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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition

ISSN: 0963-7486 (Print) 1465-3478 (Online) Journal homepage:

Effect of drying methods on the phenolic content

and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian winemaking
byproducts and their stability over storage

Milene Teixeira Barcia, Paula Becker Pertuzatti, Daniele Rodrigues, Vivian

Caetano Bochi, Isidro Hermosín-Gutiérrez & Helena Teixeira Godoy

To cite this article: Milene Teixeira Barcia, Paula Becker Pertuzatti, Daniele Rodrigues, Vivian
Caetano Bochi, Isidro Hermosín-Gutiérrez & Helena Teixeira Godoy (2015) Effect of drying
methods on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian winemaking byproducts
and their stability over storage, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 66:8,
895-903, DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2015.1110688

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Published online: 11 Nov 2015.

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ISSN: 0963-7486 (print), 1465-3478 (electronic)

Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2015; 66(8): 895–903

! 2015 Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2015.1110688


Effect of drying methods on the phenolic content and antioxidant

capacity of Brazilian winemaking byproducts and their stability over
Milene Teixeira Barcia1, Paula Becker Pertuzatti1,2, Daniele Rodrigues1, Vivian Caetano Bochi1,
Isidro Hermosı́n-Gutiérrez3, and Helena Teixeira Godoy1
Faculdade De Engenharia De Alimentos, Universidade Estadual De Campinas (UNICAMP), Cidade Universitária ‘‘Zeferino Vaz’’, São Paulo, Brazil,
Engenharia De Alimentos, Instituto De Ciências Exatas E Da Terra, Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso, Brazil, and 3Instituto
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

Regional De Investigación Cientı́fica Aplicada, Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Ciudad Real, Spain

Abstract Keywords
This work aimed to study the antioxidant capacity by different methods, the total content of Anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity,
polyphenols and the stability over time of dried byproducts from Brazilian hybrids and Vitis grape marc, lees, phenolics
vinifera varieties. Oven-dried at 50  C and spray-dried samples were monitored for 90 days of
storage. Under testing conditions, BRS Violeta grapes showed the greatest stability and initial History
high levels of total phenolics and anthocyanins remained almost unchanged until the end of
storage period. The same behavior was observed in BRS Violeta freeze-dried skins, seeds and Received 15 April 2015
lees (8557, 9520 and 4261 mg GAE/100 g DM, respectively, and 829 and 257 mg mv-3-glc/100 g Revised 24 September 2015
DM in skin and lees, respectively). In all methodologies tested, BRS Violeta also showed higher Accepted 17 October 2015
values for antioxidant capacity. These results suggest that dried winemaking byproducts can be Published online 12 November 2015
used as rich sources of polyphenol compounds for industrial extractions with high stability and
antioxidant capacity.

Introduction in literature, the major phenolic compounds class in grape marcs

and red skins are anthocyanins (Rodrigues et al., 2011), flavonols,
Brazil has agriculture as the major economic activity and,
stilbenes and phenolic acids in seeds and white skins (Karvela
consequently produces a great amount of agro-industrial residues
et al., 2009).
due to industrialization. Grape production in Brazil is mainly used
Phenolic compounds are recognized as potent antioxidants.
for winemaking in which 60% of total grape harvested will
The multiple mechanisms of this activity are expressed in terms of
originate and 5% a first residue, the grape marcs. Moreover, at a
its ability to eliminate free radicals (free radical scavengers),
least 4% of total wine production will be lost by settling as lees, a
metal chelation and synergism with other antioxidants. In general,
second winemaking residue (Rockenbach et al., 2011).
methods used for the determination of the total antioxidant
Grape marc (a mixture of skins and seeds) is an abundant
capacity are divided into two main groups: those based on single
winemaking byproducts being responsible by any economic and
electron transfer (SET), monitored spectrophotometrically by a
environmental problems during storage, processing and disposal
color change due free radical reduction; and those based on
(Shojaee-Aliabadi et al., 2013). After fermentation, fine residual
hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) (Huang et al., 2005), measured by
particles from grape and death yeasts will precipitate as lees
elimination of peroxyl radicals. Oxygen radical absorbance
during a natural decantation process (Cortés et al., 2011).
capacity (ORAC), ferric radical antioxidant power (FRAP) and
Phenolic compounds from grapes are transferred to wine upon
scavenger capacity of 2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-6-benzothiazoline
characteristics of the winemaking until a solid/liquid partition
sulfonic acid) (ABTS) cation radicals are the most commonly
equilibrium. Consequently, a large proportion of phenolic com-
used method for antioxidant capacity study. The discoloration of
pounds still remains in byprodutcs (Alonso et al., 2002). Since
b-carotene is also widely used to measure the antioxidant capacity
these compounds have importance in human nutrition and health,
of bioactive by scavenger of free radicals formed during oxidation
there is a great interest in exploring extraction processes of
of linoleic acid.
phenolic compounds from wine byproducts to future industrial
The aim of this work was to study total polyphenol and
applications (Arvanitoyannis et al., 2006). As previously reported
antioxidant capacity of winemaking byproducts from Brazilian
hybrid (BRS Violeta and BRS Lorena) and Vitis vinifera
(Cabernet sauvignon and Cabernet franc) grape varieties by
Correspondence: Milene Teixeira Barcia , Faculdade De Engenharia De
Alimentos, Universidade Estadual De Campinas (UNICAMP), Cidade different methods and its correlations. Moreover, polyphenol
Universitária ‘‘Zeferino Vaz’’, S/N, CEP 13083862 Campinas, São Paulo, content stability over time in dry-products was determined as
Brazil. Tel: +55 1935214023. E-mail: well.
896 M. T. Barcia et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2015; 66(8): 895–903

Material and methods skins samples, respectively. Samples were immersed in 25 ml of a

solvent mixture of methanol, water and formic acid (50:48.5:1.5
v/v/v), homogenized for 1 min and centrifuged at 2500 g at 5  C
Chemicals and equipment for 15 min. Supernatants were collected and a second extraction
was performed in pellets at the same conditions. Supernatants
The chemicals: 2,20-Azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
were combined, completed to a known volume (50 ml) and
acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), 2,4,6-tripyridyltriazine (TPTZ),
immediately analyzed (Castillo-Muñoz et al., 2009).
b-carotene, acid gallic, 2,20 -azobis (2-amidino-propane) dihy-
Total Folin–Ciocalteu method for quantitation of total poly-
drochloride (AAPH), 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-
phenol content was validated as reported by the International
carboxylic acid (Trolox) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC, 2002). The
(St. Louis, MO), linoleic acid from Fluka (St. Gallen,
following validation characteristics were addressed: linearity,
Switzerland). Buffer salts and all other chemicals were of
precision and tendency. System linearity was verified with
analytical grade.
calibration curves made up of seven points (0.01–0.07 mg/ml).
Equipments: a spectrophotometer UV 1600, Pró-Análise
A lack of fit test for calibration curve was performed to the linear
(São Paulo, Brazil), an automated plate reader BMG Labtech,
model. In order to study the efficiency, recovery tests were
Novo Star (Ortenberg, Germany, S/N 700-0120), a microplate
performed by spiking samples with gallic acid standard at two
reader (BMG Labtech), an Ultrasound bath SX-20, Arruda, Ultra-
levels: 0.04 and 0.07 mg/ml. The repeatability was performed with
Sons LTDA (Santa Catarina, Brazil), a freeze-dryer Terroni
10 repetitions of the extraction protocol in a same day.
LS-3000 (São Paulo, Brazil), an oven, Nova Ética (São Paulo,
Intermediate precision was determined repeating extraction
Brazil), a spray-dryer LAB PLANT SD-05, L.P. Technology
(n ¼ 3) over three consecutive days.
LTDA (Leeds, England) and a centrifuge Harrier 18/80-SANYO-
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

MSE (London, UK).

Total phenolics and anthocyanins
Samples Total phenolic content (TPH) was determined using the Folin–
Ciocalteu colorimetric method as described by Scherer & Godoy
Entire grapes, fermented skins and seeds and lees of hybrid
(2014). The absorbance was measured at 740 nm after 120 min at
varieties (BRS Violeta and BRS Lorena) and Vitis vinifera
room temperature. The absorbance values were then compared
(Cabernet sauvignon and Cabernet franc) from 2011 and 2012
with those of standards with known gallic acid concentrations. All
vintages were used in this work. For fermented skin of Cabernet
values are the mean value of three replications ± SD (deviation
franc and for lees of BRS Lorena, only samples from 2012 vintage
standard). Quantification was performed using a calibration curve
were analyzed. Samples were kindly supplied by a winery from
constructed with gallic acid (0.01–0.07 mg/ml) as standard and
São Roque region in São Paulo/Brazil (coordinates 23 310 4400
results were expressed as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per
South and 47 080 0600 West, and 771 m above sea level as referred
100 g of dry water sample (DW), and basis of fresh weight (FW)
in datum WGS84, World Geodetic System 1984) characterized by
for the comparison of others results.
a subtropical climate with maximum temperatures of 23.1  C and
Total monomeric anthocyanin content (ACY) was measured
minimum of 15.5  C). After harvested, samples were stored
using the pH differential method (Giusti & Wrolstad, 2001).
at 20  C.
Extracts were mixed thoroughly with 0.025 M potassium chloride
buffer pH 1 in a ratio of 1:4 extract to buffer ratio. The extracts
Sample preparation
were then mixed similarly with a sodium acetate buffer pH 4.5.
Grapes, lees, skins and seeds samples were lyophilized in order to The absorbance at 520 and 700 nm was measured against a buffer
avoid degradation and used as control groups to compare with blank at pH 1.0 and 4.5.
proposed drying processes. Thus, skins and seeds were dried in an Absorbance readings were converted to total milligrams of
oven (50  C forced air circulation until constant weight), whereas malvidin 3-glucoside (M3G). The ACY was calculated on the
lees were spray-dried (180  C, flow rate of 9 ml/min, outlet basis of molecular weight for M3G (494) and its molar
diameter 1.0 mm and exhaust temperature 100  C). Then, samples absorptivity (36 400). The ACY was expressed as milligrams of
were crushed, homogenized and stored in vacuum-sealed M3G equivalents per 100 g of dry water sample (DW) and basis of
laminated bags. FW for the comparison of others results. All values are the mean
Dried samples were stored at controlled temperature (25  C in value of three replications ± SD (deviation standard).
a standard laboratory incubator, BOD MA 403, Marconi
Equipments) for developing the stability study (time 0, 30 and Antioxidant capacity
90 days of storage). At day 0, samples from drying treatments
Ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay
(oven-dried and spray-dried) were compared to freeze-dried
samples to determine the amount of phytochemicals that were The FRAP assay was carried out as described previously (Benzie
lost by the dehydration process. After 30 and 90 days, only & Strain, 1996). Briefly, the FRAP reagent was daily prepared
samples from proposed drying treatments were analyzed to and warmed up to 37  C in a water bath immediately before use.
measure the stability over time. Diluted sample (320 ml) were mixed to 2400 ml of FRAP reagent.
After 15 min at 37  C, the absorbance was recorded at 593 nm.
Evaluation of the efficiency of the polyphenol extraction For quantification purposes, a standard curve with Trolox was
protocol using the validated Folin–ciocalteu method used (160–720 mM).
The efficiency of the polyphenol extraction protocol was studied
Capture of free radical ABTS
in five complex samples (skins, seeds and lees BRS Violeta, skins
and seeds BRS Lorena). Solid to liquid ratio was determined The ABTS assay was carried out according to a method
testing increasingly amounts of powered sample (tested range: previously established (Re et al., 1999). For this measurement,
25–200 mg) to the solvent media. Thus, 25 and 50, 75, 200 mg all samples were diluted approximately to provide 20–80%
were used for phenolic extraction of BRS Violeta’s skins, BRS inhibition of the blank absorbance. Thus, in the selected dilution
Violeta’s lees and seeds, BRS Lorena’s seeds and BRS Lorena’s factor, 30 ml of the diluted extract or extraction solution (blank)
DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2015.1110688 Effect of drying methods on the phenolic content 897
Table 1. Validation of the analysis of phenolic compounds in samples of winemaking byproducts.

Parameter Skin BRS Violeta Seed BRS Violeta Lees BRS Violeta Skin BRS Lorena Seed BRS Lorena
Coef. angular (sensitivity) 12.216 12.216 12.216 12.817 12.817
Coef. linear 0.0274 0.0274 0.0274 0.0129 0.0129
Coef. correlation (linearity) 0.9984 0.9984 0.9984 0.9983 0.9983
p value (lack of fit test)a 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.447 0.447
Repeatability (n ¼ 10)b 7.11 0.58 4.59 8.42 6.33
Intermediate precision (n ¼ 3)b 7.10 0.55 4.63 8.48 6.29
The probability value of the lack of fit test should be greater than 0.05.
The repeatability and intermediate precision parameters were evaluated by calculating the relative standard deviation, RSD (%).

was mixed to 3.0 ml ABTS.+ working solution. After 25 min in a shown as the average plus standard deviation of an experiment
30  C water bath, absorbance at 734 nm was recorded. The percent performed in triplicate. Correlations among data obtained were
of inhibition was assumed as the absorbance difference between calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r).
the blank reading and test tube readings (extract or standard In addition, principal component analysis (PCA; Pirouette
solution) at 734 nm. The calibration curve was constructed using 3.11.) was applied to the data matrix composed by the studied
Trolox (2000–20 mM) as standard. samples (rows) with their corresponding values for each of the
analytical variables (columns), in order to highlight similarities
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity and/or differences among samples. The graphical representation
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

of the scores assigned by PCA to each sample in the space

The ORAC procedure used an automated plate reader with 96-
determined by PCA allowed the grouping of the different samples
well plates (Huang et al., 2002). Analyses were conducted in
that can be correlated to their respective analytical results
system composed of an indicator, fluorescein; a peroxyl radical
regarding the content of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins,
generator, 2,2’-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride
as well as their antioxidant capacity.
(AAPH); and Trolox as a control standard. All reagents were
prepared in 75 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) just
before analysis. After the addition of 20 ml of diluted samples, it
was added 120 ml of fluorescein (0.378 mg/ml) and 60 ml of AAPH Results
(41.4 mg/ml) in each well, 80 min for reaction completion at Extraction of total phenolic compounds and validation of
37  C. Fluorescence conditions were as follows: excitation at the Folin–ciocalteu method
485 nm and emission at 520 nm. The standard curve was
constructed using Trolox (80–1500 mM). The area under de The validation results are summarized in Table 1. The results
curve (AUC), relative fluorescence versus incubation time, was demonstrated that the standard curve was linear, with high values
calculated as shown in Equation 1. The AUC differences between for the correlation coefficient (R ¼ 0.99835). Intermediate preci-
the extract and blank were taken and used for calculations. sion was evaluated over 3 days using the same sample extraction
under the same conditions. The RSD values,510% for sample,
f 2 f 3 f 4 fn indicate that the intermediate precision and repeatability were
AUC ¼ 1 þ þ þ þ , ð1Þ
f1 f1 f1 f1 acceptable for the range of concentration studied, as described
previously by Horwitz & Albert (1995).
were f is the fluorescence reading.
The efficiency of extraction was evaluated by calculating
the percentage of recovery. The results found for recovery
Antioxidant assay using the -carotene bleaching method
ranged from 79.34 to 114.05%, the higher recovery being
The prevention of b-carotene bleaching was determined by the found for the seed samples, very likely due to a combination of
method of Miller (1970) as described by Pertuzatti et al. (2014). In several factors: the presence of interfering substances, once this
brief, 300 ml (1 mg b-carotene in 1 ml chloroform) was mixed with sample has a complex matrix regarding its chemical composition
22 ml of linoleic acid and 200 ml of Tween-40. The chloroform was and physical structure; the level of granulometry; and the low
evaporated under nitrogen, then 50 ml distilled water (super- level of gallic acid used to do the recovery. However, these values
saturated oxygenic) was added and the resulting mixture was were consistent with the range of concentration studied by
vigorously stirred. The emulsion obtained was freshly prepared Meinhart et al. (2010) and Ballus et al. (2012), whose works
before each experiment. An aliquot (250 ml) of the b-carotene- support that recoveries higher than 100% can be achieved in solid/
linoleic acid emulsion was transferred to microplate wells already liquid extraction of complex matrices, because the extraction
containing 10 ml of extracts at a concentration of 0.5 g/l. Then, after procedure is subjected to several intrinsic factors difficult to
incubation at 45  C for 2 h, absorbance readings were performed at totally control. These results are also according to ANVISA
470 nm. The percentage of inhibition was determined by the (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, 2003) guidelines,
difference between readings of control wells with extraction which establish the trueness of an extraction method showing
solution (without antioxidants) and the test wells with extract. recovery rates between 80 and 120% of the initial analytical
concentration are satisfactory.
Statistical data analysis
Total phenolic compounds and anthocyanins
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to evaluate main
effects of a two-factor experiment (year and sample type) and Results of total phenolic compound and ACYs are shown in
Tukey test for mean comparison at 95% of confidence level. Table 2. Total phenolic compounds in grape samples ranged from
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was determined among data 477 to 4509 mg GAE/100 g DW. Significant differences (p50.05)
of different variables (total polyphenol content, total monomeric were found for the BRS Lorena and Cabernet sauvignon grapes
ACY and antioxidant capacity assays). Statistica 7.0 software between vintages with higher amounts of phenolic compounds at
(StatisoftÕ ) was used to perform statistical analysis. All data are 2011 than in 2012.
898 M. T. Barcia et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2015; 66(8): 895–903

Table 2. Results of total phenolics (TPH) and total anthocyanins (ACY) in grape samples, skin, seed and lees BRS Violeta, BRS Lorena, Cabernet
franc and Cabernet sauvignon in the years 2011 and 2012.

TPH mg GAE/100g DW ACY mg mv-3-glc/100g DW

2011 2012 2011 2012
cA cA bA
BRS Violeta Grape 4509 ± 114 4152 ± 320 444 ± 14 459 ± 17bA
Skin 7832 ± 164aB 9282 ± 207bA 677 ± 33aB 981 ± 26aA
Seed 8062 ± 114aB 10979 ± 922aA NA NA
Lees 4911 ± 157bA 3612 ± 73cB 289 ± 9cA 225 ± 4cB
BRS Lorena Grape 585 ± 15bA 477 ± 33cB NA NA
Skin 491 ± 19cB 1131 ± 31bA NA NA
Seed 974 ± 55aB 2056 ± 78aA NA NA
Lees NA 1149 ± 102b NA NA
Cabernet franc Grape 1672 ± 125bA 1607 ± 67cA 55 ± 4bA 52 ± 5cA
Skin NA 2907 ± 18b NA 85 ± 1a
Seed NA 5026 ± 169a NA NA
Lees 3086 ± 71aA 2697 ± 24bB 90 ± 3aA 64 ± 1bB
Cabernet sauvignon Grape 2462 ± 219cA 1335 ± 94bB 53 ± 2bA 37 ± 2bB
Skin 3203 ± 71aA 1124 ± 60bB 78 ± 8aA 19 ± 1cB
Seed 6312 ± 152aA 3245 ± 274aB NA NA
Lees 2909 ± 47bB 3224 ± 60aA 62 ± 1aA 52 ± 1aB
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

Results are mean ± standard deviation. For each grape cultivar, different lower case letters in a same column shows significant differences (p50.05)
among samples. Different capital letters in a same line shows significant differences between years (p50.05) the second test of Tukey.
DW, dry weight; GAE, equivalent acid gallic; mv-3-glc, malvidin-3-glucoside; NA, not analyzed.

The white grape hybrid cultivar BRS Lorena had the lowest content in FW basis from 89.4 mg malvidin-3-glc/100 g FW (year
total phenolic content in both sampling dates (585 and 477 mg 2011) to 98.6 mg malvidin-3-glc/100 g FW (year 2012). The latter
GAE/100 g DW for the years 2011 and 2012, respectively). This is results are in agreement with other studies where 14 different V.
in agreement with a previous work in which lower levels of vinifera grapes and hybrids were analyzed and the content of
phenolic were found for all studied white grape varieties anthocyanins were higher in hybrid grapes than in V. vinifera
(Borbalán et al., 2003). grapes (Yang et al., 2009).
However, according to Yang et al. (2009), the total phenolic
content in different grapes is mainly related to differences among Antioxidant capacity
varieties and not to skin color, the reported average value being
For all samples, the ORAC values of antioxidant capacity were
425 mg FW GAE/100 g for Cabernet franc. For comparison with
higher than their corresponding FRAP, ABTS and b-carotene/
the latter data, we made a recalculation of the phenolic content on
linoleic acid bleaching test (Table 3).
the basis of the FW used for obtaining the lyophilized grape
BRS Violeta grape variety has the greatest antioxidant capacity,
sample. Thus, our sample of Cabernet franc grapes accounted for
which is in agreement with the high content of phenolic compounds
a total phenolic content of 427 and 440 mg GAE/100 g FW for
observed in these samples (Table 2). This hypothesis was reinforced
vintages of 2011 and 2012, respectively, which are consistent with
by the high positive correlation coefficients shown in Table 4 that
the aforementioned study.
were significant values between total polyphenol content (p50.05)
In all analyzed varieties, seed showed higher content of
and FRAP, ABTS and ORAC values (0.99, 0.94 and 0.97,
phenolic compounds than skins and lees. This result agrees with
respectively). Similar positive correlations were found between
previous literature data (Babbar et al., 2011; Makris et al., 2007;
total ACY and antioxidant capacity measures (0.96, 0.92 and 0.93 for
Rockenbach et al., 2011).
FRAP, ABTS and ORAC values, respectively), an expectable result
This finding was also observed for the BRS Lorena white
given the also good correlation between TPH and ACY (0.95).
grapes since higher amounts of phenolic compounds were found
However, there was no significant correlation between
in seeds (Table 2) than in skin samples (491 and 1131 mg/100 g
bleaching of b-carotene/linoleic acid emulsions and any of the
DW, for the years 2011 and 2012, respectively). Moreover, BRS
phenolic compound concentrations or with any other antioxidant
Lorena seeds for the year 2012 showed a phenolic content similar
methods tested (Table 4). Indeed, all grape varieties showed lower
to that reported by Rockenbach et al. (2011) for Isabel grape
antioxidant capacity to inhibit bleaching in b-carotene/linoleic
(2128 mg GAE/100 g DW), that is also a nonvinifera grape
acid emulsion. Values ranged from 6.34% for BRS Lorena grapes
of the year 2012 to 20.79% for BRS Violeta grapes of the same
The same work also showed lower concentration of phenolic
year (Table 3).
compounds in the skin (1065 mg GAE/100 g DW) than in seed
(8249 mg GAE/100 g DW) for Cabernet sauvignon. However, we
Principal component analysis
observed that there was a considerable variation between vintages
for the same winemaking byproduct. PCA provides a multivariate study of experimental data, which
Our results showed that Cabernet franc had total ACY between facilitates the visualization of the correlation between samples
13.9 (year 2011) and 14.1 mg mv-3-glc/100 g (year 2012), with (scores) and variables (loadings). However, to facilitate this view
no differences among the years (p ¼ 0.44). These values were was necessary pre-processing, specifically self-scaling. For this,
presented in FW for comparison with Hogan et al. (2009), which the data focused on the middle and each one was divided by the
reported a concentration of 17 mg cyanidin-3-glc/100 g of FW for standard deviation, so that all variables associated to each vector
the same grape. For the other grapes analyzed in this study, no (phenolics, anthocyanins, ORAC, ABTS, FRAP and b-carotene/
data were found in the literature. BRS Violeta, a grape hybrid linoleic acid assays) were given the same importance, that also
cultivar, was the variety with higher amounts of anthocyanins, its contributes to the dataset variance.
DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2015.1110688 Effect of drying methods on the phenolic content 899
Table 3. Results of antioxidant capacity by FRAP, ABTS, ORAC and b-carotene/linoleic acid in the samples of grape skin, seed and lees BRS Violeta,
BRS Lorena, Cabernet sauvignon and Cabernet franc in the years 2011 and 2012.

FRAP mM TE/g DW ABTS mM TE/g DW ORAC mM TE/g DW b carotene % inhibition

2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
bA bA bA cB cA bA dB
BRSVioleta Grape 374 ± 10 401 ± 34 344 ± 18 292 ± 10 1408 ± 71 1336 ± 36 14 ± 1 21 ± 2dA
Skin 639 ± 16aB 880 ± 32aA 554 ± 65aA 618 ± 20bA 3132 ± 75aA 2901 ± 113aB 29 ± 6cB 51 ± 8cA
Seed 593 ± 54aB 958 ± 102aA 636 ± 49aB 833 ± 76aA 2487 ± 75bB 3370 ± 330aA 91 ± 6aA 111 ± 15bA
Lees 446 ± 45bA 374 ± 11bB 355 ± 4bA 73 ± 1bB 1568 ± 114cA 781 ± 80cB 58 ± 3bB 133 ± 1Aa
BRSLorena Grape 62 ± 4bA 34 ± 3dB 60 ± 3A 27 ± 1cB 186 ± 14bA 117 ± 12dB 7.2 ± 0bA 6.3 ± 1cA
Skin 54 ± 3bB 127 ± 3bA 47 ± 6cA 21 ± 1cB 203 ± 16abB 257 ± 18cA 4.9 ± 0cA 1.1 ± 0dB
Seed 80 ± 4aB 174 ± 3aA 93 ± 6aA 44 ± 2bB 233 ± 10aB 473 ± 26abA 19 ± 1aA 18 ± 1aA
Lees NA 63 ± 6c NA 65 ± 6a NA 372 ± 17 NA 8.7 ± 0b
Cabernetfranc Grape 116 ± 2bB 131 ± 5dA 64 ± 7bB 121 ± 4cA 339 ± 58bA 400 ± 37cA 18 ± 1bA 19 ± 3bA
Skin NA 257 ± 2b NA 60 ± 1d NA 661 ± 14b NA 24 ± 1b
Seed NA 509 ± 30a NA 449 ± 16a NA 477 ± 49c NA 21 ± 3b
Lees 265 ± 4aA 215 ± 5cB 140 ± 3aB 182 ± 9bA 832 ± 37aA 815 ± 21aA 57 ± 9aB 73 ± 2aA
Cabernetsauvignon Grape 176 ± 18cA 115 ± 9bB 155 ± 13bA 96 ± 4cB 460 ± 68cA 331 ± 18cB 17 ± 1cA 19 ± 2cA
Skin 253 ± 4bA 95 ± 11bB 163 ± 7bA 37 ± 3dB 976 ± 94aA 482 ± 7bB 23 ± 2cA 18 ± 0cB
Seed 551 ± 11A 241 ± 41aB 457 ± 20aA 188 ± 11bB 997 ± 59aA 446 ± 6bB 90 ± 8bA 104 ± 1aA
Lees 202 ± 6cB 246 ± 10aA 137 ± 3bB 217 ± 13aA 716 ± 8bA 794 ± 71aA 65 ± 4aA 71 ± 9A
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

For each grape cultivar, different lower case letters in a same column shows significant differences (p50.05) among samples. Different capital letters in
a same line shows significant differences between years (p50.05), the second test of Tukey.
DW, dry weight; NA, not analyzed; TE, equivalent Trolox.

Table 4. Pearson’s correlation coefficients of antioxidant activities, total phenolics and total anthocyanins content.


ACY 0.95
FRAP 0.99 0.96
ABTS 0.94 0.92 0.91
ORAC 0.97 0.93 0.94 0.95
CAROTENE 0.15 0.01 0.20 0.03 0.04

ABTS, antioxidant capacity based on ABTS assay; ACY, total anthocyanins; CAROTENE, antioxidant capacity based on b-carotene/linoleic acid;
FRAP, antioxidant capacity based on FRAP assay; ORAC, antioxidant capacity based on ORAC assay; TPH, total phenolics.

PC1 explained 74.1% of the total variance, PC2 16.7%, PC3 days of storage. Similar result was found for lees of Cabernet
6.9%, while PC4 explained only 1.6% of the total variance. sauvignon (reduction of 40% after 30 days) but significant
However, PC4 versus PC1 were important for the separation of reduction (p50.05), was also observed after 90 days of storage up
the samples (Figure 1a and b). to reach 61% of the initial value. Finally, the ACY of skins of
The samples of the also hybrid variety BRS Lorena, were Cabernet sauvignon only decreased after 90 days (56% of the
separated by PC1 and appeared grouped in the most negative part initial value).
along the PC1 ax, that corresponded to the lowest values of Regarding the stability of the antioxidant, the observed
phenolic compounds, ABTS, FRAP and ORAC. Cabernet behavior differed from that observed for total contents of phenolic
sauvignon and Cabernet franc were not well separated as they compounds and anthocyanins but also differed according to the
showed similar phenolic composition and antioxidant behavior. type of determination (Figure 2c–f). FRAP values did not change
The PC2 was mainly related to the content of total anthocyanins so much during storage for all samples (Figure 2c). In the case of
(Figure 1d) and made possible the separation of samples of BRS ORAC determinations, little variations (increasing or decreasing
Violeta grape and lees, and also samples of BRS Violeta skin and trends) and even maintenance of antioxidant capacity were
seeds. observed (Figure 2e).
The BRS Violeta byproducts increased their ABTS (Figure 2d)
and b-carotene/linoleic acid (Figure 2d) values after 30 days of
Stability of winemaking byproducts
storage and, after 90 days, the ABTS values decreased for skin and
The content of phenolics and anthocyanins, as well as the four seed samples (but maintained for lees) and the b-carotene/linoleic
assays of antioxidant capacity were monitored over the storage of acid values increased for seeds and lees (but maintained for skins).
the samples dried after processes oven-drying (skins and seeds The behavior for Cabernet sauvignon byproducts was different:
samples) and spray-drying (only lees samples) (Figure 2). With after 30 days, all ABTS values and b-carotene/linoleic acid values
the exception of BRS Violeta byproducts the other significant for skins and lees increased, but b-carotene/linoleic acid value for
difference (p50.05) was the content of bioactive compounds and seed maintained; after 90 days, ABTS of skins and b-carotene/
the antioxidant capacity during the interval of 90 days of storage. linoleic acid values for seeds and lees decreased, ABTS values for
Anthocyanins of BRS Violeta remained stable during the 90- seeds and lees maintained and b-carotene/linoleic acid value for
day storage, both in the skin and the lees of red grape cultivars. In skins increased. The behavior of Cabernet franc lees was similar to
contrast, the ACY in the lees of Cabernet franc already decreased that of lees form Cabernet sauvignon. The singular behavior shown
by 39% after 30 days and remained almost unchanged after 90 by BRS Violeta winemaking byproducts could be very likely linked
900 M. T. Barcia et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2015; 66(8): 895–903

(a) 1.2 (a) 0.6

1.0 0.4
0.2 ACY
0.0 Carotene/Linoleic Acid

0.2 -0.2

0.0 -0.4

BRS Violeta ORAC
-0.6 BRS Lorena
C. franc
-0.8 -1.0
C. sauvignon 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(c) 3 (d) 0.8 Carotene/Linoleic acid


Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015


0 0.0



-2 BRS Violeta
-0.6 ACY
BRS Lorena
C. franc
-3 C. sauvignon -0.8
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48

Figure 1. Principal component analysis (PCA) on grape, skin, seed and lees of four varieties BRS Violeta, BRS Lorena, Cabernet sauvignon and
Cabernet franc belonging harvests of 2011 and 2012 (a) Graph of scores for PC1 (factor 1) and PC4 (factor 4), differences between classes (grape
varieties), (b) Graph of loadings for PC1 (factor 1) and PC4 (factor 4), (c) Graph of scores for PC1 (factor 1) and PC2 (factor 2), (d) Graphics loadings
for PC1 (factor 1) and PC2 (factor 2). *For abbreviations see Table 4.

with their high contents in anthocyanins that dominated the pool of phenolics compounds when compared with white grapes, as
total phenolic compounds, as it has been reported for the detailed described Rebello et al. (2013).
phenolic composition of the grapes of this hybrid cultivar (Rebello According to Makris et al. (2007), seeds have the highest
et al., 2013). contribution to the phenolic content in the grape marcs, mainly in
white grapes, in which the skin shows a lower phenolic content
Discussion than in purple cultivars.
Additionally, there is a scarce literature data about phenolic
Total phenolics and anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity
compounds in winemaking byproducts. For BRS Violeta and BRS
and PCA
Lorena varieties, e.g. no literature data were found, thus making
Very likely, higher levels of phenolic compounds were found in difficult the comparison of the results obtained.
grape berries samples (BRS Lorena and Cabernet sauvignon) of For all grape varieties, lees still showed high levels of total
year 2011 due to the difference in climate conditions between phenolic compounds when compared to the whole grape berry.
years. Thus, considering the climate information about the Thus, the highest levels was observed again in the case of BRS
cropping area that is available in CEPAGRI (2013), lower average Violeta, followed by Cabernet sauvignon and Cabernet franc, with
temperatures and precipitation volumes were observed in the year similar contents, and finally BRS Lorena showed the lowest
2012 (15.3  C and rainfall of 133.4 mm) than in the year 2011 amount of phenolics. However, all these values were higher in
(temperature 20.8–29.8  C and rainfall of 451.6 mm). lees than those found in the whole grape berry, on a basis of dry
Therefore, the significant increase in total phenolic content matter.
between years could be a result of the plant defense mechanism at If compared to other anthocyanin-rich sources ACY in
high temperatures, since these compounds were reported as able fermented skin BRS Violeta (146.68 mg malvidin-3-glc/100 g
to act against UV radiation (Barcia et al., 2010). FW) is lower than values reported for blackberries, 140 mg
The grape cultivar showing the highest content of total cyanidin-3-glc/100 g FW (Jacques et al., 2010) and Jambolão
phenolics compounds in the present study was BRS Violeta, in fruits (Syzygium cumini), 7–17 mg cyanidin-3-glc/100 g FW
both vintages, which can be related to the fact that this grape (Barcia et al., 2012). And fermented skin BRS Violeta in dried
variety showed an intense red-purple color attributed to the high weight (829 mg malvidin-3-glc/100 g DW) higher than values
content of anthocyanins, usually associated to the high content of found for Ceylon gooseberry pulp, 367 mg cyanidin-3-glc/100 g
DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2015.1110688 Effect of drying methods on the phenolic content 901
Lees C. sauvignon

Seed C. sauvignon

Skin C. sauvignon

90 days
Lees C. franc
30 days
Samples Seed BRS Lorena
0 days

Skin BRS Lorena

Lees BRS Violeta

Seed BRS Violeta

Skin BRS Violeta

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

mg GAE/100g DM

Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

Lees C. sauvignon

Skin C. sauvignon
90 days

30 days

Lees C. franc
0 days

Lees BRS Violeta

Skin BRS Violeta

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300

mg malv-3-glc/100g DM

(c) (d)
Lees C. sauvignon Lees C. sauvignon

Seed C. sauvignon Seed C. sauvignon

Skin C. sauvignon Skin C. sauvignon

Lees C. franc 90 days Lees C. franc 90 days


30 days Seed BRS Lorena 30 days

Seed BRS Lorena
0 days 0 days
Skin BRS Lorena Skin BRS Lorena

Lees BRS Violeta Lees BRS Violeta

Seed BRS Violeta Seed BRS Violeta

Skin BRS Violeta Skin BRS Violeta

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

µM TE/g DM µM TE/g DM

(e) (f)
Lees C. sauvignon Lees C. sauvignon

Seed C. sauvignon Seed C. sauvignon

Skin C. sauvignon Skin C. sauvignon

90 days
Lees C. franc Lees C. franc 90 days
30 days


30 days
Seed BRS Lorena 0 days Seed BRS Lorena
0 days
Skin BRS Lorena Skin BRS Lorena

Lees BRS Violeta Lees BRS Violeta

Seed BRS Violeta Seed BRS Violeta

Skin BRS Violeta Skin BRS Violeta

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
µM TE/g DM %Inibition

Figure 2. Phenolic compounds (a), anthocyanins (b), antioxidant capacity by FRAP (c), ABTS (d) and ORAC (e) b-carotene/linoleic acid (f) in skin,
seed (drying oven-dried at 50  C) and lees (spray-drying) at 0, 30 and 90 days of storage of four varieties BRS Violeta, BRS Lorena, Cabernet
sauvignon and Cabernet franc (year 2011).
902 M. T. Barcia et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2015; 66(8): 895–903

DW (Bochi et al., 2014), blueberries, 140–318 mg cyanidin-3-glc/ bioactive compounds, with the seed, regardless of the variety, the
100 g DW (Pertuzatti et al., 2014). largest source of phenolic compounds.
Regarding winemaking byproducts, skins presented higher With regard to stability of phenolic compounds present in
content of anthocyanins than lees. An exception was observed for winemaking byproducts, the behavior shown by BRS Violeta was
Cabernet sauvignon, in which there was no significant difference the most interesting. The total phenolic and ACYs were almost
between skin and lees for samples of the year 2011 (Table 2), and maintained over 90 days of storage, in parallel with maintenance
skin samples of the year 2012 showed lower ACY than in lees. and even increase of antioxidant capacity.
Another important finding was reported by Rebello et al.
(2013), showing that in the fresh skin of BRS Violeta, anthocya-
nins accounted for 393 mg mv-3,5-diglc/100 g FW, a value higher Acknowledgements
than that found in our study (108 and 184 mg/100 g FW, in 2011 The authors are grateful to Mr. Fernando José de Góes, the owner of Góes
and 2012, respectively). However, we believe that anthocyanins winery (São Roque, Brazil) for supplying the grape, grape marc and lees
were transferred from the skin to the wine. samples. The authors would like to thank Brazilian agency, CAPES, for
The results very likely suggest that grape and winemaking the productivity scholarship.
byproduct phenolic compounds have an intense activity as
scavenger of peroxyl radicals, and in a less extension by
mechanisms of ABTS cation radical neutralization, electron Declaration of interest
donation to ferric ions, or prevention of carotenoid bleaching by The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
lipid peroxyl radicals.
Results were in agreement with previous reported values. References
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 03:47 03 December 2015

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