Noticias Analisis Financiero

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Noticia 1

La inflación anual en
Venezuela fue de 471 %
durante marzo
The monthly figure was located at 2.5%, according to the Venezuelan Finance
Observatory, an independent entity. Both data had a decrease.
Inflation in April in Venezuela was 2.5%, down 1.7 points compared to March, when
it registered 4.2%, according to data released this Monday by the Venezuelan
Finance Observatory, an independent entity outside the bank. center of the
neighboring country.
"The estimated inflation figures corresponding to April 2023 indicate that the rate of
increase in prices slowed down significantly as monthly inflation reached 2.5% and
annualized inflation 471%, both lower than those of March," he said. the OVF in a
press release.
He explained that the calculated figures show that "inflation slowed down" as a result
of the stability of the exchange rate and the fall in wages.
«This result has had a decisive influence, on the one hand, the stability of the
exchange rate in April, whose increase was 0.98%, and, on the other, the decrease
in real wages, especially those of the public administration , a situation that has
resulted in a contraction of sales to commerce and consequently of aggregate
demand, “added the OVF.
The sectors with the highest price increases were services, with 12.4%; restaurants
and hotels, with a rise of 5.5%; recreation, with an increase of 4.9%; and
communication services, with 1.9%.
Venezuela emerged in December 2021 from a hyperinflation that it entered in 2017
and that, for four years, reduced the value of the bolivar, the official currency, as well
as the confidence of citizens in it, for which they unofficially adopted the dollar in an
attempt to protect their income.
Noticia 2

El dólar en Colombia cayó

y se negoció por menos de
4.500 pesos
The currency lost more than 60 pesos at the beginning of the second week of May
After breaking the barrier of 4,700 pesos at the end of April and beginning of May,
the dollar in Colombia returned to the path of losses and, This Monday, May 8, 2023,
it was traded for less than 4,500 pesos.
The currency began the second week of May with a well-marked downward trend: it
opened at 4,509.80 pesos and the highest it reached was 4,515 pesos.
At the end of the day, the average trading price was 4,490.64 pesos, 61.92 pesos
less than the Representative Market Rate of the day, which is 4,552.56.
Between March and so far in May 2023, the dollar has behaved very volatilely, with
very pronounced rises and falls.
Experts have explained that the minimum price that the currency can reach is 4,200
pesos and that some factors that could impact the price curve in the short term are
associated with macroeconomic scenarios, uncertainty in internal political measures
that would generate a country risk and external situations, such as new measures by
the Fed or bearish values ​in 'commodities'.


Depositos: A fixed-term deposit or certificate of fixed-term deposit is a financial

operation whereby a financial institution, in exchange for the maintenance of certain
fixed monetary resources in a given period, reports a fixed or variable financial
return, in the form of money or in kind.
Prestamos: A loan is a sum of money that an entity or person gives to another in
exchange for a certain price, which is commonly established through the payment of
initial capital plus interest (i.e., the initial amount borrowed plus what you are
charged for lending), distributed over a given period of time.

Regulacion bancaria: Banking regulation is a form of government regulation that

subjects banks to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines.ósito_a_plazo_fijo

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