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The advantages of the strategy we use are: first, social interaction. Social interaction
between group members can go a long way in eliminating nervousness and insecurities; Second,
the existence of cooperation between group members. The job will finish quickly because it is
done together. When they have a problem, they solve it together; Third, the transfer of ideas.
When in a group, the interaction between members allows for the exchange of ideas more
quickly and effectively. Group interaction allows for more knowledgeable students in the group
to help those who understand less material; Fourth, the work will be completed quickly. When
all members work together, this can speed up the work done quickly.

The disadvantages of the strategy we use are: first, students are embarrassed to ask the
teacher about the difficulties they face. When in groups, they tend to point at each other to ask
the teacher; Second, some students often mispronounce vocabulary. Students are often
embarrassed to ask the teacher questions and cause them to make mistakes; Third, it is difficult
for teachers to assess individual students. Because it is done in groups, the teacher will find it
difficult to assess students individually.

Some of the obstacles we encountered in the field were students having a little difficulty
distinguishing between the use of be going to and would like to. Students are also still confused
about composing conversational dialogue based on themes. Students also lack confidence when
practicing conversations in front of other students.

To overcome this problem, several solutions can be used to train students in learning
English dialogue, namely by encouraging students to read books frequently, then students can
also open YouTube or internet sites related to English dialogue. To train students' confidence,
they should not be afraid to make mistakes. It is okay if we were wrong, because of these
mistakes, then we can improve by learning better.

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