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UNITED PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE I AND II + In the elections of 2004 , the Congress party too entered in coalitions in a big way. The NDA was defeated and a new coalition government led by the Congress, known as the United Progressive Alliance came to power. This government was led by Dr. Manmohan Singh and received support from the Left Front parties. The elections of 2004 also witnessed the partial revival of Congress. It could increase its seats for the first time Estate ecco E HR ROT CUBA Tes Bree MRO haemo d which the IT&C accounted for 206 and Dr. Manmohan Singh again became Prime Minister. UNITED PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE I AND II * Major highlights of UPA 1 and 2 governments were — > Creation of SEZs » NREGA introduced in 2005 Pee RBs me TC B eB cow Atts) > Value Added Tax was introduced Passe el ceo BU Cilel ee P Ame xr tile e100 -) Pai bel ager iM EAU t:) >» Anna Hazare's movement against corruption in 2012 > Various scams- cash for vote, Satyam scam, 2G Spectrum scam, CWG Scam and many acd ey NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE I AND II * The NDA was formed in May 1998 as a coalition to contest the general elections. It was led by the BJP, and included several regional parties, With outside support provided by the TDP, the NDA was able to muster a slim majority in the e?&ctions of 1998, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee returned as prime minister. The government collapsed after 13 months because the (AIADMK) withdrew its support. After the entry of a few more regional parties, the NDA proceeded to win the 1999 elections with a larger majority. AV sr WB ol te iB serio m oa Mii icoRihi Mi Relea | bi ct ta ee NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE I AND II * Major highlights of the Vajpai governments were > Pokhran II nuclear tests conducted in May 1998. Pet ROB BOC U Petite LEtaled Bsc tm er lites B iit sla slo) eR RB Lech BH BE Pesce etc Ree Ba tetris ee mica December 2001. » Major shifts in foreign policy leading to better ties between India and USA and India and Israel. Effort to resolve issues with China also began. Peer Rat) Cie Bitty NDA III AND IV CSCC CR CRU CR eC CRs portent cm crenticy Modi got an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha elections held in May 2014 and after nearly 30 years in Indian politics, a strong government with an absolute majority was established at the Centre. Though called NDA III, the BJP-led coalition of 2014 was largely different its predecessor coalition governments. Where the previous coalitions were led by one of the BEN et | aad x pra D UP Ose Nim bee e Ces ay national party, i.e., BJP it was also dominated by BJP with an absolute majority of its own in Lok Sabha. It was also called a ths sd Britt fepe ly meer tities i In that sense a major transformation could be seen in the nature of coalition politics which could be seen from one party led coalition to one party dominated coalition. NDA III AND IV The 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the 17th since independence, once again brought back BJP BLS) GP OMAR CR ee RSet f winning more than 350 seats out of 543. The BJP on its own won 303 seats in Lok Sabha, the biggest number any single party has won in the eS Bee te West Bise mere ten El) =| DSO CCS ECE Cen mem reer teinc| Gandhi's assassination. ENT te Rom tte eee Ro ti Os) baer POC Roane ep re rietc ersten] the contemporary party system with the ‘BJP SMa CE TM eRe eels B stay ms Col ibie blo like the ‘Congress System' has once again started appearing on the democratic politics of beet e) ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE + Amajor change in Indian politics after 2014 is the shift from caste and religion based politics to development and governance oriented politics. With its pre-intended goal Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, the NDA III Government started several socio-economic welfare schemes to make development and governance accessible to the masses such as - Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Swachh Nees BTR) E Me ileLy CT Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, Kisan Fasal Bima Yojna, Keli Padhao, Desh Badhao, Ayushman sie ela Pee etc. >> a ~ 4t ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE + All these schemes intended to take administration to the doorstep of the common man by making the rural households, particularly the women, real beneficiaries of the Central Government Pres * The success of these schemes could be seen from the results of | \ : \ a | 2019 Lok Sabha elections where the voters across states — castes, classes, communities, gender and regions brought back the Some) issues of development and governance to the centre stage under NS PEC MMe eters nate ketscn tatters ‘i ‘or * RNY Jo) IRS RNY) cok 6) Ele) CRA Oe IN Ral JA oO

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