New P.S Sem 2 Questions

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SEMESTER 2 I all questions


UNIT : 01

Unit -1
Q1. What is political Thought? Classify the study of political thought.
2. Discuss the importance of the study of political thought
3. What are main features of Greek Political Thought?
4. Explain Sophist Political Thought
5. Elucidate the method/approach of political thought. Meaning defination and scope.
6.discuss the ideal state of plato
( if about thinkers then add intro where they are born etc )
7.explain theory of justice of plato
8.virtue is knowledge " discuss education system & importance by plato
8.plato insister on comunnism of family/wifes & property discuss.
9.explain classification of government by aristotle
10.various causes of revolution sugguest the remedies
11.note on aristole's citenzenship
12.explain features of aristotle's state
13.expalin concept of slavery by aristole
14.inductive method
15.list out methods of study adopted by aristotle
16.describe various methods of study to discipline of political thought

UNIT : 02

1. Mediaeval era is also considered as Dark Age in the study of Western Political Thought.
Discuss the argument for people supremacy and secular supremacy
2. What is Scholasticism? "Thomas Acquinas is also called as Christianized Aristotle." Support the
3. Discuss the classification of Law by Thomas Aquinas.
4. Discuss the state graph of Machiavelli explain in his book ' The Prince.'
5. Elaborate Machiavelli view on Human Nature, Morality and Religion.
6. Features of medieval political thought.

Unit : 03

1.Discuss the state of nature n absolute state of Thomas hobbes (8)

2.Write a note on notion of sovereignty by (Thomas hobbes 8 or 7)
3.Discuss the concept of natural rights of john locke (4)
4.John locke supported limited government. Discuss(4)
5.Discuss the general will n popular sovereignty of jj Rousseau (8)

Unit :04
1.What are the various principles of utilitarian philosophy (8)
2.Discuss the idea pain and pleasure (4)
3.jeremy bentham has introduced legal reforms in England. What are they? (7)
4.What are the various important works of jeremy bentham (3)
5.Discuss the idea of liberty and it's importance by J . S mill (7)
6.What is the are reason for js mill to support or against representative government (7

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