CIBIL - 1st FEB, '23 PDF

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ECN : 5427878472

Report Date : 01-02-2023

SAMIR KUMAR DASH's Credit Report Powered by

<  Credit Score

Your Credit Report is summarized in the form of Credit Score which ranges from 300 - 900.

Score Factors
Payment History : How you repay your EMIs & credit card bills
Credit Enquiries : New loan and credit card applications
Credit Utilization : Percentage of your Credit Limit you use
Credit History : Age of your oldest credit account
Total Accounts : Total number of active Credit Cards and Loans
<  Contact Information

This section shows address and phone numbers reported to Credit Bureau by Financial Institutions.

Address Details

Address Category Financial Institution Date Reported

NA , NULL PURI Orissa Residence Address TCFSL 12-06-2022


Residence Address AXIS BANK 16-04-2021


O ce Address ICICI BANK 19-03-2021
TOWER Orissa


Residence Address JALANCHEMICAL 28-02-2021
PURI ODISHA INDIA0309752001 68 68

Phone Number

Type Number

O ce Phone 9937567087

Mobile Phone 9937567087

O ce Phone 06742421963

Mobile Phone 9348109096

<  SUMMARY : Credit Account Information

This section displays summary of all your reported credit accounts found in the Credit Bureau database.

Account Sanction
Financial Account Date Account Date Current Amount
Account No Holder Amt/Highest
Institution type Reported Status Opened Balance Overdue
Type Credit

Acct Personal 23-12-

AKARACAPL ###9228 Individual 06-01-2023 Suit led 10,000 10,000 33,492
1 Loan 2020

Acct Personal 22-03-

IIFL #####4218 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 21,000 17,661 18,689
2 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 21-05-

SI CREVA CAPITAL ################GT23 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 7,000 7,000 9,520
3 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 05-05-

JALANCHEMICAL ################4930 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 2,000 4,328 4,328
4 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 04-04-

KRAZYBEE #########ZKHV Individual 31-12-2022 Active 11,000 7,424 8,774
5 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 07-05-

MPOKKETFIN ################5236 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 2,000 4,320 4,320
6 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 08-03-

JALANCHEMICAL ################2590 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 2,000 4,800 4,800
7 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 14-04-

TRUECREDIT ################3186 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 13,815 11,513 2,999
8 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 09-04-

PAYUFINAN #########6990 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 10,000 21,877 21,877
9 Loan 2021

Acct Personal
NDXP ######1103 Individual 30-11-2022 Active 11-04-2021 6,000 4,858 4,858
10 Loan

Acct Personal 19-12-

DHANI LOANS ###########9311 Individual 30-11-2022 Active 5,550 5,550 9,072
11 Loan 2020

Acct Personal Written- 21-05-

BRANCHINTER #####################2B49 Individual 30-11-2022 5,500 5,500 5,836
12 Loan o 2021

Acct Personal Written- 12-02-

IDFC FIRST BANK ####3329 Individual 31-12-2022 1,000 1,000 1,000
13 Loan o 2021

Acct Consumer 04-10-

CLIXCAP #################6680 Individual 31-12-2022 Active 2,000 7,538 6,038
14 Loan 2020

Acct Credit 26-02-

ICICI BANK ############4730 Individual 20-12-2022 Active 44,097 44,000 44,000
15 Card 2021

Acct Personal 30-09- 19-04-

APOLLOFIL ############8710 Individual Closed 1,000 0 -
16 Loan 2022 2021

Acct Personal 04-04-

SI CREVA CAPITAL ################CBU7 Individual 30-04-2021 Closed 7,000 0 0
17 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 03-04-

NORTHERNARCCAP ########0946 Individual 30-09-2021 Closed 10,000 0 0
18 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 03-04-

BRANCHINTER #####################882F Individual 31-05-2021 Closed 4,500 0 0
19 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 03-04-

KRAZYBEE #########FZIB Individual 30-04-2021 Closed 11,000 0 0
20 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 03-04-

MPOKKETFIN ################4934 Individual 31-05-2021 Closed 2,000 0 0
21 Loan 2021
Account Sanction
Financial Account Date Account Date Current Amount
Account No Holder Amt/Highest
Institution type Reported Status Opened Balance Overdue
Type Credit

Acct Personal 08-03-

KRAZYBEE #########FRZR Individual 30-04-2021 Closed 8,000 0 0
23 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 02-01-

BRANCHINTER #####################98D2 Individual 31-03-2021 Closed 2,000 0 0
24 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 02-01-

UPMOVE #############B61T Individual 30-04-2021 Closed 6,000 0 -
25 Loan 2021

Acct Personal 29-12-

KRAZYBEE #########SZZR Individual 31-03-2021 Closed 5,000 0 0
26 Loan 2020

Acct Personal 18-12-

JALANCHEMICAL ################4115 Individual 28-02-2021 Closed 1,000 0 -
27 Loan 2020

Acct Consumer 30-09- 01-04-

CLIXFIN ########5647 Individual Closed 2,000 0 0
28 Loan 2020 2019
<  Credit Account Information Details

This section has information provided to our Bureau Partner by banks , credit/ nancial institutions and other credit
grantors with whom you have a credit/loan account

Personal Loan AKARACAPL <   Acct 1

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ###9228 Date Reported 06-01-2023 Credit Limit Amt 10,000

Date Opened 23-12-2020 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Suit led

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 10,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 10,000 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 33,492 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 05-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 208 173 145 109 81 50 0 0 0 0 0 0

2022 572 537 502 468 447 417 383 354 326 285 263 229

2023 578
Personal Loan IIFL <   Acct 2

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #####4218 Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 22-03-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 3,739

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 21,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 17,661 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 18,689 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 212 181 151 120 90 59 28 0 0 0

2022 577 546 516 485 455 - 393 363 332 302 271 243
Personal Loan SI CREVA CAPITAL <   Acct 3

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 21-05-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 7,052

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 7,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 7,000 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 9,520 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 210 179 149 118 88 57 26 0

2022 575 - 514 483 453 422 391 361 330 300 269 241
Personal Loan JALANCHEMICAL <   Acct 4

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 05-05-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 4,328 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 4,328 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 271 186 269 269 266 265 39 20

2022 575 544 514 483 453 422 391 361 330 308 - 273
Personal Loan KRAZYBEE <   Acct 5

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #########ZKHV Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 04-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 11,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 7,424 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 8,774 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 04-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 210 179 149 118 88 57 0 0 0

2022 575 544 514 483 453 422 391 361 330 300 269 241
Personal Loan MPOKKETFIN <   Acct 6

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 07-05-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 4,320 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 4,320 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 274 274 274 274 274 273 37 18

2022 573 542 512 481 451 420 389 359 328 305 274 275
Personal Loan JALANCHEMICAL <   Acct 7

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 08-03-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 4,800 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 4,800 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 269 184 267 267 264 263 37 18 18 18

2022 573 542 512 481 451 420 389 359 328 306 - 271
Personal Loan TRUECREDIT <   Acct 8

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 14-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 13,815 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 11,513 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 2,999 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 14-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 201 170 140 109 79 48 17

2022 566 535 505 474 444 413 352 - 321 - 260 232
Personal Loan PAYUFINAN <   Acct 9

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #########6990 Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 09-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 10,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 21,877 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 21,877 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 02-06-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 199 168 - 107 77 46 - 0 0

2022 564 533 503 472 442 411 380 - 319 289 258 232
Personal Loan NDXP <   Acct 10

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ######1103 Date Reported 30-11-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 11-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 2,429

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 6,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 4,858 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 4,858 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 29-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 - 185 1 1 94 63 32 2 1

2022 550 520 489 459 428 397 367 336 306 275 247
Personal Loan DHANI LOANS <   Acct 11

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ###########9311 Date Reported 30-11-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 19-12-2020 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 5,550 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 5,550 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 9,072 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 05-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2020 0

2021 209 178 148 117 87 56 25 0 0 0 0 0

2022 543 513 482 452 421 390 - 360 299 268 240
Personal Loan BRANCHINTER <   Acct 12

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 30-11-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 21-05-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Written-o

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 5,500 Total Write-o Amt 5,836

Current Balance 5,500 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 5,836 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 193 162 132 101 71 40 9 0

2022 527 497 466 436 405 374 344 313 283 252 224
Personal Loan IDFC FIRST BANK <   Acct 13

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ####3329 Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 12-02-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Written-o

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 1,000 Total Write-o Amt 2,000

Current Balance 1,000 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 1,000 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 19-06-2022

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 117 86 56 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2022 483 452 422 391 361 330 299 269 238 208 177 149
Consumer Loan CLIXCAP <   Acct 14

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 04-10-2020 Loan Type Consumer Loan EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 7,538 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 6,038 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2020 0 0 0

2021 115 84 54 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2022 480 - 419 388 358 327 296 266 235 205 174 146
Credit Card ICICI BANK <   Acct 15

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ############4730 Date Reported 20-12-2022 Credit Limit Amt 30,000

Date Opened 26-02-2021 Loan Type Credit Card EMI -

Date Closed - Account Status Active

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 44,097 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 44,000 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 44,000 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 08-07-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 146 100 70 40 9 0 0 0 0 0

2022 466 466 435 405 373 343 313 282 266 221 205 162
Personal Loan APOLLOFIL <   Acct 16

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ############8710 Date Reported 30-09-2022 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 19-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 1,059

Date Closed 03-07-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 1,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due - Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 03-07-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 - 0 - - 0 0 12 0 0

2022 0 - - 0 0 0 - 0 0
Personal Loan SI CREVA CAPITAL <   Acct 17

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 30-04-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 04-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 7,052

Date Closed 20-04-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 7,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 20-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0
Personal Loan NORTHERNARCCAP <   Acct 18

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ########0946 Date Reported 30-09-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 03-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI 3,536

Date Closed 01-09-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 10,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 01-09-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 90 59 28 0 0
Personal Loan BRANCHINTER <   Acct 19

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-05-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 03-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 04-05-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 4,500 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 04-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 0
Personal Loan KRAZYBEE <   Acct 20

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #########FZIB Date Reported 30-04-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 03-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 04-04-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 11,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 04-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0
Personal Loan MPOKKETFIN <   Acct 21

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-05-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 03-04-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 03-05-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 03-05-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 -
Personal Loan BRANCHINTER <   Acct 22

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 30-04-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 08-03-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 03-04-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 3,200 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 03-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 0
Personal Loan KRAZYBEE <   Acct 23

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #########FRZR Date Reported 30-04-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 08-03-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 03-04-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 8,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 03-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 0
Personal Loan BRANCHINTER <   Acct 24

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 31-03-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 02-01-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 05-03-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 05-03-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 0 0
Personal Loan UPMOVE <   Acct 25

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #############B61T Date Reported 30-04-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 02-01-2021 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 02-04-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 6,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due - Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 02-04-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 0 0 0
Personal Loan KRAZYBEE <   Acct 26

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number #########SZZR Date Reported 31-03-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 29-12-2020 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 01-03-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 5,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 01-03-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2020 0

2021 0 0 0
Personal Loan JALANCHEMICAL <   Acct 27

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number
Date Reported 28-02-2021 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 18-12-2020 Loan Type Personal Loan EMI -

Date Closed 17-01-2021 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 1,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due - Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date 17-01-2021

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2021 -
Consumer Loan CLIXFIN <   Acct 28

Account terms Account description Account Details

Account Number ########5647 Date Reported 30-09-2020 Credit Limit Amt -

Date Opened 01-04-2019 Loan Type Consumer Loan EMI -

Date Closed 04-09-2020 Account Status Closed

Account Holder Type Individual Highest Credit 2,000 Total Write-o Amt -

Current Balance 0 Principal Write-o -

Amount Past Due 0 Settlement Amt -

Last Payment Date -

Payment History

DPD Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan

2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
<  Credit Enquiries

This section shows the names of the credit institutions that have processed a credit/loan application for you.

Enquiry 1

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution NAHAR Application Date 20-01-2023

Enquiry 2

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution BAJAJ FIN LTD Application Date 14-01-2023

Enquiry 3

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution HDFC BANK Application Date 02-01-2023

Enquiry 4

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution HDFC BANK Application Date 30-12-2022

Enquiry 5

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution AXIS BANK Application Date 03-08-2022

Enquiry 6

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution TCFSL Application Date 12-06-2022

Enquiry 7

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution AKARACAPL Application Date 06-07-2021

Enquiry 8

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Enquiry 9

Search Type Other Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution DMIFINANCE Application Date 13-05-2021

Enquiry 10

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution AXIS BANK Application Date 16-04-2021

Enquiry 11

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution APOLLOFIL Application Date 14-04-2021

Enquiry 12

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution IDFC FIRST BANK Application Date 10-04-2021

Enquiry 13

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution NDXP Application Date 09-04-2021

Enquiry 14

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution Home Credit Application Date 08-04-2021

Enquiry 15

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution VIVIFIN Application Date 04-04-2021

Enquiry 16

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution APOLLOFIL Application Date 04-04-2021

Enquiry 17

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution IIFL Application Date 19-03-2021

Enquiry 18

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution PAYUFINAN Application Date 17-03-2021

Enquiry 19

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution IDFC FIRST BANK Application Date 12-02-2021

Enquiry 20

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution ICICI BANK Application Date 11-02-2021

Enquiry 21

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution ICICI BANK Application Date 26-12-2020

Enquiry 22

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution SAGDEPADV Application Date 20-12-2020

Enquiry 23

Search Type Consumer Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution NAHAR Application Date 20-12-2020

Enquiry 24

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution Home Credit Application Date 20-12-2020

Enquiry 25

Search Type Other Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution WHIZDMFINANCE Application Date 20-12-2020

Enquiry 26

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution KRAZYBEE Application Date 19-12-2020

Enquiry 27

Search Type Personal Loan Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution Si Creva(Kissht) Application Date 14-12-2020

Enquiry 28

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution ICICI BANK Application Date 30-11-2020

Enquiry 29

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution SBI CARD Application Date 15-07-2020

Enquiry 30

Search Type Credit Card Subscriber Number - Amount applied for

Financial Institution SBI CARD Application Date 12-06-2020

<  Support

If you nd any discrepancy in your report , please raise a dispute with our partners at .
For any other queries , feel free to contact us at

<  Legend

SF/WD/WO/SETTLED : Credit Accounts that are Suit Filed/ Wilful Default/ Written O / Settled

ACTIVE* : Credit accounts which are less than 90 days past due.

ACTIVE** : Credit accounts which are over 90 days past due.

Closed : Credit accounts that have 'Date Closed' populated.

DPD : Days Past Due. Number of days that have passed from the agreed payment due date of EMI.

DPD '0' : The number '0' in the circle indicates that the Payment is made as agreed and the credit account is up to date.

DPD >0 : The number in the circle indicates the "Days Past Due" reported by the respective lender.

When the below alphabets are shown in the DPD table, it means the lender is reporting Asset Classi cation and indicates the following:

S : Standard: An account which is overdue for less than 90 days is considered as a Standard asset as per RBI guidelines.

M : Special Mention: These accounts are "Standard" assets but for some discrepancy the lending organization would like to monitor this
account closely.

B : Substandard: An account which is overdue by 90 days for a period of less than or equal to 12 months is classi ed as Substandard asset
as per RBI guidelines

D : Doubtful: An account which is overdue by 90 days for more than 12 months is classi ed as doubtful asset as per RBI guidelines.

L : Loss: An account where loss has been identi ed but the amount has not been written o , wholly or partially is classi ed as Loss asset
as per RBI guidelines.

<---------- END OF REPORT ---------->

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