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Workover & Completion
Driller’s White Board Kill Well
1. Surface Pressure Limit 1. Reset stroke counters
2. Proposed kill rate in SPM / BPM 2. BPUTS holding casing pressure constant
3. Surface line volume 3. Reset stroke counters again when kill weight fluid
reaches tubing to account for surface line volume
Instructions to Driller 4. Watch for complications and take appropriate
1. Check choke panel: action
 All Choke (s) closed and functional 5. Shut pump down and close choke in a controlled
2. Check choke manifold and BOP for proper line up fashion when stopping or after kill weight fluid is
3. Set flow-show and PVT alarms (+/-) circulated around.
4. WHEN to shut the well in, the 3 positive indicators 6. Use bleed procedure to remove trapped pressure as
 Increase in flow appropriate
 Increase in pit volume 7. Interpret pressure gauges to determine if well is
 Flow with pumps off dead and take appropriate action.
5. HOW to shut the well in, the 3 S’s
 Space out
 Shut down
 Shut in
6. WHERE to shut the well in
· Close applicable BOP, normally top annular

Kick Information
1. Driller to maintain time log of all events, all
pressures, strokes MW's, pit and/or trip tank
2. Obtain ICP, then calculate SCR for potential
use if kick sheet is needed
3. Instruction to monitor shut-in casing pressure, set
pressure-rise limit based on Surface Pressure Limit,
and action to take if limit is reached.

Communication Meeting
Review controlled circulation procedure
 Increase MW if appropriate
 Expect CP to rise if gas is present
 Expect pit volume to increase if gas is present
 Driller to maintain constant pump rate
 Maintain constant fluid density while pumping
 Ensure sufficient active pit volume for gas

R5-1 Rev 1/06

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