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Lemonade and Chips

HEALTH & YOU fi lter ed
OVER 40 Talks


Planting a Seed
52-week guided journal



Autumn is known as the season of abundance,
change, balance and maturity. How does that
filter into our lives?

In this issue of Unfiltered Talks we look what's
happening over on the "40 and over bridge."
Anything exciting happening over there? Well,
read on to find out.


Have a question regarding pension and

retirement planning? Get them answered in
detail in our March 2023 issue. Plus a few
things to think on while we wait.


42 Fun ways you can use pumpkin along with
some interesting pumpkin facts.

04 Editor's Note
05 How to Read This Magazine
25 Flashback

27 Get Featured in FGM
28 Subscribe & Feel Good
48 Abundant Living



Dawn Morgan
CHIPS Planting the seed, Marsha Dennie
staying the course,
Sometimes crispy,
having patience and
sometimes tart,
being consistent will
nevertheless delightful,
eventually bear fruit. FEEL GOOD MAGAZINE
sweet, and refreshing!
P.O. Box 5695
Liguanea Post Mall,
Kingston 6, St.Andrew
Jamaica W.I.
03 | FGM


Feel Good Magazine

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed

reading Volume 1 and you're
ready to deep-dive into this

As always, my aim is to
continuously provide you with
the best and most substantive
content, in relation to daily life
experiences, that leaves you In this issue
FEELING GOOD or better than Let's talk about getting older. As
you came, irrespective of the we age so many things change -
topic . our health, finances, and even
our lifestyle. And there's no better
time to talk about this than now -
Autumn - the season of
Blessings, Love & Light abundance, change, and
Founder & Editorial Director

Happy reading!
04 | FGM
Read this Magazine

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Nourish your skin with this unique, vitamin-rich

mask formulated with pure Colorado mountain
wildflower honey. Live enzymes and amino acids
keeping skin looking smooth and plump. Coconut
oil, high in lauric acid, soothes sensitive skin.
of Aging

07 | FGM


"Autumn carries more
gold in its pockets than
all the other seasons."
– Jim Bishop

Autumn brings around a time of
change. It’s back to school, time to plant
crops and new plants; and it’s also a
time when we move from the hotter
summer, party-filled months to the
Autumn is a magnificent season when cooler more tranquil months. For many
the brilliance of the oranges, browns, persons it's a time of reflection and
reds and hues of yellow shine through. It planning. Mark Moffitt shares these five
is the season associated with tips on how to embrace the season of
abundance, balance, change and change: (1) transition towards stillness,
maturity. And, when you think food, you (2) let the change come to you, (3)
think pumpkin and all the aromatic practice the art of letting go, (4) stay
spices that permeate the air during this grounded in your roots, and (5) seek
season. out things that nourish.

Abundance Balance
Autumn is synonymous with abundance. Autumn is a transitional period when we
Abundance of harvested foods and move between hot summers to cold
colorful leaves that adorn the earth with winters; from high energy activities in
bountiful beauty. According to John summer to slower, more slumber
Keats, it’s a “season of mists and mellow activities in winter. It's a delicate balance
fruitfulness, close bosom-friend of the to transition between the two seasons
maturing sun.” During autumn, trees without it affecting our psyche and well-
shed their leaves with wild abundance, being. Use this time to find balance in
fruits and seeds are plentiful; all giving your life, align your lifestyle with the
of themselves without expecting pace of the season and appreciate
anything from the world. What if we what it offers.
were to embrace a mindset of
abundance; accepting what is, evolving Maturity
regardless of situations and sharing our Autumn evokes a nostalgic feeling from
gifts and talents with the world? Oh which can arise feelings of mortality and
what an abundant life this would be! getting older; yet it’s also a time for
rebirth. It’s akin to the growing cycles,
09 | FGM which in autumn symbolizes ripeness
and maturity, death and change.
Who doesn't love a good


10 | FGM

Square Neck
Women's Dress
with Big
& You Over 40
By Deon C. Dewar-Gray

All the way into my mid-30s

I was feeling like a
teenager; I didn't have gray
hairs; my knees didn't
squeak; I didn't need
progressive lens; I wasn't
so picky with food; I wasn't
so moody (hmmm - maybe
I should scratch this one); I
didn't have pimples or
stray chin hairs; my butt
didn't feel this heavy, and I
sure as heck could hold my
pee longer (trust me the
little things count).

Then came the 40s!

Things just started to

happen overnight; it's like I
woke up one day and my
six-pack abs had turned
into a bowl of jello.

Today, we take a look at

some of the changes our
bodies go through after
40. Albeit these can
occur before 40, slowly
creep into the 40s with
us, or just never occur. I
think we can all agree
that we would prefer
the latter.

12 | FGM
Body Parts
Weight Loss
In her article about tackling weight gain
after 40, Bolin said that "our metabolism
decreases about 5 percent for every decade
we are alive." Changes in our lifestyle, for
example, our activity levels and eating
habits, have a lot to do with our weight
changes as we age; this also includes
hormonal changes.

Once upon a time, we could eat all the ice

Just try sitting on the floor
cream and cake we wanted, then do a 20-
and getting up.
minute workout the next day and all would
be well. Not so anymore, at least not for
Yes, I agree some of us are
many of us. Furthermore, for the not-so-
nimbler than others.
lucky ones, like myself, this is when you find
However, for the not-so-
out about certain health issues - like
nimble, we start making that
thyroidism, which in my case makes it very
weird sound we use to hear
difficult to lose weight. What that means is a
our grandparents make, and
360-degree lifestyle change, taken in small
we wonder, what the heck!
doses of course to make it more realistic and
There was also a time in our
lives when we could easily
Get your health checks done and speak with
see our body parts, below
your nutritionist and doctor to find out the
our belly, without tipping
best solutions for you.
forward. Some still can.
Great! Either way, now is a
great time, if never before, to
start eating healthily and get
some exercise in.
Plus reducing our overall We tend to start
weight, and maintaining a sagging after 40, mainly
healthy lifestyle, staves off due to muscle loss.
many of the common health Luckily there are
risks such as diabetes, options available
hypertension, and heart exercise for one, or
disease. surgical procedures to
help with lifting,
tucking and perking.

13 | FGM
Let's just say this is an ongoing battle for me and my ophthalmologist - I still don't
believe I need progressives! My desk wears them more than my eyes. Anyway, I

As we get older, we develop dry eyes; we can't seem to do simple things such as
threading a needle; bright lights affect us; reading for some has become more
difficult (presbyopia) and the list goes on. As I write this, I'm having to, reluctantly,
draw for the progressives because my eyes have now started to hurt. Sigh!

There are many other issues that can occur after 40 which we need to be mindful of
and seek the requisite help if we start to notice anything out of the norm. Other
vision challenges may include glaucoma, difficulty seeing after dark and macular
degeneration. Pay Attention...Get Your Eyes Tested!

Hair TodayGone Tomorrow

Hair loss is real! Both in women and men. This can be due to hormonal changes
and imbalances, diet, stress, genetics, hair styling, autoimmune conditions and

Check with your doctor to rule out any medical conditions and to get an opinion on
ways to improve your health thereby possibly reducing hair loss. And if all else fails,
cut it all off and rock that bald head! Most men are already embracing this look,
some women too.

Collagen Loss Runny Tear Ducts

This is a natural cycle in the Is it only me or do you find
aging process. yourself crying for everything? Just
Embrace it. the mere question, "How are you?"
Stay out of the sun. can make me burst into tears.
Wear sunscreen.
Smile more. Hmmm. Talk truth, it happens to
Be proud of your wrinkles, you to don't?
you've earned every one.
Perimenopause - the transition into menopause. Hip hip hooray‍, no more monthly
periods. True, but perimenopause has its fair amount of issues.

This is the time when estrogen levels start to rise and fall unevenly, which may
cause our cycles to lengthen or shorten. Ladies brace yourself, if you think you're
having hot flashes, you probably are. If you have difficulty sleeping, you can blame
Ms. Peri for that too and, if your "vajayjay" is dry as the desert...just blame Ms. Peri.

Other symptoms may include headaches, random hair growth (like chin hairs),
changes in libido (from zero to nuff), weight re-distribution or gain, mood swings -
from anxiety, anger and unexplained sadness to uncontrollable laughter and crying
- and then there is also some short-term memory loss. Exciting times ahead!

Changes in Smell, Taste & Hearing

I have bad allergies so my sense of smell has always been heightened, but I can tell
you that it has certainly gotten worse in the last few years. Things I use to be able to
tolerate I no longer can.

My taste has also changed. I've never really had a sweet tooth but it's even worse
now. I can't seem to stomach anything that's sweet, mind you, that's great for my
derriere, but a girl still likes her occasional slice of cake and ice cream.

As for the hearing, I've always just said, "I really can't hear you because I don't have
on my glasses." Enough said!

Again, if you're having issues with any of the above, outside of your normal
functions, go speak with your doctor.

Metabolism Slows
As we age our metabolism slows, this is a reality.

Exercising and eating healthy helps. Oh, and skipping meals is not a solution to our
weight gain problems either; it actually worsens it by slowing down our metabolism
further. Eat regular small meals and exercise. If you dislike exercising, find a hobby
that gets you moving; gardening for example can provide a great workout.

15 | FGM
& Risk of Breast
Pregnancy Cancer is Higher
MayoClinic recommends starting your
Due to perimenopause, and other screening at 40 and doing regular check-ups
biological factors, it is highly likely thereafter. Talk to your doctor about options
that our fertility will decline and and regularity.
becoming pregnant may be
difficult after 40. Not impossible - I did my 1st mammogram & breast ultra-
so "surprises" may occur. sound in my late 30s because I felt a lump. I
was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast,
According to Virginia Physicians which is a common and benign condition.
for Women, "Fertility specialists Nevertheless, I make sure to feel and screen
quote approximately a 5% chance on a regular basis.
per menstrual cycle of getting
pregnant naturally after age 40 vs. According to WebMD, as we age our risk for
a 25% chance per cycle for breast cancer increases. And the American
women in their 20s." Cancer Society states that breast cancer is
less common among men than among
In addition to that, if we do women, irrespective of race. Yes, men do get
become pregnant, we are at risk breast cancer as well.
for more complications, including,
but not limited to, diabetes, high The truth is, we need to get to know our
blood pressure, miscarriages. breasts. Let's feel them up, do our screening,
reduce our stress levels, get healthy and
As always, seek the advise of your speak with our doctor. It's also important to
doctor before making a decision. know our family history. #feelandscreen

Osteoporosis causes bone density loss which results in weakened bones. So, for
those of you who like to jump up and down suddenly, STOP IT! A sudden
movement or dash to the bathroom can actually result in fractured or broken

Osteoporosis can also lead to more incidents of falling, therefore increase your
calcium intake through supplements or products fortified with calcium. Add
exercise to strengthen and build muscle mass, and try to stay as healthy as
possible. Make sure to speak with your doctor before starting any supplement

16 | FGM
Relaxing your mind
and body

17 | FGM
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation can be caused by some of the other factors that affect us
over 40, for eg. perimenopause. However, sleep needs to become our best
friend so as to ward off the effects that sleep deprivation can have on our
mental and physical health.

Here are a few things you can do to help the sleep along:
Develop a sleep routine by going to bed at the same time each night and
waking up at the same time (heck I need some serious help in this
Turn off the TV, phones, laptops and tablets at least 1 hour before
Keep your room dark and ensure you have a comfortable room
temperature, especially in the summer months.
Drink a glass of water before bed.
Listen to soothing music or play "white noises" in the background to
drown out all other distractions.

"Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory,
thinking and behavior." ~ Alzheimer's Association. More women are prone to
develop Alzheimer's than men, and at an earlier age as well. This is due in part
to the changes that a woman's body goes through in perimenopause and
menopause, as well as genetics.

Manage Pains
Did you wake up feeling an aching pain in your leg and you wrote it off as the
exercise you did yesterday, or the fact that you are indeed getting older?
Rethink that. Yes, it may have been caused those things; however, it could also
be a warning sign of bigger issues. If in doubt, go see your doctor.

Do not ignore your pains!

40 and beyond is not all doom and gloom, although the above
would make it seem otherwise. Yes, some things will just creep
up on you and you wake up a changed person. But for the most
part, they all have signs and symptoms. Get to know your body
and when in doubt, go get it checked out.

18 | FGM

1. Eat healthier
2. Exercise at least 20 minutes a
3. Go to bed early - get at least 6 to
8 hours of sleep
4. Maintain a healthy weight
5. Quit smoking
6. Reduce alcohol intake to 1 drink
or less a day
7. Take your required medication
and supplements
8. Wear sunblock
9. Moisturize your skin
10. Drink water
10+1 Laugh more

19 | FGM
ilt e r e d
T a lk s
with Deon Cecile

over here?
There’s a French proverb, that
says, “40 is the old age of
youth…,” and I do notice that
once we reach 40, we no longer
say, “oh I’m 42,” etc., nope, we
say, “I’m 18 with 22 years of
experience,” and with some
attitude, I might add. There’s
also an old adage that says,
“Oh, you just wait until you
reach 40, it’s over the hill from
there.” Also, some consider it
middle age – a milestone. While
others think that this is now the
best part of life, we’re
supposed to be much wiser, we
would have been far along in
our careers, started families
and we should have our
finances sorted, or at least
getting there.

21 | FGM
But separate and apart from all the above, plus all the known health issues and instances
where you might not recognize your body as being yours, what are some of the additional
changes that we experience during our 40s? Well, I took to the streets, metaphorically that
is, and asked both men and women to tell me what their experiences have been like since
hitting the 40s. And guess what? I got no responses from men. Yup, not one, well to be fair,
I got one, and I can include it right here because that’s just about all you’ll hear from the
men. They shy! He said he hadn’t seen any noticeable changes physically, however, he
experienced changes on the positive side. That’s it! No further explanation, etc., but I thank
you, good Sir.

So anyway, in this article, women opened-up and shared what their experiences have been
so far. I wish I could capture the emotions from some of the conversations I had!

Let's Talk
Zero Energy
Why do I feel like this? I don’t want to do
anything! Are you feeling like this too?
Zero energy for anything? Yes, said 50%
Shattered Memory of the women who answered. According
Memory loss was the most common to a few of the women, they were ready
response received. One person said, “my to retire and go live in a hut on the
memory is the worse; I pick up the phone beach or in a cabin in the hills; with a
then can't remember who I'm calling, I few cases of wine preferably.
turn on the computer and can't
remember what I was about to do, I
climb the stairs and can't even recall
where I'm going.” A lot of the ladies said “I'm coming to terms with my mortality
that they’d be standing in front of the as I recognize that I may have more
refrigerator wondering why they opened years behind me than I have ahead of
the door in the first place, then when me.”
they’re halfway to do something else
they remember and turn back, not “I opened up to my kids about my
remembering where they were headed finances, so they know where to find
next. Most have also said their phones everything in the event death visits me
and notebooks have become their best before them.”
friends - jotting down everything so they
forget nothing. I have now, admittedly, One person said, “I turned 40 and all I
taken a seat on this struggle bus. Sigh! Is seem to think about now is when I’m
there a tablet for this? gonna die, is that normal?” Yes, it is
normal, many persons start to think
Well, Mayo Clinic sheds light on this by about their mortality once they reach a
providing 7 tips they believe might help: certain age.
include physical activity in your daily
routine, stay mentally active, socialize The fact is, our mortality is inevitable, we
regularly, get organized, sleep well, eat a just don’t know when. That’s why we
healthy diet and manage chronic need to live life to the fullest, be grateful
conditions. for everything, love unconditionally, and
22 | FGM make peace with whatever is burdening
our souls.
And the changes
Sex drive

Now this had mixed commentary, from the lost appetite for sex to the “Lord I can’t
have enough of it,” to the dry like chip vajayjays; and then there are those who are
stuck somewhere in the middle – want it but can do without it for days, months
even. While some have chosen a life of celibacy. One lady said, “I feel like I’m raping
my husband, I believe he’s going to start hiding from me soon.” I really don't think
he will.

I've been through all of the above, except now, my sex drive is through the roof. I’m
a walking, talking, ticking time bomb of sex-filled energy. In case you fall into this
category and need help, remember you can always help yourself. Get you a Mr.

It's so interesting that we notice so many things after the age of 40.
And, not only do we notice them, but we have come to terms with a lot
of it. Here are a few more changes that were highlighted.

“I'm embracing my grays.” “I color my hair every opportunity I get.” Two different
ends of the spectrum. However, for me, I'm embracing my gray hairs, the ones
on my head that is.
“My over 40 experiences have been immense fun.”
“I spend more of my time thinking about retirement and preparing myself now
for that phase.”
“I am enjoying more alone time.”
“I don't sweat the small stuff. Everything will work itself out and this day will
pass and go into tomorrow where I'll have another opportunity to figure things
out.” I really loved this one and really need to embrace this concept more.
“More at peace with saying NO.” Isn’t this a beautiful thing? Boy I tell you, it’s
“No longer interested in partying.”
“Hot flashes – it’s like a plague.”
"My way to describe it is, you’re on top of a hill looking down.”

Just remember, "when you hit 40, multitasking just

23 | FGM
means you can sneeze and pee at the same time."
~ KKWalker
24 | FGM

Living a more purpose-filled life,

enriched with happier moments is
achievable. It may, however, require
us to reduce our mental clutter, limit
procrastination, and develop a self-
care plan all whilst truly trying to find
out who we are.

V O L U M E 1
25 | FGM
26 | FGM
What's your story? Do you want to tell it?
Will it make others Feel Good, Provide Hope, Educate, or Inspire?
I'd be happy to feature you!

r e d
e a tu
t F
G e
T o
l i ck

Connect With Me


28 | FGM
O     ne day you wake up and realize you're older and approaching retirement. Oh
my goodness! What's next? Was I even prepared for this?

Don't be caught off-guard not knowing if you're ready for retirement. Start
planning your retirement now and develop the habit of saving and investing to
create a viable pension - your nest egg.

A Detailed Look At
Retirement and Pension
Planning in Jamaica

29 | FGM
When I was growing up, I never understood the concept of retirement, much less
pension planning. I saw my parents working every day and figured, like my
grandparents, they'd stop working one day and, well, everything would just work
itself out. Well, that's not really the case. You must start planning early to ensure
that your “nest egg” is safe and secure. That way you'll be able to, hopefully, live
comfortably doing the things you enjoy, while taking care of those bills that won't
stop coming until you die.

The truth is, save an except for illnesses and/or accidents, retirees seem to be
living longer; especially women. Some are even more active than when they were
younger. So, what does that mean for pension plans and retirement savings,
especially when cost of living has skyrocketed so much in the past two decades?
Well, it means a lot of things. Here a few things to think about until we deep-dive
into this topic in our March 2023 issue with one of Jamaica's top financial

12 Things to Consider for Retirement

1. Contribute the maximum allowed in your pension scheme.
2. Develop the habit of saving, no matter how small - daily, weekly,
monthly. Start saving, keep saving!
3. Pay off loans and mortgages prior to retirement.
4. Plan for inflation - assume prices will always be increasing.
5. Monitor your savings, investments, and pension plans to ensure
you're getting the best returns.
6. Improve your physical and mental health to reduce health care
7. Diversify your portfolio - based on risk tolerance.
8. Plan ahead, stay focused, ride the waves (don't allow your boat
to capsize).
9. Cut your expenses (however possible).
10. Create a budget (stick to it as best as possible).
11. Create a wish list of the things you want to do during your
retirement, ensure that you incorporate it into your investment
12. Get a Financial Advisor / Planner.

"You spend time to develop and nourish your dreams; spend the same amount of
time, or more, to nurture and grow your nest egg."
~ Deon C. dewar-gray
30 | FGM
Slim Jean

31 | FGM
Inspired by
"From Piece to
A Masterpiece"
by Shawn Ashman


There is a popular saying, "Never Louise Hay once said, "when you
underestimate the power of a plant a seed, you expect it to
planted seed." And as Fabienne grow; you don't wait 2 days and
Fredrickson says, "The day you then dig in the earth and say
plant the seed is not the day you 'what's happening, what's
eat the fruit. Be patient and stay happening!' You expect them to
the course." grow because you know there's a
law and a process, and the seed
But how many of us will admit to will grow if it's in the right soil with
being patient and staying the the right amount of moisture."
course? Impatience for many of
us is like a wild fire; out-of-control How have you been nurturing
and hard to tame. the seeds that you have planted
for your life? Stick with me as
Nevertheless, planting the seed, Shawn Ashman takes us on a
staying the course, having journey of the power of "planting
patience and being consistent will a seed," to create a masterpiece,
eventually bear fruit. using the analogy of art.

Shawn Ashman is the Founder & CEO of The Art of Motivation;

she's also a Podcaster, Transformational Speaker, and a
Jamaican Fine Artist who uses her creativity and talent to
32 | FGM motivate, inspire and transform lives through art.


The Sketch
“What is it that you have in your heart to do that
you haven't yet started? Let's think about this as
planting a seed.” When you plant a seed, you
don't expect it to grow overnight so why then do
we think that planting the seeds of our dreams
should materialize overnight? According to
Shawn, we should think of planting seeds as
challenges. For her, it's a challenge to embrace
her creative side, for her to focus on doing
something different and doing something new.

However, she also cautions us about the dark underpaintings such as

fear, doubt, and uncertainty that, though they can add richness to the
experience, can also prevent us from planting that seed. Why? Because
we often don't know where to start, or we think what we're doing isn’t right.

Start where you are, with whatever you have!

33 | FGM


The focal point

The focal point, in artwork, is the first thing that catches your eye - that
resonates with you. Shawn suggests that we ask ourselves these questions
when deciding on our focal point: when I do this how can it benefit someone
else, how can this inspire someone, what is the message behind what I'm doing
and can this be useful to someone else? And if the answer is yes to the last
question, and usually it is, then she encourages us to put our heart and soul into
it – "tap into our happiness, our love center, and find the joy in it."

Your focal point really should be what brings you happiness.

Splashes of Paint & Color

When working on our art, the types of paint and color we select adds
uniqueness to our masterpiece. In life, the splashes of paint and color – the way
we tell our story, how we communicate and share our experiences, how our
emotions exude through our project(s) - is the uniqueness that only we can
bring to our project(s). Color in life, just as it is in art, can sway thinking, evoke
emotions, and is a powerful form of communication.

Do your part and let God and the universe take care of the rest.

35 | FGM
Planting A Seed

The details
Details in painting is when we add the fine prints, the small marks,
highlights, more shadow, and create more depth; in other words, we
make it come alive.

Some details are almost imperceptible, nevertheless they can ignite

inspiration in others, create a sense of appreciation and reveal a beauty
or an essence that makes for a magnificent art piece to the beholder.

When we plant seeds in our life and start adding the details, we’re
making our life come alive. As Shawn reiterates, “…take the time to
improve who you are and what you do. Change your perspective on
some things, embrace a period of fasting where you fast from thoughts,
ideas, people, food, practices, etc., and start a fresh, give yourself an
opportunity to grow, give yourself a second life.”

We are all works of art.

Finishing touches
I once read somewhere that adding the finishing touches to our outfits
makes us go from boring to scorching and we ladies, and men too, can
appreciate this sentiment. The finishing touches bring everything together
- that added piece of jewelry or tie pin; or in art, that frame, the sealant,
etc. According to Shawn, when she adds finishing touches to her artwork,
for example framing a piece, “it looks good, and it presents well.”

"The law of nature dictates that not every seed planted

will grow, and not every grown seed will bear fruit, but
some will grow and bear fruit!"
~ Deon C. Dewar-Gray

Plant your seed

Stop making excuses
Commit to follow through
Undated Deluxe Weekly, Monthly Planner, a
12 Month Journey to Increase Productivity &
Happiness - Life Organizer, Gratitude
Journal, and Stickers

37 | FGM
Fun ways you can use
pumpkin along with some
useful pumpkin facts

Pumpkins are a part of the gourd family - like squash, melon
and cucumbers.

Pumpkins are packed with nutrients; they are a low-calorie

food item and they contain plenty of beta-carotene.

Pumpkins vary in size, shape and color and there are about 45
different types.

Oh My Gosh - there's actually pumpkin beer out there!

Did you know that the first time the word "pumpkin" was used
was in the "Cinderella story"?

Pumpkins grow everywhere except Antarctica.

Native Americans used the dried, flattened strips to make


Pumpkin seed oil can be used to reduce the effects of menopause.

Steamed pumpkin leaves can be used for your favorite wraps.

Pumpkin can be steamed, baked, roasted or stewed; had by itself

or with your favorite meats and sides.

The seeds can be roasted - salted or

unsalted - and eaten as a snack.

38| FGM

Kitchen décor and

organization have
never been this easy!
You're gonna wanna
bake tonight!
Pumpkin Ingredients

SERVINGS: Makes 2 loaf pans: 16-18 servings


No mixer required

Recipe 2 cups Cooked, Crushed Pumpkin

¾ cup Melted Butter or Vegetable Oil
1 ½ cups Brown Sugar
2 tbsps. Honey
4 Eggs, beaten
½ - ⅔ cup Milk (milk of your choice)
3 ½ cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Nutmeg
1-2 tsps. Cinnamon Powder
½ tsp Ginger Powder (do not forget this)
½ tsp Clove Powder
Deon Cecile
By Deon Dewar-Gray Pumpkin Bread

Directions Step 1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C).

Spray 2 - 9×5-inch loaf pans with non-stick
spray. Set aside.

Step 2 In a large bowl, shift and whisk the flour,

baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon,
nutmeg, cloves, ginger, and salt together
until combined. Set aside.

Step 3 In another bowl, use a wooden spoon to

mix the melted butter into the cooked,
crushed pumpkin. Add the sugar and
honey, eggs, and vanilla.

Step 4 Pour the wet mixture into the dry

ingredients. Use a wooden spoon to fold
gently until combined. (There may be a few
lumps - that's ok). Add dried fruits or nuts
if you wish. Do not over mix batter.

Step 5 Pour mixture into prepared loaf pans. Bang

pans on the counter to help remove any
air pockets.

Step 6 Bake until a toothpick inserted into the

centre comes out clean. Check
intermittently after 45 minutes as oven
temperatures differ.

Place pans on a cooling rack and let it

Step 7
cool for 15 minutes before unmolding to
cool completely.

If you are using homemade puree, drain well before use.
If you are not using honey, increase sugar to 1 ¾ -2 cups for added sweetness.
Optional: Add more pumpkin for a richer, moister bread; substitute milk with orange juice;
sprinkle top with unsweetened coconut flakes.
By Deon C. Dewar-Gray

Getting Older Is Like ...

Lemonade & Chips

I know some persons are wondering how I can liken getting older to
lemonade and a bag of chips. Crazy right? Maybe, but hear me out.
What comes to mind when you think of, or consume, lemonade and
chips? Let your mind run wild for a minute, or two. Did you think crispy,
tart, salty, delightful, refreshing, sweet, and tangy? Well, those are just a
few that came to my mind. Plus, you want to have them all the time,
well, maybe not all the time, but more often than you should. Not to
mention all the flavors that they come in these days, which creates a
new set of feelings and emotions when your tastebuds get tantalized.

But, just as how getting older comes with an array of emotions, feelings,
and health restrictions, so does having lemonade and chips.

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Let’s face facts, chips are a comfort food

that make most people happy. When we
have a bag of chips, whether salty or
sweet, hot and spicy, or some other
flavor, our brain translates all that
munching and crunching into dopamine.
The reward and the pleasure!

I don’t know about you, but as I’ve gotten

older, I’ve expanded in flavors, just like a
bag of chips. I’m flavorful!

For example, today as I write this article I

feel like a regular, shmegular bag of When you think about it, getting older is
chips – not too much of any flavor. really like a bag of chips; you never know
what to expect. Today you’re hot and spicy,
On the other hand, yesterday I felt like a, tomorrow you feel like a bag of air, and on
well, like a stale bag of ranch chips – all other days you’re that, “she’s all that and a
the tangy and buttermilk creamy flavor bag of chips,” which means you’re very
had gone. special!

What flavor chips are you today?


Imagine, it’s swelteringly hot outside.

All you can think about is something to
cool you down. Ahhh, lemonade! You
smile. It’s sweet, a little tart, yet oh so

Aren’t you like that some days?

As we get older, we tend to, at least for

me, show our emotions more. Some
days I can be the sweetest little thing
with such a refreshing aura. Other
days, that tart be showing and you’re
going know it.

Nevertheless, lemonade is like the

wisdom we’re supposed to have as we
grow older; you know when it’s good
for you and when you’ve had too
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Know that you are the perfect age.
Each year is special and precious,
for you shall only live it once. Be
comfortable with growing older.
44 | FGM Louise Hay

Get cozy and warm with this extremely luxurious, soft, and fluffy plush
faux fur throw blanket. The exceptionally soft and thick faux fur is
perfect for snuggling up on the couch or bed, completing home décor,
for outdoor use, or a meaningful gift for any occasion.

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By: Deon C. Dewar-Gray

An amazing, heart-wrenching story

about Tara Westover's childhood in
Idaho with a father who could be
"It's strange how you give the people classified as an extremist Mormon.
you love so much power over you."

My Review Favorite Quotes

It took me a little while to get into the book, "Never again would I allow myself to be
slow out of the blocks you could say, but made a foot soldier in a conflict I did not
when I did, I realized just how conflicted my understand."
emotions were and it made me so thankful
for my education, my upbringing and the “You can love someone and still choose to
type of parents I had. say goodbye to them,” she says now. “You
can miss a person every day, and still be
This book was a constant reminder of how glad that they are no longer in your life.”
beliefs and one's upbringing can affect your
entire life. How it can either give you energy, “My life was narrated for me by others. Their
or suck the very life out of you. How it can voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute. It
make you question every decision you have had never occurred to me that my voice
ever made and doubt yourself beyond might be as strong as theirs.”
reason. How it can make you fearful and
distrusting of your very innate skills and "The most powerful determinant of who you
capabilities. How others can see your worth, are is inside you."
when you don't even realize what those are
or who you are.

PRAY It is the greatest power on earth

LOVE It is a God given privilege

READ It is the foundation of wisdom

THINK It is the source of power

It is the road to happiness

GIVE It is too short a day to be selfish

PLAY It is the secret of perpetual youth

LAUGH It is the music of the soul

WORK It is the price of success

SAVE It is the secret of security

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