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Yes, thank you, Mr.

After learning about family structure and issues surrounding marriage. Do you wonder
what the child's roles in that family are? If yes, let’s move on to my part “The role of the
The American emphasis on the individual rather than the group affects children in a contradictory
On the one hand, parents give their children more attention and even more power than they
should. And some families tend to emphasize the needs and desires of the child more than the
child’s social and family responsibilities.
On the other hand, working parents who work outside the home often do not have enough time
to spend with their children. So when they feel guilty they will give them more material things as
compensation for the lack of attention which can spoil children anyway.
After WW2, children had more problems at school or with their families -> as a result, there were
more psychologists, counselors, and social workers, and many books on how to raise children
became best-sellers
I have a question for you: Why Dr.Banjamin Spock said that: “What is making parent’s job
most difficult is today’s child-centered viewpoint”? Because conscientious parents tend to
keep their eyes exclusively focused on their children, thinking about what they need from
them and the community instead of what the world and the family need from them.
Most still believe the major purpose of the family is the development and welfare of its
members as individuals.
Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality has
had a strong effect on the family. And we can see it clearly in the next part “Equality in the
In aristocratic societies, inequality extends into the family, particularly to the relationship
between the father and the children
The father is accepted as the ruler and master, so the love of children for the father
always goes along with the fear, and their relationship is very formal.
But, equality in the family contributes to destroying the father’s status as ruler of the
family as well as reducing the emotional distance between father and children, their relationship
is also less formal.
This led to some fear that there has been a decline in parents’ authority and children’s
respect for their parents.
Another problem is about the new type of freedom - having a cellphone. They can access the
internet almost everywhere but parents cannot control what sites their children visit and how
much time they spend on them.
And then when the children at about 18 years old - after they graduate from high school. Most of
them “leave the nest” and by their mid-twenties, it will be seen as a wrong thing if they still live
with their parents. because they have given been a lot of freedom and equality so they have to
live independently.
However, some choose to live with their parents to save on expenses when they attend college.
Or, some who failed to find jobs to support themselves, opt to move back home, we call them the
“boomerang generation” because they have left the nest once but are now back again.
During bad economic times, they can live with an extended family but this will not be permanent.
And, as you know. Family and marriage always have certain changes. So, to better
understand it, let's find out the stages that change the marriage relationship with Mr.

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