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Tatiyana Jefferson

Philosophy of Education
I believe every child has a right to learn in a safe, welcoming environment. It is important
to me that children become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and kind individuals through
hands-on learning and consistent relationship building in the classroom. I love working with
children and teaching them new things they would otherwise not know. Having light bulbs flicker
in their heads when they learn something new, or compare something they know to something
they are learning, makes me so proud and excited as an educator. Growing up, I didn’t always
have my parents around, but the consistency of school and the amazing teachers I was
surrounded by made life a little easier. I’ve always wanted to be that person in someone else’s
Through all I have learned and experienced in my studies of Teaching and Learning,
relationship building is one theme that has stuck out to me the most. Relationships create a
foundation of trust and understanding which lead to respect and collaboration. To me,
relationships are valuable to create a sense of community and vulnerability between a teacher
and their students. Students are more willing to participate and learn when they feel welcomed
and appreciated. Secondly, knowing my students on a personal level will help me build lesson
plans around their interests. Students learn better when they are properly engaged. With this, I
plan to consistently incorporate students' interest into class topics to ensure inclusivity and keep
children tuned i.
On another note, I am also highly passionate about differentiated instruction. I find it
most effective to allow students the choice in how to learn about new topics. Giving the
opportunity for each student to work in a medium that helps them best, encourages students to
learn. If every student had to write an essay over a book we are reading in class, many students
would be discouraged. However, if students all had the option between writing a paper, making
a powerpoint, or creating a poster board, there would be less negative emotions and more
excitement throughout the classroom. Students are more inclined to put effort into their work
when it is something they actually want to do. I plan to allow for many options in my classroom,
whether it’s seating, differentiated instruction, etc. because with choices comes a sense of
responsibility and individuality. I want to encourage students to enjoy learning by allowing them
to learn in a way that works best for them.
Overall, I want to be the kind of teacher that makes students comfortable in the
classroom. I want each student to know that I am there for them and only want them to succeed.
Bringing my values of relationship building and differentiated instruction into the classroom will
help me better understand my students and how I can make learning better and more fun for
them. I plan to make sure every student I encounter knows they are loved, smart, and important.
I believe everyone is different and everyone can make a difference.

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