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Design and Writing: Jack Norris Fantasy AGE Encounters: Menace from the Mines is © 2016 Green

Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other

Editing: Evan Sass copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge
Proofreading: Jesse Hibbs to the respective copyright holders of that mate-
rial. Fantasy AGE, Green Ronin, and their
Art: Johnny Morrow associated logos are trademarks of Green
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Green Ronin Publishing
Publisher: Chris Pramas
3815 S. Othello St., Suite 100 #304
Green Ronin Staff: Joe Carriker, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser,
Seattle, WA 98118
Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Donna Prior, Email:
Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Barry Web Sites:
a fantasy age encounter for heroes of levels 5-8

menace from the mines

where are the characters?
the setup The survivors are:
• Foreman Vell, former assistant
While the PCs are traveling through a foreman at the mine. This middle-
At a sparsely-populated inn on the edge
mountainous region the weather takes aged dwarf barely escaped the
of a nearly deserted mining village.
a turn for the worse. The PCs need original monster attack. He
shelter to wait out the storm, and find considers it a miracle he’s survived
what’s going on?
it nearby in a dilapidated old inn at the so long and he’s considering
While traveling the characters encounter edge of an abandoned mining town. entering the clergy if he survives.
a nasty storm. In need of shelter, the PCs The building is broken down and • Freena and Deena, twin adult
come find the Digger’s Delight Inn, a boarded up but it seems to provide children of the innkeeper. These
once-thriving establishment that is now adequate protection from the weather. two young ladies are all that
the last refuge of the only survivors of a The same cannot be said for the other remains of the Digger’s Delight’s
series of monster attacks. buildings in town, which all seem to original proprietors and staff. The
have burned down or collapsed over twins are fast on their feet, skilled
what does time. A sign bearing the name “The at hiding, but untrained in combat.
the party need to do? Digger’s Delight” hangs half-broken If they survive, they will move to a
over the door to the inn. The door itself large city, avoiding caves and small
When at the inn, the PCs encounter a is barred from the other side, but it’s towns whenever possible.
menace from the nearby mines in the easy enough to break loose or open
with a TN 12 Strength (Might) or • Old Gannan. This half-blind old
form of a band of previously unknown
Dexterity (Lock Picking) test. “witch woman” was the town’s
monsters. These creatures are the
herbalist and physician. She’s got
reason the mine shut down and the Once the PCs enter they are quickly a bad leg made worse by a nasty
village is nearly empty. confronted by six ragged and very tumble she took a few nights ago.
frightened people—four adults and However, she’s a skilled healer and
what’s at stake? two children. These people are the only gifted counselor. If she survives
remaining inhabitants of the region. this, she will take the village’s two
The PCs and the few survivors hiding They will explain they have been holed remaining children and relocate.
in the inn will need to either defeat the up in the inn since “something terrible”
monsters in the mine or escape them if burst out of the mine one night and • Happer, two-year-old toddler
they hope to survive. attacked the town. Everyone else fled whose family was killed recently.
or was killed. Happer doesn’t really understand
what’s going on but he knows the

2 fantasy age encounters - menace from the mines

“scary pale men” come at night think those things have tracked down dren with them, herself and Foreman
and keep taking everyone away. others who were trying to leave. That’s Vell offering to stay behind to draw the
why we’ve stayed.” monsters to them.
• Phinna, the eight-year-old,
Tell us about these attacks.
half-orc / half-dwarf daughter
of one of the miners. She saw her
things that
family torn apart by the monsters
“They come in waves. Sometimes they go bump in the night
come night after night, sometimes
and hasn’t spoken since. they don’t come for a while. But they
Each night the PCs stay in the inn or
The survivors begin to answer any always come back.”
travel in the region around the mines,
questions the PCs have when the
night’s attack begins. Through the
decision point: roll a 2d6. For every 2 monsters the PCs
have killed so far, add +1 to the roll. If
door (or a poorly boarded up first floor fight or flight? the PCs left any survivors behind as
window if someone re-barred the door) they attempt to flee, they may apply a
comes 1 mine monster (see Adver- The PCs need to decide if they will try –2 modifier to each roll as the monsters
saries) for every 2 PCs (round up). One to leave the area or stay with the survi- are more likely to prey on the survivors
turn later, another 1 monster for every vors. The storm won’t let up for two instead of the well-armed and experi-
2 PCs (round down) burst through days, so leaving before that is highly enced PCs.
various weak points in the inn’s outer impractical. This means that the PCs
will need to spend two nights in the inn After seven nights or once the pack
walls and windows. The monsters
in any event. leader is killed, the monsters come no
go for the nearest “easy” targets first,
more and the PCs are safe.
likely the children. However, any loud The monsters don’t attack during
or aggressive action by the PCs easily
draws their attention, causing them to
daytime, leaving the PCs to explore, the terror below
prepare, or flee. However, it’s a week’s
attack the PCs instead. journey to escape the region around the If the PCs decide to explore the mines,
The monsters fight until over half of mine and each night the monsters will finding the creatures’ lair isn’t too hard.
them are killed or all of them half lost at seek the PCs and any survivors they Blood drips, chewed bones, and body
least half their health. If any of the PCs have with them. parts leave a clear trail for anyone
go down during this fight, the monsters Note the PCs may leave with or without to follow who can succeed at a TN
will attempt to drag them off. If the PCs the survivors. If they don’t take the 12 Perception (Tracking) test. Four
retreat from the monsters, they will survivors with them, the villagers successful checks will lead the PCs from
grab one of the survivors at random will eventually be killed. However, the mine entrance to the monsters’ lair.
and seek to flee. Anyone dragged off by leaving them does reduce the chance of Failure means encountering various
the monsters is doomed to be devoured encountering the monsters themselves. obstacles. Roll on the Mine Hazards
by them, though GMs might allow PCs If the PCs leave the survivors they will table on the following page.
one final chance to rescue them if they beg them to reconsider, curse them for If the PCs encounter the central monster
enter the monster’s lair within the day cowards, and rightly accuse them of lair, they will face the monster’s pack
(see The Terror Below). leaving them to die. As an alternative, leader and 1d6 elite monsters. If they
After the monsters are driven off or Old Gannan will beg the PCs to at least defeat the pack leader, any remaining
defeated, the PCs can ask the survi- take the young woman and the chil- monsters flee the area. The lair is scat-
vors whatever questions they like and
decide what their next move is. No
more attacks will occur until at least nightly encounters
the next evening. Some answers to
2d6 Event
common questions are:
2-3 Nothing, a peaceful night’s rest.
Has anyone tried to leave?
A distant scream is heard as the monsters claim another traveler or
“Yes, some people fled early on. We hapless local. Investigating the noise yields no discoveries except a
think a few made it, but we’ve found 4-6
bloody spot on the ground where the victim was attacked. No bodies
… pieces of those who didn’t.” are found.
Where are the monsters coming from? Monsters attack. There are 1d6 monsters +1 for every day the PCs
“They come out of the mine. They have been in the area. If half of the monsters are killed or all of them
have a lair down there, we think. Deep have lost at least half their health, they will attempt to retreat. These
down.” monsters will use stealth and ambush tactics if possible.
Where is everyone else? Dark Forces gather. Nothing happens tonight but shadows and noises
can be heard nearby all night. The next night the Monsters attack as
“Dead, fled, or worse.” 10-11
above but with an extra 1d6 monsters added to their numbers. These
Can you travel if we flee? monsters will favor speed and immediate attacks to stealth.
The pack leader (a Heroic version) of the monsters comes along with
“Should be able to, once the weather 12 1d6 elite monsters. They will not retreat and if this battle is won the
clears up. However, it’ll take over a
monsters will come no more.
week to reach the next town and we

fantasy age encounters - menace from the mines 3

mine hazards
1d6 Event
1 Lost in the Mines. Wander for 1d3 hours then make another TN 10 Perception (Tracking) test to find the trail again.
Roll again on this chart if you fail this test.
2 Mortal Remains. You find the bloody remains of a mine monster’s victim. They are partially devoured and long
dead. 2d6 SP can be found near the corpse, and at the GM’s discretion the body may have small weapons or tools in
various states of repair.
3 Mine Collapse. Part of the mine collapses on the PCs, doing 4d6 damage to each of them. A successful TN 13
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test reduces the damage taken by half.
4 Monsters! The PCs encounter a dead end with 1d3 mine monsters feasting on a corpse.
5 Pitfall. The ground gives out and drops the explorers into a different part of the mines. Any who fail a TN 13
Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Climbing) test fail to catch themselves or control their fall and take 4d6 damage.
However, this result still counts as a successful check for finding the lair.
6 Roll two more times and combine the two results. (Pitfall then Mine Collapse, Mortal Remains found with Lost in
the Mines, and so on.) If either of these two results comes up 6, reroll.

mine monster
tered with random items from various
victims. PCs searching the lair should
Abilities (Focuses)
be rewarded with some silver (2d6 adventures
x10) and perhaps an enchanted item
2 Accuracy (Bite) or two. If the pack leader was already After the monsters are gone, there’s still
–1 Communication defeated earlier then the lair will be the question of where they came from
abandoned. and if there are more of them around.
4 Constitution
Some possibilities include:
(Acrobatics, Stealth)
adversaries • The monsters were a magical
experiment gone wrong, and after
3 Fighting (Claws) The monsters from the mine are seven- they are dead there are no more.
0 Intelligence foot-tall, four-eyed humanoids with However, the mages who created
thick blotchy white skin, multiple them might spawn similar twisted
2 Perception
rows of jagged teeth, and four long experiments.
4 Strength fingers and toes on their hands and
feet that sport two-inch claws. They • The monsters are part of a vast
1 Willpower
often appear smaller and slower than subterranean enclave of creatures.
Speed Health they are due to their thin limbs and When mining operations broke
hunched-over, jerking gait. into their realm the monsters were
15 50
introduced to the setting.
Defense Armor Rating roleplaying tips • The monsters are extra-
13 6 dimensional horrors that came to
Make the survivors needy but likable. this plane of existence through a
Attack Keep the focus on the monsters and planar gateway. The gateway is
Weapon Damage
Roll the threat they pose to keep tension still buried deep in the mine. It
Bite +4 2d6+4 up. The survivors shouldn’t be stupid, is dormant for now, but could be
but they are ill-trained, and after all reactivated.
Claw +5 1d6+7
this time they’re too scared and trau-
• The monsters were once human,
Special Qualities matized to deal with the threat the
until they were cursed or mutated
way the PCs can.
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Light- by dark magic. Even though this
ning Attack, Mighty Blow The monsters are cunning, but they current threat is gone, questions
Darkvision: Can see in total dark- aren’t especially sociable. They can’t remain: What cursed them, and
ness as if it were daylight. speak but can communicate with each could the process be repeated
other through a mix of body language elsewhere?
Thick Hide: The monsters’ hide
and eerie clicks, growls, and whines.
provides an Armor Rating of 6. If the PCs fled the area without killing
If you can swing it, mimicking the
Wall-Crawling: The monsters can the monsters’ pack leader, they can
strange noises of the monsters might
move on walls and ceilings at their still return later and seek to destroy
add a creepy touch. It’s recommended
normal Speed. the monsters. They may even receive a
that that PCs get to name the monsters
reward for their efforts.
if they so desire. They “discovered”
Threat: Moderate
them, after all.

4 fantasy age encounters - menace from the mines

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