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PART 2 – FILE 600_U04_6

1. B, 2.A, 3.B, 4.C, 5.B, 6.A, 7.A, 8.C, 9.B, 10.C, 11.B, 12.A, 13.B, 14.A, 15.A

1. When do you start work in the morning?

A. Yes, I do
B. At 8 o’clock
C. She just started

2. Where’s the manager’s office?

A. Right across the hall (phòng lớn, đại sảnh)
B. Turn it off when you leave
C. I can manage

3. When does Mr. Cho want to pick up his cake?

A. I’ll carry it to the car for you
B. He said he’d be in around 3 o’clock
C. For his colleagues

4. Where can I attend an evening course?

A. Yes, attendance is required
B. It’s a four-course meal
C. The university has some night classes

5. When is the race supposed to start?

A. The ticket cost ten dollars
B. In 10 minutes
C. We’ve just run out (vừa hết)

6. Where should I meet you at the theater?

A. In front of the box office
B. It got great reviews
C. The show starts at 8 o’clock (When)

7. When will the renovations be done?

A. They haven’t given us a date
B. A new heating system
C. Through the side entrance (Where) (cổng phụ)
8. Where is the supermarket?
A. Every night until nine
B. About three or four dollars
C. Down the street from my office (nằm trên cùng con phố với văn phòng của tôi)

9. When can I get the results of my physical? (khám sức khoẻ)

A. 20 dollars, I think
B. Within a week
C. Yes, you can

10. Where’d you park your car?

A. The park is beautiful
B. Almost every day (when)
C. Behind the bank

11. When should we discuss the sales figures?

A. I've never shopped there before
B. What time are you available?
C. It was a productive discussion (năng suất)

12. Where can I buy a train ticket?

A. Over at that window (ở cửa sổ bên kia)
B. It’s going to Prague
C. About 23 euros

13. When will you start interviewing job candidates?

A. In the newspaper (where)
B. Sometime next month
C. It was a thorough review (kĩ lưỡng)

14. Where will the training session be held?

A. I’ll check the email Erika sent us
B. Safety procedures
C. Because of a schedule change

15. When will you be giving the presentation at the conference?

A. I’m not sure yet
B. What a pleasant surprise (bất ngờ thú vị)
C. It’s in London (Where)

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