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Submitted to:

Ms. Blessy Ann L. Ayco

(Subject Teacher)

Submitted by:

Lorie Mae L. Jagmis


This pattern of the photo of the elephant above is a bilateral or a reflection symmetry. The
reason behind it is that if we are going to draw a vertical line in the middle of the face of the
elephant or if we divide it into two we can exactly see that the two halves are exactly the same.
In a more simple explanation, the one half of the elephant reflect its other half.

The image of the branches of trees above is one of the example of fractal pattern because
if we are going to look at it closely, the branches are just like smaller trees and if we are going to
imagine the figure of the tree and observe all of its branches, it too splits in a manner that this is
just like the preceding branch. Also according in our module, fractals are self-similar and
shrinking and moving are applied many times. If we are going to analyze and look at the image
closely the description from the module is exactly matches the particular image given above.

The above photo is a plain whorl fingerprint of a person and it show a spiral pattern from
the word whorl itself. I can tell that the picture above composes spiral pattern because I can see a
curved pattern that focuses on a center point and a chain of round shapes is revolving around the

The picture above is the Namib Desert’s dunes in Namibia. According to Wikipedia,
dunes may form a range of patterns including crescents, very long straight lines, stars, domes,
parabolas, and longitudinal or seif ('sword') shapes. While looking at the image above, I can say
that the particular picture is having dune pattern because it form a range of very long straight
lines. Although the lines are not perfect, it’s okay because some linear dunes are shaped like a
wiggling snake, with regular curves.

The photo above is a sea foam. I can tell that the picture is a foam because the bubbles
present in the image came with many sizes and the spaces between the large bubbles is filled up
with smaller ones.

Cracks are linear openings that form in material to relieve stress. The picture above is a
cooled basalt at Giant's Causeway. The image is considered as crack because of its appearance
having a hexagonal columns. Since according to, basalt is an extrusive igneous
(volcanic) rock, I can conclude that thermal shrinkage causes patterns of cracks to form as lava
solidifies and cools down.

The image above is a ladybugs and it contains spots. The ladybug have a roundish tiny
mark that is different in color from the surface of its whole body that’s why I can easily
determine that it have spots.

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