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1he expanslon of ocean observlng neLworks (ln slLu observlng neLworks such as buoys, mareographs
and oLher, remoLe earLh based observlng plaLforms such as coasLal Pl radars and saLelllLe
lnformaLlon) LogeLher wlLh Lhe operaLlonal lnLegraLlon of new ocean forecasLlng Lools ls resulLlng ln a
conLlnuous accumulaLlve growLh of lnformaLlon abouL Lhe ocean. 1hls ls produclng a cerLaln
dlsperslon of Lhe lnformaLlon, creaLlng deflclencles ln Lerms of explolLaLlon capablllLles. ln order Lo
mlnlmlze such lacks and Lo lmprove daLa usablllLy a new lnformaLlon sysLem, Lhe C81uS, was
developed by CuALl1AS 8emos and uL81CS del LS1AuC (Spanlsh naLlonal orLs and Parbours

1he publlc Spanlsh enLlLy
uL81CS del LS1AuC (dL) ls
responslble for Lhe sLraLegy
coordlnaLlon of all commerclal
porLs ln Spaln. 1hls publlc enLlLy
provldes Lhe requlred
oceanographlc & meLeorologlcal
lnformaLlon needed Lo supporL
and manage Lhe Spanlsh
harbours acLlvlLles. dL operates
a permanent mu|t|-source
observat|on network for Span|sh
deep and coasta| waters.

1he ortus was |ntegrated |n
dL as a genera| oceanograph|c
|nformat|on system to manage
and contro| |ts rea| t|me
measur|ng network as well as
maklng Lhls lnformaLlon and Lhe
ouLpuL of real-Llme valldaLlon
and operaLlonal forecasLs
avallable Lo Lhe general publlc.

Some numbers about PdE observation network
73 operational equipments
210 measuring devices
11.571.960 records per year
(real time QC, analyzed and displayed data)

Daily online requested data
6000/day real-time monitoring data
200/day Marine database
500/day Sea level forecasting
15000/day Wave forecasting
dL orLus Marlne lnformaLlon SysLem provldes all avallable marlne daLa & lnformaLlon Lhrough a
slngle easy Lo use geographlcal lnLerface Lo favour lLs use and lnLegraLlon:

Added value producLs ouLpuLs
AlerL sysLem ouLpuLs

1hls servlce helps harbours
planlfy Lhelr dally operaLlons
by provldlng lnformaLlon ln a
fully operaLlonal 24/7/363
way abouL scalar and
dlrecLlonal waves,
meLeorology, surface
currenLs, LemperaLure and
sallnlLy, sea level, aglLaLlon
daLa. 1he user can choose ln
an lnLeracLlve approach Lhe
lnformaLlon he wanLs Lo
access and exporL. Lach
harbour have a slngle enLry
polnL Lo access Lhe avallable
envlronmenLal lnformaLlon
requlred by lLs parLlcular
lnLeresLs and needs.


1hls servlce provlded by uerLos del LsLado ls avallable onllne Lhrough Lhe followlng llnk

!orLus ls allgned wlLh Lhe Luropean marlne sLraLegy and ocean lnlLlaLlves (MSlu, CMLS, Lu8CCCCS,
l8l8CCS, MCCn, MyCCLAn.). Added value producLs and servlces relaLed Lo orLus are conLlnuously
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