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Khansa’s group

Role :

1. Doctor
2. Receptionist (Front office)
3. Patient
4. Pharmacist

Receptionist’s script:

Patient approaches the reception/ front office desk

Patient : Good Morning

Receptionist : Good Morning, What can I do for you today?

Patient : I would like to see Dr._______

Receptionist : Sorry, but do you have an appointment?

Patient : Yes, my name is __________

Receptionist : Excellent, there you are. The doctor will arrive about 10 minutes. Have
you meet with Dr.________ before?

Patient : No, It’s my first time coming to meet Dr. ________

Receptionist : Okay, can you fill in this short form? This form is for making your
Medicare card for checked up or controlled.

Patient : Sure, thanks.

Receptionist : OK finish and please wait in the waiting room there. You got number one
so you will be the first patient.

Doctor’s script:

Patient enters doctor’s office.

Doctor : Good morning, Ms. ________, I’m Dr. __________. What can I do for

Patient : I’ve had a dry cold (batuk kering) for 2 weeks also the fever (demam) too
and it isn’t getting better.

Doctor : Well that doesn’t sound good, hmm let me check your temperature

Doctor check the patient

Doctor : 39 degrees. that is quiet high. Have you got any other symptoms (gejala

Patient : Well, I’ve been feeling very tired lately

Doctor : Do you have any difficulty breathing (sesak nafas) ?

Patient : No, Doctor

Doctor : What about your taste and smell?

Patient : It’s fine , I still can taste and smell the food or anything

Doctor : OK, got it. In the very first place (awalnya) I think you caught the
coronavirus. But when I heard your more detail symptoms, it’s not fit
(bukan gejalanya). You look very tired. you only need to take a rest,
enough sleep and eating an healthy food. Avoiding oily food for a while
and drink much mineral water. I’ll give you some vitamins and please take
this medicines prescription (resep obat) to the pharmacist near the front

Patient : Ah I see. Thanks doctor.

Pharmacist script:

Patient go the pharmacy

Pharmacist : Hello, what can I do for you?

Patient : Give me these medicines according to this prescription

Pharmacist : OK miss. I will be right back

Pharmacist take the medicines

Pharmacist : Here you go

Patient : Thanks, How much is this medicines?

Pharmacist : It costs eighty five thousand rupiah

Patient : Here you go

Pharmacist : Here is your change fifteen thousand rupiah

Patient : Thanks once again

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