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Name: Albert Demagoog - 1

Brian Jeremy Kurniawan - 5

Christian Aditya - 6
Karel Benaya Efraim Gea - 23
Yehezkiel Axl Agatha Putera - 36

Indonesian Pluralism

A. Religion

Religion Information

Islam Islam is the largest religion in

Indonesia (86.91%). Muslims believe
that there is one God, idolize their
prophet, Muhammad. Quran is the
religion’s scripture. Every friday, they
pray in a Mosque. Islam has a lot of
important dates for example, Eid

Protestant Christian The second largest religion in

Indonesia is Protestant Christian
(7.48%). This religion believes in the
Holy Trinity. Protestant started in
Germany. The movement (Protestant
Reformation) was pioneered by Martin
Luther. The religion has a holy book
which name is The Holy Bible.
According to the religion’s tradition,
their god was born as a man on
Christmas day. Christians worship
God on Sunday in a place called

Catholic Catholic is also a branch of

Christianity which came before
Protestant. Both Catholic and
Protestant use the same Bible, the
only differences is in the Catholic’s
bible there are deuterocanonical
books. Christmas is also celebrated in
this religion. Catholics worship on
Saturday and Sunday in a church.
This religion was created by their first
Pope, Saint Peter.

Hinduism Unlike the religions above, Hinduism

is a polytheistic religion. Hindus read
four holy books called Vedas. Hindus
believe the effects of action called
Karma. This religion place of worship
is called Mandir. There are some titles
given to a man or woman due to their
deeds, for example, Swamis.
Hinduism came from Pakistan,
specifically the Indus River.

Buddhism Believers of Buddhism worship in a

Vihara. This religion was born after the
Buddha encounter a vision of truth.
Buddhism has a lot of important dates,
for example Vesak. Both Buddhism
and Hinduism follow the system of
reincarnation. Buddhists believe good
deeds and meditation will lead to
Nirvana. This religion has a collection
of holy books called Tripitaka.

Confucianism This religion was formally accepted

during Gusdur’s administration. It
came from China from a man called
Confucius. Confucius wrote wujing
and sishu. These books are the base
of the Confucianism philosophy. This
religion worship in a temple.

B. Ethnic Group

Ethnic Group Information

Batak This ethnic group comes from North

Sumatra. Their native language is also
called Batak. Batak is famous for their
traditional clothes called Ulos.They
have a traditional house called Bolon.
Saksang is one of their cuisines. This
ethnic group use a patrilineal system.
Javanese Although they usually use Indonesian
language, their first language is
Javanese. Kebaya is one of javanese
clothes which is still preserved until
now. Many houses in Central Java is
inspired by Javanese traditional
house, Joglo. They have event called
slametan. In this event, they eat a mix
of foods in a plate called Tumpeng.
Unlike Batak, Javanese uses a
bilateral or parental system.

Ambon Ambon is a ethnic group which came

from Maluku. Ambonese is their
language which is still used in Maluku.
Cele is one of their traditional clothes.
Baileo is their traditional house. Unlike
other parts of Indonesia, Ambonese
eat Papeda which is made from sago.
This group use a patrilineal system

Minahasan Malay is a language used in many

places, Minahasan also uses Malay
with a few differences. Kirai is
Minahasan traditional clothes. So is
Wuyang. Walawengko is their
traditional house. It is tall to avoid
predators. They have a famous food
called Cakalang.

Nias Nias is a group from Nias island. They

use Nias language. They live in Omo
Hada and wear Baruluo. Kofo-kofo is
one of their traditional foods. Like
Minahasan and Ambon, Nias uses

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