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Title: Critique a plan of care for a patient with complex needs from

your Field of Practice (100%) (3000 words plus 10%)

Learning Outcomes
1 Critically appraise the evidence base of a plan of care for a patient/client/service user
with complex care needs. The plan of care should address the bio-psycho-social needs
of the patient (Assignment)
2 Identify and critically analyse the relevant decision-making frameworks that may help to
identify deterioration in a patient with complex co-morbidities (Assignment)
3 Critically explore how inter-professional working impacts on the care of
patients/clients/families with complex care needs (Assignment)
4 Appraise the importance of communication skills in empowering patients/clients/service
users with multiple comorbidities to self-manage their complex needs through
behaviour change (Assignment)

Mental Health Field of Practice:

5 Analyse the impact that complex care needs can have on the person with a mental
health condition holistically, along with the impact upon the family/carer of the client
6 Critically explore the importance of effective management of risks for those patients
with a mental health condition with complex care needs (and their families and carers)

Suggested Plan for your assignment:

• Include a care plan in the appendix.
• Introduction – what will be addressed in the assignment – 10%.
• Offer an overview of the patient considering the bio-psycho-social needs of the individual
and their wider support network – 15%.
• Following a search of the literature, critique the care plan for this patient. Consider the
changes that could be introduced to promote evidence-based nursing – 40%.
• Consider the importance of interprofessional working, communication skills and decision-
making frameworks and management of risks pertinent to your patient (see learning outcomes) –
• Conclusion – summary of key areas discussed in this assignment – 10%.

Type of assessment Volume Assessment weighting % Minimum threshold mark
Assignment 3,000 word (+10%) 100% 40%

Assessment Notes:
The assignment will be relevant to the student’s field of practice. Students are required to produce
an assignment relating to a patient from their field of practice who has complex care needs.
The assignment will critique a plan of care (inserted into the appendix), considering bio-psycho-
social needs of the individual and their wider support network. Students are required to consider
the nursing issues relevant to their own field of practice.

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