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En la I.E. Santa Rosa, se ha observado que algunos estudiantes, presentan conductas inadecuadas
en el trato entre compañeros tales como: agresiones físicas, verbales y exclusión; hechos que suceden
frecuentemente en la hora de receso y agudizándose en la hora de salida; generando en los agredidos
timidez, bajo rendimiento en los aprendizajes, desinterés en los estudios y deserción escolar.
Ante tal problema planteamos las siguientes preguntas retadoras a los estudiantes: ¿Puedes identificar
información específica de una historia en inglés sobre experiencias de acoso escolar? ¿Puedes escribir
una historia en inglés acerca del acoso escolar?
PROPÓSITO: Ampliar su vocabulario con palabras, frases y estructuras relacionadas con la
experiencia de aprendizaje.
COMPETENCIA: Escribe diversos textos en inglés como lengua extranjera

Tu reto es: Elaborar una historia en inglés sobre el acoso escolar, narrando eventos en tiempo pasado

Activity 2: What is bullying?


OBSERVE – EXERCISE 1: Match the picture with his/her right information. There are two pieces of information that
do not match Fabrizio or Carla. Follow the example:

a. From Madrid, Spain

b. From Lima, Peru
c. From Rome, Italy
d. Singer
e. Footballer
f. Coach

- Fabrizio and Carla were victims of bullying. What do you think happened to them? Write your ideas.



OBSERVE- EXERCISE 2: Find the past simple form of the verbs. Use a dictionary to help you. Follow the example:


Have had

1. Is __________
2. Go __________
3. Help __________
4. Laugh __________
5. Make __________
6. Move __________
7. Speak __________
8. Start __________
9. Suffer __________
10. Want __________
- Write sentences about Fabrizio and Carla using verbs in past simple:

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________________________

- Keep practising.
Write their meaning in spanish

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

1. arrive - arrived __________________ 1. be - was / were __________________
2. ask - asked __________________ 2. become - became __________________
3. believe - believed __________________ 3. begin - began __________________
4. blame - blamed __________________ 4. bring - brought __________________
5. call - called __________________ 5. build - built __________________
6. change - changed __________________ 6. buy - bought __________________
7. consider - considered __________________ 7. come - came __________________
8. continue - continued __________________ 8. do - did __________________
9. create - created __________________ 9. drive – drove __________________
10. cry - cried __________________ 10. fall - fell __________________
11. discover - discovered __________________ 11. feel - felt __________________
12. follow - followed __________________ 12. find - found __________________
13. happen - happened __________________ 13. get - got __________________
14. help - helped __________________ 14. give - gave __________________
15. kick - kicked __________________ 15. go - went __________________
16. laugh - laughed __________________ 16. have - had __________________
17. learn - learned __________________ 17. hear - heard __________________
18. like - liked __________________ 18. hold - held __________________
19. listen - listened __________________ 19. keep - kept __________________
20. live - lived __________________ 20. know - knew __________________
21. lock - locked __________________ 21. leave - left __________________
22. look - looked __________________ 22. let - let __________________
23. love - loved __________________ 23. lose - lost __________________
24. move - moved __________________ 24. make - made __________________
25. need - needed __________________ 25. meet - met __________________
26. open - opened __________________ 26. pay - paid __________________
27. pick - picked __________________ 27. read - read __________________
28. play - played __________________ 28. run - run __________________
29. pretend - pretended __________________ 29. say - said __________________
30. push - pushed __________________ 30. see - saw __________________
31. realize - realized __________________ 31. send - sent __________________
32. remember - remembered _______________ 32. sing - sang __________________
33. start - started __________________ 33. sit - sat __________________
34. stay - stayed __________________ 34. sleep - slept __________________
35. stop - stopped __________________ 35. speak - spoke __________________
36. talk - talked __________________ 36. spend - spent __________________
37. treat - treated __________________ 37. spread - spread __________________
38. try - tried __________________ 38. stand up - stood up _________________
39. use - used __________________ 39. steal - stole __________________
40. wait - waited __________________ 40. take - took __________________
41. walk - walked __________________ 41. tell - told __________________
42. want - wanted __________________ 42. think - thought __________________
43. watch - watched __________________ 43. understand - understood ______________
44. work - worked __________________ 44. win - won __________________

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