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Jeayan Krish


The constitution is the most fundamental law of a country and it is a written plan
that provides the basic political framework.
Adapting to a new constitution would be useless. To my way of thinking it should be
the people who run the government that has to change. The Constitution is a system of
governance that must be followed. But if there is a conspiracy by the people who run it
violate any provision for selfish interests, even if the Charter is changed, the result
would still be awful. We know that those who promote it think that it will be good for
the country and every Filipino. What they do not think about are the coming problems
in implementing the laws in our new system of government. When we embraced this
1987 Constitution we thought it was the best, but when our laws were enforced there
they saw what was missing, what was wrong with our constitution. I am sure these
events will happen again if the proposed amendment to our constitution continues.
They will tell us that a lot needs to be changed and that constitutional convention is
needed again.
If some of the current constitutions are neglected and failed to execute, like for
instance the corruption in Philhealth that had been going on for years. It does not only
violate the law where it is guaranteed held accountable for this act, it also gives an
impression of inequality where the COA was not imprisoned for his misconduct instead
he was just pulled out from the job. In the era that we live in, equal rights are not equal
anymore and they state that ignorance of the law excuses no one, if this is true then
where is the justice for others.
No one is above the law is a saying that is high-powered and a strong message. In
the case of the Philippines, I strongly disagree with this statement because undoubtedly,
there is someone who is above the law and if people like politicians, businessmen, and
law enforcers can employ their power to alter their authentication then I reject that
The constitution is thus an important - or even the most important part of society’s
basic system of rules. If we want to make a new constitution, the government people
should start changing first because change starts within ourselves. But we do not leave
these all in the hands of the government, we the citizen of the Philippines should take
action and if we want to make our country a better place, we should take a look at
ourselves and then make the change.

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