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Angela Maria Zuluaga

Professor: Karin Pavelek
21 May 2022

The children learn through ESM from the experience of each child. They learn more

easily by doing the project, for example, the one with avocado seed. They saw the seed and also

saw the transformation of the seed and they even measured. How tall will the avocado tree get

that they learned in this project, they learned the science of how an avocado is made and they

learned the mathematics of measuring the growth of the avocado tree and comparing it to the

height of each one, we also see the drama of they be thinking that they are taller than the


This experience we see how the children are learning in figures 2 and 4 they are planning

and observing how big the bone tree that they are practicing and learning is going to make, here

we can document the experience that each of the children contributes in the knowledge of growth

of the avocado tree and so you evaluate each child ( Early childhood curriculum, assessment and

program evaluation).

We can connect the experience of Andres and Adriana, the two of them are observing

each hoe the seed is transformed and how much the tree grow and going to be tall. I connect it

with the area of mathematics, we can also connect it in area of science because they are

observing each step that the seed avocado takes to growth that needs care of water and soil so

that it can grow and donate science materials, also connected it with in area the literature because

they also learn new vocabulary and are communicating with each other and lastly , it connected

them in the places of learning wherever they are learning and it is very important that they bring

what they are learning to their homes, but in my opinion it is easier to study science outside with
Angela Maria Zuluaga
Professor: Karin Pavelek
21 May 2022
nature. I would extended this teaching in the family field I think I would involve parents so that

they learn and teach children to take care of nature I would send them a seed already sown and I

would send them the instructions for caring for the seed and they practice it with the children and

so the children would learn more and in the next meeting it would have section of questions from

both sides of family to teachers and teachers to family it would also expand the science area

more so that the seeds can planted in the field outside.

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