for you does not mean that you have to learn all the conceptual and clinical bases of therapy again. Instead, it means that you have to build on what you know and create a new and integrated way to work through the FFT lens. 7 21 Functional Therapy Functional
Clinical Training Manual 8 22 The Fountationsf of Functionalf Family Amily Therapy Section I 23 Functional Family Therapy Manual Clinical Training 10 24 The Fundamentals of the Functional Family Therapy 1 The Fundamentals F Functional Family F Therapy Principles Support; Expressions of those principles change. As seen in the continuous
struggles we have with these constitutional principles such as the freedom of word and the right to bear weapons, changing circumstances require that we adapt to current circumstances still keep our fundamental principles. FFT is a model of intervention that has long existed, and represents a core of lasting principles, but at the same time a model
that evolves, dynamic and contemporary. FFT continues to be open to new ideas, new research and new (and often much less good) needy populations. You will decide whether or not supporting the fundamental principles, just like people in all countries (including ours) must decide whether or do not support the fundamental principles of that nation.
Assuming we do, then each of us can To improve our way of developing to live according to these principles. In order for you to make an informed decision on which to base clinical work with families in difficulty, in this section of the manual will briefly discuss the fundamental principles of the intervention you are learning, and provide a short brief
Context for their development. FFT cannot be adequately described by any single theoretical label (for example behavioral, multisystem, interpersonal). Instead, FFT is a systematic clinical model that has evolved along a path better described as a dynamic model integration process (Alexander, Sexton and Robbins, 2002). Since its inception in 1969,
FFT held the principle of integration, and its foundations are essential for a complete, mature, and effective enduringly intervention. For FFT these foundations are: 11 25 functional family therapy clinical training manual outcome of study 1) The clinical experience in satisfying important clinical needs. What we Alexander & Parsons (1973), Parsons
and doing with people must evolve partly Alexander (1973) to be with these people in a client: Clinic 99 Short Juvenile Delinquent Process of which intense and significant. For FFT this was a teenager, years, assigned randomly to FFT, no treatment, development. FFT was born from an essential component of its course or two alternative treatment to
serve a population at risk of teenage conditions and families, and we have resulted: they participated in this population in a way that focused on 6- 18 months Follow up, FFT families had a rate of the new offense of 26%, compared to 50% for no-treatment so many clinical challenges, and understand why they presented the controls, 47% for therapy
controls Of the family group centered on the customer and 73% of flow interventions due little because traditional and also base- for eclectic psychodynamic family success in their aid. To deal with therapy. FFT families have been significantly improved than those and families of the first collaborators of this problem with high-risk young people who
have received other treatments; The FFT started developing a new series displayed a greater parity in interaction and conversation, minus silence, and would be to lower their resistance, philosophies and techniques that the most positive interruptions of clarification and feedback. Motivating them, reducing them saw the kind of interventions than
negativity, and give them hope. Because so many families characterized by having high youth experience risk so many challenges, FFT was based on the premise that our task is to take on the responsibility of motivating families and accepting families to their condition, rather than l Application of a treatment goal that was based on someone version
Other s of what a family should be, that culture should be, what a particular spiritual belief or sexual orientation or economic system should be. And we need to give each member of the family of hope, and to engage and motivate them, and we need to do this quickly and effectively. At the beginning the clinical experience has shown that it is useful
for providing a plan, or travel table, for the change he found that families were, and to provide the necessary tools to navigate the challenges and road blocks families to Face in the change process. The clinical experience has also suggested that the long-term change needed to focus not only 12 26 Fundamentals of the functional Family Therapy
Family Therapy Studio Klein, Alexander, and Parsons (1977) Customers: Sibling Studio: multiple levels of prevention / intervention (follow-up Alexander & Parsons, see above) Results: This follow-up study of 2-3 years has discovered that the brothers in families who received FFT had only a 20% rate of judicial reference following FFT. Brothers of
adolescents in other treatment groups was significantly higher than recurrence: no treatment 40%; centered family therapy 59%; Eclectic-dynamic family therapy 63%. At the initial post-treatment evaluation, families who received FFT have been significantly improved in the process of their family interactions than those who received other
treatments, and these families families who ultimately experienced a brother referral from those who They have no differentiated. to stop the disadactive behavior, but also on the development of unique strengths of the family in a culturally sensitive, sensitive way, Improve their ability to make future changes. Finally, with this population it has
become clear that incorporating community resources for family help support changes is essential. 2) The second foundation of the FFT is integrated (multidisciplinary) theory and stock exchange. As doctors we benefit, but can be limited by, what we can see and hear directly. Other disciplines (for example, sociological thought, cultural, linguistic
anthropology and contexts (doctor, juvenile justice, education, unique neighborhoods) must also provide knowledge at the center of our clinical work, just like basic scientists (for example, Biochemicals) Contribute to improvement of medical service by medical doctors. None of us can do it yourself! The emphasis on understanding, the definition,
which describes, and research the intervention process started soon in the FFT evolution. This emphasis has emerged because it has become clear that theoretical development was necessary if this population should be well served. Compared to the young dysfunctional at least, a vehicle's timely clinical interventions available to understand the
relational elements of family operation or clinical change, clinical responsibility, model replication, or understanding the change process. In this context, beginning was fundamental that FFT develop a clinical model that could drive the practice. FFF Full Joints (Alexander & Parsons, 1982; Barton and Alexander, 1981) relied on the work of premature
communication theorists (for example, Watzlawick, Beavin, and Jackson, 13 27 Functional Family Therapy Clinical Internship Manual Studio Results Hansson (1998) Lund, Sweden Randomized Studio of FFT Vs. Family Homes Management in combination with customers Individual advice: youth arrested by the police in Lund, Sweden, for serious
crimes result:. A 2, the FFT Follow Group -up (n = 45) was significantly less recurrent (48% vs. 82%) compared to treatment as usual group (n = 50). maternal improvements on control lists symptoms evaluate depression, anxiety and somatization in the FFT group only. Results Studio Barton, Alexander, Waldron, Turner, and Warburton (1985) (1985
a): Paraprofessional Undergraduated trained in FFT customers: State delinquents: the young people of crimes including galloping, absences Unjustified, sexual promiscuity, possession of alcohol, and ingovernment reported by Worke test. RS. Result: equivalent to those obtained from high level / degree therapists in previous studies. Recurrence to a
year was 26% for the FFT group, compared to a basic rate of the population of 51%. Changes in family processes, decreases especially in a defensive family attitude, were observed with this sample just as they were with higher therapists) and founded the idea that the behavior is to define and create interpersonal relationships and that behavior
makes sense Only in its relational context. At this time the model also invoked the use of specific behavioral technologies such as communication training (Parsons & Alexander, 1973). As the model has evolved, cognitive theory, in particular the attribution and processing of information theories has helped to explain some of the mechanisms of sense
and emotion, often manifests itself as blamed and negotivities in family interaction models (Jones & Nisbett , 1972; Kelly, 1973; Taylor & Fiske, 1978). More recently, the constructed social ideas have informed FFT through a focus on meaning and its role in the nature built of problems, to interrupt family negativeness, and in the organization of
therapeutic themes (Gergen, 1995; Friedlander & Heatherington, 1998 ). 3) Thirdly, FFT is based on empirical tests From trial and result studies. Beliefs and theories are fundamental to tackling challenging and complex clinical problems, but we also need feedback and responsibility. What kind of therapists (travel, training, quality, etc.) are the most
useful with this particular type of family? Certainly all that the various opinions we meet in in Community treatment, but we also have 28 the foundation of the study of the functional family therapy results are painfully aware of how strongly considered beliefs are associated (1985 B) outside the house reductions not necessarily with positive results
but with placement justifications in terms of Customer training FFT: the face of undesirable results. Children FFT and adolescents at risk are based on a fundamental belief that we do placement assistance custody, reportedly from a longer can or should keep workers investigating cases for protective custody or alternative: status customers We claim
to serve. Instead, interventions that do not help those criminals crimes, school problems, we know what works, when and housing problems / ineffective parenting. What circumstances we need works, how it works and in the outcome: fit, so will work within specific regard to cases handled by the unique contexts. The trained workers before and after
their result, FFT has always been the FFT training has shown significantly informed by the results of scientific inquiry. The first clinical trial of decreases of placements out of use rates (from 48% to 11%). Colleagues not trained to FFT continued Klein, Alexander & Parsons, 1977) studies (Alexander & Parsons, 1973, to reflect very high at home
focusing on effectiveness issues, placement rates (49%) and requested with a pragmatic outcome measures to 'roughly twice the number of families who had clinical and social contacts for the event (so strictly relevant (recidivism). These early tempendo the agency's ability to provide service to many families). tive approach with a variety of studies
established by FFT as a Effec- offensive teenagers. processing studies have attempted to identify the mechanisms by which FFT has been successful. These studies have informed clinical practice indicating that the negativity of the family has significantly influenced the involvement and motivation (Alexander et al, 1976) and the gender of the
therapist was differentially related to both the rate and amount of speech for familia ri (Mas, Alexander, & Barton, 1985 Mas, Alexander, Turner, 1991 Newberry et al., 1991). These close-ups The rocess studies raised additional questions answered by a second wave of clinical studies that focus on the effectiveness of the FFT in different settings with
different populations (Barton, Alexander, Waldron, Turner and Warburton, 1985; LANZ, 1982; Gordon, Arbuthnot, Gustafson, & McGreen, 1988; 1995; Hansson, 1998; Sexton et. AL, 2000). more recent studies have focused on specific clinical techniques (eg, Robbins et al., 1996), the role of Balanced 15 29 Family Therapy Functional clinical Alliance
Alliance in the program retention (Robbins et al., 2003) and model therapist adherence A variable as a primary means in a positive outcome (Sexton, 2002). The outcome of these studies suggested that the FFT was applicable in a population of even more wide customers of different settings, with real therapists in local communities. FFT as a mature
clinical model based on evidence: the changing landscape of the result of the practice of mental health study of the supplementary nature of the FFT and systematic clinical model together with its repeated demonstrations of successful outcomes with adolescents at risk and their families brought to spread applications based on the community in
many settings with a wide range of customers. (1985 c): Hard / adempante core seriously offensive Teens Customers: Conduct disordered adolescents with multiple crimes, abuse of substances and heavy considerable violence. Incarcerated in a status structure for serious and repeated crimes (an average of 20 offenses Result: the FFT group (with an
average of only 30 hours of FFT per family) has had a recurrence rate of 60% to a 16-month follow-up compared to 93% of the youth of comparison issued to alternative return programs ( Mainly group homes) and an 89% average annual institutional base price. Moreover, those of the FFT group that have re-offend re-offend So with significantly less
frequency and gravity respect for relapses in the non-FFT group. There are two reasons that FFT has emerged on the local community supplier radar. These can be the reasons that the agency has decided to adopt FFT. First, it is a push for liability by lenders, care providers, and communities. The second is the increase in quality and quantity of
research relevant to driving practice. There is much more research on aspects of the change process that can have a practical impact. No more than a research result will be in contradiction with another. Now there are clear trends that are well documented in many areas. As a handful of other models, FFT is a Best Practices program. Best practices
are intervention programs that have a high probability of, at the time of well delivery, producing positive results. These rehearsal practices have some similarities. These criteria are the common elements that 16 30 the fundamentals of functional family therapy figure 2 contribute to the positive results they have shown. Any systematic practice should
include: 1. systematic clinical programs-current best practices are not discrete clinical interventions or tools but instead are systematic intervention programs that have systematic principles and protocols. These models have both an integrative and general theoretical perspective and a specific clinical protocol. Having a series of principles and a
specific protocol allows the interventionist to be focused and, while systematic at the same time clinically sensitive to a variety of customers. As a result, the interventionist can guide the practice with specific customers and in specific community contexts. 2. Scientific support / strong research in areas of both outcome and process studies that have
been conducted over time, in different contexts, from more therapists, with different customers. The impact of the transition to systematic / evidence-based programs is that the model is the primary source of the clinical decision making. 17 31 Functional Family Therapy Clinical Internship Manual Figure 3 With this change in the primacy of a clinical
model, the themes of the model of fidelity, accession and competent accession become important. Oh, this is just X therapy in a different package. Best practical approaches, such as FFT, are not the same as the previous familiar therapy models. On the contrary, they represent a very new and different approach to clinical practice. At the same time,
they are based on previous models and founding constructs of psychology, marriage and family therapy, and psychological research. FFT is a mature clinical model that emerged as one of the next generation of family-based approaches. So, FFT can share structural family therapy elements, while at the same time being fundamentally different in its
principles and protocols. Furthermore, FFT incorporates many of the current 18 32 Fundamentals of Functional Family Therapy Results of the Gordon, Arbuthnot, Gustafson, and MCGreen (1988); Gordon 1995 Juvenile crimes at 2 ½ years of follow-up, cost-benefit analysis, and crimes to adult follow-up customers: Delinquents with more crimes at risk
of hospitalization, courtedered in treatment. Poor campaign customers. Result: compared to the minors who received regular supervised freedom services (n = 27, 67% recurrence rate), the customers of the FFT group (n = 27) had a recurrence rate 11% to 2 years of follow-up . In any 12-month period, the FFT group committed 1,29 crimes and
treatment as usual group committed crimes. At 5 years of follow-up, the same subjects were compared to the rates of adult convictions. The group that received FFT had a 9% recurrence rate from adults, while the group of It has a 41% recurrence rate as adults. Ideas of ecosystem and risk theory and protective factors in its integrated model. When
you start the trip to FFT, you and your site are joining the growing group of community organizations applying better better or evidence-based approaches. FFT is a unique model, as we describe below, however it has many of the common criteria of a better practice, but it is unique in its theoretical principles and clinical protocol. The efficacy of the
FFT: does it work? Functional family therapy is based on a long-term, systematic and independently replicated series of results and process studies. Research exceeds many of the criticism of traditional clinical research investigating the youth of real (for example, multiproblom, ethnically varied, which represents a wide range of ses) in real
environments (for example, home, community) by real therapists (practitioners professionals ) With different backgrounds. Backgrounds. These results conducted the center for the prevention of substances abuses (CSAP) and the office of juvenile justice and the delinquent prevention (GUJDP) to identify the FFT as a PR Gram model for the abuse of
substances and the prevention of dinquency ( Alverado, Kendall, Beiesley, & Lee- Cavancess, 2000). Similarly, the center for the study and prevention of violence (CSPV) designated FFT as one of the eleven (over 500) Blueprint project programs (Elliott, 1998). FFT is an evidence-based intervention model that meets one of the current benchmarks of
empirically validated treatments (Sexton & Alexander, 2002). 19 33 FFF Functional Functional Therapy Clinical Training Manual demonstrated results in many settings and with many and different customers. In particular, these results focused on the three critical issues of the treatment of adolescents and families: (1) the range of behaviors
associated with outsourcing behavior disorders (for example violence, drug use / abuse); (2) FFT-based research results have identified FFT as effective in the effective and conservation of young people with difficult problems in therapy and reducing abandonment; (3) Finally, FFT has shown successful results to be convenient. In the sections below
we briefly examine scientific evidence for FFT in these three areas. 1. Behavioral results. One of the primary results for any program designed for use with the disorder of outsourced behavior young people is specific behavioral changes. The research that shows that FFT jobs occurred through different settings and different populations. The summary
of these search results is included in the secondary bars in this study of Sexton & Alexander results (2001). Multi-ethnic, multicultural, urban setting with professional therapists in an office in the office, outpatient setting. Customers: criminals with various crimes, drug abuses and violent delinquents on the vowed freedom. Result: compared to the
minors who received regular test services (n = 133, relaps of 38%), customers in the FFT group (n = 166) had 22% recidivism. Crime gravity index (number of crimes x criminality level) has shown that those in the FFT group significantly had less serious crimes even when it was considered pre-criminality gravity. 20 section of the manual. The results
of published studies suggest that FFT is effective in reducing recurrence between 26% and 73% with the relevant, moderate and seriously delinquent youth compared to treatment without treatment than for the test services of the Juvenile Court (Alexander, et al, 2000). Most interests are the range of Community and Ethnies of the customer who
composed these studies (a more complete list can be found in Alessandro, et al, 2000). These positive FFT results remain relatively stable even at follow-up times up to five years (Gordon, Arbuthnot, Gustafson, MCGREEN, 1988) and the positive impact also affects adolescent brothers (Klein, Alexander, & Parsons, 1977). While these studies typically
use recidivism as the 34 the foundations of the result of the results of the Functional Functional Therapy Waldron, H. B., SLESNICK, N., Turner, C. W., Brody, J. L., Peterson, T. R. (2001). Evaluation of the effectiveness of four interventions for abusive drug teenagers (functional family therapy, single cognitive-behavioral cognitive-behavioral A
combined family and cognitive-behavioral intervention, the condition of comparison of the group's intervention based on education). The study examined the use of the substance and the results of family relationships at 4 months and 7 months after the initiation of treatment customers: drug abusing adolescents. Caucasian and Hispanic families.
Results: adolescents receiving FFT or combined showed significant reductions as a percentage of days using marijuana from pre-treatment to 4 months after treatment initiation. These results provide support for the immediate advantage of family therapy for young people abusing substance and are generally consistent with the literature of outcome
of family therapy for the abuse of adolescent substances. The use of teenage marijuana in the condition of group therapy was not significantly lower than the baseline to the 4-month evaluation, but was significantly less than 7 months. The CBT condition was not significantly different from the base line in any of the method of measuring the follow-up
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