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Science reviewer [DNA vs RNA, DNA replication, Protein synthesis

(Transcription & Translation) Mutations (Genetic & Chromosomal

mutations), genetic codes, disorder, and engineering]
DNA vs RNA Parts of rNA:
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the information
molecule. it stores instructions for making
other large molecules, called proteins. These
instructions are stored inside each of your
cells, distributed among 46 long structures
called chromosomes. These chromosomes are
made up of thousands of shorter segments of
DNA, called genes.
DNA is double-stranded.
RNA (ribonucleic acid) is present in all living components of DNA and rna
cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger DNA:
carrying instructions from DNA for adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine
controlling the synthesis of proteins. However, RNA:
in some viruses RNA rather than DNA has the adenine, uracil, thymine, cytosine, guanine
genetic information.
RNA has one strand.

DNA replication
types of RNA: DNA replication is the process through which cells
mRNA (messenger RNA) make copies of the genome's DNA. A cell must first
tRNA (transfer RNA) copy (or duplicate) its entire genome before it can
rRNA (ribosomal RNA) divide, ensuring that each daughter cell has a
complete genome upon division.
Parts of DNA:
Protein synthesis (Transcription
& Translation)
The process by which DNA is copied to RNA is called
transcription, and that by which RNA is used to
produce proteins is called translation.
types of Chromosomal
Genetic codes mutation:
1. deletion - is a type of mutation that involves
the loss of one or more nucleotides from a
segment of DNA.
2. inversion - occurs when a chromosome
breaks in two places; the resulting piece of
DNA is reversed and re-inserted into the
3. translocation - genetic change in which a
piece of one chromosome breaks off and
attaches to another chromosome.
4. duplication - a type of mutation in which one
or more copies of a DNA segment (which can
be as small as a few bases or as large as a
Mutations major chromosomal region) is produced.
changes in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA 5. nondisjunction - failure of homologous
may occur in somatic cells chromosomes to separate correctly during
may occur in gametes and be passed to meiosis.
almost all mutations are neutral gene mutation
chemicals and UV radiations can cause A gene mutation is a change to a gene's DNA
mutation sequence to produce something different.
repaired by enzymes
types of gene mutation:
has two types: chromosomal and genetic 1. point mutation - occurs in a genome when a
mutations single base pair is added, deleted or
Chromosomal mutation changed. (deletion, substitution, and
a mutation involving a long segment of DNA. These insertion)
mutations can involve deletions, insertions, 2. frameshift mutation - An insertion or
inversions, or translocations of sections or deletion involving a number of base pairs
segments of DNA. In some cases, deleted portions that are not a multiple of three, which
may attach to other chromosomes, disrupting both consequently disrupts the triplet reading
the chromosomes losing the DNA and the one frame of a DNA sequence.
gaining it.
genetic disorders
cri du chat - caused by deletion of part of
the short arm of chromosome 5. babies with
cri du chat have high-pitched cries that
sound like a cat. (deletion)
down syndrome - is caused by an extra copy
of chromosome 21(trisomy) (nondisjunction)
edward's syndrome - is caused by an extra
copy of chromosome 18 (nondisjunction)
Jacobsen syndrome - caused by deletion of
the long arm of chromosome 11. most have a
bleeding disorder called paris-trousseau
syndrome (deletion)
Klinefelter syndrome - caused by additional
x chromosome (nondisjunction)
turner syndrome - one of the X
chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing
or partially missing. (deletion)
genetic engineering
a process that uses laboratory-based
technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an

human karyotyping
a test to examine chromosomes in a sample
can help identifying genetic problems as the
cause of disorder or disease.

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