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EPM 342









SEMESTER 2 2022/23




1972 The Lorax (Original)

"The Lorax" is a 1972 animated television programme based on Dr. Seuss's children's book of
the same name. It was directed by Hawley Pratt and produced by DePatie-Freleng
Enterprises. The plot revolves around Ted, a young man who sets out to find a tree in order to
impress a girl he likes. Along the way, he encounters the former-ler, who tells him how he
damaged the Truffula Trees, resulting in the extinction of the species who formerly lived
there, including the Lorax, who talks for the trees. The film conveys a strong environmental
message, emphasising the significance of safeguarding the ecosystem from overexploitation.
The film has become a classic and is still popular among children.

The Once-ler in the 1972 film "The Lorax" cuts down Truffula Trees to make Thneeds, which
are adaptable and may be used for a variety of reasons. Thneeds is described by the Once-ler
as "a Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need!" and "It's a shirt." It's just a sock. It fits like a
glove. It's just a hat. However, it has other applications. Yes, much more than that." The
Once-ler's fixation with creating and selling Thneeds eventually leads to the ruin of the
ecosystem and the eviction of the creatures who lived there, prompting the Lorax to speak up
and try to stop him.

Industrial Revolution 4.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, often known as Industry 4.0, is the most recent stage of
industrial production progression. It signifies a major transformation in how commodities are
created, distributed, and consumed, driven by the merging of digital and physical
technologies. Industry 4.0 is defined by the use of sophisticated technologies to automate and
optimise industrial processes, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing,
and artificial intelligence (AI). This digital technology integration allows machines and
systems to connect with one another and make choices based on real-time data without the
need for human intervention.

Factories and other industrial facilities are becoming more linked and data-driven in Industry
4.0, enabling better efficiency, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing market demands.
Sensors implanted in manufacturing equipment, for example, can identify when repair is
required, and robots can do repetitive tasks alongside human workers. Industry 4.0 is also
distinguished by a shift towards mass customization, with the potential to mass-produce
personalised products. This is made feasible by the use of advanced digital design and
manufacturing technologies that can be quickly modified to generate various items on

Overall, Industry 4.0 is predicted to have a transformative impact on the global economy,
with the potential to develop new business models, industries, and employment while also
enhancing production efficiency and sustainability.


Based on the video, we can see from the beginning it is a flashback story as it starts with a
non-human invention era towards nature inside a forest. In this story one of the main
character was Once-ler who is a greedy businessman travel by himself and find a place which
have the Truffula trees and tend to cut down all the Truffula tree and collect only its Tufts to
make and sell a versatile garment such as shirts, hat, carpet, socks, pillow sheets and many
more and the product was called a “Thneed”. As we can see from the story, the Truffula trees
are home to a variety of animals and also act as food sources for certain animals as well. As
the product demand increases the Once-ler makes an unthoughtful decision which results in
the destruction of the environment and the displacement of the creatures that highly depend
on it. The next main character in this story was “ The Lorax”. The Lorax is described as a
small orange creature, who has moustached who speaks for the trees and other animals as
well. The Lorax always try to convince the Once-ler’s business effect toward nature and to
stop cutting down the trees, but his warning goes unheeded until the end. After no more
plants to be cut down, the Thneed’s production collapsed, and Once-ler is left alone in his
own factory which is located in a desolate wasteland that he created with his own hands. At
the end of this story, The Lorax leaves behind a message carved in stone said “UNLESS”
which refer to be a lesson for us that “Someone like you cares a whole awful lot, and nothing
is going to get better” is a big lesson to tell the youth that our future only can be changed by
us if we treat it correctly.


“The Lorax” is a story about the destructive impact of industrialization and unbridled
capitalism on the environment. Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is already known for
presenting many opportunities for innovation and progress, but it also poses significant risks
to the environment. The increasing reliance on this technology such as automation and
artificial intelligence can result in increasing energy consumption, resource depletion, as well
as water, sound, and air pollution. In this short movie, Once-ler is a character that plays a
negative role that shows the negative impact of IR 4.0 towards our current environment. The
Lorax on the other hand tend to represent the importance of preserving the natural world and
balancing economic growth with social and environmental responsibility.

In terms of production of “Thneed”, we can see it is related to IR 4.0 in the form of

automation, efficiency, and sustainability as well as digitalization.
From the short movie, Once-ler started to build a bigger production place as it saw huge
potential demand for Thneed. “Automation” was spotted when he used automated machines
to mass-produce Thneed as well as wanted to speed up the construction of his own
production process by using “Super Axe Hacker '' which consists of a machine with 6 axes
that can help to cut down six Truffula trees with one move. Next, in terms of efficiency, we
can see from the story, Once-ler and production management focus more on maximising
efficiency by using advanced technologies to optimise his production process, increase
productivity, and at the same time reduce waste which is a core value of the IR 4.0.
Moreover, sustainability took place when Thneed production emphasis on sustainable
production practices in IR 4.0. As we can see from the movie, the Once-ler initially prioritises
profits over environmental sustainability but later learns the importance of balancing
economic growth with environmental stewardship but soon to know that he was too late.
Finally, digitalization is the use of technology to track and optimise production process and
this can be seen in Thneed production when Once-ler uses data and analytics to improve his
production process and make more decisions on it.

Finally, by highlighting the importance of balancing economic growth with environmental

stewardship as well as social responsibility, it is crucial to adopt a more sustainable and
responsible approach to technological innovation. This can be done by reducing waste and
emission and promoting circular economy practices. In this movie, we can see several
environmental issues that must be avoided in order to achieve IR4.0 such as deforestation,
water pollution, air pollution, and climate change.

In a nutshell, The Lorax helps to see the importance of environmental responsibility and
stewardship and the need to take action to protect our planet from negative impacts of human
activity and innovation.

Once-ler’s marketing
Using advertising tactics like "Last Chance to Buy Thneeds for 100 Miles" is a common
marketing technique known as creating a sense of urgency. By suggesting that the product is
in high demand and will soon be gone, the Once-ler is hoping to motivate consumers to make
a purchase before it's too late. This tactic can be effective in generating short-term sales, but
it's important to note that it can also create a sense of mistrust if customers later discover that
the product wasn't actually in limited supply. Additionally, if consumers feel like they are
being manipulated or pressured into making a purchase, it can damage the brand's reputation
in the long term.

While it may be easier to hire family members, it's important to note that hiring based on
familial relationships rather than qualifications and experience can lead to potential issues in
the workplace. It's important to hire individuals who are best suited for the job and can
contribute to the success of the business.

Additionally, underpaying employees, whether they are family members or not, can lead to
low morale, high turnover, and ultimately, reduced productivity. It's important for businesses
to compensate their employees fairly for their work in order to attract and retain talented
individuals. Overall, while family members can be a source of support in a business, it's
important to consider the potential consequences of hiring based solely on familial
relationships and to prioritise fair compensation for all employees.

Automated Production Line

Once-ler does indeed use automated manufacturing equipment to increase the speed and
efficiency of his Thneed production. This is a common strategy used by businesses to
increase output while minimising labour costs and reducing production time.

Automated manufacturing lines are designed to streamline the production process by using
advanced technology and machinery to carry out tasks that would traditionally be done
manually. This can include tasks like cutting, sewing, and packaging products. While
automation can increase efficiency and reduce costs, it can also have negative consequences
for workers who may be displaced by the machines. It's important for businesses to balance
the benefits of automation with the needs of their employees and the impact on the broader

Overall, while automation can be an effective tool for improving productivity, it's important
to consider the potential impacts on workers and the environment and to prioritise
sustainability and responsible business practices.

Expand the Business
Once-ler does expand his business by developing his brand and diversifying his product
offerings beyond just Thneeds. This includes creating his own brand of ice cream,
hamburgers, and automobiles, all of which use his name and logo.

Brand expansion is a common strategy used by businesses to increase their market share and
diversify their revenue streams. By leveraging their existing brand recognition and reputation,
businesses can enter new markets with a built-in customer base and a competitive advantage.
However, it's important to note that brand expansion can also have negative consequences if
done without proper planning and consideration.

Expanding too quickly or into unrelated markets can dilute the brand and damage its
reputation, leading to reduced sales and customer loyalty. Additionally, it's important for
businesses to consider the environmental and social impacts of their products and to prioritise
sustainability and ethical business practices. Overall, brand expansion can be an effective
strategy for growing a business, but it should be done with careful planning and consideration
of the potential risks and impacts.


In my opinion, the story of The Lorax highlights the importance of protecting and preserving
our environment. In order to avoid the same situation as The Lorax, we have to adopt a more
sustainable and responsible approach using better technological innovation such as reducing
waste and emission, promoting circular economy practices and many more. For example, in
the Truffula Tree case, conserving protected land is much needed, as stated in the story it
takes a long time to produce tufts, at least 10 months to produce it. By conserving this
protected land, we will help the tree species to breed, grow, and preserve plant habitats’
ecology for the future. Next, the character of The Lorax also reminds us of the power of
speaking up the truth and what we want our desire to be heard. By speaking out and being
brave as The Lorax character it makes us believe in ourselves that we have the power for
making our voices heard.

In terms of production management issues, planning for the long term is crucial in order to
maintain the demand and production of a product in industries. The story of The Lorax told
us the dangers of short-sighted thinking and prioritising short-term profits over long-term
sustainability. Thus, production management plays a vital role which is to help to plan for the
long-term idea and also take seriously the potential impact of production activities on the
environment as well as our society. Next, in terms of responsibility, Once-ler’s initial focus
on profits and disregard for the environment enhance the importance of taking full
responsibility for the impact of production activities on the environment and society. At the
end he tends to take responsibility for his actions and begins to make changes in his own
production process. Last but not least, we also can see the importance of having continuous
improvement in production management. From the movie, we can learn the mistakes made
by Once-ler and how he implements changes into his own production process until he is able
to achieve a more sustainable and responsible approach to the production.


The story serves as a cautionary tale about the negative consequences of prioritising
economic development over environmental protection. It emphasises the need for businesses
to adopt responsible and sustainable practices that minimise their impact on the environment
and promote the well-being of their stakeholders. By considering the long-term impacts of
their business practices and prioritising sustainability, businesses can not only protect the
environment and promote social responsibility but also create long-term value and build a
strong reputation. The story of "The Lorax" encourages individuals and businesses alike to
take action to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices for the benefit of
future generations.

The relationship between the story of "The Lorax" and the Fourth Industrial Revolution lies
in the potential for technological advancements to either exacerbate or mitigate the negative
impacts of business on the environment. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterised by
the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the
Internet of Things, offers opportunities for businesses to improve efficiency, reduce waste,
and minimise their impact on the environment. For example, businesses can use automation
to reduce emissions, conserve natural resources, and optimise energy consumption.

However, the Fourth Industrial Revolution also poses risks if businesses prioritise profit over
sustainability and fail to consider the long-term impacts of their technological investments.
Without proper planning and consideration, automation and other advanced technologies can
exacerbate environmental problems and create new ones.

Therefore, it is important for businesses to adopt a responsible and sustainable approach to

technological advancement, prioritising the well-being of the environment and society
alongside economic growth. By integrating sustainability into their business strategies and
utilising advanced technologies responsibly, businesses can help create a more sustainable
and prosperous future for all.


1. The Lorax. (2013). YouTube. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from

2. Industry 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution explained. i. (2023, April 11).
Retrieved April 30, 2023, from


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