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Around table

Eschool: Juan Ignacio Ramón

Teacher: Ana María castruita Ibarra
subject: immigration
Name: Óscar Alexis Hernández
Hernández Gpo 6 Nl9
Migration can help fulfill people's desire to live their lives
where and how.
choose. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
pointed out in its Report of
Human Development 2009, “even before we ask ourselves
whether freedom of movement has
considerable effects on income, education or health ... we
recognize that mobility is one of
the basic actions that individuals may decide to take to
realize their plans for
life ”1
The intention of a person to migrate to a specific country
may not necessarily coincide with the
migration policies of that State. States have the right, and,
in fact, the
responsibility, to decide who to admit, exclude and expel
from their territory, within the limits of the
international right. Migration policies have to meet several
objectives and sometimes
contradictory. These include, among others, addressing
the needs of the national market for
work, maintain commercial or cultural exchanges and
cooperation with other countries; comply
with international protection obligations and
considerations relating to security
national and crime prevention. Therefore, they are best
developed in consultation with all
concerned parties.
Regardless of how a State has defined its immigration
policy, an immigration policy
fully developed recognizes that migratory movements are
composed of people with
legitimate needs and rights, whether they are nationals of
that State or nationals of another country under its
jurisdiction. In addition, it respects the pertinent
obligations towards these derived persons, among others,
of international human rights, labor and refugee law.
the lives and well-being of people and ensure that they can
access their rights
humans is a goal in itself. It is a fundamental condition for
human and mitigates long-term negative economic, social
and individual consequences,
of violence and deprivation. Migration can involve a
number of risks, especially for
people in irregular situations or with specific needs.
Migrants in general
they may experience harassment and discrimination,
exclusion, violence and exploitation. Improve well-being
of migrants increases their representation and empowers
them to participate, contribute and enjoy the
economic, social, cultural and political development for the
full exercise of their human rights and
fundamental liberties.
Design migration policies that meet various objectives, such
as helping economic growth
and cultural; guarantee national security and safeguard the
human rights of migrants in
Sometimes it can be quite a challenge. However, practical
examples of sensitive initiatives to
rights-based and protection adopted by governments in
different regions, sometimes with
the support of international organizations and other
stakeholders, show that they are not
incompatible and that, in fact, migration management
policies that manage to integrate both
aspects are more effective. Strict border control without
the corresponding guarantees of
Protection can put refugees and others in need at risk of
international protection access to security. These policies
have not stopped people
stop migrating, and sometimes they migrate down
increasingly dangerous routes. Likewise, these policies may
generate a serious risk to the life and safety of people and
aggravate the situation of
individuals with specific needs, such as traumatized people,
people or

UNDP: Human Development Report 2009, New York,
Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development

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