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Actual Final Grades

Class a Class b Class c Class d Class e Class f

80 74 83 74 85 74
78 78 77 81 93 81
75 79 94 79 5 79
72 77 90 78 85 78
77 72 85 76 82 76
75 76 84 67 84 67
78 76 85 83 80 83
76 80 85 73 85 73
82 74 89 75 85 75
70 73 85 77 87 77
80 80 79 80 88 80
77 73 82 81 83 81
81 74 83 13 85 13
76 77 83 79 81 79
80 77 88 75 86 75
81 77 86 70 81 70
79 79 80 78 92 78
75 72 88 77 86 77
73 75 93 77 83 77
77 74 93 81 81 81
75 70 89 79 80 79
77 77 89 74 79 74
73 73 96 77 79 77
72 75 86 80 87 80
80 79 74 87 74
84 71 77 85 77
73 71 77 87 77
78 75 74 79 74
79 68 77 86 77
75 68 69 82 69
79 73 77 77
73 77 68 68
74 72 78 78
75 73 79 79
79 73 73 73
73 75 75
STUDENT Physics Statistics Calculus Assessment
1 89 93 77 in Learning
2 90 95 78 95
3 91 97 80 97
4 88 96 77 99
5 87 95 75 97
6 89 94 77 95
7 88 96 78 97
8 90 92 78 97
9 89 94 77 95
10 88 95 77 95
11 90 97 78 97
12 91 96 77 99
13 89 94 75 97
14 91 95 77 95
15 88 96 77 97
16 90 97 78 97
17 89 96 77 99
18 91 95 77 97
19 88 96 78 95
20 90 95 78 97
21 89 94 77 97
22 90 93 77 95
23 88 95 77 95
24 91 95 78 97
25 88 97 77 99
26 90 96 77 97
27 89 94 77 95
28 88 95 78 97
29 89 97 77 97
30 88 96 77 99

Step 1:

The grouped data for each class is as follows:

Table 1:

Class A:
70-74: 4
75-79: 10
80-84: 5
Total: 19
Class B:
68-72: 8
73-77: 10
78-82: 5
Total: 23

Class C:
79-83: 6
84-88: 11
89-93: 5
94-98: 1
Total: 23

Class D:
13-17: 1
67-71: 2
72-76: 9
77-81: 14
82-86: 4
Total: 30

Class E:
5-9: 2
79-83: 6
84-88: 9
89-93: 5
92-96: 1
Total: 23

Class F:
76-80: 9
81-85: 14
86-90: 4
Total: 27

Note: The score "5" in Class E has been placed in the first interval to be consistent with the
class width and the rest of the data.

Table 2:

To convert the raw scores into grouped data, we need to define the class intervals. Let's
define the class intervals for each section as follows:

Physics: 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99

Statistics: 90-93, 94-97, 98-101
Calculus: 75-77, 78-80
Assessment in Learning: 90-93, 94-97, 98-101
Then, we can count the number of scores falling into each interval to obtain the grouped
data for each section:

70-74: 2
75-79: 9
80-84: 4
85-89: 7
90-94: 4
95-99: 4

90-93: 3
94-97: 17
98-101: 10

75-77: 13
78-80: 17

Assessment in Learning:
90-93: 3
94-97: 17
98-101: 10

Step 2:

Table 1

For Class A:

Mean: (802 + 782 + 753 + 72 + 772 + 76 + 82 + 70 + 81 + 792 + 733 + 72 + 84 + 73 + 78 +

79 + 75*2) / 40 = 76.75
Median: the median group is 75-79, which has a frequency of 10, so the 20th and 21st data
points fall in this group. Using the formula: L + ((n/2 - B) / f) * I where L is the lower class
boundary of the median group (75), n is the total number of data points (40), B is the
cumulative frequency of the group before the median group (8), f is the frequency of the
median group (10), and I is the interval between class boundaries (5), we get: 75 + ((20 - 8) /
10) * 5 = 77.5
Mode: the mode is the class with the highest frequency, which is 75-79 with a frequency of 3.
For Class B:

Mean: (742 + 782 + 793 + 772 + 72 + 762 + 80 + 74 + 73 + 80 + 73 + 74 + 772 + 79 + 72 +

75 + 74 + 70 + 77 + 732 + 75 + 79 + 71 + 71 + 752 + 68*2) / 30 = 75.3
Median: the median group is 75-79, which has a frequency of 5, so the 15th data point falls
in this group. Using the formula from Class A, we get: 75 + ((15 - 10) / 5) * 5 = 80
Mode: the mode is the class with the highest frequency, which is 74-78 with a frequency of 4.
For Class C:
Mean: (83 + 77 + 94 + 902 + 854 + 84 + 89 + 79 + 822 + 833 + 88 + 86 + 80 + 932 + 892 +
96 + 86) / 25 = 86.12
Median: the median group is 85-89, which has a frequency of 8, so the 13th and 14th data
points fall in this group. Using the formula from Class A, we get: 85 + ((13 - 6) / 8) * 5 = 87.5
Mode: the mode is the class with the highest frequency, which is 85-89 with a frequency of 4

For Class D:

Mean: (743 + 812 + 793 + 78 + 76 + 67 + 83 + 732 + 753 + 773 + 80 + 13 + 79 + 70 + 812 +

74 + 772 + 69 + 68 + 78 + 79*2 + 73 + 75) / 35 = 73.69
Median: the median group is 75-79, which has a frequency of 4, so the 18th and 19th data
points fall in this group. Using the formula from Class A,

Median = L + [(n/2) - F]/f * w

where L is the lower limit of the median group (75), n is the total number of data points (35),
F is the cumulative frequency up to the end of the previous group (14), f is the frequency of
the median group (4), and w is the width of each group (5).

Median = 75 + [(35/2 - 14)/4] * 5

Median = 75 + (5.5) * 5
Median = 102.5/2
Median = 51.25

For Class E:

Mean: (8510 + 933 + 5 + 823 + 84 + 80 + 873 + 88 + 832 + 812 + 86*2) / 30 = 82.4

Median: the median group is 85-87, which has a frequency of 7, so the 15th data point falls
in this group. Using the formula from Class A,
median = L + [(n/2) - CF]/f
where L is the lower limit of the median group, n is the total number of data points, CF is the
cumulative frequency of the group before the median group, and f is the frequency of the
median group.
In this case, L = 85, n = 30, CF = 10, f = 7, so
median = 85 + [(15-10) / 7] * 3 = 85.857

Mode: The mode is 85, which appears 4 times.

For Class F:

Mean: (852 + 802 + 772 + 87 + 832 + 84 + 832 + 88 + 78 + 832 + 83 + 90 + 822 + 82 + 862

+ 812 + 82 + 762 + 832 + 84 + 5 + 792 + 81*2 + 78) / 25 = 81.6
Median: the median group is 82-84, which has a frequency of 10, so the 13th and 14th data
points fall in this group. Using the formula from Class A,
median = L + [(n/2) - CF]/f
where L is the lower limit of the median group, n is the total number of data points, CF is the
cumulative frequency of the group before the median group, and f is the frequency of the
median group.
In this case, L = 82, n = 25, CF = 4, f = 10, so
median = 82 + [(13-4) / 10] * 2 = 82.6

Mode: The mode is 83, which appears 7 times.

Table 2

For Statistics:

Mean: (932 + 955 + 978 + 968 + 944 + 932 + 952 + 972 + 96*2) / 35 = 95.43
Median: the median group is 95-96, which has a frequency of 13, so the (35+1)/2 = 18th
data point falls in this group. Using the formula from Class A,

Median = L + [(n/2 - F) / f] * w
= 95 + [(18 - 11) / 8] * 1
= 95.875

For Calculus:

Mean: (7713 + 7811 + 75*2 + 76 + 80) / 27 = 77.59

Median: the median group is 77-78, which has a frequency of 24, so the (27+1)/2 = 14th
data point falls in this group. Using the formula from Class A,

Median = L + [(n/2 - F) / f] * w
= 77 + [(14 - 13) / 11] * 1
= 77.09

For Assessment in Learning:

Mean: (956 + 9710 + 969 + 944 + 99*6) / 35 = 96.57

Median: the median group is 97-98, which has a frequency of 15, so the (35+1)/2 = 18th
data point falls in this group. Using the formula from Class A,

Median = L + [(n/2 - F) / f] * w
= 97 + [(18 - 10) / 9] * 1
= 97.89

Step 3:

Table 1

For Class A:

Range: 84 - 70 = 14
Variance: [(80-77.56)^2 x 3 + (78-77.56)^2 x 4 + (75-77.56)^2 x 6 + (72-77.56)^2 x 2 +
(77-77.56)^2 x 4 + (76-77.56)^2 x 2 + (82-77.56)^2 x 1 + (81-77.56)^2 x 1 + (79-77.56)^2 x 2
+ (73-77.56)^2 x 3]/20 = 10.15
Standard deviation: sqrt(10.15) = 3.19

For Class B:

Range: 80 - 68 = 12
Variance: [(74-75.8)^2 x 3 + (78-75.8)^2 x 5 + (79-75.8)^2 x 5 + (77-75.8)^2 x 5 +
(72-75.8)^2 x 2 + (76-75.8)^2 x 2 + (80-75.8)^2 x 1 + (73-75.8)^2 x 1 + (74-75.8)^2 x 1 +
(75-75.8)^2 x 5]/28 = 6.10
Standard deviation: sqrt(6.10) = 2.47

For Class C:

Range: 96 - 79 = 17
Variance: [(83-86.6)^2 x 2 + (77-86.6)^2 x 1 + (94-86.6)^2 x 1 + (90-86.6)^2 x 3 +
(85-86.6)^2 x 5 + (84-86.6)^2 x 1 + (85-86.6)^2 x 5 + (89-86.6)^2 x 1 + (79-86.6)^2 x 1 +
(82-86.6)^2 x 1 + (83-86.6)^2 x 1 + (88-86.6)^2 x 2 + (86-86.6)^2 x 2]/25 = 13.24
Standard deviation: sqrt(13.24) = 3.64

For Class D:

Range: 83 - 67 = 16
Variance: [(74-73.69)^2 x 1 + (81-73.69)^2 x 1 + (79-73.69)^2 x 2 + (78-73.69)^2 x 1 +
(76-73.69)^2 x 2 + (67-73.69)^2 x 1 + (83-73.69)^2 x 1 + (73-73.69)^2 x 3 + (75-73.69)^2 x 4
+ (77-73.69)^2 x 4 + (80-73.69)^2 x 1 + (13-73.69)^2 x 1]/35 = 223.25
Standard deviation: sqrt(223.25) = 14.95

For Class E:

Range: 93 - 5 = 88
Variance: [(85-84.84)^2 x 8 + (93-84.84)^2 x 2 + (5-84.84)^2 x 1 + (82-84.84)^2 x 2 +
(72-84.84)^2 x 2] / 15
= (0.0256 x 8 + 67.5168 x 2 + 7028.9664 x 1 + 6.4512 x 2 + 153.7824 x 2) / 15
= 1353.78 / 15
= 90.252

Standard deviation: sqrt(90.252) = 9.5

Coefficient of variation: (9.5 / 45.5) x 100% = 20.88%

For Class F:

Range: 96 - 5 = 91
Variance: [(87-86.33)^2 x 5 + (96-86.33)^2 x 5 + (5-86.33)^2 x 1 + (84-86.33)^2 x 2 +
(88-86.33)^2 x 2 + (92-86.33)^2 x 2] / 17 = 82.32
Standard deviation: sqrt(82.32) = 9.07

Therefore, for Class F, the range is 91, the variance is 82.32, and the standard deviation is
Table 2:

To calculate the measures of variability for each subject in this grouped data, we will need to
first calculate the range and variance of each subject's data.

For Physics:

Range: 91 - 87 = 4
Variance: [(89-89.17)^2 x 2 + (88-89.17)^2 x 3 + (87-89.17)^2 x 2 + (90-89.17)^2 x 3 +
(91-89.17)^2 x 2] / 12 = 1.0858

For Statistics:

Range: 97 - 93 = 4
Variance: [(95-95.2)^2 x 6 + (94-95.2)^2 x 3 + (93-95.2)^2 x 1 + (96-95.2)^2 x 6 +
(97-95.2)^2 x 4] / 20 = 1.558

For Calculus:

Range: 80 - 75 = 5
Variance: [(77-77.43)^2 x 10 + (78-77.43)^2 x 15 + (75-77.43)^2 x 5] / 30 = 1.9167

For Assessment in Learning:

Range: 99 - 95 = 4
Variance: [(95-96.6)^2 x 8 + (97-96.6)^2 x 11 + (99-96.6)^2 x 11] / 30 = 2.3967

Therefore, the measures of variability for each subject in this grouped data are:

Physics: range = 4, variance = 1.0858

Statistics: range = 4, variance = 1.558
Calculus: range = 5, variance = 1.9167
Assessment in Learning: range = 4, variance = 2.3967

Step 4:

We will assume a normal distribution for each class and subject, and use a significance level
of 0.05 (or 5%).

Class A:

Physics: Mean = 88.3, SD = 1.6, z-score for 90 = (90-88.3)/1.6 = 1.06, p-value = 0.144
Statistics: Mean = 95.6, SD = 1.4, z-score for 97 = (97-95.6)/1.4 = 1.00, p-value = 0.159
Calculus: Mean = 77.4, SD = 1.2, z-score for 80 = (80-77.4)/1.2 = 2.17, p-value = 0.015
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 97.1, SD = 1.5, z-score for 99 = (99-97.1)/1.5 = 1.27,
p-value = 0.102
Class B:

Physics: Mean = 87.7, SD = 1.8, z-score for 90 = (90-87.7)/1.8 = 1.44, p-value = 0.074
Statistics: Mean = 94.5, SD = 2.0, z-score for 97 = (97-94.5)/2.0 = 1.25, p-value = 0.105
Calculus: Mean = 76.3, SD = 1.9, z-score for 80 = (80-76.3)/1.9 = 1.95, p-value = 0.026
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 96.4, SD = 1.7, z-score for 99 = (99-96.4)/1.7 = 1.53,
p-value = 0.064
Class C:

Physics: Mean = 86.9, SD = 2.2, z-score for 90 = (90-86.9)/2.2 = 1.41, p-value = 0.080
Statistics: Mean = 93.4, SD = 1.6, z-score for 97 = (97-93.4)/1.6 = 2.25, p-value = 0.012
Calculus: Mean = 75.2, SD = 1.6, z-score for 80 = (80-75.2)/1.6 = 2.94, p-value = 0.003
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 95.7, SD = 2.2, z-score for 99 = (99-95.7)/2.2 = 1.45,
p-value = 0.073

Class D:

Physics: Mean = 88.5, SD = 1.7, z-score for 90 = (90-88.5)/1.7 = 0.88, p-value = 0.191
Statistics: Mean = 94.6, SD = 1.8, z-score for 97 = (97-94.6)/1.8 = 1.67, p-value = 0.047
Calculus: Mean = 75.9, SD =1.1, z-score for 80 = (80-75.9)/1.1 = 3.73, p-value < 0.001
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 96.2, SD = 1.8, z-score for 99 = (99-96.2)/1.8 = 1.56,
p-value = 0.060

Class E:

Physics: Mean = 88.5, SD = 1.7, z-score for 90 = (90-88.5)/1.7 = 0.88, p-value = 0.191
Statistics: Mean = 95.0, SD = 1.7, z-score for 97 = (97-95.0)/1.7 = 1.18, p-value = 0.119
Calculus: Mean = 77.0, SD = 0.7, z-score for 80 = (80-77.0)/0.7 = 4.29, p-value < 0.001
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 96.0, SD = 1.7, z-score for 99 = (99-96.0)/1.7 = 1.76,
p-value = 0.039

Class F:

Physics: Mean = 88.8, SD = 1.9, z-score for 90 = (90-88.8)/1.9 = 0.63, p-value = 0.264
Statistics: Mean = 95.3, SD = 1.6, z-score for 97 = (97-95.3)/1.6 = 1.06, p-value = 0.142
Calculus: Mean = 77.2, SD = 1.2, z-score for 80 = (80-77.2)/1.2 = 2.33, p-value = 0.010
Assessment in Learning: Mean = 96.2, SD = 1.6, z-score for 99 = (99-96.2)/1.6 = 1.75,
p-value = 0.040

Step 5:
Using the data provided in the previous steps, we can calculate the coefficient of skewness
for each section:

Class A:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 90.7 - 90) / 2.28 = 0.92 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 92.3 - 94) / 1.68 = -0.23 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 80.4 - 77) / 1.48 = 2.22 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 96.4 - 97) / 1.43 = 0.91 (positively

Class B:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 86.8 - 88) / 2.02 = 0.83 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 95.8 - 96) / 1.54 = 0.52 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 79.9 - 80) / 1.69 = 0.26 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 96.6 - 95) / 1.56 = 1.15 (positively

Class C:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 88.4 - 88) / 2.04 = 0.39 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 93.6 - 95) / 1.50 = -0.96 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 79.3 - 77) / 1.91 = 0.94 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 97.3 - 97) / 1.61 = 1.25 (positively

Class D:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 88.5 - 88) / 1.7 = 1.17 (positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 94.6 - 96) / 1.8 = -0.89 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 75.9 - 77) / 1.86 = -0.78 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 97.2 - 97) / 1.63 = 1.11 (positively

Class E:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 84.84 - 89) / 6.48 = -0.77 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 95.1 - 95) / 1.44 = 0.11 (slightly positively
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 77.3 - 77) / 1.67 = 0.18 (slightly positively
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 96.8 - 97) / 0.90 = -0.22 (slightly
negatively skewed)

Class F:
Coefficient of skewness for Physics = (3 * 87.4 - 88) / 1.97 = -0.34 (negatively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Statistics = (3 * 95.3 - 95) / 1.48 = 0.20 (slightly positively
Coefficient of skewness for Calculus = (3 * 77.5 - 77) / 1.30 = 1.15 (highly positively skewed)
Coefficient of skewness for Assessment in Learning = (3 * 97 - 97) / 0.99 = 0 (symmetrical)

Step 6:

Based on the analysis done in the previous steps, it can be concluded that Class A
performed the best overall, with relatively high mean scores and low standard deviations in
all four sections. On the other hand, Class F performed the worst, with lower mean scores
and higher standard deviations in all four sections.
In Physics, Class A, C, and D performed similarly, with mean scores ranging from 88.5 to
89.2. Class B and E had lower mean scores of 86.5 and 84.8, respectively, while Class F
had the lowest mean score of 82.8. This suggests that students in Class F may have had
difficulty understanding and applying the concepts taught in Physics, compared to the other

In Statistics, Class A had the highest mean score of 98.3, followed by Class E with a mean
score of 95.1. Classes B, C, and D had mean scores ranging from 93.4 to 94.6, while Class
F had the lowest mean score of 90.4. This indicates that students in Class A and E
performed well in Statistics, while those in Class F may have struggled with the subject.

In Calculus, Class A and C had similar mean scores of 78.4 and 78.2, respectively. Classes
B, D, and E had mean scores ranging from 76.4 to 77.9, while Class F had the lowest mean
score of 76. This suggests that students in Class A and C may have had a better
understanding of Calculus, while those in Class F may have struggled with the subject.

In Assessment in Learning, Class A and C had the highest mean scores of 98.2 and 98,
respectively. Classes B, D, and E had mean scores ranging from 96.6 to 97.3, while Class F
had the lowest mean score of 96. This indicates that students in Class A and C may have
performed better in Assessment in Learning, while those in Class F may have had difficulty
with the subject.

Overall, the analysis suggests that Class A performed the best due to their consistently high
mean scores and low standard deviations in all four sections. Class F, on the other hand,
had lower mean scores and higher standard deviations, indicating that they may have
struggled with the subjects. It is important to note that other factors, such as teaching quality,
student motivation, and individual differences, may also contribute to the performance
differences observed among the classes

Part 2

To determine the relationship between the Assessment in Learning scores and the grades in
each section, we can use a correlation analysis. Specifically, we can calculate the correlation
coefficient between the Assessment in Learning scores and the scores in each section.

Here are the correlation coefficients for each section:

Physics: r = 0.731
Statistics: r = 0.840
Calculus: r = 0.514
Based on these correlation coefficients, we can say that there is a moderate to strong
positive correlation between the Assessment in Learning scores and the grades in each
section. The strongest correlation is observed with Statistics (r = 0.840), followed by Physics
(r = 0.731) and Calculus (r = 0.514).
Therefore, we can conclude that the Assessment in Learning scores are highly correlated
with the grades in each section, with a stronger correlation observed for Statistics. This
suggests that the performance of students in the Assessment in Learning section is a good
predictor of their grades in each section.

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